
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,135
  • Pages: 12
Đây là chương trình caro 2 người chơi. chương trình viết bằng ngôn ngữ c, đặc biệt có hỗ trợ con trỏ chuột.

/* caro game with 2 players*/

#include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> #include #include #include #include <stdlib.h> /***********************************************************************/ /*ma lenh dieu khien con tro chuot*/

int number_buttons = 2; int mouse_size = 16;/*kich thuoc chuot*/

unsigned char mouse_there; unsigned char mouse_visible;

unsigned char lbutton_down, rbutton_down, bbutton_down, lbutton_up, rbutton_up, bbutton_up;

union regs mregs;/*hop giua cac thanh ghi 16 bit va 8 bit*/

/*hop regs dung de lay va nhan thong tin tu ham thuc hien ngat mem int86() */

unsigned char lbutton, rbutton;

void reset_mouse() { mouse_there = 0; mouse_size = 16; mouse_visible = 0; if (getvect(0x33) != 0l)//goi vecto ngat 0x33 { = 0;/*khoi tao chuot (chuc nang 0 cua ngat 0x33)*/ int86(0x33, &mregs, &mregs);/*ham thuc hien ngat mem */ if ( != 0)/* neu da khoi tao chuot*/ { mouse_there = 1; number_buttons = mregs.x.bx; lbutton_down = 0; rbutton_down = 0; bbutton_down = 0; } } }

void show_mouse() { if (mouse_there) { = 1;/*lam hien con tro chuot(chuc nang 1 cua ngat 0x33)*/ int86(0x33, &mregs, &mregs); mouse_visible = 1; } }

void hide_mouse() { if (mouse_there && mouse_visible) { = 2;/*lam an con tro chuot(chuc nang 2 cua ngat 0x33)*/ int86(0x33, &mregs, &mregs); mouse_visible = 0; } }

void get_mouse_button(unsigned char *lbutton, unsigned char *rbutton, int *x, int *y) { if (mouse_there) { = 3;/*cho biet trang thai num va vi tri con tro(chuc nang 3 cua ngat 0x33)*/ int86(0x33, &mregs, &mregs); *lbutton = (mregs.x.bx == 1) ? 1 : 0;//trang thai an hoac nha cua num trai chuot *rbutton = (mregs.x.bx == 2) ? 1 : 0;//trang thai an hoac nha cua num phai chuot if (mregs.x.bx == 3) *rbutton = *lbutton = 1; *x =;/*vi tri ngang hien tai cua con tro chuot*/

*y = mregs.x.dx;/*vi tri doc hien tai cua con tro chuot*/ } } /*********************************************************************/ #define max 25 #define height 16 //chieu dai canh cua moi o trong ban co int bang[max][max];//ban co xem nhu mang 2 chieu gom 25 dong va 25 cot int xleft, yleft;//toa do goc tren ben trai cua ban co int order;//gia tri dai dien cho tung o trong ban co int cont=1; char player1[80],player2[80];

void print_order() { setfillstyle(close_dot_fill,lightblue);//chon kieu va mau cho bar bar(xleft+max*height+30, 40, xleft+max*height+150, 60);//ve bar switch(order) { case 0 :


outtextxy(xleft+max*height+50,45,player1); break; case 1 :


outtextxy(xleft+max*height+50,45,player2); break; } setcolor(lightblue); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+10,400,".fullname:ngo dang anh tuan"); }

void vebang() { int i, j; xleft = 10;//gia tri xleft yleft = (getmaxy() - max * height) / 2;//gia tri yleft setcolor(yellow);//mau cac duong ke o ban co for (i=0; i<=max; i++) { line(xleft, yleft + i*height, xleft + max*height, yleft + i*height);//ve cac duong ngang line(xleft + i*height, yleft, xleft + i*height, yleft + max*height);//ve cac duong doc } rectangle(xleft-1, yleft-1,xleft+max*height+1,yleft+max*height+1);//ve khung lon bao quanh ban co rectangle(xleft-2, yleft-2,xleft+max*height+2,yleft+max*height+2);//ve khung lon bao quanh ban co order = 0; /*danh dau cac o trong ban co de thuc hien thuat toan xu ly*/ for (i=0; i<max; i++) for (j=0; j<max; j++) bang[i][j] = -1;//moi o duoc danh dau -1 }

void get_row_col(int x, int y, int *row, int *col) { *col = (x - xleft) / height;/*chi so cot cua mang 2 chieu*/ *row = (y - yleft) / height;/*chi so dong cua mang 2 chieu*/ }

/*thuat toan xu ly*/ int check(int row, int col) { int i; int s1=0,s2=0,s3=0,s4=0,s5=0,s6=0,s7=0,s8=0;//khoi tao cac bien dem int a=0;//dat co

/**********************************/ /* kiem tra hang */

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if ( col+i < max) if (bang[row][col+i] == order)//kiem tra cac o giong nhau lien tiep ben phai o hien hanh s1++; else break; } for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if (col-i >= 0 ) if (bang[row][col-i] == order)//kiem tra cac o giong nhau lien tiep ben trai o hien hanh s2++; else break; }


/***********************************/ /* kiem tra cot */

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if (row+i < max) if (bang[row+i][col] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia duoi o hien hanh s3++; else break; } for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if (row-i >= 0) if (bang[row-i][col] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia tren o hien hanh s4++; else break; } if((s3+s4)>=4)a=1;

/************************************/ /* kiem tra duong cheo tu trai sang phai theo chieu tu tren xuong */

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) {

if (col+i<max &&


if (bang[row+i][col+i] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia duoi ben phai o hien hanh s5++; else break; } for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if ( col-i>=0&& row-i>=0) if (bang[row-i][col-i] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia tren ben trai o hien hanh s6++; else break; } if((s5+s6)>=4)a=1;

/*************************************/ /* kiem tra duong cheo tu phai sang trai theo chieu tu tren xuong */

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if(row-i>=0&&col+i<max) if (bang[row-i][col+i] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia tren ben phai o hien hanh s7++; else break; }

for (i=1; i<=4; i++) { if(row+i<max&&col-i>=0) if (bang[row+i][col-i] == order)//kiem tra so o giong nhau lien tiep phia duoi ben trai o hien hanh s8++; else break; } if((s7+s8)>=4)a=1;

/***************************************/ return a; }

void print_win() { switch(order) { case 0 :setcolor(blue); settextstyle(triplex_font,horiz_dir,2); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+60, 140, "blue won"); settextstyle(gothic_font,horiz_dir,4); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+25, 160, "congratulation!"); break; case 1 : setcolor(red); settextstyle(triplex_font,horiz_dir,2); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+60, 140, "red won"); settextstyle(gothic_font,horiz_dir,4);

outtextxy(xleft+max*height+25, 160, "congratulation!"); break; } setcolor(lightblue); settextstyle(default_font,horiz_dir,1); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+30, 200, "press f2 to continue!"); settextstyle(default_font,horiz_dir,1); outtextxy(xleft+max*height+30,210, "press f10 to quit!"); }

void play() { char key; int x, y, gameover = 0; unsigned char lbutton, rbutton = 0; int row, col; do{ setbkcolor(3); rectangle(0, 0, getmaxx(), getmaxy()); vebang(); reset_mouse();//khoi tao con tro chuot while (!gameover) { print_order(); while (lbutton == 1 || rbutton == 1) get_mouse_button(&lbutton, &rbutton, &x, &y); show_mouse(); do {

get_mouse_button(&lbutton, &rbutton, &x, &y); }while (lbutton == 0 && rbutton == 0); hide_mouse(); if(lbutton == 1) { get_row_col(x, y, &row, &col); if(bang[row][col]==-1 && row>=0 && col>=0 && row<max && col<max) { bang[row][col] = order;//danh dau o trong ban co bang gia tri dai dien order if (check(row, col))//dieu kien ham check(row,col) tra ve 1 { print_win(); gameover = 1; } switch(order) { case 0 :setcolor(blue); outtextxy(col*height+xleft+5, row*height+yleft+5, "o"); order = 1;/*gan cho order gia tri dai dien cua nguoi choi tiep


break; case 1 :setcolor(red); outtextxy(col*height+xleft+5, row*height+yleft+5, "x"); order = 0;/*gan cho order gia tri dai dien cua nguoi choi tiep theo*/ break; } } }

} key=getch(); if(key==68)cont=0;/*an f10 de thoat*/ if(key==60)break;/*an f2 de tiep tuc choi*/ }while(key!=68); } void main() { int grdrive = detect, grmode,graphic_error; initgraph(&grdrive, &grmode, "c:\\borlandc\\bgi"); graphic_error=graphresult(); if(graphic_error!=grok) { cout<<"graphic error!"<

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