C8- Sight Of The Seer

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  • Words: 4,027
  • Pages: 13
-Chapter eight-

the sight of the seer Fiona sat on the green tiled floor in the boiling hot drama mobile, plating one side of her long dark brown hair, laughing along with Owen and Evelyn while in-between both Candice and Jasper laughing - they were trying to reenact the famous balcony scene between Romeo and Juliet. When Jasper straightened up, he put on a serious face and said in an uncannily realistic accent of what Romeo would have sounded like and said. “She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air,” he looked at her then grinned while she tried to reply the following lines without wetting herself from laughing and it must be said that Fiona, Evelyn and Owen weren’t helping because while Evelyn was in hysterics on the floor, Fiona was crying, tears of laughter falling down her cheek, leaving a slight trail of blacky-blue mascara and Owen was shaking on the floor because he was unable to stand up from laughing. “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” “Aside,” said Jasper, clutching his heart as if it was breaking in an overly dramatic gesture – kind of like an overly camp boy - before he broke down laughing along with Fiona, who was crying heavily at this point. Candice stood there laughing but managing to choke out,

“Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor a hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part. Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Romeo would were he not Romeo call’d-” After that she stopped trying to stop laughing and allowed herself to break down on the floor, laughing next to Owen. When their skin touched quickly; in the passing, he felt how ice cold her skin was. Even when she was leaning on him, her full weight felt no heavier than a feather pillow, and when she laughed, the noise filled the room like a loud tinkering bell. It was nearly the same as Evelyn’s, but hers was slightly higher, louder and much merrier. “You’ll get the part, you know. You three are the only people who can read Shakespeare without a script.” Fiona said calming down slightly, wiping the tears away with a quick sweep with the back of her hand. Over the past few weeks, Fiona and Candice had become really close. Like sisters in such a small space of time. Evelyn liked Fiona too, apart from the fact she was a daemon, however after spending about an hour in Fiona’s company, she became so used to the smell that it didn’t worry her any more. And Jasper liked her. Candice suspected that he liked her a bit more than he should do. But that didn’t worry her, or upset her. She was actually thrilled at the idea that Fiona and Jasper might get married someday. But that was Candice, rushing into anything and everything with a strangely optimistic frame of mind, even if the amount of sarcasm she used might tell otherwise. Oliver loved Fiona. He enjoyed teasing her about everything, while Jada allowed her mothering nature to shine through. She often invited Fiona round for dinner. Done her washing. Brought her new clothes. Everything,

and as far as Candice could tell Fiona didn’t mind. She quiet liked belonging to a family like theirs, because the only family she had ever known was her daemonic one. The only one who had a problem with her was Stephanie. She treated her, the way people who hated pets, treated there mates pets. Apart from the fact that you didn’t hiss and glare at peoples pets when they walked through the door. Owen looked shocked, “You know all of that of by heart?” he said. “Nah, I just like Leonardo Dicaprio, he was really cute in Romeo and Juliet. Anyways,” she said poking Fiona’s leg, “how do you know we have no script?” “Because, none of us went to go and get a script when the teacher gave them out – oh and we are doing The Twelfth Night. Not Romeo and Juliet.” “Ah,” said Candice nodding in an overly sarcastic fakewise way, “That would explain it. The twelfth night, I see. A really annoying play about a grieving girl dressed as a boy, to serve a stuck up queen whose husband just died and is getting off with-the-girl-who-is-pretending-to-be-a-boys lover!” Owen looked shocked again, then recovered, shaking his head slightly and said, “I got no word of that basically Candy. Not a word.” Candy beamed at him, “It’s not a film, so you might have to read a book Owen,” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. “You read Shakespeare?!?” Owen said incredulously. “Uuum, yeah,” she said absentmindedly, she was now content on French braiding Evelyn’s hair. Owen just looked shocked and began to shake his head again, this time with disbelief, and Evelyn wagered her eyebrows so comically, that Jasper spat out his mouthful of

drink. “Yeah, yeah. Lap it all up. But then again at least I can read Owen,” Candice said standing up; she was still smiling when Owen stuck her tongue out at her. ‘I wonder if she’d come out with me to the beach on the weekend- it should be nice and sunny. It could just be the two of us. I’d really like to get to know her better, she is so lovely...’ Candice didn’t want to listen to Owens thoughts anymore; she quickly jerked her head twice, and then murmured ‘shut up,’ so quietly that no human could hear. Candice hated sometimes what she heard, Owen was so lovely. ‘Damn,’ she thought, ‘why couldn’t I see I am falling for him? Or why couldn’t I see that he was falling for me?’ She had her quick mental breakdown, too quick for any human to see, yet her family there noticed and immediately clouded her mind with concerns, ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘Candy are you alright?’ Candice didn’t say anything, instead she just unleashed a full smile, which both scared and enchanted people. But it mostly scared them. Even though humans didn’t know that they were vampires – they knew deep in their subconsciousness that something was wrong with them. “Owen, we have to go Carlisle expects all of us to do something- erm now.” Evelyn looked slightly confused and Candice saw through Evelyn’s eyes what she saw when people lied. When Vampires were angry, a slight redy-black tint goes over everything she sees. When Evelyn listened to someone who lied, a slight blue-ish tint overtook everything in her vision. ‘What up? Is there danger?’ Jasper thought, mentally thinking about what was going after them and what they’d

do. “No,” she whispered, to Jasper, in answer to his question, “I want to think. With an empty head.” Then Candice done what she usually did and walked over to Fiona, who had heard all of the silent discussion, and extended her arm, so she could help Fiona walk around without tripping over, all the Scarlets done that. They all guided her around. Apart from Stephanie. *** When Fiona’s hot, olive toned skin touched Candice’s ice cold, white skin, Candice’s place face flushed an unusual pink colour, for her, and her eyes widened in shock; and her body went rigged, as if she was receiving an electric shock, while Fiona had the opposite effect. If anything she paled slightly, her eyes half closed and she relaxed. Her entire posture slumped slightly. It took the Scarlet’s about two seconds to realise what was going on, it took Owen a longer five seconds to notice what was going on. Jasper went to yank her away, but when Jaspers touch met Candice’s arm, Fiona pulled her hand back sharply, like she was the one getting a shock - but when she moved her hand away from her; Candice dropped to the floor like a bag of bones, her face pulled into a grotesque ‘o’ shape, both of her hands capped around her throat, but apart from that she was motionless, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head exposing the whites, they saw that her eyes were hazel, her face went a violent pink colour - her bright turquoise eyes flashed to the front suddenly, full of understanding about what was happening, but before any human noticed, her eyes were only white again - that’s when people jumped into action – the Scarlet’s knew immediately what was going on, she was going through the change from being a human to a vampire all over again –

because of Fiona’s touch. ‘The old fashioned cobbled roads bruise my barefoot feet. I sold my shoes a few days ago, along with my only hair ribbon, to buy passage to London. If I could of I would’ve walked, but I couldn’t have asked Faith to do that, or Lydia, or Fagan. They are all so little; I don’t even know if Faith understands what’s going on. Why we have moved out of our little cubby hole, where we are safe, able to steal little of what we need, and get a few pennies in exchange for a full day work no questions asked, but we have to, too get Darcy back. We never had a Papa; when our Mamma was still alive she said that he drunk himself to death. I reached the old bailey house, with plenty of time to spare, but I wouldn’t be hanging around. I slipped in between the old metal bars – and half walked, half ran in the direction of the dark cells, where I knew Darcy would be held, in a freakishly amazingly short time I reached the cells. “Darcy? Dai?” I called out in a whisper, leaning on the cold, rusty, metal bars. I stared into the pitch black and whispered her name again, slightly louder this time. I saw two black shapes pacing the back end of the cells. ‘They must be the two people, who are charged with her,’ I thought to myself, not that interested in them, all I wanted was to see my special big sister who I swore to keep safe, she was a fundamental part of what was left of our broken family. “Hello,” I called./ out again, “Darcy it’s me, it’s Jule, Juliana – come on - where are you?” [ I heard a tiny rasping voice, say something in an unable whisper, even though I couldn’t quiet here what they were saying, I felt the menacing edge to the cloaked people

words , and I took a short step back out of shock and fear. Before I could react, the cells metal bars were being thrown across the room, by one of the hooded figures, while the other one was behind me, and before I could say anything, or even muster up a silent scream, I felt something cold and sharp press on my neck, then a searing pain across my entire body, I felt myself hitting the dirty, cold, cobbled stones, and before I closed my eyes due to the searing pain that was all over my body, I saw my sisters face Darcy, her eyes open wide... but unseeing, and oh so clearly dead. I slowly closed my eyes, hoping I would die too, because the pain was accurately just like burning. I couldn’t breathe due to the pain, it was crushing me, I would rather die, I would hopefully soon, so I wouldn’t have to think any more about the pain and the blackness, because my eyes wouldn’t open. *** Candice slowly opened her eyes then shut them quickly under the glare of the bright, white hospital lights. She kept her eyes shut tightly, but wriggled around slightly, making sure that she wasn’t in any pain, remembering what had happened last time she was unconscious. “Candy?” Jasper asked, she had only just noticed he was holding her hand, because he gripped in a bit tighter, an anxious edge barely disguised in his few words. Her eyes snapped open when she heard his voice, but she regretted it almost immediately when the lights began to pop, as she tried to blink them away. “Sheesh a bit bright?” murmured Candy turning her head to the side, away from the luminous glare of the lights; she saw most of her family, apart from Jada and Oliver, she didn’t know where they had gone, no one was thinking about them. She subconsciously rubbed the back of her hand, as she

groggily tried to sit up, that’s when she noticed that someone, while she was unconscious has tried to shove an IVF needle into her hand, with no success, but they just left a slight indent, in her metal hard, ice cold skin, which no human could ever notice with their rubbish eyesight. When she finally managed to sit up, she noticed Fiona sitting in a corner, tear stains all down her cheek, even in Candices groggy state she felt very protective over Fiona, she was like her sister, and Candice was very protective over her family. She was a force not to be reckoned with if you laid a finger on any of them – not that any smart human would. Even though they don't know that they are vampires, their instincts still tell them that they are too perfect, dangerous. However there are always a few, like Owen, who tend to break some of the ice, when they ignore their instincts yelling at them and go ahead anyway. And even in the state she was in she was worried about her and Owens relationship, but she pushed that thought to the side, she’d worry about it later, when she was alone and was able to break things for being such an idiot. Right now she was concentring on what had happened. Before she could ask anything, Jada walked in and smiled when she saw Candice awake, she was wearing her white doctor coat – so she was working, that was a good thing for two reasons – ‘One reason is that I mustn’t have been so hurt,’ thought Candice, ‘Or else Jada wouldn’t have left, the other reason is that she can make sure that no awkward questions would be asked – like why an IV needle broke when they tried to shove it into my hand. “You okay honey?” Jada asked standing by Candices head and absentmindedly stroking her hair with one hand, while another hand, held a clipboard, which she was flicking through impatiently, when she read a small

segment in red ink, she frowned and sighed. “What is it?” asked Jasper alarmed. He was still tense, his hand clutching hers more tightly. “Nothing, something I just need to sort out,” Jada said, she patted Candices head one more time and walked over to the other side of the bed and picked up a little black radio with a huge orange button in the middle that said ‘Medication,’ she held her finger on the orange and smiled at her family standing by Candices bed, then said into the radio, her voice all business like, “Lucy? Can you send Jared to room twelve-nine-six-oh-four please, with a double caternphine three-oh m.g, terestome pill prescription and the results files from desk eleven.” When Jada finished she took her finger of the orange button, and held it out expectantly waiting impatiently, while for a few seconds, just senseless crackling noise admitted, then a woman’s voice came out, “Sure Jada, he’ll be about two minutes, I just sent him on his way, grumbling like usual. So how is she?” Jada smiled for a split second, looking at Candice then said. “She’s fine thanks. I will come down before I knock off and talk to you later.” “Ok. Jared’s on his way up. Will you be needing any discharge papers?” “No, that's ok Lucy. I will come and collect them later on my way down.” Jada left her finger off the orange button and clipped the black radio back onto the side of Candices bed. She walked over to Candices bed and noticed how alert Candy was, and she also heard the heavy footsteps of Jared entering the room, so she said, hoping Candice would catch on and follow onto her lead. “You alright sweetie, how are you? You’ve had your

appendix removed.” “Wha-?” began Candice ‘Fiona saw the past when she touched you. She saw how you were changed into a vampire. And for some reason she made you live through it again, it was just mere chance that it happened. And she feels truly terrible about it. The only issue was that it happened in front of your whole Drama class, and we could tell them what really happened, so the story is your appendix exploded and you have been in hospital for the past three days, it having it removed and getting over the operation.’ Candice quickly scrambled some of her thoughts into a slightly more coherent mess, “Oh, um okay, how long have I been in here?” she asked, she thought that, that was a fairly human question to ask, even though she already knew the answer. Jada smiled, but quickly wiped it off her face, before Jared could notice anything. Candice turned her attention to the man standing into the corner, and noticed how edgy he was. ‘The needle broke when it went into her. And I looked, the operation was booked but no one turned up to have their Appendix removed... and none of them by her bed have slept in three days, or really eaten anything. I wonder...’ Before Candice would react to what she was hearing Jasper obviously sensing the sudden tension that electrified throughout her body – guessed what was wrong and thought, so Jared wouldn’t hear. ‘We know, chill we know he’s suspicious, he’s the one who tried attaching a drip to you before Mum overtook the case. She’s going to sort it out. Give her a sec, she wants to play around for a bit first, he’s been making her life hell recently.’

Jada walked forwards professionally, and went to lift the syringe out of his hand, when she stopped and looked at him square in the eyes and said, her voice going a slight bit deeper and her eyes turning black. “Jared, you will forget what you saw, you won’t have any more suspicions about me or my family. You will drop this stuff off then you will leave. You will not remember this conversation.” When Jada finished talking she just smiled and took a step back, while Jared just looked shocked, then he suddenly came to his senses. He walked around to the side of Candices bed, around Jasper and put the load of heavy files on her bedside table, and gave Candice a warm smile, which she returned, at little groggily than usual, but definitely Candice-style. She was actually quiet bemused by the affect that Jadas gift had on him. All doubt from his mind that he might of had, had disappeared – just like that – almost as if someone had flipped a switch. After one final glace at the unusual family, he left the room. “Nice,” Evelyn said, “As easy as that? Why don’t we just walk around using our super vampire skills at school and you change people’s minds just like that!” Jada just half scowled and half smiled at Evelyn, and picked up the folders on her bedside table – in the same movement she stroked the back of her head. ‘You’re ready to leave when you want to, please talk to Fiona first...’ Candice just nodded, and smiled again. When Jada left the room, Candice looked at Jasper, and so Fiona couldn’t see what she was doing, she stared as Jasper, then Stephanie, then Evelyn pointedly, then stared at the door, she done it again until the motion clicked, and the three of them stood

up and with a few mumbled excuses they each left the room until it was only her and Fiona. “Babes...” begun Candice, making a move to sit up straighter, but Fiona rushed to her bedside and began talking so quickly and quietly, that Candy froze under the strain of desperately trying to piece together what she was saying. “I am so, so sorry. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I didn’t even sense that vision coming on. I should have pulled away but I didn't, it was like I was frozen, and I made you relive all that, and now Stephanie hates me even more then she did before, and she has every right to after what I have done, you all should. I am a terrible person, you were in so much pain and I caused it -” When Candy saw that no end was in sight of what Fiona was blaming herself for she butted in. “Fe, listen it wasn’t your fault, seriously in a weird way it was kind of fascinating.” Fiona just scowled, “If you find that fascinating, you need a new hobby.” “Whatever Nona,” Nona was the nickname that Candice had come up with for Fiona – she used Nona and Fe. When Candice saw on Fionas face, that she clearly didn’t believe Candice about what she said that it was kind of fascinating, she admitted to Fiona, shrugging her shoulders, “Look, I never really remembered my past human life, you know my human family and all that, and I saw about twenty minutes before I was bitten, I found out my name was Juliana” she paused, amazed to find a lump growing in her throat, she never really felt like that about her human family – as heartless as she knew it sounded, as far as she was concerned the human life belong to someone elsefamily included. Candice voice lowered to a horse whisper, trying to

disguise the lump at the back of her throat, “Her name was Faith. The one I could never remember. Her name was Faith. And there was Lydia and Fagan, but I remember Faith was my favourite, even though she was the youngest she knew crying for food when we didn’t have it never made food appear, it just made me cry too,” Candy sighed, aware for once about the sadness filling the room, she sighed again and decided she’d think and remember later. And talk to Jasper. And think about Owen . . . The list went on and on, so she pushed it all out of her mind and tried to think that she was the human girl who had just had her appendix removed and her best mate was just sad. Not feeling guilty about making her feel pain equivalent to burning alive for three days straight with another barrel full of pain. “Come on lets go. I hate hospitals, they give me the heebies!” she shivered and pulled her legs over so she could slip off the uncomfortable, plastic bed. She slipped her shoes on which were lying on floor and yanked the white hospital gown off and pulled on her jeans and top on in the same second. Fiona looked as if she was still going to blame herself for more things, so Candice called out, already by the door. “Come on, let’s make this situation better!” Fiona let out an exasperated sigh, “how can you make this better?” she asked, slowly walking to the door, running her hand along the wall, sure not to bash into anything. “How do I make anything better? Chocolate, duh!”

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