Campus Kit

  • June 2020
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YFC CAMPUS Program Detailed in this proposal are the developments in terms of structure and activities that we believe will maximize effectively of the program in order to bring God’s message of hope and love to a significantly large number of persons within the high school communities.

CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST CAMPUS BASED CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE We the students and members of CFC Youth for Christ in Campus based, having experienced the Lord Jesus, touching and changing our lives, see the need of personally taking up the call of our Institute and of the Church to proclaim Christ's message to all men and especially to our fellow students. In drawing up this Constitution and By-laws we put down in writing and signify our individual and collective response to this call. May the grace of our Lord Jesus and His blessings always be with us and our Campus in this endeavor. ARTICLE I Nature of the Organization Sec. 1

NAME The name of the organization shall be CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST.

Sec. 2

AFFILIATION 2.1 CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST – Campus Based is affiliated to the Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation and the network of its corresponding family ministries within the Philippines and abroad, in both school and community based groups; CFC Singles for Christ, CFC Youth for Christ, CFC Kids for Christ, CFC Handmaids of the Lord, CFC Servants of the Lord. 2.2 This chapter will participate in activities and endeavors of the bigger body of CFC Youth for Christ (YFC), but will often have its own activities as a chapter considering the schedules, needs and character of the Institute and its students. ARTICLE II Declaration of Mission and Vision Sec. 1

MISSION AND VISION The Mission and Vision of CFC Youth for Christ – Campus Chapter is based on the words of scripture, to "Unite all things in Christ" (Eph. 1:10). It is a response to the call of our Church leadership and our University to proclaim Christ to all men. The Vision is “A Renewed Society in Christ Through the Campuses” and the Mission is “Renewing Society Through Christ Through the Campuses.” As our University strives to send out into the world men who are fully human, wholly Christian and truly Filipino, we have made it our mission to be partners in this task by providing Christian peer support to as many students as possible. We make it our mission to speak to our peers of Christ, and by the grace of God, to be witnesses for Him in the College. Through this, we are confident that we will be used by Him as partners in our College in molding men who will be of service to Christ in His Church, and in the larger community of our society and the whole world. Sec. 2

OBJECTIVES 2.1 To provide a healthy and Christian support environment for its members in the College. (e.g. Through prayer meetings, teachings, peer counseling etc. ) 2.2 To help instill among its members and students in general, Christian values and principles, in preparation for the challenges they will be facing in the workplace and life in general. (E.g. through "Career Direction Seminars" by connecting them to Singles for Christ). 2.3 To evangelize and re - evangelize students by providing venues where Christ and His gospel can be proclaimed. 2.4 To be of service to the Church and the University by supporting and participating in its endeavors.

Sec. 3

PHILOSOPHY We in CFC Youth for Christ believe, 3.1 That God is calling everyone to a personal relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ, 3.2 That this call is not exclusive, but shared with all sectors of society, regardless of age, color, nationality, status and beliefs in life; 3.3 That the youth have a very special place in God's heart, and that they in return have a very deep sense of love of God, and that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is something that they desire, 3.4 That the youth have a vibrant, energetic, dynamic and free-spirited nature rather than denying this nature and forcing the youth into a mold that satisfies our own perception of Christianity and holiness. We accept their nature, not curtailing it, but re-channeling it into an active expression of submission to and participation in the plan of God, 3.5 That the youth who detached themselves from God have not done so just because of their own liking or plan, but also because of societal deficiencies in family life, education and government structures; 3.6 That the youth are full of ideas and are blessed by the Lord with talents, that the youth are in need of friends and role models, and therefore should be given the opportunity to develop these skills and relationships in a healthy Christian environment; 3.7 That the youth realize the need to make decisions in life; but they should also know that as they do so, God should always be an inseparable part of these decisions knowing also that they are future leaders of families and societies, we realize that their future depends on how they are molded today as God's children; 3.8 That the youth are responsible as long as they are given the appropriate amount of guidance, trust and loving care, 3.9 That the youth grow not only from what they receive, but more through with what they are able to share with others, 3.10 That the youth are at the forefront of a spiritual battle and that the evil one knows just as much, that the deception by the evil one, intended to confuse, mislead, and even initiate the youth into his evil plans, comes in the form of day to day experiences in family life, school, society, relationships, values and practices, music, language and ideals; 3.11 But we also believe that as the plan of God unfolds, there is nothing and no one that can separate us from His love in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). His love is our source of wisdom and His life becomes our model in helping build this present and future life for the youth. 3.12 Our Philosophy is a statement of victory for Christ's youth. It is a declaration of active submission to the will of God - primarily believing that the true purpose in life is to serve God above all things. Sec. 4 COVENANT The covenant of a CFC Youth for Christ member: 4.1 I believe that I am special because I am a son/daughter of God. I will spend time in prayer where I can grow in loving, honoring and serving God I will learn and grow in living out these ideals and principles of my Lord Jesus I believe that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I will not dishonor the Lord through drunkenness, drugs or immorality I will participate actively in the life of my Church 4.2


I believe that my family is God's gift to me. I will love, honor, and respect my parents’ inspite of whatever state or circumstances they are in I believe that my blood brothers and sisters are God's gift to me. I will strive to grow in unity, love, and understanding towards them I will be a source of healing to whatever brokenness or hurt my family experiences I believe that it is my privilege to be studying in my school. I will show my love and loyalty to the Lord and to my school by being a good student I will take responsibility in my studies



I will respect school authorities I will serve my classmates and build good relationships in school I believe that I belong to the bigger family of CFC Youth for Christ I will relate in love and loyalty to the brothers and sisters form other schools, cities, provinces, and countries I will serve the Lord in Youth for Christ in whatever way I can, whenever and wherever the Lord chooses to call me I will follow the directions of my elders and leaders in Youth for Christ I believe that God has a special purpose in allowing me to be born and to live in this country It is my privilege to love, honor and serve my country It is my duty to obey and respect the laws and authorities that God has placed over me It is my responsibility to preserve and protect the environment ARTICLE III The Organization and its Components

Sec. 1








MODELA: EDUCATIONAL CENTER MODEL (ECM) State Colleges and Universities fall within this category. Example: DeLa Salle University, UP, Ateneo de Manila,







MODEL B: COMMUNITY COLLEGE MODEL (CCM) --– The profile of the CCM will fall within the profile of the youth in the community. For example, local colleges which are exclusive on the part of the local community. (STI, AMA, St. Dominican College, etc.)

Sec. 2a















b. Pastoral Structure Follows that of the Community Based and runs independent of the organizational structure.
















MEMBERSHIP 3.1 General Membership The Membership of CFC Youth for Christ- Campus Based shall be composed of young people from the different Colleges. Though it is a Catholic organization, CFC Youth for ChristCampus Based accepts young people of other Christian denominations. 3.2 Primary Membership The primary membership of CFC Youth for Christ- Campus Based are those students presently enrolled in the Institute who are already part of existing CFC Youth for Christ Parishbased groups. 3.3 Sustaining Membership CFC Youth for Christ opens its membership to all students who express their desire to live out the vision and mission of Youth for Christ. Such students must undergo a three-day Youth Camp, which is the entry point to CFC Youth for Christ. Sec.4

THE HOUSEHOLD 4.1 A household is a group of 4-5 Men and 4-5 women grouped according to natural groupings (age group, interests, chemistry and background) where they can experience being loved and learning how to love. It is the basic support structure of YFC. 4.2 It is led by a brother and a sister. The brother is the Household Head. 4.3 It is through these households that members will receive nourishment in their Christian lives and have a venue for service for the group, the community and the school. Sec.5

THE UNIT 5.1 A unit shall be composed of three (3) to five (5) households. A brother and a sister shall also lead it. The brother shall be the Unit Head. It shall oversee the activities and shall have pastoral cover over the household heads. If need be, a unit may have its own activities as planned in coordination with the assigned Mission Worker and/or the couple coordinator assigned in that particular school. This will be so especially if schedules of the members make it difficult for the whole group to meet as one. Sec.6

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 THE CORE GROUP 6.1.1 All pastoral heads, starting from the household leaders, form the Core Group (CG). 6.1.2 CG members are grouped into households of ten members each, not necessarily as partners together, as brothers with their corresponding sister. A member of the Campus Support Group leads a CG household. 6.1.3 The CG household meetings are held regularly, as this will provide the pastoral support for the household leaders. 6.2 EXECOM 6.2.1 Every year, depending on the size and growth of each YFC campus group,10 brothers and sisters are chosen from all the household leaders by election to govern the whole group. This governing body is referred to as the “Executive committee” or EXECOM. From the EXECOM flows the functional structure.  They shall lead the YFC group in school.  Represent the group in College sponsored meetings.  Coordinate personally or through other members of the group with the College administration regarding the YFC activities.  They shall lead, witness and guide their members in all activities of YFC. 6.2.2 There are four basic committees within a YFC campus group, “Evangelization Committee”, “Special Projects Committee”, “Finance Committee”

and “Documentation Committee. Heads of each committee have the prerogative of creating sub-committees depending on their needs. 6.2.3 The EXECOM is composed of a President, and Executive Vice-President (or EVP), four Vice Presidents and four Assistant Vice-Presidents leading each committee. 6.3 The President’s Household 6.3.1 All the Presidents of the YFC campus groups are grouped either into households based on their corresponding areas of service or proximity of their respective campuses, or to their natural groupings (age, sex, interests, etc.). 6.3.2 The household may led by a YFC Full-time Mission Worker (FTW) for Model A Campus groups (Educational Center Model or ECM), or a Campus Program Assistant (CPAs) for Model B Campus groups (Community College Model or CCM). 6.3.3 The Presidents’ Household serves as a pastoral formation center for the Presidents to make sure they are in the right track both spiritually and emotionally. 6.3.4 The Presidents’ household also serves as a functional meeting in certain cases where consultation should be made to ensure efficiency and excellence in their upcoming projects. 6.3.5 The household meetings are to be held every week according to the availability of the members. It is a must that the presidents attend these meetings so that the FTWs or CPAs would know how to support them. 6.3.6 A similar separate structure should also be made to the Executive VicePresidents (EVPs). They should also have a separate household based on the same principle as that of the presidents, that these EVPs are the next Presidents and directors of their respective YFC groups. The EVP’s household may be led by a leader appointed by the FTW or as may be determined by thee CSG. SEC. 7 MEMBERS OF THE EXECOM 7.1 PRESIDENT  The President is the only officer with a pastoral role; it is his responsibility to ensure that the whole group functions properly in terms of their functional role as well as relationships or pastoral role.  He makes sure that the flock – the EXECOM is “holy”, “healthy” and “happy”.  The direction of the campus comes from him as he consults with his/her overseer/household head or Couple Coordinator (e.g. in terms of camps and final schedules). He discusses this direction with the EVP and allows the EVP to carry out / implement these plans.  The president calls for EXECOM meetings, opens and closes these meetings but allows the EVP to preside the meeting.  With respect to decision making in terms of planning and in solving problems the group may encounter, in such cases the president is called on to settle the matter.  The president also takes care of “external” affairs  The president also takes the role of coordinating with other organizations or with a local campus parish or campus ministry  The president trains, and ensures that the EVP is doing his job. 7.2 EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (EVP)  The office of the EVP is only created once a YFC Campus group reaches “Unit level”, and therefore, those groups eligible for elections.  The EVP is “president in training.” His term as president will begin the summer after the school year in which he was elected EVP.  The EVP runs the campus under the direction of the president. The president acts as the visionary of the YFC campus group and trainer of the EVP.

The EVP sees to it that the direction and plans discussed with and given by the President for the campus are carried out.  He presides EXECOM service meetings, gives out and follows up assignments, as determined by the President.  He should take care of the details and organize the Prayer meeting. 

7.3 VICE PRESIDENT – Evangelization  The VP for Evangelization heads the main support group for all camps.  Assists household head assigned to lead a camp in conducting the HLT with regards to the venue, speakers, rallies support from other household heads to visit this overnight training.  Assists household head assigned in leading a camp, in promoting the said activity, looking for a venue, speakers, youth camp workshop leaders, registration systems and materials, etc.  Can come up with better ways to improve YFC camps 7.4 VICE PRESIDENT – Special Projects  Comes up with activities for Creative Evangelization such as special forums, workshops, and the Campus Tour.  The said committee handles the creative component of the community.  Looks out for talents for dance, band, Music Ministry, Praise and Fashion, Acting, and other related talents.  Organizes and manages creative activities for the school, like the YFC week and the Campus Tour. 7.5 VICE PRESIDENT – Finance  Raises, manages and disburses all funds of the local campus based group.  Finance committee makes sure that there is money for the group. It is advised that each group maintains at least sufficient amount of money before the school year ends to be used as an initial operating fund for the next school year. 7.6 VICE PRESIDENT – Documentation  Makes sure that every activity during his term is documented in pictures and write ups and are properly filed for future reference. A copy of the said articles shall be given to the Full time Mission Worker or Couple Coordinator assigned for that particular campus for analysis and reporting.  Keeps a directory of all the members and what households they are in, and provides members with concise directories for personal use.  They shall also function as alumni relation officers, and should keep a directory of the alumni for future purposes.  Keeps all basic talk outlines needed (Youth Camp. Household Leaders Training, Covenant Orientation) and provides these outlines when needed.  Makes sure all announcements get to the members through the bulletin boards, log books, and other resource available.  May suggest other ways to document and inform members such as news letters. 7.7 VICE PRESIDENT- Socio-Political

• The VP SOCIOPOL makes sure that his/her campus is involved in Gawad Kalinga and the work of the Social Ministries. • The VP SOCIOPOL presents the GK program to the administration and alumni and communicates the social ministries to socio-political organizations (this is the heart of his/her role–to PRESENT the program). • The VP SOCIOPOL oversees all GK and Social Ministry activities in his/her school. • The VP SOCIOPOL decides for the whole YFC Chapter all matters regarding nation building, GK build and other related activities. This is the reason why this position should be held by the EVP. 7.8 The following five officers act as the primary assistants/consultants and implementers of the VP. They are in a sense partners of the VP, but their authority comes from their VP: Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Evangelization Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Special Projects Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Finance  Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Documentation  Assistant Vice President (AVP) – Socio-Political Sec.8

CFC YOUTH FOR CHRIST MISSION WORKER The YFC Mission Worker provides direction and plans in partnership with the Campus Support Group and youth leaders of the University regarding the implementation of the programs. They are resources for the group. Sec.9

THE ORGANIZATIONAL MODERATOR/ADVISER 1. The Moderator shall be an employee/teacher/Professor of the University in compliance with the requirement proposed by the school administration. 2. The Moderator shall guide the leadership of the Youth for Christ chapter especially with regards to College policies and activities. 9.3 The Adviser should fully understand the culture and way of life of Couples for Christ and CFC Youth for Christ (e.g. type of worship, terms, activities).


COUPLE COORDINATOR 10.1 The Couple Coordinator may be a parent of one of the members of CFC Youth for Christ, a faculty member or administrator, who is a member of CFC or any of its family ministries. He shall be appointed/chosen as an added resource to provide pastoral cover over the EXECOM members. They are appointed/chosen or elected from Campus Support Group. 10.2 If the Couple Coordinator is also a part of the College administration, then one person may fill the role of parent and school adviser as described by section 9 of this article. Sec.11

CAMPUS SUPPORT GROUP 11.1 The Campus Support Group shall link CFC Youth for Christ –Campus Based to the CFC-YFC network, specifically the nearest chapter to the school, making available to the organization any available teaching and training manuals as well as any information regarding YFC. 11.2 The Campus Support Group is composed of parents of members, faculty and administrators who are part of the CFC family ministries.

11.3 CSG plays an important role in the pastoral formation of the leaders of the campus. The CSG should elect one CSG head that shall also act as the present Couple Coordinator for the YFC Campus. The Couple Coordinator is also the pastoral head of the CG. 11.4 In case the CG grows bigger, the CSG may elect or appoint an assistant CSG head to help the CSG head/ Couple Coordinator in pastoring the CG. 11.5 The CSG head regularly advises the president regarding the plans of the group. (As such all plans of the EXECOM / President should be brought to the CSG Head / Adviser for his comments and guidance). All plans should be submitted to the CSG Head for comments and suggestions. He may also organize regular skills / management training for the whole core group. 11.6 The CSG head also rallies the support of the entire CSG in terms of bringing in new CSG household co-leaders, as the need arises, resource speakers, fundraisers, Youth Camp support, and others that may help the youth organizing their activities. 11.7 The CSG, as members of Couples for Christ, should also organize CLP for parents of YFC campus who are not yet members of CFC. This would widen the network of the CSG in the Campus, and thereby soliciting more support from them, and at the same and bringing more Parents nearer to God. 11.8 The Campus Support Group shall work with the Mission Worker and assist the Chapter in all logistical and practical matters. ARTICLE IV Activities Sec.1

HOUSEHOLD MEETINGS 1.1 Weekly Household (support group) Meetings shall be scheduled depending on the personal and school schedules of each of the members of the household. 1.2 A separate planning session will be given to the Household Head to help him/her facilitate such meetings. Sec.2

ASSEMBLIES/PRAYER MEETINGS 2.1 Assemblies shall be held once a week. The core group of leaders/ officers shall plan its activities. 2.2 The venue of such assemblies should be conducive to vibrant worship where singing will be an essential part of such prayers. Sec.3

YOUTH CAMPS 3.1 Youth Camps are the entry point into Youth for Christ and are its primary means of evangelization. As such, the Chapter will sponsor camps on a regular basis, as long as it does not interfere with schedules of the University. 3.2 All Youth camps shall follow the format explained in the official Youth Camp Manual of CFC Youth for Christ. Sec.4

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 4.1 “Career Direction Seminars”, forums on special topics such as “Handling Boy Girl Relationship”, "Love, Courtship and Marriage” and other topics relevant to the youth shall be scheduled from time to time by the Chapter. Such activities may be open for non-members of the YFC. 4.2 Members of Couples for Christ and its ministries may be invited to serve as resource speakers for such activities. 4.3 Other activities my be group studies, and/or tutorials.

4.4 Members of Youth for Christ- Campus Based Chapter will also be invited to activities of Youth for Christ on the national and international levels (e.g. Conferences, Mission Trips, Anniversaries, etc.)as this is usually sponsored/initiated by the CFC Family Ministries. 4.5 Activities of the Institute, as coordinated with the adviser and leaders shall also be made part of the schedule of the Chapter. ARTICLE V Amendments Sec.1 In order to fully suit the effect of all the principles of this constitution, all articles in this document that contradict any previous official document of CFC Youth for Christ, and/or any of the principles of their particular campuses are hereby considered null and void. Any of the said inconsistencies shall be recommended for amendments once found out to be such. Sec.2 All articles in this document may be amended as initiated by any member of the Chapter and approved initially by the officers/core group of the chapter, and by the CFC Youth for Christ council through its designated representative. Said amendments are not enforceable unless approved by the YFC Council. Sec.3 Any amendment shall be ratified by the officers of the chapter together with the couple coordinator and/or FTW with an affirmative note for the amendment equal to fifty percent plus one of the total numbers of the said core group of officers. The YFC National Council ratified the foregoing proposed Constitution of the CFC-Youth for Christ Campus Based Program on January 2000. And was accordingly signed on (Date signed) , at ________________________________by the officers of (Name of Campus) whose signature are hereunder affixed.


Executive Vice President



VP-Special Projects


Asst. VP-Evangelization

Asst. VP-Documentation

Asst. VP-Special Projects

Asst. VP-Finance


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