Cat 2009 English Test 17

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English Test 17 Directions for Questions from 1 to 5: In each question below a set of four statements is given, followed by five answer options to categorise these statements as facts, inferences, and judgments. Consider the statements and decide which of the choices out of the four given is true. F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true. J: Judgment: If it is an opinion or estimate or anticipation of common sense or intention. I: Inference: If it is a logical conclusion or deduction about something, based on the knowledge of facts.

1. 1. From the statement of the Finance Minister, it seems that the Central government may introduce a separate market regulator to check the growing inflation. 2. With interest rates escalating over the past months, small firms are finding it difficult to cut cost inputs. 3. The consumer index has increased substantially and the Central government is under obligation to raise the D.A slab of the Central employees. 4. The inflationary pressure is likely to dampen the spirit of the domestic and foreign investors as the volatility in the stock market increases.

j IFIJ k l m n j JIIJ k l m n j IIIJ k l m n j JIJI k l m n j IIII k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

2. 1. Global production of wheat is declining every year and grim days for India are imminent as there are more mouths to feed. 2. The potential problem is that even if Australia and USA remain favorable and the harvest is good, these two exporters may not have enough to hawk in the world market. 3. According to the latest USDA estimates, world production of wheat has dropped from 629 million tonnes in 2004-05 to 593 million of tonnes in 2006-07. 4. The escalation of food-grain prices is likely to create problems for the farmers who thrive on animal farming.

j JFFI k l m n j JIFI k l m n j IIFJ k l m n j IJFJ k l m n j JIFJ k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

3. 1. Caste based vote bank politics in India is striking at the very roots of Indian democracy, and in the elections of Punjab and UP, caste politics might aggravate violence. 2. The Supreme Court, in its interim order, has stayed the 27% reservation for OBC’s in educational institutions to the chagrin of the ruling UPA government. 3. Industry Chamber FICCI has welcomed the SC Judgment indicating the need for further debate on the reservation issue. 4. In its interim order, the honorable Supreme Court held that the government has no detailed data on OBCs other than that of the 1931 census, which put OBC’s at 52% of the population

j IFJJ k l m n j JFIJ k l m n j JFFF k l m n j IFIJ k l m n j JFJF k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

4. 1. The gruesome episode of Nandigram has compelled the Central government to review its SEZ policy and to scrap the ceiling; the states have been directed to buy land from the farmers at the floor rate. 2. In specifying the floor rate, the state government will be a mere facilitator in the land acquisition process. 3. Over the years, corporates and industrialists have been paying low rates for the land that commands greater market value, and this has resulted into the Nandigram catastrophe. 4. Floor rate in the eastern region is just Rs. 5 lakh per acre, whereas it is Rs. 20 lakh in Haryana.

j IFIF k l m n j FIIF k l m n j JIJF k l m n

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j IFIF k l m n j FIIF k l m n j JIJF k l m n j FIJF k l m n j JFJF k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

5. 1. The Commerce Ministry constituted many expert committees to find an alternative to the duty entitlement passbook scheme (DEPB) but no workable replacement for the scheme was suggested. 2. The DEPB scheme is designed by the Commerce Ministry to reimburse basic and special customs duty paid by an exporter on imported goods. 3. The DEPB scheme is full of anomalies as there is a plethora of taxes existing at the state level and the Central government may not have the authority to reimburse state taxes. 4. Hooda committee has recommended extending the DEPB scheme by three years but this is no tangible solution

j JFIJ k l m n j FFIJ k l m n j IIJF k l m n  


j FIJF k l m n j JFJF k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n Directions for Questions from 6 to 8: In each question, there are three to five sentences. Each sentence has pair/s of words/phrases that are highlighted. From the highlighted words / phrase(s) select the most appropriate word(s) / phrases to form correct sentences. Then from the options given choose the right sequence

6. As he spoke to the critic the artist continued to put fresh colours on his [A] palette/palate[B] and examine the blank canvas. The witness was asked to [A] indict/indite[B] the reasons why he thought Mr. Palmer should be convicted. The teacher was clearly taken aback by the [A] presumption/assumption [B] of the student when she demanded an explanation for his misbehaviour in class. Andrew informed his friend gleefully that he had managed to secure a [A] buyout/buy-in [B] from the directors of his company in the matter of taking over the latter’s retail outlet. The [A] principle/principal [B] players in the sordid saga now unfolding before the public are either dead or missing.  

j BABBA k l m n j ABABB k l m n j BABBB k l m n j AAABB k l m n j AAABA k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

7. Because of its striking war stories, The Peters’ Club, largely [A] composed /comprising [B] of war veterans, absorbed the newcomer quickly into his fold. The Smiths, clearly worried about the increasingly [A] froward / forward [B] conduct of their daughter, decided to seek the [A] council / counsel [B] of their friend Dr. Edwards. There seemed to be a [A] similitude / simulacrum [B] of the truth in what the thief had to say about the strong moral [A] compulsion / compunction [B] he had felt when robbing the old lady.  

j BABAB k l m n j ABBAB k l m n j AABAB k l m n j BBBAB k l m n j ABABA k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

8. Next, the actor playing Julius Caesar walked on to the stage and in a harsh, [A] imperial / imperious[B] tone commanded the rioting crowd to become silent. As nightfall approached, the horsemen climbed up the hill and took shelter in the [A] corpse/copse [B] they had first seen a few hours ago. ‘Having given due thought to the matter,’ the lawyer said, ‘I find your proposal [A] wholly / fully [B] unacceptable.’ The main street boasted of a new row of [A] semidetached / halfdetached [B] houses that belied the [A] urban / urbane [B] legend that had spread about the notoriety of the neighbourhood.  

j ABAAB k l m n j BBAAB k l m n j BBAAA k l m n j AABBA k l m n

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j ABAAB k l m n j BBAAB k l m n j BBAAA k l m n j AABBA k l m n j BBBAB k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n Directions for Questions from 9 to 10: In each question there are five sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage. Then choose the most appropriate option.

9. A. In every democratic and more-or-less secular countries, B. similar questions arise about precise extent to which religious sub-cultures C. should be allowed to live on their own rules and laws. D. One set of questions emerge when believers demand, and often get, E. an opt-out from the law of the land.  

j C&E k l m n j C only k l m n j E only k l m n j B,C & E k l m n j C, D & E k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

10. A. What lies in this loss of faith? B. One cause is the feeling that an overly loose monetary policy got the economy into this mess. C. Repeated cuts in interest rates during the last downturn, while in 2000-03, fuelled the D. housing and credit bubbles that are now bursting to such damaging affect. E. The legacies of that boom—falling asset prices, high consumer debt and bank losses—may now hamper the ability of central banks to prop the spending. (1) A & B (2) B, C & E (3) C & D (4) E only (5) B only

j A&B k l m n j B, C & E k l m n j C&D k l m n j E only k l m n j B only k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

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