Case Study Sample Annotated 08.31.2015

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 399
  • Pages: 1
ACCOUNTI NGFORMANAGERS ASSI GNMENT Dat eofSubmi ssi on:04/ 01 / 201 9 Mi ni mum Numberofpages: 20 Fol l owi ngar et heoneMar ksquest i ons: 1 .Whati sj our nal pr oper ?Whatent r i esr ecor dedi ni t ? 2.Whati scommonsi zest at ement ? 3.Di st i ngui shbet weent r ai l bal anceandbal ancesheet ? 4.Owner ’ scapi t al i sr ecor dedasl i abi l i t y.Doyouagr ee?Why? 5.Whati sact i vi t yr at i o?I ndi cat eanyt wor at i os . 6.Whati swi ndowdr essi ng? 7.Whati smar shal l i ngofbal ancesheet ? 8.Whati sdi r ect or ’ sr epor t ? 9.Whatar et het ypesofper sonal account s ? 1 0. Wr i t eanyt hr eeexampl esoff i ct i t i ousasset s. 1 1 .Whatar et her ul esofper sonal ,r eal andnomi nal account s? 1 2. Di st i ngui shbet weendepr eci at i onandamor t i zat i on. 1 3. Di st i ngui shbet weencashdi scountandt r adedi scount . 1 4. Whati sEPS? 1 5. Whati sFor ensi cAccount i ng? 1 6. Whati sI FRS? 1 7. Whati sbackf l ushaccount i ng? 1 8. Whati smar gi nal cost i ng? 1 9. Whati sABCcost i ng? 20. Whati scont i ngentl i abi l i t y? Fol l owi ngar et he5/ 1 0Mar ksquest i ons: 1 .Whati sbal ances heet ?Whatar ei t sl i mi t at i ons ? 2.Whati swi ndowdr essi ng?Whatar et hewaysofwi ndowdr essi ng? 3.Whati saccount i ngconvent i on?Expl ai nf ouraccount i ngconvent i ons. 4.Whati sAccount i ngst andar d?Expl ai nanysi xaccount i ngst andar dsi nbr i ef . 5.Whati sI FRS?St at et heobj ect i vesofI FRS. 6.Whati sr at i oanal ysi s?Expl ai nusesandl i mi t at i onsofr at i oanal ysi s? 7.Expl ai nbr i ef l yvar i ousaccount i ngconcept s. 8.Expl ai nt hevar i oususer sofaccount i ngi nf or mat i on. 9.Whati sf i nanci al st at ementanal ysi s ?Expl ai ni t st ypes. 1 0. Whati scashf l owst at ement ?Howi ti sdi f f er entf r om f undf l owst at ement .

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