Cache Newsletter Nov 08

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November 2008 Mom’s Night Out Schedule

Calendar of Events November 4th



High-School Mom’s Coffee Break

Thursday, November 20th – Janet Chauvin, 40 South Stine Road 543-5542 Thursday, December 18th (Christmas Party) Diana Tennes, 3381 Otto Rd., Charlotte, 541-9496 January - May TBD Mom’s Night Out is a time of fellowship, encouragement and time away with other home schooling moms who face the same challenges and enjoy the same victories as you. The format will vary from topical discussions to special speakers. We even have planned a white elephant Christmas party for December and a couple’s Valentine’s Party for February. We are sure you will enjoy your time with us so please plan to attend (plus you get to sample some wonderful desserts). Please join us the third Thursday of every month in Novermber, December and ending in May for Mom’s Night Out at 7:00 p.m.


Roller Skating


Generation Joshua


Mom’s Night Out

Coffee Break For Mom’s of High Schoolers Monday, Nov. 10 at 2pm Evelyn Bay in Charlotte (134 S Cochran Ave., Charlotte) This is a time for Homeschool Moms to support and encourage each other as we deal with issues related to the high school years. Please join us! Questions? Contact Miriam Woods: [email protected], 543-5629 Thank you for your input. We look forward to planning the 2008-2009 year together.

Your Leadership Team

Becky Dolman (543-2289), Lynne Baker (543-4604),

Diane Scheblo (269-749-4003), Lisa Strathman (857-4177) Diana Tennes (541-9496) and Miriam Woods (543-5629)

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2008 Hello,

I’m Andy Callis, the head of the Theatre program at Lansing Community College. On Saturday November 6, from 8:30 to 4:00 p.m., we are having a Drama Day for area teenagers that will include workshops in acting, musical theatre, stage combat, as well as many other areas, and will include a performance of Romeo and Juliet. We would certainly welcome home schooled teenagers, both to Drama Day and to our classes in general. We have an excellent, experienced faculty and Michigan’s largest community college actor training program. I have attached a letter and registration form to this email. If you could post the information on your website or pass the information along to your members, I would be very grateful. all the best, Andy Callis

Fire Up for Life - Weekly Outreach Opportunity!!

Floating a Needle on Water? How saline must water be to cause an egg to float or sink?

Looking for an outreach opportunity for your family? Using soap as a boat engine? Get ready for Fire Up for Life! Fire Up is a fun, exciting, Students of Creation in General and life changing after-school program in the Lansing Science have all the answers! Public Schools sponsored by New Covenant Christian Church. A multigenerational team of children, teens, and parents work together to love the elementary-school children and teach them the Truth of Scripture through games, dramas, object lessons, songs, and more. This high energy activity is perfect as a hands-on outreach opportunity for people of any age who want to make a difference, and it works especially well when parents and children prepare, serve, and debrief together. Team members can learn valuable life skills in areas like leadership, public speaking, drama, art, audio equipment, teaching, organization, interpersonal communication, and more. Additionally, students can gain valuable volunteer hours, good for college scholarship applications, etc. This year we plan to have two teams serving each week - one on Mondays and the other on Fridays. Additional help is needed at any time with baking cookies, writing drama scripts, creating costumes and props, and more. If you know you want to be involved or if you would like further information, please contact Pastor Jeremy Lantz at 517-214-5256.

HomeSchool Roller skating

EDRU Skate-a-Rama in Holt offers a homeschool skate on the second Friday of each month from 1-3:30 pm. The cost is $5.50 per person which includes your skate rental. So, come on out and skate with other homeschoolers and get some exercise! The dates for this school year are: November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8 and June 11.


Abrams Planetarium Home School Days

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for the 2008-2009 School Year  If you are a home schooler and would like to visit the Abrams Planetarium, here are some dates and times we’ve scheduled  for you to visit. Of course you can still call and reserve any other show times, but these special  homeschool dates are open to anyone.  No reservation needed and no minimum group size charge.  We’ve set aside the 3rd Thursday of  the month for the 2008/2009 school  year. Tickets will be sold at the ticket  window starting at 1:00 p.m. Show-  times are at 1:30 p.m. There will be no late seating. Tickets  are $2.00 per person. A description of each show can be  found at Click on Group Visits  and then Homeschool Days.  Homeschool Show Dates: • October 16, 2008 - Sky Preview 2008-2009 (grades 4+) • November 20, 2008 - From Stardust to Life (Evolutionary Focus - grades 6+) • December 18, 2008 - WSKY Radio Station of the Stars   (grades 4+) • January 15, 2009 - In My Backyard  February 19, 2009 The Search for Life in the Universe • March 19, 2009 - Larry: Cat in Space • April 16, 2009 - Journey to the Edge of Space and Time  

Math Teacher/Tutor

PSAT and PLAN Testing Contact: Tim Blamer [email protected] I am looking for a math teacher/tutor for my Phone: Lansing Christian High School 4 older children Jr. High/High School. In my home in Potterville. Cost: $20 Kerry Elieff We have now set our dates for the testing this [email protected] year. The PSAT test will be on Saturday, October (517) 281-7578 18. The PLAN test will be on Tuesday, November 11. Both tests will begin at 8:00 a.m. and cost $20.To register, parents need to contact me with the name of their son or daughter.

Baby-sitting Job Wanted

PSAT (Grade 11) This is part of the SAT testing program.It is a test that may qualify your student for potential scholarships for college.It is an 11th grade test, but your student can take it at a younger age as well.Their score will only count towards the National Merit Scholarship at the 11th grade.

Hi, my name is Sarah Bacon, and I want to watch your kids! I have had some experience (call for more info) and have also taken a babysitting course at Hays Green Beach Hospital. I am trying to fund an acting program that I am in. I have about half my funds, and am looking for a job to complete it. I also clean houses, PLAN Test (Grade 10) This is a part of the ACT mow lawns, and rake leaves. If you testing program.It was designed as a midpoint need any of these jobs comof a long-term assessment system that starts pleted, please don’t hesitate with EXPLORE (Grades 8 & 9) and continues with the ACT (Grades 11 & 12). It gives a guide to give me a call at: 543for your relative strengths and weaknesses in 1564. Even coming to babysit once four subject areas: English, math, reading, and or twice will greatly help me accomplish my goal. science. Thank you!


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Generation Joshua

The purpose of GenJ clubs, nationally, is to train our youth to be effective, well-rounded citizens for Christ, and to equip them with the tools necessary to maintain liberty and exercise self government. Among other benefits, GenJ will: • Provide a forum for training club members in biblical citizenship by encouraging members to examine current events in light of the Constitution and the Bible Give club members the opportunity to get to know and work with each other • Establish a grassroots network of active students who can participate in service projects and local civic activities Provide opportunities for leadership development Meeting dates: 2008/2009: November 15 GenJ meeting December 13 GenJ meeting January 24 GenJ meeting February 28 GenJ meeting March 21 GenJ meeting April 25 Last GenJ meeting Time commitment: Our club has a business meeting (on Saturday nights) once a month. Students with leadership positions (cabinet members and committee members) will have an additional meeting each month. In addition, club members will organize service projects and civic activities to participate in. These will be scheduled throughout the year. Every student may participate to the extent that their schedule allows. Parental involvement: Parents may (but are not required to) attend all meetings and service projects. Willingness to provide snacks and transportation are key. Any ideas from parents for service projects and guest speakers are welcomed! The club is also looking for homes willing to host a meeting. Who can join: Anyone aged 12-18 What are meetings like? Meetings are run by the elected officers. Meetings begin with prayer and the pledge of allegiance. A current event is discussed in light of scripture. Business items and committee reports are discussed. A guest speaker addresses the club. The club adjourns for snacks and fellowship. I’m interested! What is my “to do” list? § You can join Gen J online Email Marilyn Wagner to be put “in the loop” for communication. ([email protected]) § Put meeting dates on your calendar. § Consider if you would like to have a leadership position. Officers are elected and committee members are chosen at the first meeting. § Please let Mrs. Wagner know, if you would be willing to host a meeting in your home. § If you have questions, please feel free to contact Luke Wagner (current president) [email protected], or Beth Poole at [email protected] or call 702-9614 or Marilyn Wagner at [email protected] or call 321-1616 What kind of projects did GenJ do last year? • GenJ served Youth Haven Ranch by running carnival games at their fall festival. • GenJ went on a field trip to the Hall of Justice, Chief Justice Cliff Taylor addressed the club. • GenJ participated in Homeschool family day at the Capitol and assisted Michael Farris in Parental Rights presentation. • GenJ served by setting up and tearing down the INCH conference. • GenJ members spent a week at Youth Haven Ranch ministering to children. • GenJ served to promote a constitutional amendment to protect parents’ fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children. GenJ had a booth at the INCH conference to collect signatures for the petition as well as collecting signatures at CHESS events. • GenJ served Ronald MacDonald house by making cookies at Christmas and assisting with their golf fundraiser. • GenJ collected coins and donated $126 for Bethany Christian Services. • GenJ invited William Wagner, James Muffet, Amy Hawkins, and Paul Kreps as business meeting guest speakers. The Club was inspired with constitutional issues and a vision of civic responsibility.  What kind of projects will GenJ do this year? It’s up to you!!!

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