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I') Ihe reader Ihe sectIOnal I'xh,b:!;; of the \\"e~t and Iho"C of Ihe P,\fIile ~I()pc. 1 will bC}:111 with the S1.lte of Illinois. ",-hose elaborate displa}. \ol:cll1l'r with 11m...:: of 1",,;'1. l\all";I.s. Lahlurn'''. \\'a~hingl()n. IdCall' as cOlllp.ucd with what

ill \he "'''.n dcp.... W\<,;nb. or "II tl", sL.Ue "~i[

np.:nd,·d on thl' [;llkr. ()ccul')'i~,:.: one of lhc choic"st ~jIC" in the ,wnhcrn pon;on d Ihl' ~ r"undh the U:;no;" man~ion is a cruciform ~lrUClure, its longer axial lilll' 450 al,d it~ ~hortcr axis 285 fect in 1"Il~lh, will, "n ;",('r"Jpecial orcin uf archi· t,'<'lun'. F r"m Ih,' ~P(,t ",h('rc th .... ann~ nf tl1i' rrn'~ inl('r,('('t, ~ g;,I1"I;"(] o<:s some l.p feel abo"e thc Aoor. alto:;:ethcf tOO lofty and narrow for II'e building which it surmount". Ab()\'c the principal entrance·" a) is a fi!-:urc with oUl~tr('td1('d arms reprt',;cnting "lllinvi, \\'l'k"ming the ~at ion'." and amO!lg othu thelllls expn'sscd in sculpturill lIrt ilrc "Th~ B irth of Chica!:"o," " Educa tion," and " 1.,\ S.lllc and Companiom," Wi thin is a wide lon~itudinal n;,,·c dll'idinll: the exposition <;cctions. "ith apanments for the gO"crnor ill1d hi, ;uitc. and the ~Iatc and w()mcn'~ board: in thc cilstun Ix,nion is an elaborate school exLibit; in :t memorial chamber on the north. an hi,t(,ric c(lllcction from the Matc capitol. and the wcstern d,isjon is d~"ot l-d to ag ricul ture. horticulture. Alriculturl'. forestry. arclt.cology. and the contributi(ln~ of the F ish "om1l'.is~ion and the G(,'oiogicil sJrl"t) T he ;"!gri(ultur;tI di~I'I;"!,. i~ m;"!inl,. from the state coll~ge of AgricuhulC in conjunction with tilt' /-',wernment expenmen13.1 slallon ;"t Chunpalgn. ;"!nd "'J.S prepared by P rofessor \Iorro ...·. deln ()f the f"rnwr, I~,lck from the /.,'(lf. and ceIling COHrcd With .crams and .cra~o;cs. Near by. in gla~~ prs conl;lmmg 3./100 S\H'("U1Wlh ;"!nd 'l""cnl hundred \·;trict;e~. are gr"uped ill tI:H'C sccti()r~ the principal ce rcal, of lIIinoi" thl' n·iling of eadl. wilh it~ ~uI'IH'rtmJ.: pillar'. dl'CoraH'd in tile gnin ".:,i<:l1 it "ont"in~. On;. mOlT,,1 l';lnd. with ifalu",,,,"~ "., }dluw ~"lII. " dq'ktn\ a mood prairie farm. its huildin-.:s and picket knee. its li,e·stock aud poultry, ~m\\'i'lg tWpS and fall"w II-kb. ~11 f."hionnl "f luti,,· g,.,i", d"'\ p','~'<'" and d~"I",<1 "';lh ;, ).;r,,'~ ""t.,;n h..lt! I,~' ., rq>o: ,Inc! t '~~""b "f




1'If!:' HO,M' OF Tilt:: FAIN

,'mim:uur<' raT. fi:],·.! ell~h d .. y wid, diff,'n~n t grains. shows how cereal, ;1 rc llrough t t<> mark,·t and ,orted ;,ccordin).! lcrind, o( h",' )T.lrs. and bteral l'('{,tions. Illlir ).(r:lil1 and fibre. line also :Ire illu,trated tb,' pruo'"es of gr.lftml(" :Inc cro>s flortlhzin.:. plant di",,'aS<.·, ;\l1d Ih,' with til<' tr{'atnwnt 1.,lotK.IW,) "'luil'l"'o1 for pUqMN,:" (If \H·{·d, Ihl're ;~" lar).(c colkcli<>n. amI h,'re arc arr.,n),;<:d all Ihe inst:cb injuriuu, I" '<),:~I"l,k lif<-, Il{)rlicu1tural and tloricuhur.tl spec;· Ill'''' ar," "u""rou~. ""n't in "",N ,,,,I.'parate ""t or , ... 'wT~'""U pond, and within the grl>\\() arc illu,tra ted ,,,,,th,,d~ or h.ll,I';"g ,cwIH:.e i~ ,1 l'rr~mid of t;k~. terra,eotta m"ld",).:~. and other ~"ticle~ more than twenty (eet >lluan, at the base and embelli~hcd with floral design~. This is c~hib;l ..d by the llIinoi, Brid, "n(1 Tj!cm:lkcn;' ,,,,;o<;i,,t;on. and ;.. noC <>,,1) a ~pecin"'n of ceramic arl. hul r.. presents an important branch of ind~,trr, affording emplcymcm to 85.000 operatil'es. The archaological coIlrcli()11 ;, from Ihe sta lC m"S<.'um. and e011\:1ins man\' ~1X!Clm{11~ relatin~ to the slone a!{e. gathered from I ndian mounds. with others in tTihal groupings and arrangerl "ith reference to ;Igc ;tt1d utility. In a projecting space on the northern SIde of the b~ilding arc \VOI r relics from th" ~t;lle·h"u",' al Spring· fil'lcl. With anicks OJf hislOric i"'.e.,,sl •..,].H,,,I.: It· thust: lu whom was intrusted the ""fc']';c(l'i"J: of d,c union. li n/' af(' lli(' battle flags "r neady ,.:1 the Illinois f{'!-:illlel,tS. 1;5 in numl>cr, "11."11,,,1 fM tlwir .. "nnlr}·~ ...:r,·lcr. ;\10111" art· rent "'ith shot a'HI sl,,·ll. and 11(\\ a fe,,' arc st;lined lIith blood. am<>,,1.: th( III the one Ihat Scrge;tn I~ill) bore. and for which he hid tI""n hi, life " ".y ,. < " . ~ . , " "'. ~ ..." .. rom,






al Hin~~oJd ~ap. Ih 5<:rgeant Hunter of Grant's old Tegim('nl. the T ",enly.fir~t lI1inoi,;. ne ~hown the colors "heh he e;'lrri,'d tf) Ihe front. IInc al..o arc Ihe qddle and bridle of Gen~ral Logan. and Ihe "ooden leg {,f Santa Anna. captured by the Fo~rlh l11il1(>i,. Of Lincoln and Grant th~re arc many things 10 remilld 0'. indodin~ Ihe table·cloth used at the weddillJ: breakfast of Ihe fonne r. the dr... s,;c,; ,,-om by hi~ wife on ,;tal~ (K~a~ions. and Ihal which she wore "t tlH; theatre on the ni~hl of hl'! hu,l~lnd's assa"",ination. There is th e ,,,ddle u~cd l>y l.rant and the lalllt'fil ,,·hlth he camed as " !"lIt of IllS outht. "ilh !,hOlOgr3!,h~ pertailling tnlel 'I~elf ;,. ~h"wn "1:ich ~pal1ll('d tht: cap'lcious fireplace <>f Ihl" dining·morn, >,<>nl(>what Ill(> wur>'C 1M W{';lf after it. centurJ and " half of (:~i'\Cn~e. There is a "i~w of Ihe building in \\'hi~h the e,lrlicr ,I~tc kgi~lis. The ecl ~y~tem ,>cell]>}'ing the roOI'l for Ihe fi!>;1 thiel' Ilwnlhs uf Ihe Fai r. and then giving place to those of Ihe Chi~ago a~.;,o, (i"liul1. lI"dCI "I,OJ"" care ilIe ,,,u,,' than a 'cort: of free kindcrg~rtcns in ,,,,i,)u~ p()rl;""~ of the c'ly. nil ~"p Jlorted by ,oluntary contnbulion~. Then c"mo Ih<: l'u"l;~ ~choQl ~xh iuil~. b\:~inlli~g with a llIodel schoul·TO<.>Ill, ""OTT' '''T" .,.' .. ~ ""GO '''l'l'li<'<1 with till' bll"1 im'I'ntion~ ill tht wa) of furniture and al'paratu.;, including instrume~ts fOT the d ... monMralion of problems III chemislry and J1h)'~ic~, Xl'XI nre thoiiC of Ihe coull tr)" sdoob. Ihe J:radt'd schook anti the hizh l'Choob. all nrran!.:cd in IOl:ical "':I)u~nce and "ith numerous !'.llllpks ,f work. So with Ihe normal s eboor:lte clispla) of tIll' ,laIC unin''';ly. in ("onnecliun with "hich are those of the C~llClimenlal sutiun and the laboratory of natural history. The edu~"li'm:ll (xhibits pToper \\'('Te arranged by T. J. Burrill, one of Ihe rl"gent~. in conjunction w,th E. E. Chc,lcr. ,laIC ("""l1",illnrr un education, T he lileWT\' di,-ision is ulH!er charge of F. F . Frederick" and thelC is abo ,howlI the "'ork of the sch,)ol of art and de,ign. ,\ Im.cll"flologlcal group. w,th Ih,· T<'sults of scicnt'hC IIl\'C~ttg"I">IlS and II'e ill'trUll1{'l1t~ used fOT Ihe pUlpO~l" was pfl'parcd by DOClor Burrill. a mall Ilf IlIOTe Ibn n:llional r,'put('. By l'r"k,,,,'r l'-orbes "'crc arrall~.'ed the colk'('tio~s in nalural history, alll"n~ which arc ';00 m<JU1t,'d 'p.:(im,·ns or birds. iocludirg all Ihat arc nati,e to (lliroi,. ~(an) branches of !,h~,in .;l1d n"tural sciellce :lre h~re rCl'rl""enled; ~

Till' 1100'" (IF TlIE J-: IIII'

and there arc ca'<:s filled with samples and models relating to "Millu, brancht·~ o[ cn~I' 11l'aing, ",llll~' archite<.:!ure and mineral!}:;!), al<;() find expTl'"ion, th' latter in Ion,!: row, of lahdl.'d nucibks, with thc te~ts fur which tl,..,I" wcn, \lsl'd, W"man ha' played well her part in cUIlllection \11th the ~tat.' ,'xhtlm, nmtnuUtlllg or ga thering many of the 11l'):;t \'aluable collection" and u~ing tn excellcnt ad\'antage the ,110,00:( on,' t.'mh of Ihe entire appropriation--dc"oled ttl a repre»cntJtiut1 of Ihe artand indu~tri,'" vf Illinois "'omen, A board "'as organi:red, with committees on uot1lcstk ",-i.,,,,,,, "" Ili~t",-iL dlld 'cicnlific cull"ui",,~, un lilt'r"uor", "" cdu"niull"I, d,.ril,,)'k. _""I l'T"m. ,,"d p"nlr)" wer<' h<>",,',1 in Ih ... \\'''m,,~·., hlJildin~, wher,· all such C(lntrihutions arc grouped. Of the historic and personal relic~, and tht' aniI'll" di~I~;,yed in tht' cducational ~crliong, and c,"cn in lilt, S('J('ntific (kl"rtllltnts of th~ ulllv"rsll). not a fe"" are the ,,1T"rill,::, of W(JIllen. In thl' lihrary, tandulh C(luipped and with deoorated "-ails and frieze, are ,;c"cral hundred ,olunll"< from th ~ I)('n of lIlin()i, women, thl' "k1e~t amon.: them, emitled /idrl)' £},'}:o m,.ny T; an'l ma.::a7.ines. By one of the commiuees a rl')lort w,~ publi~h«1 .l:iving-. am()n,.: ()Ih"r Idor"l;_U"n, Ill(" ~ullll"'r of '''"men wa/.:e·earnc~, of teachers. and of tho>.<· "Ito art"' t:annj.:: f()r the SICk. 11l(' 1>0<>1", tht agl'(:, and till" dd,'t:tiH' c:a,-.<'-" TIl{' act .li'I,I;,) illdu(k~ ,t.tlU;ory. I",imillg~ in oil and water coluls. ctlhing~ 'lilt! l"'sleiS, an I'ntile \\"a:1 being hung with thl' colk(;ti'l~' .,f the ralel1l" club. Of ccr.tmic al\ alld decor-Hi"e nl'edl{'wor~ thelc arc man,' elOCCl1en' "p'Tim("M; Iml ,,~ 10 ",hal h~~ I><"<:n aoeoml,Ii,hca by wOl11t'<1 in Ih" "'ar of dec.,u\i,.", lhe: I....·,t examples ar,' in Ih' r"'"Cl'liOll parl"r. wilh ii, ~ilkcn han~in~s of d,'~1' "Ii,'\' h\l('. de'lgnl'd and \\"tlW~ by women. ,,_ p~<1ell,'d Iri",,' ",ilh "1I,'~,,i~,,1 ,,,,,I oth('r l'aiN;n).(~ h~' I,·",,,t,. "rli" •. and ;1, "ral... ~qu,'

' "~= -



TIIF HOOI, OF TilE FAII( arches aoo"c the WH1dow~. Th e furnIture i~ (If it,elf a work of art. thc handsome mantel of C;lrw;d maple. thc old arm·chair~. c!ock-ca,;,:s. and e>critoire~ all fa~hiolled by f~minil!e hand~. Thus it will be 'CIOn that in the home cf Illinois arc n:pmduced in miniature the main dq,an"l(:rn~ uf the Fair. in all 01 which the ~talc was hq:ely rcprcsrnled. the local exhibition forming- a complet.· ;lnd wdl ,,,JcrcJ Ji'pl.,) o[ hcr '·e~"ur~c~. i"du~ni~,. ClUJ Mb. with all ll",t perL<,in., h' 11.· M><.;,d lift; of Ihi" ~uhurcd ;lIld pro~perous COlllmunit),. [\0 wonder that her people were proud of their fair. of the cily "'hid cOlltain~ it. ;,nd of the part II'hic'h the 'tatc h~ s playcd ;n contributing- t[} th e g<'"cral effect. E'I",cialir wn ~ Ihi~ "Pl'nrent ()n da)s of public celebration. '>II dedicliion dar. Illinois (br. and ai>O"e ~Il on Chicago day: for (111 such 'x"a"i"n~ her cit;",-,,,, unite ~, the metnher~ "f a
The building was dcdicscmbled for a ff\\' days of sight·seeing. probably the hardest days' work 01 their liw's. T he edike wa~ profusely decorated with fbg~ and ~treamers. the balconies draped in red. white. and blue. and the interior redolt'nt ",itll floral trihutes. T here "'ere the u~ua1 sl'eech-rn:tkini!:. fe:t,ting. fireworks. :tnd lecept ion : but the /c:tture of the celcbratlO11 was the parade of state sold;ery. ",ho. marching tn Ihe ground~ from their encampment at \\'indsor park head.::d b) the go.-crnor and hi, st~ff. pa,~cd 111 di,ision~ ~ome 5.coo ~trong the re\'iewing stand ('r~"<;tcd in front of lhe huilding. But it \\,.1, for Chicago Jay that Ihe 1>cople of Illinois. and espec,ally it~ metropolis. rtscn'cd their .'trength. a,,,1 thi~ ,,'a~ in truth n cekl",nioll ,u~h ;," nc'cc l>cIV!'L ,,;t~ l'c~l)"k,1 ill tI'L ;llllldb uf international ex!,o~ilion~. The date ~elected w:ls the 9th of October. when in a ~in~ le night. Just twetHy-two rears before. tlte cit." was '''"''pt "ut of e~i",ence. now re>urrectcd in tcnf"M gJ,.ry. :lnd with ,h~ crowning glor} of ; !.~ F"ir. The cil)' was cro'H\cd with "i~itor" eacll incoming tr~in increasing their "umber. ~o that on the e\'e of the greu ..... ("~~i()" nt I;·~~t t.ooo.OOO s:rnng~r~ "'(-r" l",,,wd ",ithin h~r ~at"<_ Blll ""t all 'l'('H' h",,~('(I: fur Illan)" Lhl're

were with well filled purses who, findin~ no place to ~Ieep, werc compelled to walk the ~trect~. to seck ~heher Ln doorways, unlinished bllilding~. restaurant,. or wherel'er they C<Juld find ;' resting pb<;e, The morning of the 9th was an ideal ~utumll u")"' r~diant and hright, th<; ~oft, wnnn hr('el.e of [ndiOln ~um1l1er c~re.-;~ing with "eket touch the myriaus of l>;l!1ner~ tit;,t ~llllo~t hid from view the tuwering ~tru<;(urc~ of the midcontinent Ifl<;(ropoli.<. The cit)' was early ~~tir, ;,nd ,lI[ were hast~ning toward a common goal-th(· gnte~ "f JackS<Jn p"rk. Throughout the entire dOl)" ~nd far into the night. railroads and steamooats were packed to thcir utmost c"pacit)'. T he street·cars running to the park "'He wedged together for >, crowding on Ihe platform, .,>n the f<>Ot-ooard~, or wherever Ihe)' could find a foothold. As recorded IJ)' the supcrintendentof admissions i6'.').+2 per:«)ns entered the grounds. agOlinst li5.ooo and .),);.000 as Ihe hi::;hest figures respect;"el)' for the Phil;uldl'itia ::lnd P"ris expo,ition~. For once it must I", eonfcM'Icd tlmt Jacko-on park wa~ crowded. "nd tho "'C""~ of communi· cation all insufficient for !hi~ unwi<>ldy throng. The Fair was profusely decorated, and c~peciall)' the mansion of Illinois, though other state buildings donned their festal roocs, the assoc~'!led ooard~ keeping open house, and in the name of Chicago e~­ tending to all a heart)" welcome_ A, to the exercises they were but ill<;iUcnt$ of !he d"),, the feature of which waS the \'a~t. ~urging nlultitudil assembled in hDnor of tlll' f~t .... !<> hid ~II h"il to a cit)' that man)' Tememilered as a IJlack. ch~rred ruin. the comm;seration of the work!, of which now its Fair W;lS the wonder_ ,\ t noon the Exposition fl~::; was uHlurlcd in the court of honor a!Jove the hbcrt)' bell. whose tones were I't<;,emly hednl .. far ill the glUumh. TI,en "'a~ I'l"e~~nted to its ""'yor the origln.. 1 ..ked 10 the ~ite of Chicago, transferred to the government by the chief of the Pottawattomies. A procession of school children followed. rel're~e"ting "arivu, st"te~ and .. itic~, a d"ill vi the Chi""!;,, hussar.~, with ",u~i~ c); contained a female fisure. led with ~iJken cords by two other figures. typical of lo\'e and lil>crty. The former ""~~ r.1(li~nl with ~l'~n/olI ... ~. on Iwr Iw~d ~ I'h"'nix wilh ""I
7'111:' /tVO/-'- OF HIE 1-'./11: anI injJrcd nut a few. Far :nl<> t~\e llIorning hOlil" the llI~in 'l""nue~ lt~dill): fr(lm the F.~ir "'C I'C 11""nl4~\1 "i1h '(1"Ti"d linl's of \'chitln in l"'l'r\' fnrm, from a four-in·hand to a butchcr'~ l'ar\. bearing home",lrli their !oad~ of "~.,,.,. ,,;ghl'~T'-"', "'1 ,,' 1hi, til<' f,~I""il>g , I... the .'ttC"'.i,U1U· fp, ""lh w.,~ m,'r<: th~n a thi.d of n n,illio". the lal',:e't n.'C()rd~d excl'pt jor the Chic~go cclebr:ttio~. Thu~ did the pc<>rle "f man) ~tatls and nation~ do hunur to the "ity and ;t. b; •. In common with manyother •. II,.. In/l;; na Imildi"K i, Il~\(,t"d ""I,,ll' to ,,/ticial and >O(lCi~1 purJlol'Hm~ in h~s·rclirf. ,\t all l'o;nt~ of the Cng lhem ar" """eral land>;<;ap<~ by ",,!i,-e arti.-w. wah I)('rtrail' of prominent men. ,,·hile in olle ()f the reception rooms is a collection "f p;\;nt,-.d <'hill"""rt,_ Ih,' h,,,,li"'oard. Ihe former I)(>intmg In Ihe l'0rtra:ts of Iho,,<' whose n~mes were linked with the histor} of the eommon"'c~lth. ~nd th" biter rl'ferring hriclly to the tasteful slruc:ture now \(1 be opened to the sons ~nd d~"ghtel" of Ilidian~. By G~\'ernor :llatthel's the lJUilding "'" \\'15 dedicatl',1 to the }oulh of the stat(·. and as a mcmber 01 the ,,"oman's board. :II" \";I);iui .• C. :lfc.-",Iitir 'I~'~" "I """,.,,,'~ 1"" I;";""li",, in 1ht: F iliI'. Th"" J. L. C.u""bcll ~,t1lt:d .• Il,·"I;,," 10 the rC;OUT<:~s ~nd indu~tries 01 Indiana. onc of the large~t cercal pTl,([ucing sections of lhe repub1i,·. .\ s to her .epr"""ntn!;On 10\ the Fai •. he clnimed f>r hi. ,lIrllc n f"rem",,! rank n",onJ: thc ma"ufacture. and edue-'llion;,] e~hibit" "hil£> the mo,t mn~'i"e exhibil of all Wa$ in Chicago's mu~eum of alt. constructed entirely of Indianl lim<"tr>n<'. .-\/1<" ""me furth.,. <',"r.-i",. ":t,;,,,1 ",;th n,.,<.c. a ,<",cpti"" in 1he ~"(Omhlr ' ,>(>m hrou);hl to ~ cltl;;e the cekbrati.)Il of the day. 01 the $1,0.000 aPI>rt'l'riaud hy the ;el:i~\alure of Ohio. >o(me sH.ooo was used for till' ,tatr h~ildinJ1. wloich i< of wlollial patlcrn. its 111,,;11 entranCe on lloe easl. III the fornl of a seni·circul;u (0lonl1.1drd porch. ."Iendi,g to Ihe I)I)p"r S\()TI'. Th,' w()I>(i work and tiling arc all of "a\:\c lllatni~ls. the ,,·d tiles used ior 11h' rool be-ng n C0l1trhutio1 fr,lIr. '\l· ... P htladell.h;a. \\,indow~ of ~I;,ined gla,~ lX'a r tl1l' naml'~ of >ueh men a~ Cloase. Grant. Sheridall. alld SIl{'nn~lI. while ncar the main entrance i$ a "'(lIlume~t ,ullnounl,·d b)" a graccfd ti~ure. 'ymbolic 01 Ohi.,. 1)(,1>", II'hich UI)()1\ ~ob·pedestds ar~ statues of thme ",h,"n stat(' and n"tion k>"e Il ho:.nor. Ol)('ning from Ihe m:rin lobby ~re p~rlor~ and commence loom, "nd in Ih<' erlltre is ~ hall decoraled




Till:" RO()A- OF Till:"

r 1/11'

with 11\Ich-y,''; nwlded in ~tI>CCO, the cOou-o(-arms worked in st;,incd gla~., appearing aUo:)"" ih spacious fireplace. Hack un,au ul mlormallon, ~nd anothl:r a parlor lor nWIl. with writing and smoking ro()m~. On tilt' :;cnied clock-tower ri,es to a height of 1.>0 fcet. On the fir,1 Hoor i, the main hall, a bright and cheerful al,arlment when iilumincd lIy ekctric lighh with bureau of informalion, rhe,-k rooms, neils-stand, and olher accomnlodation~. BUI more aur;tCtivc apartmem, arc lhost: finished al,d lur, ni,hed by Saginaw. "luskeg"n. and Grand f~apids lhe I\n" fir~t in lh~· ("fin "f ""."._, ....""q,lio(1 ,,,,,.I reading rooms. The ladies' parlor. tl,,-. special " ..,,,to,,, of the latter. j.. t"~I~fully J.:,co"'l~d in stucco and hung with bcaut:ful t~p,-·~trit's dc,igne(!cond slOr} ili a portrait of General CO'ler. :luired in Iwndescript COSIUIll('. with broad-brimmed h<1 I"c-d '''·ell .... h>ust:!) eU'el"~..J by the ill~i;;ni" "I his rank. lI l're also Me otl1<'r fam"us characters m the annals of ,t;l1e and n;Hi"n. In the roo", rek:"ed for .he I'rc~~ i~ the laM cupy of eycry p"l><:r j$~ucd in ~(ichi!-1Jn un the 30th of April. the day heforc the "pening of Ihe Fair. with all s"bs{'(I,,('nl "~,,,.~ prinled during ih l"ogH·~<. On thi< /lour i~ ~n a~""mhl) room for social. mu,ica1. and religioos gatherings. in which is a handsome pipe organ constructed by a Detroit firm. ,",cros.<; the corridor i~ Iht, na tural hi,to(\ collectIOn frum the state uniyersity, con~i~ting of mounted deer. hears. birds. reptiles. and otlwr ~pecimen~ of ~lichigan fauna, pasl and present. ". , ~lichil(an day fell on Ihe 131h of September; but as 1he e.~ercists differed but little from tho'e alrt'ad)" describell. it i, unneee:>,'ar)" here to relate them_ Of this o. turrets. and d' in Ihat nO <1"ff i~ u_cd ;n it~ ~"n~truction. ~1I 111<' "':tI,·ri.,ls 1"'inl'( of



011:' HOOf, OF Till:' F. /1/\ d<>lnc~tic in).:~


\\',11. "nd nIl·

:lfe hni~heJ In pob,h ....1 oak. ,·h,·rry. bird',.".,·" m~pl,'. ..1m, h"!\"rnllt, hir,h. and other wo,,(Is fr('1ll ('hpI"''''' ("ollnty. th" wainsc",lin).: of til(" Ii"t Ilo,'!" IX'in)! eSl"""ci:.II)' dtl~)r;He. ~[o'l of the l'~ncllinl-! i~ ,1[S", in hardwood. and the I'{'Ccl'llon room <>f lobby, "hi{h ()ccupic~ th.:: entire t-:TOUlld Iir. I~ 1';1. H·d with tik, mad~ of WiSC<>Il>i 11 eI;,), hy \Y;,.;mnsin manufac(urer~. Th, chamlx'r i, di ,idtd into IJon'{' rompall . mcnb by _1'.1ndreb of 0.,1., on "n.:: "I whICh 1~ the c.>.1.I·ol·arm". 1 he furr~1ture i~ cheHr "f ralCan. 01 Ihe p.,l\nll ~t"'n at hOlds and '"""'.cr 't,,,,, t~. An,ong the pICture, nre ~neral lu,lnc' G"neral F.,ir~h'ld. when minister to Spain. includi11g l'0rtrnit~ <>f Colu",b"$ and hi~ de,<<"enoms for 11H" and woml'n alt alw works of art. ~ ......... " .0"" Fre·n! t~e watchword of the stall'. -Furw;trd. Jean I'ond '[i'..:r, a \\-'isc"r. in ...·ulptrt,~. has I"ken the theme for a marble group eweuttd with _ingular d('1icacy and yet with ,ufficicnt boldnc,'~. In the pro" of a boat 'tands a female figurt". one hard ul'hftc(l the olher ).:ra~ping an .\ml'rican 11.,,1:. the I)(»und 1i<>
FII/; 1100;'" OF TilE F.IIA a('fO~S the ~tre~rn the ,lemlH f"rm "f \linllthaha, as ~ht P""'""s not IIl1wlllin/.;l)' frun the wig'fl'am of hcr f.nha

I.) Ihat .,f her fUllITe hu~balxl. T his i, a <;ollirihution from th" w"lIwn and ,..'h"ol <;hil,lr,'n "f :\linnt'"polis, diM' lu)(dy I\) th' tlrons "f ~Ir" 11. 1'. Bruwll of th,n city. The ~1'llue, f;,~hi"'H·d in !,1a~ter. is to be c~,t in mClfl>1c and place'! in the ,t'lle park. "ilhin """und and _,i ght of lhe fall .. ,,/ )lmn"h"h-(; head .. "iL, a Nlk'£lion of game bird .. ;md plwlo)(r.lphs of famou~ /i_hill!; rl'sort~ on Il<)rthcrn SIrC
frmll the- rl'ar of the hall ..lnd "I1Ou\ midllil)- therc is .1 ,..,mi-circular alco\<' li);hlcd by window.; of staine,1 glass. At Ihe head is worked on :\ll()I!,('r wind"", the ()at-oI'~T1m and it.; r11otto. "L' Eloile du ;\on1." ,(,,'I "f the decor~ti"e cffttts. hO',l'CH'r, arc produced hy sheaH's ,,/ "'"'leti"n room. In th~ dcC of :1 ,"nlume inscribed ":-iong, of Hiawatha," and !'('ar il Ior cltt<)J' alions hci">1 Iho ll""diwork of w"~"'n. while Ihe ~ni~hin>l ;n pine ;~ {'~<'cul .. d ",ith I'le~";,,;:.: etTc'ct. On tht' castern shores of tIle norlhwc'\ ponds ~re Ihe huild:ngs (>f Ill<' I\\'o J)ak"l~~, ;\eIJr;l>k" ,t""dil1,-\ )"'1\"""11 th,'m, Ench h~~ f,'nlnn', "f II", co,I"nia} st} I" of nrc),il".-!.,..·. wilh hrn~
Tilt: flOOr:

IF TII/,' rllA' ~r~d<·

of ... h(,;lt knt\\'n in th< marh·t .,~ "i\"., homl' 1"',n1-: "",,rkcd int" m"n} •• rt,,:i,' <:> us,od in \1", (,·r rnatiun "f Ji'lIwb and the c!epic'lmg "f <,.'tt~" a;:rinillural ma.-Linl'l), and Linn "<'t'IWS. To tilt" '\1"allh 01 III<' "tat" as" producl'r 01 ",1"'.11 lurthl·r attllHi"ll i, calkd I,y a lugl' painting irom till' hrush "r Carl GU lht· rz. H'prto;('lIting J LlfIn in till' H"d Hi,l'r \'.lllt-y. [01 tI,,· ,n"nu ,lO,'} 'He ''''<"I,ti"n ""d,.', and foK>1lh (ur the mcmocrs of t''1" l'r~", and ,he .,t.~t<' ""mmi,,,i,>n, 11<:1'' ' arc ~1><:~i"Kn~ "f ,k"oralt'd duna nnd Hher forms o( ",oman', h""di~r"ft. lIy wOmen al .. > "'". <·,m!ribu!od lhl" "k!-f",I,ionl'd c~rt in "hich waS brought 10 I"'mhina Ill<' bride of the pi(,n,·,·,. s('ttl .. r "f ""rth Da knta, nllach"d to it all oX .'" lllountni lhnt J,t. ~till ilPI~nrs to b(' dr.1c~inc his pn'cious bUT(kn. I{(,fe l:kewi!'t'~t ,1.1.' "f tI,.. t"xi(!t-r"lis!'s art. \\-hile in 11(' mln,ion of ~ulh Da~ota her a..;ricultural r,,"ou~c(-s are frcel) :lIustr.>tcd, mo.. t "f th,' (·,hibu .... IOJ,:Clh(-r Inth Ihl' structuT(' that t'OIll'UllS :h"m, Me >ugg,,'II'(' ralher of h.-r ,,-e~hh as a mi"i,,/.: rcgi,,~. TIll' cxt"rior of IIH' bui~ding is fi"jsl1l'd in Yankton cem ... nt, ~nd in frol11 is a semi·circular portico ~nd 1"'](-011.1', a lar/.:<· ".;md,u)l1(· arch »UPI'HI('d by poli'hed pillars of ja'per forrnin/.: lil(' I'fl1lClp. I el1trance. I h .. I'ark)r, act' oil (·ither "i(k and bc),ond i, Ih(' ,'"hibitiun hall Iighllod fmlll Ihe dornt' "Ix>\(.' the roof. 0I'CIl:Il/.: (mm 11ll' ).:alkri<' .• arc ufli~e., and ruum~ fur Ih~ u'"" "f Ilw ,I,n" w.JrU ,U1d "'n" ~""C'JK"'th·"I~. Amon!: Ihe features of Ihe e"hihil' an' a cahil~t of fossils and ~ co]l,{'tion "f painlings by "omen of Yankton. ~i"u", l-';dl ~, ~nd otl"'r <:ilic~. wilh "l'(·t·inl<'n~ "f I",nd l';l)nlcd chi"a, and I'ho\(.),;rnl'h~ of D .,kot,,'~ "'tc,i:", ",cit-. l'mkr the dome i, a mnssi,'(' pill'lr 01 Siou.~ I';dl, iaspn, upon which i.. a gildl·d ),;Iobc surl1lount('d by all cagle with non'!"'lrh",1 ,,'in,,~. FI'('wll('r(' i.. ,h"wn "di.mond,likc minc,,,1 {'''pablt,,,1 cutting :;I,,~~, \\'ilh Of<'""I ),;01<1. ~ih'l'r, coppt'r, lil1. g},l'~um, ~n<1 mi..,:!, Thl'r(' is ~I,o a largl' .1S>< of "'ood g.1tl1<'r(·« from man)' ,law>'. Of 1"",,,',, home at Ilh' Fair a portion wa~ in ( Ij,e lake. a ~Ilot ",ell known 1<> hahiu." "f Ja.-ksvn p.~fk It ,,'as a ~ub'lanli,,1 cdi~ct·, "'ilh gr.lUitl' 1)3>.(:, ~Iat~ n>of and ('"ninl to'''e1'>'. :h" ad,hti'~l run· f"rming 10 tl.e architectural ce"gn and gi"inJ.; 1<> 11e enlire ~truclurl' Ihe '''p'''1 ,,[ a F rtnch chall·"u. (kror.ltt~1 wilh nags and 'tr<:amcr.. O"cr ILt' soulh{'rn Imnt appears Ih(' word I''''a; "n "nt' of 11ll' tow~rs a1(' the na"1<-' uf h('l' I.'ading ci lic'. :!nd (>11 ~'wtlH'r. medallions ~nd bas-n·lids illu .. trali",· of thr- indusln('~ and ann~ls of Ill<' ~I ~h" while 01\ the high("t point of one "f tht roof, Ihe ligur" of iI farlnt'r rq>rcs('nts pcrhaps the m",t pml11i1,('nl of her wealth.producing <"Iass.;s. Yellow I~ II", pre,'athn:.: hue "I Ih' walls and dl'OJr.1tivns. symbolic- "f on(' of thc (!Tealcsl corn proourin1-: ,tates in tilt' uniun, hl'r crop apprQ~imatin;: ;,nd OIl timo.'s ('~n'cdi'lg ,;oo,ooo.oo() bushd,.., In thc hall, "rain. ~nd l·Srcci"II.1' corn. i~ exclus'""ly u~d for its eke"r"li\'{" ~chcnll'; I,ut tilOs i~ II("t dc'crih('d in I;W ,,,,,r

Tift:: /JOVA' OF 7111;' /':IIN and three and one half ";11· I"ad~ of (,(,I1'al". T h(' r"l>il~l~ d th" ("Iumns arc ,""rked out in corn ,hucks ali,< on li;c side ceiling con· nJrll

I~illillg 1;J;ur<~

iliu'Ir.lling Ihe dilkl-

e,1 induslfi ... , of Ihc Slate.

AI each

c,d of the ~
ing tht Anwriean eagle and shidd "".ked out in !l'"in~. and in the rour e.)run.' ,,( thr ccilinJ: arc .,hi,'lds with t h,· (Ie"in '. "Iowa. rKtu. r 393 ... work",) ()ut on a blue field in while corn and shu,k... \\'here the pillars join the roof is a fri<'~e. wilh an ..,bl.>oratc ~rt>IJ.\.vrk maJ(' "f festoons of COrl a'll! "heat and millet seeds. In Ih~ c~ntn: uf the hall is ~ model of th" stale npllol. made entlrel)' of gla."" ",d filled wilh "",in. II IS II feet high, 1,; ftel lo~". and r.; ice! "ide. F;I<:ing th( eastern enlr:r.na i, a heroic ~f<)UI). IlIl' ,,~mrc figure tx,ing ;. "U"MIL [t n':l're>ellb Iv"", fu~te,i"g hI ",du~lri~,. Grouped .; arc ~mall pa\illons and paJ:odas. vn "hi"h arc displa~'ed Ibe diRercnt products of Ihe farm and minco

....10." . . .0

(;ott,,.. o.



Ill/:" /tOOl, OF



I' rom the TeaT 01 tlw h:lIl,w"l a IJr";ld tight "f H,.ir~ had~ u> till' '''''''mulr and other (('"'''' abon". the gr-.mnd tl<~,r "f th:s. the tll'W portilln of the bUilding. cumain:ng r....·pll'1I1 parlors. olliee~. and 1ll'"d'IUancrs (.)1' Ih,' staw 1",).lTd ~nd iN nH'"11illr(·S. Opposite the landing of th;~ 'Iair"'",y is a huge filel'1.lu·. 01'''' the ",.111t,.) of which i, Ihe in'cril't;on: .. [Oil A '1'11<' "ffccti<1l1S (If Iwr p,·"pk:. like Ihe r;\'['rs of Ill'r h.mler><. it"w I" an in""t'",,,bk "ni""." I'.,.".i,,;.: into tl,.. .,s'c,,,,!'h Lh.",,[,<:I'. til<' ,i~il<'r (lIld~ its w"l1~ hUrlg wilh nat;",: work< of ar l. the feminin~' indUslril's whi~h borth, UI""" ~r\ being "t"" h"T<' eli, )h)Nl Op"lling from the hal! i, ;1 l':'lflor f'lf w,IO",·n. il'- fri.--y,· ~n(1 I",n.--Is ... "nt~ininj( floral ~nd (Jthe r t~steful de~igns. F"r mcn I't('r(" HI' 1:('ner.t1 T('('eplion rooms and sJlITial

","'.. '.'"lE. al)~rtmenls


,~ •.• ",

for smoking and wrilmg. while lor Ih.· pr(';;s ~re reS(I'\'("{1 tW() hand..ome chambocrs, (me of Iholl ~1 al1enlion is the exhibit of bce l·'ugar II1duslries, tn whll-,h for seveml years 11ll' ,laIC Itas been largely engaged. These arc display('d in photogr"phi,' I"rm, ""d In the centre of lite 11,,11 is :0 1') r~nlld c()olposcd of prs In the contOllS of whIch are shown the ";",,,us slag,·.< of growth and manuLoC lur(·. from Ihe scrd to the full.grown beet, a"d from ),,,Ip and juice 1(, syrup :lilt! f.(rnnubted sugar. After sludying this nhil,it. lo;.:ctltcr "ilh Ihe oru.lIl1c"t.,1 ~mt,..r i~ a roon' c~rt";ned off from Ihe main lloor. in whid, " w"",,,,, who clai",. 10 be "II,.. f;rcal("1 butl\·r artist in Ihe world" gi,"'s da'ly exhibitions 01 her skill in rlloJlding. lI ere. ,,~th paddles. slids. ,.n" "tI,('T ';'''I'le implement;;, ~h~ b~hi,,"~ f",m Ihi, l'I~rO:ld t1tghls of steps. and with 11", S('al of '\el>r.tska boldl), execuI,·d un Ihe archilr.tn. On the ground HOOT ~re acwmmodalions for Ihe st~t(· hoard. a post·ufficc, and :t p~rlor fur l1",n. :I double 'tainn), le~ding 10 Ihe rooms ab<>\'e. On the second slory ar" s('ve'ral handsome apanmults. "jth ~Il art exhibit and a colleclion of all the more prominen l new~papeT.< published throughout Ihe st~ le. In "n~ "I tIle room~. C(lmp1<-t"')' I~rnished b), ~thra~ka women. ;s a di~p1a) of d"corated china. p~il1ting~ no pl~qu" .•. nrlificial flowen;, fancy 11{·edle\\'ork. ~nd other evidences of feminine skill and I~sle. T Il<' lndi~n Uprt· and the huff'll". which al,o l"rl11 a portion of Ihe e~h,I"I~, ;-,re b~1 mCnloTtc, of ;,t\ age. lI .. t many }t'~rs dl~tatlt. ",h"n ;\:l'hr:l~ka l\'a~ slill ill the ::ra~p of tltf' ~~'·.1ge. nnd when herd, 01 bison roamed ",'er one of the 111(1;( knik regions 01 the we;t.

rilE lJOOA- VF Till:.' FAIA' ",\ d ,\,Ira per A~I:>cra' I< an a",bi\;ou~ ",,,\chword for Illdi"idu,<1 (,r .,tate. but ont th.11 i. (nil), jLl~If;,'d in tlH' his!or) of l'; aIlS;<S. In Expo, sition :Iffairs sill' has e\'inced "II the tYllital W('stern \"ig"r, LeT building itsell being ~mon)! the large,t and 1110>'1 attracti,'" 01' Ihe ,e:roundl<. It 1< cruulorm III sb.I:>C. nearl) qo f...,1 in either dir«:tion. ;mll 01 uni(lu" an" substanlia, c""gn, .\ bro.1.d ;"Ireh form. the no.,;n ,-ntr,"'"e, " bU'g". 1,)wer,like projccliofi. surmount,·" I,)"" cupola. I('rmin~ the pOin t 01 archiletlural em· l'ha.is_ In h;"ls,r .. lid "pon

the "ails 01 this prOjection is Ihe seal ,)1 Ih, ,Iat(. "ill, iI, ~14,-lil..e ,,,u\t<> ,,1,,0:0 "-ith;,, lhe . im c.f a medallion, and flanked or eithe r ,Kle by sera phim ,,'ilh hroad $JlTcad Wtng~. ,\h""e til<' ",ain body 01 the structure is a glas~ dOIll\!. ellil" I;,.~I ;n ~l"'l'" "",I Iwaring op<>n ,,~ inl~rior cing cut illlo ",:clion,~ and .cf;,ins and grasf the di'play. and in truth Olle of the I":ltures of the l'ntirc' E~ , !,u,i(iuJl. i, lhe ~"II"c\iul1 of .')'C~-i"l"'" iu na tur;,l history, ,lTranged in arti,tic g'oul's in '''' "nn<'s erected lor the purpo","" C.", lTihutcd h,"I I\"ns~s. Ihi" • the uni\"e rsit\" • <""II ... n~ln w: ~ m:linl)" g1!hf'T~,1 ~n<' pT<'I'~r.',1

........" ..,,-,

1111: II()OA' OF illl, FIIN

Lind""" Dy<,hc. for ~c\'cral •""ar~ l,rok~6or of y.voJog)· and cural<>r vf bird~ ,,,\d ",ammal,;, • • Tu ~ccure the~e 120 spc ~ jlllcns ,,-as a t~n years' labor of 10\'(. and to mount them, even with the aid of skilled :l ",ist"nt~. "'a~ Ilw la"k.--.f fou, ~(Mili.--.n:11 y(':1'~. Ih" l"of"~~M tr,,,.,,II;ns: far ;nlo the m()\"ll<,i,,,,"~ r,,~j.--.n~ "n II:" noTth~rn verge of Briti~h Colulllbi:l, :lnd clsewhere \'Cnturing "'h~r" llc,'cr befQre white Illan had v<;ntur"d . .\mong thcse groups arc man)' anima ls wh ich arc rapidl)' becoming extinc t-the m()()sc. the elk the Hod)' :\klUntilin she"p. ~nd others of which. a few rear,; hence. not a ~in~le ~p~cim(n "ill remain ali,'~. An additiOlul \'alue is imp~rt"d b)' til" skill of th" taxidumist who. in addition to ~ \l~rf~ct m~stlTy of his art. i~ ~1S<) ;' natur~list. one who has studi"d his s~bjeCls. not in cages, but in for"~t lair and on mountain ~Iopc. ha" r, produc"d them in their natural habitat and wilh th~ir natural en\'ironlllenl, as they crouch or walk ,'r leap, ('n'n to the rigid t"ndoll~, the swelling rnuliCle~. the look of fear or pain or defi~nce with which dlPy yield their


it~ cU~I0{li"n. Lc\\"j~

UD , ., ........ . . v ...... c

In a "ord. the K~ns~s collection i~ rather an exhibit 01 animal sculpturc than of taxiderm,·. br;nJ,:ing that ~cicnc" into dose rdation with plastic art. In frollt 01 the collection is a pair of bull moose. fighting a~ only moo"£: C;'In fight when e;'lch one siruggits for the supremacy. t\dmirably arc here portrayed the fury of the comhf' tn l'"int .--.f anll('r. th" poi~,· ;wd ront",,, I'"rffftiy r"produ,,,d. and in 1m' h,,~d a",l fan' an ai, nf conscious supc rionly. This was ~illed ill Colorado in 1890. and in common with mo,t of the specimens met his fate at the hand~ of the l'roks~or. I II dose proximity j, a b~lId of "ntdol''' of a ,'ariet)' scldom lIlet with in haunts aa:essible to man, and in a mmmture Cation in the background arc twO grizzl)' ~ars. one of them facing the spectator. On a rocky protnol\lorr in line with the calion arc ten Hock}' :\/ountain sheep. this by far the ~"t collection extanl of a specie~ rapidly becoming eXlinct. On th" topmost crag the kader keel''' "atch alld ,,';;rd. a ""ntable king of the big horn,. of phcnomenal stature hut pcrf"ct in ~hapc and col(\L On anolhcr peak arc Hock}' .\I(luntain goats. ~ ram with ._ix ewes and )'oung buck<. the former standin:; guard and the others grouped below in realistic attitudes. But the mo~( imposin:: group in the collection ,~ a family of sc""n moose, arranged as thou>;h in tIle ~wamp land~ n"ar the lake 01 the \\'oods. where all the an'mals were killed. At their hCJd is an "nonnous life.

]"1//0 HOOA' OF

Till:" FIIN


a k,i,~th"n of hi, kind. \I·jth a mt"'UT,'ml'l1t of mOTl' than n;nc (l~'t (nm toe t" ~nt!cr and ><;n'n to th~ '''I' o( 110., \I;,h,'r" nil rocky, """,~.c",",'red ~"'"nd ''''H l,y ~f" nril>"" anu .war the nl,><>~C :lre \ ,r"ini., dn f('edin).: on a Was,y ,Iopc. O( mull' (1",'r tl,.,r.., is a l){~rd of nine, in (W'li, a n"bk bud, and all in natur;,] ~hal"(' an,l ll<.»turc, ,,~ in th..,;r l110unwin Iwnw, In addition to Ih..,,,,, i~ a s~orr uf hl'ad ... all hand><,lInl'I)- l11'lUn\nl. and of ~l11allcr animals thcre i, a Jib ...,;. ('T~I di'I'la)" from "oh'crin{', t(l pck r:lbbits ~nd prairie d()Io:~. The c!ltirc c~r.ibit ;; arranged in l ..~n<-ramic f"rm. "'I:h art,fiCI:ll I-;T<>und",ork, m JILIn·, twenty feCI high. and S<) (onstrut\{,d • ..~ tv "'I'TC""m,

TUflllllg 10 the exhiLlIl' "f Ihe Pocifi., _lot.·, IllOY h~t h,· n"'nt',,,,,,,, Ih,,~c o( California, which in hn "\\,'1, ;" in the main departments "f the I'"ir, ;" repr~~entl';ng and ambitious c()mml)n· "'~alth ()( the furlh,·,t \\'('1. Of I1l"T (()Il t ri I, UI ion s H' the latter, and <'sl"."t'1all} to the .\Imm..:, AW..-ultur.11 :lnd l10rticultural d;,i~io~~, su'li(i~n: tn~nuon has been made. and m~nJ 01 thc>-e arc duplicated. or ratiWI ,~ ......... "~ ~~ ~ul'l'km"nt"d. in h,-r h..,me a l J." k ,;on park. 'l"h"t the ~tate appears t<"l snrh a,hanraR" i, d",' ill I'a,t I" tl,.. li1>"r,,1 "1'1""1";"1;0" "f her l{'J/i,lalur,., b.rp;.;,!)' \I,cre" •.,d 1>)' Iho subscriptions ,)1 cuunties and individu"l", 'Illd amounting in :lll to 1750.000. But herc al,;o w<;re the m;'tl'ri,,1f(lr a choice and ehborate display: f"r in f",. st'ctLons ()f th e rep"hli,' i, tlH'r~ a gr""','r lt>. 1;.r«\(:;l,

TIlE ROOA' OF TilE I·: liN ~"Irance·wa)'

and on eithCI ~ide an m~cnJltion refelring to t~e admi~siQn of Cllif"rnia into the union. \\ ithin the pOTtal is a wlos,al ~tatuc (,f Ca'iforniJ. with girdle of gold. Ix-arin/.: in hn right hal1(l thp oli,e bmnch of p(';lce. and at Iwr feet a cornucopia filled "ilh fruib. In the I>oulh('rn /.:all<-r), a LUg(' c;m,·;.s illu,· n'll(·' Ih~ I'ron-" of pla("l'r mining in pi"n('(.·r days, and this is flanked by modds of I'rimi:l\'1' ffllllng Iml'Jcm~nl.<, "rought in l'ine c·m~s .md ",-dar, Oppo~ite is depicted ;1 farming SCllle, adjoining "hi,h are farm pl"Oducb a~d uttnsils, oth(·r painungs m the nnrthern gallery and elsewhere repn·~nting Ihe lIou of :he ~Llte a'ld hH pnl

O•• v"'CO. "' .... '''''11'

is ;ldorned " ilh bmncht~ of (la k, man~ani t ;l. and pi ne. from which dcp('nd mo,,;cs and ferns, Ihe ~t~ extending IIll'nce to ! h~ ,ulllmit of the dome "'re~thed with the foliage of palm~ . Pendent from a rche~ and beam~ ale basket~ fi lled " ith ~('mi.tr{)pical pl.tnts. In connl'cti(ln wilh the de-curative- f<:atures may also b<: mentioned Ihe e-,;chscholtzi~ ~nd wild flowe r room", adjoining ('";l(h other in the gall.·ry and stparf ~i"t('\"nth centulY d,th, hon k ll"d with JX'l'l'il'~ and "ith fringe of g()ld. In the esch!lams\. the deSIgn IS ~ "er)'where s ugges tl\'e of the Wild poppy, tbe tl"wer of Calif"rni~, T he d.corations arc in while and goM. and the e«nvas ~eilin~ is HTl"tched on frames a~d 'ldorned wilh Iloral wr("alhs and l(arlalKb, in th(- c('nlTe of (aeh being ttll" I'am., ·,f 01'" "I :he ,""u11li(~. On I~e horizonl,,1 ponion , { the C<'iling i5 a 1';10(:1 representing a comely dlmscl rud,ly of hue and with flowi ng ;luburn Ire,""'~, ""ula;ng the g"I(l.-n J"'PJ'r bro"dI", ar.· II... d.al'•.'.i<" "j b'OOC3d{d ~"tin fringed with gold. )' r(""sed d""eT'< arc displ~)'cdn a cabinet, and ferns nn ~ 1l(·C(·st:ll of 1l1uble and cn a ,'"". "",I .,,' " ru,\;('" .und. " h:.n,l""m('" s!"".. im .." oj urami" arl t:nlih the maj"';t} of the ~ t,lte ~dific(s. Cali/ornia:s domicile i~ n,,1 mtrely a dulo·huu-.c or 1'1'lcC oj re,t and soti,d mll'rcour",,' f"r ,·is;t","", ,tor('d wilb hi~t()ric and p<:;rson;d rc'!it,. Whil.· -<""'int.: for Ihese and oth,·r purI'O"l;S, it i, ai,,) an ·"pos tinn building. and if, as I ha\"e ~lid. ""me of ib exhibit~ are duplicat(·s. th(·,. a,('

lill: HOlI,,'11th

•••• '0 •• ",0.'., •• , " •••




wil: I..... I[ duplc"Il"n; I.,r h,·r,·" r..,l'r..,...·m.·d .t ".th· whid, ,,,,,~. '''''''''''; th,· fur. ""'. t ..r tilt" ,, 'unl'" '''HI an' rla ....~'t;fd unJ"r Ihe I-:"n ·r.d .!<-p.trt· tlll'nl, "I mini'll:.. 3I;ri,·ultur". h"nlt"yltur,· and lll,,-dlur,·; but ndude also ('xl,,],,1 "I lun·,try. li,h~"{:8. huna, and II"T'I, "'llh sud .1, I"'ll";" to ft~ ;":5 ,,,I<; to cdula· \lUll In the mining di'pL,), aT. n,·.ul~- all ,h(· """nl" nnd lllln"ral, of ""mmc,,;i,,1 ,,,Iu., found in (alilumi'l, anwng them 1:."ld, lil\'(·I. and nirk"I; k·ad. ,in. '""1'1'.'r. anlimnnr, aluminum. '''HI iron: ~ulphur 'Iud >a lt ; J.:),psum and kaolin; asphalt. bt,rax, ~nd pC'lro!eum. 01 bTm and ma rkel'l!a rden pT<>ducl~ Ih,·r., arc "hcat. oals, barl~y. U1~iz('. i.>r,lOm and E g),[\tian c"rn, ;tnd I,...,·t-; h i~h and swe"t II('talt~~: beans of Ih:rt), c<'~ril u.. n_;

• "... " ••"'M I"matot:~. o~t"ns, cabb.:tge~,

carWI<. and lurnip~. Fruit>. frcsh. cann~d. ~n,1 ,h';rd, "r)"I~lIi,,'d 2nd 1'''· ... ·n'~,L aT<' I,,-n in "'f'r), ~]I('("i", ~nd 1"r01. TIll"fC arc oranJ.:'·'. I,-'no",. rllHI Jit1\~,; al'pJe~, '1uin(('" and 11('"rs; peaches, plums. a nd 1~,·("larin,·,: f'lLs. prunes. and dales; olin'.;, chNri~~. and 1);lnanas. "'llh krrics and .'urranl~ of many kinds. and /:rap'-' and rai,in. in -.e,'res 01 "aric~ie,; ,,{ Jdliu an,1 marmalades. win,·s and I",."di,- •. thal' is an dalx>TaI<:" fl.s]lla)'; and ruls Ih.·rc ar,' th,· f-:D~li,h. E,,,t('Tn. and Cali· I.. rnt" ",ainu:. wlIh chl"lnUI~_ ]I('(-'on ... I'""nul:l, ,Inll alm<)(]" "I ,,-hidl all th, ,,"orld has TNd. un,' Ir"tll ] l"ml",idt ~""nlr hollo,,-e.1 from" tree ",on' ,h"n ~oo feet in h.·i~h,. ;" "' ("ircumi(orcnCt '1l'''' Ihe ground. and (""nlainin~, il is said, ~(<.),ooo 1.'('1 "I 1"",I",r. Finally, ,h~r,-, ar, · minialnf<' .l(T<\"-~ "I "r.1n~('_ ,10". e'Tn", kmon. lime_ coc<,anut. gu~'·a. and 1<>l1uat lfet<. with SU:)''''pi,.al I'Lonts arr.1ngrnLliniq.: d,oicc a. ,-ui('d ("ulkc:i"n" .\s to ~p.~i;t1 k~:urt-, may ~r,t \" 1l1l"lIt"n.-d th. l",rVlc


• r


" ..

I"lfl:" HOOA' OF

0 ••

TilL /':IIR

·01;011,,· ;n hmn7 .. "I J"ml"~ \\' \1a.~h"lI, Ill<' .Ii",-",-,-,,-, ,,( gnkl. ;11 th .. 1);1~,· "I whidl a,,' ca"<'s of nlll!~t:ts ;'lnd Oln(-, ~l'.:cimcns. ,,~d ar'lund it lar;:l·r c~s,'s ,,[ minl'Tab and on:s, I kre and "I-<'where art' mOT. th,ln 6,<).}O sampks of Ill<'tals and miner.,ls. c'.mtributcd from aU the more prol!1ll\('nt 1111!1111g projler!.!;'" In the :«'l'Ii,," dnotl'd to s,.ulhem Califnmi~ is till' " P"lac<; of Pklll). a crurif..lflll structure fa.shior)(od of the prodUth of soullll'rn ""untit-s. In I:I"ss case.' ;1round I\S IM'(: "re ~() kinds of grai", and l1('nr it " disp);,) of Engbh walnu ts ill " ,t',·o], iIII-: IO\\W of gL.~,. "ih'cr lin('d :1I1d octag ollal in ~hap..'. adJoinillj; "hich is a br~(' , )(Iohula. structure el1mel,- w,'cn.-d wnh orang('s. :\o( fa r awa~' is a 1l)r.lllIid of fruit, HI f,·,·t in height and ,urrnountcd by the figurl' of a '-'em. S~n1a Ilarb.1.ra ""unty 11", a tower of vlin' oit, ,tv f~"Ct hi~h, ;1> framc of iron. it< apex of 1):101]11' I'luU\c~. ;\,,<10" tho ,hd,,,,. 1.000 bOllle.' OT nl'arly t,1O ton~ of oil, Santa Clara "'lUI"), h,,~ nn ""hibi( "f I'runc'~ ",'ou"h( il\ the ~h"pe of a horse. and Ilumholdl. a he:ts on (wo ~Iobl's labelled "Uncne and "U'TI' den!." and thus is suggested her world·wid,· rnuge of prodUl:I.<. Cndtr the wcstern ((aller}' the ehamber of commerce has an elaborate di~pla} of l(rains frmn sCI'eral coumies. of citrus fruils from Hi'·CRidt'. Los Angelts. anrl S;ln Bernardino. and of "j",,~ f,uIII tl c 1.L1'S,",t <.Cella" in Califr,rni;l. containill/{ ~boUI on,' h,,1f of th" aJ.:J.:'C"aIC pro• • duction (If the Cnited Statcs. • • I " tlw :trt Jlalll") nr" contributions from Ihe fon" rn"" "f California arli~t~. ~u,.h • me" as T homas IliIl. \\,illiarn •• , I\(;ith. ;\orton Bush, and \'irgil \\'i1liam,;. Women a rc abo larl(('I} represented. with a dM.ell or moree~hiLilor~. ).;ot a kw 01 the works arc loans f f<"m pr;\'a te c )l1ectiol1s, and of alllh:n wcre ,,,bmitted t,) the C011m,ttce In,s than one tlmd 'Hre aCCC'l'tc'<.· a la rge nnd hnndoomcl) fur ni,hed chamber wa. prepJre

•• •


Tilt: JiOOA' OF TIll;" /·:111.'

On OI:C of the ,,,,-lis arc portr:l1h "f Cahf"rn~l mU_IClan", aUG ncar t hem the works of c(.mp0,;ers. "lIh J l:1w:ln.\I1. lndi;U!, Jap.ules<:, and Chint''''' iIL~lrun'l'nls hung on panels ;1\ ealh uf lin: corne'f.'. E,sc,,-hen::. in txJO~ca_'l's of l'''H'd II,lli .., \\""...<..1,." ,'fe "u"Hilmliv,,~ lIu", C;oIifuruia UUlhuI'<. SOIll.., uf llWIn of Ill(,rc than local celebrity. Th,-n' ;If(: ;(1:«, ~hdn'" containing painted dUll" and I)(lttcry. and there an.; pan('ls on which arc fire etchings ;\Ill! 1'01"'f work. with 'ksil rel="nofollow">n~ in bra,,. ""d ir"". embroidery. Ilccdkw<)rk, ;",,1 "lh,',. ,[.-t ides f.,shi,-,,,~d by Ih~ ddt fingl'r, of C:lliforni" "',)Illcn. I" li'e 11l~I"ric,,1 di'ph} ,"" mallY ",;,,,;on "nd l~di'lIl fl'lie.'. formc" fr"d} CIImrihutcd b) Ihu"" in (h;lrg~ of the c(,llectivns gathu.d tin: F r,ulcl,.:all f;,d,crs. From ltv- I.,,, \nj.(,'I,'~ ""001 of art and from """" Fl' aTC p.linings a!ld photu;(ral'h' u( the tlll"si"m, and

oj tllell who ha'-c pla}'(od a ])rotllin<'nt part in thc annals oj Ihe ~t;lIc, I'\.Ttl. Bulle. and Clm:" counties stnd a large numbi:r of fndian baskets and c"rius. Jnd in this (onllection ~na) I>C m.. ntionW the pictures 'Jf Absbn >-cener)', including the !'.Iuif and Tah glaci~r,.. J uneau. ::md an oc(,an neW Ir... m S:tka. Ihc>iC the property 01 the Pacific Co.1St Stcam~h;l' conll'flny. \\ dls. Fargo


company ha,e also an historical collecti,,". with portrait~ of the presidents ancl other offi(ial.. of thi" fam()u~ ""'I'ro~~ and banking a.sociatioll. Irom H.'nr)· \\'cll~ and \\'i lliam C. Fargo, ils founders, to j oh" j, Vnlt-Iltine, elected president as SllCce"Wr to Lloy.lrd of clir"Clors "'~s prepared. in th .... forlll of a circular relief map, a panOra1ll1(" Ihe block. ::.nd thnroughbr~~ I"." lnd,,'~ in width. Among (he ohjc~t~ 01 ,bi.• exhibit wa~ to ~lto" tl ,.., ~>('O)::ral'hicaJ and other ad"antages "f San Franci'C'o, a~ Ihe w(,,,tern gat('wayof the 11:1I;On, and with one of Itle finl'Q h"rlJ<)l1O in thl' \\<>fld.


I Iff: /lVVK (IF II/I, "AIA'


Still :tn<>ther ~I'eei:tl t"hiuit i, ,·"·.I""'Ii",, of a~trur"'mical photo,:raph, illustralirg the work 01 lh,· 1.ick "b"'r\'~t"ry in th.: space alloltcd I,' Santa Clar, coul1ty. "'here, ne"r the summit "I ~Iount lJamilt on_ more than 4,000 fed :.I,,"'e the , sca·lc,·d is the ,iw of this well known institution. Of these. threc ~pecimcns arc hcre rcproduced. Ihe ont' repTl'stnting the total wlar cdil's" "f 11I93 ~, being a c"lY of a ph.)togral'h I"ken ]n Chle Ly the mrmlH:rs of an cxpcdtlion sp..."Clall) dl'sl~\(:hed tl,c purp",e, .\Illon)\ otha "a:uablc wor~ ~cCQrnl)l"tll-d by thc,1»;Cn·;uory. of ,"'hid. E. S. lIolden is director. ar\' the ob5Cr\'atlons .,f thL' uan,it..,f :'Iic ...:m)' in 11I1I1. "I Ih< n ..."i! "I \"'nlL~ in tllth, and Ihc di~u\'ery and mea~ureml'm "I .\ hr..:e num1"'r "f dou],I,· star~. :il-mnd If) C;dif"rnia's dalx>rate di'l'l~y, and """co,,,1 only. ;< that "f \\'~~hin~lon, , ..,,' ,,( 'hr' youngest and most "igorous among the Pacific coa~1 ~;~t,'rh<)nd. T .. I"'T rich and lllultiform TO'· source", and to her thri"in!; industrie~. a~ ex(·mplified in the nlain departments of the Fair. and especially in the .·\J(ricultural. ]lortieultur;ll. Forestry. Fisheries. and :'-lil1ing di,i~i"ns. ] have called attention in other section. o f thi s w(lrk. For her h(.me at Jackson pHk a choice loca tion was allotted. ncar ('ne uf the princ,pal entrances, this I)(!;ng arcorded. a" cxpbined by the director·genHal. Oil account ·Jf h~r liberal appropriation, and her pro:npt



, ••• u.,....N . . . . al'plica tion for ~pace on wh:ch to erert a separate building. Ihe first onc received on all the Ii". Of the forc,;1 and miner,,1 lI'calth of Washington Ihere i~ ",h<:re "-a. displayed a Ill",e g("nc ral intere~1 m th\' ~r("al \\'"rld'~ Fair, a,d a more worthy amhition that Ih~ ~I"t(' ~h{}ald be ",,,): rq)ru~\'nt.d. Thl' \\'a,hirgton ~difice cannot 11<' readily rIli,tak"n: Inr it i, IIni'1u" and ... haTn ... tf·ri"i ... in :'l'l'('ar;lnC"f'. 'nd in frollt of it ;, onc of the tailest fl.~g.~tllT~ in the ",orld. l'S , feel ;n h"i"ht , and cut frorn the fir·lr"" forests that "I'circle l'u).,,,-·1 sound. For Ihe plan comp"tition "'a., in"iled fmm "rchiwcls residl:nt ,n the Slate. the one ~dec t c
'.'~'I J~i k..-t I"r~. ei~llt ill dian'l'Itr. and ~·l·t "'. cut ~wa~' th"t Lh" linl],,:. MIU'lT!·d fwm the ~u rbc.., "I c,ld ,.."uid -ullin.: to luild " n.... 'llly (;.>lIal;('. T k ro.A i, ,hingled, and ~ul'l'()rkd b)' m""~,,c limh.:r tru",'" ,.nd Ih,m\{;nor IUll'Ii('(1 In cctbr anc! tlr: all th,' mat"n"l, uS
"I siker. lead. and \;Ir,uu, ull'ul,. ''''''''''~ and "ino:~ in Ih" ,r,', I{', . The buikhng is plainl) furni,I,,·d. ,'[[xl wll, a ,"'W I" di'I,lay Ih,' ,,~hihil~ In til' he>l ad\".lntaJ.;~. .\5 10 dt.'Corati,·e k,tur.· •. Ih"re i~ Iir.1 of all Ihe s•.-al of 11:e "I;':,· carH'd from n;nin woods. Ih(' n!lltr.. "I ~pru(e. wi lh .Iars made 01 '1u;,ki"g a,p ~u rf()und:nJ( II", head of W;tshinglon ",h",,' leatures .He lashioned of madr(,,'a. h,s w'g o[ dderberr)·. Ill' coat of black ced"r. ;1I,d his fuR 01 mountain pine. AIll,,"!: the de('(}rated pandling> arc 11tO~ whkh ray o f h0l'~ On nal,,· .. ("'~. On brger panels carved in birch arc ,hi:,· pin>:. mining, lumlM"ing. and lumin/! ,.....·n.' '". ~.," " , wilh a ,,,,,.d loading !:rain at Ihe wharL a Irain o( Ir.. ight caf~ i,suing lrom lilt' tUl11kl 01 " mine: a ,aw·mill. U1th ope ra ti'es al work. and a (alln wi:h har'e'ler., in the gr:,in field, and a 1~lgl' Ulrnucopia ffOm which arc I>()u ring the fruit~ of the earth. E nll·ring nt the south wing th{' "i~iIOl is conlr.>ntcd with great secti"ns of fir, spruce, cedar. oak, and m"pl\" frolll the ti mber re::;:i(ln~ 01 Pug\·t sound .."<J,m: of thell! the (ull diameter of the trees, and ot h{'r,. display ing the fini,h they will ake. A huge lir ,tump has .1 e('dar 109 en lan::led In liS roots. tllU~ sho,,"mg lhal IIH' fir ha~ grown al.>O'·e Ih,' ccdJT, and ;I~ the Lute r is 1",,(eo.::l) ""und . .II,d Ihe I"nnel ,It I",,,t ,"U ... ~nluric~ old. Wl' ha\{' here su!'ficient pro,! o( til{" dura1>ihly 01 \\·n~hinJ.:I<>n limbc,r. In Ibi~ >l('C1;<>n "'e "1,,.., rnU~ of "'Iappng paper made frolll the pdp of th(· fir and COlton· "·,,,,d. "m"nll:' Ih .. r manufacluT('~ :11\' "".,,,(i,·n ,'~~...,.k ,.hinglcs. and lumbe r in various (orm>;. :-":"ar I" is the mininl: and mineral Clhibi, . maid)" u( gold. siher. lead. ,.nyx. coal. iron. copper. a,I)C,\os. mineral paint. and huilding ~t.".,." . lI ere is a hlock ,,( coal (rulll Ihe l~oo~lyn minl" \\"eighmg 1II<>re tit,,,, 15 tOI1~. ""d rrob"bl}' tlK largesl Ihnl WaS {'\er mined in a ,,'ngle pi,·\·c·. C,lIlll<'elinj1lhe wuthcrn wing wilh the h\,und ... ·~ •• ,ttI " " .."£'." flo<>1 "f Ihe main ~Iruct ure ~~ a ,n>dcl lalln in miniature. "ill. I..."",.", I,.""", .. nd fc",e~. (deb in ~Unlln,,. f .. llu,,". "itl, lin) /: .• ,,/: I'I"u~ll~ ,ll work and all th.· .n"~h,,,t'ry ',nd in"lplt-ml'nts represen ted on a diminuti"e Kale . lIell' ab." af~ rn"~"I<'d Spt;<;lmens "I lh(, buna nf \\ '.1.11111/:1<>11, he. ell<. dec •. alld hear, h.·. ,""al~ a~d ",,~·fo,,·I: h<>r ~iIH" "alln,,". h'r nl.,unt:>in trOllt. :>00 ,,110., • .arit·li,·s "I Ii~h. lI'ilh the ~~rlelon o( a ma~"nolh elephant. thirte .. n fe',", hiJ.:h ,,~d WIth tu,h nfarly tl'n fn·t ill k·nj(th. T hence 10 Ih .. n".th willI( I.·"I~ ~n,,! hl'T """Tid". ",h ...., i~ ;] <1,,1':">" "I gard~n \·"p"'ahl.,~ -r;]hh~J:!'~. 1>(·(·ls. p01at.les. onions, pa rsnil''', and turnil's of phenomenal ~ite ~nd ~'ct "f ext'ellent Ilua1ity. (n Ill<' nonll<'rn win),! ar.. 1(", edUCa li.mal ~nd art exhibits. with" collec tion "f wom~n's work. including lI<'edll·work. lace'makin~, embroidl'ry. a"d pancl·l)u,ting". T he ~dlo()1 hu i ldin.:~ and ~}stems o( Seattle. Tacoma. Spo b ne. and ulhe r Cities :are Sltuwll in pltologT.lphie lorm. wilh till' pupil, at thei r stud ies or exerei,e<, :.nd thert' .Ife n "merou~ ~pecimen~ "f chiro~raph,'. dr.~'nng. and drafting. In the art di~plar arc cxcellent pain lin);, in oil "nd ""ter colon.. all "f I'lfal sU:'fl'tIS and by \\'ashinl:ton artist,.. In photograph~ are abo "ie\\" (If the honlts :wd bu,in~,~ structures o( T awrna. "'IH"e ~ile. a dozen year" .1;:<.>. w~" lill:e beller Ibn a ""Idern"" of I<>re' l l'rim~""1. and where now arl' hu,illC'~ bloch and residence, worth,' ()f :r. Cill' 01 metnp()lit3n r3rk.

witi, wlti,



,,' "

.\ ,dnlnl for Ld,,· lJl':ltion. (or whirh the ~;mJ1lc (-x('n i~('s WCT'" arr~ngcd by the ~lalC commi"io". with K C. IlInlo"k a8 I'f<:$;do". Idaho', rCl'rc-.::ntalion al Ih~ I',,;r is brgd)" due 10 hel <:ommissioncT. Jallll's \1 \\,,·11,. 11,(' only on" "ppoinl"'] (or lit,,\ Uat(' . Through ~is I'c,~i,u·"t and "",,II

dircCll'd efforts. a region rich in rcsourc(s and


hul before coml'arali\'cly

unknown. h«s tahen rank at the gTe;.! EXl'Milion wilh 1l1;lIlY of the {Jldcr <>nd more 1wplllous ~L.... \i""" Th, b\,nc 1)"il11ill),:, ()~e d the rno-t uni'l"e al,d orig· in~1 ~t,,,ct"r
, ... .


lock, aldrr, yc,,-, thorn, and "illo... ~I~I,· (ut in IH"""" ilnd 0'<:' tll<; ~11;dd III the lorm 01 a rude aTchway "I b"" n",k. and" ,,·,,;n..,oli,,;.: 01 minerals is a feuure ,,{ tIl<' h;,]I-w,,)', Ih ... "ffir"~ or",,,i,,:.: from tht'm being fini~h('(l in fir. ced;.r. tamarack. and pine. T he outer d(~)rs ;Ire composed 01 mic;I in'lead o f gJa~'" th"" calling attenlion to a miner,,} found only in ldah () and :\orth Carolina m dep<)slt~ 01 COl11mt'r{ial "alue. The fireplace, Ire made of "hile marble. 1';\5:1IIi<: rOt:k. and pressed brick. the la,l rq'''''''''lHing- a recent but J>r()mi~irg- indu,try_ In l'i,tOTlai

l<>rm an

hac and


p( til" LUIIlllloll"ealtll. " m"unt<:ol ~l,,-... imen of ;\ ~t"g.

Tile ClHrance i~


the ;;cencry and

rhr~(,'f'Ti~ti(' A"r~

oj Ih~ ~I~I('_

On th~ ~wnd floor ;lr~

wn'ptl('n r()Um5. separated If~n",erscly by what is known as 1'.!ica hall. its doors and ,,:udt)"~ fa,hiont'd 01 block, :!rJ sireNs "I mic:! and with w,in~~<,tillg- {II Ih e sam( maltria1. The parlor for men ;,; furni'hed as an old·lime hunter's lodge. with fi,epl~~e "f nati,,' marhk Ihree'prong-"J andi ron' r('semhling t>car Ira I"'. ;Iud on the w~lls nrious trophies of the chase.

TIlE HOOI, OF TilE FAIR :'Iloul1t(<1 deer, elk. caribou. and 'heep arc picturesquely gro~ped. and here is also a cougar ~Iaill by the knife of a IlNed hunt"mall. :\b()\e the fireplace is the rille of the !llodoc chief. Captain Jack. and among other articl('~ arc Indian relics and CO~· tomes of brilliant hue:;. The doors of the lodge :Ire of hewn o~k. the hi~ges ;:lIld fastenings in the lorm of dirk~. ilasks. arrow,. pistol~. ~nd OIher weapons an(1 implements. Elsewhere in the building the bracings and hinges of the doors. most of which arc made of a ~illgle slab of tImber. arc lit ImitatIOn of minets t()()I~. In the women's plrlor arc a mantel of white marble. homespun carpet. and tca-"et arranged on an o.,k,,,, ,ide[;Q" .. d . Old·I,,,hiollcd candle~ticks "re ra;let\ed to lit" t'<Ju~h-h~\\,1l l,,)(~. whn" also hang ]ndi"n ba~ket~ and faurics. while \"CgetabJe~, corn. and tobacco speak 01 the dO'llCslie I'Toducla of the ~(;lte. On tlw lhird 1l00r is the e~hi­ bition chamber, about 50 feet s'luare. tn which is an elaborate display of cereals. with hundreds 01 jars of fruit and a complete herbmium of /lowers and gr:as$Cs. J [ere also is an exhibit of taxidermy. including mem· bers of the deer famll)' with beaN and wohes. all in life-like mtitudes. The rarest spl.:drnen ;"no"~ them i~ of a black wolf. which appears with a rabbit in its mouth, amid what appcars lO l.c a pnl~h of ~"ge· uru~h. I n a glass c".c i~ a coll(!ction 01 more th,m tOO varieties of Lirds indigenous to the slatc. In the collee· tion and orgamzalion of :'I[ontana's exhiLits woman pla),s a prominent part. and a liberal share of the approprianon was set a,ide for her usc. the lad)' managers havillg charge of all matters pertaining to dairy products. poultry. pantry ~tore~. IlCedle·work. floriculture. ;\nd such 01 the fine arts, plaMi" ",,<1 l)r"",,"ent,,l, "<s MC lhe I'rvdu~b l1f wl)",,,n'~ I"",ds. Tile p,csidcnl "f the woman's branch is :'II,.,. J. E. I
Till:' HOOA' OF Til" F.II!.' octa~onll

111 ~h,II>I' i~ lini,h"d in nati,'c pinl'. (j·c upper panels dccor,.ted WIth the hcads of bulblo. elk. b.'ar. "nd other animal; indi:,:cnous to the ~tate. Lighl i, admitit'd through the ,tainld gl"~~ roof of a dome beneath which a re paintinJ,:s Ihal sp<"lk of the picluresquc ~ecnery and mineral wealth of ;\lonl:lI1a. The \\'alls arc timed an oli,,' grcen, as Me Ihose of til(' womcn's ]"O:Hlors 10 Ihe righl. all the furniture bting uphoblCred in leather. Back of IIIl' main reception room is " ball/luel haJJ in til(' ('('ntre of whIch J>; ;. group of mounted elk, and elsc"hl'rl' Ut· ~",okin~ and readin/-! rooms ~u)lplied wilh de~ks. tables, and c"s)" chairs. ..Vnong the painlings n:ost admired is that of Shoo ~h"nc F •• lb. ICI"c,..,utin): " s.:cthing m;'~s of water falhng over projecting cliffs. on the brow of which l~ a pine un' aoout to plun~e into the rapid~ I.>d<.>". t\'U<'>111( InJ.", ~ubjects arc Ihe crossing of the Lo Lo trail by Ihe l\{';: P~rc"; tribe, :l11d one Ilan)cd .. :\11'.' showing" plumed and p"inted bm\'e gazing at his own portrait. I~usscll, "the ro,,·.h..,y "ni,!." ('rlIir,.'ly ~elf.I"us:ht. h,,~ ~",'er"l ~uhjcc t ~ selected from incident~ of his life. as "The Buckin!.: Broncho." "The Buffalo IllItH." "n.:] "Th" I r(li~n '1"'1""'" F rom t~e women of Mont~rta arc scI'cral portraits. w;lh pholo~raJlhs of early settlers and prominent eitizcn~. In a broad f;allcry surrounding the rotunda arc 1'1~eirnen~ of ;\Iontana's fruits. nalural and presc n -cd. toe:cther with ~"tmples of feminillC handiwork. On a s:te adjoining that of the \\"a~hington building, Colorad() erected a neat and commodious edifice in strlc c.... " "," "u"5 o f old Spani~h architecture. wilh slender towers. in which are spIral ~talrcase", nSlI1g lrom the mam fa~ade to.1 hei.r:ht of nearly 100 feet. T he color schemc I~ 111 "'ory ,,·hite. and the dc<:omtions. though not elaborate. are .ufficicnt tu ": Ii",,, the 1>,0;,,]. plain surface of the w~ll~. Passing through pOrlal~ 40 feet m "'Idlh, the l'ISllur enters the eemral hall, whence $tairl\·ay.~ lead to the tlooT above. At the end of the hall is a 1;lr.r:e mantel of onp. A"nked by gb,." do<>rs opening intu th.· "m~.",..,,"\ <.>" tI,., ~idcs ,U'c Mr:<.>kin!.: ;uld rccqllion ch"ml.oers. On the second stor), an asscmbl)' room. with nulted ceiling. e.~tends acro~~ the centre of the building. and adJoin Ill!.: il :orc re:o.d,ng "nd .,..rilins rooms. from which is access 10 ha"j.{in){ h,k..,ni~". Thc home of the cen· lennial s t a I e was intl'nd"d merely as a 1,Iace of reH and entenainment. and apart from relic~ and curi():;itic~. cont"ins 110 spccial exhibit,;, Coloradu r,,~eninl: he r strength for the main departments of the E~po~ition, \\'hile neally all the western state;; are well repre><elltcd, there arc some to whom ~peeial credit is due. ami among- them is Colorado. \\,],0;;(' di~]ll:tj' i~ worthy of hCI ,e""UI~". ,,,,,I achk.c· A !:ellerallon has nOI . _ .___~~~~:::::;..] """r since. in IS~9. the d,sco,'cr)' of gold drew ,~ •• O~I 0< "ON"N' ",,,,,\,,,,, rd th~ ~cc()nd gn,.,,,\ migration across tbe plains: and )el within that time Colorado. slanding alrno~1 in midconlinent bet"cen the w,',' ',n(1 Ihl' furth"r WI'~I. h,,~ alr<,,,{lr ""'l"~,,,tl h"r older ~;"ter~. and wilh :0. future Ih" ~"'''I~e~.. of ",hich no Ill"n can foretell. As a mining region ~I", ranks lir~t in the productio~ of sih'cr and second in uUlput of gold. Slock·rnisi n~ has e,'cr been " profitable indu"lT)" nearly 2.000000 r:lIllr j',trazing ~monl! hrr \"all(}~ and ments.



TilE HOOK OF 7J11;" I·:-IIJ.' fool hill" wllh annl1a] ~h;l'll1cm~ ea,t r of 100.<XlO held. lkr }idd of ccrcal~ and (ru,l,; is rapidl), increasing. and hn irri~;lIion ~}~I'>1ll is among th· bL'St 111 the r"'public. In ci\'ic "wwlh no SlalC has " pr(.uder record. DcnH'r. ",hi('h III IlIbO was a ~Ir;lgglll)g \'ill"gc. wilh but a single wiooow of );1~~~ "nu "vt.I ~;n;;lc ]luunu "f n.II,~ in all Ihe s<;lIleme'll. ha\-ing ;11 ,S!'o " 1><'I'"bl;on of 36.000. and in ,)«,., o( lOi.ooo. Of nearly a thredold gaIn within ~ ,1,...~t1 ... _ rtah'~ participation in d·c F~ir ;~ brgch- due 10 Ihe clltcrpri..e of lwr \[ornNIl pOllulal;;)!). by whom wen.: also ~ubscfibed m()~t of the IICU,;9fY funds. a legislali\'c "l'l'ropri"tion of '50.000 being \'etotd by th(' go,",'<no<. In the terrllorill building and its contents. as in th· princiP.l] deplrtments of the I~xl'0~lUon. i~ ~trongl)' expre>-!l('d th\' indi, id ..,,];I)' vi the :'Ior",oll Comm~nit)'. a statue of Brij.:ham Youn):. for ;n,unc". MandLng in front of the eddice. ,,·hile the c.reh ""ar the m~in I}(ITt"] '" " pania] reproduction of Ihe old Eagle gale of the :'Inrmon temple. But the indusuie~ and rCWU!'l;es of Ct:l.b are alw fully {\etnplified.

1111;' lIOOA- OF Till:' F/IA' a"d "'I",,ellt) ,~j" ~oun t)' .,,,,,,,,,i,,t;on~, with clul.~ innunl<'r~bk, working in uni"lIl w tit the trrr;torU hoard, .1 wlndl 11


('I",ml,,-r~ i~ I'rc'~id"nt,

The home of Clah slands oil Ihc nonl",rn 'nge of the ground~, ils fl'onl rCM:nlblinc:, Oil a sln~1I ... r ~c,1k, Ih" cLo~,ic slrt"'llIn'~ tInt surr<:r tho: e"hibilS He nea lly groured, and in such manne r as to illustrate to the be~1 ",lvnnu,lo:c (in, r".ourc~" "",I I>o~_'ibilide' uf C I;,Io. Gold, ~ih'er, alttl ~ull'hur are Ihe prindlMI 1l1in~rals di'pla}"ul. ,lilt! \\'\\h Ihelll is shown Ihe pToce.<s of reducing sulphur and of handling rock s~lt and borax, both 01 which arc found in brgQ d"l"",il.. T he Bilk nnd I.o,,(;t ""gar i"d,,~(r;e 3 ore wdl rq>re3enled , and (>f CottOn IItere nrc ~c\'era l specimcns, A katnrt' in ! h ... di'pby ;" Ih" Col1Cdion of ""oman's "ork, 311<1 c~peciallr the article, contributed by thc board of tadl' managef~ . .\mong them;He portierc, of bwaddoth richly dtt, oraled: rugs made of th" slills d Ihe grillly lxm and 1l1o,utllam hOllt, and a t"hl(' and dICk of nativc w,>t>tl~ ,,,u1 uny,. . P hoto· graph~ ,He abundant. "h",,;n.; (he ,""cnery uf Ctah, her homes, her temple, t'{ di~pla)ing Ihe Iypical vegetation "I the soothw('~I. Beds and columns of gigantic cu"ll'd h) " b"kony. wilh pl:!nts in br):,'C vessels along the railing, O"crshadowing (,e cmranc~-wars to tk h":l.d'luartcni of the three territories_ To a cer!ai:1 extent II,e small <'"hibi!ion rooms are a duplication of th.·tt ",hich ""a,, d;'l'la~,,(:(i"'ells J,'v," New 1\1<-_\i,-o and ,\Jiwna. with the ~rain~ and H'!:etahle, of Oklahoma_ In the ~("oTTd story arc P:l.rlors neatly f~rTTi,h ed and ",.\ with"ut cvidcr.<:es ,r arl;'lie la,lc_ In K",," i\k"ic"" oha",l><:r Me b,'auli/ul ~I"<:"imcn$ of ",·"n,an', "~)rk, inclu~ing Ihat ,,-hich comes Irvm II,e Xa\":l.jo!\ 3nd here arc a],;" ]l:l.imillgs of more than aH"r:l.;(' ,n·ril. Aml'"g ,,\'iu>1l~'~ cn[:c.-tin" i~ :l. lifl' ,i7t' .-r~y"n porlr:lil of (;.·!It'T~1 ' ,,,ok, an(1 TT('~r it a. pt.-turt (>1 ~n ok! log.house built in P rescott in lSf'3, Ihe pioneer lJUilding 0 1 Ihat l'ICal"yaIXI the rcsi,knce of the fir't C,"·('TI1Ur. In 11h(.·tographic form 11re mh"r h;~loric spOI~, with st'H'I"al ,'iews ('>1 Ihe G r:l.nd canon. Th('re is :\1<0 a collection of 1l<;)ItCrr from on<: .,1 thc l"di"" ag~"rie,. :l.lTd from the wife 01 General O':\'c il com,,~ :1 '1"i1l in which ar~ ro·prnducl'<1 the corps badg('~ ~,f d,,, l'n:I('{1 St:l.tl'S :lrtll\.

. In.

~1'''''''LL,~y __


tht ~"e ,.1 Chi"a~" ,13)' _\ F ~,-d><.S'" "",.. ,,'"' 0( ,h. h;,., """cd 10 .. ch«~ (,,' ,,,~,_t"' _ IG, 11 1~1)"'n.nt of Ih~ b:d.n"e oIJ< on d.l>n, ·1';""

\I"".w', I- \(R

,I.h,oe' " ... '


bl ,i1<m,


The llIin ... " """ e,'"

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.tale build-

u,,,1 J,ouo,U<>O) (,,-,

,,( htot1>,... 3.01 "JO (nn, 01 i"",. The to,·erno,.', ""Ie "f ar,\rtm"", :, ~"rrl'~,j ~ ah at! i'I' /u,ni! ""~, 3\1 r,om ,,,,ti I-e ~ "",I" "",I '" ith

THE HOOK OF TilE FAIR CU"inKS in hi~h rdie!. ,\ 01 which hc1,j • >I",cia: ~elcbTa"on "" 'he ,6,,, 01 J"no , I" <:~n"h',i6n "i,b the eU""";6n,1 ""hibi,. m.,)· be mention«1 ,ho'e of Ihe ,ute i'l-li'Ulion f(>r tl .. training 01 'he ,jeal 3n,I tJmnb, (onUiMd in 'wo ch~trf"1 ,u"n)' roon" in the 'O"I~.a"em Co""" 01 'he bu,ld,ng, In Ibis inst,lu,ion Me 011 al\ "'eraK< ~h,,,,t inmat ..... th~ , perim~n< of wurk 'li'I~3yeti ,e,emlllin$( ,ho,", tle~rib ..1 ,n con'ec,ion ,,-iln o,he, in"i,u, ion, in Ih< chap'" (>n I, I>



;II ichilf.'tI', bui'dio~ ~"3'

de0,<><><> 0( her ."1<0,,,. ""'''''); ,1-.001\ (l""~,,,,>c Joh" T , Rich. e".(;o<erno, lI.u,..,'1 .\, ,\111''', ex·S,nalor Thom.. W. rer,,-. Gen.ral .1."1". ~[cReynoIJ" and L ~1. we""n, pr.side'" 01 'he "ate board, 1" '" do>qu''''' 'r>~ech. TI""" .. \\". 1'.1 .."" pr~id~n' 01 ,he EXI)'NtiOo. ~U,," .,cro. ,ketch.,1 the e,.,lier history 01 .I[ichi. );.n .• nd 'hert .pokt 01 the materi.1 and '<>cial de,'.lopment ."oh'ed lrom Ih",,·or' of its loonder •• nd pio,"er,. Theu came b".1 alat~. lliree,or'gener>1 n."is. Fred Dougla". and .\[ r, Annet [.au ra H"'iland were .1.., "Ir.ong the .ptale.... Mrs I la ,hc .. und.'~r"und rail" a <, .. The h":M 01 MlOo",ora w3$ Jedicated b)" Ih. member, 01 the S,alC Ed ilOrI,,1 a,sod,,;on belore 1\ \\'a, fo"nall)' ol","ed. J, ,\. John. >on pre..:",i,,/: 'he builJ' .,hom;, "d, accep,ed in the nam< of ,~e .ta", 01 .peci"; i"'erost ..-ere the i.. promr'u ,c .. ark< 01 C, I'. lI"n'. ;t- 'Uptrinlend"nt, 10 "'hose e,cnion, wa, I"gel)" due )lion",Ot,,', cred tahle display en all dtp.,n. "lCnl< 01 ,he rair. "rhe bml,jing ~'a;; chri! ,olut<"ng ,,,hibit in ,hol t'or"'tr)' building .• llo"·· ing ~h", i.'f"lIig'·"' dror, mal' ~oe"n>. pli,h in Tridge, u'$(o,"",,"or, Hurke anti Miller. and th~ I're;idenl "I tl" "ate board pacticipatin~ in the excrci"". The lony."",-.n'" ami"ersary"f Jo\\'~', ,,t< ho,,,". (;;"'~'nOf n"i". ( '!lief Bueh"".". ~f ,h,· "'grie"I,,,,.1 d'p,,,,,,,,n,. "nd \1 r< Isabell. Hoof,.r, [)urlng ,h. corl)" j'OrliOll 01 S'I',<mbcr Ihe pcopl. of "a''',"'' ,levOted an ore wcct to cele'-'r3"~ns an~ IeS""II'C" 'he '>th t>cmg .. Ie~tr,j 3S K..,.as da)". ,\",ong ,he parllc,,,,,,,,, ~'ere C_ I), L.wellinl. lead" 01 ,he people', PU')"' .\1. II'. Cobun. pcesid"nt or thol stal. hoard. and Solon T h.eher. One of the pionceu and foundcrs of .h. _,a'e,wi,h mu.i~al so<;iens fro", Topeka and 'he >.. Ie mili,i3. lter< al,o ~-"' "ne ..-~o, IIIOfe than all o'],~,>. '""" ed tlle memori., "r earl)" day, ~'he" "an",,' va, ,he Cenlre 01 po:iti(al inle'e". Thi_ was Captai, John IIro,,'o. ,,'ho;c la,hcr ",a, tho strong." bc.or in ,be agi'ation "'hid' pre,'a,ied in "an"", lor """eral )'e3T.lJ(lore 'h ~i,',1 W'r: ,~c cap'"in.h;",.el/ a noted .boli·



tioni,t. uk,">: part in 'he "ck of Lawrence, h"t no, m tbe altac;' "" Harper", ferry,and at the outlorea. "f tl-<: wa,rai.mga rom!"',,)· of ea.al,)'_ He i. _,iti a hal. and ,'igoroo, "pte;",en 01 manhood, ,hougt. ,e"ero: lea', be)'QO(I the .1I0tl.~ 'pan of I"e, The CO" of the C,liform" hnileinK Intru"ed to ~[3r)" C. Bne, of S3n Fr',neisco, I" ""u"da ,I," dr,u of 'he loun .. in. ~'ilh circular ba..jn, an,' a 101\\' 1',1", ~,;th 'l"'Udin~ crOwn rising I rom its celll,"",i ••• ""mely I",autif ul.'h< green of the tree and








tra>!i,/: ",;th Ih~ ,."" cou. olth< .. w co.u" founuin. an,j the ,Uter tricklin); 0".' mo»·covered rock>. or rathol, Iheir ,embtance in st~ff_ To 'he right 01 Ihe palm.tree i, tbe pampas palace ubihi,ed b)" .\\c, Stronf. of 'I·loin;«. 1.0. \"g~lu cou"'y_ It i. tJ.""",«I wi,h l""'p~. plum" as.,,11 as le>thers and w"rked in 'as"lol de,iKns. t!,. in'~ior f",· ni,hed ~'ith .rtide, nude of the ",m. m.lt.ri,k From Ih. ~'o",e" 01 ,\ lameda ""Unl)" came an aU'act "'e ",h'b'l. 'he lea,u,e in ,,'hich , a clod "'ith Irame.-ork of onyx "nd surmountetl b)"n .. bk figure_. th~ ,,,,mher... 1 h""" .on th~ ,Iial.plat~ tndrcl .. 1 "'i,h pi~"'ri"1 ill". _ tralioos 01 prominent bu:lding" .-\ c.. ,'~d "OOtIcn ",ant" " th<joint work of '",0 A13me,j. dam,,1>. an~ from thiS de".nd, a curtain c",~,"ider~tI by Ih" ,i>le,> 01 'he wo,'e,,' ~I :0-",,,, Pan'.. Thol huilding wa, dedi.:;.'ed on 'he '9' h of Jun •• 'h, h)"s bei,,!> eeli "er, ]), rl .. lan, ",c",p,esiden' (>/ tl-<: "ale boartl. T he ,o"er"o's >I",ech "''''' lollo"'ed by ""'eral o'h ..,. and t~cn Came a f'3<1 01 (rull .,,0.1 ~',"e. 0" the ,th 01 ,~uguSt a number of "'gon~"t' noet in th,i. Jac'""n ho.,e \u ~~d,an~~ remini",enc<s of pioneer ~a)".. The 9'~ 01 S.p'eml,.r "'as "'!e<:,e<J lur C.liforni.·, cdebra· tion; lor on d'yof ,Sso .h~ "'3, admitted ioto 'he union. the ooly Sta'e to be SO admitted ","ltOU' a proba,io,ar)" term, 'f here were the u.ual addresI:inK admit, ted :Lot ~ ""iIOr} ,;","10310.00>1), wnh the adm,~,;u" of Caliiorni3 to ,,,,Ie· hoo<><> in number. among 'hem Caleb lI"e". tb. I(o,·"nor 0( ,h. terri'ofT. and willced Wood"'lf. 'he 01 'he chorch .... "h ~'h.m "-e'e (;e"rg" Q, Cannon and Jo""ph F. Smith. .\/ter ,.ngn'g by the 1I0rmo" choir, Mr, lI.icha,d •. presiden, ()f ,he ,,'oman', board. SllUk" " fe,,' ",,,.d, of ",",co",., a,,~ \!I~" e'me 'h 11'"",.""",'. "0.1<1.,, •• , io "'hieh l,e relerred '0 the .xodu, Irom ~auI·oo. 'he ,oil.ome journ")" aerO" plai" 111d InQun,ain. a~d told how. an,id the ""C •. bru,h pial", of tM desert. Ihe }Iurmoo< pl3ntcd th", home,. hv:ng at limes on boile<J Ihi>1b and "e"'ed thi>tl~ ,op<, The .. "dsesconcluded wilh an ad<.J", •• Iw", (;.(>r~~ Q, Can""n. foi:owetl b)' 00"'"' and "'''¥, A 10un .. I" . the but: 01 which "-as focmed of erude Ore> and tr,e ptde"al oi <~, ~r)".lal •. "... " COotribuI,on fro", 'he ,"omen ilf Lew> ~,,~ CI.rke wl of nal;"" .H.... "'i,n a ,ube re,.mbli,,); tho ~Iemali< ,'in~_ From Ilea'.rhead coun')" came. also as 'he c,l, of '-"meo. a \able 01 "ui,· • ..-oods. i,s 'OP of "to",", work in ",·.ral h",dred ~ieces. and on iI, side 3 pa.,,' made 01 sil'", furniShed by 'he lIeda mine,







Till' \IID\\ W


P L \IS.\'\C E

F to ~ny cia" <1 Ihin~. to ('at and \u dr:nk. I ["nc~ it "as Ihu in r.1\"olOlhlc ,ycathtr at kast half of tilt· "isitors >'"""Id I,., Iound <>ul,ilc Ih .. b"iklin,,_, <>0 I]'" \\,,,,,10·,1 ;~h~(1. on Ill .. I~fl"on~, Ih~ I"",'· c\'ards. or ,..,;ned 111 ~h.ldy or shdtcred ~I'0l< Ii~Hllinl:: to the m""ic of the b.lnds. Hut a~ Illan·s ,'f n'l'n'atiun th.·re "'l're "onC Ih"l "'\>uld compare \\'ith the Mid",,,,,

plaisancl'. ;,n ~l'il"nl{' ~nd also a ~uPI~eml'nl of tlw Fair. wllh its b~za;lTs of all nalion, ils manifold ~ttn<'tions. a"d yet wilh cducational aM wdl as pleasulOlhle fealur("S. All day 1'1I11:: :lUd br iUlo til<" n'ght Ihis ~p.acious th"mughfH('. a mile in length and 600 fed ill width. "''''' rr(\w,kd wilh ~ight-~eers who. wh:ltn'tr d~e the)' mi.'!;Cd. would m;,ke th" tour "f Ihis non·1 "nd heterogeneous c~hibit,on. Enlcring the annue a Ilttl~ 1<> Ih,' we,t of the \\'(>man'~ Imilding. Ih,"y would 1';'" h.:l\\'<"{·n 11". ,,'all~ "I lIIl',Ii 1'.1~1 Ih,' dlwlling' "f culo1l"al cl;,ys, ).",1 Ihe rahins of ~'uth Sta i,1;1IIdl"l'-. "r J.. '~m·"". cg}l,ti."b lk,k,u;,,~. ) "did,,'. cimon~ tI"'lli 101'1> "f \....1. "nd 'Irall Ihal 1.11 of P'I ru,kr ,mironnwnL TI'{'Y w"uld bt· 01,'1 "n Ih,·,r "''')' I., (ie,,,,.,,, .lncl I)"",("ri.~n b"",I,., I,' ""d . Ih~ .I.",-".. d (>f Chin'· .....· ("\",".d~ . Ihhol1l("all t"Ol·\()mS; thl"" "'""It! ,'n\"l)un\,'r )ul:l:l,>1'- and m"J:i~'i;m'. c;un·I·t!r;l('1'nnd tl .."k"y l~,y~. ,b"eing·g.rl~ f ..",,, e,i .. " ;,,,d \Ij.(i,·r-<, f ..om S""·,,,, ,,~f of Iransfurinl-: hi, "",up'"rll~ous dl:\ng< frolll til<" l"Kh,t of the unwary pilgrinl. T It,·n. ;oS task and IO'II~lh of pur,{' dd"rmin,~I; (01 f("l" \lTr,' dl'm"nd"d fmm Ih",,· "h" • ,,<,,~" ••" ".',.. "'ould I",ndr.,t,· Ilw ltidd,'11 m,I',I,'rit" "f 11ll' plai-


1'111-: H(lOK OF TIfE F ..fIN


,du:l'l. on w'.ich Ihey "'cre






glitJing nNlion In " hl'ighl "f

~I rel="nofollow">O

fL.':I. aflordinJ: :1


;md kaleidoscopic ,jew of the p.uk and "II Illat it C\mta;IIs. (" Ihi:s mini.Hure fair wilh II~ "I;f .111.1 IUl1l~h. ib f.t"''''' uf C'el) 1)("" ,..,« I\UI:. ;1» pinurc~'1ul: building<. li:.:ure... and coslumes I; the mu,1 gr;lphic "'U\ "" .......1 (·thnological display ,hal was .. n,r prc,,;:ntcd to the world. All Ihe <"unlin('nlO arc herc r"l'r"~l'tllerilic<. Ihi< dOt" not detract from Ih,' \'alm 01 an ('~hlblllnn nell(·r "nd Inore eompre1<('IISI\'e Ih:I1' an)' tJcfOfC aW'I1lI,t('d. Enl.·r:ng Ihe pla,s,lnee 1< fi",t .>o;(·,,·~d. 011 eilher ~id,' 01 Ill(' aH'llue, a lIu"",r,.
.11,· ,.1;"':0.1 ,'" F"c'nd, <",0.1 C.lIi/,>!ni_1 ""il.

wi,h miniature J:"\\'('S of e\'e'J:recl1~ fro1ll the north· "~·d. nnd ",hc'r d"1'1i~a'''8 d tl,.. om d""r ,'~h;h;1 in 111<' II.,rll<"llllur:l1 dl·pannwnt. Tlwn O>llI,·S a linr of low l),:tl<'h"t\ '""'LIW·' ..-h,,<1' apl"'a,,",,·,· inf<' ....·rtNI. In this ,I,.. lir_. Ix',·"ml· illl<'r<'~l.'d during In r h",'o;",([',

•• 00 • • . ,.• " . . . .., .,,"''''

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.vrrd .'II/J. .-10 .YVOll HIlI.




~ C, ~, (?J~ 0 \,- ,



'~1S •


Till;' HOOI{ OF TilE


,,11 I,) \\,11 ,,, "II", C"ngr<"~ "I I"'"nt)," ]'"t al ... , h},,, sc(,re "f other tilll'S. by any titl(' l!1 fatl. rather than the o~c \\'hich appears abu\"(' th~ door\\'ay. As to thc qualit) of Ihe di~pJ:ly. whether of face. figure. or C"~luml. thae \\';,s mu.-h diierence of opinion. :ond as those of my readers who :;1H·d to ""l' it ha\'e douhtle"" judged for Ihent~he~. it is ulllwce~,ar)' here to mak.;: funhtr mention 01 the s~bJecl. except ptrhal" to S.lY tltH Letter I()(,kin)! women. and better altirt"tl. """ l)e ""~Il ;111) rlion of the bu~inh~ machInery of the Fa:r, ll1~ny \'il;itors pause for a momcnt 10 01 scn'e Ihc m('\hodi<;al working~ of one of the 111(.... 1 Jlromin('~t llTJ.("nirntion' "f iN kinci, A('n>~~ th .. """n,,~ i~ ~ I')~in. I\\")·storr holl.-'" "I TNt hrirL: \\";th n~rrr,w front :I",) ne~t interior. reprc,;cnttng ~ ty pe of re..idenet occupied by tll(>usands of Phihdelp'tia \\".)rkin~men. Di;H:onallr o]lPO' silO'. :lnd under the \~1.duct of the nil,,;t~. is a ~m:lll fnm(' building on which is Ihe sign: "Old,Trnlc Farmer's Dinncr," I kr., purk and hean". dnughnuts. l':('s. and other \i'1I1d~ arc ~en'ed by Vassar and \\\' Iksk)' girls. attired in cost limes of th~ olden da:'s. on littk square tables \\';th horn·h;lIldled knil'es. t"'o-prollg('d forb of >Ieel. and the quaintc..t of ~nllque dt"'hes. Hte idea "I ILr11lshlllg guch / meals original('d w,t h :\1 r~ 13rin ton. ktter k nown a~ .. :\ lother Stluth,,;c!.:.' Ihe I~"me which ~he hore :11 the C~nte,,,,i,,1 E~po"iti,m. "here she presid(..:J o\'er a similar place of ~·Il(",n., ""''''nt. l\t'd" b} ~he h .•• rep'oduccd anothcr of it~ ('atur('s in the modd of ~ re\, .. luti{)~arr log cabin. "ilh it< lwo 'oo"' ~ and lof!. ,he !"arl,,. c"'t('tldi~J:" ac,OF>< Ihe buildill!:. and witl: ya\TIling fireplace, crane. and kenles. "nd all the olher lurni_hi,,!!", "f " r .. "tn,y ~l('" 01'1''''';1<' tl:(' dnor is fililged upon a ~idebo"rd tlw family plate; and 11<'''' an, ancient hYllln·boo~s. cal1dk"'licks. and 'pinnin)! wh("el.-, :lnd oldest of all, the cradic of Peregrine Whil<', Ihe Ml-called "babe of the )Jaytl{'\\'l·r."' In an unpretentious structure known a~ Ihe Scenic Ih('atr~ are presenloo throui:h Ihe 1ll('(liUI11 of ck:Clricily eAl'ets of dawil and l'Unrise. midday. twilight. moonri: "~W', nn




" running t" til(' (·re dUles. "here they are lilkd and then rcturn.~1 to Ihe ~haft. and hl~s\cd to the ~urb("e, Here lll!'.Q arc Ih(shaft house'. blacksmith shop, powder magazine. !,o"rding.house. ropcway. >tamp·mill, water Humes, dump. orl" hins, piles of wood for timo.'ring. and .,11 "Ihcr nL"-"",") "I'I,lian..."" 11 Wai intended, as I have ,-.... id. I" huhl nCar the park entranc<: to til<' l'lais,ucc an e~po~itio:l of Bohc11ian /lh~' m"nubl"tur.. ; but th .. plan \l'a~ abandoned ~nd Ihc ex),ibils plan..:1 in the A U,I rian 5<."Cliol1 of the ~lanufacture~ buildi~g. though without any demoll' stration of Ihe processes whereby they came into e~istence. Such indu,tri".< ;lre by no means neglected. I"'''"''''er. among Ihe ShOll'> of Ihe plaisance. as :lppears in two large structures we,t ~'f ~Iolher Southwick",; cabin, f~cing eaeh other 00 either 8ide of the annUl', In ~ty:c of a.-.;;hi'cetu.-.;; thc," an: c,""~t;.,II)' dill",cn •. •he <me on the >IOuth rc"""",hlin,, an Italian c.,thcdr.,:. rich ;n c<)orinK of gold ~nd tre.:n. the winged lion ,,·hieh ~urm"UIl'~ it r('C;;tlling a ~imibr fi:;:ur n:nlure but to revive the ancil'nt industry of orn,u""ntal gla,s work in which Venice wa, at one time pr...·mi,wnl. Among the beH of the en.lllldh-d mosaics are two scenes ill the life of Columbus. which at tht close of ue 1.:.~IX"lIIon were to be u"nslerTcd 10 the Columhian museum in Chicago. Some of the mo,t Mti,'i~ ,.pnimen, [""" the ~Iurdnu fduur). 1-:""" "hid, He scattered among Ihe mu...cums and churchc's vf Eurol'e. nr" nl,.., ~I".>"n "" reproouction,. and th.·re an: • ancien toilt! oottles, cups a~d gob1ct~. ()rienul enamdb.l ~la~",,'". r~n,i''S ~1)il1llil1g of wunumu, dclie,,,}. Ikle i~ tl ... exhibit 0( t'le Libbey Gla,scomrl,lny, >IHJwil1~ nOI only its products but OJ. (;<'lnJllete ,,"orkin~ clll"bli.hlnent, ",ilh modern machinery and apparatus f<,r m;lIIl.1facturc. The main \'c"tih~l., I,,~d" into ;L ."mi.circular gb"".hou.e. or blowing r(l0m. wilh melting furnace in the c("lItre. in the form of n tflillca tNI conc. Just "'ithin its circumf(,rence and a littlo; abo"e the bn,e arC the mclt:ng pot~. enc1o~cd in a melallic can"p)". the heat which cllters from below being I(l'llermcd from crude I'C\Tnk'um pomped through pipes from Ohio wells. Aftu being ~1I:)jc'cted to a hc,lt of more than ~.OOO degrees of Fahr


,...... '., .. •• "t,,_



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•• A"'"

,,' ... £aa

Till; /lOt)!, OF TIl/:"

1-: "f..

I h~

blo."-pipo:: of Ihe "/:atl1l'rrr, "ho reachi,,): ;nto 00<' of Ihe pol~, lak(·, "1' :l lill l,' Hf th.· ~ub~t.'1nn· "1'''" II ... ",,,I "f I,,~ ),,,110,,. rod and I);"'''~ il to Ih~ hlll,,·e r. T he Jal.< ter rolls it bri'kly ul'on an iro n .Iab alKI tht n. a~ r.:, qyir,·d. expands it b) blow,ng through the I'll'': in a downward 1',,,,,;lion 01 n .... · Inels it by dil\.><:I"'~


1': I'e

urward. \\'hen lh.· ""'I('rial ha, readlCd the pro l)(;r consistency. It IS lu rned "lIh a ",lid iron rod, and by means of woodtn t,,'~s shaped into plaque<. plates. a nd other forms . Mler lea\'ing Ihe bk,win" rO':>Ill. all gl;,,,,ware is subjct:tlxl to a ):radualt'd or annealing heat, SQ tempering il a~ to resi,t changes in ~.

'-'" • .,.co ,","


A[)o,-e Ihe

blOWing room and the tempertn): {,"en ;Ire quulen; for lhe cutters wilh Ihtir .Iee! whtc!" the


"ilh thei r

""heel> of .... tndstvne, dud

hardn~,s. ,\ mort intcl'l""Iinf:' pro<:e,... than an)'. Iho~f:'h ,,/ le~5 !'rael lea) ""Iue, i.• the manufacture of what i~ lermed "la~~ dOlh; but this is too complex here 10 1)1' (I,,'r,il ....,] ," ill'11i1. O lh~ r ']~p~Mm .. n"

the polishel'$ with wheds of wood. abrading substance> being u-.(cd of ,-;uiou<



belong to Ih~ cngra"CfS and elcht'~ and thoS(' who decorate the YaTioUS articlt' .• in appropriate colors. Finall), Ih" .., is the c r)'~tal art room II herein arc displayed the finir)". Ebony wood work fornh an ,-rlce""e scl1:n~ for th~ cut-gla,~w,'r~ at tb(' sid~s of th~ room. th ... ul'lH>l~le l i 'g~



,,{ ,pun


in the Ctnlre. ~nd the ceilini: dccora· li"n' ""H,," of ,he $ame ,ralui,d. ,\1 Ih ... entrar-ce is a ,;o-call~d !I~nry Clay l'unth-oO\d of ,B'2 in l'fe,""-'"<1 ,l:b~, which Ih{.ugh of ... xccll"nt "'OTkman· ~hil'. is in !llaTked contr;L"t with Ihr

. ....

" ...,.

cut-gl...,,, bo,,] at its side. recentl)' mlOufactured by the comp.1n). Altent;on


aho atlra

><;1> enca..",d



morocco, to sherbe t and I'~n("h ju):s of H ,man design, t., qua,nt dc<:~" I~ r~ 01 \',,,,etian ~hap,·". g ..~cdul ct·lery Ira)"". ice -tub, h<>1l<')' di,he~. and a lamp 01 c1alxnte lI;lIICTTl de,i!(ncd for a hanquet hall. . \mnng aTticks in spun gla,~ th~re ar(' rurtain~. portieres. ~m! {I,·.. _ orations lor ceilings and walls, wilh hmp ~had~~ and other fancy "rticie, beau tifully painted. all "f tll<:nl intended 10 show Ihe adaptability of spun glass to artistic purp"S{'<. O[1po;it(' the Libbey worh is the loologlC,,1 arena of C,rI lIagcnheck. who daim~ 10 Ila\"(' domcslicat{,d and trairt":d mnr(' wild animal, Ihan "ny Ii,ing man. T1',e I'ro;.:ramme i, both amu-ing and

'·"ri"d. lor h,~ ",,,n:l);.:r:e ine:ud,,~ ,'J..pl).lnl~. h"" ... li",·r., 1""1'.0«1_, I.. · H ... d".:<. 1"':" ,:,,:1", .1",,..,. l1 .. r.,·" I'<>ni.,s. z.·bras. and bo.,rs. with monk!') s ~a]()rC ;md many c;,"':s oj storh and I"'rrot~ thu~ "Il<)rdin~ Ih~ l'"s.,b,lotl.:S ,,( infin:t{' '·...nbin;,li"ns :Inc! lorill" "I ,·nt<·rtainn,..nl. Prinn·. tl,.. ,·.]u.·,,,ian li"n. rid..,., (,n h",,("back and 'I'rinl(' on'r banm'rs with Ihc !:r:tcc and ag-ility of a cin:u< girl. An,)th"r lioll rides 111 " dlariot. drawil hy a toupk of H,'ng-al tigl'T', while ;I brolher tiJ,!<'T hdallees himge]f s\ it1Congruous element~ (.f tht brutt' crt'ation an~ thrown tngt'lhcr In Ih,s amphlhea:rt·. a.lattng all pr.'t·oncctwcl nOli"lb of Ihe fort·,t and Jun:,:le by a,so· ci:uinJ,( ;I~ t'\l'l:,:hl~'rs and friend,. So 1;1111<' arc the l)('as!~ Ihat ;,1 titrK·~ the chid h"'pcr takes hi, lion~ or "Ihn 1.... ,I",:l1il1),( .,,,i,,;.,I~ fur .," .,i,i,,~ .Hound the phisarlCl', d("pite the protesb of (0Ium1l;.1n /.:u"rd, and _ipe<;inl pulice. Ill<' piJ);rim o{ the pt;.io;;tI1c(: oh"'Tl'(:s at Ihe oppo,ite s,de of Ill(' alenue ;on :lmi('nl l<.lking gal/'"'''') H",nk,·d hy tn,,",·rs. and lJotyond and abow. a picluTeS(IUt' Kroul' of (a'tdlated ~lrucIUlt~. This is Ihe D"n,,:,:a] Caslle Irl,h 1,lIage and contains th" exhibits of the Dol1l'!.:al lOdustrial f~nd. bund{od hy \lrs Erne:;t liart, w~o cO~lmerced her laboi'< ~l<>f{' than a d.'cade a~". estabbhing l'Chools lor instruC\Nn in I'arioos industries here illuslraled as in Lldy J\h.:rd{en's _illage. In the I:ood ""Nk thus acc\lml'lished "he rcccilro the heart) C(~-Jper3tion and s}ml'athy 01 othtr wom"n. I\ho~e sole aim "as \(l eduelte tbe Irish peasanlry in home indu~lrie". and to furni~h a market for tht:r producb wilhout mak;n:,: them ob)L'Ch of charily. Substant,al ;ltd w;,s also Ttndcred hy Ihe princl' "f \\'alc~. hy Gladstone. Cardin"l :\lannin/.:. and other inHllentia] nwn ill church and SI"te: so that l'rt'in. il" one ~arr<>" harlor inac n'"ib1c (·xccpl al limts 10 ,tcalll.'rs "f tht li);hu:_,t dl';lft. 00 it> barren ~nd rocky ~"il no h"r~e ploug-h r""lel I,.. "",d. ;'On(] "\'('11 if ~lIrP:'I' "'.0 .N T", .... pnKlut'ls "t're rai~t"(1 tlll'r" "';(S no "(\tl<'l In lll:!rk"l: (or "'ith "l'nnst im]l;lss;'Oblr «'ads during the grealer p;'Orl "I Ihe r<:~r, Ihe fr<:il:hl 10 LotHlon '~1 a t,m of g,.)(l~ \\,.1" live limes ;,s mudl as fwm London 10 :\(·w York. And ret in Ihi; region therc WCT(' 100.000 inhabitanls. 01 ",hom a br~., propvrlion. thou~h h"nl'st. indu-triuus, and "l",;'O\'~ wilJinJ{ to !(-;lTll, Inft' in :1 ,laIC ""~s of the ])one4:a1 village raiSL'(l from ih abject conriiti"n to Ollt: of rel"t;I'e prv"peril)' wh;1e ;1-kinJ,( Inr \"""'"l/(



" ..,na.




, ,


. .. -



Tllf:' /lUOA' OF TlIH FAIR it~

"'""ufacturc,, "0 mol'<; th,,,, thei,' "",,-hI ',llllC, S,lid th~ lurd "",)"r vf Dublin, while ~p<:"kin;.: on 111.: ,'illage green on Irish day' ,,\\·c ask not for your c-ompa~~i()n nor for rour pity. uut \\ould simpl)" place before ),ou articlc~ recommendcd br th"ir chc"pne,;,;, th~ir nrti~tie l>cauty, and their ~"eeHcnt \\"orkm'"l~hip." In the Dunegal \illage arc so mally features of illtcr~st in its arti~tic Ixc>entment. its industrial aspttt. and it- n'r..,,,\ a~ ~ "~li<>nnl ,'m,'rpri,,,, th~t it i~ difficult to conden",,, into r~a",,"'ahk -'ll:'("" :t r!""-ript;,,,, of it_ character atld contents. Th e architl-.::tural d,,~igns were for the most part the r~sllit of much thought and painstaking:: but the draftill)! of lh"m \\'ns th" in'pirat;"" of a night, tl1<' rrrdil f<>r the finnl ebll<)ration of tl", plans being largel)' due to G eoffrey Ila mlin of :\cw York The faSilde :1'; sten frum the entrance at 1he plaisance re produces the 5t Lawrcnce gate, of which the orig, illal has stood for six centuries or 11lul'e in the little town of Droghcda. Pa~~l1lg thc portcullis of 1he keep" "jew of thl' village i~ obtained from i1S archway. l'
intanational exhibitions, rece,,·, ing high honors from the judge,; of the World's Fair, Elsewhere \''';c-making: is In progress a tambour frame by one of the oldest worker. for the f~nd. who~c fi\n". fabric~ \\'erc carried a \\' a) with d"light by the inbnt~ Eulalia, and have formed part of the trou~:;cau" of royol l'ri1l<'(,~""'_ II rr" ~I,o "'H' of the pupil,; of the ttthnieal lace school is at work on Torchon lacc,; of colorcd Ila", ;n tints and mate, r~"\lg palented for the benefit of worker" and registered under the name of "the Kells laces," now largely uscd for Ihe decoration of furniture and table lintn. In the weaqng cottage Kell, nON',"' 0' ,." ''''''$£ ,u..'~' linens arc being "'o\'en on a hand IOOIll, IheM! li!letl~, skilfully U)CU by j*"l:"'~"~ jm"Ill<:U by th~ ruundre~~. fuImj,,!, ;1 ~pcd"h} of the fund. Th ey arc largely uscd as a basis for embroidery and for wall hangings and window curtains by the art school~ of GrcaL Brit"in, and by firms whuse bu"iness is in tl,,; li,><; of art. They "I~o form the b;"j" of the fa"'''l'' I';ells embroideries, imentcd in tS8~ as a new Iri~h industry, and for which was rceeil"(,d a gold medal at th e Intcrnnt;oll,,1 IIl,"c"ti"n~ Exhibition in London in ,SS.;. with high nll""rd. at P~ris, )Idbourne, ,,,,d othc-r interny th~ \\'ife of W;lIial11 Ewart Gladstone, Here also arc Iri~h point laces in ~ill1pJe


and t'I,ll)or;l1l' \k~:gns. "'Hh h,,'uul lnlhro;dcred c"url dre~!'C~, \"t>lnJ~·nls. ~hnr d')lh~. I~ble linen, and O)UIlIC'I',,11lt"<. the 1'''1 of Ihese aniele~ r~"",mLllllg Ih',I~" which "'CTe m~de in F rance in II'e middle ages. T h<: fe are hnn\: ~c,.d,id~ ,,,,,,~i,,;.: in price frum a few CCll1~ \Q $' )0. and IhHe arr hmn"'pun garments worn ~hke by t .alway mar~cl women a nd prl11ee s,;(:~ of Ihe blood. all these and nlher sl'('cimcns tmn~ferred from the \'ill~gc f~nt)rr al (. "ecd"rc to Ihe Donq;~ 1 "i ll~~e at lhe I ,la ;~;",cc. , Pas, ing into the concert room. adorned wi th th e work, of Jri~h arti'l~ and the portrails of thoM' wh(IIn I r,~h,,"'n 1",,0' 10 hOllOl". we listen lor 3 whilo to n31i,0 mdodi" •. ehanled with harp accompanimu>I by Ihe ~\\'e(·t wngsters 01 Er in. T hen stepping lorth on Ihe " ilJage ~r(-.::n. we find our,..;,hes in front of Ihe ruined ~ecll (If D<>nel(;'I1 castle. once IIH' .f Ih .. O 'n"nn.. !!", th .... [,rinn·. "f T\'Trnnn .. 1. In Ih .. g~"I,"n l"'hin,1 rises t() a height of roo feel the round to\\N. a rephca of one (,f lhfo,c curio~s SITUClures huilt more than ~



." ,. "

,, ·,





........." ...",., thous.utd rear~ ac;-n. presum,lbly O\'crrun by the Danes. [n Ihis !IZe of '''Ihe wishing chair, "

~s pl:tCe~ ;:~rden is

"I rciu!e for the monks and Iheir sac red \'es,;cls whfn [rdand was al.;;o a reproduction in miniatu re of the Gi~n ts cau;;cw.~}' ~nd in fun

Under Ihe sh ado w 01 Donegal cast le is the Ja panese bazaar. fi ned with umn?e and lacq uer work. wilh bns ~nd screens. vases and sil k,.;, fi gures of mythologtca l char~C1" fs. and "rtlck, of bn,,-a-brac such as afe exposed for sa le in evcry city 01 the Uniled State~. mu~ t 01 them. be it oiJ=-c"·l'(I.-r< lill;.ge. is ommg [he ,,,,,,,I i1teTcfiting i'""I""" of th" pbis',nec_ It " """ who"", ,,'hHcalx'U1~ ,,;11 n,' I"" nO;"h'y mi~taken; fir in from is a miniatur.· "ind_mill. such ~s arc used in Jal'a It> scare a""y Ihe myriads of bird~ thaI inf"'1 Ih .. rir .. field~, .. mittin~ " ,,)hun. "f harsh. dis<:nrd~nl ~n"nd ahol!('\her "ut of "roportion to (1)('lr ,i1.e. T he en trance is in the form 01 a u;'lmbt><> archway" ;'Ioo\'e whid i~ a \\'remh and ~\\,)J'(! combi'l<.'d. Ill" >ign-manllal of the old Easl India company. T I,,' entire vill~g .. i~ indusetl b)" ~ Il'n,foot f"net! of bamb,lO. at'll consists of SHIllC 46 buildin~s. !
FilE IIOOJ, OF Tilt: I-./It.'

1,,·rlccl.,' wall.:r·li~hl ar.d ahno~t ~s Mrunl( a~ Ihe} are ril"\il rel="nofollow">lc. Each "I Ihl hUI~ hh a poni(:o in In'l'l. Wh"fl' women make ~ilk and gold ('mhT>i(kri .. ~ and liligrl"e work. w('aH mal. and IM~k"'I~. and dye :1nl h~ ,tl1rlain wi lhin II1<"nl a " lrksh"l'. "'here Ihe h"'pers ~1I .. n Ihe baml)o}O Iinor "th Ihl·if !:",,,,..b ,..,.«1<',,'<1 .11ouud lhun. T h"",-, indud" nvi ""I,' the ,-ai<>us manufacturl'd article,. but small I'"ebg~'s of Ie ... c.,/fee. ~l'iH·~. lin "r". gum. "";'ned COllage. Ihe walls ills(dc and out bemg cO\'ercd "';Ih I)ainted Ml~arcs of h l ml)(~) matting. T he Slag... elel"aled a few feel from Ibe hall. e\ECnds acft>>out Il'n I('d deep. wi th a ~"ries of platlorms behj(ld it. c',,~h " }.Hd 1.ighc·" Ih.((1 lhe ulher. lhe~e f,u' ( n""tI",,~ of tht orchest ra. who"," p(~"l;es con " i~t of a ,·iolin.shal'cd



, .J'", "ilh 1"'0 strings. a ~mall b,II!1bot> I. 'J; .... • ilHe. and Ix"a~s and co pper gon~s wngmg in size frvl1l a sa~ccr 10 a "'bh lUI,. Each g""g I.,,. a I.n,,1:> in the l,'''lr" "hid[ is slruck "ilh :\ stick. \\o~nd ~t lilt" ('nd "lIh 1",lm Jibr ..,; 1,,11 Ihe m()~ic i_< ~i~'l'lc and s"-CCI. dilk-ring entirely from the e"r-piereing ,bcord 01 .1 Chine~c 01"<:1,",1.:>. E~I'(·ci"lI)' i~ it a(hp tNI tt' the ~low. f(liding mO\'t,n~cnts "j II,.. d,,,,,.ing.girl,. who in !I... ir w,,} ~ r(' a~ piquanl ~nd c .. rt~inl}' mOTe nwdest Ihan ; II",ir "" 'sl,'m ~is\lcrs of the ~ta~e . \\"ilh lure arms. ~houlder~. nud fL.e!. but with no unseemh- eXI)(),ure of person, thl'(r s!t-"der. lilht:'. and ~elil'a t cly rnul1(kd jnrnh M.. d.ocked in ~mbroidercd ,ilk>; ~nd ,,·IH·ts. a'ld \\:Ih bracde:s and nccklaC(" "I .t"ld. '1 he dl1lCC~ con~lilule a. ~"ri,,~ of gra,-eful p" ..... ~. th(, nllWel!ll'llts altm.st n nh!ll"d IU Ihe pali,)(1 "I the ix>".~. the')' "."aluu Ih,-n,-«·h'c~ ;" IId'l" maide,,:> ,.,1", arc' cdu,,:ned hy Ihe l', i~~lhood. belo" ... I" :\ n'liglous (lrder, and arc of sud! birth and rhar~Cler as to be s<,ught in marriage I,)" nuble-, ,1Ild prince·s. Of Ihe <'ighl dancing ~irl~ "nga;.:.,d at II", th""lre four w"r~ .enl I,), 11, .. ~((Iun of Soh a "3~~,,1 ",,,n;\f.. h tribulary 10 the hwnc govcrnm"nl and ft'igning (Over the ccnlr,,1 part "I tl,,' island. "hile Ihe othe r lour. \\ilh Ih" ",.(Il' ,I;,n,,<-<., adON. ",,,·,II,'r,. I""".'r~ an<1 ki1<·_I1,-...." .--nln,' frum til<" I'rean!!l'r f(!~cneit~. ~ '\"l'sl,'rn I'rmi!u{' of J"vn, .\ U arc in dtar:.:e ,,( P rince .\dn'·n. who. h~l.\'jn~ made three !"I~riml:.:es :0 :\Il-cra, ranks a~ " hi>:h I'ri,'~1. 11" is assi,t{od by Carl.) F(·rrari. I"n'm~n ()I the ,·illa!.!~. " man "Ito h~s f(',idl·d i" Ih,' DUlch i"-'trull~l·nt




ludic< for more than a 'jU"rt.-r of a ",'ntur)", and is tlwr<' "~I""'l'('(1 :h ~ hunt.·r of r<'nown, ,\m,m;.: thc- en'pIoy.',; an' ... ,-. ,'r:oI from the court theatre, a"d the pro· duction hClc (If a comedy whid, has 11<'1.1 til., hoard, of Ja"anesl' kmplc< of th.· dram.1 ,ill(c time imml"m('rial should I ... :1Il ("<'nt i~ the dr:t1:1atic annal" of tl1<' 'H"t. Une man de><:ribcs the nUIlH>IUU' incid.nts, and (1C oth,'r acto'" ,,,,d .1("t'l'"""" mi"w, ttl<" dancing gi<1, al'pea rin~ bet'H'l'" th e aeh. n.~ do the "ir)' f~i. fC~lu,..,d "thlnc~, 1'1..last ;,ft' of :t superior breed 10 tk major· ity "f Ih" ,-illa-"" P0f>"!~'ion_ f".. mi,,/( in fact " rae,' in Ihem;eh-cs, lih the pr,,· fes,ional athkte; of Japan , Fr"m bJhr hood Ihe) h''''e bccn f,,'. where are c05lly and ele!:anl {alm<:s. rare work> 01 nau'-e ar\. ~rd not a few <:ariositiel'. I lere:ore kri"l'S or d"!:.!:I'n:. cun cd and ,U-Ol ight. with blade~ of absorilcnt steel, • n,Crawd w,th dr,'!.:''''~ ;I"d "'1 with "''''Ih- jew,,1s, 1>.,,<11.. , or 1''''' citJus \\'wd and ,11<"Jths ,,[ ",-,lid guhL Th,",,: "r~' III<' pr<>l't'rt} "f G. J. L. de BTU)"n. who a~ ,n"nal--,,-r of Ill<' ,;11.1,::(' ;'Ild olle of the dire<:l<>~, occupio.:s " n',id,'n<:" .•r· tion of tlwlll fashioned inlo a lad\'., loil<'l ('''>c. In a cage ju,t within \I,c enlrance is ;til o1'-cnt the oatil'" I"~in', amI Nlould ,;orne unt.1y in:";"e 1:<:1 h' " " _'",l.~ .. ', . . . . . yond the conlrol of the high PI"I",t or tiC <;olr""l.oi"n he would find himMlf ""u,I;hl in 'heir du,dl. Ihouf.:h no ~u,-J, occa~:nt "I til. I'ntran<:e t; the hou~ which formerly hdonged :0 :'I lataafa the prince "h" ,<:1.><:11<-.1 ,)( •• insl G<:,:u,,,. ,uk .lUd ".,~ depn,..,d. It i, ~hal'ed lile a l.e-e·hi,·e. wi~h "1":' ~"n'" thitt)' le~t a!,..,,-., ~"'un('rry bark. fa, ... 'I;tr-l'iuh,. nali"e <,rna"wnt,;, cookin!: Ull'n,ils. mini.l lur .. nno(". cotton f.lhrics, and . . ." " , • • , . I . . . . . . . " . . . . .


,'ariou, tnnkt::ts, .hells, and natlH ".".>11" But the mo,t gr"l'hic f.:atuf(' Hf til(' ",hibil is in the n"tl'T' them' ~hl" n1<'n, women, and childrl'n, \nH'n the \\'~ather pcrmih thlT arc dad in 'trips of tapa d)th, ~s s.;ant ;,s dcct:nl'Y ,,1101\<, the girls and II'Ol1ll'n being dl,<,ngs and dant:e, of a fl'stive and 11l()TC ple.1Sing nature. All ~in:.: and dance. I'art akin~ at limes 01 kn\'a, thl' nnlion~1 drin!., Ihe lllwe of life ""l',,,hling Ih"l in Ihe j,"'''''l''e "illa!,;l'. e~n'PI that Ih,'re is mort war In the atmosphere, TIlt' p':Ql'lc ale de~n an,l h,,,pitabl," aml thcir IHlu'n. thatthcd wilh wikl so~<ar cane, the flo<,rs bcin~ ~l're:\{1 with ma~, ar£ ch£crful lind air)', ~[al~, it may he h,-re remarked. pl,,} il "",,! i"'l'"rt,"'tl',

.. ... ...,.'" ,


the lile of a Samoan, \\'heD a tril~ go~:s to ..-aT tht fiT>-t thing to l~ done :s to ,..,eure the mats :n a place of safet),: for tbey d,',;cend as pricelc~, heirl.)(>rns from family to lam.!,-. and ,,:thoul then' a hrid,"s d""eT woukl I~ considered entirely mcoml'l~te_ T he SamO;ln village i, in charge uf J Ic-nry J, ~Ioon<, In A,~eric~u' who has Ii"ed in Samo."l fur I ;,(,Hl' of )ea"" is a 111:),I<:r of the South Sea dial'-"'t, the confidant of the d('po"-'<] :'o lalaafa_ induced the j,lam1ers u> lea"e t~"l r homes >n F:Ji, WalliS I1a), 1"'llinsula, rid, in timber ;11,11 other wood" and with a soil \lell "d"I'I",1 lu the gn)\'lh u( j'ile. ~ ... lTc", luh,llGI, ,'U;:"'--C;gether a complete e~eml'h6cati()n. 1101 only 01 the pmlluct,ons. but of the huildings, imp!.m 'nt~. arms, dn''', ~no (;"sl"m~ "f lhi~ ... "~,,,,,!,,,Iilan !....... r1c. ",hid, i" ... lud,' lw,id"" ~bby~, ChinNl'. J,"'~r1l'"c,

TU. ~ ""



rill; BOrJK vF TilE /.: IIR ~Iam,",\· .. \r"b,.

and 1J)"k,_ In nw,kls "r" ~trocturt·, of man)' l'at1ern~. [Will the ru,k hut. of the aooriginal ~aki al'd J"cO<>11S t" the pabre of the rajah and the mO"jue \\h~,c hi, ~uLjC~b w,-,,,h,l" Tlo"IC .11" <,I"" IIu)(kls of ,,'er)' lorm 01 boat u~~d I) the "huTi>;inili "r hy the ",<.>dern )'l.,lly a,,,1 ChifJl~ ,,,xl h<.>u.ehold and other ull,,,.il. ul 'lu;oil1t dt,·ice. There are (v,\gm".' of man} d""";I'I; m~. fmm ~~('h a< ar .. ",om :'y th(· 'ultan'~ c< mpary of Chintse 'lctOrs In a held;tl drt·" and tu the u~ua: attire of the ,anDUS (ia,se~, logether ".-ilh the lo"m on I,hi,-h IS won'" the national ga rment kno,,,n ,Is the S;lrong. T~e bungalow itSi.·lf "as built 111 Johore. is thatched with palm and raised scv"ral feet abo,c ground. as IS the ('ustOIll ;n Ihal eounLry for protection ;'ga;n't t'ger". sllahs. and ants. In the uPI",r r()('1ll is the bed of a ~IaL1y rajah and tl", throne \)11 .,hidl he s;(, ,II med!. I',. il>l; II", nalalonurn 0:\ Ihe "ulhern ~ide of the plai,;,ance. we rome to tfe paw· r,\lna of Ihe Herne~ Alp.; contained in the building ~dpC{nt. arId as this repre..cnt~. a~ J h~H' ~ .. id. Ih .. ~oJc contrihuli"n "f "'\\'it7~r· land to the department of F ine Arts, It is " .. tor worthy of more than paMing owntlon. Ctr· t;lIlI It is that if p.1nOfama~ can l"l'f 1)(' r1a~~ed as work~ of art. thi~ mammoth depiction, covering more than 6.000 ,([uare fcct. is worthy of th~t di,ti!lctiol1. O [ Alpine raintinJ.:s tlu.'re is 110 Llek. and S(ort·s of hmes ha"e tl:e Jungfr:1.I,J and the ~ l al1crhorn 1>C('n plac~d on C,lll\'lS. their beauty and suhlimit)". their scenic dkct and stupendous proportions rende red ~) far as ~uch rendi tion was po~sihk Iht here is not a ~inJ.:1c alp but an entire range of alps: n!lt a :nere prostitution of nature to catch the eyr of the si,\ht.scer. but an inte rpretation of the ..:e1l1'" "f Ihe mountams in all :hcir majesty ancl lule. but each in ~ separ:t.le line of ,HI. ,uxl forming: 1('J.:,·tl'cr 'U' <"'~"llclH ~ollll.>i­ n11ion for $ueh an artistic cnl('rpri~t·. Th('se 'H're E ugene llurn.ulCl, ('minent ru ... I""d-.:"I''' "nd "nimal painter. nnd per· Il'("tl)" ;I t home in ..\ Ipine H(bjccts; .\1. Fur~t. .,lso a landscape nni"t. wh<>Bc themes ~re u,u"lI)" "h()~<'n from th" ",iddln rel!:ion~ and the plains: alld B,md-Bo,'Y who IqSS,,,, much of his time in silldi(·~ <>f 1",,;11 lif... ;lnd "~I"\('"i.ll1r Ih" lif" of n">lllll;lin,,('f~. By thi~ trio W('re eho~n fOLr c"lbboral()r~. and I') Ih6C w~re ht"r .1dd('(1 three Pansian arti,t", In :h(' ,ummer of I$<) I t!'le pUI)" encamped on the ,ummit of th· \I",nnlichen ,!lp, and tl-('re I'a~~ed M:"<-'r.ll months in stud,- and !kdChing: Ihen Teturning 10 Pan~. they shut Iheln,d,'<-"" up in tocir ~:udio. a large c:reular shed. formerly u'-Cd for a rnihurr p.anor:t.ma. and 111 Onoher "I the following }(·"r tht' ''''rk ,.a~ cornl'k1ed. Ie((i"illg fr,ulI the ableH of er.li(·s U(l!IUahli.·d ~ol)ln1,:ndation and wiunin,.: for It~ artih(ers the eTO'S 01 IIII' Iq(:on of h(>lwr. Sunding ,)n an inner platforrn whidl Iwr( 1('l're~l11s Ihe \ 1:,·nnlttht·l1. liS ~urnmlt faCing tIlt' Ikrnt·,e alps and Handillg like a tall l'rom<>nlorr belwtt'n the "aile.,,, of LlUterbrunnCIl ~nd Glindt'I ...'ald. (he ~I""u,.:r" \i,.",,~. "~ [",." ., l",h·,,:cnt.~ "I alpillc '<,,-no,·: fidd. of \·ir"in . . . . . ~ ...

y .......

""'''''-, ~Iaci,rs and walls of rlInt,,,n lorh'lIts: g.-as~·c",'e::red Sk'Pl'~ and tl ... ",)lnhr., foliage of forc~I', with her<' and there ~ l'""cdul h,l1nlc,t 'lL'stlinli among lush nwado,,'s a"d Ihriving nrth3r1k Tllefl cu,,:(·s tile r..,I'er,..; side of til<' pinurt', " spari"lIs IIndui;tnllg plam, "uh tIll' ,illag.., of I n!t'rI~dll'n, the 101111' ".ltns (Of 1 ~1k.., ThUll, ;ll1tl b'Tond. til(' (lin] outll11.., .,f Jura. ~ll jormlllg a scene 01 surt);(~smg 1"\'I'1inc~s the Idyll "f Ih~ pict"ri;ll dram,!, BUI, as is rl"marked hy Philippe Iln.= ae-ad/'Illy. the '"k\'\'nol" "f Ih", grand ~''''ph,,,,) j" Ih,' i"'I~"i"g pit.- ,.1 1:1e BHnel'<: all'~' ",hii'll di'flays II ,,,<,1/ Irvm the ~1"-lInli("h<'n ;" nil It ,n"gni6Cl'lln. II~re is 111<' Jungfr"~, IqlhinJ.: its pur" ,.r"w ;0 th~ ,,\I,..r: t., the righ., the Bhlrnhs all' .. ith ib ti,,,,I)' n,1 I'rofil,': tl1(' hrn"d ri(h:.'s (,f Ihe Hreithorn ;11,<1 'I\rhill);dhorn: te> the left 01 Ihe 'IUel'n of the Olx'I"' LInd, the Mtl'l1dl, wilh iL~ hu~e "'el'ps \>f ice; the E i~er, ~hOOling inl\> thc air Its rugged ~ilh()uelte and lurning it~ l'recipitou,; ironl to ti\(' ""ltin,l( ~un; th~ :ichr{'Ckhorn, darlin!: l~ ,' " ~.~ an ick;lllcml'k. At the fe.'1 "f l],i~ ung" of gi~ots, Ih.., 1\\" ",lIe)~ "I',~',,,l lloc,","Chc, I,'zil) "",1, "n Ih.., Idl, Grindelw;,ld, III<' silvl'r," r"ofs of ,ts chalets, it, frui t trt'e~ and 1,lu",gl.ctl f,dds, il~ ul lik":t l,ol(on,I"" ab y ~s, Ihe >lcrl1cr "alley of Lauterhrunncn, ,\'ith tl)(' Stau!)h,..h and Ii", \\'hi\" LlII""hine, hurry'"J.: In Join ha Bbrk ,isit'r. I'<:rhaps the gr"Hc~t .. harm III this half rood of Call1',b; {or 1n no "mall ... r cI.mlla~, l't.uld 11K' .m;lrCH'I,m 1)(: conn:,,'d; i~ the I'ericc\ dcnlol'mcnt and r/'l.'lion "f all tht )lans It> Ollt' harnH.m,,~~ II'hol.-, though conll(J~t'<1 "I th" rIl( ... t dl\'l'rSt> and hCll'rO.Qcneous clem/Ills, E, ... n alllon,l( the lugh{'r alp" wh"fI' \\'etterhorn ~nd Shrl"<:~horn, E ig/'r and Jun/:frau rai,e:: the::ir 'lIowo{'appt'd 'Urtlmil~ Ih.'u~,It1,b "f feel abo"e:: their n"ighbur,. th..,re " a certain rhylhm "f 'HJtli'K'. a lIalal1ee "/ plane, in keeping wilh Ihe d",ign and yt:t a Lnlhlul rq>rt,du(l1on "I ,,,,Iurt,', handiwork. T he ",'rdure nn their lower ~Iop"'s and th,' Llndsc;'l'" "i,ta, at their f,'et all Jdd tl> lIlt' ~{'IWr'll t'lkcl. ",Iul/' a dark nctw"rk of f'-'rtH~ aftor(\s ;,n arli,lic l'<:lIing {.,r plam~ and ,';.nl'Y" '" I ha\'e ,een man,l" pan" r,Lmas, :<'11(1 th," prcsi(lcnt or ttl<: .\II'in{' club: '"but 1 n..,,'n S6" ,,'l<, .h,,\ impr('~o,('(l me ...... prof"undly as this. I h"p" tn f'eC it a/.,"lin; ~inr,' ,n' ;m' ",sur('d Ih,' I",;nl;";.: \\ill I....· ,..·tu",,,," may 1><, ,n"nt;""",1 that of the wkano of KalaU<'a, di:-pla},·d in a polygon;ll bui:chng furth,,!, to th.., wt:~1 oj II", pb;""n~'e and on Ih,' "1']""lt,· ~"I(' "r ,h .. a,· .. m,,' O""r Ihr )",rtll i~ lilt' iigur., "f p..,lc, tile I la"'aiian godd .. ,,, ,,( fir,,, its posc ,uggb!e-d hy th.· • 'W" ,~ c ,," u~. w~1\.kn"wn ~'j.wn.1 "I a ",n' wlH'T('in tl ... )!"dde::s,", I)('ing w('T"tNI hy ;1 nati\'(' prin!'," pursu,'d him in a rhariot of m•.1I('11 la"a, hurling firc·hrand, :0110'1" him'" he !'(>ught rdugt in the Ma. (';rdinl: Ih,' walls wilhin art' sonK l~,O::>O ~quart· /cl't or twarl)" h,,11 :1Il acre ,,[ (""m·as. whereon i, depiet"d '"Ihe illfl'rno 01 th" I';lcific," the brge,t .. ,,1(;111<> on the jK~ of Ih~ earth. \\'hilt, no! wilh"ut meril, it d"l's not (om par<' wilh Ihe other as a panorami.- painting, the dTe<:1 being I;LrK('I) produced by electric I:ghb. pyml.'ehnics. ~nd oti",r r~('chanical conlri,'anc(',. Th.., 1">;l1( of ob"".,'a tion IS in IllI' "l'r}' Iwart of Ihe <;rat,·r. and n.,1 oil ,\~ hruw whl'f(' Ihous,lnds of Ira""lk", h'I\" ~t'Kod. Ga7.jn~ upward and aruund. III(' ~l'ectmor j, {·nro:np~~'l·d " ,Ih

Til};' 1I00A' OF TIlE FAIR

a hi",ing, huhhli,g "':'I (lf 1;1\;1, ,,'ilh longu,'s ,,{ rlamc ami douds "j ~Itam n,i,,:.: from falhornl"s;; "ils 10 n\"<'fhan~ing Cfa)::~ and masS('S of r'K-k .\11 Ihis is ,.". ]Ifbsed wilh ~Iu(icd 001 no: wilh Ulls\!'- r("all,m. fr.lgfl\olls "I mck l)("in):: bll-ndcd mlh painl("d cliffs "n ... h'eh afC dum:nics :tnd pll.inl("d tigu r,,'. pr,"umably irl,-ndt'(! for I.)uri",~, "h,k ll."h-lighl" ill '.11;' ,m, coloT><. ,,-ill, ([tt,)Ilali,'n of bomhc and cra~ktf~. imilm" in showman f;"hion the awjul gran· !,,,n, Adjaccnl 10 Ihe Alpin\' p«noram.1 lS lilt Turkish I'ill"g". .1 I) pICal exhibit of Ill{' Olloman empire. spread Ol'('r a SI)adous ar(';t 'Illd ;]rrangcd in attr ...,til'c ~1)lc by ]<(ll)("rt 1.("\)'. liS COI1('("S· ,ionairc. r("prc.;cming the firm of S;""luliah. Suharni and COUlpaIlY. ConSllnlilll-p1c. I kre ;Irc ro an· • 000_ "'''" ,i,]"c ca"tlc~, no grim \\-c"p.'n~ "r "·arriors. no peas;]nts. or pea>., nts' homes; instead arc luxurious pavilions and b.llaars. a minialuf(' mO'1Iu(", a thea Ire. "'ilh T"rk;~n ~edan b<.ar('rs. ,,,,,I c.'~lly ~rlicl(S of furnilure and d""oralio,~ all troc I<> Ih" :if" of Tork,,}, in Eorol"~nd Turke) in ,hia. ,\t one corner of the ,-illaJ.,'C stands lhe llIOS([ue. wilh ;I~ gndcd dome 60 feel [n)::h a~d liS slf'nd(,T minarl'l ris:ng 10 an Cllual height It \\'as ~rC(;led by il)("cial pcrmi,-,i,,~ of the 01loman gOHrnme,t ~nd dedicaled \\'llh much pomp and ceremony. as \\'ell il 1Il'!.!hl be: for this ",as Ihe fiM til'(" Ihat .1 )Iohal:l' medan lemple had be~'n tonsecrated outside Ihe limils oj 11]1' ~I, hammedan world, On th e al'pomted dar Ihe llIueui~. from his I)("rch in Ihe lall \\'hit~ 10W(T. ~um· mo~ed Ihe fa;lhjul to Iml)el">' and to the dedication Ct'f(,n1'lI1ll'S. I hey GIllie fwm all direnions, ;1{h-anein):: in long procession some j.UU<J ~Irull!;. ilea,ltt! I,), ;l ",;Iil.,,) band. TI1<1ugh accompanied by n,Lti"e mUSICIans lI<)undi"g th~;r ~hr;1l l'il'ca ",><1 die.:ordanl drum~. and by a COntil\J.:ent of Turks in gorR"""~ ""if"rm~ o",'r ",hom Iloawth"ld in thc Llllted ~lalC~, Ihe maloTil), t f Iho>;c who took 1'.1f! in Il l' exuci,,-'~ I)("ill): l1lembcr~ of Iii" ~lnli:1;, I~'''II)I" "f Chi~.,g,.. Th<· Pl';', cc~>i"n '\l,und throu;,:h Ih,' "ill3l:e, Ihe mcn <'Illuing lhe

Till:' /.: /I/.'


1I"11I<;h the muezzin and hi~ url·lllr,·n Wl'Te Ihe promin,·nt figule,. til<' rorr~n·g.m"n r'-"I"m~il1g "jlh (n'lluem I'ru~· !rali"n~. :ind d.,,,,u! .;,x"hnl.~ti"n, "f .\I1"lo' .\ 1.3"'1,,(0( (ol1""Td '" "n ",IJ(,in'n~ IMII; •• h .• nd",,">e I)am~..cu~ bbde w;{s pr"""ned 10 Ih" ~I"dina \('1111'1<= hy Ille conwssiv'l;oin;. and Iht' .-debral:"n Ins at .. n t'oo. CII'se to tI", mos,!,\(' i~ II". ,."frr-hllwnl p""ihn" lI'ith \\';<1" :or<'1".d "",,,,,101 it~ int"Ti,., ,1<·,or:ot,,<1 with "Ikr-n !.'urL,ins and Ihe fine,t ,,( "ricnwl LilJI;'-'. 11"re arc ,,'r\'l'd lem<>""d.', SiWf1,,·\, and ,,11lt'r T urki:-h drinh, "ilh oranlo:"" ra,,,ns. b,lnan:L'<. tam"rimLs. :ond pOl11elo:Tan· "tl·'. Tu the ",uth is a Nnal1 ,ITUl\He crr· d"sinl( :0 I'I'rs~~n It'flt. 160 Y"~n; ,,1,.1. and • fun:lc·rl), b.:lor~",)( 10 obe of Ihe shah" wh,· pilthNI II many a day in Ihe huntin.&: I(H'Ulld <>r II,.. h;lItk fidrJ. It "'prescn\s an nnrnl'tbe amuunl of h,md'lI'ork. Ihe interior h"i",: "h''''~1 '·("nl'kl<:i), """c'«'d wilh fi)(urco .'mhm;ckr.·d ;n ~iher. gold. and ,ilk. IlI;re :,)", is Ih,' ,,,h~n', ,;I\"'r )~'cl "I ",,!i,IIIWI") and tn",.t .·Jaboratcly ornaIDt'lIkd. hoth tilt·"" priwl.. " ITeaSUrl'S Ll'ing gu;rrded d"y ;ll1d night. l'>"ar it i" a large build"'l( ill whi('h are t'xhil~tl'd Ih., manufactured ;rnd oth('T pruducb of Turkl'Y, this j,mninJ( the (·duea· lioml 1"'lIioll o( Ihe di~rla)' ...·hill- in II". eemrl' " .t> ('o1lmerriai fealure. III Ihe form of a gT;rrel u.lz:raT ,<'culiar 10 Ihe orient. I'r~~, "-~f<'. preci"~, ,\{ne. ~nd j,·,,·.·lry. n,,<·i",,1 "rhl~ ""d rclic~. ;"".1 ill .. ",,,rd ,,'h;I\{'I'C'T is produced or found Ih",u,:l",ut Ihe hn~,d <''''pir<' "j Ihe port.,. I~.·,taufan \ s ~re gr()~p•.'d in Ihe n~iJ.;h­ hor!"IQ ,-i<-Iory o( PLu"",. In "'ar of Ihl' b~zaar are coli 19<" irr ",hirh n",n anrl ""nlt'n "fl' engaged in Ihe rn.1nulactur~ of rues. lac.,s, ('rnhmiderics. blass"',,re. and olher inclu'lries ]INt"jnin): \<) Ihe countr). Thl' hrgl'sl of th .. ", buildin~s ,~ " candy (actory ane! satcHoom. Ihe mo,t Jl'<'IIUI.r 01 uri,'nt,,1 s"eels hl'inl>( knn'" II as Ihh.1t-c1·Lo~o,,"': tlMt h tv",'). ''''''(Vlt ..,( the Ihr.>.'I. Hut nttracling more "lien lion lilan an}tllin~ d..-: in tIl(' ,-ilb'l" is ~ ~m~ll. wh;t .. -h<'~rrl,'d man whom \(;,rk TII'~in i~tro· dUCl'd to Ihe ",orld many years ""',,"'" :>l>(O, It i, rt'la t.-:d in 11,,,,>10[(.' .f6NmJ how the aUlhor ~el{-ut'd him for his g-u,dc through Ihe nMr"",. t<'rtuou, ~\T'~'ts of C()n~LlIl1a1

TlIH F liN

..... "N. <"GO'''"''; ON ••• ., ,,~h,d

the guide his name. ":'I!(hes." was the reply. ~ow. having always lived in Constantinople. :'Iloses ",as not specially interested in it~ sighl~. and while Twain woukl be standing before some f!0rgeous Illosque or L>~~a~r. as though rooted with the intensity of admiration. his guide would still keep plodding on. The humoriM was so often distanced in this unequal cont~st that he duL>bed him "far·a,,·ay )[oses:' and thus he was recognized by thousands who visited the plaisance. The ~hx)ri,h l'm.llle on th e "e.t. is arehilecturally intere;,;ting. as of the type so famili;Ir and once so widely rcprc.cntcd in .\Iricn nnd Spnin. \Vithin it rug". t ile .•• l>roll"c~. ~w"rd~. work< of art. "l1d curio~ arc S<1ld by turbaned :'IIOOT". woo also act as ,,",.i te rs in the local restaurant. Figun:~ in WaX gi,'c the visitor a claar idea of a pcople which once played no mCan part in \hc hi,tory of the world. and. if inclincd. he Ill~y become SO) entangled in an ingenious labyrinth of optical illusions ~s to imagin~ a swan.,-isaged Berber in e"ery .-"rn('r. T lwr(' ~rp ~I~n ~l)()ut ~i~ty gmup~ in \\'a~ on th" ~rro",l Ilonr th,. figure·s I,,-.ing m~d(" in Paris. an,1 represen ting not on ly Europ<'n n rulers Lut historic 1\ mencans. Scauercd through the buildi n;.: arc cornel y WOmen. some in wax and others of Ilcsh and blood. the ;;kilful disposition of mirrors as,;isting to make the illu~ions more complete. In a separate ch~mber is a grewasket rendy to recci"e the head of tilt: victim. In contr~~t with the ~[oori,h pa!;Ice and the In'anesc colony is the G<,rman village. ;.djacent to the latter ami c"\'erm~ Ile~rly one stxth of the northern ~ide 01 thc plaisance. • All the structure~. 36 in number. illustrate the nl(;di;C"al :If<-hi· l~"tur" uf lh;,t cuurtll}. and c'I'"",i;\II), u f 13"",,-j,). Th~ ,'isitor enter, through the arched portal of ;' squ leadel being Eduard Huschewcyh , "hu .-encu in the '';us with f\U~· tria and Franc<'. and for man) yea"" \\'n~ roynl Illu,icnl director of Prus,ia. • On Ihe left of til<' entr~n.-~

TilE HOOA- OF TilE FAIA" is the rich and mas.,il'e fa~ade ,f " He~,bn town·hall, with carl'ed outer ~taircase-tjlt' traditional Bridal ~ta:rs_ h has a high ~lat" roof. and Ol'cr ](" hroad f!atc j, SrUll'tl(!s aro.: exact imitations, as als" arc the taU windo\\'~ of stained ~1ass, I'en· crable 11\ apl'car· _____ .. ance. F ro'n the bal• <:un) depend festoon~ of woolen cloth, ~pun epntun.,~ ago upon h~nd·loom~, \],e ~iml'le des ign. "'()r~ed wilh l1a><en thrend... Thc n,,~in body 01 lh ~ hall, h)wel'cr. is OCCUpled by the museum. man}' (ll its rarest artielc5 being C(lntained in mode:s 01 wllege$ and others in plain cases, T h .. ~rf:1)" of b.... n.-~ m",~~ ann imag.. ~ ""TTi... One bad m"n), hundred>' of }'<'''''' Ba\'aria contributin,l: man)' curious head·dresses and jel\·cls. with bere and there a relic of Columbu~' 11111(', Huge sih'er chain!; and iron rings, jcwelled head·)!ear worn by the brides of old, and antique car';; of ~oldcn braid don 'led by weal thy ma tron; stand .,ide by ~ide w;th I\-ooden clothes·bea ters and book-jacks ingeniously cH\'ed, and huge powder fI~,ks of bone orn~mented with siher, The museum fonns a portion of a "alu~ble ethnological colkction, which is substantially <;omplctcd in the p:cturcS<:jue German castle towerin~ alol1 from the centre of the "illa,l:c, surmounted by turrct~ and spire" and ~urrounded b)' pahs.~des and moat;;, l<eachln.': the entrance tower beyond a model d rawbridge, the \'i~itor mal take eithcr of two passage·way,.. Following one of them, he "'\I"'o.:~ tu .• l'''go.: w.....,o..,d gardc«, pTu'-ided with tables and ehaifll. restaurants, and pa"ihong for the bands already men· ti,ned, Here one ma) paTt3kc of ,-;nnd" "" ....·ed as at the hotd Kai<erhof. 01 Berlin. to the >'


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. ......0f'Q,.,,,. ,.orooo,ro.....

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gatew,,)'. the dsilor IS confronted at th ... entrance 10 a museum of ethnOk>gy IIlth a group 111 wax of the national warrior, and heroes of Germany. Around all heroic k:ure of G~rmania arc the c"gk'pluilled Arillenius: thc warlike. unlcttef<;J I>~niu~. Ch"r]<.:m"gnc: Oil" the warriur ~hu,.d,"'''n. II hu c",.,.ic" " c'lIliuh,ll in hi. "nn~ , the 10ng-k01rded Frcd~rick Balharo~sa. fricnd of the pt:ople, and old I" ha~ ",arred. "nd wllh t"I'",;\r"," and si lks of the "i"teenth century. when lt nly with the Io<)ms of Genoa. Florence. "nd Yen lce. WaS in the grasp of Germ",,), ~,nd Spain, There "f'(, C"T"'an p,·~s~nB dressed in gayly color<'<1 hom"~p"n gCK)(h. 1i,,«'1, ~nd cOlbroid"r;';s glisttning "ith gold and silver thread~. Thc), arc of "II "gcs and pro\·inces. ~l1d it is difficult to believe tl"'l they arc merely studies in still life. In the h'll of Germania arc lance and axe heads, arrow

points. klli"c~. and other wcapon,;, utcnsils, and ornam"nts gathered (rom Hom an "nil German tomh~. ~ome crude and simpk, others rudely beautiful, and all relic~ of the days when T eutonic tribes "'fTC \\'arring among thcll1!rdini. "'ho~,, d",ml'< were knder. soft.eyed children in the arms of Chri
'lilE IIOUI, OF jjll;' FAIl<

[n cham"'""s '''ljoining the chapel arc hundreds of single ~nd two' handed sword~. wilh dagger.-. b,lltk· axes. guns. cross·l>ows, powder-horll~. l'i~tob, and combination guns and spe;Jr~. group{'d in cases hunJ.( upon the "' all~ and slacked in voriou" de,-icc~. Thc,.~ .,,'<.: the he,,,,} ~"'ords of the Ger"",,, I!'ihe~-"",,'e of Ihe'" """~'n feel long.-which the muscubr TCUlons wielded, and the ~h.ort broad,lI'ord, of Ih" I~omall~. mere readily hand[,'d and of superior mClal. h'orr handled halberts. sirangi'ly .. ~r\' .. r\ I'm\"(lf·r.f1n~k~. fbggeN groo"ed to eont"in deadly 1)olson. cross·[){)WS for War and Ihe chase. W'lle with HOCks inlaid with si[w:r and i,·ory. delicate Italian blade_~. stir· rup~, helmet'. and g[o'es "re exhibited in endless ,·ariet)'. Here is a gun the stock of which is cO\'ered wilh copper nnd gold. car· rled in the s,xtcenthccntury by a grand·duke of Hrun~. wick. The cross of Bur. gundy and the chains of the GO[U"1I I"lcec. "1'11<:"r ul"-'" , the ivory h~nd[e of an· otber. and the sun-wheel • of the old German pagans fl~me~ "pon ~\\"ord hilt< not lar remOl"ed from tho.c which bear the Christian eros,. A sword with pi~tol att~chmcnt is Ihl' Wl'al"'n whif'h rOll Hun"n bon' wlwn hl' camf' to arrest his fliend ~fartin LUlher, and ncar b)" is the spur of Charlem~l:ne and a box that belonged to the elector of Sawn)'. Each trcasure has a history and is of unl]ue~tionable authenticity. the entire collection being so arranged as to show the e\'o[ution of arms. the C\'o[ution of armor being illustrated in the chapel alld of nation~[ costumes \Il Germania hall. Near the Hessian town·hall arc the typical homes of the peasantry. each one lar,;e enough to contain the horses. cows. pigs, ~lnd fodder. in addition to its human inmates. the ground Hoor serving for stalls and stables. the first Hoor for family u5C. ~nd the h~ly 10ft abO\'e all. A fantastic specimen of architecture i" the flaring roof 01 a cott;lge m the Black forest , which descends like the wing~ of ;' brooding hen almost to the ground, In winte r when the forest is wrapped m a mantic of ~no\\'. this cottage is turned into a f"clory. where painted ,,'oodel\ \'il1aJ,:e~ with wonderful f\gun.;~ of qua<1rUI',,<1~ ,,,,<1 hu",,,,, L>o.:ings p[;'} the ICdding I'"rt. The \Vcst· pha[ian house i~ sta tel), ~nd cathedral·like in compari.on. h"l";nl: " high poinlcd roof . , ' thatched with straw. and abon! the gable. " , hOT~e~' head~ car-'cd in 11'00<1. Ihe Irib,,1 ~yml>ol of Ihe ancient Saxons. T llT<.JUgh ib half opl'ned horizontally rli\'ic1",1 df)()TS com('~ , the pungent aroma of a W estphalia ham as it is carried from the smoke chamber. Diagonally oppositt is the Cpp·cr Ba\'~r~ln honse of pronounced hil;ldand I)'IX:. with can'ed doors and window In'111es. grcen ~huners and wide I'erandas, "ith Ihe crc>ss sunnountmg the gall[e. duscl)" rc~emb[ing a S"iss cnn;oge. ;\Iore rudel)" constructed is Ihe Spree Forest log farm-house. liS gable rafters hc"ring carved he~d-" of wo[ns \\"hK:h I'r<".;1;';,,, that it~ ".I1.;i"uI inll];ll<'s "-ere Ihe fierce and warlike \·anda[s. Th c Gcrm;ln "ill",!(c comes nearer to being an expression of national senlimtllt th~ll nn)' exhibit ",~de by Ih e em pife. T he project WaS lI"armly supported by the ~Ol·f'r"'ll<·llt. ~nd thf' lislof ih ~ltr~("ti(}ns i~ included in the official catalogue issued by the German commissioners. For this unique and interesting display. credit is due to Ulrich Jahn. of Char[otlenbur~. a pupil and friend of Professor rirchow. With the fin'-lnci~l support



of Ihe German and nalional h,,,,k~ of n"rlin, he or~"lnil.ed a .ompanr ~1)1('(1 Ihe German Elhnographical E~hibili()l1. "ilh a "ap'I~1 of nearly S.jOO.OOO, C. B. Schn1idl "f Omaha o.,ing placed in charge' of Ill" eHlerpriso.: in ChIC«go. Th~ ethnological e~hibib arc qlul'd ~t many limes !h~t amount. Ihe mU~{Um "f arrtwr an(1 arm~ "lone being p~limated al $ ',ooo.(X)(). 'l ' hi~ c()lI1:<:liol1 i~ Ihe r~,ull "f fifl<.", ytars " f lalx)r Oil Ille pari of J{ichard Z~chill(" a (Own counc,llor oj l.ro">.enht,m. M,ar I)reo«:ltn. and a friend of Ihe king of ~axon) . The plnn allll >("pe of Ihe entire di~pJay were matUTt'd wilh Ih~ a~~i,t"ncc of a c<>Illlnin"e of artislS and scientific mell, ~uch m"n ,'~ P",i<:~",r \, ir<;h()w. lCUOr of the "niHt~;I) of Berlin: I:l"urd,h \\""11",, the ",d,it~<;[ "f Ih" ,,~W Cennan Hciehst~g buildin;.;: Eugene Hr~cht and \" >11 I leyden. <:eltbratcd palllters: A. \"0%, director of l<"y~1 Ethnogr'~l'h;c mUS<>U!ll. and C"hn. S,emen~ "nd ~la~nu~, the Herlin b~nkcr". The "fchi")durnl I'lall~ were Illelde llndn tlw direction "f C;,rI IlofTacker, " professor in the Berlin Art ~e~delll)". and Ihe l'ill~ge \\'.15 b~ilt by 11.<' finn ()f Philip Hob mann ~nd Cf\mp~~y nf I'r""k()rt-r.n-th('-\I,,i", "II til<' \\"()o,:I,"'

aud d<JIIlC>lic
mana!(cmcnt of Ihe German ,·ill"gc ha~ fully ill",traled, and in mOSI graphic and intcT('st;n", ("rtn. th",p ph~s,'~ rtf national li fe. ZoOpraxiswpic hall IS Ihe building of formidable name in which arc gil'en illu~trat<)\h cntcrtainin!( and instructi,'c, and through th~Hl one mar learn ""rpri' ing facts as 10 animals in m"l;on "nd Ih" l'0~;tion~ ~.: which the), as~ume. [nvesti· g.-Ilion in this linc is a speciality which h:ls been pursued within comparati\'cly recent )'e~rs, ~mong Ih~ mOM prom000"' 0< " .,,,." inent of Ihose ,d,o have engaged in it heing 0ttom~r .-\Il,.;chuet~. of L i~sa . Pru~sia . ~'hosc lach}scopcs arc exhibited in the ElectriCIty bui ldi,,:.;, and Eadmulld ~l3ybridge. who display~ ~ome of h i~ result, in the hall 011 the plaisance. \ \,ith photographic aJlI)'lratu~ .'0 perfccted that an exposure ..,f one tcn -thou~~ndth part of a us 1~,i"\S "f ""'lion, as well a~ thy:d "-,i'],,n<"<' "f Ill<' ~h~h uf [spahan. th

~>I ~:l'ight·<)(-hand

men, merchant~, wail"I'<, d,lI1~l"""", arti,an" artl olhef~, numl>..r au.. ul >('Y('nt,-, and mah thl' P~'r~i;1I1 bui;d· illg " Iin'l)' pJace for thosc who .-art' ror Sl",i>

l'nlnlalllnll'n t ~.

B"yund it. to the lwnh, afe the ll1allll,>d sigla, and noises 01 tho: street ill CaiTO, whose phst('red wall~, ,rregu:"r l>uil<Ji,,~,. ,,,:<1 !,;!",-.J of ""'u".,!, ,I" u,,1 ,,\ Ii,."t nc,,1l' an agr.;cablc imllf""io" tholl!{h "hen Ihe pinure i" c~amin,:d in dCI' ii, th" ("ontrn,t between the un'-ghtl), and Ihe pic!" ..' -'I'''' i~ n()t wid" •.,t i~h'r~"I. 'l1,c prim;I',11 {'n:rane~ is thruugh th~ br0.1d, I"\\,, "~~"-'rn p<>rlaL ,dH'T<' ;01 "1\1'(' Ihl' ,',ilur lind, him~lf in the ;onci"nt ,\fric;1Il ct\'. Ikre from Ihe brkk ,-o"rl'-:ln\ ;md Ih(' Iii\\, I><,,>th, une g"""s down til<' str,"'t. "ilh it- euriolls b;I),-wi"d""",[ I",,,,,,s, and l):Iza;]rs on "ilhc-r side, and al""T. 11ll' J:r;.edul mir~tr.'1 of Ih(, mOS'!lIl', \"i,itols are S('al\t"n"1l1dinw~ wander ahN.1t! amid Ih .. e"~m"J1'I'lilan !hr('ng. It i~ wl"'n Ill,' •.-~dding or IIIl' L>inhd,), 1'1"','";''' I'.~~",.~ ~I .. ,,)( IIt'1l .1", ,"p"I.I<" lu",' 01.11 in furn' and conjucns. a'lro!og{'f'o, snah channers. aud ,bun''''' ,U' ",· In win admiration and ft·"",,1. TIlt' "o:ddi,,~ I'r'>ll-~~i,'n is 01 da,l) ,,,-,urn-"H', I,<:rl .\tabi"n and SvU(!H"'''- childr .... runn;n):: "hl'ad a" l",r•• :tI" anti




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Till:' /lOOK OF rilE FAIR

the torch-bearer waving aloft his sign of offie.... The oriental b.1nd iJrar~ in honor of the (,·enl. whid is suec~eded by a parade of donkey, and half·nakt-d wrt."le!");. ,,-hile sW(>fd'mtn w;lh scimitar, and ,hi("]d, induh.:t· in s]l'C"Cial conte>IS of ~kill. J e,~ ... rs. moUnlt"mes the central figure amid the commotion_the coy bride. hidden unolcr a rosc·tolorcd can.,p}. i,rcce(\N:1 by l1("r 1)T1(io:-smaids ;\nd an unl;,den eanwl gorgoously caparisf the to"CT above the mO"'luc of ,\oou Bake Bnzhar. Tht ma",i'·e doors of Ihi~ house of w,)r,hip UP . irh in mPl~ni(" ornamenta. tions and !,:o r gcous .n coluring. Entering the sar.ctuarr tl", -","('n(' i, (lOe (If o.i~ntal splendor. ,;oftel1(·d by the graceful draperies and th<: mell.)w light shed by its m:lny I)(,lh!ent lamps. R~ular sen·ic('s ~'" held e'-ery Friday at n()(.n, t li'e times (!:lily the priest frum the gallery 01 the mlllaTet SJ!1lmons the faithful to prayer. ,\1


IIIE BOOI, OF TIlE FAIR afternuun. iUlIncdi.,tcl) ,,ftcr SUll~et. and at nightfall is heard the chant: . God i,. gre~t: God is great. Tlwre i~ only on" G "d. ~nd :\](;h~1ll1lled i .. his pf('phet. Let uS pmy: let " .. h{'.«in _ G od is



is gre:lt. Acros.~

the ~treet from the mosque is the re~t"red dwelling of one Gamal·cI·DincJ·Yahbi. a rich Arab of the seventeenth ce11tury. Its fa~ade is mure elaborale. and its halcollit", which extend from the ul'p~r ~tor,es. arc I.rger Ih:m are found in Ihe ;l\"er;lg~ «·,;,lel1cc. T ho.: dour~ are inlaid with irory and ex'Iui~itd) c,,,,<:d. while the gilded ceilings. 1ll000'ic"'. clabo orat<: (h"pcric~. ""d beautiful mgs which adorn the living ~p"rt,",-."t~ 1,-.11 of lu~ury if n"t of rdi~ement. B")o~d this aristocratic mansi"n is a long row of shops and dwdlings bazaar,; below. a nd Ii"ing a P:lTt· lllel1t~ abo,e -a turn in the ~treet leading to a marble p.wili,)O. it~ lower ~tor) pierced with arched windows. while aho,'e arc light arcades covered with arabes(lu~s :1nd crowned with bakonil' ~. I n the 1\0tt:11> or nlo~'lue school th~ children arc taught to read th€ koran. and thefe IS a model sehor>1 Itl upcratton. the upper foom of which is thrown opcn to ,,~i tors as a com'eni~nl obSeTl-atofY. i' enr loy is :1 hnnds<>m.-;ly decorated theatre. where dark-eyed Egyptian ~rl~ in gau~y garment~. with gre:1t golden ornaments in their head-Drc~~e~ antI tiny cymhal~ Up011 their fingers. dance 111 d,mgcrons proxim ity 10 sharp swords and lighted e;\ndlc$. The ~eltli·cireul~r stage is lined with d,vans and on either side Me ri<;],]y <;urt.li,,~d nXJm~. t],c~<: fur the ddll<;ers ,,,,d ","~ili",,~. Through the handiiClur~s(lue display . Ivory. jewelry, poncry. and brasswork. embroidery. :lncient gold and stiver coins. S<:ludalle,;c arnts and drap.-:rics. mumm i,'~. bcct1c~. na· tional CO~Il1I11~S. IOIUs soa]>. loilet appliance,. and myriads of house_ hold articles arc offered by mcrchants in gay attire. botb goods and ~.ll<'~m~n addinl; to the archite.-tural attractions of the .-uurt ;\Inny "f the .uticlcs hne contain<;'(1 arc bein;: ll\:111Ufa.-:t~r.-:d in lhe hou""~. "here arc makers of ~lippo: r~. ~il k -wea " crs a t their 1()()1l1~. fez ~nd tent-makers, embrotde r.-:rs. smiths fashionmg the fihgree work o f the Soudan. potlers turning and d(,{,()T;lling j:1fS. cand)' make r>. manu facturer~ of mllsio:al instrllment "" and can'~rs in wo()tI , 1'1)0"'.' 'Illd OSlrich eggs. ,\ ''''ted character ill e";r,, ~lrcc l i~ l l"dj ll amud S uir. " fort un,,· t~lI~r ,Itld descended frolll a long line of ~eer~. the lirsl of IllS f,nllil), ,;,u;n>: in the d lade of the "phin x and biddi"g E)(}l"i"" d:un,,,I~ bcwar~ of white Illen who C;lInc to them from Ihe l{"d ,e:l " ith l'romi",~ ",hid, th,,}" nf'\,1"r imr",kd tn fulfil 1]'-' i .. a digniliNI 1"'r· son"gc. but "'ome"'hat (-..;cen tric in his habits. conning his booh during the witching hour., ,A night. Id'CIt all others are sound aslecp. Around the court in the "e~ t end of the ~trcct arc th..: ;lIldent temple of L u~or ~nd the ~ecti{Jn given over to Soud'll1e~e and l\ubiani<. Thc







~ , • w ,



' I








'N o



. "-' ~'



TilE /lOOK OF TilE FAIR i"nll'it is a clo';(! copy d the one llt:;n 'I1H;hc'l, ],uill ;lhout 1.400 B. C, ;tr.d "ftt·rw;ud the l'rincil'~1 ~;Lt <)f ;mcicnt worship. Two oIx:li,k, stand in (ronl, the exterior walis oPing I'aintcd 10 r..,plcS('n\ Ihe w;ulik<.: deed, of th(· J\allwscs. (~uring whoi-(' dynasty Ihe giN)" of lh(' "n(,;(,1\1 fllth was rt;~torld. The third monardl \~ that line is ab.o represented by two mighty



the cnlr;UlCC. and the im1l'T wall,

.Ire dCl'ictur"d with ('vents i, the l'h;tI""h~.



in row; of

the .• itM "f )-i"



of the

,,1,.,),,1<'.1 'en,.,i" •


,.hid, ,·"tend

the huher end vf Ih,· hdl. It,,n~....,s III j, first in till" lin,- of tn""'mi<·~, :",,1 h~ck of Ihe ,,:t;tr "I<' 11,.. 1""'1"




T hl al1d '\I';s the Sacred Bull l'orth "f 11K' t"mplc arc Ihe Souuall,·,,, ami Nubians. li\'ing in bark huts, o\'al in ,.;h~p(; and thatched with split n·..,ds or corn.stalks. The form(,f. with their sword dances and mimic cont.-sts wilh I~nl:-uladed we:tIXlns. ICl'ive tnemori(·~ "f the camp"iQ"n un
.-\lx,u t midway l!1 Ihe plais· ance. ,_lid Ihe mo.;t eOl'spicuous object therein. is 11,,- mechanic.tl wonder of the Fair. one that is to the Columbian E .~posili,-,n "bat the Eiffcl lo"er. yct star.ding in the Champs de .\]ar~. was to the I'an~ E ,~position ,)1 rSS,). This is the ]"erris wlleel. n'l111ed "ft..,r ils arti_ flc..,r, G. \\'. G. Ferris, president of .. Pill,L>wl-: cII),;im'c,;ul-: ti[lll "Iw,e speci~hr is Ihc con~truction of ';~<'tl Lridl;e.. It "'a~ not unlil Dce('rn ber, ,892. th;lt Ihe conctssion "'as lo:TlInled. and in the f(,J!o"irg month II,.. m~t('ri,,);; u,,·;j ",cr~ ~Iill ;n Ih· f.. rm "f mugh h"nl ... r ;md pig iron; on the 20th of :'>larr'J groJnd "as broken for Ihe foondattons. ~nd on the !oth (,f June the completed whee: began 10 re"ol,·c. The ~truct~re coo,ists of t,,·o wlleels some 30 fC<'t apart and C()nncct~d U)' iron rods and 'trut~. which nO"'here come within 10 ket ,)f th~ periphery. It is 'po fett in diau\(;\l·r '!nd 30 in width ,II tl,.. "~Icri()r rim , rising fmm a platform rai,,-!! 18 fect ai)()"e Ih ,ground. T h< rim of each wheel is composed of a cur\'{~l. hollow frame of iron. WIthin "'hich i~ anotlll'r whed ",ith light('f fralll!', In the centre ,,! tl1<' CIrcle IS the lroll axle on whICh II turns. nearly Ihree tret thICk ~nd .. 5 in knllth. the cntire Inass restint:' on a pylamid~1 Iramewolk at citlwr sid .... 'Ind held together by Sled rod~. t;xlcnd1llg 111 pairs from thc axle 10 the circum/(orence. where the}' arc 1.1 «-,·t a1\1rt. Viewed :\1 a dist ~nce [h~sc r((1s nn>t'~r like ~pider wcbs. giving 10 the buric. with ils freight of human beings. a dangerous ~nd un_,ub~lant;,,1 ."1 ...... 1: 1,,,1 IIlVle ~It-.;"l> I... <':"1'1";,, ;h meLiI"ni,lll. it m.,) I..: ~1.'lnl that Ill<: inlcr;", pvni a~le ",hill, th~ l:lllcr n. t, "" Ihe ground.

"\":<'I1<:in" a broad ,ta;"asc. the \j~jt'" I"'~""~ through ;\ ,i..,rway. b... tw~,·n Iwo iwn btams. inlu a ch<;ulu! 1,~."inJ.: .ll~!tt"''''l wi,h pL,le gla ....., w;nd""' I, and un eilh"r ~id,·. rows uf rnoking "hair~. E~n'l't ,h'l Ih~ \\';nd"w~ ,rl' b~rr,-,d wilh tron gr;ol;n!o;,. and (h,lt al . <>,"e .l1'e vlh",r ~haml>er~ lx,;s",d in 3ir, 1w w""M ",,1 k~"", tlw t Iw' i. ~lr"';H:Y "n '11\,. of Iht' "aTS uf Ihe I-" orris whed. but so it k Of th,~,-, (;US th"r", ;tr~ ~i~. nu Ih,rl-". ,,.;th iron. w",ld,c('l'l'r"d fr.II1I,·. ea.-h ~i fl"<'l I"ng. I.; in widlh. and 9 in h,-igh. wilh a ""'ight .,1 I .• I"n~ and "",ting acc"l11l11<>d;lli<>n f,.r -10 p.l~,,<:nget<, .\1I arc ct>nl1u:wd with Ihe outer rim by an axl,· "hid, I',,~ ..... , Ihruugh the m,,£. thl \\,1 ....-1 b.:in" m"""d by c"':s :lIld the nW\l"e 1'><mlT fU'III~hl~1 b) " ,kam ttlgiHt·, \\'ith uther lllalhiner)" f('s<mbling Ih.n or 111<' 1~)\H'r-nuu'e uf a cabk clr "'l\\l'al1)'. I'r"~l'ntl)' " heard Ihc did of a lal('h, and w;lh ,I ~liJ.:hl ~'c"ki"g >o""d, bUI ,111"0_" ",i(l,.)u\ I''''-'';''I',iblc mOliun, "~HI'I \\'hnt i, aplnf,'nt to Illc cye, Ih<: COlr st;tfl> on its twcnly minules' trip. ,\1 fi r"l I],,· 1'''""'''''J;:<:r may nol he ll<:rfn-lly "I ~'L""" though a". umin~ "n a:f of cardl"s unwtlccrn: but in l'adl ()mpartmenl is a conductor, who by (",lIin)( aU"mi"n I" "h"'n" "I inl..r,-_1. h~ni,I"., Ih,.. I~~r "I whal mi),ht luppen slwuld the car hH'~k I<>os<' from its ll")()('rings and launch intI) sl'ac~'. _\I.art from ;J little rattlin:! ti windu\\'s and ~ c('ntle "wHinc tnmi, n, ~, "f a n-_'-<'I T<,,:k 'd <>n a summ .. r ,;(·a. Ih"r(' .S nuthing 10 ullo,cttlc the .It"r>'e' "f ',,'man or child, though on Ilw Ii"'t \tll'ag{' Illan)" clU'C th,·ir C),l''', .h the :!,;('('nt :~ made, "ne first lo"ks d"wn on Ihe roof. of the 1'lais.1rce I':Ila,l:"" and th,-n tow"rd th" nOl1h. thc s<)~th, and west the gr<'''1 m'd· e.ltlli'1l'nt m"lmp"lis Ii'ts illlo ,·I";on ;, HI'llmg and kalcidv>coplc v,stas. I':aslll;.rd "rt the t<'mplcs of the F air: I)('pllld, Ihc blue ",ateT>' of :llichig;('>ond, the opposite shores of the lak,'. somc 5u m:ks :!war, 3rc d:mly J)ulli'l\,d on the h"rizun. A, the huge, r".-.,:,,;ng orl.> approaches the ;tl'cx of Ihe ,-ircle, Ihe ma"""olh M'U":UI"~ (,I J,Llk""tl I",rk tl"i"tlk' illl" 1i:iputiun pf(oPQrli()n~. thc park it,,-If into a I'la7.a. and its throng of ~ight· ""~r~ inl,' :, I'YJ.:n·,~an hOM. T h<'n fr"", lin dn-a,i"" d ~50 ltd aim,», on a It",1 ,,,th Ihe ~Ummil "f the dOlla:: wh:ch cn)wns the :\dmini,trat~>1I h~ildin.:, Ih., tl",co;,nl i_ "",,,nthly m~,I.'. ~n{1 Ih .. "i~il"r h~~ ~oml'l'·I ....1 '>i, • 'Y" , i~it;'ll :our "n tht Fcrris w!x:d. By nigh! th,.. trip is ,'n'n ",,,rl' 'Htractin': ft r the I:reat whed is "bbzc with 2. ,00 electric liJ.:hts attach,,1 to the Quter rim, 10 the inner cirelt-. to the 'I><)k.·~, Ihe portals. the ,'ndosing fenc<·, Jnd "hen'H'r t·l ... ~udl Iigl:ls could h., placed to advantage, F;II ,Iooye til(' m)riads of lan,ps Ihat illuminf the city "f the Fair, toweT>' Ih:s rainbow of r",'"h'ing light. sN'n alar on 1'f;"ftC and lake_ IIkc th,' bow I)f s(itntifi" promise ","'I athwarl till' blal'krll'" ()f the night. j\s wilh Ihe Cntife E~po,it~lII, I.)' da)' ils 1S1)("'\ is inll)()sing: b) niJ.:ht 11 i, l>t:'a\l' liful, ,,;,J, ,'" "IIIM's[ _Uj,..,IIL"IUl,,1 1>{<'~ly. a~ though in Ihi, \lid"",- 1,lai"lI:c,' wilh its nond .. >iCrpt b~ildin~>. it> ),,,1,,·1 of l"nhf c","r,,~' " )(limp_(' "f bir~' :In(l. :l ,iSKltl of Ih,· \r;lhi~n i\i~hl~. ,\, to lIlt' "l<"<"h"nic~t Inn "I Ihi~ stup"ndous f;,bric it may furth .. r be said Ihal, whillilsdf of no ~Tl'at praclical '-dIuI', it ,s a ~(Cp forward and :l '-crr (kcided SI<'I'- in Ih' sci,'n,·c· of ellgi"I'('fillg. B"tl, in the Eiffd IO\\TT atld th,' I''''rri, \\'11<'d 3f,' mQre ur les .. ~d:lph'd thr prinfi, pit·, "f the canti!e"1 r bridge: but while the furmer wa' merd), a bnd~(' S,,1 on rnd, th(' latter was a bridge wlH>.e "Xllem,,~ "'crc united in thc (mm .~,


rilE NOOA" OF Til/:" {':111,



of a re"ol .. in~ eirek in ~ S\fU('tur,' solid and safl' in t"cr} curr!p,)nent part. "'itll a tol~1 \\'..i(hl of more Ih"n I. lCO ton ... a~id.· from it, ~UI'I'(lTls. and ,,'1 ,,-ilh \\'nrkman~hi;) in part~ alnu ... t .,~ tldic"lc . ~ Ih.1 "f ., d""",,,',.'ler. \\'10<"11;' "",,·Lt) ,,_,~ demanded fur the C,,1unlhian Exp'''~ltio''. one that slrouki be l\ l<:a~1 a, btriki,,~ r.nd Hi/o:il1al ,,~,he \.}wt;r. man)' [lhtn~ "",,rc submitted. hut non(' Ih:,\ fulftlkd the condition~. Then il was that the Pil1~hurl! f'ngill"" r hNh""glu him _'f hi .. \\'hf'~1. whrh "hi1... "'T\-jng ~~ " mf'
,or" di,pln),l-,I "n the mod~l ~nd on till' miniature I:round~ "ntl _!",('I_ ~dj"r~ n !. r;r",' ~~ of trcts arc \\"{),'(,n in ~ilk. and at tl1O' I""t of the Slru,-lYre an ('l('ctr;c fl,untain plap frum a b;,~in of marhle (\(,cor.\ ad with statues ~nd "a'l·~. Ihe ~l1Iirc rCJHodurtim J.,.·ing irU(' to the Oril:iral, and c."tillg as is ~aid HOO.OOO t<> place It In J ~chon p"rk.

\ 11I0nt-: the mHt in· I{ft-M;"" ~'ruelurc~ in thplais;\n('l·. th<>u~h OI1C that "Pi',,;I<· ~"m"wh"l o"t "f place in thi, pka~ure ground of th.- E\I',,~itinll. is a m<>(lt-I of S: P<·t,·r·~. all ex",I rCjlroduetil.l\ of that

TilE HOOf( OF TilE /':IIR mOl",,"em.,1 edifice on the "C«lc 0f «bout one ~ixticth of the original. Ikgun m the 81xtetnth century. the modd lias completed in the cightcenth. from drawing. 0)' :\Jichad .\ngelo. San G allo, Br;Hnante. and other architcct~ :",d artl~t~ 01 world-wide repute, After u<.:ing in I",~",,~,i()n "I ""'nal of lli<.: pontiff>. it !,,,,.''''c Ihe property of L.UdOlie dc B . 5piridon. by whom it was tenderw for exhibiti on purposes, It is 30 fCN in length. 15 ;n width and I'eight, and <"","rueled of carycd "'o<xI co,-crcd with a ~ubstance do",l)" rc~emblin;;: m"rbl~ . •,\11 the more imposing fea tu res. together with thc minut~st dctail~. arc faith/ully reproduccd, Thcrc i~ the grcat dome, 630 f,'N in tirtumf"r~ncc and ",ore th,,,, 3CO "boo",,, the roof. <:omplcted in '~90 in the I',,,,,ificate c.f Sisto \'. who kcpt 600 men at work upon it day and night at an annual outlay of ICO.()(X) golden (towns. Bencath it is the canopy abo,'C the high altar and the tomb of 5t I'ct<'r. wtighing 'i<,arly 100 tons and fa,.hioned "f ~ronr.e stripped from the Pantheon. There arc the capella, Clellwntina and deU;, Piela; the chapels of the Holy Sacrament and the :\1ad,mna, ~nd the ~ac­ flslr which 1'10 \ I erected, with its rlut(,d pillars from 11. ,dri;'n·~ "ill,1. In the ""ntre of the <:ourt incloS\.od by the eolonn"dc i~ 'In I~g~.. pliall obch~k. '30 fc~t high. and can'cd from a ~ingle piece of solid marble. There is the "as\. "entral na'·c. with its imlH)~ing arches and ai~les, its shrines ;tnd ~ancluarit·s. and ncar the centml door. the slah of m«rblc on which the Homan tmperor~ were erowncd: all these and olh(r fcatures reproduced m miniatur<; from Ihi~ ma~lcr' piece of mediin-al architec,

the e.\ecution ul which co~1 s60.()(X),ooo and extended over the reil;"n of three "nd /ony pontiff~. In thc building which tontains tIle model arc portrait~ of the 1>OIJC~ from Gregory 1X to Leo X II I: with tl,e coalS oj arms oj pontiff~ and cardinal~. There is a fac_"imile of the bronze ,;tatue of 5t Pcter, ncar which in miniaturc is T rajan's column from the Homan forum which bears his name. Of other cath~dral,;, cha pels. and monuments th"re arc 'N ,." ",,"...,.0 ,,,'-',,, also models. as 01 the cathedral of illilan. in dimen~ion~ second only to 5t Peter's and with no superior in archit\!ctural rhe St t\gnc~e c11urch is herc. erecttd by Inn occnzo X in lo6~. and th<:re is the cQlllpletcd a few rear;; beforc the Christian era. and which Bonifa<:c IV c(>n,;cer~ted entin,; falni" is illumjn;lted with i,>ca!ld~=enl li;.:h1.<, and in MlcndaH~e ~ .. c mCI! .",neu imi tation of the \"atican guards. t~re,

and decorati,-e scheme. pantheon that AWipl~' in 60<). Br night the ,u,,1 "uifvr!1lcd in ~,ad

Second in intcr~st to thc Gtrm:lIl village. and second only, i~ the ,\u5tri an village. or n" it i, more <:ommonl)" "tmed. "Old \'i rnn"." rtproducing in part il~ ancit"t market I'la(', wi1h p"rti"'n~ of th" w~1l th~t encircled the cit)' and one of its gate" flanked by gmy tower~ and r:uardcd hy a portcullis. Oppogitc the en~rat1c~_wa V is the rondcllo. the original of which was creded in ,6n. and so'C
TIll, 1l0DA' OF TI/I,



old~'l >lructur~s

in the Ill(;lfopol.s. rh',"re 1~ a chur",h where scn'ic(,~ arc held a~ ,It home. and there arc solne thirty I,,)US{', and ~tQr<:<. fepresenting. w;lh th.., :lid of rarp~ntry and ;~cnc I':lintmg. the frollls <)f "encfable lJuiluil1p, "" {;,,. ;1\ k.,,\ ,,~ the e~ll'ri",s arc concerned. :\ de,"er arcllll~"<;Il1Tal delusion is Clcawu by p"inlnl stucco (mnts. wilh iuscriptioll' in old German and !\Olll'ln teXl. On ')11\~ of lhem, O~ a d~rk background inclosed in scroll wor~. i~ lhc in.cripti"", ·'.\no I), )1. 15~7." 0" anvlhcT. be~rjnl> the dille of '590. i., " picture of children at pla)'. and oil a third a \"irgin and child arc ~urroundcd by a halo of gk)T)" beneath them the words "Soli Dc,. Glori",' .\ !eaturt' of OIrt "on,\,,<'!('(\ hy du' own"r or ";n<'y~rd~ who"" I'rO/ll\<"l~ an:: of European (c\ebr:t)". ,\t the wcs!ern ('nd j" a eaf.' where the infanta Eublia 1~1rtook of rcfreshlllent~ s<:n'ed by a forllll'r ''lll'rcnticc to thc C(lurt confc<;tio'll'r ;[t Buda-Pesth. On thc gouthern ~ide is a booth whcre the \'oslau-Goldeck wines arc displaycd. " f,,\"orit~ brand illll"llg the elub~ and hotc\~ of thc l:nited Stale,;.




The lxcr garden i~ solt1cwh;,\ of " no'elty. occupying thre(' ~ide~ of a square. wilh tables ><:;allercn awund a music stand. wilh bill of {nvcr~ation with guc,ts IS forbidden. the only ri,alry IS a~ to the number of gla,,.;/;s of h('er whICh e~ch ol'e can carry without spilling' tlieir content,. T he shop~ arc gtored w:th article, of jewelry and bric-a·br~c. onc "f them (.""llCC;;llly displaying exrdknl ',",>rkm;",~h;l' in gold and ,ih·cr. l'IMmc! ;",<1 rvck cr}~tab. In the rathhaus 'nf·ral of th~' chal1lbc-rs arc litt(..:1 up a~ a mu","um of the I lellcnic pl'riot "'''''l )'ca .. ~ "~,, f .. "m El:yptiatl ",,,u.'oleu,,,,. TI", l'i"lu .. c~ como;) from the IOmbs of Huhijat in the ancient pro"incl! of ~Iemrhi~. where, nfter his conquc>t of Egypt in t1:e year 3:0 B. C .. AI..,><"nd"r ldt b,·hind him art;,t~ \d\O~~ nam"~ h,,,·e l'"r;~hl'd hut II'h()~,' w"r\.:~ ~u,,·i\'c. "fl.,.)" aro;) uniform in S;7.t, ahout 1.\ by .'t inehe~. and th<>Ilgh merely e~ecut(·d on thin hoards in colOr< of "'''''. probah:)" birl on with kn;"~s or nth .. r ._tN·1 iml'lrmpnt., ~r.. not wilhnU! art;,t;p '1,,~1;1;~s. In B"din th .. )" .. ~rit ..d murh interest and wero;) widely copied. one of the forenlO.'t of (;erm;.n nn:~t~ remarking. ··"'c C.11l pailll as well, out no b"tt{·r." But not all aTe of equal ml'fit. ~ome being thl' crudest of "matellf productioll". :lnd a defect that is noticeahle in most of thcm i, the cxagl:uate< nf Syrian and Ph«'nician pcrs<>na-.:cs: bllt a" a rule of light cOlllplexion ~l1d of n" special race type. ,\monj;" the best i~

1"111: HOtJ/, OF I'IIH

f: 11/\

(~Il' of ;1" a~,'d man oj earnest. ini<'lkctual fealures. lu_(mu, '·IT~. and hnd\' I"hi;,elled mnuth. "n his ~h(>ul(I<'r the ~tr;!": "hidl 's of len ,wllc,·d 'n pictures unc"nhed from l'~ml'ci"lIl rUII1~. Th" wa, <'''pi,;d h} \I,·"",mi,·. "ho I'rtllluuncl'(1 'lone of 111-." 1111",1 pmlra;l~ he had seen. ,\nulhn l'ailllntl-: is "f a prie,( ut ["s. ..,n h" hr.';!,1 Ihe ,.:,,[<1.-11 ]';«11-:" ,,"urn II}" Ihe di~lIil;!fil'~ ,,{ Ihat ancienl order. A Ihird is "f CI.-"palr". 'IS n·prt·"III,·d "n Ill<" I.",·s ,,{ E~~i'lian c()i", alld "tlh f'·;lIl1r,·~ aln1<>.,1 ,,~humely. !lit,,,· cowl"ly of "sllt...·t is Ihc head "f a I-;ill. wilh ~\'l11l1lllrit ()u tline and head-dress of purl'l,·. sh"wing Ihal Ihe w{,aT,'r 11,,1"111-;,,<1 In "ollie famill "f ,·xalt,·d rOlnL !'i"" 11.1 111<" '" Me """II ",,,,d,.,, bU..ll . .\ the .\u,tri,,,, ,i1LtIo:" i~ Ih" Cli",,\<>,,'" ,,( 110.· F"ir. _'""I;,ininl-: "n,kr ,.n,· ro,d , t.IZ;I.U r"~Lluranl. Ihealre. tllU"':UIlI. ) .....,-ho... ,,·. ;"HI {'L....·,.,h,·r'·. " I,·" 1'0"',,' ;"H! ""rden. 111.· haildin( is ,., 1.\1"",,1 Chi'k''''' '\h'hiu"("lll'" '.;'))" "n /""1 ..... , in I,,·idu. "ilh 1... 11-""1,,·,1 I,,,u-I'S ",ei minan-t< l':l1l'lI·d 1<1

... .....

, "" "', I'ri~malic

c(l/nf'.. lM'ginning ,,-ilh 1'", \wl,'1 hu., "f Ih" ninbo...·. In II,.. ha~~ar arc ~ilks and tmhroi,kri.',. tnikl apphilnCes nn!! lable "arc. Wllh (>llwr Hllele. ~utl. as Jre ollered for ~~h' ill Chino.•' ~Iores (,1 the bt'Il"r cl", •. In Ihe r(·,lilUmnlS meals arc "':TH'I In "on!.:oh:m fir ,\ mencan ~Iyk tlw furm<'r indudillJ( ma~y ~[r.tnl-:t' !)UI ""! unpalmablc di,he"'. prep.ued and l'<~>k,d ill "1~'I"Ii"", (;',hi,". Ikrc' "11,· "'.,~ 1'~'I.,ke vI the 1'<")(\11... 1.<1" ...1 tIC Chinaman; a di~h of rict' at'd ",',,:,·Iablcs. '''Ih perh~l's a f{w small I~"H" uf m..·at Of fish: or he m~, ,... k, "It t:I"t..,r,,\{; dinner. wilh c.,,,r,,,,'! innumuallc "n,1 n'or),. l<:ml'l,,'1o: ,;,nd.<, '" Ih"y 1<) '"'' I,,,, do,.."" ,,'rulinilcd. BUI Ihe th".alre is the ce"lr,' "r "Il'aclion; nnl for il~ nm\l,,'m"tl\S, il< "<"Ii"lo:, '" il~ <'ll,lilulion, c<>lllTull,'d h\· letll' '1I1d forming a prllnillelll LKlor in r,·li:.:iou~ f",t;,·,,]s, ~I'lSt <)f Ihe I'b)s ar" of :tn hi~I,'ric ch~r;"-i..r. 1,ul w;lh I,tlk ~tlt'l11l'! al d"line~l;on of character. aud "ilh nnthin::. of 1'~\"cI](Ilo~ir:11 :nln,"I. J, in Chin"", lill·r.,I\I1'. Ihe !>('T\'adirg I<>ne ;, morbid ~lId ultra'!'('s,imi~l, ,·inu.::: in "'''m"n :lnd hon"r ill nun h"in\! (. ,"n'd 'd onl\ In 1 fr\\"o Bul I~i, 1111)' be no \l·ry unJuq ~sl'''''''i''u: for here.. _~ ha~ ]".,-n ~;oitl. 'I~:t ('''Unln' whn, Ilw ",,'ai,,!

rtl!.: HOV"· OF TilE I·:IIR

h,nor IS the stomach; whefe the roses h:n-e no fr"gran.::e and the women no petticoats: whefe the laborer has no Sabbath and the maglslrate no S(,IV;C of In· k,:rily . • Six mOlllhs b no UllU~UJI time for the actin.!: of :t Chine>(' ,Jr,I"'_I_ <:'<:11 "idl ,.l.Iil)' I><:lfvr· man<:<:~, but 3s this repr..·,;cnted thc cnli. e te rm of ,hc F~ir. Ih' play" mu~t (,f oo~ rse be <:on· dcn~"d. :-;0 ocen~ry i. u,..;d. and each aClOr appear, to Le hi. own m~mgf'T ~nd his onll properly man; so Ih:.1 on this mnnic stagc. as on the ~Ia)::e of Jif.:, It is the unl'~p"'clrd that always happcn~. Ik"rds :,rc a feature in the IH'rforrnall'·e. good men we"rin/: J(loJ: while s,",tches. aod It.oSC "ho ~R· e,il disposed appearing in wbi~kers of bro"n. But the§<: a rc dunged a s occa~:on reo 'luir"". "'1 .....:;).,]1) fur ·-I,luud and thunder' effect. The kadinl; pin),,,,,,, nrc whnt nrc '<"fmoo li~htnin~ dlanJ:,e ~nl~ts. wearing "II the g;mnents needed for their sever,II parts ,,,,d changing them as r<'<.luired. Th". a man tran,form' him,,'lf frm" " lu'ro into" vii bill b), ";"'1'1), di'«·"rdi"K hi" ""il of hi"" ~1l<1 ~I~nrlinj( rt\"{';III'd in KreCH, while a mand"rin of the red hutton who is "bout t\> jll'rSQnate .~n angel. do"s so hy merely ('h;tngil1g hi~ pantaloons. A "oldl<'r al'pl'nr~ On Ilw stag" int"HI om N'",·"ing hi, h<'lmth"d from a I~~nd of TlrtlCn lly comes to a river whieh he can onJy cross by swimmil1),(. For this he prepares hy stripping to his under·J.:"rm~nts. and niter ,tanding for a moment as thnul:h posinJ.: for the nud~. du~ks his h('ad ;'nd dis.lpp('a rs th rough a cotl"eni<'nt (,~1t. A moment later hc is seen in front of the footlight~. drippin!; with ..-at(,T. nnd f(',uming his 31tire and his armor. 5<'t<; forth with waving s ...·ord in pllr'>lIit of the foe. '\() ""men appear on tbe ~t.lg('. the~ \)(,ing represented hJ' f('male impersonators in r:tilll('nt of gorgC<.>us huc. thtir d,.·,-h thiLkly <;v,'l~d with pin" and white paint. and on their lips the Rnme meaningless. ~1Cr('otJpcd ~rin. The leading i'"I'''r''''n~I''r i~ ~ man of 0.1_ ti<>nal repute, with intelligent features and l'earchint;' ,dance, ~ .. ift and hr:ght ;h the :alcon~. Pang is his name. and at this ",,·called Wah :\Iee opera hou.'IC P.m!:: dues I-a), much Te so as there is no call buy and no cue sa,·e that which dangles from h,s head. Se:lIl'<] on a l>o~: fflT chairs ;(fl' no pan of the prop. ,',tv. smokes his , he l('i.un·h' ci".lretlc ___ hi:" chaning wilh hi. fdln'" bistri"n~. I'rescDtly 1)(·think;n;: hilll Ih~t ;1 i, lime I" , ,. '"

..... ..







,., , , "I'] ...·"r nn tI,..

111/; /I(lOA' (IF 111/; FIliI ~I""~·.




hi, "uire and •. rrn\'~ hi"" ..:lf i" 1,-",.1<- ",.. rl,.

Th~n l'r< ... ~"'·di"g

\0 11,(:

IlHrror. lit' WIlWriS his featulb 1Il1" Ihe rl"luirnl (~I'rl·~,i()n. and "'CII;n.,( his palm, Iran~f('r, \0 hi, b,'C wilh n;'nl,l(' l"IKh t1w l'igmn1H pb",·,J bd"n' hi",. F;~"lIr h<, d,'n~ h:~ wi". gin" hi, .l.:ins " fn~l .h.,\;,', :uld ~ m'>Tlll'llt la(('r hi~ high blsel\o \'oice is ringing through the Chinc~~ tl1l"alr,'. Thai 'lhe r..!i;:ion 01 G(Ki j, onc. but th" rcli(:i"l1~ of man nre m~n)' ,. w;!s 'wwr morr- ("rrihly {'wmplifi,d than in the \Iidway plai~"llc(', am] ~~Ix't;iall)' in the Chinese jos~.h"u~e. with il~ nmhitu,linou, i']"I, and grann in:;lg<:~. "ugg(,s\i\'c not "Ill)' of C"nfU(;iani~rn hut 01 Buddhism ;U1d T:I"j,m. J"~~ is the ccntr~1 Ji~un'. alKI thNl" an' many j",se~. Ihe did one o<;cupyirJ: tht post of honor cnthron~'d in hand·~·lnbroidercd T<)be~ . In front of hi'll ~rc incl'1~c burneT'. 1'111'" of \l>.L for him tv drink. c~l~ba,ll<"s of ",,,tn f,.r his toilet and "a~CS filled with h~J:e ;lnitic;al TO""''!'. ",hill' prayus and praists arc in';(;ribed on the ,id,'s an
, ..... ,,« fi~ures


in w(,Kl allli day. with l;lI1wTIl' in man)' fantastic forrT". Ifere ;mt! in another );aller)" is a collection ,rmoll utihl~. Amon),! 111<'111 is II,e 1:,,,.lt ur,.;.:"" "f China. 36 f..-el IVIl" ,,,,d nl,,~olcd ""rt"'n j" "I",,,,n a J'1"u~h of primil;\'(' 1'.~I\(·rn. b~hi<)n"d "f I,,'V henl p;""('~ of limber. ,,;\h ~h"r,· •. f w",d roughly tipped wilh iron. and ham'~s of pl;lil(od gns.~ fitted 10 the II('.1ds of ')~t>n, :\ ..:;ythe for CUlling ric~. "I'ap"'\ tik,> II,.. INlrr \ ', ~nrl w;lh ~ hlar\,· nn "np "f its si,lr". i" " 11" 1I·"s anri"nl impl,>mpnt. nnP prnle,),I}" ·n u-,' a t I"a,t f"UT centuries bdoTC the C.,lumhian ('ta. Finan)· there I~ the 1111>._1 (:'I ...·n~i\'e fla~ 01l the ground". C("till~, it is s~id . ~ 1.000. hand'l'nlllroid"r('(1 1II sill<. and de"i~nl'd for pre,ellt"!;"" 1<> Iht el1ll1(:r"r. On tllfO opposite side of thl' 1'\ai"l1Ice j" the Algerian and T unis'an dJag,\ ",hue are r('produc l,ons ,II minialure of ~ l r"l't~ and ba1.aaT~, with f"un\.lin~ ~n,l (rnam,>nt,,J g.1rdrn_. ~ ("nUTt hall. a ~l"(lri,h cafl'. a K.lhllc han, and Ihe h'lu"es and t.. nts "f .\rab~. ~lo~1 of tll(' buildill.l:< aT<' w"",rd with tiks importld from northcm Afnca and richk glazed and colored; in many arc embroideTl'd hangill~' a~d m;,cr interior (keoraliol1'.

IIIE IlOO/\ OF Til!;' f: III.'


in not a flow, muUlIllcn.;c. frum "clU~ ;,,,d jewell)' to long oorr<'lIed muskets ~nd (dd fn~hiMcd fint lock pi from I]", k"r_>n. and "hosc hilts are aglow with prcciou~ stonls. Of d"lmrn; Ihut is a wonderful collectiun in c\'ery concci"able pattern. from such as arc I\'orn as ornamen1S to those intended f.,r more deadly work. some of them poisoned and hl't in a case by themselves. There arc ],rocadt·, embwidercd with silve r and gold; the dainti(H of cu,hions and lable-covers with tracings arabcsqued in golden threads; lace~ of film·:ike finenes<. and tissU(>s tas",-·!l,·d and trn:ctl '" cn'ry huc. In une of the tcnts COUl,n doth Is bclllg wO"en by nail\(: women scaled (In the tl""r. and elscwhere jewel1ers arc It work. fa .. hionin:.: rings a~d \'r~cekl$. Perfumery. with all~r of roS{~. "H'etmcats, and seraglio paslilles 'lie "ff<"fed V} u;u\(-C}t-.J \I,uu""h ~".trl vf cuml'lcx;"n bu; ~h"l'cI) of fOTm; thl'>-(! and many other arlic!es inlendeu to ddi}:hl the eyc and d(plcle the pur,.." A"vu~d ;, I:l.;d<,u;n ~ .. "'p. ~u~~C'ti,"c of dC'lCrt !:fe, ( .. mel d,;,·e •• arc ._houti,,/;: at the,r ~'ul.>born beaM~. "hidl rduite to lise when t,l() heJ\-ily burdened. :\ot far a •.-ay ~nake,ared 10 n"':1~urc Ihdr ,kill ag,in~t all ulh<'r~ of I!",ir rail in;:. one of thcm a dark Kab)'le Arab making his lunch on I;"ing CI~1ls (,f fire. Tht::re arc swordsm,'" ""'"rd~\"''''1''n. Iwo of th.· lalll'r alw from 1";«\,yle. each fencinl-: willI ;1 "imitar in either hand. and Ilil'kinl.! a ('ard from the girdle or her li'ihll}"-dad opponent without symptom of injury or rr i~ht . Entering the eak. lirhl)" furni,h"d in oricnta! fashK.n. the ";silOr may partake of light rcfrt·shmcnts. oS iccs. confecti"lls. :t~d c"oling tlrinh; but here no imoxicalinl{ liquors arc sold. ~n(l Iline arc nnne within the vill;lge, T he wnccrl hall is t'le fam.ile rC'" forward and 1)('l.:ins to dance. s"';tyiuj{ h'r lilhesome form in rhythmical fa,l,ion. a l fiN ~lu"lr and then in :lCe(kr;1t('d mea· ,me. A" Ihe orcht~tra W;lrrn, 10 It~ wuk h('! fiL:ule al'l'e'!n; to tremble and undulate. as th"uj.:h in ~n ecstasy of ddi~ht; f"r th,· mttiun ;s rather of the body than uf the feel, yet agIle and far mon' ;.:racdul tlnn the l';r,'lUcniu)( of a prcmii'rc, A, a rul<~nd




Ri,) U'lIlU-S "t "

litt1~. e,,~h


during ""me special feat~re. "hile Ihe rest I",_.k "n with critic'll eye and applaud wh,-" applau,e is de~ened. Among Ihc mQst I'lcr .. i,,)( ;~ the ~~"rf dane<'. ,,-her.., ,h.., l'~r­ formt'r "'.1\"'" scarfs abo"e her 11<"'1d while ]losing In symmetrical anilu<.ieS. But II1<'re are olher can~c" as the ."-,,rel .lan,-,· .1",] d,,' lorlUr,' dan,·". th' !.tun l'\<'("uted by nwn. too T<"-"hin~ 1<> I,,' ... itncs~hl or dhn;lwd. Dah("Ilt')" h,lS a \-illa~,' "n t!1l' !,lais~n('e in the form of a holl"",' S(lu~re adjoining Old \';cnna. its huts bUIlt ;n nati"e f~,hion with rou~h mud ",dis thatchtd with the bJrk and bougb of (rees and with wooden

A""", "n!th to till 11e ,,0;1 o r t<) fighl. In Ibl' '·('IIlr.. of the endo"uTe is Ih ... Ilwa\r,·. if ~uch can be (~lIt'(! ;L lar~,'. "1',:11 ,I,..d. unw~Ii('d, wilh thalched rwf and 11""r of f()u:.!h p!~nking. Ikn IS tIt ,tr::tll,:{-,' -ight amon): ~11 the speclacular 1I'onders "f Ihe pl~i';"'l.nce. ,\1 oae end art' grouilld Iht, mU"Clam. ~II ,,/ Ilwlll lJ;thol1"'an~, ;011 k'~n and lank. and ,,11 ~upr~mcly hid.,<,u,. Thl'y wear no"..' ;Illd ~"r-rirg~ ()f m{'!,~L ~nd ~s lilll., dothi.-g '" dt~elll') 1',;I'II,;t" .hcir <1,,,1;. _,hilli"g i.>o<Ji,·, ,;,,,win~ the ""''', of U'."') " h, .. <1· fouglll baull'. S{'atcd Oil the platform is the king, a coal·black potenl,,\(', sll·l'l'> a,,,1 I"t. ",th thick, hu~hy I>card "nd ),,,,,,1 ""d la \\'~ like a bull·dog. 1\11 d,,)' I,,";: he sits doting with half·closet! tyes and d\'mgclc'~ expression of face, if 10" L,c!' ca" h" .~id to h"",, '~"Y ex!,r"»;i",, ."'-,, ,h"t ,,( (H'''';I), and lusl. But ic':l"i,,!-: f"rw;:rd \\:Ih hi. hands re,ting 011 a call('. :Hn! a ,law holding ~n umbrella abo,",' him, hi~ tII~jr")' l'njny~ thf' mu,;f' anll Ilanrinl! ",orl' p,'rl"I" Ib.ll anylh;'j~ .'Is.' 111 life, unk,,' it 1.>0.' the CUll.ng "ft "I he;l(k Th., instruIDenh arc a~ grol.",'IU{· l~ Ihe l~rfQnn(·rs. and ~me of Ih~m arc fl';,rfully and wooderlulh' m~d.... Thc best i; a ,ningcd in~lrun'elH. rl'~cmbling sonl{-whal Illl' 1.ill1l'T Stcn in 11ll' T yrol. but of rud.'r w.-rkman,hil'. Tlwre i, :on orche~lTa of drum~ ~nd bl'lls, wilh a ~ingk flute, a ratlle, and an wor>" horn 01 11l0,t pnmlti,'c patlcrn. TIl<' ];'~I " u~ed fur gi,il\(( ';~Il,tlS by the warrior wh" k,'cps j(u:ml OHr thc \"il"'g~, ami is "in,il", in shapl' 10 the hf";J~en war lrumpt'l~ "",'d; ,~ith ~'on ... ~ ~h""(n in " 1..1)1 of ~kin, pr'lI!ucin~ sounds Ii~e th~ his..';ng of ~~TJwnl~. "'1<'1 \'" .... ,1, "nd disk, of ("PI"" rbshl'd lOJ.:lllll'r 'ike cymba:~. TIll" ~'Ilging is mu{"h betler Ih~n the instrumentation; for Ihe D:lhnflw,n, hwc ~ ccn:,in kll(),,"I,·d~e of h~rmQn), and their dance» ~re accu!'1pani.'d with ch,)ral song ~s well "s the Ix.-"t of d,um. The drunt-maju, Qpen~ Ihe performance "nh gentle, rh)thmic tappm!; ,,1 dn,m, r;opicr, ;"<' ""-,u,.,,d f,u"" ~l~cl' ,,' ~tul~'" ,wd )';_';11); to thtir fl'( \, h...;:in \() be~t lime to tic mu,ic. \\'hen ~II ~re fe.uly Ihe w~f·d~n((' ,,( 1lI,,)'
....... ,. ..


rill: HOOf.- OF Til" F IfR


hl)usc durin,!; Ihe l'~ rher p;~rt of the s~ason. anti in a top.:k or lodge arc ka)dks 01 ~;"'()t!_,. "'illl JHlddl~s. harpol)ns. n(l~. ~lc<:I,in!: 1.>.,),: __ . and all otlwr arli<:1es needed for Ih' outnt 01 an Innuit hunter. \\'i\hi" tllf' f'nrl",,ure is ;_n arm of the Ja.l;oon. where arc illuMrnwd Eskin,o n:etlH>ds of bo;ning. fishing, and seal hunlin~: and 011 one side is a pen for d"J:~, t)f which rn~ny arc rumllnl' around the ,-illage. such as arc u>cd fur dr;{UL\ht ;1n;' mals, offensil'e \0 -i.;:hl lind


but ~1T()n.:.

I"'''''edu!:)" liml>cd. ; nd ,,-ilh th,ek <:eating of h~ir_ SI .. d!l('O; arc driven by an Eskimo boy. 1rmed with a heavy "hip fifte('n f.,.,t :11 t.. nglh. the erack of "hich is heard afor in (he I:roun~b. ;\0\ a few of the inlmbitant~ hne 1c,lfncd to ~peak the Engli,h lanl:~aj:(c and CQlI\-ersc frcdy and intdlij:(ently about Ihe Fair and the part which they play (hl'rl'in, Their winter dr('~, is of seal· .kin, and in SUmmer a suit of penrl-.:r;,y color trimmed wilh fur -a tunic, panuloon~. moc-casins, and a hood. Both !Ic~cs ar~ allir(d ali~e, except that in tht garb of the women is more of ornamentation ~nd Ihat Ihelr hoods arc larger: for these a[,.o sen'e as baby holden<, in ",hidt the little one rests on the mother's ,houklcrs. T he "iJJa~e of Ihe Laps i~ a miniature reproduction of , L"I,land M:ulemcnl. ",ilh hUI~ of .kin. b"n~cd ,,~th IllO"'" in "hic~

, . , " . . .",. J "


a fire i,; ;tlwnys burning, Ihe smoke eSC;lpin!:" throuch a hole in the roof when the wind is in the right direction. and if lWI . remaining where it is. There arc but 1"'0 dO'l'en inhahitanl~ in all, nnd the oldeslof Ihem l~ Ki~g Bull. "hose de"Cl'ndants I he kIng repre,..,nl M'n~ral generation~. is t i l years of at:e, and w th him is a sen af.,~d 90. a J:,rnnd;on of i,;. and a great !:r:l.nddau::;lner of 59. Ihe hSI t~,­ "',,(h.... vi ,. ",-,n d .p, "I",,,,, u'''' l'<.JI\ i" 20, Ihis laller I",,-ing a d;";gh\er of '4. who Iwr",,]f has a daughter two y"aTO ok!. The patriarch of ,he tlod is a~ active :IS :'''Y of !Ill' r<.'~l. e'p""i~l1y in Ih,' ,,,lirit:l' tion of fer~, Inking "hatc\'~r is off,.r,,11 him, from a bOllle of beer 10 a piece of IlKl]1ry: but he hkr~ ben th£ best. ;\)(,,1 of th('m arc ,'('rv rdi;!ious. bdon..:inlo; to


Till:' /JOllA' OF Till:'


Ih., I.",h,·r,,,, bitl!: but SOnl" haw 110 rf'1i;:im at all: among oth.·r, til(" king. who Ix-lil'\l"s ill IWlhing grealer than hil1)sdf. Th,·re is a sm111 h.·rd of feindl'er i" Ihe e~dosur\·. ,,,,t! Ihe!;e arc fcd and h"n(h-d wI th care: for the r.·ind,·(·f is the main support "f th,. l.arlander. it> flesh M'nmg as food, and at times as his onl)" fOQ(l: it~ skin as rlothi"g- ;",11 for t('IlIS: ils milk as a ],e"erage alKI for cIt<:{·, .. : it~ ~ine\\"~ frlr ropes: ils h(X)f~ fM J..:lne. aod its bo,,<:s {or ~1('dgl'S and inll'kllll"n ts of the (has<:. The enlire "ill,,)(e i., diffcr<:l11 fmm Ihe rest. and \(~..:("\hCf \\"\111 t he I," skimo colony ~nd .'cn'Tal others. lorms a tllO~\ ttltcre~ltng .-thn"logteal dl~l'by . L"':atcd fur the 111,),\ part at tht· w,'stnn e~trelllity of 11t<: plais:mcc aT(' a numhcr of allr:lClion" MUl".!· m(lTe Of kss ,'"Iu"blc from an ,·th"<11"):K.'

...... . ["." ~

and "I''''' r~,



,,1(>11): th('" ~\'enuc, chanling in di" cordanl nOkS. and ml ... rwise adn', lising I hem><:h-es a nd t:wir e,hibit~. ('pon tlte fence "f their encamp, nwnl :ne crude paintmgs showinJ..: t\rabi:m life in th .. d<:SNI. and ,,"tthin the enclosuT(' Ikdnnins at(' ]i,in)( in their t('nts, wilh tlt .. ,r Wl'"e~ and tluldren, a$ Ihe) do ;,( home, Ilcre, also, tl:c hor..cmen ined, is " Brazi li an ("O!1CCr\ and dane" hall, "' which thc performers ,lIe somcwhat gross 1(~,ki11g I ndian \\,,,111,',,. EIS(:,,·lterc are seyer; I ,·,hilrt~ hy ~"rth ,\I11('rica11 nali, ... "


TilE !JOO', OF TilE '·:IIN

88 ,

In the \\mnebago Jndlan \":IJage arc not a few ta~tcrul aredes of natiye manufacture. and within another enclosure is said tu be the original log cabin of Silting Dull.


II} .ne "h,lt purpon lU b"

rdics from tIl(' battle field "hcrt; Gcncral ell;t"r lll~t hi; death. "hi!.:: purdy." partially commtrcial in character arc the ke r~il,,"ay and Ihe d:~play of F r"nch nl(>":"~' and spJn glass work. There arc also ~lICh .J..... i~l "nr:"li"n~ ,,~ th' Cllpt;'"'- ))11110"'1, and the C~lifornia ostrich farm. the laU(·r hub<.)rin~ some 30 birds. In this ,·icini ty. and at the "estern extremity of the plaisaDce aTe the llungarian caf.: and concert gJrden. and the wounds devoted \0 mili. wry ell<;am))mtnt>. Th e former contains a \":tudnillc staf:c. and on the roof ;Ire glvcn the concerts which form a popular feat nrc of the plaisance. F"" \t',,-,"L1,_,s,-,_Fr ... m th~ ~I>en;ng or Ih~ hir until ;" d",~. Ih~ ."nnnrt of "·,-rn,,. ,1", ... <1 I,,,., th~ <:""~c¥ W1RlI)'~

,i"", .,r

~Ii" ... ay

luioan"" .-as ,,'-er ~.ooo.~. ~\ilc the 1'3'" E~p<".ion '."ei'-e,1 onlY aoo.1 ~ne·""b a< ",pch f,om all su~h ",u,~c~ \' .. 1"0. '''eel 1.<1 in po""l~r't)·. II..: w"',"'on, u::ee<.linr >.'30,0<10, I,yong- the SO-me I"'r;oo t~e •• rr" ... hed carrie.000.0<10 P'''''''''; 400UI &>o.ooocn t.,.-1 the %3t<" d ,he ';Nm3a '·ill.~e: "carl)'., many ,·i.iled Old \';c"""" ..,," mn", ,h3" 6ro.".,. ,h. !~" .. "c ... 'in .. ~ •• l ... ~) i\lx:"I.e"', ~.I'i1't "I I:i,h ;,,,Iu,,ric,

m,," pu'p"'. l",,,e,ing




d"ion of 'he "".,_ 3"")". ,orne ',;r"«'j{ on

tile cOlnu! a".1




the« '"PI''''' ,,,d s}'m]>l,II,-,

11.:011".... John \forlo)".

popula, fU"'e "f ,h., 1'1""'1><'•. 3tlra~\L"f Jurinlt' the E'I""itio
,h to the tri"h Iudu'trie. a,">ci"tiun, .cpre,.,"NI in I.ad,< _\he'd,'en', ,'ill'ge. th~ l<>il""' ing are ~"nc Qf 'he rc,ult. ac~om, pl"l>o< ''''e'' or eixh' )< .. " vi it. <"''''IC~ •. " " .. t
t" ,."h a


bomc: i,tmg fot ,II"" a reHabl • ....... k.t tkpo" I". thci. w.l~ Im"~ bc:'ign. ane
r<',h . ie~1

... <1 ,eligio,,<

e._~. h,-~

I )1

unit." 10' the c .. m


"n,oo£ 'heo> a,. \Irt'u,bl', J,h" n iH ..".

TIll:" /JOOf: uF "/ lIE f:-IIN


11 'r.,,,· I';"nhu. Iud .Ib"rrlecr. I.".. 1.'.n~"",lcr ..·. \'~"hl\al I",,,,,,t..d, ;",,[ 1I\.,rr'~l:c, "'.". pro. liul~ 'Mide' .onl"~ hi< >l'()i.)r. Ih~ co.em ",ic, t oi"1: Nn,I""I.d II" I·:""", ~h" " ,1>-<) I'fem hcin( home in a pal:"\.!<'I~. !,,'< of .I'ebb"h,,!, Fee- I"," 'el"""'''1( ;, p .. )' • • i.h .. an)' of '~ei, f,,·n,t.. 1'.."".,ly .~c p;t"Y Tel.rnctl 10 Ihe Ihntre. fr'end, and '1"'~tI.." "-h",, Ih. """c' pt.for1,cJ ,be m.~ni.a2C d.:r.n(~. a ~ .. n.de ~Orn· p;t>sc<1 Ih.ough n, an· ple,;rg 'h~ p'''!t'.mme. rh~ .,.re",,,",,,, a"end<01I: Ih" m3rtia •• ~;tnl l""kmg ,.('~war of .-11101",1. ,h. '~>nk~y bo)·. •nd \,hilia. Ihe ft·,,"'e. tori. b<~h in.o Ihe .. mblan-:e of I,milia. r,~cr<, m ,h~ ,trre, of Cairo. ,,'cnd,d Ove' a "·ock. duriD~ Ihe h"lOrI< ~",u.,1 of ,,·hid 1',,,,,,.1 "ei'~~r 'he hride nM groom .... re a\l(''O'ee"ea,h l"~ wi"Jo ... <)1 ' he l'ridc~coo"" .,.,1 l"h,to)(o lUI Ihe .. 1< of "~'''. ~'hich ,t:t ),<'U'I:" ~·if<. ,"rro""dw by .1It '.""Ie il< >"p[,,' .\o.;k. a la.gc 'elali,'C' of Ihe ~r<>"nI. w,. I.ken '0 Ihe home o' he. 'I'ou",_ I>o"ion of "hieh wa, 'n • • duce, ",~h O. lhe !-'air. "'ho," he had t",cnm~ ccam"'eo.! ,inu ,h.ir tltp;tTlu .... I",,,, ,ho" The ""i. of l.o.d· naU,.., lanJ 11" f,il"d. ho.·",,,,, '0 carr)' ;~r al\3)'. On ace",rnl Ina)' .... Shad" of Dublin. of ,he eric> of her f"mol. co .. p;tni"., and !h. ,",u,"~n'i"o .. f .. Iv 10< (UTlh« me",ionw Colurnhian ~ua"l. 'h~ m"r b,ing '0, 10' [ri.1I m~n and "''',,'''n. lu, 'OT p,l~ri"" "e(\cully, .~lnonil g.,h« Ihe 1I\ollel ,-"lIc"'"n of 1"<)I~e "'h~,,, h~ .. lqua""rs ~.". Ihe .eeop!""" a~e"rdeJ him. Ih. o,,~ ~'h;ch o<'~u, ..,1 al M,. \0 ,II<: pl"i,;;m~e. _nt! W ,I~"'m'!,a!. 10 !he publ c "'h" 3 Iton. H",·. ,;1I~,;~ w .. o ~ jo)'"hle, I" • '1~""'~ 'h~ .'.'}'OT ,I"fd g,<1",i,,2' ...... l,,"~. On 'he ,;.h or Jnne .• o ;mrtM''''''al edcrr~,. g'n~cf"ll)' a,". lcelinl1l)" 1<) 'he ~·".k ;",,'o"'l'li,hcd, ao,d 1"",<1,'. """'" '.000 ."on~. ma,ched alonll lhe 3\'cnu~ and Ilm.u~1> J.J~~ ~l(),a". "n,,!her ,!"c3le,. allude,l 10 (he f.. ~, ,I ... ~['" Har( h.-.I "'llende,1 t.ore (mn $6<>.00<> '" ", .nqud J,:i,'u b)' "" d, ....·wr <.>1 .. "k. !" Ihe a,d"I«'!' ;ud en(meer' "f .b ... E.[>O"uoe """e lhon a .... ar t ... fore orcmn, <1»'. If..... OO<"'t. "" 1,1"" ""d 'I>cc-ifocali."" hd.. ,,· I,,· "1I1;,i",,tI hi, ,'"",e'''',,", 1-"., .. j"i,,' ",,,,-10 c.""p.,,,y "'"' "'!tAn,."I.w;,'. " '''[li.~ "I $<00.<><><>. 01 "'~ich 'Mr" Ill,o $';0.00<> ~."' e" ""ndtd .. " the ~-hecl Ihe Fair ,u"3I1c" 'ct"\'(n~ ,'ne·halt .t.t "",fit-_ ,"'h,eh "~'e ,'cr! e"",;,[,,ralll<-. Ily Ih~ r.il~'y (;1", com""n)· ... h" ... ".hib,,, a'e d"",,,I><,. the" >t ... _ "",nufac'"'ed I." C~"<"t;a <"a)','."" 'h~ a., ue", a (0'-" 'f 'pu,' 1(1a,... in ap»<'ar:mC<' re~blin~ ""t. t",! "I a bnlh.... ' ""i.·;,ke ,",facc. 11 i. ,It-cnt..,.l a. b ma,1c m .he I; .. hi"n ,{ tSjo. 'he ,k"l hUed elo>tly t., .~c h,p' ... "d Ihe s.:"<' ",,:;ncd .. i,h a hradc,l !(IntI' of ~~ .. _ "',../, •• , ,.~ .... " . puff of III"". 'n,1 UH'" a f.1 .Ii ,hiIY"" ,'",-u",[ .·~h a I(eaminl "I,., .,i"I(" The t~"hc. " dOCl,I," \',nolyh.1 from 'be beh 10"",,1 Ihe ,hnuldor. ;Ln,1 h",wun Ih" I"'"" arc l'"n,<>f ,-Uff,," ""rr,,~I.,~ '"~,,,l ,I" Io"h an,1 h,,,,,,le,,i"l( .""',,d .he "'I'. "I",,,,, .' f;,11 0. 11>< (,"'''"' " " '...... ~,\ ",i,h 'he ~Ia., ',i"l:'e,,..hi,-l, I;""h I"e I.,"· ,. n " •• ~, I h. b".:c I>ulfed ,I~e\'(' <>. 'he IKcnn and fin;,II«1 ~·i.h r.i"~e' Iho tin:" "'''''''ed ,1.0 ''''''liD'' p( 'h, ;"f.",~ l:"lali ... "h" 'he ,"ai" 1'"";"'" ,,( 110, ";"_;';0" ,,"""noJ.. f<>1I ...'.,1 10)' hil>«l. and qua,h,!",d, f,om all IOOfUon' tf ,he earth, hr.' <'ame ~ ,,,,I<,e,[ ~ .i""I., ~aln>e"l '.,r h,· .....-If. T', 1'''''1'1. "I ~ naU,,", made '''~ """",n ,.f Ih, Fair ""e o'








I'" "".., .


' 'II"


TIfE /JOOk OF TIlE 1,:11", 10<1 by f.,,'cd h:;n~ Hull; th .. n • "lu"d of ",",,""', am.ettl""'enl, "';Ih I",re, ".. ~"cd leI(' ,UKK<_li,'<

"upon" ,i"~;"1( a war son): a< Ih~)' ph,.d (;orceou"ly a"ir~d in fl"."n): "'!;'" of sil~, lon, lile. of U'inan"n ..·.re >~c., belring ullOn ,beir ,houku, 3 huge ~r~l:on, beal"'jI: Ih.i, gO"I(" a .. ,1 c ~.hi"!1 Ih." ermmo .• ;n < ,ml''''';OR ..-"h the ~"~e drum d Ihe I"home.n.. hom ,b~ Co<>'ingeni of .\!~~.i .. ns the $hrill anJ u~il· ..."'h, 'he letsh \·illa"o, . and 'he O.triCh f:",,·_ 1',,,1 du (;haillo, 'he lamou, Meic.n le:"cll<" ,.,. a /re'lu~r.' ,·i ,,,,,, '" ,10" hir,and ;".lin~,i'.I) ~,",i1,"c'l ""Md ,I,e 1'1,,;,_ o"ce:. He 5P""' much I,m" in Ihe Dalt""",), ,·ill'g., ,,1>.1 rna'" "'arm Ir;end. w;lh 11,. ~m<>an. and olher ""'mber. "f lhe Soil\~ Su ~"Iem .... t. 0, one occ3_;on 110" l.ue. formall)' entertaineJ "nd IU_IN h,m, roa..llr.g a pi): On h"l ~"'ne' ond fu'n;>h,n~ "h'tk.n., tlu.k., fin,iO'Trei!:", ". napot"" •• , e.t<'13ngin~ 'herofur ,ho .;1,,,r wt,leh ' hey ,eech'ed and """"IN u",lI I, :"""",,,«1 '0 ;I lar~.". """ tha" Ih.)· h.,1 ~"cr ,,,,,n bdor~, Th~)' wcre .'I)O.t" on coin, ;1 ;, ,.it!, ""d neilh.r Turk "". E~)'I"i,,,, ~., e,'rr know", I,> "c<~pl a counteTiei' I'ie~<. 'hou~h ,,'ct< <.I.c";'·c~ lor c,-,uc· ter/~; ' ". co,l.der.t. n"le •.


' ' ><



For 'he .I e.b,on kuroc .-lil:",e. c.hibi,eoJ in Ihe Hod,,,,,,, ell· <","pinelli. il ;< "';,kd Ihat $",000 ".• ' offered 0,,,1 ,du,cd un hi, arriv.: i" N,w ""rI<_ He;$ .a~1 10 I", ,h. [hie_I ,I •• b >,cet! Ihal ...·a< ,,'e. b'''"~hl 1<' the Uni,.J Stair ...



II II 'If 111


II" Iff







........ . ..-




TWE N T\'_ FI JI' I'H E:'\111[3ITS

examination held, )wt marly yc,,,s <11:0, <1t Oxford uni"ersit)'. tlw ,]uesliofl w~~ I'ut; "\Yherc i,. tire dty "f Clrivf;!"~" BUI <))nUll); Ih~,.c H,ili,.!. "lUJc"t~, m,", of whom could read Greek and Latin at sight. and somc could "Tite in either I,,"~uuf:c I"ultlc~~ l'roAe nnd ,'cr,;,:,. there "'<13 not (Inc who could the IOC<1tion of what was th('n a Ihrh'ing commercial centre and is nOW the «.,.,orl<'1 .. ;')' ill ,I,,· lI";INI Sl.~"·~ \ ,,,[~,,;I wa~ ",1,.." ,I", 1,,<»,·,-1 for the Columbian E~p"sitlOn was published bro~dcast throll~hollt Eumpe. e"en cultured men and women a~king where Chical!o wn~. ",l,ile those who knew declared thaI such afl exposition should be held in \ \'ash· ington, ~ew York. Philndelphia. an),,,here rather than in ChicJgo. which. as the)' ,~id. w~s merely a distributing I'oint for grain and pork. But ns to Ihis the), were Iluickl), undC(;~i"ed through the rel'fCsent~tions of the commissioners. ;gnor<1nce. prejudice. and indifference gl'mg way to a wide-spread interest which In man)' countries ripened into en· tliusiasm ; and not alone in E urope. bUI in C«,,,,d«, in !\Iexico, il1 Certtr«l alld South f\n,eli~«. ill Au~tr«li~. Japan. and where"er clse there are C<"lmmercial or other relations with the republic. T hus it was th"t Chicago became the scat of not onl) the largest bu t the most cosmopolitan fair that ha~ ever been held. the total of foreign "l'pwl'ri"ti"ns "lone. apart from their exhibits. being nlmoH as mucli as the enlire cost of the Centennial Exposition. and mor ... th~n thrice ,hat 01 the London Exhibition of 1~5L Of all the European nations which ha"e met in friendly rivalr) with their cou~ins be\'ond the Atlantic, the're are none that appear 10 bener advanwge than Germany. whether in the main departments 01 the Fair or in her n.1ti(>nal home at Jackson park. But this is as might be expected from a country in ~uch dose commercial and socia l ~. intercourse with the L'nitcd States. where there arc at least 10,000.000 ~. citizens of Germ~n parentage. with more than lOO,OClO persons migrat· ing each )ear from ,he F atherland. And especially in Chicago doe, the German clement make itse lf kit. the number of Teutons. either immigrants or of Teutonic parentage. far exceeding tlic f\meric.1ns ;n num· \x:r. anJ I()nnin~ " ",o~t Jc,i ..",J.,le 1,,<..I()I· ill ,he <"O"'l'o,ilion ,,{ Ihe body politic. Das Deut,;che h"us. or the G crll1~n houo<:. one of ,he most ornate of the foreign buildings. occupies a prominent ,lIe in the north· SCI 0 ... " V,"'" '" 0.0.< DlU'SC"1 •• u,




rtlF HOVA' OF TilE F.III.' e~~t",r"

purl,"n "f the ::round~, lr~,nl"'~ 0" th", Ia~e, [rom winch II 1~ ""I"lraltd on:,- by a narrow ~tnp ..I ~hur",. [ t is thrn' ~t"ric~ in hei;:ht: the tir~t "f ~turc"ed hrick and Iho",: aloon' of w(Jod and plasler, w·.th b,I,;(:111<:nt ,,( ,',,,-~,f.,,,-d lilll~·~l"n.... [n ~t) Ic it is of the ~ixteemh cemur)' rcn~i~s~nce. I"CpreS<:nting Ihe period of tr,W,ili,,,, fWIll the Gothic, The point of "rdlitl'Ctural cmphasis is 1111 the e;[~t h~ad(' with its g-abled fr0111 and G ot], i" ~p;r,,~. abo,"o which i~ a to\\"r dceornlcd ill il~ ,..;<;on,\ '1.1;":" lI·illt gilded ~l.llue" .Iml ~u ... "ou"(,,d h) .1 l."'lcrn "hoS<: "pe~ is ,80 feet aoo"e gruund. The m:lin ('nl!":lnet i, in tht form of a tripl ... archway 48 fccI in length. thl' wind",,-,; "I><),'c " rrangcd with C(lrr""I"",d;n): eifect. Th e <.:11(;1'(: front ;~ highl)" c(llorcd and ,.ith l'wfusj,,,, of <1e\'uTat;W ""heme, FiN there arc Ill(' c(lab. of arll\~ of all tl1l' 10 independent states which. unde r the pre,;dl'llc}, III \\'ilh"lln n. ron~lillllt, Ih,· (;"rnlan ""'pir". Tlwn 11.,"1"" "1'(: "rmor,<:!ad knight~ with d"''''n ~ .. ords defending the imperial c(own: :'lbo\'(' them :'I ~un. and alx»'c all. near the summit of the .I::'Ihll'. a hu~c German eagle in hlal'k To th' right ("~tend~ the main body (,f till' buildin" ih roc,fs uf "aril)::atcd tilin g and ~tuddt'([ he re and Ihert' with (\ormNs. On the northwe~1 corner i~ a large" ,,'

~'l.'C Co~, 0< . " . "

On tht, we"u:rn f; cc is an e~tcnsi)n whith t('rm;n:ne,; in a ];ulIre,,,,,d "all l\;th domica, roof and ,tain~-d gla,~ "1ndo",. Ikre IS the chapel oontalrtlrt:': rare sllCCl1l1Cn~ of CCCkSIed. I'In:llI) al Ih., ""uthwehtern an;.de ih a tal', ~quarc lower, ",ith Iurreted upper ~t:lge. a re1,roduclion of the .;c1:lo"-,, "f i\Sl.:halknburg. In the l>elfr)' j" " chin!e til bells ht'longing 10 thl' imperial famil}. and mad~ for a church :n tile llwahd.'n park erec\('d by Ihc emperor in honor of his grandmother. The plans for the G erman hOllS(' n-..:lc l'rcl' ....cd I,), J ohannc~ I~.~dk(, a ),:''''e(lu"ent nrehi\cct "tt;\ehc ~\air,,"ny in Irvnl of Ih~ ",,,in portal. Ihe ,·j,,;t(lr "'mc~ I<> a landing ",hid, i~ 01 il"elf a work of a n. ",ith ceiling tastciully painted :lnd graincd, tikd floor" and on Ihc ",;dk fresc<x s (,I I'",ne and ,,{ " ,'up,]",'",,,, to II·... kinK_ I'.,~~in'~ rhmugh ,I"uhl" gh'" .I'~'r~ ,,~t ill a r<,h~, r"m'~\"'nd;ng t" lho~" ~I d,,· l'ntrance, tH" ('nter" a lobl),', ,urroundcd with column, and othc r\\'i,c t:tstcfu[h' decorated. Th cn('L' through tr;l~e archways th~re i, acce" t<> IWO "I'aciou~ hal:~ e~tendin!! 10 Ihe n"flhern end of the builJinit. th" out\'f or1\' with

TilE NOOA- OF TIlE I->II/{ J.:"IJ.., ... <,~ ull thwc of Lt~ ~iL<·~. '1I1d both with numberlc~s cn).:r:1Vings (>n 111c walb. Here are the wlk<.:th·e ,',hibit~ (>f Guman puuli,her><. mor(' than .;00 in numher. arrang<'d in Ilc(""';s. Bookbinding is also r,·presented. and Ihere arc (·"hibits connl,,·ted ""ilh the music trade. Thfore arc cas,'s filled "itlL cuts from illu~!rat~d magaz,ne~. :md of e\'cry pen(.'(Iical publi,hed in Germany afe ~hown its headlines ami typogr.lphical ~tylc. III 11"'s""xhiIJib""I"~~­ ston is ginn tv one of Ihe 1e"dinj;: ind~"lriu. of the Gu· man empire; for nowhere Ins t 'le ]'11 bl ieat i,," and ~alc of boo;"'~ as.sumtd such enormous propnrlj"I\~_ I~ tl,.. I"mpire itself are more Ihan 6.<:1<» eotablish, ments dislributed among r. ~oo cities; in ,\u-.;tro-Ilungary Ihere aTe 800; in olh~r European countries aoout ')00; in America at lea,! 1.. 0. with not a few In Asia. Africa. and Australia. Of [learl)' S,oco firms in all, ~lJoUI ~o pcr cent arc en!:~ged in the publ"h'llg of Ix)()ks, print', and mu,ic. including Ihe reproducliun of rare \'olumes ~nd nunuscripH. The remainder cOI1~i~t of book,,;'lkrs who place Ihur ;,:oods on Ihe markel Ihrough ~n "!aoorate system of brokerage. wah I.dpsic a~ Ille centr(' ,.f distribution. more Ihan 2~,OOO w,rks being IllU~ introduced in I$<)1. Bookhindng i, also a rromin\'nt 1".lIlll" l'~IJcCi"lI) in 1I",lin "nu L"jl'~"" .. _in;,:le h"u"" in Ihe I.LIIt""T <;il~' 1,,<Xlu<;i~:.: 1.00.l<.).000 Li"oin~~ and COL'ers a year_ "arying in price (rO'n a (enl L> $5.000 a:)iccc. I" the ... h"pcl beyond i~ the d;~pl .. )' of ecdc~ia~tical arl, indudin.,: "!ai,,~d-~I,,s. windo,"'s. s1I, the ~oftl)' tinted "'alk \\,ilhin rcc!"n! yea'" Ih(' revolution in ehurch architecture has Ix'en ~ccomp""icd with a Iral1~formalion in ;,n a~ appli<'<1 tl> i"t~r;or d('("()r.1tion~, hnth hr,,;rking k)()ge from the felters of cla",icism :Illd r~,crting to G othic forms. "ith tr~n'S of Ih~ earlier renaiss~"c('. In Ill(' latter department the best that h,-,s thus far I~cn "chie'cd is full\" i1l'l'\rat('



• • •

Filii II{):);; uF rilE F 1If(



1" li;;"I<' .. i.• {urni.,hed in pnm;,i,,- _,,)1<-. Th" e .... I'.:1 i~ "I _tII,i'lu,' I'"h;,.". "" "'" "!t. "vv<J"VI~ and d'.ll .... ri,·,. whil,' IXI"'{"'n two of Ih,· win,I""" ,Ialld. a hall rI,('k sn·llt· tt-n (t,t'l hi).!h and de·si.l;ned afh'r ollc' or Ih.· ,pir," "I Slr:o,I,ur)( (a,l",dr"l. lh" <1i.oI wilh numeral. paint"11 '''' 'n,,~).!ular pieces or ;"'.>ry. There;~ a 1~,r("('1ai" lir"plan. col(.r('(\ in hh,,·. ~nd abo,'" Ihl' gr:olc a 1,1" p,,;ntin;; o( a wedding p"rl), of Ihe "ldln lin,,,. n ... ct·ilin).! is clahofalely d,·cnr"lnl. ;,n,] ill II". r,"lIn- i, d"p;,-I<'d a ,,,nn,,· ,c"n!', :l ,."ntrilml;on fr."" a nl,·",h·r ,,£ til<' 1':,,).11 ;ll';"It'IllY 01 ".·rlin. In a St.ullwrn I'fOjL'l'liulI "f Ih" buildi,,).!. dioe",,"wClCd frOIll Ih" rl'_I. is Ih,' c',hil!il "f Ih" \\',tldhol' cellulu'e IllanufaclolY al :liannh"im. ils producls c()n,i~linll of Ihe pulp of pilH' ",,~)(l and u",,·d f"r Ihe makin).! of p.'1 .... r. (~{"rrnally'" dar. the (jlh of June. Ihe Fiflh annil'ersarr of Ihe ""H'"i')I1 of \\'ilheJm II. W'L~ une of I;W el'<:1IIs "f til<' Fair. the a1t<'ndan<'" far nc......,ling all pu,-iou~ record,. "ilh lll"re Ihan 100.000 pe"" ""He Germ.1lh The <:"erCl>-(:S "He held in front of Ihe Ueul"dle

•.•n_. "C\or o. ,.t •••


lu,,-, .'.

h,IUS. bt'J.:in~inJ.: ,,·ilh nlU~IC and ~inging, after which Ibrr} r~ubel1'. ,n 11w n~lIw 01 Ihe Gernlan,Am('rican~. dl'lnTrt,<1 an ~ddrt'N> of welcome'" Ilw ulll',:rtal rqlH!'CntamTS. ,\11"r "lJle \\ .whl am l{h<:llI' rend rrcd J,I' Ihe \1l;_rno('.chor "horu<. Baron 1'011 Il nl1el1ll<' n, Ih" German mini'lcr. responded < n behalf (i Ihe go\'Crnml·nt. and Ill<"n lhe oration of Ih~ ,by was tlt-linn,,1 br C;,rl ~khunz. ",h",..· speedl was, f a 1'.1triolie ChU:lCIH. louching On Ihe loyally of Iho,e who, whil" 1".11 10 lhe nllllllr) of Ihei r :11 \ hl' E~ p"_'i \ion; for hcre \I .,.~ "ml"Kli, II Ihe ~!"ril (,f Iht, n.1lion. e"]1T<:"inl: ill <\'(·ry branch of indu,try and art Ihe highe'l rC'u:l~ of "hich Ihal n.1li(.n ".1~ cal'ablr_ C"mrni"jl>ner \\'"rn",\h . ",h" 1"11"",,d. 'pok(' "f tl", co"",wrC .. <>f (:,· rm,,,y. a. con\caH.,d ",ilh lhal of 111<' l~lIi"',1 Slate~. I'n'dir ling Ih"l 11w dawn of the coming ('t'mun' would lI'itness a rcvolution in lhe '-"<»l1",r,.i.11 rontlil;<>n, of tl ... "'Ddt!. '1'1<(' dnsing ",Idf("~ "';<' by ('"rlf'r II, II"rr;1I1<'wh,,1 at :l disadvanlag<' ha' :nl: In sp..·ak "gainsl .1 ]'ra,," b~nd ~nd a Ihund'·I"lnrm. A l'ara,k. in ~<"'eT:11 di'·i~ion'. wilh flo~ls. nlh-h., <"oad,..,. "lid Inore Ihan 1(j.000 people' in lil1<' wa, a fp.1lure of Iht' d.,\,. 1..11(' in Ihe afh'rn,)(,~ 11U'1<' wa' a c,on(l'rl al Ft'~li,·.,1 hall. 'HId .11 n:;:hl a pyn I("(,hn;c exhihilion. 11\ which Ih(' fiJ:urfs of Gn:n.1nia and Columbia stood ,id(, :)" ~i(:,' !II Ir.1Cery 01 fire .


Till:' /100/, OF 7J/E E lIlt

Th(' FT('nch p;I'-ilion ,,<:cul''''s on(' of IIw choice,: site> in Jack-on part ea,\ of the .\n 1'~1;;(c and ("Io-;.e t', the ,hun of the b\,:l'. It i~ (Oi the t;ia"ic ord" T. a r.d con,i,t~ of \\\" ,lruCluTh conl1,-<:lcd hy a Tol"",,,,,J... \\"lIh a gardell lJct \\cc n. l 'ndcr [he p"Ttico of Ill(' nonh front are vic,,'s (>{ Par;" and b['N:ciall) (If its go,"('rn. m,-nt building~. with replicas of {.lIl1nus statuary in the \'{'stibuks and h,dconics. '1'10,- int"rim pla n ditfers from Ihat of otlll'T foreign structure<, 111<1'1 ()f tl1<; sl"lrc h"ing dl"'O\,'d \0 exhibition purposes. and \';Ih the quarters of the c(>mmi"jol1 htM in 'ul".... ,li",«;"" to l lot; n·,!.

F rom the "cslibulc II,,;: Y",IVT !,."".~ into a chamlx'r rc,,,rnbling the ",I.", d Ihe I'ala~" of \,,, .,,,"dk... wh.,r.;, ,," ,h" btlL (If F d>ruary. 'n$. W.l~ ,·,,,,,·I~.kd the treaty lct"l"-l1 Fr.mce and tIle l' nit,·d Stalt~ Ihis h<>ing the first r,·.·ognJIion ,f Ih ... bUN h)'; E nr"p":'" pow·'r. Yc,,'" ~ft..r"·a ." "·... re I'becd in ,hi~ ~ll<>n ~1I the arlick's presenled (In kh"lf of Ih .. r~public to Ihe ;\1;tr

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