Cardiopulmonary Resusitation

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 553
  • Pages: 19

What is CPR? It is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compression delivered to victim thought to be cardiac arrest.

Definition of terms EMS- (emergency medical (service It is a service providing out of hospital acute care and transport to definitive care, to patient with illnesses and injuries which the patient believes constitutes a medical .emergency

AED- (automated external (defibrillator A portable defibrillator designed to be automated such that it can be used by persons with medical training who are responding to a cardiac .emergency

Cardiac arrest –is often caused by an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation when VF develops the heart doesn’t pump .blood

Defibrillator- eliminates the abnormal heart rhythm and allows the .normal rhythm to resume

Causes of cardiac arrest Heart disease.1 Drowning.2 Suffocation.3 Poisonous gases.4 Head injury.5 Drug overdose.6 Electric shock.7 ingestion of poisonous chemicals.8

Signs and Symptoms of cardiac arrest unconciousness.1 unresponsiveness.2 not breathing normally.3 not moving.4

STEPS OF CPR 1.Look for a response- is the victim conscious? If there is no response, get help. 2.Call the EMS

3.Check the airway- tilt their head back, open the mouth and look inside. If there is fluid and foreign matter is present, gently roll them onto their side. Tilt the head back, open their mouth and remove any foreign matter.

4.Check breathing-look, listen and feel for signs of breathing. If the person is breathing leave them lying on her side. If they are not breathing go to step 5. 5. Use mouth to mouth-if the person is not breathing normally, make sure they are lying on the back and

a. open the airway by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. b. close the nostrils with your index finger and thumb. c .put your mouth over the person’s mouth . d. give 2 full breaths to the person

6.Cardiac compressions a. place the heel of one hand on the lower half of the person’s breastbone. b. place the other hand on top of the first hand to interlock your fingers.

c. press down firmly and smoothly compressing to 1/3 of the chest depth 30 times d. administer 2 breaths e. the ratio of 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths is the same whether CPR is being performed alone of with the assistance of a second person. f. aim for a compression rate of 100 per minute.

7.maintain CPR-continue and repeating the cycle of 30 compressions then 2 breaths until professional help arrives.

Child aged 1-8

1.use the heel of one hand only for compressions, compressing 1/3 of the chest depth 2.follow the basic steps for performing CPR described above.

Infants up to 12 months of age Place infant in their back. Do no tilt.1 their head back or lift their chin Do chest compressions using 2.2 fingers of one hand to about 1/3 of the chest depth Follow the basic steps for performing.3 .CPR described above

What to do if the person recovers ?from CPR review the persons conditions if* signs of life return (coughing, normal breathing,) if breathing resumes place .victim in their side with their head tilt

Stopping CPR the person revives and start.1 .breathing again in his own medical help arrives such as EMS.2 and paramedics the person performing CPR is.3 forced to stop from physical exhaustion

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