CAR CARE COMPANY As a committed and fully paid-up Christian your future after The Rapture is assured. But as a Car-Caring Christian, what will happen to the beloved car parked on your driveway? Who will care for it? Who will clean it? Who will dust off the century-long tide of detritus that will seek to swamp it in your absence? Who will swab its grimy hubcabs and polish them to such a sheen the godless atheists who are left behind will be able to see their pathetic faces in them?
WE WILL! Take out one of our many pre-payed once-a-month Car-Care plans by clicking below (starting at as little as $100) and you can rest assured in Heaven (or Paradise if you are a Muslim) that your car will not disgrace your memory by being left to rot and decay, and will be as loved in your absence as much as when you were around. BEFORE THE RAPTURE