Carter Timeline

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 315
  • Pages: 1
Carter has solar hot water panels installed on White House roof June 1, 1979

Energy speech canceled July 3, 1979 President opts, instead, for meetings at Camp David with various citizens and national leaders. Carter's "Crisis of Confidence" speech July 15, 1979 Energy is secondary topic. Carter announces $88 Billion synfuels program.

Carter's First Fireside Chat February 2, 1977

Congress passes National Energy Act October 15, 1978

Shah of Iran admitted into US October 22, 1979

Plan was a stripped down version of the plan Carter had introduced 18 months earlier

Shah begins treatment for lymphoma at Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York.

Signs Emergency Natural Gas Act

Three Mile Island nuclear plant accident March 28, 1979

Carter announces National Energy Plan April 18, 1977

Carter approves windfall-profits oil tax April 2, 1980

Charles Duncan confirmed as Secretary of Energy July 31, 1979

Proposes establishment of the Department of Energy

Carter signs Energy Security Act June 30, 1980

Iranians seize American Embassy hostages November 4, 1979

James Schlesinger becomes first Secretary of Energy August 5, 1977 Bert Lance resigns September 21, 1977

Carter inaugurated 39th president January 20, 1977 Carter addresses Congress on Energy April 20, 1977

Contains six different programs for synfuels, biomass, solar, and geothermal. Reagan inaugurated January 1, 1981

Hostage rescue operation fails April 24, 1980

Shah of Iran visits White House November 15, 1977

Carter urges Congress to act on Energy Plan April 20, 1978

Shah flees Iran January 16, 1979

Carter addresses nation on energy April 5, 1979

Soviets invade Afghanistan December 27, 1979

53 hostages released moments after Reagan is sworn in.

Congress overrides vetoe of oil import fee June 6, 1980

Carter's Energy Timeline April 1977

July 1977

October 1977

January 1978

April 1978

July 1978

October 1978

January 1979

April 1979

July 1979

October 1979

January 1980

April 1980

July 1980

October 1980

January 1981

April 1981

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