Cara Perkenalan

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,949
  • Pages: 8


Hi, my name is Roland. I’m from Germany. I’m here to improve my language skills and to meet other people from everywhere on the world.


Hi I’m Pat I live in Italy. I like travelling, reading and listening to music – almost all kind of music. I would like to improve english and learn german and spanish and learn more about other cultures. I think it’s a marvelous idea to have a forum where to help each other. I’m new at Palabea so I hope to learn quickly how to move.

Hi I’m Pat I live in Italy. I like travelling, reading and listening to music – almost all kinds of music. I would like to improve my English and learn German and Spanish and (also)learn more about other cultures. I think it’s a marvelous marvellous idea to have a forum where (to) people can help each other. I’m new at Palabea so I hope to learn quickly how to move (?).

Hi My name is hadi.I am from Iran . I’m here to improve my English.

Hi My name is Hadi. I am from Iran . I’m here to improve my English.

Howdy folk! I’m Slava by name and came here to get a good boost of my language skills. I like mysticism, psychology, gaming, D&D, politics, communication to people from all over the world and many other things). Russia is my Motherland =)

Howdy folks! I’m Slava by name and came here to (get a good) boost (of) my language skills. I like mysticism, psychology, gaming, D&D, politics, communication (to) with people from all over the world and many other things). Russia is my Motherland =)

Hi. My name’s Valentina. I come from Italy. I would like to improve my Emglish. I study Languages at “università degli Studi di Lecce”. I like listening to music , watching film in the original language, in particular in english. Bye

Hi, my name is Valentina. I come from Italy and I would like to improve my English. I study languages at “università degli Studi di Lecce”. I like listening to music and watching films in the original language, English films in particular. Other also: ...... watching films in their original language, especially English films.

Hi people. My name is Sergi and i’m here because i want to imporve my english, and i think that this web is a good way to do it. I’m 26, and i have a lot of hobbies like football, tenis, running etc. and i’m a football’s referee. Now i’m finishing my studies in the Universidad de Barcelona. the next year i’ll be a phyisical education teacher.

Hi people. My name is Sergi and I’m here because I want to improve my English. I think this web is a good way to do it. I’m 26, and I have a lot of hobbies like football, tennis, running etc. and I’m a football referee. Now I’m finishing my studies in (at)the Universidad de Barcelona. the next year I’ll be a physical education teacher.( sports teacher)

Halo! Apa kabar? :D my name is amira, i’m 14 going on 15 years old and i’m indonesia. uh…apparently i’m the youngest huh? lol. i’m here to uh.. 1st of all i want to make friends with people across the globe, 2nd is i want to get to know each country’s culture and else, and the 3rd is to improve my english. I love music, piano, writing, jokes, chats, food, drink, and any other crazy stuffs. glad to meet you all! :D

Halo!Apa kabar? :D My name is Amira, I’m 14 going on 15 years old and I’m from Indonesia. uh…apparently I’m the youngest huh? lol. I’m here to uh.. 1st of all I want to make friends with people across the globe, 2nd (is) I want to get to know each country’s culture and (else ??), and the 3rd is to improve my English. I love music, piano, writing, jokes, chats, food, drink, and any other crazy stuff(s). glad to meet you all! :D

Hi! I’m Natalia, I’m 18 going on 19 years old and I’m from Poland. I like first of all sport. Volleyball, football(soccer), swimming, handball, skijumping;) I like listening to music, dancing, acting and singing. This year I have secondary school certificate (in polish it names “matura”) and I’m very nervous. Than I would like to go to Sports Academy;) I’m here, because I want to improve my english and I would like to know people from all world:)

Hi! I’m Natalia, I’m 18 going on 19 years old and I’m from Poland. I like first of all sport. Volleyball, football, swimming, handball, skijumping;) I like listening to music, dancing, acting and singing. This year I have secondary school certificate (in Polish (it names) it is called “matura”) and I’m very nervous. Than I would like to go to Sports Academy;) I’m here, because I want to improve my English and I would like to know people from all over the world:)

My name is Nico, I’m from Vigo North-West of Spain, I think english is a very useful language and I like it. I would like to listen englis’s songs and to can understand what it means. I work in the alternative energy field and I enjoy read about that but many texts are in english. I like more the technique than the literature but I woul like to read books in englis and to can watch movies in english without to have read the subtitles and lose what it’s happening in the scream. Of course I like to know different people with their own culture and talk with their.

OPTION 1) Hi, My name is Nico, I’m from Vigo North-West of Spain, I think English is a very useful language and I like it. I would like to listen englis’s songs in English and to can understand what it means. (I would like to listen English songs and to be able to understand them. I work in the alternative energy field and I enjoy read about that but many texts are in english. (I work in alternative energy technologies field. I enjoy reading about this, but many texts are written in English)) I like more the technique than the literature but I woul like to read books in englis and to can watch movies in english without to have read the subtitles and lose what it’s happening in the scream. (I prefer technology to literature but I would like to read books in English and be able to watch movies in English without having to read the subtitles and lose what is happening on screen) Of course I like to know different people with their own culture and talk with (their) them.

Optionb)My name is Nico, I'm from Vigo, northwest of Spain. I think English is a very useful language and I like it. I would like to listen to English songs and understand what they mean (or understand the lyrics). I would like to ---> listen to English songs and understand what they mean (which means listening to the song and understanding the lyrics at the same time, and not having two separate actions happening one after the other, which is implied if one writes... to listen to English songs and to understand...) I work in the field of alternative technologies. I enjoy reading about this field but a lot of the literature is in English . I like to learn more about the techniques in the field more than the literature, although I would really like to read English books in general. I also like to watch English movies without having to read the subtitles since I lose sight of what is happening on-screen when I do so. Of course, I like to get to know people of different cultures and talk with them

Hello all! (none) I’m Uthman, 27 years old. I come from Libya. I joined this class to improve my English and make new friends, so we can help each other. My level is high intermediate. I spend most of my time learning English, so I can say it has become my hobby! Helo, I am Xabier from Basque. I work in a sailing company and I often use english in my work. That is the reason why I want learn more english. I am interested in sports like soccer (european football), surf, snowboarding and, of course, in sailing. I am pleased to meet you.

Hello, I am Xabier from Basque. I work in a sailing company and I often use English in my work. That is the reason why I want learn more English. I am interested in sports like soccer (european football), surf, snowboarding and, of course, in sailing. I am pleased to meet you.

Hello! My name is Sveta, 32 years old. I live in Germany. I’m here to improve my English. English is very important nowadays, I think.


Hi everybody! I’m Cinzia, I’m from Naples, none Italy. I like reading, surfing the web, listening to the music and, of course, improving my

English :)

Hi, My name is Tobias and I’m from Germany. I like sports, travelling (especially Australia) and reading. I joined the English class to improve my English. I’m here at palabea to improve my language skills, maybe learn something about other cultures and maybe meet some people from other countries. cheers Tobias Hi, I am Isilda, I come from Portugal and I live in England with my husband, my son, my daughter and my brother. I am here since 2005. I am studying English, this year is my last year free study, today I did my English test level 2. I like English but I really have difficulty with pronunciation, and I work hard for change that. Maybe we together can learn English, and practice as well. Why we don’t create a group, maybe we can meet on MSN or other way. Maybe any teacher can give us a hand and create an interesting learn group. All together can make a difference.

Hi, (I am) My name is Isilda, I come from Portugal and I live in England with my husband, my son, my daughter and my brother. I am here since 2005. I am studying English, this year is my last year free study, today I did my English test level 2. I like English but I really have difficulty with pronunciation, and I work hard (for) to change that. Maybe we together can learn English, and practice as well. Why we don’t create a group, maybe we can meet on MSN or some other way. Maybe (any) a teacher can give us a hand and create an interesting learning group. All together can make a difference.

Hello from Athens , i am 29 years old and i am trying to improve my English , but with out success , i cant understand how all these classrooms work …. i am very happy when read Patricia msg.

Hello from Athens , i I am 29 years old and i I am trying to improve my English , but with out success , i I can’t (cant) understand how all these classrooms work …. i I am very happy when I read Patricia’s msg.

Hi, I am Dmitry (or Dima, doesn’t matter). I live in Belarus and want to improve my English because it’s important for me and my job. I’m programmer and every day I need to read different books, forums, articles and etc in English. Additionally I need to write letters to our customers and it’s so hard for me! I study English for about 6 or 8 months and now my English level is “elementary”. Yeah, not so good, as I can and I need. First them all I want to know how we can helps to each other in our groups? I’m novice at palabela. p.s. I can consult anyone who wants to learn

Hi, I am Dmitry (or Dima, it doesn’t matter). I live in Belarus and want to improve my English because it’s important for me and my job. I’m a computer programmer and every day I need to read different books, forums, articles (and) etc in English. Additionally I need to write letters to our customers and it’s so hard for me! I (study) have studied English for about 6 or 8 months and now my English level is “elementary”. Yeah, not so good, (as I can and I need) and I need to improve. First them all I want to know how we can help(s) to each other in our groups? I’m a novice at palabela.


p.s. I can (consult with anyone) be consulted by anyone who wants to learn Russian.

Hello. I’m Evgenii. i’m programmer. Russia is my Motherland too. That’s all.

Hello. I’m Evgenii. I’m a programmer. Russia is my Motherland too.That’s all.

Hi, My name is Adriana, I’m 28 years old, I was born and I live in Brazil, I work and I’m doing postgraduation at Labour Law. I decided to came to palabea because I studied English just when I was a child and I was forgetting the vocabulary and grammar. When I have free time I like to go to the beach, cinema, have fun with friends, rock music, internet, tours…

Hi, My name is Adriana, I’m 28 years old, I was born and I live in Brazil (I was born in Brazil where I live), I work and I’m doing postgraduation at (postgraduate studies in) Labour Law. I decided to came (come) to palabea because I studied English just when I was a child and I was forgetting the vocabulary and grammar. When I have free time I like to go to the beach, cinema, have fun with friends, rock music, internet, tours…

hi, mi name in leyder, i am 21 years old, i live in Cali (Colombia), i`m student, and i come here to improve mi english and Pronunciation. mi hoobies are the movies, the music, friends, nature, write and read.

hi, mi (my) name in leyder, I am 21 years old, I live in Cali (Colombia), (i`m) I’m a student, and I come here to improve mi my English and Pronunciation. (mi hoobies) My hobbies are the movies, the music, friends, nature, (write and read) writing and reading.

Hi guys, I’m Eugenia from Taiwan but now having my MA program in Freiburg, Germany. I love learning languages and reading (especially those classic literatures). Nice to meet you all here :)

Hi guys, I’m Eugenia from Taiwan but now having (doing) my MA program in Freiburg, Germany. I love learning languages and reading (especially literary classics) Nice to meet you all here :)

Hi there! none I’m Joanna – from Poland. I’d like to meet people from all over the world, and the Palabea is the best place to do it:) And of course – I’d like to improve my English. I hope it will be great fun! Joanna Hello, I am Bai Lu 7984 (I like my nickname), I Hello, I am Bai Lu 7984 (I like my nickname), I am from Ecuador and study the last year of am from Ecuador and study the last (am architecture. I want improve my english, a lot. studying the final) year of architecture. I want improve my English, a lot. Hello, My name is Nathalieé and I am 23 years old. I live on the east coast in Sweden, not to far away from Stockholm. And I guess that I want to learn

Hello, My name is Nathalieé and I am 23 years old. I live on the east coast in (of) Sweden, not too far away from Stockholm. And I guess that I want

more about the English language, you are never to learn more about the English language, you fully learned after all. are never fully learned after all. (you have never learned everything after all) Hi, there. ^^ My name is Vanessa and I am 18 years old. I live in the middle of Germany and I like the English language, but my skill in languages is not good, so I want to improve it. My biggest problems are the formulation and the vocabularies. I am sure, that I can talk with someone in English and that we will understand each other, but I want to talk a pretty good English. Well, English is important nowadays, and it is a beautiful language, so why shall we not learn and use it correctly? Yours, Makochou

Hi, there. ^^ My name is Vanessa and I am 18 years old. I live in the middle of Germany and I like the English language, but my skill in languages is not good, so I want to improve it. My biggest problems are the formulation (grammar?) and the vocabularies. I am sure, that I can talk with someone in English and that we will understand each other, but I want to talk (a) pretty good English. Well, English is important nowadays, and it is a beautiful language, so why shall we not learn it and use it correctly? Yours, Makochou

BS”D Hello everybody, My name is Nadja. I am a 23-year-old woman dwelling in Sweden. I am LilyBerg’s sister. I am here to improve my English too. I am interested in religion, history, society, cultures and languages with more. I am a kind girl so feel free to message me if you want! Peace! Nadja

BS”D Hello everybody, My name is Nadja. I am a 23-year-old woman dwelling (living) in Sweden. I am LilyBerg’s sister. I am here to improve my English too. I am interested in religion, history, society, cultures and languages with (and) more. I am a kind girl so feel free to message me (send me a message) if you want! Peace! Nadja

Hi everybody, I’m Elaheh, from Iran.It’s been a long time I haven’t checked my account here,but now I have enough time ( but only for 2 weeks) to do something with my English learning and also find some good friends. well,I’m tired of learning English by reading about grammer and I want to improve it by speaking. I really like to travel all over the world.I don’t like to stay in a place for a long time.books and music are my two eternal friends.I use to watch movies a lot but since I’m busy with my university activities,I’ve no more time for it.I’m a member of a student society at the university and most of my time is spent with its activities. God bless you and sorry if I have talked too much!

Hi everybody, I’m Elaheh, from Iran.It’s been a long time I haven’t checked my account here, (It’s been a long time since I checked my account here) but now I have enough time ( but only for 2 weeks) to do something with my English learning and also find some good friends. well,I’m tired of learning English by reading about grammer and I want to improve it by speaking. I really like to travel all over the world.I don’t like to stay in a place for a long time.books and music are my two eternal friends.I use to watch movies a lot but since I’m busy with my university activities,I’ve no more time for it.I’m a member of a student society at the university and most of my time is spent with its activities. (spent on activities there) God bless you and sorry if I have talked too much!

wow apparently i’m still holding the record of

wow apparently I’m still holding the record of

the youngest member to introduce herself in this forum. haha anyway, nice meeting all you guys here. if you need some help with english you can contact me or what, i will surely help as much as i could. :) also if you’re interested in learning indonesia, please contact me. thanks :D

the youngest member to introduce herself in this forum. haha anyway, nice meeting all you guys here. if you need some help with English you can contact me or what, i will surely help as much as i could (can). :) also if you’re interested in learning indonesian, please contact me. thanks :D

Hi all , none I’m Dave from Hong Kong. I would like to improve my English skills in there.By the way, I hope to meet other people from everywhere. Hey all, my name is Sebastian, I’m 17 years old and I’m using this website to improve my English skills as well. However I’d like to meet people from other countrys and cultures. Futhermore I would like to improve your German / English skills. I thought about teaching German in England / GB / North-America / Austrila / New Zealand. So I’ve you’d like to improve your spoken and written skills in these languages just ask me :)

Hey all, my name is Sebastian, I’m 17 years old and I’m using this website to improve my English skills as well. However I’d like to meet people from other countrys (countries) and cultures. Futhermore I would like to improve your German / English skills. I thought about teaching German in England / GB / NorthAmerica / Australia / New Zealand. So I’ve (if) you’d like to improve your spoken and written skills in these languages just ask me :)

Hello none I´m Paty and I live in Valencia (Spain). I´m very happy to meet you all! I like reading,watch films and fine arts. Hi to everybody! My name is Marc and I’m a none student of Patricia in her Spanish class. I’m from Manila, Philippines and although I am Filipino, I consider myself a native English speaker. Actually, most Filipinos are bilingual and in our house, we spoke both English and Filipino (Tagalog) when we were growing up. Anyway, if you need help with your English skills, do let me know and I will see what I can do. I’m also practicing my Spanish so to the Spanish speakers out there learning English, do write me if you are willing to correspond with me and correct my Spanish. I’m also looking for people I can talk to in Spanish, maybe via Skype, to practice my listening and speaking skills. Actually, I love to learn about foreign cultures and foreign languages, and I would love very much to travel all over the world. It’s a very expensive proposition though, so hearing about your home and culture would be the next best thing. I’ve studied a bit of Italian, Romanian,

and German but not enough to keep a correspondence though. I love food and drinks, be it Indian food (chicken massala with chapati bread etc), Italian food (spaghetti and pizza, of course!), Spanish food (my wife cooks excellent paella, plus I love her ropa vieja – old clothes, what a funny name for a soup-goulash!... etc), German sausages and beer (nurnberger sausages, die Brez’n und Erdinger bier, naturlich!), Russian vodka (although I can’t drink too much of it, too strong!), Australian wine (or most new world wines), Iranian kebab and dishes, Greek gyros and mediterranean food (olive oil and stuff), etc. The list is endless… I also love rock music, and I play the electric guitar, mostly rock instrumentals nowadays (Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, etc)... If you want to exchange notes with me, I’d love to hear from you. Ok, please feel free to write me and I hope I can be of help to you as well :) Regards!

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