Call Center Read Me

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,643
  • Pages: 10
Summary: In this document you can find the brief details of setting up any campaign & how to start the calling externally. For calling, an admin / agent user has to give the PBX configuration (Provided by VOIP) from Settings > PBX Configuration. The basic steps are as follows: 1. User-Info Module It contains the detail of all the users which are registered. We have provided mainly two user rights that are admin & agent. Admin has all the rights but the agent has limited rights. How to add new User? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Drag drops the User info. Click on personal info & than fill all the required details. If you are the admin or agent than please select the admin or agent from role assigned. Please make enable the Is active, this will active the user. Payroll info is optional to fill. After filling the details click on save button.

3. Groups Group contains the list of users assigned to a particular group. For creating the group, drag and drop the group widget.

How to create a Group? 1. After drag and drop the Group clicks on the group & give the name of group whatever you wants. 2. Then click on the Is active for make the group active. 3. Click on user and assign the users to the group. 4. Click on save button.

4. Calling List Calling list contains mainly two things. One is the calling list & other is DNC (Do Not Call) list. An administrative user can create the list according to the use. How to create a Calling list? 1. 2. 3. 4.

After drag drop the calling list Enter the name of the list Then click on the Is active for make calling list active. If an administrator wants to make it as an DNC list, click & enable the DNClist button. Click on save button.

5. Disposition Disposition is very important widget. It contains mainly the call information. Means if the answering machine is there at that time selecting A disposition means the numbered call end answering machine is there. A User has to select the disposition according to the call type. There are mainly three modules for the disposition.   

Disposition Disposition list Disposition render

Disposition contains the all the default disposition and also contains the information for that particular disposition. A user can add a new disposition also.

Disposition list contains the name of disposition. A user can create a disposition by filling the all information & selecting required disposition. After selecting the dispositions click on save button.

Disposition render is the one of the most important thing for a user. When user is calling at that time after the calling a user gives the disposition to a lead by using this disposition render. The disposition render contains only those dispositions which are given by an administrator into the disposition list. 6. CRM (Customer Relationship Management): CRM is just a Customer Relationship Management. An administrator can design the CRM by selecting the CRM module & clicking on design CRM. Also there is a CRM render which is loaded after the assigning of CRM in the campaign.

7. Script Script is another important widget according to the user perspective. The script is mainly three types: Static, Dynamic & Web. Static script contains only one page while the dynamic script contains more than one page. Web script is one type of URL; a user browses the url and can able to see the script. An administrator can design a script by dragging script design. After selecting the created script and clicking on design script. A user can bind the control & after designing the script a user have to just click on finish button which is on the top of the page. There is another module named as a script render, a user can see the design the script after the script is assigned to the campaign.

8. Lead Format Designer Lead Format Designer is a module to design the format of the lead. An administrator can design the particular lead format for uploading the lead. 9. Import Leads An administrator has to upload the leads by selecting the format. By giving the path of the leads & clicking on finish it will go to upload the leads to the database. After completion of uploading the lead the message arrives, it contains the details of the proper formatted numbers which is entered in the database. An administrator can design a lead format using the lead-format designer.

10. Campaign Campaign is a widget which attaching the all previous widgets. In that an administrator has to provide all the details of calling list, groups, disposition, script & other details. In other detail if the administrator would like to save the conversation a user has to select the save format.

11. Dashboard Dashboard is a very useful widget for Administrative users. An Administrator can view logged in agent status, called number, last given disposition, call duration etc. Also the administrator has the rights for hang-up the call & call barging of any agent. This module contains all the report modules (which contain all the reports regarding the agents-explain in reports) & also having the treatment functionality to treat any user located in the particular campaign. How to Use? 1. Drag the Dashboard. 2. Select the campaign. 3. An administrative user can see the all the agents status who are logged in & assign to that particular campaign. 4. For hang-up the call of an agent, click on the hang-up. These will hang-up the call of that particular agent. 5. Barge is the functionality where the administrative user can barge the call of agent & listen the talk of the agent with a customer. 6. An administrative user can treat any user of the campaign by clicking on the campaign & the user and can able to give the needed treatment. 7. Clicking on any reports & select the campaign & the time duration & click on go. These will show the reports.

12. Recycle Recycle is used to recycle the numbers according to the given disposition. How to use?   

Drag the recycle widget. Select the campaign will shows all the numbers, By selecting the disposition & click on recycle the number saved with disposition are re-fetched to the database with the change of status calling to the fresh.

13. Reports It contains all the reports. An administrator can know all the report by selecting the campaign & proper time period. Here there are mainly 11 reports types.     

Report count by disposition: It will show the number of count that is assigned to the disposition. Report count by state: It will show the number of count that is assigned to the state. Report count by zip code: It will show the tele-number count according to the zip code. Report CRC by Agent: It will show the number of count that is assigned to the agent. Report CRC by Campaign: It will show the number of count that is assigned to the campaign.

     

Report dial table: It contains all the details of the number of dialed numbers. Also it contains the details of no of callback numbers. Report history: It shows the history of the no of calls & their disposition. Report remaining leads: It contains the details of no of remaining leads in the database. Report SPH by time-zone: It shows the sales per hour details by a user according to the time-zone. Report teleNum-audit: It contains the history of the total uploaded numbers into the database & out of which how many numbers are called and how many remained. Report user audit: It shows the history of the particular user. It contains the number of call done by that particular user.

14. Calling Modules: There are mainly two types of calling modules: 

Autoprogressive dialer & auto progressive softphone

Load both the widgets by drag drop them. Select the type in the auto progressive softphone like start automatically dialing or manual dialing. By clicking on start automatic dialing it start the automatic dialing form taking the number from the lead which is uploaded by administrator. While clicking on manual dialing a user has to dial the number manually. 

Progressive dialer & progressive softphone

Load both the widgets by drag & drop. The predictive dialer is very much useful according to the callcenter point of view. It fires the two call at a time so if one number is busy at that time it redirects to the other & if one is working at that time the other is one waiting form as like as hold. The usage scenario is same as like as Auto progressive dialer & softphone. 15. Bulk location Update: A user can add the location by using the bulk location update. How to use?    

Drag the bulk location update widget. After clicking on add type some location & click on precede. Then as like as that select country, state etc. & than click on proceed. Click on save.

16. Filter & Treatment designer: By using this widget an administrator can restrict the users for the particular. It is just a filtering & treatment process.

Important Notes: 1. Have to give the PBX configuration before calling. 2. Needs to be installed the oreka audio otherwise calling may be failed. 3. While calling three widgets are necessary. If any of this are not loaded than it will fail.  Auto dialer / predictive dialer  Auto progressive softphone / predictive softphone  Disposition render 4. Recorded call will be in the C:\Program Files\Orkaudio\Audiorecordings. 5. The tone detection functionality is available for the voice recorded messages or mail , fax & tritone.

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