Cat 2009 English Test 125

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English Test 125 Directions for Questions from 1 to 3: Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

1. Emotional exhaustion being a core constituent of burnout refers to a chronic state of feeling that a person’s emotional resources are overtaxed or depleted in attempts to meet job demands. It is internally consistent, stable overtime, and is responsive to work stress . Emotional exhaustion may be considered as an immediate response gap between environmental pressures and available resources . The construct exhibits stronger relations to important outcomes and is important in mediating the effects of other burnout components of cynicism and personal accomplishment . Empirical evidence provides support to the fact that an emotionally exhausted employee is weakly committed to supervisor and organization, considers quitting, performs poorly on the job, and is unwilling to engage in organization citizenship behaviors __________________________.

j Hence, emotional exhaustion should be avoided by the working individuals as it pychologically demotivates them. k l m n j A person’s internal state of mind is of key importance to judge his stability factor and carve his future goals. k l m n j Therefore, environmental pressures should be minimised to reduce the burn out factor of employees k l m n j For the organization, the consequences of emotional exhaustion are significant, as it leads to increased withdrawal behaviors, and reduced job k l m n performance. j Therefore, the supervisors should be accountable for the low performance on the part of their team members as they play a pivotal role in k l m n emotional exhaustion. i Skip this question j k l m n

2. Masks are representative of many different things in African history and culture. Ancestry is very important to the African people to show honor to their ancestors. They design the masks with elaborate hair and jewelry to show great wealth and honor so their ancestors will be pleased with them and bring blessings. Ancestors are greatly to be feared if they are angered __________________________. (1) So the people are very careful to be honoring to them at all times. (2) So Masks are greatly revered in African culture. (3) So the people take special care not to appease them. (4) So the people live in constant apprehension and fear. (5) So, the people put a lot of effort in designing the masks and jewellery.

j So the people are very careful to be honoring to them at all times. k l m n j So Masks are greatly revered in African culture. k l m n j So the people take special care not to appease them. k l m n j So the people live in constant apprehension and fear. k l m n j So, the people put a lot of effort in designing the masks and jewellery. k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

3. When presenting a city, people usually recite facts: its history and important buildings. What effect would it have if the strategy were reversed, if cities were spoken about from the perspective of empty space rather than facts? We would say that a Medieval town grows from its square, that Haussman’s Paris embodies the array of avenues, and that modernist architecture displays transparency in all the glass facades, which enable one to literally see through the building so that the image of the building begins to disintegrate in one’s gaze. After the transparent building came the reflecting building, which replaced glass with reflective windows, and the transparency of the body with the reflections of its surroundings. Because of that it resides in the city in a very special way __________________________.

j Some buildings appear unpredictable, organic, like wild growth in the city. k l m n j Contrary to other buildings, which strive to be present in space, it pretends not to be there. k l m n j It is these reflecting buildings and vacant houses that essentially represent urban human settlements. k l m n j The empty spaces within a crowded city of important buildings reveal the tragic emptiness that prevails in modern human life. k l m n j The character of the buildings fills the essence of the city’s empty spaces and to a certain degree directs the future growth of the city. k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

Directions for Questions from 4 to 7: In each question below a set of four statements is given, followed by five answer options to categorise these statements as facts, inferences, and judgments. Consider the statements and decide which of the choices out of the four given is true. F: Fact: If it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true. J: Judgment: If it is an opinion or estimate or anticipation of common sense or intention. I: Inference: If it is a logical conclusion or deduction about something, based on the knowledge of facts.

4. 1. The gruesome episode of Nandigram has compelled the Central government to review its SEZ policy and to scrap the ceiling; the states have been directed to buy land from the farmers at the floor rate. 2. In specifying the floor rate, the state government will be a mere facilitator in the land acquisition process. 3. Over the years, corporates and industrialists have been paying low rates for the land that commands greater market value, and this has resulted into the Nandigram catastrophe. 4. Floor rate in the eastern region is just Rs. 5 lakh per acre, whereas it is Rs. 20 lakh in Haryana.

j IFIF k l m n j FIIF k l m n j JIJF k l m n j FIJF k l m n j JFJF k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

5. 1. Caste based vote bank politics in India is striking at the very roots of Indian democracy, and in the elections of Punjab and UP, caste politics might aggravate violence. 2. The Supreme Court, in its interim order, has stayed the 27% reservation for OBC’s in educational institutions to the chagrin of the ruling UPA government. 3. Industry Chamber FICCI has welcomed the SC Judgment indicating the need for further debate on the reservation issue. 4. In its interim order, the honorable Supreme Court held that the government has no detailed data on OBCs other than that of the 1931 census, which put OBC’s at 52% of the population

j IFJJ k l m n j JFIJ k l m n j JFFF k l m n j IFIJ k l m n j JFJF k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

6. 1. Global production of wheat is declining every year and grim days for India are imminent as there are more mouths to feed. 2. The potential problem is that even if Australia and USA remain favorable and the harvest is good, these two exporters may not have enough to hawk in the world market. 3. According to the latest USDA estimates, world production of wheat has dropped from 629 million tonnes in 2004-05 to 593 million of tonnes in 2006-07. 4. The escalation of food-grain prices is likely to create problems for the farmers who thrive on animal farming.

j JFFI k l m n j JIFI k l m n j IIFJ k l m n j IJFJ k l m n j JIFJ k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

7. 1. From the statement of the Finance Minister, it seems that the Central government may introduce a separate market regulator to check the growing inflation. 2. With interest rates escalating over the past months, small firms are finding it difficult to cut cost inputs. 3. The consumer index has increased substantially and the Central government is under obligation to raise the D.A slab of the Central employees. 4. The inflationary pressure is likely to dampen the spirit of the domestic and foreign investors as the volatility in the stock market increases.

j IFIJ k l m n j JIIJ k l m n

j IIIJ k l m n j JIJI k l m n j IIII k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n Directions for Questions from 8 to 10: In each question, there are five sentences. The sentence labelled A is in its correct place. The four that follow are labelled B, C, D and E, and need to be arranged in the logical order to form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the most appropriate option.

8. A. An especially important barrier is the traditional stereotyping of leadership which has failed to address the female perspective and its related qualities. Most of what is learned in administrative leadership courses comes from male-based experiences. B. Over 30 years ago, it was found through research that men tended to select careers based on interests, aptitudes, and financial possibilities, while women, on the other hand, tended to be influenced in career decisions by career role models or significant others C. Historically, men have been encouraged towards management and women to instruction- For years, male organizational leaders have supported and mentored each other in “a good old boy” network, filling administrative positions with friends and proteges, while largely ignoring qualified women for these positions. D. Supported by a study which found that while female and male teachers identify the same qualities as desirable in a principal regardless of the principal’s gender, male principals are viewed by females as having legitimate authority based solely on the position, whereas both males and females say that women must work to earn their authority. E. Yet, others noted that while women are less able than men to influence others, they are more effective at getting things done; however, there is another barrier related to ingrained cultural perceptions of leadership and that is of sponsorship or networking.

j BCDE k l m n j DECB k l m n j EDBC k l m n j CDBE k l m n j BDCE k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

9. A. Charged by the longer days and the tease of warmth in the air, the sap is now flooding into previously barren growth. You can practically hear it coursing towards the end of every branch and on into the twigs to flesh out buds that have been tightly sealed for five months. B. The fresh green of spring is like a high that I find myself chasing. I want more and I want to be consumed by the deluge of newness that comes with it. C. A beech wood is my favourite place to go at precisely this moment, not just to catch the violet wave of bluebells but also to soak in the intense and luminous greens. D. The colour is magnified, with one branch layered upon the next, filtering the spring sunshine from way up in the canopy with the grandeur of a cathedral. E. The scales protecting these buds litter the ground under beech trees and remind you to look up to where the action is.

j BCDE k l m n j DCEB k l m n j ECBD k l m n j BDCE k l m n j ECDB k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

10. A. It’s called My Beautiful Mommy, and it’s a children’s book published in the US next week. That all sounds regular and above board, you think, until I tell you why mommy is so beautiful - it’s because she has had extensive plastic surgery. B. What do I know of the ways in which one might mess up one’s child? Nothing at all. C. But some might say the book, by Florida plastic surgeon Dr Michael Salzhauer, and written for four to seven year olds, is a step too far. D. You can see why a book might be a good way to tackle the issue of plastic surgery with kids, since how do you do it on your own? E. Reconstructive surgery, you might call it, after the natural disaster - sorry, precious and awe-inspiring miracle - that is having a child. And the beauty is, if you have a tummy tuck and breast implants in one hit, you get a bonanza two-for-one offer on the therapy your child might need in the future. Please don’t try to redeem this offer, I am just being supercilious.

j BCED k l m n j DCBE k l m n j BEDC k l m n j DEBC k l m n j EBDC k l m n i Skip this question j k l m n

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