Cash And Liquidity Management

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,806
  • Pages: 7

Learn these steps to recession-proof your financial and operational strategy: Achieve global visibility of cash with improved forecasting models • Streamline your financial capabilities by bridging cross-functional communication gaps • Ensure creditworthiness and cement bank partnerships with a business strategy all stakeholders will support • Unlock cash by conducting full-scale assessments of the physical supply chain • Bolster your company’s long-term growth potential with sound investment practices

Eliminating the Uncertainty and Volatility in Forecasting Cash Flow Today, organizations are struggling to effectively balance a short-term survival strategy with long-term growth opportunities because they do not have a firm grasp on their global cash position. Without a predictive barometer in place, executives lack the capacity to make wellinformed business decisions necessary to overcome this universal obstacle, and as a result, steer their company out of the current global recession. During this conference you will gain a deeper understanding and clarity around those mission critical tools your peers are using to counteract current economic pressures. • What are the key drivers of cash flow uncertainty and volatility today? • What are the current best practices that support cash forecasting accuracy and effectiveness? • Where are companies likely to invest and seek cash forecasting improvements in the current market?

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Grant Vernon

WHO SHOULD ATTEND > Chairman > Project Leaders > Chief Executive Officers > Directors > Chief Financial Officers > Chief Accountants > Managing Directors > Accounting Officers > Senior Industry Executives > Management Accountants > Decision Makers > Strategic Planners > Consulting Engineers > Middle and Senior Finance > Project Finance Managers Managers and Staff > Fund Managers > Chartered Accountants > Relevant Government Officials > Asset Management Officers > Auditors > Cost Accountants > Budget Directors and Managers > Cost Controllers

Grant is an accountant turned professional speaker and trainer who has spoken in 15 countries across Africa and the United Kingdom and his corporate clients include companies such as Arcelor Mittal, ABSA, Nedbank and Standard Bank, General Motors SA, NPC Cimpor and the South African Revenue Services. He is also a guest presenter at four South African Universities and Business Schools. As an author and teacher to whom audiences respond with enthusiasm Grant brings a wealth of practical information to his clients, helping them to develop the techniques and strategies that consistently overcome frustrations, challenges and disorganization. Grant’s specialty is facilitating complicated management lessons and information into simple, immediately implementable action steps and he has helped thousands through his talks, books and workshops. He is the owner of the international training company, Business Made Simple, recipient of the Sunday Tribune Entrepreneur of the week Award, a board member and treasurer of the Professional Speakers Association and founder of the Scout University Educational Trust and the PSASA Charitable Foundation.

Telecoms Mini MBA Role Grant has run many Budgeting, Forecasting and Finance for Non Financial Manager courses over the past ten years on both a public and in-house basis with excellent feedback received from delegates worldwide.

Alan Thompson

Alan is a Chartered Accountant with more than 10 years of experience in financial management of both listed and unlisted companies, as well as, more recently, advising businesses of all sizes in financial management. His clients range from the small individual entrepreneur to large enterprises with multi-million rand turnover. As an adviser to business owners, Alan also completed his postgraduate diploma in financial planning, to allow him to better understand their individual financial needs. Alan’s speciality is talking to business owners in language they can understand, and in making the financial information relevant to the individual businesses. He ensures that the business owners know what they need to know about their business, and makes sure that they have the tools to manage their businesses effectively. Alan also presents numerous courses, including to the Durban Chamber of Commerce, and uses his informal, jargon-free style to pass important concepts to his audience. Clients and audiences get to understand better the mechanisms that determine the success or failure of their businesses, and are taught the tools to bring those mechanisms under control.

7:30 Registration & Coffee 8:15 Chairperson’s Welcome and Opening Remarks 8:30 Opening Keynote: New Dynamics of Financial Forecasting in a Crisis Economy: Up scaling Operations by Reengineering Conventional Models Gone are the days of using prior year data or stretch goals to arrive at a financial plan to lead the business. The hard realities of the recession have created a new dynamic in how you arrive at a sales budget, how often you need to reevaluate your assumptions and how deep you need to dive into the detail to make sure you are not wrong. In this session, you will learn how to: • Sustain operations by communicating a strategy that addresses the paradigm shift from long-term planning to shortterm survival AND long-term planning • Enhance the transparency of financial standing, goals and internal measures by creating new levels of cross-functional partnership • Drive excellence in assessing your cash position with more frequent internal due diligence practices 9:15 Silo Breaker Session: Improving Your Financial Strategy by Bridging the Communications Gap Between Treasury and Operations As heightened pressures prompt companies to manage their Operations more closely, the CFO and COO must insinuate themselves into cross-functional discussions on a more frequent basis in order to optimize cash and liquidity. Aside from the Obvious challenges associated with bandwidth, this crucial Alignment between Finance and Operations is fraught with the possibility of misaligned metrics and competing priorities. Although no one can accurately predict when the economy will turn around, the best positioned companies will be those who recognize the need to break down silos with a keen focus on enterprise planning and supply chain risk management. In this session, you will learn how to: • Synchronize disparate objectives by creating a flexible, yet sustainable governance model acceptable to all stakeholders • Develop a more comprehensive financial plan and cash flow projection with a full-scale assessment of the physical supply chain • Accelerate cash management capabilities by deriving appropriate KPIs and operational metrics

10:00 Morning Networking Break

10:30 Accelerating Cash and Working Capital Adjustments by Aligning Financial and Operational Metrics and KPIs As you know, operating cash flows are a primary source of Corporate liquidity and managing working capital is a critical, yet elusive element in that equation. Providing key decision makers with the ability to measure and monitor the results of their actions on working capital components and cash flows across the global enterprise and at the business unit level is essential to driving the most productive deployment of cash. Establishing a common Metric that is deployed in a standardized system with impeccable integrity enables all levels of management to align with the corporate goals and objectives for cash flow. In this session, you will learn how to: • Develop a greater understanding of and enable more effective deployment of cash by breaking your working capital down into individual business units • Improve performance-tracking by developing common global financial metrics • Enhance enterprise-wide functionality and transparency by integrating all data into a single working platform 11:15 Achieving Improved Liquidity Management with Customizable Investment Policies and Cash Flow Forecasts One of the biggest issues facing corporate treasury departments is the ability to maintain an adequate level of liquidity while avoiding the opportunity cost that will invariably come from the accumulation of excess funds in low-yielding accounts. One of the biggest challenges comes from the implementation of an effective working capital management strategy when many financial activities are outside of the Treasurer’s direct control. In this session, you will learn how to: • Design an investment policy and increase investment yield with a strategic synthesis of company environment, alternative allocation scenarios and simulated future expected returns • Achieve an accurate cash flow forecast that meets funding requirements and stays within the boundaries of the investment policy by leveraging treasury workstations • Ensure enterprise-wide support of new financial initiatives by building an effective business case that the company’s stakeholders will buy into

12:00 Networking Luncheon 1:00 Working Discussion Group: Eliminating the Uncertainty and Volatility in Cash Flow Forecasting Don’t miss this opportunity to follow-up from the webcast to ask the REL/The Hackett Group any questions you may have, address your biggest concerns, receive personalized advice and look to drive a lively discussion with your peers! You will walk away with Impactful ideas that you can implement tomorrow! 1:30 Leveraging Business Intelligence Technology for Enhanced Financial Decision-Making With ever-increasing financial transaction speed and complexity, the typical spreadsheet has ceased to be the most transparent, reliable financial decision support resource. Moreover, expanding regulation and corporate policies have even rendered their use a fundamental risk. By using existing Treasury tools, critical financial data can be extracted and presented from legacy enterprise transactional systems in meaningful and consistent ways. In this session, you will learn how to: • Contain the complexity of massive financial systems by deconstructing traditional data collection and creating simple business semantic layers • Improve management faculties by utilizing BI technology to enhance your ability to access data • Achieve full-scale transparency by replacing manual processes with systemic, consistent executive dashboards 2:15 Releasing Idle Cash from Internal Sources by Reexamining the Physical Supply Chain Expanded geographical pipelines, longer order-to-payment cycles, growing financial risks and new levels of market volatility have made extracting cash tied up in inventory and throughout the rest of the Supply Chain a challenge of monumental proportions. In this case study and interactive working scenario exercise, you will learn how to: • Generate more cash by aligning corporate goals for value creation and risk management with Supply Chain management • Produce permanent cost improvements by identifying process inefficiencies such as making modifications to freight policy, 3PL governance and safety stock levels • Improve the accuracy of operational budgets and ensure your capital works harder for the business by increasing the overall visibility of inventory 3:00 Afternoon Networking Break

3:30 Solidifying Key Funding Partnerships with a Business Strategy Designed to Overcome Recessionary Obstacles As we all know, asset quality problems and losses have resulted in a retraction of debt financing, making bank credit more difficult and expensive to maintain let alone obtain de novo. That said, business continues and you need to sustain operations through this economic storm by developing a detailed understanding on the part of your business partners (banks, rating agencies and investors) of your business strategy, operating plan, performance against the plan in previous years and execution strategy for achieving the plan for the coming year. Proactive communication with your business partners on a more intimate and frequent basis is essential, especially if self funding is not a realistic option. In this session, you will learn how to: • Secure lending agreements by building a robust business case for your rating agency and bank partners, demonstrating the durability of your company’s business strategy through the recession • Strengthen rating agency and bank relationships by increasing the quality of the communication levels, reconfirming agreements and complying with covenants • Build credibility with investors by focusing communications on crisp, differentiated messages 4:15 Peer-to-Peer Interactive Roundtable: Uncovering the Potential for Bottom-line Improvements and Creating Competitive Advantage by Streamlining and Optimizing Your Financial Supply Chain According to research, “a typical billion-dollar company spends approximately $27 million annually for unnecessary working capital and inefficient processing functions because they lack visibility into the Financial Supply Chain and receivables.” During this interactive roundtable discussion you will have a chance to discuss the following: • How to best optimize accounts receivables and accounts payables as a critical component of your working capital, cash and liquidity strategies • How to best improve financial planning by understanding the true impact of transaction costs • How to more effectively void risk with mission-critical improvements to the administration of your analyses and interdepartmental and cross-functional controls 5:30 Close of Conference Day One

7:45 Registration & Coffee 8:15 Chairperson’s Recap of Conference Day One 8:30 Keynote: Maintaining Banking Relationships in Tight Credit Markets: Beyond Blocking and Tackling The result in both markets was a renewed focus on relationship lending as banks strive to preserve their capital for their mostvalued clients. This session will provide both perspective on the current state of the marketplace and suggestions for remaining in front of the key issues and overcoming new obstacles you may not have faced before, including, but not limited to the following: • What banks would you turn to if your current banks couldn’t serve your needs? • What markets would you turn to if your normal markets shut down on you? • How do you conduct a comprehensive inventory of ancillary services (e.g., pension plans, credit card processing) and validate your allocation process? 9:15 Balancing Customer-Supplier Cash Flow by Establishing Clear Vendor Terms Around Days Payable Outstanding In this new culture of “money hoarding”, corporate executives are challenged by the need to strategically hold onto cash for as long as possible, on the one hand, and the need to push timely customer payments on the other, all without compromising your relationships or business. In this session, you will learn how to: • Avoid exposure to unhealthy levels of risk by understanding the strength and stability of key suppliers’ financials Leverage advantaged payment terms by evaluating your suppliers’ demand positions • Strengthen your overall financial posture by restructuring your communications protocol with customers as well as suppliers 10:00 Morning Networking Break 10:30 Ensuring Long-Term Operational Growth with Short- Term Supply Chain Financing With profits and share prices down at many companies, it Becomes a much greater challenge for the Treasurer and Controller times to obtain cash from capital markets. While most companies have squeezed costs out of the physical supply chain, money can still be captured in the financial supply chain. • Reduce Days Payable Outstanding by reassessing, redefining and communicating new vendor terms in line with your overall business strategy • Advance financial planning by bridging the disconnect Between the financial and physical supply chains Gain competitive advantage over your counterparts by

11:15 Surviving a Financial Hurricane: A Case Study in Effective Liquidity and Bank Relationship Management With the seemingly unending news of banks merging or potentially failing and the overwhelming constriction of available credit in the capital markets, Southern Company weathered the financial hurricane of 2008 with a nimble, dynamic strategy to controlling liquidity requirements while proactively managing banking relationships. In this session, you will learn how to: • Highlight potential liquidity “crunches” while and tackle ongoing exposures by utilizing enhanced daily cash forecasting • Address short-term liquidity issues in a turbulent capital markets environment by examining proactive, long-term financing strategies • Leverage financing needs by developing a win-win business partner approach to bank relationship management 12:00 Networking Luncheon 1:00 Sustaining Operations Through a Global Recession by Reengineering Current Cash Flow Forecasting Models In this current economic environment, Treasury is dealing with two major challenges: predicting sales as an indicator of organizational growth and creating new cash forecasting models that best reflect current market conditions. Without an accurate barometer in place, executives lack the capability of making the key business decisions necessary to measure and communicate your company’s financial health to stakeholders and ultimately, survive the recession. In this session, you will learn how to: • Build a reliable yardstick for sales and revenue by increasing communications with the CFO and heads of various business units • Improve transparency levels by understanding the proper inputs that reflect current needs • Ensure accuracy of models by tracking performance 1:45 Peer-to-Peer Interactive Roundtable: Improving Global Cash Visibility with Transparent Financial Reporting Mechanisms The unprecedented speed of the downturn has made achieving full cash flow visibility a major challenge as many executives get bogged down in the complexity of a global structure. How do you first make your processes more transparent and then, design a total global approach to cash optimization to help you release cash when you need it? In this session, you will learn how to: • Maximize clarity by leveraging technology, including automated tools and treasury dashboards • Diversify risk in a multi-banking environment • Support a centralized treasury by streamlining core AP processes

2:30 Afternoon Networking Break 3:00 Strengthening Your Global Cash Position by Optimizing Working Capital Liquidity is top of mind for executives and they are looking at all sources of incremental free cash flow within their organizations. One area that is on everyone's list of sources is working capital, but most companies fail to reap the full opportunity that is available to them. Based on internal research, what are leading companies doing to effectively drive cash flow from working capital? 3:45 30 Ideas in 40 Minutes: Accelerating Your Cash and Liquidity Initiatives During Turbulent Times by Taking Advantage of Quick-Win Implementations A panel of experts will address their most effective solutions around the three essentials of Cash and Liquidity Management: • Mitigating risk and establishing future growth with a clearly defined investment strategy; • Improving business decisions with increased cross-functional communications; • Driving excellence in cash flow forecasting and Treasury Operations

SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION OPPORTUNITIES Sponsorships and exhibits are excellent opportunities for your company to showcase its products and services to high-level, targeted decision-makers attending the Cash and Liquidity Management Summit. Global Net Conferencing helps companies like yours achieve important sales, marketing and branding objectives by setting aside a limited number of event sponsorships and exhibit spaces – all of which are custom-tailored t o assist your organization in creating a platform to maximize its exposure at the event.

4:30 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks and Close of Conference

What’s changed in Cash and Liquidity Management? Though overseeing the balance sheet has always been a top priority, today’s volatile financial market demands that you have a firmer grasp over cash and risk more so than ever before! Not only that, you must also assume greater responsibilities and further engage yourself in cross-functional discussions to ensure your operations continue and the company exits the downturn. Your ability to manage cash and liquidity more efficiently, effectively and resourcefully is the key to your success. Even as you hunker down to get your company to where it needs to be, the market makes it uncertain as to the best way to get there. What is clear is that you must know your global cash position to make the key business decisions necessary to guide you out of the downturn. To achieve this, you will need to capture full cash visibility and transparency of financial processes, align Treasury functions with Operations, solidify bank relationships and ensure long-term growth with strategic investments. At a time when we are all being asked to do more with less, this is no small task! Cash and Liquidity Management Summit is designed to make the most of your time out of the office. Attend this event and hear how your financial and operational peers are addressing the current challenges on investing in an unpredictable economy, coping with counterparty risk and unlockingliquidity. From beginning to end, each and every session promises to provide you with the key takeaways, tools and techniques that will be most impactful on your business.



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