Cas Reflections - Elizabeth Liz Biek Biek Liz

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 28
South Island School

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS Reflections

By Activity

#Clipit Dates

May 29, 2018 to May 29, 2018

Activity Description #Clipit is a school competition where primary and secondary students create a film based off of a certain theme, then present. The best film winning an award. For this a few students and myself helped primary students, teaching them the basics of editing on iMovie. Plus, teaching them about other roles within the film industry. 1. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 2. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Iain Williamson [email protected]




For this experience, I would be focus on working with BTEC and IB film students to prepare a presentation that would be shown to primary students from local school. When preparing this presentation, I worked with 3 other students, focusing on sound within a film. When preparing we decided that we wanted to choose content that would effectively explain how sound affects a film and be appealing to a younger audience. Therefore, we decided to use an award winning video as it was very captivating and the sound within the film was very appealing. In addition to this, we chose a short film from one of the students in our group, to show how sound can affect the tone of the scene and to show off student work for motivation and inspiration for the younger students. Before the students came in, my group and I practiced which slides we would talk about during the presentation. This went very smoothly as there was a good amount of slides, plus no one was picky on what they wanted to talk about. A problem that did arise before we presented, was that we were reminded that these were younger students. Therefore, we would have to speak to their level, as using theories and a bigger vocabulary could be confusing and they would lose interest. After the presentation, we got into a group of three and helped the students edit their film, which would be entering a competition. To make sure that the students stayed focus and didn't wander around, we tried to ensure that all of them had an opportunity to use iMovie to edit. Overall, I believed that the students worked well, as those who weren't able to participate in editing, focused on giving ideas and helping the other classmates. Which, made the whole process run a bit more smoothly. One problem I did have myself, was that I have not used iMovie in a long time, therefore, it was harder to teach them how to edit due to my lack of knowledge with the software. However, it was effective having a group help the students, as one of my classmates used a editing software similar to iMovie, therefore, when I did not understand how to do something, he helped.


Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School


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Helping the primary students edit their video

Helping the primary students edit their video



CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this CAS experience as I love to help teach children, but I am also very passionate about film. Therefore, I wanted to be able to motivate and influence the younger years, similar to how I was influenced. But, also help give them the opportunity to pursue something that they enjoy, rather than learning more about the job later in life. What did you enjoy most about this experience I enjoyed having the opportunity to teach other about an industry I'm very passionate. Additionally, I love spending time and teaching kids, so I also enjoyed doing this. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenged I faced was ensuring that the younger years understood what I was saying, as my understanding of media is much more advanced than theirs. To overcome this, I thought before I spoke, trying to make the information at a more beginner level. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience, I learned that teaching can be a very difficult task from time to time, especially when you are teaching younger years. As you need to ensure that the students are focused and able to properly understand what I am communicating. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) In this CAS experience, I have shown all stages except for stage 1, this is because I did not fully plan this experience, but was instead offered to help. Therefore, the project came to me, rather than me coming to it. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? If I were to redo this CAS experience I would want to be able to give more students the opportunity to edit, as it would be more beneficial when trying to teach different techniques. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I believe that I was very successful in meeting my goals and learning outcomes as I was able to efficiently plan and prepare what I wanted to bring forward, whilst explaining it effectively. In addition, being able to give an extra hand for the students editing and further explaining to the teachers how editing works.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: This was a very successful day thanks to the planning and execution of students like Liz. She is a good team player and was confident presenting to her audience and then supportive when working with students in small groups.

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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✓ The student has completed 4 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 4 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Iain Williamson Supervisor

Diwali Night Dates

Oct 30, 2017 to Nov 10, 2017

Activity Description Diwali Night is an annual show that is put on every year to celebrate Diwali, which is: a Hindu festival with lights, held in the period October to November. It is particularly associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, and marks the beginning of the financial year in India. The previous year I was a part of Diwali Night as I danced with people in my year group, however, this year, being a part of the SIS Film Team, I helped film the promo video and prepare the photographers and camera people that night, 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 4. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Ms. Stringer [email protected] CHALLENGE & SKILLS










This was the promo video This was the first email for Diwali Night 2017 sent out to our film team, planning when to meet

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected Diwali Night as one of my CAS experiences as I genuinely enjoy the show and have been a part of it in the past, but not in the same way. Originally, I was a dancer the year before and I loved the atmosphere and the leaders who participate in planning and preparing the event. Additionally, I heard they were in a lot of need for help on the filming side of the event and as I have experience in filming, I wanted to help. What did you enjoy most about this experience I enjoyed the performances the most from this experience, as I was in charge of filming the event, I got to talk to a lot of the performers and watch them practice. As I had previously mentioned the atmosphere for this event is always so bubbly and like a family, so when helping I felt like I was a part of the family too and watching everyone practice was very exciting. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them As this was the first time I had ever filmed an event, I was really nervous that I would mess up the footage, but I did have two other people helping with the event so it was a lot harder to make mistakes. In addition, on the night I was kind of stress as I was also in charge of some of the photographers and again I had never done an event like this, so I was easily agitated because I thought I would accidentally ruin something. However, by the end of the night, everything had gone to plan and nothing bad had happened so I realized that I was stressed over nothing and that the whole process is actually quite laidback. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience, I have learned more about Indian culture, more specifically the different ways they celebrate holidays, which made me think of the similarities to how I celebrate the holidays in my culture. In addition to this, I also learned more about how I act under stressful situations and in a group setting, from this I want to learn to calm down more in stressful situations as I believe I can be a bit challenging to deal with when there is a bit of tension. In addition, I believe that in group settings I have a tendency to become the leader if I feel there is none. I believe that this is really helpful as it gives my teammates a person to come to if there is any confusion. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) From this CAS experience, I have shown 4 out of the 5 CAS stages, preparation, action, reflection, & demonstration. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I believe that I would want to plan my filming for the promo video a bit better, as I just came into the process filming everything, rather than trying to focus on what would be the most appealing to the audience. In addition, I would have also suggested to film somewhere that was a bit more intriguing rather than the area we did choose, as this was quite boring to the eyes. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. For this experience, I set myself 3 goals, initiative & planning, collaborative skills, and challenge & skills, I believe I was able to successfully achieve all of these. This cannot only be seen through the evidence provided, but I felt I was challenged by participating in filming an event when never doing that in the past, collaborating with my team members, plus sort of becoming their leader (taking initiative) whenever there were questions or when I needed to reach out to have other people help with the event, e.i., photographers. Finally, I helped plan the filming for the event, photographers used, and some of the promo video, this helped me develop my planning skills.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: Great to have you on the team Liz, especially given the late request! well done ✓ The student has completed 4 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 6 Action hours. ✓ The student has completed 2 Service hours.

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Ms. Stringer Supervisor

Hiking from Discovery Bay to Mui Wo Dates

Aug 13, 2018 to Aug 13, 2018

Activity Description For this CAS experience, I will be focusing on completing a hike from Discovery Bay to Mui Wo, which is about 2.5 hours. I decided on this hike because it is very close to my house, plus I have done it in the past but had to turn around due to bad weather. From this experience, I want to develop the skill to persevere through a challenge, in addition putting time aside to work out. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process Supervisor Name:

Zoe Hu [email protected] CHALLENGE & SKILLS





For this CAS experience I decided to spontaneously go on a hike from Discovery Bay to Mui Wo, the reason behind choosing this hike was the close proximity to my house, knowing most of the route, the difficulty of the hike. One of my main goals when completing this hike was to do the full hike, as opposed to only doing 1/3, which is what I am used to doing. When hiking I decided to bring a classmate with me so that we could motivate each other to persevere and complete the hike. Before starting the hike, it had a rained a bit, therefore, I knew that we would have to take extra precaution when hiking, but I knew that wouldn't be a big problem. It was not too sunny, but still very humid, this being one of the reasons why my classmate and I would want to turn around, rather than complete the hike.

When we began the hike it was very easy, as there was little to no physical excursion, but after we passed the Monastery (seen 1/3 of the way on the hike), this is when it became more challenging as there were bigger hills to go up. Whilst going up these hills, I wanted to turn around because of how steep and how hot it was, but I was able to continue through the motivation of my classmate and self-motivation. Overall, I did enjoy this activity as I love pushing myself and I feel like I can do that when exercising. Throughout the whole hike, I felt very stress-free and happy to be outside enjoying the day, as opposed to staying home stressed about school.




Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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At the top of the mountain View from the top

CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this CAS experience as I do not put a lot of time into working out, which I personally believe can affect my mental health. Therefore, over the summer I've wanted to hike more and spontaneously decided to go hiking on August 13th. What did you enjoy most about this experience Even though the hike is a challenge I enjoyed being outside with no distractions from my phone or school work, I felt much more at peace and less stress to start school. Additionally, I feel as though it really helped my mental health and throughout the entire hike I felt very happy. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge during the hike was the end of it, even though the first half of the hike is going up a huge hill, I believe the last half is worse. This is because after going up a huge hill, there are stairs that take you down the mountain, these stairs are very narrow so they made my leg muscles feel more tired than when I came up the hill. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience, I have learned how much I am able to push myself to achieve what I want. When going on this hike, I had originally intended to go about 1/3 of the way then turn around. But, once I got to that, I decided that I wanted to push myself to complete the full hike. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) For this CAS experience, I've shown stages 2,3,4, and 5. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? if I were to do this CAS experience again, I would do it later in the year, when it is a bit colder. As that would be more suitable weather and much more comfortable to hike in. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I did complete the hike, therefore, I believe that I was very successful in completing my goals and learning outcomes.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 2 Action hours. This Activity was

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

✓ Completed Not Completed

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Zoe Hu Supervisor

Hiking from Tai Koo Shing to Tai Tam Reservoir Dates

Jul 30, 2018 to Jul 30, 2018

Activity Description For this CAS Experience, I will be focusing on hiking from Tai Koo Shing to Tai Tam Reservoir. I decided on this hike as I believe that it would be able to push me and my abilities to persevere when working out, additionally, I would be hiking with a friend who had done this hike previously. Therefore, she would know where to start the hike and where the hike would finish, how to get transportation from there, etc. From this hike, I want to develop my strength and growth, plus challenge and skill, to push through difficulty and endure the pain that comes from this. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process FRIDAY, 01 MARCH 2019



CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I have selected hiking as one of my CAS experiences as I feel as though I should take part in more physical activity, especially when there are so many opportunities to go on hikes in Hong Kong. I do believe I could participate in more exercise as it can help me in a lot of ways physically and mentally, and with being in my final year of high school, releasing stress and hanging out with others, rather than staying in my room working, is really beneficial to my health. What did you enjoy most about this experience What I enjoyed the most about the experience was being able to push myself to finish the hike and by doing that see a different side to Hong Kong, that I don't normally see. Additionally, it gave me the opportunity to be a lot calmer and focus on different techniques, like breathing, which makes me healthier. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them This was one of the hardest hikes I've ever done as it was 1) a very hot day 2) I didn't eat properly before and 3) didn't have enough water, I think pushing myself to really complete it was hard as I had never done a similar hike to this. Essentially, the hike pushes you for about 45-minutes to an hour, to work up a hill, then some of it is downhill and the rest was flat. The facts that I had pushed myself a lot at the beginning, made it more of a challenge near the middle of the hike, as I had lost a lot of momentum. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience I have learned more about Hong Kong's natural environment, when I am normally around its manufactural. In addition, I learned how much I was able to push myself to complete a hike, when in really hot weather. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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CAS stages) For this CAS experience I showed stages 1, 3, and 5 (Investigation, Action, and Demonstration). If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I think I would have a better breakfast, as this was something that really stopped me from pushing myself because due to not eating properly before then going on a hike when it was very hot, made my stomach hurt a lot. Which, overall making it harder to push myself as I had to constantly stop, as I was getting cramps from not enough energy. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. For this task my goals were challenge and skill and strength and growth, I believe I met these goals really well, as I was able to really push myself when the hike got difficult. Furthermore, by learning to push myself I'm able to grow more as an individual, plus learning where my strengths are and developing some weaknesses.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 4 Action hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed


Hockey Dates

Nov 13, 2018 to Nov 27, 2018

Activity Description Hockey is a sport that I played in Y9, but didn't take up again until Y13, the sport requires to work collaboratively, whilst using different skills and techniques to score points. For this CAS experience, I want to push myself to learn different skills, commit to training, and work collaboratively, dedicating myself to the team. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 4. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Nina Voce [email protected]


Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience Hockey is a sport that I've always been really interested in, mostly due to the fact that it involves being a part of a team and working together, rather than just individually. In addition, I enjoy the different aspects of the sport and I feel as though it really pushes me to my max, as opposed to not really developing the person I am and staying within my comfort zone. What did you enjoy most about this experience What I enjoyed the most about this experience is was the games and working collaboratively, as that's where I felt the most useful and sociable. The games were especially fun because I am a little competitive, so I was constantly pushing myself to work as hard as possible, even if it wasn't the best. Additionally, because I wasn't playing any serious games I was able to joke around a bit, which made the overall experience more enjoyable. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I faced was the lack of skills I had, I did play hockey before this time, but it was 3-4 years before, therefore forgetting a lot of what I had practiced. I overcame this by trying really hard in practice and pushing myself to learn the new techniques. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this experience I've learned more about the different aspects of hockey, plus the amount I am able to push myself to help my teammates score points. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) I would say out of the 5 CAS stages I have mostly shown stage 3, action as was making decisions, implementing plans, etc. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? If I were to redo this CAS experience, I would want to spend more time practicing my techniques to learn more about hockey and contribute more to the team. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I believe I was really successful in meeting my goals as I was able to efficiently collaborate with my teammates, commit to training and pushing myself to be the best I could be.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 5 Action hours. This Activity was

Completed Not Completed

Nina Voce Supervisor

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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International Evening Dates

Jan 26, 2018 to Jan 26, 2018

Activity Description International Evening is an event that shows performance from different nationalities and cultures. Plus, the proceeding money goes to Supporting Arts with the Disabled Association HK. I will be focusing on filming the event and answering any questions the photographers have to ask me. From this activity, I want to learn more about filming events and how to manage a group of people to complete this task. 1. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Estella Stringer [email protected]





CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this as a CAS experience as filming, more specifically directing is a role I want to go into when I begin my career. Therefore, I want more experience in the role, to ensure that this is a career path I want, rather than having little to no experience and then deciding this is not something I want to pursue. Additionally, International Evening is an event I find very appealing, as it shows different cultures and the norms in that culture. What did you enjoy most about this experience What I enjoyed the most about this experience was editing after I had completed filming the event, this is normally seen as a boring job as it is quite repetitive, which I don't entirely disagree with. It was the fact that I was able to rewatch the performances from an audience point of view, rather than when I was filming, which my main focus was to focus on getting the right shot. I thought the performances were very well done and that made the whole editing process a bit more intriguing. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I faced was ensuring that the camera was rolling, though this seems like a very minor problem, it can cause a huge inconvenience. There was never a problem of forgetting to press record, however, sometimes the camera would just stop recording, therefore I needed to ensure that this was something I was constantly focusing on. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) I've become a lot more culturally influence as I was able to learn more about different languages, how people who are a part of that culture represent it, etc. I think this is a very important skill to have, as personally believe lacking cultural intelligence suggest that you are a little small minded, as you do not fully understand the culture of others. Additionally, I learned how I react to stressful situations and how I am able to proper manage my stress and use problem solving skills to fix any inconveniences. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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CAS stages) From this CAS experience I believe I showed all 5 CAS stages, as I was using my skills and interest to find opportunity to help others in roles that aren't entirely comfortable with, prepared and clarified my role, implemented the plan, reflected and demonstrated. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I would want to be a bit more involved with the head team and provide different techniques that would creatively present their work and the work of the performers. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I was able to meet my goal very well as I was collaborating with the head team, plus the film team to record the event overall.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 8 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 8 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Estella Stringer Supervisor

Lord of the Flies Dates

May 29, 2018 to May 29, 2018

Activity Description Lord Of The Flies is a play about a group of boys being stranded on an island and how they cope with this. My BTEC class and I got the opportunity to plan a live filming event. Therefore, rather than gaining the footage then editing, you edit during the event, which can be very stressful. But we need experience for one of our BTEC units. As I will be the director, I plan with the editor what shots will be used during the event. 1. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 4. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Supervisor Name:

Sally Stanton [email protected]

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I chose this as a CAS experience as not only would I have to do something similar to this in my BTEC class, but I was also given the opportunity to provide help to the school production, which I enjoy doing to begin with. What did you enjoy most about this experience The productions my school puts on are always very enjoyable and I always try to help in one way or another, but I was never given an opportunity like this in the past, which was made me really apply my skills. I believe what I enjoyed the most about this event was participating in something I had not previously done before, as I've never directed a live edit productions. Additionally, I was able to be director which is a role I always enjoy participating in and gives me practice for the future. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them As I was the director, my role, similar to others, was very stressful as I needed to find the perfect shot to include whilst filming. This was stressful as I wanted to ensure that the filming of the production was of high quality and that the camera angles that were used for the final edit really showed the performance well. At the very beginning of the production I was really nervous that I was going to mess up, but the longer the performance went on it became a lot easier as I was getting used to my role. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience I learned more about the challenges of live editing and also learning how useful a technique like this is for productions similar to this. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) From this CAS experiences I showed stages 2,3, and 5 (preparation, action, and demonstration). If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I think I would want to learn more about my role before hand, such as watching videos online of directors of live editing. I think this would make the overall environment less stressful. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I was able to meet my goals as I worked collaboratively and effectively with my group this was due to the previously planning we had done together. I learned more about my strengths in productions similar to these by overcoming challenges and developing new skills.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: The student collaborated on producing a multi camera production to film the school play Lord of the Flies. This Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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included helping to mark up the script, attending rehearsals and setting up/packing up equipment on the night. The student worked calmly and listened attentively in order to get skilled up and complete the task effectively. ✓ The student has completed 3 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 3 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Sally Stanton Supervisor

MAD Week Dates

Sep 24, 2017 to Sep 29, 2017

Activity Description MAD week is a school organized trip, where students go throughout Hong Kong or Asia, making a difference. This year I decided to go to Laos: Luang Prabang, where I would help build toilets, learn more about the education within Laos, and the culture overall. I originally didn't expect to be surprised with the location as I have traveled to places to help those in need, however, I knew going into this I wanted to learn more about the culture within Laos as I want to be more aware of the world around me. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 4. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions Supervisor Name:

Mrs. Smylie [email protected]


Pre departure Journal Entries (pg. 1)




Pre departure Journal Entries (pg. 2)

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: Liz demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills and determination during her CAS trip to Laos. She was able to respond well to other cultures and worked in a team to encourage others. Her leadership skills and confidence allowed her to challenge herself in a variety of situations. ✓ The student has completed 2 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 8 Action hours. ✓ The student has completed 6 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Mrs. Smylie Supervisor

Modelling for EVOQUE Dates

Nov 14, 2017 to Nov 14, 2017

Activity Description EVOQUE is a photography company that is founded by Baljit Gidwani, teaching others to become professionals. I was scouted by him during an event in Discovery Bay. Overall, helping his student Eva build her portfolio. As I have never done modelling before, I decided to do this as it would force me to go out of my comfort zone and try new things. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process Supervisor Name:

Annette Chapman [email protected]


Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School


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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this as a CAS experience as I've never modelled, so this gave me the opportunity to be in front of the camera, rather than behind, which is the role I'm most comfortable with. Though I do a lot of film and photography, I'm normally pretty shy in front of the camera, as it is a role I'm not entirely comfortable with, but with this CAS experience I wanted to push myself to be more confident and try new things. What did you enjoy most about this experience It was surprisingly fun to be the one who was modelling as the person I was taking photos with was very inviting and laidback, which made me feel more comfortable. I tried to have a lot of fun with it, which resolved in my laughing and smiling a lot, this making the overall experience so much better. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The beginning of the photoshoot was very difficult as I was trying to become more comfortable with the camera and really push myself to be more confident with my modelling. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) I've learned more about professional photography and how I am able to push myself to become more comfortable in places I wouldn't have originally been interested in involving myself in. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) For this CAS experience, I showed stages - 3 & 5 (Action and Demonstration) If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I think I would want to try and be more original with some of my poses and really push myself to a creative mindset and think what I wanted to convey from each photo. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I believe I was very successful in meeting my goals as I developed new skills, whilst, challenging myself to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 3 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 3 Service hours. This Activity was

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

Completed Not Completed

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Annette Chapman Supervisor

Modelling for Somewhere Nowhere Dates

Aug 05, 2018 to Aug 05, 2018

Activity Description Somewhere Nowhere is a clothing store, which started in London by Elly Cheng and Rex Lo, then moved to Hong Kong. Somewhere Nowhere's business statement is: "SOMEWHERE NOWHERE speaks for anyone who dares to express themselves and fearless with color and texture. They aspire to create a dreamy, youthful and inimitable style of our generation". For this experience, I want to focus on stepping out of my comfort zone and rather than being behind the camera, which is what I am most comfortable with, being in front of the camera. That is why I want my learning outcomes to be collaborative skills, as I will be meeting new people. Plus challenge & skills as this is an area which I am not completely comfortable with, but I am interested in learning more about. 1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 2. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Zoe Hu [email protected]


Preparing to meet up





The front page of somewhere nowhere's website


CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this as CAS experience as it was a new challenge for me to face, this is because I am used to taking the photos, as opposed to being the model in the photos. Additionally, as Somewhere Nowhere is a clothing company, I would be putting myself out there, which I've never done to that extent. Additionally, as I want to go into the film industry, I know how important it is to have contacts, therefore by putting myself out there like this, it gives me more opportunities to meet new people. Plus, giving me the

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confidence to try new things that I wouldn't originally think of doing as it is a bit nerve-racking. Finally, I've seen the company multiple times throughout social media and in school events (more specifically The Innovation) and I do like some of the clothing they design and create. So part of the experience was to participate in something that I really love, which is fashion. What did you enjoy most about this experience My favorite part about this experience was meeting the owners of the company, this is because it was interesting to see how two people were able to create such an aesthetically appealing store. Learning more about them and them giving me the opportunity to talk about what I was interested in. Additionally, it was also trying on the clothing they had designed as it was such a different and creative approach to what you normally see in clothing stores. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I faced was being confident while taking the photos, at the beginning of the shoot I felt really vulnerable since I had never met Elly and Rex. But, after introducing ourselves and taking a few photos, I felt a bit more comfortable, mostly what got me over my uncomfortability was telling myself that if I do bad then I'll probably never see them again. Plus, if the photos are really bad they won't use them and knowing that if I embarrass myself or don't do well for just a few hours, it wouldn't affect me that much as I at least tried. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) I've learned more about how far I can push myself, comfortability wise, as this was an experience which involved me to really put myself out there. Additionally, I learn more about what happens behind the scenes, before the photo is uploaded and shown on websites, the directing, planning, editing, etc. that is involved to create a final product that is shown to the target audience. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) I believe that this experience involved both stages 1 and 3, this is because I had further research Somewhere Nowhere to fully understand the style that this company has and how that could influence me. Additionally, I was interested in how the business ran, i.e., its location, target audience, experience, etc. Additionally, I got in contact with the owners of the company, helping to plan a specific date and time, this needing good communication skills as I would want to ensure that I was not wasting their time and vice versa. Which in the end, I know my time was not wasted and everything was pretty smooth, other than trying to finalize a date, as I was in a different country when they had suggested a date. As for stage 3, from my research, I had to implement those ideas and understandings into how I would market their product, using all the knowledge I know from past photoshoot experiences. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I think I would want to be more creative with my poses, trying to express the products in different ways, as I know that in the end, I'm trying to help sell the product and trying new original poses could help me do that. Additionally, I would want to just get straight in there and not lack the confidence I had at the beginning as this could have possibly made the photoshoot more interesting. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I believe I met my goals very successfully as I was trying to collaborate and communicate to Elly and Rex how I could show off each product, plus listening to their directions to ensure that I was pursuing the vision they had in mind. I believe that this experience required a lot of communication, as a lack of this could result in how I try and market the items and could have resulted in me wasting their time. Additionally, this experience required a bit of knowledge from experiences I've had with being the photographer for photoshoots, therefore applying that knowledge for this task.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 4 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 4 Service hours. This Activity was Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

✓ Completed

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Not Completed Zoe Hu Supervisor

Nightfest Dates

Sep 04, 2017 to Nov 24, 2017

Activity Description Nightfest is South Island School's annual PTA winter fair open to the public, showcasing a wide range of performances, student-run stalls, and booths. As of year 7, I have always been interested in Nightfest as it brought students and parents together to create an exciting enjoyable event, which, people of all ages could enjoy. At the end of Year 11, I was given the opportunity to become apart of the Nightfest 2017 student head team, I signed up for Head of Film and Photography, a few weeks later I was officially apart of the team. This role would have one person then another team member added a couple months later because of the amount of work needed to finish. From this event, I would like to strengthen my film and photography skills, for example: considering preproduction documents, editing the videos, photographing people, rather than, landscape. Additionally, I would like to develop my leadership skills because I would like to become a director when I get older, therefore, I need to have good leadership skills. Finally, because my group would need to finish the project in a certain amount of time, I will be developing my time management skills, which, from time to time is a skill I struggle with. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Karla Lee 92543128 [email protected]




MONDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2019 COLLABORATIVE SKILLS Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School



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At the beginning of the project I knew that one thing I would need to strengthen and develop is not only my leadership skills, but, my ability to create a film that would persuade others into coming to Nightfest. As I was used to be the leader within a team, I knew that this is a skill I would need to strengthen, which, I know I did in the end. However, I have only made one promo video and though I did succeed for that, this task was more overwhelming as we had to present to the whole school. In the end, my team for Nightfest made a total of 3 videos, that were shown to the school. The first and longest challenge that I had during this project was a team member not staying on top of work, which resolved in adding another team member to the group, who was able to commit to meetings and filming. This project started in the middle of June and ended in the middle of November, therefore, by having a team member who slacked off a lot, made the process to complete projects even harder as it was difficult to rely on this person. To try and minimise the problem, I first talked to them about it, to understand why they weren't completing their work, to which they responded with that they are applying to a new school and want to focus more on that then on Nightfest. As I knew that this member of the team was probably not going to work well within the group I asked the Head of PTA if it would be possible to replace, to which she said no. Therefore, we both agreed to bring another group member onto the team that would dedicate themselves to the project. Because we had to keep the team member who was demotivated, it was a struggle to really stay on top of work, but, this helped me develop my leadership skills as I took the initiative to try and figure out a solution. Throughout the whole event, I was dedicated to the project and trying my hardest to stay on top of the work, as the team member we included didn't come in, until begin or middle of September.

CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience Nightfest is an event I have been interested in since I started at South Island School, I enjoyed this event because it had a lot of fun activities and little shops to go around for a couple of hours. It was also where I would spend my Friday when hanging out with friends. I also was a part of the event from Y9-Y11, mostly performing because I would be performing I would help set up some parts of the event before it had started, this being one of the reasons I decided to try out for the head team. What did you enjoy most about this experience I enjoyed planning and filming the promotional videos as I really got to put my skills to the test and from the experience developed more skills. Additionally, though I did have problems with the group I was working with, as not every member put in as much time and dedication as others, I still believe we had a very good group and in the end, created 3 good promo videos. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenged I faced was having a teammate who wasn't entirely committed to their work, this was a big struggle as work that was meant to be handled by two people, was normally only completed by me. I overcame this by not only talking to the teammate about the problem, but also enlisting another teammate to evenly spread out the work, having the new teammate and me with the most important work, whilst the other teammate had easier tasks to complete to ensure they were still completing tasks. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience I've learned a lot more on how to work collaboratively and how not spreading work evenly can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress. As for myself, I definitely learned more about promotional videos and how I need to persuade more to come to Nightfest through these videos. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) For this experience I showed all 5 CAS stages, investigation - when applying for this role I had to ensure that this was something I would be interested in and able to apply my skills to the role I was given (stage 1). Following that I prepared by creating a list of documents such as scripts and shot lists to prepare for the filming, but before this I came up with questions that might be asked during the interview to prepare myself for the role I would be undertaking. After stage 2, came stage 3, which really forced me to implement and take action with my experience this was done by creating 3 promotional videos, plus organising a list of Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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photographers and equipment to take photos and videos of the event. As for stage 4, I was constantly reflecting the actions I had made and seeing how I could improve my ideas, this was mostly through the promotional videos that were created. I would watch the video and critique what I thought were the weakest and strongest parts of the film, then would ask others for their opinions. Finally, stage 5, I used managbac to reflect on my overall demonstration to the task. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I think I would want to try and create more professional promotional videos and really think about what I am trying to convey with the videos I created. Additionally, I would want to try different techniques to try and motivate my other team member, rather than stressing out and lashing out sometimes. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. Very successful, as I learned new skills and developed older ones to communicate better with my team, overcome struggles and weaknesses, overall creating 3 promo videos, whilst, filming the event.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 24 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 5 Action hours. ✓ The student has completed 24 Service hours. This Activity was

Completed Not Completed

Karla Lee Supervisor

Photography Dates

May 29, 2018 to Aug 10, 2018

Activity Description Photography is something I have always been interested in and as I grow older I want to be able to perfect that skill. Therefore, over the next few months, I want to plan some photo shoots with people to better my skill. Over these few months, I plan to have a total of 4 photoshoots, with 2 with Samantha Brookes, 1 with Roisin Byres, and 1 with Kei Fjelddahl. 1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 2. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 3. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Linda Basham [email protected]

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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience Photography is a skill I've always been interested in, especially when it involves photoshoots. I enjoy this type of photography and took this up as one of my experiences as it gives me the opportunity to meet new people, plus also putting different skills to the test. What did you enjoy most about this experience What I enjoyed the most about this experience, was planning the photoshoots and meeting/hanging out with the people I was taking photos with. This was fun as I really had the opportunity to put myself out there and use my creative skills to create photos that were very beautiful and intriguing. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I normally faced was the equipment itself, many times a camera or light would die and this would result in either having to wait a while till it charged, or having to plug in the equipment whilst the photoshoot continued. I normally tried to overcome this by ensuring that the equipment was charged the night before and I didn't wait till the last minute to find out that the equipment wouldn't turn on. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) I learned a lot of different photography techniques and how to direct people in their modelling. This changed me as a person as I become more comfortable with people that I hadn't previously talked to and that made me more confident. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) For this CAS experience I was able to demonstrate all CAS stages (Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection, and Demonstration). If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I would want to use equipment that was out of my comfort zone, as a lot of camera and lighting set up was relatively easy for me due to using it for so long. I feel if I used more advanced equipment this would require me to work harder and learn new aspects to photography. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I was really successful in meeting my goals as I was continuing to work collaboratively, whilst also giving myself a challenge by working with people I didn't entirely know.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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✓ The student has completed 6 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 3 Service hours. This Activity was

Completed Not Completed

Linda Basham Supervisor

Rugby 10s Dates

Apr 03, 2018 to Apr 04, 2018

Activity Description The Rugby 10s is a rugby event that starts right before the Rugby 7s. I will be a runner for those leading the events. This relates to what I want to do when I grow up, as I want to become a director, but I will have to start as a runner to get to that position. For the Rugby 10s I will be a part of the media committee, helping with the scores that go live on the Rugby 10s website. Though the event is only two days, I will be working from 8 am to 8 pm for those two days. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 3. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process THURSDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2018


CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience For this experience I would essentially be a runner for those in the communication section of the event. I took on this task as I've 1) never watched any rugby games and I'm thoroughly interested in the sport, but have little to no knowledge on it, and 2) I know going into some roles in film, whether its director or producer, you normally start as a runner. So I took on this experience to have a better understanding as to what this role was like and have a better understanding of the aspects that go into a live event like this. What did you enjoy most about this experience I really enjoyed watching the rugby game and learning more about rugby. As it was my job to help keep score of the teams for the presenters and those receiving updates from twitter, I really had to learn about the different types of scoring, penalties, things similar to that. Which really made the experience fun, as I'm always interested in learning new things and putting myself in uncomfortable positions to force myself to be more outgoing. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge was keeping track of the scoring, as I had no prior experience to rugby, I didn't fully understand the scoring system, which led to me making a couple of mistake, but I was corrected by my advisor + team mates. It did get stressful at one point as one of the members in the communication team did get mad at me for not understanding, but my advisor explained that I didn't have a full concept of rugby and that it was just a small mistake. However, this made me a little nervous as I was scared of messing up again. Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience, I've learned that I am able to put myself in highly stressful situations and learn new aspects of sports and roles. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) From this CAS experience I've completed 2 out of 5 CAS stage, action and demonstration. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I would really want to have a basic understanding of rugby as I believe this would help me a lot more and would lessen the stress I would originally have. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I believe I was very successful with meeting my goals as I developed my strengths and skill in the understanding of rugby, plus learning more about what it is like to be a runner. Additionally, I persevered when things got hard, rather than just giving up and relying on someone else to complete the work.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment:

✓ The student has completed 3 Action hours. ✓ The student has completed 24 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed


Shave to Save Dates

Oct 17, 2017 to Oct 19, 2017

Activity Description Save to Shave was an event that raises awareness and money for kids with cancer, the charity that is involved is St. Baldrick's Foundation. I want to raise over $5,000 for this event, plus, learn what it is like to look different from others. 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions Supervisor Name:

Mr. Cornes [email protected]

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For this CAS experience, I would be raising money for St. Baldrick's Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that focuses on raising money to help cure children of cancer, founded in 1999. I first found out about this opportunity when a whole school email was sent out explaining the cause and the action being taken to raise money and awareness. Originally, I was hesitant to do it, due to the fact that I would have to shave my head, but as time went on I realized that I wanted to be able to raise money and awareness for this cause. As cancer is something that I have dealt with in my family and I understand the emotions that come with having cancer and more specifically, losing your hair. My biggest challenge was persuading my mom to let me shave my head, it was a challenge as she loves my hair so much and because she had to deal with losing her hair when she was going through cancer and said it was not an enjoyable experience. However, after some careful consideration and reflecting, she finally approved to letting me shave my head. From this, I was also able to convince one of my classmates to shave his head also.

By the time that I had applied to shave my head, there were only two days left and I needed to raise as much money as possible. I used my Instagram, plus Facebook to help raise money, as I knew that this would be one of the quickest ways to reach a large group of people. In addition to this, I also asked people during school and my mom reached out to some of her co-workers who would be interested in donating. By the day of shaving my head, I was able to raise over $5,000.

Right before it was time to shave my head, I was really nervous as I had no idea what I was going to look like, I did not know they were going to shave it as short as they did. After shaving my head, I was really reluctant about looking at photos of myself and mirrors, as I was very scared I was going to look ugly. But, after a while and having compliments I was more open to it, but I did wear a hat for most of the day because I was insecure about bringing attention to myself. Overall, I would say this was one of my most challenging experiences, due to giving up something that I have such an emotional connection with. But, it is something I will never regret doing and would possibly do again.



before the shave

the middle stage

fully shaved


One example of raising money

CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this CAS experience as shaving my head for cancer is something that I have been interested in doing, ever since I was a kid. I was more motivated to do it after my mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2014, seeing what she went through persuaded me more when this opportunity arose. Though my mom did not have a huge attachment to her hair, I knew that it was something that did effect her emotionally. From that, I knew that I would never want another person to feel the same way, therefore, deciding to shave my head. Through the process, I understood that my hair would not be donated, however, I would be raising money. What did you enjoy most about this experience I decided to sign up just a few days before the hair shaving, it created an anticipation to see if I could raise a lot of money. In addition to this, the anticipation before my hair was shaved off, as I had so many different thoughts running through my head. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I had was actually after I had shaved my head, I've always had a love-hate relationship with my hair. I've always had wavy/curly hair that would take a lot of time styling and keeping it healthy, but at the same time. I loved my hair due to the fact that I could style it whatever way I wanted, this gave me an outlet to express myself creatively. I knew that once I shaved my head, it would be a long time before I would be able to do any of this, however, it was one style that I had never tried. I've always

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been curious to try new things, so that is what made me really overcome the fear of losing something that had always been a part of me. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience, I've learned to be more confident, as I knew coming into this that I would be looked at a lot, which is something that really bothers me. In addition, it gave me the opportunity to somewhat step into the shoes of someone who has to deal with losing their hair, without having any control over that decision, making me a bit more humble. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) I believe that I've shown CAS stages: 2,4, and 5. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? Personally, I would not do anything differently, it was such an amazing eye-opening experience that had different feeling and emotions with it. That I would never fully understand unless I was put into the same situation again. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. One of my main goals was to raise as much money as possible, which I did complete as I was able to raise over $5,000 in 2 days, due to joining the project so late.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: A wonderful gesture by Liz which not only included her participation in raising awareness for the work of St Baldrick's but also the hard work Liz put into fund-raising and even convincing others to take part. ✓ The student has completed 3 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Mr. Cornes Supervisor

SISex Dates

Aug 15, 2017 to Oct 29, 2017

Activity Description SISex is an event created by South Island School to give alumni’s the opportunity to come back to South Island and talk about how their life has changed since leaving SIS. For this task, I will be a part of the filming team, focusing on communicating to the heads of my team how they want their promo video to look and how the event is going to be filmed. 1. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 2. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Annette Chapman [email protected]

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Email stating that I had Planning with the group of gotten into the team, but how filming + not the head team photography will work





CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this as one of my CAS experiences as this would be the beginning of me helping with events in SIS, as I've never filmed events or created promo videos for the school. Additionally, I was interested in the overall event as I would be learning more about the lives of previous SIS students and how they have developed since then. What did you enjoy most about this experience I really enjoyed the actual event as it was so interesting the hear the stories and that I would be one of the people who would put forth their stories through filming the event and later editing. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge was filming the event, as I had previously mentioned I had no prior experience to filming events until SISex. This made the event stressful as I didn't want to mess up, as I was representing not only my team, but also the school. I overcame it by using the camera and learning more about it from the technician so that I would be a little less stress on the filming day. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) From this CAS experience I learned to try and calm down when in a stressful environment, as I believe that if I didn't feel in total control and not have a sufficient amount of understanding with the camera, I would be a lot more stress and possibly mess something up from making a careless mistake. Additionally, I was able to learn more about life after graduating, which was a bit comforting as I will be attending university in roughly 2 years. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) From this CAS experience I showed stages all 5 CAS stages. If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I would want to put more effort into the promo video, as I believe it was good but it could have been a lot better and at a higher quality. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I was very successful in meeting my goals, mostly because the team I was working with was very easy to communicate with and had a very good understanding of what I was trying to suggest. Additionally, my team member, Ally, was quite supportive and we would communicate well with each other. Furthermore, I would commonly take the initiative when planning as I would get in contact with the head members to ensure I was on the right path when editing the promo video and filming the event.

Supervisor Review

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Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: Liz filmed the whole event and working collaboratively with others to have a record of the event. Liz was part of the team making the promo video that raised awareness for the event. The event was part of a huge whole school celebration of our 40th anniversary. ✓ The student has completed 2 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 2 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Annette Chapman Supervisor

The Innovation Dates

Mar 08, 2018 to Mar 17, 2018

Activity Description The Innovation is a school lead fashion show, raising money for Changing Young Lives Foundation (a local organisation in Hong Kong). I will focus on helping the models get dress and know when they are about to go on stage. Plus helping with a promo video for one of the performers. 1. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 2. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Supervisor Name:

Estella Stringer [email protected] CHALLENGE & SKILLS



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CAS Question Write a paragraph explaining why you have selected this CAS experience I selected this as one of my CAS experiences as I've always wanted to participate in The Innovation, however, never really had an opportunity to, until they needed someone to complete a promo video + dresser for the night of the event. What did you enjoy most about this experience I really enjoyed editing the promo video and seeing the aesthetic appeal, as for being one of the dresser it was cool to see the behind the scenes of a fashion show. I really enjoyed all of the clothing that was being presented and how a group of students were able to create such a high quality event. What were the biggest challenges you faced and how did you over come them The biggest challenge I faced throughout this event, whether it was for the promo video or being the dresser, was communication. I feel as though the team really lacked this and it felt like too many people would be talking at the same time, rather than just taking orders from the head of the event or head of dressers. Due to the lack of communication I never felt like I was really completing anything as I would get information from one person, then different information from the next person. Describe what you have learned from this CAS experience (both about your self others and global issues) I learned how important it is to communicate and that if there are too many people giving out orders, it can lead to things being incomplete and not at as high quality as it could be. In addition, I learned more about how competent I am with editing and that I know more than I actually thought I did. In this CAS experiences which of the 5 CAS stages have you shown (Remember that for a project you should show evidence of all 5 CAS stages) For this CAS experience I showed stages 3, 4, and 5 (action, reflection, and demonstration). If you were to do this CAS experience again what would you do differently? I would want to try and stay more on top of the comments they were making with the film, as I believe if I worked harder and quicker than a lot more could have been completed. Describe how successful in meeting each of your goals and learning outcomes. I collaborated well with the other team members, plus pushing myself to grow in film and being a runner.

Supervisor Review Thank you for supporting the CAS programme at South Island School. Please take the time to fill out this evaluation form. Please comment on the student’s progress, effort and commitment: Great work Liz, thank you. ✓ The student has completed 2 Creativity hours. ✓ The student has completed 8 Service hours. This Activity was

✓ Completed Not Completed

Estella Stringer Supervisor

Elizabeth (Liz Biek) Biek | Liz’s CAS South Island School

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