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  • June 2020
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COMMUNICATION ARTS MONTH Contest Rules and Regulations A. Jumble Bee 1. The contest is open to all students of CCSHS. 2. The Communication Arts Club (CAC) shall be posting a JUMBLE BEE Calendar. 3. Every day, starting Nov. 24, 2009 (Tuesday), the CAC shall be posting a question on the calendar in the form of jumbled letters. A clue shall also be added to help you out in answering the puzzle. 4. To participate, each class must purchase Jumble Bee stubs from the CAC. The cost of the stub is 1.00 peso each. 5. Stubs, after duly accomplished, must be dropped in the designated Jumble Bee Drop Box each day before 5:00 pm. The CAC shall be collecting the stubs to draw one daily winner. Daily winners shall be announced at the 2nd CAT Awards on December 17, 2009 (Friday). 6. A Grand Raffle for all the entries shall be drawn at the 2nd CAT Awards as well. Big prizes await the winners of this activity. (Prizes: TBA) B. Best Picture 1. The contest is open to all sections of CCSHS. 2. Each section must create a group of 20 to 25 students who shall comprise the performing team. 3. Each team must be able to interpret the theme, essence, and subject of the movie duly assigned to them in 10-12 minutes only. Interpretation is a live performance and must take the form of full movie preview showcasing the highlights of the movie. Free format is allowed, i. e. any media may be used from choric singing, lip synching, dancing, etc. However, the use of props is subject to the CA committee’s approval. Props to be used should be minimal and recycled. Also, they must not in any way be affixed to any part of the stage, below or within its 2-meter vicinity. Any violation thereof shall earn appropriate deductions from the team’s average rating. 4. Elimination round shall be held prior the 2nd CAT Awards on December 4, 2009. Only the top 5 performances will qualify to compete for the Best Picture Trophy. 5. Criteria for the elimination and final rounds are as follows: (Script Writing) Justice to the Film: 25% (Production Design) Performance: 25% (Costume Design) Artistry and Creativity: 25% (Musical Score) Musicality: __25%__ 100% 6. The winners for the Best Story, Best Production Design, Best Costume Design, and Best Musical Score shall also be based on the scores garnered from the given criteria. C. MTV Viewer’s Choice Award 1. The contest is open to all sections of CCSHS. 2. Each section must submit an MTV entry due on December 1, 2009 (Tuesday). 3. Each section must choose a song for their MTV. The song should be 1

inspirational; imbibes positive values; and promotes the human spirit. The language of the song may be Filipino, English, French, or Japanese. Song choice must be first approved by the CAC thru Mr. Melvin M. Navarro, the club adviser. Submit your choice in a ¼ size intermediate pad paper along with your year and section. 4. Each section must create a video promoting the message of the song. Any media may be used for the video so long as its cast includes the students of each section. The video must be saved in a CD/DVD taking the following consideration: Video Resolution

Recommended: Original resolution of your video - for HD it is 1920x1080 (1080p) or 1280 x 720.

Bit rate

Because bit-rate is highly dependent on codec there is no recommended or minimum value. Videos should be optimized for resolution, aspect ratio and frame rate rather than bit rate.

Frame rate

The frame rate of the original video should be maintained without re-sampling. In particular pulldown and other frame rate resampling techniques are strongly discouraged.


H.264 or MPEG-2 preferred.

Preferred containers

FLV, MPEG-2, and MPEG-4

Size and Length Maximum of 2GB and maximum of 5 minutes. 5. Upon submission, the CAC shall be posting the videos to either YouTube or Facebook to be viewed by CCSHS students for them to be able to cast their votes. (URL: TBA) 6. CCSHS students must purchase MTV stubs from the CAC to cast their votes. The MTV voting shall be held from December 2 – 10, 2009 only. Duly accomplished stubs must be dropped in the official drop box of the CAC. 7. Two awards shall be awarded for this competition: MTV Viewer’s Choice Award which solely based on the number of votes cast; and the Best MTV Award which shall be judged using the following criteria: Song Choice: 20% Relevance of Video to the Song’s Message: 40% Creativity: 20% Presentation and Clarity: __20%__ 100% D. Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress 1. The contest is open to all students of CCSHS. 2. Each section must nominate two (2) students who will compete for the said competition: one for the Best Actor category, and another for the Best Actress category. 2

3. Acting pieces shall be provided by the CAC and shall be given on November 23, 2009, Monday. 4. Criteria for judging are as follows: Acting Performance: Stage Presence: Voice Clarity and Enunciation: Costume and Over-all Impact:

25% 25% 25% __25%__ 100%

5. Elimination round shall be held on December 4, 2009 at the AVR. The final round coincides with the 2nd CAT Awards on December 11, 2009. 6. Contestants who will rank first in the final round shall be named Best Actor and Best Actress. Those who will rank second, on the other hand, shall be named Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. E. Best Movie Poster 1. The contest is open to all sections of CCSHS. 2. Each section must submit an entry for the Best Movie Poster competition. The poster should be in line with each section’s assigned movie. 3. The movie poster must be displayed on a tarpaulin with a 2 ft (width) by 4 ft (length) dimension and must be hanged vertically. 4. The movie poster must display all the conventions of a real movie poster (e.g. Film Outfit, Director, Casts, Producer, Ad blurb, Showing Date, Rating, Commentary, etc. – please refer to a real movie poster for reference). However, students must take the place of the real casts for posing. Any media or software tools may be used to enhance the beauty of the poster so long as it promotes creativity and intellectual property. Any form of plagiarism or copying from the original poster of the movie will not be tolerated and will deem the entry invalid and automatically disqualified. Draft for the entries must be first submitted to the CAC, thru Mr. Melvin M. Navarro, for approval on or before November 27, 2009 (Friday). Entries without the CAC approval shall be not counted official. 5. Criteria for judging are as follows: Creativity: 25% Originality: 25% Clarity and Relevance to the Movie: 25% Over-all Impact: __25%__ 100% F. Film-Viewing 1. All sections are required to view a film as part of the fund-raising campaign of the club. 2. Films are carefully chosen by the CAC. 3. Each student must pay 10.00 pesos to their class governor/president who in turn give the collected fees to the duly assigned CAC officer prior the movie viewing. 3

Approved by: Melvin M. Navarro CAC Adviser


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