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Guest Editorial


4 No. 2006 e u Iss July 1 e& Jun Year

Mr. Anupam Dey


have gained a lot from reading and from my interaction with bright young doctors who have achieved great success in life. My fascination for these success ridden people has revolved around how they have achieved it .You see I was in search of a formula for success and my interaction with these top knotch doctors revealed one thing - Attitude. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, its not 'A' for Apple but ‘A’ for Attitude that led them to success. The World around us is replete with examples of people who have made it big in life due to their attitude.

FAbraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America. In spite of a poor background with several adversities he became great, because his attitude was always right, rich and genuine. He did the unthinkable by abolishing slavery that, 15 Presidents before him couldn't think of.

FHenry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company that till today rolls out beautiful cars like the Ford Ikon, had loads of attitude to take him to the top of the automobile industry. Ford's first automobile company went bankrupt; his second company failed too - but he didn't give up. The third Automobile Company was a global success.

FSachin Tendulkar is the biggest and most relevant example of attitude-laden success. While every cricketer dreams of being the best in his time, this boy dreamt a little more - of being the best there ever was, even as a little boy, playing in the park. He was introspective, quite critical of every shot he played and every century he scored. At 16 he debuted for India and is today the only batsman ever to be compared with the great Sir Donald Bradman universally. Looking at these examples closely you will come to realize that each of them had an attitude laden with positive thinking, learning from mistakes, persistence in the face of adversity and the ability to keep revising and refreshing their goals. In today's world, there are many with good personality but with negative attitude. Even you and me go through such phases in our lives. As a student of medicine, I have gone through phases where I have lacked the attitude punch and believe me these phases have been quite nightmarish because though I've had the skills and the knowledge, without attitude somehow the success urge hasn't been enough. It's likewise on the spirituality front too. You suddenly lose the power to grow spiritually and reach to the level of resigning yourself to depression and sin. The good news is that all is not lost. Attitude can be regained back. You just have to log in to the website called God, sign in as a member if you haven't yet and then download it for free, so that whenever in future to go out into the big bad world, the attitude factor stays with you like an Anti virus. QUOTE OF THE ISSUE “Wisdom Preserves The Lives Of Its Possessors” Please send your Suggestions & Articles for the next issue of CANDLES to “Mr. Chiradeep Patra, 11A/1A, Surya Niketan Housing Complex, Mahe ndra Chatterjee Lane, Kolkata – 700 046; E- Mail – [email protected]; Mobile: 09830930379.” All the articles should reach us at least one month in advance. The publisher reserves the right to edit, publish or reject the submitted

General Articles

MBreaking Bad News Dr. Smruti Ranjan Panda

[Neil, a 10 yr old boy had met with an accident while returning home after school. When he was brought to our Hospital, he was suffering from multiple fractures including his skull bone (Head). He was rushed to the operation theater and was operated upon. Part of his brain was already damaged and he was fighting for his life on artificial machinery supports. He had been deteriorating over the last 24 hrs. His chances of survival were slim.]


s I was walking down the Intensive Care Unit, I was greeted by a young lady in her early '30s, who introduced herself as Neil's mother. “Doctor, Neil is my only child…he is obedient though some times naughty…he topped his class last year…he loves to sing and is the youngest member of the church choir…he loves to eat chocolates…but…how is he now?” I felt a choke down my throat. It was as if my brain had shut down for a few seconds. This was one of the few times in my life, where I had fallen short of words… a long intriguing silence. How many times have you come across situations in which you had to be the first person to break the bad news to other. Below here are a few points to keep in mind while breaking bad news.

GPRAY! First look at God for the guidance and then try to use your brains. GBreak bad news to the male gender (preferably); women are more emotional. GIn case of more than one bad news, try to analyse the situation and then start slowly. GAlways break the worst news last. GBe with the person after you break the bad news (Accompany him / her). GTouch therapy does help.

5'Ss to Develop your PR Mrs. Asmita Patra hoever has a Personal Relationship (PR) with God, somebody who knows & understands God's heart and seeks His face for everything and in every situation can have a life of abundance. Whether the person is alone or in the midst of a crowd, his face sparkles with overflowing joy. He doesn't have to declare that 'I am a child of God.' His sparkling face makes this fact clear to everybody.


Guilty consciousness for anything hinders us to have a good relationship with God, with others and even with our own self. Neither we can have a life of Joy nor can we grow spiritually if we have a guilt conscience. We need to have a clear conscience to be at peace with God, with others as well as with our own self. A Personal Relationship with God gives us the sense of good and bad, so that we could have a life without blemish and also without guilt conscience. We can lead a joyous life, which the world cannot give.

There are few people in the Bible like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Paul etc., who had walked in peace with God and with others in their whole lifetime. They had never spent any moment of their lives in guilt consciousness, because all of them had a wonderful personal relationship with the God Almighty. How is your relationship with God today? Do you have any relationship with God? If the answer is NO, then I want to disclose 5 Ss (Secrets) for developing a good relationship with God in our daily lives which are as under: 1. Spending quality time with Him in Prayer. 2. Studying His word to know Him better. 3. Shedding all your tears only before Him. 4. Saving the first Place for Him in your life. 5. Sharing your Joy with others to magnify Him. Dear friends! He is eagerly waiting for us to take the first step. Let's build up a fresh relationship with God and be joyous & in peace with the Almighty, with others and with our own self.

Are You Stressed Out? Mr. Chiradeep Patra


TRESS is very common in our daily lives. There is not a single person who is stress free. Everybody is under the bondage of stress in this modern world. We need to know, what is the definition and meaning of this word 'Stress'? Stress is “Any life changes and events that put forth pressures on the individual's coping abilities”. Mild stress is always good for the people in this competitive world. It motivates to face the challenge. But when stress becomes chronic it affects adversely both on our mental as well as physical being. And we become diseased with 'Psycho-Physiological Diseases' that means the afflicted individual due to emotional psychological stress as the cause brings the physical symptoms upon himself. The emotional factor cause bodily changes of maladaptive nature as well as to sustain them. The physiological disorder therefore is a real disease and not imaginary one. Psycho Physiologic Diseases or problems due to STRESS: 1. Skin Problems: Eczema, Pimples, Mouth Ulcer. 2. Problems of Muscles & Bones: Backaches, Muscles Cramp, Tension Headache and some Arthritis. 3. Respiratory Problems: Asthma and Bronchitis. 4. Cardiac Problems: Hypertension, Heart Attacks, 5. Genital & Urinary Problems: Problems in Menstruation and Urination. 6. Endocrine Problems: Thyroid Problems and Obesity 7. Stomach & Intestinal Problems: Peptic Ulcer, Duodenal Ulcer & Gastric problems. 8. Problems of other types: Disturbances in the nervous system for emotional factors. 9. Psychiatric Problems: Depression, Mania, Hysteria, Suicidal tendencies. The above description makes it very essential for us to overcome stress as soon as possible. Under there are few stress relievers mentioned for your help:

Physiological Stress Relievers AGiving up smoking & alcohol intake AGetting Regular Exercise ARelaxing & having fun is necessary AReducing anger, anxiety & depression AManaging your time tactfully & Learning Prioritizing AChanging your environment & Distraction from the problem ARefocusing attention & Reinforce positive self-statements AFocusing on your Good qualities & accomplishments ARecognizing & accepting your limits AHaving a Balanced Diet AShare your problems with your closest friend or person ADoctors' advice should be taken when its serious

Doctor’s Doctor’sPrescription Prescription

Spiritual Stress Relievers

& Just break down & PRAY to God (Phil. 4:6-7) & CAST all your BURDEN on God (1 Pet. 5:6-7) & TRUST in God & do Good (Ps. 37: 3) & DELIGHT yourself in the Lord (Ps. 37: 4) & COMMIT your WAY to the Lord ((Ps. 37: 5) & WAITING PATIENTLY for God to answer (Ps. 37: 7) & Be at PEACE with everybody (which reduces friction & Stress) (Prov. 14:30)

& Be CHEERFUL every time (Prov. 17:22) & Learn to FORGIVE (Eph. 4:31-32)

Walk Your way to health

Dr. P.Sameera xygen is the most essential component of life than food and water. Food and water can be stored by the human body, but not oxygen, as it is used up soon after breathed in. We do have reserve capacity in our lungs, but hardly about 60 seconds. Aerobic exercise strengthens the body's respiratory system, by enhancing the intake, utilization, distribution and reserves of oxygen. Aerobic means, exercise that enhances the body's ability to oxygenate. And walking is the most simple and important of all other aerobic form of exercise. Walking is the easiest, most convenient and inexpensive form of exercise. The benefits of walking are as under: It's suitable for all ages, old and young and both the sexes. It gives the similar benefit as swimming, rowing or dance aerobic but without the burnout. Walking improves muscle tone, especially of the legs, hips, shoulders, arms, abdomen and back. In addition, it makes one slim, speeds up the body metabolism and burns calories. Walking relieves anxiety, depression and stress. It helps in weight loss and obesity reduction. It is truly a cardio beneficial activity. By utilizing body fat, walking reduces the body's LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein or Bad cholesterol). And increases the HDL (High Density lipoprotein or Good cholesterol). In turn HDL protects heart from LDL Which causes the artery blockage. Walking helps strengthen the heart and artery muscles. Improves circulation and increases oxygenation. Hence reduces High blood pressure. It increases the body's glucose utilization and helps in diabetic mellitus or High blood sugar. Walking prevents arthritis, spondylosis and Back pain. It strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. Headaches, depression and fatigue (premenstrual syndrome) are banished due to endorphin effect of walking. Walking in pregnancy readies the body for delivery by strengthening the abdomen, back, pelvic area, legs, heart and lungs. Walking is not only physical but also mental. It enervates and revitalizes the mind, while sedentary life fatigues the thinking mind. Over all, Walking benefits your body, mind and soul.


NOW, GO. TAKE A WALK. AND DISCOVER THE JOYS OF GOOD HEALTH Designing, Designing,Editing Editing&&Publishing Publishingby: by:THE THECANDLES CANDLES Printed at: EKEBANA, Kolkata – 700 Printed at: EKEBANA, Kolkata – 700032, 032, Tel:033-2483-2186; Mobile:09830071491 Tel:033-2483-2186; Mobile:09830071491

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