Can Bus

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EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design

Laboratory #5: CAN Bus

Lecturer: Dr. Heiko E. R. Rudolph ([email protected]) Tutor: Prof John Kneen ([email protected], [email protected]) Group: Wednesday 15:30 – 17:30 Submision Date: 2007/06/01


Xiang Li ([email protected]) Wilson Castillo Bautista ([email protected])

Subject Code: EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design

Melbourne, June 1st, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Table of Contents 1 2 3

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................4 Aim......................................................................................................................................................4 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................................................4 3.1 Materials..................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Methods ..................................................................................................................................4 3.2.1 Initialize msCAN12 Controller..........................................................................................5 Soft Reset Mode ...........................................................................................................6 Clock Source.................................................................................................................6 Configure the Synchronization Jump Width and Prescaler.................................7 Set time segment .........................................................................................................8 Set Identifier Acceptance Filter ................................................................................9 Message Handle ........................................................................................................11 3.3 Answer Questions ................................................................................................................12 3.4 Configuration for this laboratory ......................................................................................17 3.4.1 Enabling the serial port..................................................................................................18 3.4.2 Program in operation.....................................................................................................18 3.4.3 Configuring the OC Console........................................................................................19 3.4.4 The BOSCH box ...............................................................................................................20 Annex 1 – Setup12.s file ........................................................................................................................21 Annex 2 – Lab5.c file.............................................................................................................................22 Annex 3 – definitions.h file....................................................................................................................26 4 Conclusions .....................................................................................................................................28 5 References ......................................................................................................................................29

RMIT University © 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Table of Figures Figure 1: Architecture of this laboratory..............................................................................................5 Figure 2: The CAN system from motorola M68HC12D60A (, 2007/05/15).6 Figure 3: msCAN12 Module Control Register 0 ..................................................................................6 Figure 4: msCAN12 Module Control Register 1 ..................................................................................6 Figure 5: msCAN12 Bus Timing Register 0 ............................................................................................7 Figure 6: BOSCH Box Timing ...................................................................................................................7 Figure 7: SJW Bits in the M68HC12D60A...............................................................................................7 Figure 8: Table to define the prescaler value ....................................................................................8 Figure 9: msCAN12 Bus Timing Register 1 and its possible values...................................................8 Figure 10: msCAN12 Identifier Acceptance Control Register.........................................................9 Figure 11: Bits to define the operation mode of the Identifier Acceptance Filters ....................9 Figure 12: CAN 2.0A Frame (, 2007/05/15) ...............................................................................................................................................9 Figure 13: CAN 2.0B Frame (, 2007/05/15) .............................................................................................................................................10 Figure 14: Demo box message list (Kneen J, Heiko R, 2007)..........................................................11 Figure 15: ACK Field. The ACK slot is used by the receiver to indicate successfully reception of the message. Sending a dominant bit in the ACK slot. ............................................................13 Figure 16: msCAN12 receiver interrupt enable register (CRIER) ...................................................17 Figure 17: Linker file created into the COSMIC software (6812lkf.lkf) ..........................................18 Figure 18: Application running, display shows OC Console receiving information regarding CAN modules .........................................................................................................................................19 Figure 19: Configuring the OC Console ............................................................................................19 Figure 20: Loading the file into the M68HC12 device. In this example the bosch.s19 file ......20 Figure 21: BOSCH box operating with BOSCH.S19 file loaded into the M68HC12 ....................20 Figure 22: Setup12.s file used in COSMIC software (Setup12.s) ....................................................21 Figure 23: Lab3.c code.........................................................................................................................26 Figure 24: definitions.h file. Some constant values are defined ...................................................27

RMIT University © 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

3 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

CAN Bus 1


Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial network that was originally designed for the automotive industry. However, it has also become a popular bus in industrial automation as well as in other applications. The CAN bus is primarily used in embedded systems, and as its name implies, is the network established among microcontrollers. It is a two-wire, half duplex, high-speed network system and is well suited for high speed applications using short messages. Its robustness, reliability and the large following from the semiconductor industry are some of the benefits with CAN. For this laboratory we used a MC68HC12 system as the computer to monitor and control activity on a CAN demonstration box donated by Bosch Australia. This demo box contains CAN modules for the passenger and driver door.



The aim of this laboratory is:   


Use monitor program OCCONSOL.EXE for program development Gain experience with CAN bus and msCAN12 module Develop a program to monitor and control some of the operations of the BOSCH Door Module.

Materials and Methods

The following list of materials was used for the development of this laboratory:




Laboratory requirements document: 50_Lab5_Requirements_CAN_Bus_Ver2.1.doc Lab5_CAN_bus_Background_and_overview.doc Lab5_CAN_bus_BOSCH_BOX_overview_and_data.doc Lab5_CAN_bus_how_to_use_D60_Card12__get_started.doc Computer connected to evaluation boards in 87.3.07 lab. BOSCH Demo Box located in 87.3.12 lab Blackboard EEET2227:


The purpose of this laboratory is to program station five in order to establish communication with the BOSCH box which is composed by two CAN modules. One module for the driver and other for the passenger. The architecture of this laboratory is shown if the following figure.

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4 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

CAN Driver Module



CPU Registers

CAN Passenger Module


BOSH Box with two CAN Modules 2 wires

68HC912D60A or Card 12 System Serial RS232 RxD, TxD GND


Host PC (Running OCCONSOL.EXE)

Figure 1: Architecture of this laboratory.

In order to achieve this goal some configuration needs to be performed. This is shown in the following sections:


Initialize msCAN12 Controller

The msCAN12 is the specific implementation of the Motorola scalable CAN (msCAN) concept targeted for the Motorola M68HC12 microcontroller family. A typical CAN system with msCAN12 is shown as:

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5 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Figure 2: The CAN system from motorola M68HC12D60A (, 2007/05/15)

Soft Reset Mode

Set msCAN12 in SOFT_RESET mode which is used to initialize the module configuration, bit timing, and the CAN message filter:

Figure 3: msCAN12 Module Control Register 0 #define SFTRES


CMCR0 = SFTRES; //Soft Reset

When setting the SFTRES bit the msCAN12 immediately stops all ongoing transmissions and receptions.

Clock Source

Set clock source to be EXTALi = 16MHz. The Card 12 System is working with an external clock with 16 Mhz frequency.

Figure 4: msCAN12 Module Control Register 1

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6 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

CMCR1 = 0; // Clock source EXTALi = 16Mhz

Configure the Synchronization Jump Width and Prescaler

Set Synchronization Jump Width (SJW1, SJW0) and Baud Rate Prescaler (BRP5 – BRP0).

Figure 5: msCAN12 Bus Timing Register 0

According to the RMIT BOSCH demo box configuration: CAN Speed

62.5 Kbps


2 uS

Sync Jump Width


Segment 1


Segment 2


Figure 6: BOSCH Box Timing

SJW1 and SJW0 are set 0 and 1 respectively by table:

Figure 7: SJW Bits in the M68HC12D60A

A time quantum is the atomic unit of time handled by the msCAN12 and a bit time is subdivided into three segments: 

SYNC_SEG: this segment has a fixed length of one time quantum.

Time segment 1: This segment includes the PROP_SEG and the PHASE_SEG of the CAN standard.

Time segment 2: This segment represents the PHASE_SEG2 of the CAN standard.

According to the formula and above configuration table:

and Bit Rate = 62.5Kbps number of TimeQuanta = 1 + 5 +2 = 8

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7 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

fTq = 62.5K * 8 = 500K Presc value = 16M / 500K = 32

Figure 8: Table to define the prescaler value

Consequently, BRP5 – BRP0 = 011111 #define SJW #define PRESCALER

2 32

CBTR0 = (SJW-1)<<6 | (PRESCALER-1); //SJW1,0=01 , preescale value=32

Set time segment

At this stage the time segments are defined. It is important in real applications (as it is this) to contrast with the standard defined by (CAN Specification 2.0, part B) in the numeral 10 Bit Timing Requirements. This is because there are some constrains related with the number of quanta that each segment can have.

Figure 9: msCAN12 Bus Timing Register 1 and its possible values

According to Demo box configuration: Time segment 1 = 5, Time segment 2 = 2 TSEG22 – TSEG20 = 001, and TSEG13 – TSEG10 = 0100 CBTR1 = (TSEG2-1) <<4 | (TSEG1-1);

//Seg1 = 5, Seg2= 2, Sampling = 1 per bit.

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8 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Set Identifier Acceptance Filter

The identifier acceptance registers (CIDAR0 - 7) define the acceptable patterns of the standard or extended identifier (ID10 – ID0 or ID28 – ID0). Any of these bits can be marked don’t care in the identifier mask registers (CIDMR0 - 7). A filter hit is indicated to the application software by a set RXF (receive buffer full flag) and three bits in the identifier acceptance control register (CIDAC). These identifier hit flags (IDHIT2 - 0) clearly identify the filter section that caused the acceptance.

Figure 10: msCAN12 Identifier Acceptance Control Register

In the case of this laboratory, the filter is programmable to operate in mode defined following. Two identifier acceptance filters: this mode implements two filters of 32 bits each.

Figure 11: Bits to define the operation mode of the Identifier Acceptance Filters CIDAC = 0; //IDAM1 - IDAM0 = 0,0 Two 32 bit Acceptance Filters

On reception each message is written into the background receive buffer. If it passes the criteria in the identifier acceptance and identifier mask registers (accepted); otherwise the message is overwritten by the next message (dropped). CAN bus message frame shown as:

Figure 12: CAN 2.0A Frame (, 2007/05/15)

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9 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Figure 13: CAN 2.0B Frame (, 2007/05/15)

Because we used extended identifiers, all four acceptance and mask registers are applied: From Demo box message list we can see messages with identifier 00BEEF1A and 00BEEF21 are receiving messages, so we define the ID acceptance filters for the two:  

00BEEF1A: 0000 0101 111(1) (1)101 1101 1110 0011 010 (0) = 05FDDE34 00BEEF21: 0000 0101 111(1) (1)101 1101 1110 0100 001(0) = 05FDDE42

Where the number into the parenthesis refer to SRR, IDE and RSR bits respectively.   

SRR = Substitute Remote Request Bit (Present only in extended Mode) IDE = Identifier Extended Flag (1 indicates that Extended Format is used in this frame) RTR = Remote Transmission request (0=Data Frame – as it is used in this laboratory and 1 = Remote Frame) CIDAR0 CIDAR1 CIDAR2 CIDAR3

= = = =


& & & &

0xFF000000) >> 24; 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 0x000000FF);


= = = =


& & & &

0xFF000000) >> 24; 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 0x000000FF);

The masking registers are left in default value, ‘0’s in all bits. Identifier

Body Computer



Driver Passenger Module Module Listener

Listener 00BEEF03

Listener Listener

Byte DLC



Cycle Time



Command: Modules wake up.



Activate Mirrors


Ignition Enable (Also activates Door Modules)


Unlock Drivers Door



Talker Listener





Unlock Passengers Door


Lock Passengers Door


Lock Drivers Door








Command: Switch Illumination.








Mirror select Bit 0



Joystick Active

RMIT University © 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

10 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report












Listener Identifier

Body Computer


4 Driver Passenger Module Module

Byte DLC

Joystick State Bit 1


Joystick State Bit 0


Passenger Window Down


Passenger Window Up


Drivers Window Down


Drivers Window Up


Mirror Select Bit 2


Mirror Select Bit 1


Lock Door Request


Unlock Door Request


Passenger's Window Down


Passenger's Window Up


Lock Door Request


Unlock Door Request




Cycle Time

Figure 14: Demo box message list (Kneen J, Heiko R, 2007)

The following shows the subroutine implemented to initialize the CAN interface: void initCAN() { CMCR0 = SFTRES; //Soft Reset CMCR1 = 0; // Clock source EXTALi = 16Mhz CBTR0 = (SJW-1)<<6 | (PRESCALER-1); //SJW1,0=01 , preescale value=32 CBTR1 = (TSEG2-1)<<4 | (TSEG1-1); //Seg1 = 5, Seg2= 2, Sampling = 1 per bit. //CRFLG and CTFLG

are cleared since SFTRES = 1

CRIER = 0; //Interrupts disabled. CTCR = 0; //TX Empty Interrupt disabled. It was disabled with SFTRES = 1 CIDAC = 0; //IDAM1 - IDAM0 = 0,0 Two 32 bit Acceptance Filters CIDAR0 CIDAR1 CIDAR2 CIDAR3

= = = =


& & & &

0xFF000000) >> 24; 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 0x000000FF);


= = = =


& & & &

0xFF000000) >> 24; 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 0x000000FF);

//All of the bits in the MASK register are left to zero. CMCR0 = 0; //Leave Soft Reset State. }

Message Handle

After initializing the msCAN12 controller, we wrote MC68HC12 code to monitor and control some of the operations of the BOSCH Door Module. For this laboratory the MC68HC12 will act as the "Body Computer". According to Figure 8 (Demo box message list) we created an infinite loop in main function to transmit and receive messages. for (;;)

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11 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

{ scheduler++; if (scheduler >=4) { scheduler = 0; } /* buffer 0 = 00BEEF01, buffer 1 = 00BEEF03 buffer 2 = 00BEEF04 */ txMessage(0, 0, 0xFF); //awake message byte 0, bit=all(0xFF) if (scheduler == 0) //Every 80 ms { txMessage(2, 1, 16); //Illuminate door switches Byte 1, bit 4 } if (rxMessage()) { //process the message msgToTx = processMsg(); if (mirrorStatus > 0) { mirror[1] = mirrorStatus+ASCII_BASE; printMsg(mirror); //Print the m and the value of the mirror mirrorStatus = 0; //reset the mirror status } if (joysticStatus > 0) //Print the j and the value of the joystic { joystic[1] = joysticStatus + ASCII_BASE; printMsg(joystic); joysticStatus = 0; } } txMessage(1, 0, (1 | 4)); //byte 0 bit 0 Ignition switch. Bit 2 Mirrors PORTH = PORTH ^ 0x80; //toggle LED delay(); //delay subroutine aprox 20 ms }


Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of the Start of Frame bit? A: This start of frame bit is a dominant (logic 0) bit that indicates the beginning of the message frame. It is used to synchronize each frame. “The START OF FRAME (SOF) marks the beginning of DATA FRAMES and REMOTE FRAMEs. It consists of a single ’dominant’ bit. A station is only allowed to start transmission when the bus is idle. All stations have to synchronize to the leading edge caused by START OF FRAME (see ’HARD SYNCHRONIZATION’) of the station starting transmission first.” (CAN in Automation), 2. If two devices are transmitting on the CAN bus at the same time how is the priority resolved? A: The priority is resolved by bitwise the arbitration using the identifier. During transmission every CAN device compares bit by bit what it is transmitting with what it is reading from the bus. If the two values are equal the device continues transmitting otherwise it will stop. The device that wins the bus is the one with the lowest value in the arbitration field.

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12 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

The arbitration fields from standard and extended frames can be seen in Figure 12 and Figure 13 respectively. 3. It is possible to simultaneously use CAN 2.0A and 2.0B protocols. (11 bit and 29 bit identifiers). How are they distinguished from each other? A: The distinction between the two formats is made using an Identifier Extension (IDE) bit. Furthermore, the r1 bit for the standard frame, in previous CAN specifications, is redefined as IDE bit (CAN in Automation, 2002). Consequently, IDE=0 means standard format and IDE=1 means extended format. The frames for standard and extended frames can be seen in Figure 12 and Figure 13 respectively. 4. When a device has placed a message onto the CAN bus how does it know if that message has been received? (Note: The question is not asking has a second device responded/acted upon/used the message)

Figure 15: ACK Field. The ACK slot is used by the receiver to indicate successfully reception of the message. Sending a dominant bit in the ACK slot.

A: This is done by Receiver by sending a dominant bit (logic 0) in the ACK slot of the ACK field after receiving a successfully message (CAN in Automation 2002). The transmitter normally send the ACK slot bit as a recessive but this bit is overwritten (dominant logic 0) by the receiver as an indication of the reception of the message. 5. In Control Register 0 (address $0100) how is the bit SFTRES (Soft-Reset) used? i.e. what is it used for a lot ? A: When this bit is set by the CPU, the msCAN12 immediately enters the SOFT_RESET state. When this bit is cleared by the CPU, the msCAN12 will try to synchronize to the CAN bus: if the msCAN12 is not in BUSOFF state it will be synchronized after 11 recessive bits on the bus; if the msCAN12 is in BUSOFF state it continues to wait for 128 occurrences of 11 recessive bits. Clearing SFTRES and writing to other bits in CMCR0 must be in separate instructions. SOFT_RESET mode is used additionally to initialize the module configuration, bit timing, and the CAN message filter (, 2007/05/15). 6. How will the Bus Timing Registers (address $0102 and $0103) be initialized to match the BOSCH box timings?

RMIT University © 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

13 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

A: Details in sections Clock Source, Configure the Synchronization Jump Width and Prescaler and Set time segment. 7. In this experiment polling for new received messages will be used. At what address and bit is the Receive Flag? A: At address $0104 (CRFLG) and bit 0 (RXF). When a new message is received the CPU reports it setting the Rx flag (RXF) to ‘1’. The user program must clear the flag writing ‘1’ into the RXF Bit. 8. Prior to transmitting a message the program should check that the last message has been sent. How is this done? A: The program will compare bit TXEx (x is 0, 1, 2 respectively) of the Transmitter Emply Flag Register (CTFLG $0106). If TXEx is ‘1’, it means this transmission buffer is empty. 9. The BOSCH Demo Box will transmit two different messages (i.e. there will be two 29 bit identifiers). How will Identifier Control Register (address $0108) be initialised to allow two 32 bit acceptance filters? How will the program know which one has been satisfied? A: Both bits IDAM0 and IDAM1 are set to be ‘0’, and IDHIT2, IDHIT1 and IDHIT0 will indicate which one has been satisfied. Due to the fact that we are only using two 32 bit filters the system will only report two kind of hits (hit 0 or hit 1). Consequently, 000 means Filter 0 Hit, 001 means Filter 1 Hit. See section Set Identifier Acceptance Filter 10. The BOSCH Demo Box generates messages with identifiers $00BEEF1A and $00BEEF21. How must the two 32 bit acceptance filters be initialised? A: 00BEEF1A will be set in CIDAR0 – CIDAR3 as 05FDDE34 and 00BEEF21 will be set in CIDAR4 – CIDAR7 as 05FDDE42. SRR (Substitute Remote Request) is always transmitter as a recessive bit (logic 1), IDE = 1 (Extended Frame) and RTR = 0. More details about this assignation can be seen in section Set Identifier Acceptance Filter. 11. The BOSCH Demo Box will respond to messages with identifiers $00BEEF01, $00BEEF03 and $00BEEF04. How must the Transmitter Identifier Registers ($0150 through $0153) be programmed. Assuming that we are using only one buffer to transmit the three messages the following shows how the transmitter identifier register must be configured for each message. ID = $00BEEF01 IDR0 - $0150 = 0x05 IDR1 - $0151 = 0xFD IDR2 - $0152 = 0xDE IDR3 - $0153 = 0x02

B7 0 1 1 0

B6 0 1 1 0

B5 0 1 0 0

B4 0 SRR=1 1 0

B3 0 IDE=1 1 0

B2 1 1 1 0

B1 0 0 1 1

B0 1 1 0 RTR=0

ID = $00BEEF03 IDR0 - $0150 = 0x05 IDR1 - $0151 = 0xFD

B7 0 1

B6 0 1

B5 0 1

B4 0 SRR=1

B3 0 IDE=1

B2 1 1

B1 0 0

B0 1 1

RMIT University © 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

14 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

IDR2 - $0152 = 0xDE IDR3 - $0153 = 0x06

1 0

1 0

0 0

1 0

1 0

1 1

1 1

0 RTR=0

ID = $00BEEF04 IDR0 - $0150 = 0x05 IDR1 - $0151 = 0xFD IDR2 - $0152 = 0xDE IDR3 - $0153 = 0x08

B7 0 1 1 0

B6 0 1 1 0

B5 0 1 0 0

B4 0 SRR=1 1 0

B3 0 IDE=1 1 1

B2 1 1 1 0

B1 0 0 1 0

B0 1 1 0 RTR=0

A: In our solution we use the three buffers (one for each identifier). Consequently each buffer is configured according with each message: 00BEEF01: 0x05FDDE02, 0x00BEEF03: 0x05FDDE06, 00BEEF04: 0x05FDDE08 volatile volatile volatile Tx0[0] = Tx0[0] = Tx0[0] =

__uchar Tx0[16] _IO(0x150); /* CAN transmit buffer 0 */ __uchar Tx1[16] _IO(0x160); /* CAN transmit buffer 1 */ __uchar Tx2[16] _IO(0x170); /* CAN transmit buffer 2 */ 0x05; Tx0[1] = 0xFD; Tx0[2] = 0xDE; Tx0[3] = 0x02; 0x05; Tx0[1] = 0xFD; Tx0[2] = 0xDE; Tx0[3] = 0x06; 0x05; Tx0[1] = 0xFD; Tx0[2] = 0xDE; Tx0[3] = 0x08;

12. The message at identifier $00BEEF01 need only be one byte in length. How is this programmed and into what register is the actual message placed. A: This register is Data Length Register (DLR) which contains DLC3 – DLC0 data length code bits at address $01xC (x is 4, 5, 6, 7 depending on which buffer RxFG, Tx0, Tx1, Tx2 respectively). Tx0[0x0C] = 0x1; 13. How do you write and set bits for: The mask register ? (its not obvious, be careful !) and The acceptance register ? (its not obvious, be careful !) A: In order to set bits for the masking and the acceptance registers the msCAN module must be in SOFT_RESET mode. To receive standard identifiers in 32 bit filter mode it is required to program the last three bits (AM2 – AM0) in the mask registers CIDMR1 and CIDMR5 to ‘don’t care’. To receive standard identifiers in 16 bit filter mode it is required to program the last three bits (AM2 – AM0) in the mask registers CIDMR1, CIDMR5 and CIDMR7 to ‘don’t care’. In a particular bit ‘0’ means Match corresponding acceptance code register and identifier bits, and ‘1’ means ignore corresponding acceptance code register bit. In acceptance register, Acceptance Code Bits (AC7 – AC0) comprise a user defined sequence of bits with which the corresponding bits of the related identifier register (IDRn) of the receive message buffer are compared. 14. The msCAN12 allowed two 32 bit identification filters. Indicate how the Identifier Mask Register might be used if only one 32 bit filter were available. A: When we have two 32 bit identification filters the configuration is the following.

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15 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

ID = $00BEEF1A CIDAR0 = 0x05 CIDAR1 = 0xFD CIDAR2 = 0xDE CIDAR3 = 0x34

B7 0 1 1 0

MASK for $00BEEF1A CIDMR0 = 0x00 CIDMR1 = 0x00 CIDMR2 = 0x00 CIDMR3 = 0x00

ID = $00BEEF21 CIDAR4 = 0x05 CIDAR5 = 0xFD CIDAR6 = 0xDE CIDAR7 = 0x42

B6 0 1 1 0

B7 0 0 0 0

B7 0 1 1 0

MASK for $00BEEF21 CIDMR4 = 0x00 CIDMR5 = 0x00 CIDMR6 = 0x00 CIDMR7 = 0x00

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

B5 0 1 0 1

B6 0 0 0 0

B6 0 1 1 0

B7 0 0 0 0

B4 0 SRR=1 1 1

B5 0 0 0 0

B5 0 1 0 1

B6 0 0 0 0

B4 0 0 0 0

B4 0 SRR=1 1 0

B5 0 0 0 0

B4 0 0 0 0

B3 0 IDE=1 1 0

B3 0 0 0 0

B3 0 IDE=1 1 0

B3 0 0 0 0

B2 1 1 1 1

B2 0 0 0 0

B2 1 1 1 0

B2 0 0 0 0

B1 0 0 1 0

B1 0 0 0 0

B1 0 0 1 1

B1 0 0 0 0

B0 1 1 0 RTR=0

B0 0 0 0 0

B0 1 1 0 RTR=0

B0 0 0 0 0

If we had only one 32 bit acceptance filter the following could be one option for configuring the acceptance registers and the masking registers. ID = $00BEEF1A – 21 CIDAR0 = 0x05 CIDAR1 = 0xFD CIDAR2 = 0xDE CIDAR3 = 0x??

B7 0 1 1 0

Mask: $00BEEF1A-21 CIDMR0 = 0x00 CIDMR1 = 0x00 CIDMR2 = 0x00 CIDMR3 = 0x00

B6 0 1 1 ?

B7 0 0 0 0

B5 0 1 0 ?

B6 0 0 0 1

B4 0 SRR=1 1 ?

B5 0 0 0 1

B4 0 0 0 1

B3 0 IDE=1 1 0

B3 0 0 0 0

B2 1 1 1 ?

B2 0 0 0 1

B1 0 0 1 ?

B1 0 0 0 1

B0 1 1 0 RTR=0

B0 0 0 0 0

The masking register bits ‘1’ indicate do not care. Furthermore, the application program must compare the CIDAR3 with the values $34, $42 for the messages coming from the Driver and Passenger modules respectively when a RXF and hit 0 are set. 15. In practice the Body Controller will receive its messages under interrupts. Indicate what additional code will be required to handle interrupts. (Indicate in your answer any registers that must be set)

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16 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Tutor: Prof. John Kneen

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

A: In order to use interrupts in M68HC12 based systems some pre-configuration must be done. Firstly, the global interrupt mask should be enabled. The condition code register CCR contains the I bit which is set to I=1 after a reset occurs. This is done to disable all interrupts (except for unmaskable interrupts1) until the program is ready for them. Therefore, to enable global interrupts the instruction ANDCC #%11101111 should be used, this set the I = 0 allowing the CPU to see the interrupts as the instruction ORCC #%00010000 does the opposite (globally mask the interrupts). Secondly, it is necessary to enable the second level of interrupt, which is associated with the interrupt source. In this case the msCAN12 module.

Figure 16: msCAN12 receiver interrupt enable register (CRIER)

To enable reception messages by interrupts it is necessary to write ‘1’ in the bit RXFIE: Receiver Full Interruption Enable. Additional to this it is necessary to set the reset vector to redirect the interrupt to the interrupt service routine (isr). Once there, the program application must receive the data and handshake (clear the RXF) flag in order to continue receiving interrupts from the msCAN module. The procedure explained here is similar to the one developed in laboratory 3 (RS232 Serial Communications and Interrupts). 16. Each door module generates a message every 40mS. From your observations of the waveforms estimate the absolute maximum number of similar modules there can be on the bus. (A stretched limo?) A: Each module is able to generate a frame of 128 bits approximately every 40 ms. It means that each frame last 2.048 ms in average. Consequently, to reach the stretched limo state around 19 devices can be in same CAN bus.


Configuration for this laboratory

As it was configured in previous laboratory (laboratory +3 standalone programs) the following files were used:  

crtsi.h12 file. It remained the same as lab3 setup12.s. This file was modified to configure SCI0 interface. Its contents can be seen in Annex 1 – Setup12.s file. Vector.c file Interrupts were not used in this laboratory.

Unmaskable interrupts: RESET, Clock Monitor Fail, COP Failure, Unimplemented Code Trap, Software Interrupt SWI and XIRQ. The order presented here represents the priority order from 1 to 6. (Cady F M and Sibigtroth J M, 2000). 1

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CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Linker file 6812lkf.lkf (Figure 17). It was modified to configure the new main program (lab5.c line 13). Main program file lab5.c (Figure 23 in Annex 2 – Lab5.c file). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


# LINK COMMAND FILE FOR TEST PROGRAM # Copyright (c) 1996 by COSMIC Software # +seg .text -b 0x0200 -n .text # program start address for MC68HC812A4 +seg .const -a .text # constants follow code +seg .data -b 0x05c0 # data start address +def [email protected] # start address of bss # Put you startup file here setup12.o "C:\Archivos de Programa\COSMIC\EVAL12\lib\crtsi.h12" # Put your files here # Lab5.o "C:\Archivos de Programa\COSMIC\EVAL12\Lib\libi.h12" "C:\Archivos de Programa\COSMIC\EVAL12\Lib\libm.h12" +seg .const -b 0xffce # vectors start address # Put your interrupt vectors file here if needed +def [email protected] # symbol used by library +def __stack=0x05FF # stack pointer initial value Figure 17: Linker file created into the COSMIC software (6812lkf.lkf)

Enabling the serial port.

In order to print messages in the screen regarding of the position of the mirror and the joystick the serial port was enabled as it can be seen in the file Setup12.s in annex 1. 3.4.2

Program in operation.

The following conventions were defined in order to understand the messages printed by the M68HC12 in the OC Console program. P = Passenger Module. D = Driver Module w = window. m = mirror. j = joystick. l = lock request. u = unlock request

The following figure shows the behaviour of the program when it is running. It is possible to observe different values sent by the M68CH12 module (through the serial port). For example m0, m1, m2 as the position of the joystick j1, j2, etc. Additionally it is possible to observe when the user selects the window switch; for example, Pwu (Passenger window up), Pl(Passenger lock request), etc.

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Figure 18: Application running, display shows OC Console receiving information regarding CAN modules


Configuring the OC Console

In order to operate with the OC Console the parameters showed in the following figures must be configured.

Figure 19: Configuring the OC Console

Serial port (according with the host PC that is currently working). In this case COM1 Baudrate 19200, 8N1 File Transfer (wait for Handshake and character sequence ‘*’). Once it is defined it is possible to transfer the program using the L function (loading) and the selecting the *.s19 file to transmit it to the M68HC12 device.

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Figure 20: Loading the file into the M68HC12 device. In this example the bosch.s19 file


The BOSCH box

As it was stated previously the BOSCH box contains two CAN devices one for the driver and other for the passenger. The passenger module controls the side window and request the door to be locked on unlocked. In the same way the driver module controls its window and request the door the be locked and unlocked; and additionally, the window and door of the driver. In order to get familiarity with the BOSCH box it is important to load the BOSCH.S19 file into the M68HC12 device in order to play with the switches and buttons. The procedure to load the file is the same as explained in the previous section. The results of throwing the switches and button are showed in the following figure.

Figure 21: BOSCH box operating with BOSCH.S19 file loaded into the M68HC12

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Annex 1 – Setup12.s file Setup12.s file used in this project. Basically, this files is used to disable the COP and to configure and enable the serial port in order to print messages in the OC Console screen

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.



; [A|B] COP Control Register

%00001000 ;Transmitter Enable %00000100 ;Receiver Enable EQU %10000000 ;TX Data Reg Empty EQU %00100000 ;RX Data Reg Full EQU %00010000 ;Mode Bit %00000010 ;Parity Enable EQU $C0 ;BaudRate Register EQU $C2 ;Control Register 1 EQU $C3 ;Control Register 2 EQU $C4 ;Status Register EQU $C7 ;Data Register EQU %00010000 ;Idle interrupt %00100000 ;Receiver Interrupt

xdef __prog __prog: clr COPCTL ;disable watch dog ;serial port initialization bclr SC0CR1,MODE ;1 start, 8 Data, 1 Stop bclr SC0CR1,PE ;disable parity ldd #$1A ;19200 std SC0BD ;baudrate 19200

Figure 22: Setup12.s file used in COSMIC software (Setup12.s)

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Annex 2 – Lab5.c file Lab5.c file is the main program executing in the M68HC12 device. A definitions.h file is included, in this file some constants are defined. The contents of this can be seen in Annex 3 – definitions.h file. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

#include "iod60.h" #include "definitions.h" #include <stdlib.h> void initCAN(); //Buffer from 0..2 void txMessage(unsigned char buffer, unsigned char dlc, unsigned char bit); int rxMessage(); //function prototype to evaluate if there is a new message void delay(); //delay function aprox. 20 ms int processMsg(); //this function is called if there is new message message_t messageRx; //structure defined to copy the message from the RxFG int msgToTx; void printChar(char value); //function that send a char to the serial port. int printMsg(char message[]); //To print a message. This uses printChar function int temp=0; char doorCommand=0; char mirrorStatus=0; char joysticStatus=0; char mirror[]="m0"; char joystic[]="j0"; void main(void) { //int i,j; char scheduler=0; //scheduler counts every 20ms char isNewMsg = FALSE; char msgToTx = FALSE; resetBuffer(&Tx0[4]); resetBuffer(&Tx1[4]); resetBuffer(&Tx2[4]); printMsg("D,P,l,u,w,m,j\n"); //Start message printed in the OC Console initCAN(); DDRH = 0x80;

//function to initialize the msCAN //led port bit 7 as an output

for (;;) { scheduler++; if (scheduler >=4) { scheduler = 0; } /* buffer 0 = 00BEEF01, */ txMessage(0, 0, 0xFF);

//infinite loop //Scheduler to tx messages. Increased every 20ms

buffer 1 = 00BEEF03 buffer 2 = 00BEEF04 //awake message byte 0, bit=all(0xFF)

if (scheduler == 0) //This event occurs Every 80 ms { txMessage(2, 1, 16); //Illuminate door switches Byte 1, bit 4 } if (rxMessage()) //Evaluate if there is message { //process the message msgToTx = processMsg(); if (mirrorStatus > 0) { mirror[1] = mirrorStatus+ASCII_BASE; printMsg(mirror); mirrorStatus = 0; } if (joysticStatus > 0)

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72. { 73. joystic[1] = joysticStatus + ASCII_BASE; 74. printMsg(joystic); 75. joysticStatus = 0; 76. } 77. 78. } 79. 80. txMessage(1, 0, (1 | 4)); //byte 0 bit 0 Ignition switch. Bit 2 Mirrors 81. PORTH = PORTH ^ 0x80; //toggle LED 82. delay(); //delay subroutine aprox 20 ms 83. } 84. } 85. 86. void initCAN() 87. { 88. CMCR0 = SFTRES; //Soft Reset 89. CMCR1 = 0; // Clock source EXTALi = 16Mhz 90. CBTR0 = (SJW-1)<<6 | (PRESCALER-1); //SJW1,0=01 , preescale value=32 91. CBTR1 = (TSEG2-1)<<4 | (TSEG1-1); //Seg1 = 5, Seg2= 2, Sampling = 1 per bit. 92. 93. //CRFLG and CTFLG are cleared since SFTRES = 1 94. 95. CRIER = 0; //Interrupts disabled. 96. CTCR = 0; //TX Empty Interrupt disabled. It was disabled with SFTRES = 1 97. CIDAC = 0; //IDAM1 - IDAM0 = 0,0 Two 32 bit Acceptance Filters 98. 99. CIDAR0 = (IDRXMESS_1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 100. CIDAR1 = (IDRXMESS_1 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 101. CIDAR2 = (IDRXMESS_1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 102. CIDAR3 = (IDRXMESS_1 & 0x000000FF); 103. 104. CIDAR4 = (IDRXMESS_2 & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 105. CIDAR5 = (IDRXMESS_2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 106. CIDAR6 = (IDRXMESS_2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 107. CIDAR7 = (IDRXMESS_2 & 0x000000FF); 108. 109. //ALl of the bits in the MASK register are left to zero. 110. 111. CMCR0 = 0; //Leave Soft Reset State. 112. 113. } 114. 115. /* buffer goes from 0 to 2. Where 0= IDTXMESS_1, 1=IDTXMESS_2 and 2=IDTXMESS_3 116. * dlc is the byte to transmit (from 0 to 7) and value is the value to transmit 117. * in the dlc byte. 118. */ 119. void txMessage(unsigned char buffer, unsigned char dlc, unsigned char value) 120. { 121. char i; 122. switch (buffer) 123. { 124. case 0: 125. while ((CTFLG & TXE0) == 0){} //wait for TXE0 == 1 (Buffer free) 126. resetBuffer(&Tx0[4]); 127. 128. //INIT TX BUffer. 129. Tx0[0] = (IDTXMESS_1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 130. Tx0[1] = (IDTXMESS_1 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 131. Tx0[2] = (IDTXMESS_1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 132. Tx0[3] = (IDTXMESS_1 & 0x000000FF); 133. 134. Tx0[DLC_POS] = dlc+1; //assignation of dlc value; # of bytes to transmit 135. Tx0[4+dlc] = value; 136. Tx0[0xD] = 1; //Priority 137. CTFLG = CTFLG | TXE0; // Request to send info. 138. break; 139. case 1: 140. while ((CTFLG & TXE1) == 0){} //wait for TXE0 == 1 (Buffer free) 141. 142. //Init Tx1 Buffer 143. Tx1[0] = (IDTXMESS_2 & 0xFF000000) >> 24; 144. Tx1[1] = (IDTXMESS_2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 145. Tx1[2] = (IDTXMESS_2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 146. Tx1[3] = (IDTXMESS_2 & 0x000000FF); 147. //Tx1[4] = 1 | 4; 148. Tx1[4] = 0xD; 149. Tx1[5] = 0; 150. Tx1[6] = 0; 151. Tx1[7] = 0; 152. Tx1[8] = 0; 153. Tx1[9] = doorCommand; 154. Tx1[10] = 0;

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155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172.

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report

Tx1[11] = 0; Tx1[DLC_POS] = 6; Tx1[0xD] = 0; //Priority CTFLG = CTFLG | TXE1; // Request to send info. break; case 2: while ((CTFLG & TXE2) == 0){} //wait for TXE0 == 1 (Buffer free) resetBuffer(&Tx2[4]); //Init TX1 Tx2[0] Tx2[1] Tx2[2] Tx2[3]


& & & &

0xFF000000) >> 24; 0x00FF0000) >> 16; 0x0000FF00) >> 8; 0x000000FF);

Tx2[DLC_POS] = dlc+1; //assignation of dlc value; Number of bytes to transmit 173. Tx2[4+dlc] = value; 174. Tx2[0xD] = 2; //Priority 175. CTFLG = CTFLG | TXE2; // Request to send info. 176. break; 177. } 178. } 179. 180. int rxMessage() 181. { 182. char hit = FALSE; 183. char i; 184. 185. if ((CRFLG & RXF) >= 0) //New message arrived. 186. { 187. // Check for filter 0 or 1 188. switch (CIDAC & (IDHIT2 | IDHIT1 | IDHIT0)) 189. { 190. //Filer 0 Hit 191. case 0: 192. messageRx.msgID = DRIVERMODULE; //msg 0x00BEEF1A (Driver Module) 193. hit = TRUE; 194. break; 195. //filter 1 Hit 196. case 1: 197. messageRx.msgID = PASSENGERMODULE; //msg 0x00BEEF21 (Passenger Module Module) 198. hit = TRUE; 199. break; 200. } 201. 202. if (hit) 203. { 204. for (i=0; i 0) 232. { 233. joysticStatus = joysticStatus | 1; 234. } 235. if (([i] & JOYSTIC_BIT1) >0) 236. {

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237. joysticStatus = joysticStatus | 2; 238. } 239. if (([i] & JOYSTIC_ACTIVE) > 0) 240. { 241. joysticStatus = joysticStatus | 4; 242. } 243. if (([i] & MIRROR_BIT0) > 0) 244. { 245. mirrorStatus = mirrorStatus | 1; 246. } 247. break; 248. case 3: 249. if (([i] & MIRROR_BIT1) > 0) 250. { 251. mirrorStatus = mirrorStatus | 2; 252. } 253. if (([i] & MIRROR_BIT2) >0) 254. { 255. mirrorStatus = mirrorStatus | 4; 256. } 257. /* if (([i] & DRIV_DRIVER_W_UP) > 0) 258. { 259. msgToTx = printMsg("Dwu"); 260. } 261. if (([i] & DRIV_DRIVER_W_DOWN) > 0) 262. { 263. msgToTx = printMsg("Dwd"); 264. }/* 265. if (([i] & DRIV_PASSENGER_W_UP) > 0) 266. { 267. msgToTx = printMsg("Dpwu"); 268. } 269. if (([i] & DRIV_PASSENGER_W_DOWN) > 0) 270. { 271. msgToTx = printMsg("Dpwd"); 272. }*/ 273. break; 274. case 4: 275. if (([i] & DRIVER_LOCKREQUEST) > 0) 276. { 277. doorCommand = LOCKDOOR_DRIVER; 278. } 279. if (([i] & DRIVER_UNLOCKREQUEST) >0) 280. { 281. doorCommand = UNLOCKDOOR_DRIVER; 282. } 283. break; 284. } 285. } 286. } 287. else if (messageRx.msgID == PASSENGERMODULE) 288. {//case PASSENGERMODULE: 289. for (i=0; i<messageRx.dlc; i++) 290. { 291. switch(i) 292. { 293. case 3: 294. if (([i] & PASS_PASSENGER_W_UP) > 0) 295. { 296. msgToTx = printMsg("Pwu"); 297. } 298. if (([i] & PASS_PASSENGER_W_DOWN) >0) 299. { 300. msgToTx = printMsg("Pwd"); 301. } 302. break; 303. case 4: 304. if (([i] & PASSENGER_LOCKREQUEST) > 0) 305. { 306. doorCommand = LOCKDOOR_PASSENGER; 307. } 308. if (([i] & PASSENGER_UNLOCKREQUEST) >0) 309. { 310. doorCommand = UNLOCKDOOR_PASSENGER; 311. } 312. break; 313. } 314. } 315. } 316. return TRUE; 317. } 318. 319. void printChar (char value)

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320. { 321. while ((SC0SR1 & TDRE) == 0){} //Wait for RegisterEmpty 322. SC0DRL = value; 323. } 324. 325. int printMsg (char message[]) 326. { 327. char i,j; 328. j = strlen(message); 329. for (i=0 ; i < j ; i++) 330. { 331. printChar(message[i]); 332. } 333. return TRUE; 334. } 335. 336. resetBuffer(char buffer[]) 337. { 338. char i; 339. for (i=1;i<8;i++) 340. { 341. buffer[i] = 0; 342. } 343. } 344. 345. void delay() //Every count in i represents 1 millisecond 346. { 347. int i, j; 348. for (i=0; i<20; i++) //Every count in i represent 1 millisecond 349. { 350. for (j=0; j<1333; j++){} 351. } 352. 353. 354. } 355. 356. @interrupt void _isr(void) 357. { 358. 359. } 360. 361. @interrupt void _dummy(void) 362. { 363. }

Figure 23: Lab3.c code

Annex 3 – definitions.h file This files defines some constant values used in the main program (lab3.c). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

#define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define


0 1 0x1 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x02 0x01 2 32 5 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 4 0x05FDDE34 //0x00BEEF1A 0x05FDDE42 //0x00BEEF21

#define IDTXMESS_1 #define IDTXMESS_2 #define IDTXMESS_3

0x05FDDE02 //0x00BEEF01 0x05FDDE06 //0x00BEEF03 0x05FDDE08 //0x00BEEF04

#define DLC_POS #define DATA_LENGTH

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0x0C 8

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29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report


1 2

#define MIRROR_BIT0 #define MIRROR_BIT1 #define MIRROR_BIT2

0x80 0x01 0x02


0x40 0x10 0x20

#define #define #define #define

0x08 0x10 0x20 0x40



0x01 0x02


0x20 0x40




0x01 0x10


0x02 0x04

#define TDRE #define ASCII_BASE

0x80 0x30

typedef struct messageStruct { unsigned char msgID; unsigned char data[8]; unsigned char dlc; } message_t;

Figure 24: definitions.h file. Some constant values are defined

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CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report


This laboratory was a good practical exercise to work CAN bus. In order to work with the BOSCH box is important to send continuously the wake up message command to the modules. It is important to understand how to configure the Identifier Acceptance Register (CIDAR) and the masking registers. Once again COSMIC software is a powerful tool that allows in an easier way to implement M68HC12 applications. In order to use properly this software the programmer must configure properly the linker file. In fact, the linker file must relate all of the files used in the project; start-up code, crtsi.h12 file, program file, additional library files and vector file.

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CAN Bus Laboratory # 5 Report


Cady F M, 2000, Software and Hardware Engineering Motorola 68HC12, Oxford University Press, INC., New York, USA. Nilsson







Information’,, 2007/05/15. Kneen J, Rudolph H, 2007, EEET2227 Microcomputer Systems Design Learning Guide, Lecture Notes School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. CAN in Automation, 2002, ‘CAN Specification 2.0, part B’, , 2007/05/15. Spasov P, 2004, Microcontroller Technology the 68HC11 and 68HC12, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.

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29 of 29 Melbourne, 1st June, 2007

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