e"ea,h l"~ wi"Jo ... <)1 ' he l'ridc~coo"" .,.,1 l"h,to)(o lUI Ihe .. 1< of "~'''. ~'hich ,t:t ),<'U'I:" ~·if<. ,"rro""dw by .1It '.""Ie il< >"p[,,' .\o.;k. a la.gc 'elali,'C' of Ihe ~r<>"nI. w,. I.ken '0 Ihe home o' he. 'I'ou",_ I>o"ion of "hieh wa, 'n • • duce, ",~h O. lhe !-'air. "'ho," he had t",cnm~ ccam"'eo.! ,inu ,h.ir tltp;tTlu .... I",,,, ,ho" The ""i. of l.o.d· naU,.., lanJ 11" f,il"d. ho.·",,,,, '0 carr)' ;~r al\3)'. On ace",rnl Ina)' .... Shad" of Dublin. of ,he eric> of her f"mol. co .. p;tni"., and !h. ,",u,"~n'i"o .. f .. Iv 10< (UTlh« me",ionw Colurnhian ~ua"l. 'h~ m"r b,ing '0, 10' [ri.1I m~n and "''',,'''n. lu, 'OT p,l~ri"" "e(\cully, .~lnonil g.,h« Ihe 1I\ollel ,-"lIc"'"n of 1"<)I~e "'h~,,, h~ .. lqua""rs ~.". Ihe .eeop!""" a~e"rdeJ him. Ih. o,,~ ~'h;ch o<'~u, ..,1 al M,. \0 ,II<: pl"i,;;m~e. _nt! W ,I~"'m'!,a!. 10 !he publ c "'h" 3 Iton. H",·. ,;1I~,;~ w .. o ~ jo)'"hle, I" • '1~""'~ 'h~ .'.'}'OT ,I"fd g,<1",i,,2' ...... l,,"~. On 'he ,;.h or Jnne .• o ;mrtM''''''al edcrr~,. g'n~cf"ll)' a,". lcelinl1l)" 1<) 'he ~·".k ;",,'o"'l'li,hcd, ao,d 1"",<1,'. """'" '.000 ."on~. ma,ched alonll lhe 3\'cnu~ and Ilm.u~1> J.J~~ ~l(),a". "n,,!her ,!"c3le,. allude,l 10 (he f.. ~, ,I ... ~['" Har( h.-.I "'llende,1 t.ore (mn $6<>.00<> '" ", .nqud J,:i,'u b)' "" d, ....·wr <.>1 .. "k. !" Ihe a,d"I«'!' ;ud en(meer' "f .b ... E.[>O"uoe """e lhon a .... ar t ... fore orcmn, <1»'. If..... OO<"'t. "" 1,1"" ""d 'I>cc-ifocali."" hd.. ,,· I,,· "1I1;,i",,tI hi, ,'"",e'''',,", 1-"., .. j"i,,' ",,,,-10 c.""p.,,,y "'"' "'!tAn,."I.w;,'. " '''[li.~ "I $<00.<><><>. 01 "'~ich 'Mr" Ill,o $';0.00<> ~."' e" ""ndtd .. " the ~-hecl Ihe Fair ,u"3I1c" 'ct"\'(n~ ,'ne·halt .t.t "",fit-_ ,"'h,eh "~'e ,'cr! e"",;,[,,ralll<-. Ily Ih~ r.il~'y (;1", com""n)· ... h" ... ".hib,,, a'e d"",,,I><,. the" >t ... _ "",nufac'"'ed I." C~"<"t;a <"a)','."" 'h~ a., ue", a (0'-" 'f 'pu,' 1(1a,... in ap»<'ar:mC<' re~blin~ ""t. t",! "I a bnlh.... ' ""i.·;,ke ,",facc. 11 i. ,It-cnt..,.l a. b ma,1c m .he I; .. hi"n ,{ tSjo. 'he ,k"l hUed elo>tly t., .~c h,p' ... "d Ihe s.:"<' ",,:;ncd .. i,h a hradc,l !(IntI' of ~~ .. _ "',../, •• , ,.~ .... " . puff of III"". 'n,1 UH'" a f.1 .Ii ,hiIY"" ,'",-u",[ .·~h a I(eaminl "I,., .,i"I(" The t~"hc. " dOCl,I," \',nolyh.1 from 'be beh 10"",,1 Ihe ,hnuldor. ;Ln,1 h",wun Ih" I"'"" arc l'"n,<>f ,-Uff,," ""rr,,~I.,~ '"~,,,l ,I" Io"h an,1 h,,,,,,le,,i"l( .""',,d .he "'I'. "I",,,,, .' f;,11 0. 11>< (,"'''"' " " '...... ~,\ ",i,h 'he ~Ia., ',i"l:'e,,..hi,-l, I;""h I"e I.,"· ,. n " •• ~, I h. b".:c I>ulfed ,I~e\'(' <>. 'he IKcnn and fin;,II«1 ~·i.h r.i"~e' Iho tin:" "'''''''ed ,1.0 ''''''liD'' p( 'h, ;"f.",~ l:"lali ... "h" 'he ,"ai" 1'"";"'" ,,( 110, ";"_;';0" ,,"""noJ.. f<>1I ...'.,1 10)' hil>«l. and qua,h,!",d, f,om all IOOfUon' tf ,he earth, hr.' <'ame ~ ,,,,I<,e,[ ~ .i""I., ~aln>e"l '.,r h,· .....-If. T', 1'''''1'1. "I ~ naU,,", made '''~ """",n ,.f Ih, Fair ""e o'
I'" "".., .
' 'II"
TIfE /JOOk OF TIlE 1,:11", 10<1 by f.,,'cd h:;n~ Hull; th .. n • "lu"d of ",",,""', am.ettl""'enl, "';Ih I",re, ".. ~"cd leI(' ,UKK<_li,'<
"upon" ,i"~;"1( a war son): a< Ih~)' ph,.d (;orceou"ly a"ir~d in fl"."n): "'!;'" of sil~, lon, lile. of U'inan"n ..·.re >~c., belring ullOn ,beir ,houku, 3 huge ~r~l:on, beal"'jI: Ih.i, gO"I(" a .. ,1 c ~.hi"!1 Ih." ermmo .• ;n < ,ml''''';OR ..-"h the ~"~e drum d Ihe I"home.n.. hom ,b~ Co<>'ingeni of .\!~~.i .. ns the $hrill anJ u~il· ..."'h, 'he letsh \·illa"o, . and 'he O.triCh f:",,·_ 1',,,1 du (;haillo, 'he lamou, Meic.n le:"cll<" ,.,. a /re'lu~r.' ,·i ,,,,,, '" ,10" hir,and ;".lin~,i'.I) ~,",i1,"c'l ""Md ,I,e 1'1,,;,_ o"ce:. He 5P""' much I,m" in Ihe Dalt""",), ,·ill'g., ,,1>.1 rna'" "'arm Ir;end. w;lh 11,. ~m<>an. and olher ""'mber. "f lhe Soil\~ Su ~"Iem .... t. 0, one occ3_;on 110" l.ue. formall)' entertaineJ "nd IU_IN h,m, roa..llr.g a pi): On h"l ~"'ne' ond fu'n;>h,n~ "h'tk.n., tlu.k., fin,iO'Trei!:", ". napot"" •• , e.t<'13ngin~ 'herofur ,ho .;1,,,r wt,leh ' hey ,eech'ed and """"IN u",lI I, :"""",,,«1 '0 ;I lar~.". """ tha" Ih.)· h.,1 ~"cr ,,,,,n bdor~, Th~)' wcre .'I)O.t" on coin, ;1 ;, ,.it!, ""d neilh.r Turk "". E~)'I"i,,,, ~., e,'rr know", I,> "c<~pl a counteTiei' I'ie~<. 'hou~h ,,'ct< <.I.c";'·c~ lor c,-,uc· ter/~; ' ". co,l.der.t. n"le •.
' ' ><
For 'he .I e.b,on kuroc .-lil:",e. c.hibi,eoJ in Ihe Hod,,,,,,, ell· <","pinelli. il ;< "';,kd Ihat $",000 ".• ' offered 0,,,1 ,du,cd un hi, arriv.: i" N,w ""rI<_ He;$ .a~1 10 I", ,h. [hie_I ,I •• b >,cet! Ihal ...·a< ,,'e. b'''"~hl 1<' the Uni,.J Stair ...
II II 'If 111
II" Iff
........ . ..-
TWE N T\'_ FI JI' I'H E:'\111[3ITS
examination held, )wt marly yc,,,s <11:0, <1t Oxford uni"ersit)'. tlw ,]uesliofl w~~ I'ut; "\Yherc i,. tire dty "f Clrivf;!"~" BUI <))nUll); Ih~,.c H,ili,.!. "lUJc"t~, m,", of whom could read Greek and Latin at sight. and somc could "Tite in either I,,"~uuf:c I"ultlc~~ l'roAe nnd ,'cr,;,:,. there "'<13 not (Inc who could the IOC<1tion of what was th('n a Ihrh'ing commercial centre and is nOW the «.,.,orl<'1 .. ;')' ill ,I,,· lI";INI Sl.~"·~ \ ,,,[~,,;I wa~ ",1,.." ,I", 1,,<»,·,-1 for the Columbian E~p"sitlOn was published bro~dcast throll~hollt Eumpe. e"en cultured men and women a~king where Chical!o wn~. ",l,ile those who knew declared thaI such afl exposition should be held in \ \'ash· ington, ~ew York. Philndelphia. an),,,here rather than in ChicJgo. which. as the)' ,~id. w~s merely a distributing I'oint for grain and pork. But ns to Ihis the), were Iluickl), undC(;~i"ed through the rel'fCsent~tions of the commissioners. ;gnor<1nce. prejudice. and indifference gl'mg way to a wide-spread interest which In man)' countries ripened into en· tliusiasm ; and not alone in E urope. bUI in C«,,,,d«, in !\Iexico, il1 Certtr«l alld South f\n,eli~«. ill Au~tr«li~. Japan. and where"er clse there are C<"lmmercial or other relations with the republic. T hus it was th"t Chicago became the scat of not onl) the largest bu t the most cosmopolitan fair that ha~ ever been held. the total of foreign "l'pwl'ri"ti"ns "lone. apart from their exhibits. being nlmoH as mucli as the enlire cost of the Centennial Exposition. and mor ... th~n thrice ,hat 01 the London Exhibition of 1~5L Of all the European nations which ha"e met in friendly rivalr) with their cou~ins be\'ond the Atlantic, the're are none that appear 10 bener advanwge than Germany. whether in the main departments 01 the Fair or in her n.1ti(>nal home at Jackson park. But this is as might be expected from a country in ~uch dose commercial and socia l ~. intercourse with the L'nitcd States. where there arc at least 10,000.000 ~. citizens of Germ~n parentage. with more than lOO,OClO persons migrat· ing each )ear from ,he F atherland. And especially in Chicago doe, the German clement make itse lf kit. the number of Teutons. either immigrants or of Teutonic parentage. far exceeding tlic f\meric.1ns ;n num· \x:r. anJ I()nnin~ " ",o~t Jc,i ..",J.,le 1,,<..I()I· ill ,he <"O"'l'o,ilion ,,{ Ihe body politic. Das Deut,;che h"us. or the G crll1~n houo<:. one of ,he most ornate of the foreign buildings. occupies a prominent ,lIe in the north· SCI 0 ... " V,"'" '" 0.0.< DlU'SC"1 •• u,
rtlF HOVA' OF TilE F.III.' e~~t",r"
purl,"n "f the ::round~, lr~,nl"'~ 0" th", Ia~e, [rom winch II 1~ ""I"lraltd on:,- by a narrow ~tnp ..I ~hur",. [ t is thrn' ~t"ric~ in hei;:ht: the tir~t "f ~turc"ed hrick and Iho",: aloon' of w(Jod and plasler, w·.th b,I,;(:111<:nt ,,( ,',,,-~,f.,,,-d lilll~·~l"n.... [n ~t) Ic it is of the ~ixteemh cemur)' rcn~i~s~nce. I"CpreS<:nting Ihe period of tr,W,ili,,,, fWIll the Gothic, The point of "rdlitl'Ctural cmphasis is 1111 the e;[~t h~ad(' with its g-abled fr0111 and G ot], i" ~p;r,,~. abo,"o which i~ a to\\"r dceornlcd ill il~ ,..;<;on,\ '1.1;":" lI·illt gilded ~l.llue" .Iml ~u ... "ou"(,,d h) .1 l."'lcrn "hoS<: "pe~ is ,80 feet aoo"e gruund. The m:lin ('nl!":lnet i, in tht form of a tripl ... archway 48 fccI in length. thl' wind",,-,; "I><),'c " rrangcd with C(lrr""I"",d;n): eifect. Th e <.:11(;1'(: front ;~ highl)" c(llorcd and ,.ith l'wfusj,,,, of <1e\'uTat;W ""heme, FiN there arc Ill(' c(lab. of arll\~ of all tl1l' 10 independent states which. unde r the pre,;dl'llc}, III \\'ilh"lln n. ron~lillllt, Ih,· (;"rnlan ""'pir". Tlwn 11.,"1"" "1'(: "rmor,<:!ad knight~ with d"''''n ~ .. ords defending the imperial c(own: :'lbo\'(' them :'I ~un. and alx»'c all. near the summit of the .I::'Ihll'. a hu~c German eagle in hlal'k To th' right ("~tend~ the main body (,f till' buildin" ih roc,fs uf "aril)::atcd tilin g and ~tuddt'([ he re and Ihert' with (\ormNs. On the northwe~1 corner i~ a large" ,,'
~'l.'C Co~, 0< . " . "
On tht, we"u:rn f; cc is an e~tcnsi)n whith t('rm;n:ne,; in a ];ulIre,,,,,d "all l\;th domica, roof and ,tain~-d gla,~ "1ndo",. Ikre IS the chapel oontalrtlrt:': rare sllCCl1l1Cn~ of CCCkSIed. I'In:llI) al Ih., ""uthwehtern an;.de ih a tal', ~quarc lower, ",ith Iurreted upper ~t:lge. a re1,roduclion of the .;c1:lo"-,, "f i\Sl.:halknburg. In the l>elfr)' j" " chin!e til bells ht'longing 10 thl' imperial famil}. and mad~ for a church :n tile llwahd.'n park erec\('d by Ihc emperor in honor of his grandmother. The plans for the G erman hOllS(' n-..:lc l'rcl' ....cd I,), J ohannc~ I~.~dk(, a ),:''''e(lu"ent nrehi\cct "tt;\ehc ~\air,,"ny in Irvnl of Ih~ ",,,in portal. Ihe ,·j,,;t(lr "'mc~ I<> a landing ",hid, i~ 01 il"elf a work of a n. ",ith ceiling tastciully painted :lnd graincd, tikd floor" and on Ihc ",;dk fresc<x s (,I I'",ne and ,,{ " ,'up,]",'",,,, to II·... kinK_ I'.,~~in'~ rhmugh ,I"uhl" gh'" .I'~'r~ ,,~t ill a r<,h~, r"m'~\"'nd;ng t" lho~" ~I d,,· l'ntrance, tH" ('nter" a lobl),', ,urroundcd with column, and othc r\\'i,c t:tstcfu[h' decorated. Th cn('L' through tr;l~e archways th~re i, acce" t<> IWO "I'aciou~ hal:~ e~tendin!! 10 Ihe n"flhern end of the builJinit. th" out\'f or1\' with
TilE NOOA- OF TIlE I->II/{ J.:"IJ.., ... <,~ ull thwc of Lt~ ~iL<·~. '1I1d both with numberlc~s cn).:r:1Vings (>n 111c walb. Here are the wlk<.:th·e ,',hibit~ (>f Guman puuli,her><. mor(' than .;00 in numher. arrang<'d in Ilc(""';s. Bookbinding is also r,·presented. and Ihere arc (·"hibits connl,,·ted ""ilh the music trade. Thfore arc cas,'s filled "itlL cuts from illu~!rat~d magaz,ne~. :md of e\'cry pen(.'(Iical publi,hed in Germany afe ~hown its headlines ami typogr.lphical ~tylc. III 11"'s""xhiIJib""I"~~ ston is ginn tv one of Ihe 1e"dinj;: ind~"lriu. of the Gu· man empire; for nowhere Ins t 'le ]'11 bl ieat i,," and ~alc of boo;"'~ as.sumtd such enormous propnrlj"I\~_ I~ tl,.. I"mpire itself are more Ihan 6.<:1<» eotablish, ments dislributed among r. ~oo cities; in ,\u-.;tro-Ilungary Ihere aTe 800; in olh~r European countries aoout ')00; in America at lea,! 1.. 0. with not a few In Asia. Africa. and Australia. Of [learl)' S,oco firms in all, ~lJoUI ~o pcr cent arc en!:~ged in the publ"h'llg of Ix)()ks, print', and mu,ic. including Ihe reproducliun of rare \'olumes ~nd nunuscripH. The remainder cOI1~i~t of book,,;'lkrs who place Ihur ;,:oods on Ihe markel Ihrough ~n "!aoorate system of brokerage. wah I.dpsic a~ Ille centr(' ,.f distribution. more Ihan 2~,OOO w,rks being IllU~ introduced in I$<)1. Bookhindng i, also a rromin\'nt 1".lIlll" l'~IJcCi"lI) in 1I",lin "nu L"jl'~"" .. _in;,:le h"u"" in Ihe I.LIIt""T <;il~' 1,,<Xlu<;i~:.: 1.00.l<.).000 Li"oin~~ and COL'ers a year_ "arying in price (rO'n a (enl L> $5.000 a:)iccc. I" the ... h"pcl beyond i~ the d;~pl .. )' of ecdc~ia~tical arl, indudin.,: "!ai,,~d-~I,,s. windo,"'s. s1I, the ~oftl)' tinted "'alk \\,ilhin rcc!"n! yea'" Ih(' revolution in ehurch architecture has Ix'en ~ccomp""icd with a Iral1~formalion in ;,n a~ appli<'<1 tl> i"t~r;or d('("()r.1tion~, hnth hr,,;rking k)()ge from the felters of cla",icism :Illd r~,crting to G othic forms. "ith tr~n'S of Ih~ earlier renaiss~"c('. In Ill(' latter department the best that h,-,s thus far I~cn "chie'cd is full\" i1l'l'\rat('
• • •
Filii II{):);; uF rilE F 1If(
1" li;;"I<' .. i.• {urni.,hed in pnm;,i,,- _,,)1<-. Th" e .... I'.:1 i~ "I _tII,i'lu,' I'"h;,.". "" "'" "!t. "vv<J"VI~ and d'.ll .... ri,·,. whil,' IXI"'{"'n two of Ih,· win,I""" ,Ialld. a hall rI,('k sn·llt· tt-n (t,t'l hi).!h and de·si.l;ned afh'r ollc' or Ih.· ,pir," "I Slr:o,I,ur)( (a,l",dr"l. lh" <1i.oI wilh numeral. paint"11 '''' 'n,,~).!ular pieces or ;"'.>ry. There;~ a 1~,r("('1ai" lir"plan. col(.r('(\ in hh,,·. ~nd abo,'" Ihl' gr:olc a 1,1" p,,;ntin;; o( a wedding p"rl), of Ihe "ldln lin,,,. n ... ct·ilin).! is clahofalely d,·cnr"lnl. ;,n,] ill II". r,"lIn- i, d"p;,-I<'d a ,,,nn,,· ,c"n!', :l ,."ntrilml;on fr."" a nl,·",h·r ,,£ til<' 1':,,).11 ;ll';"It'IllY 01 ".·rlin. In a St.ullwrn I'fOjL'l'liulI "f Ih" buildi,,).!. dioe",,"wClCd frOIll Ih" rl'_I. is Ih,' c',hil!il "f Ih" \\',tldhol' cellulu'e IllanufaclolY al :liannh"im. ils producls c()n,i~linll of Ihe pulp of pilH' ",,~)(l and u",,·d f"r Ihe makin).! of p.'1 .... r. (~{"rrnally'" dar. the (jlh of June. Ihe Fiflh annil'ersarr of Ihe ""H'"i')I1 of \\'ilheJm II. W'L~ une of I;W el'<:1IIs "f til<' Fair. the a1t<'ndan<'" far nc......,ling all pu,-iou~ record,. "ilh lll"re Ihan 100.000 pe"" ""He Germ.1lh The <:"erCl>-(:S "He held in front of Ihe Ueul"dle
•.•n_. "C\or o. ,.t •••
lu,,-, .'.
h,IUS. bt'J.:in~inJ.: ,,·ilh nlU~IC and ~inging, after which Ibrr} r~ubel1'. ,n 11w n~lIw 01 Ihe Gernlan,Am('rican~. dl'lnTrt,<1 an ~ddrt'N> of welcome'" Ilw ulll',:rtal rqlH!'CntamTS. ,\11"r "lJle \\ .whl am l{h<:llI' rend rrcd J,I' Ihe \1l;_rno('.chor "horu<. Baron 1'011 Il nl1el1ll<' n, Ih" German mini'lcr. responded < n behalf (i Ihe go\'Crnml·nt. and Ill<"n lhe oration of Ih~ ,by was tlt-linn,,1 br C;,rl ~khunz. ",h",..· speedl was, f a 1'.1triolie ChU:lCIH. louching On Ihe loyally of Iho,e who, whil" 1".11 10 lhe nllllllr) of Ihei r :11 \ hl' E~ p"_'i \ion; for hcre \I .,.~ "ml"Kli, II Ihe ~!"ril (,f Iht, n.1lion. e"]1T<:"inl: ill <\'(·ry branch of indu,try and art Ihe highe'l rC'u:l~ of "hich Ihal n.1li(.n ".1~ cal'ablr_ C"mrni"jl>ner \\'"rn",\h . ",h" 1"11"",,d. 'pok(' "f tl", co"",wrC .. <>f (:,· rm,,,y. a. con\caH.,d ",ilh lhal of 111<' l~lIi"',1 Slate~. I'n'dir ling Ih"l 11w dawn of the coming ('t'mun' would lI'itness a rcvolution in lhe '-"<»l1",r,.i.11 rontlil;<>n, of tl ... "'Ddt!. '1'1<(' dnsing ",Idf("~ "';<' by ('"rlf'r II, II"rr;1I1<'wh,,1 at :l disadvanlag<' ha' :nl: In sp..·ak "gainsl .1 ]'ra,," b~nd ~nd a Ihund'·I"lnrm. A l'ara,k. in ~<"'eT:11 di'·i~ion'. wilh flo~ls. nlh-h., <"oad,..,. "lid Inore Ihan 1(j.000 people' in lil1<' wa, a fp.1lure of Iht' d.,\,. 1..11(' in Ihe afh'rn,)(,~ 11U'1<' wa' a c,on(l'rl al Ft'~li,·.,1 hall. 'HId .11 n:;:hl a pyn I("(,hn;c exhihilion. 11\ which Ih(' fiJ:urfs of Gn:n.1nia and Columbia stood ,id(, :)" ~i(:,' !II Ir.1Cery 01 fire .
Till:' /100/, OF 7J/E E lIlt
Th(' FT('nch p;I'-ilion ,,<:cul''''s on(' of IIw choice,: site> in Jack-on part ea,\ of the .\n 1'~1;;(c and ("Io-;.e t', the ,hun of the b\,:l'. It i~ (Oi the t;ia"ic ord" T. a r.d con,i,t~ of \\\" ,lruCluTh conl1,-<:lcd hy a Tol"",,,,,J... \\"lIh a gardell lJct \\cc n. l 'ndcr [he p"Ttico of Ill(' nonh front are vic,,'s (>{ Par;" and b['N:ciall) (If its go,"('rn. m,-nt building~. with replicas of {.lIl1nus statuary in the \'{'stibuks and h,dconics. '1'10,- int"rim pla n ditfers from Ihat of otlll'T foreign structure<, 111<1'1 ()f tl1<; sl"lrc h"ing dl"'O\,'d \0 exhibition purposes. and \';Ih the quarters of the c(>mmi"jol1 htM in 'ul".... ,li",«;"" to l lot; n·,!.
F rom the "cslibulc II,,;: Y",IVT !,."".~ into a chamlx'r rc,,,rnbling the ",I.", d Ihe I'ala~" of \,,, .,,,"dk... wh.,r.;, ,," ,h" btlL (If F d>ruary. 'n$. W.l~ ,·,,,,,·I~.kd the treaty lct"l"-l1 Fr.mce and tIle l' nit,·d Stalt~ Ihis h<>ing the first r,·.·ognJIion ,f Ih ... bUN h)'; E nr"p":'" pow·'r. Yc,,'" ~ft..r"·a ." "·... re I'becd in ,hi~ ~ll<>n ~1I the arlick's presenled (In kh"lf of Ih .. r~public to Ihe ;\1;trn of the ""Idil'r hhorf."r ... l'''· .•·nh'd h)' \\',,~hill<:ton to L~hyctt<. lind " .. t~bli... hl·d in 'is,; fvr di_ tcibuti"n among French ~rd .-\1l1eric~TI oAin'''' "h" h; d >oCn'cd in the war 01 in&'I",mknce. .\rr"" t he I:"Tden i~ Ihe c~hil,;1 of th,' t'i ty "f I'",i" illu,traling in it, {'Illin·ty tIl<' municipal S)'~I{'1l1 .,f thc tlldro)l< I;s. F ,rsl i~ the polkc d~I"'rtmel't. where i~ sho,,,n l1:e Bl'fli:lull method 01 identilying aimin"ls 11\mean< of photogra ph" In a I ~rge C;N! is a rutnl'kle rogues' g~l1er)', ,\nd wille thing more than thIS: for hac is di~pla)ed c\'l'T)' t}!>l' "f lordl~;a!. ( ye. nv~e, car, ~nd lip. with pmfilr. full fa~c. ~nd held. ~11 grouped for anthropo< 10giGII (()1Tl1'~ri"->1I. Xcar by i, the ~d1<~,1 ,,~I,,)'il. \I;lh ~ l'l_ ,-irn~n~ of \I"'~. illdudil:g thu>oC Irom Ihe Prt·",»t orl'h~naJ.,'c. an;! fwm ~ I'TirtUl" ~nd bookbinding :-eh",,1 "'here pupil, ~rc a,lmi lltd a t Ihe ~ge 01 t,,'ehe to ""r\'c a (n"r Y"~r~' ~l'p"'n,i(',·,hil" 11 1 re ~I.., ~,,, mo(lt"ol >trcd de~ning machi",,!'y. while Ihe firc ,k part men l i. repre sented in photol IS 01 collect;on o f bric·;dm,t from l'~ri~~m l1lerch:lnlS, "~Ih 'L,rks of dccoratiH' art and the fin(st of Gobdin npestT). Of the I'h"-1.ge·way ('onn(CI"'g the tW() bUlfd",p one "f Ihe ,id<;s ;s open and wilh a ""ric~ of ~<>IUlmlh li,ill): lO the .-.x,f. On tht olh"r side He (kpicted sceru:~ in ~nd around Par ~ with whi~h nil the w~'rld i. f.Hn.Ii.... \\'hi!.: the"" arc 1'01 elaborate works of art. !-'ll1c of Ilwm af<' (,"'" prominent aTtists. \ '''''Iha. ("r in~wrLc. """ing ~ sketch of tl", Jl<)i~ ,k BOIII''''I'''. ~nd Didi"r of Ill<' '\ "f'nLl" mnICtnOr;,le tl", lall of tL" I~aslilc Ih~t the !.Ith of July w;" ",,-·kctcd (.,f th(' Fr.'nch nlehralioll. this h... ing the lo~th anni .... ,~ary, FiN o[ ~1l :I\\'r<' w.h. luncheon "r ke"k/;ht s()·c~lkd. g;wn by th ... C<>1I,ul,:,:clltra] tll thc French ,·"m1l1i~'i"n~·".
1111; /iVai, OF rill;; ,·./IR
nnd other in,-ited f:,,""t-,. In the a(t"noon " rec"ption w" .. hdd on tl", I,,"n. the con.;ul "!::lnding ntar the b",t of President C.. rnot and the ~tatue of "Gloria ' ·ieti,. ,. a replica of 'ferci.,:'s group rolV ~Iandin)( ill th" n"wl .]" 'ill".
In the (Iu.lnt;t}. if nOI in the (juality of exhibit~. Gte.1t Il,it.,i" .,,,,J h~r osition wOlthy ()f the name. W hen in :'II arch. 1$9'. Hoher t Lincoln. :l~ American mini~tt r. invited "" b"h:..lf "f hi~ g<"",,rnm""1 dw ""iil"'r;'t;.. n "f th" ]Jnited Kingdom. the propositi()]\ w~s somewhnt coldly Tl'Cei"ed: for the passa,!:e of the ~ l cI\inley b,lI still rankled i" the heans of British .n('rchanls and manuf~elur('fs. A royal commission was aJll>ointcd and Ihe task of o rganizaliun acccpted by the society o f Arts. "hieh had been c1oscl~' connected with similar enterprises whethcr al h'lme or abro...d. But the cnlire am[)unt appropriaud was only $125.000. and "Ih Ihi~ nothin/.: could be done on a scale corr.· men~urate "ith the occa~io!t; for othtr European nalions and e\'en one of the British colonies had appropriated fronl t"ice I\l fi"e times that amount. lx'gan to realize the all·embracing »core Guduall}. howe,er. the authoriti~s CCLlce of its general design . II wolS then of the eomin,;- exposition and the magmh· f~ll)' before the public; and (or this purdetcrm:n('d to bring the matt('r more 'IeLLt fi,,,,,, and I",r:.on'ge", inc1udinf: nil pose circulars were addressed to prO'III· ad"erti,emcltls being inserted in tIle leadwho had taken part in former exhibitions. Thu~ a \\'i,J~spread inlerest "'a8 nrou"ed. ilLl-: lLe"~I"'I""~' En;;li"h. S'-''-'t~h. ;"".1 Ir;_.h. and this was e\"en manifested in the hou~e of C('mmons where the gr~;l1 was imcsigncd b}' Cok".IIlcl 1!di~, archite,· t of the emnmi~sion, it is in Ihe slyle of the Tudor. and espccied. with bric..k (acin~~ and mullioned window" Perhaps Ihe most interesting: feature is the de(omti,'e "",heme a"d f" rni.hin~B of ,h" interior, (or wbieh nearly all the lIlaterials were contributed as loans or gift>'. especial:,. h)" the Lnndon firm nf J (lhn~t"n<' """ma,, ~nrl COIll_ pany. to whi~h. a~ to othe r e$tabli~hmenls. the commission acknowlcdg('s its oblis;-ations. Passin..; through a covered portico, the visitor enters a Bl'acious hall, on one side o f which are the liLrar)' and reception r""-'In. and (m the olher Ihe omc~s. T he Inll i~ oak. panelled. with furniture of can'ed oak in pani;;1 imitati"n of JC •• "...... , "'.'0''" CO"'''' Ihat which belonged to the ~fedici family, and eeiilllf( copied ~K>'" from the North Wales mansion of Plas :'I[a"T. erected about the }e:;aJllcs. is a pand on gilt ground. painted "ith ligures lllleg<"Jrical of Columbus'
TIll:' 1100"- OF TilE I': lilt depart~rc
In'lll :::'pa", . .\t Ih side IS a 1;lrg~ arm·chair On "hirh ,~~cuJptLLr('d m b.-iS·relief "rlw D,sc')\'cry ,f .\mai"'·".' ",:th " eOl"I1.1ni"n fautc"il in tlw ,tylc "I Fmneoi., l.. known as Ih,· ~'Lnlueleuo.c or ~o"il' ('hair. TI1l'rc arc ",;,1(- "kl-fa~hionc<.l lirt"]"b.c\·s with huge andirons, ;,nd On eilllt;r side of Ihe wales a lion ;l11d uni<';"!il r~l1lpal1l. In Ihe ,,1co\'cs UHr th(· ~t"ir\\'ay. whid, i~ cei!cd as in Haddon h;.tl. the ._eat "f tht duke of Hutland. arc armored k"i;.:ht~ .m puk.rar)" is fi n is h cd ~ nd NI" ipl'NI ... nl ir ... l), in ,>;, k. "ith ceiling ribbed in W~, metric fonn~. 10 "hie;, book· case; cs\("nd from the lIoor. A~ to the lun>itur~. each pi ..."Ce was de,igned fn1l11 the anti'lue. ,...., far at lea~t ~s it CQuld be adapted tn n1Tl n1 a ~<' " m: b"l all ",ilh a cenain amnity "hirh ~i,'(" II> Ih,' .-nn('... · tion a just adaptalioll (,of pan,. A ~abir.ct of ebony and boxwood re,<'mblcs olle made for .\rehb;,1101' ~ha'1~ • in 1621. :\ SC"I("h do(h", pres.> Iwl(lng.' to Ihe till1<' TH< "."". "l'OQ".T~.' of James i. ;lnd ill a walnut cabinet wilh capriole legs .~ TCproduccd a iJutch dc,ign of Ihe day~ of William and :"I[ary. T he ceillre table i~ a fae·simile of thai whith s~"\nds ill Ih( dining·room of \\,indsor (a~(k and another table r~scml,les Ihe one fa~l-,ion<_-d for Sir Th"m~s 11"lle of .blo" h.l1. " lu).<1 sUJ,jn.1 "f II,,· S("."t~. There is" I~ill): Ch.uk, "h.li.- vf d .... I1). ";Ih ., I\"ulc chair such as stood in (he l\en(i~h resid('n("(' of Ihe car:s of Don.ct. and one from Linlilhgow palace. bc:ollging 1<, the time "f :"lIar)'. 'l"een of S«>t~. In til(' in,<::e·nook i~ ~ term colta fireplace. (m the l~lCk of which nt,' ('ast th,' arms of Greal Britain. In a painting by Sa rgt'1I1 i, depicled the "Jubilee Gar(kn Party at Ihdin,l;' h,m 1'.1be/:,.· \\'Iwrdn ~re 400 fig" ...<,~. TIll' ct'ilinJ( j, c"pied from Ih<' 1<1"'1"('1, ing "hamb('r at Crewe halL one of i!w finest spt('i111ens of Elizabethan arehilectu\'C. Th<, w;oiting·room i~ ceiled as in Campden hOllse. the residcnce of the duke o[ .\rl:),l1. and wilh simplrr IrCa(nlcnl as tn furnishings , esccpt lor the an(iqu(' va""s and Ihe embos,ed I/:,atlwr on the wall~. Ihe lattcr idcntical in pattern with 1),,,1 which i~ scen in Ihr ball.room of Sandringlnm hall. the ('"unl) St,lt d the prince of \\':lles. On tht Hoors of a:1 the room~ are \Yilwil rugs WO\'en 1I1 oriell(al design~. while Ihe dup,'ri/:":' and fabriC's :lre the Im"<'t fini,he;,d wind"".,., '" l' Ih",k illg lI'e lakc-. and tastefulh' d<'Nmtcd walL~ hung with th,' eho:c61 ,,'orh of ;L1I. on,,· ".,.",.1 .• is lil :'J "),l-f."hi",,.,d Engli.h In.nT'" the hu;ldinJ.!: it,,·!f I><·;n.l: hghH-d b:' dtetri<-it~ Ill{' L:lobcs conn·al.·d hy III<' 't"'I>-\\'o,k of Elizab,·than chandeliers. TI", hOUMl ,,'as "IX"ne'l 10 Ih" p"hlic .." 110., 'luu'''', I.iflh larg(.,;t up 10 II'at .laiC ('~C('pt lor Ihe 41h of Jtdy. At Ill(' app"inttd hour. cscorH·d loy tht \\·,·,t P ,inl tad,·t, th(' d('la('h111"n:, ",·1("('t,·(\ fur (h, mililan' IOUrn.l111t'nl frnl" ,I... d",jrtsl r('gimcnls of the Brili"
TilE 11001, OF TilE f:JIN
"'my. amQn~ them "Ihe l.u-f.,11,..,...: m.•"k \\'H<,;h." ("nn~d in line in front of Victoria h' usc. Tll<"n came ··the tr')()ping vi the C(~ors." aftcr which ,;oldia), ;,.nd civilian_ adjourned to Fe;tinl hal:. wh~r('. :I, T<·,itknt consul ""d eh.i'man "I ~"r(·rnon;<-". C"l,~,d Iln)'e~ Sadler ddi'-erc:d the "I",ning .lu,h..,,,. I"'i.-ll) .Ill'] ,,;th bc«""inc: di~nit~. Aft.'r "G"d S",(' the Queen." rendered by Ihe Colum:"ian choru_. he prnpoS(""d the n;.me 01 lhe ple~id('nl ol.thl' l'nil.',1 Sl"t~~. th,' "h..,,,,... l,..,inf:( '~i"c" w;lh" wi):, and Ih.., may"r "I Chi<".-.~" T<">'lx.nd;"g on lxhalf of hIS countrymen. ,\s secretary 01 the TOyal commis..'ion. Sir I [enn' TnlCman \\'oud dis«)ur-oo wilh lelling effttt on Il.e ~talu~ ard futurl' of Ill(' dominion. Oth"r ~p"ffh,·~ •.-,'r.. r~"m Ihl' <"""'mi""".·., rl>. ('"""<1,,. India, C"yI01, Trllidad, and Bril,h Guiana, all (,{ which "cre n'presenl"d at 11,1' F;ir, Later Ih"r" was ~ o:nccrt in the court of honor. followed by the la~t performance of Ihe tournnment. the nwmbcrs (:Ii which s('\ forth on the m"rmll for Tomnl<>. AI night there was thc u~ual di~l'lay "f fire"ork~, and mc-an"h,!c a ci,ic al~d ,ni:ilary p~radc w:u h"ld in the city, mas.~ing on the lal;e front and after a circuitous route di_han(lint:( on .\hchlg;,n a"tllUC. Scolchnen held festi' it)' for:ln entire ,,-eel; during the term of the Fair. the '\1h of ,\UgUht being de\'oted to cx('rd~cs ,n tht, recept,on mom "I the 1\(\\' ''(:.-k building and later in F,,'li"al hall, und"r the au;;piccs ,f thc Sc.-Jt1i~h di rectory. The~e we'e brief ""d of infurmal character, the Scottish chorn! "";"" b{ing present at [h ,· ~ccond m('Cling, ",1.(,,,. national airs "'l'H' 1'Iay('O'Ing Pf()C{·s'lon. \\",th h,nd~ ~~I"r.' ~nrl ~c\'cral mil ita r)' cornpanic>. conspicuous among which wcrc the old Hibernian rilles. Thcre wcre the Forcst, er<, thc andent order of Hibernians, Ihe Gaelic HO'" ..,,,TH "'..... athletic associ;1tloIlS. temperance ~nd ch\lrch ~()(;)ttles. C)\'IC and lIterar} org;miz;,lions, With 1I)\,)\c(1 gUCHs m carrlagc~ alld t~dl)'·ho cO:lche!<. E,crylhing and cwrybody was arTayed in green: Ihe \\'onwn with green drcsS(!s alld hats. thc men Wllh g,,-,cn <:r,,,'at. anti bad,.;('~, and Ihe hor:iCs with grecn plume~: while o\'cr the 1~leClridty ImihliHg' floaled the ~rct'n nag of Erin, and e'en lhe lake ~ssumed for thc occasion a deeper huc of emerald. The c~er<:I:c, :1nd that is to re"i"e {or to.o;lay, lnd [ hop,; lor Ihe future, the Ifaditil.ns as well as the aspiratil,ns ,,{ olle o{ the "1.J,,st T"C"~ "f th~ world, Yun "-pr"",nl ~ m()~1 ~ncl~nt 1"'01'1,,: for ),,,ur fllr.'fatl",,,, <""m,· 1m'll Ph""ni<";;, 3.000 years ago. and (, unded a nalion at the time when .\1<»;(:5 ""as leadinJ:: the Isratlitcs from Egypt. and when C;ldm\L~ wa, chinc lett"r5 tl) the world. E,en at that early period thc Irish were I people "Ih a written la\\' and of ;«kanced ci.-ilization. And to.d:1y, tm.ard thc chns." Then sll<.ll;e .\rehbi,h,,1' 1[ellll\"~y of DubuqLe, fol1o"e« by Edward BI.kc, who as a represmtati,e of thc Irish party in tic ConltlloTl>', chO'
TilE /JOt)/{ ()F Til/:" /·:/IR
wn(' A'lhur O'C"nnor. Jamb ShJnh. lord-mayor vf Dublin. and Falhtr Hin;:. wh" read a ,li'paICh (fUm Ih .. primale "f hl'land There \nclu~kd tht ee~'braliun, Un the plaza in lront "I \ Ictunt hotl'-C. and alm"'t 01'1~,-"'ne the Canachn hUlldmg-, IS .1 woup of uluarr in tl·rra,cott.l, .1 replica o( Ihl: ,\mNican IH('r I,ie.:e on the p •.-destal of Ilw ,\Ibt:rl m'mori;11 column at 1"'n'U1;:lUn, crectt'd by order ,'f the qU{'t."l1 in honnr uf (hI: princ(',c"Il'Wrt and 01 tlK gr.·:>t ('~h;bi(i()n of IS51. TIll" ti~un's an' uf heroic siz{'. wilh AmHica in lilt' n'nl,,' in thl' (('rm of a sbapt'l) I"di.,,, maiu"" ",,"'nt,,·d .... n a buff"I, •. in I"di~n t"'tume and with f,~un'd ht':ld·drc·,s: III her ri:::11t hand a st011\'·lwadrd lal1("e. and in lwr it'll " ~hi,'ld
cmhlnwn('d w'lh national
Th" l"n;tcd
;0 r"l'T<'
Sl'IlINI hv an c,wi{' with <>ulslr;·tdu·d \l"il1!.'s: Canada bl' a h,'anf all(! " . ~
hy " Y'''''')( I::;r: r"J,.",1 in
iJralil 11\· th., South,'rn er",,· \,,"~i 11\· a r:1ak lil:ur,·. a11(~ .; .uth Am(ri,'a by a half·br<'('<~ Ind,.ln with brollo) and ~"mbfl'f<>. It i~ in the main an c~(elknl pi,,<:,, .,f w"'krn"n~hil" :h"u,,~ ~,)ln"whal i1(".l') ill tontO ,u:d bulk. wq(hin~ 1.:; tons and costing SJ3.Q(X). B) 1knr) J)oullnll. Jlfo]lnt·tor "f th.· I)"ult,)n I'''th'fy works ,It Lam· I){'th. wlwre it was la.'hinll('d, Ih" ~roup w;os PTl's"n\l'd I" til{' rit} ,,1
Chi, .l~". ' .. ~"<"n)lnlin~ Ii",", I,,· : w.... n tl,.. Ii "I ill I/'rnal oma I t'\]l,,~i : i"n "nu I h,· la, t and cr, w ni n~ un"
- - --
• •
- .-
:tVLOk. >< "N~~
, -- - -
TilE HOOf; IIF nIl:' F.IIN C"M,C:l is -.\'cll fCl'rc~entcd, a~ ",' h,I\-C ~Cl'l1, in the main (:in,i(W1S of Ih,- I';lir. "meh morc '" ;11'[.·(·(\ in
some ([q,art'llt"nIS than the molhcr e.,untry in rd;lti,n 10 indu,lri,d nmd:l;OIl'. Th,lt Ill<' dominiol1 "ollid ;'l'lwar 1<) ",~>(1 ad"antage in Iwr 'lgriroltor hl"!" l'~hilJit, 'H're "f "xc-dint 'iliallt)', In \IK ;1nn('\ "f th,' i"ransportalion building. for ;nstalln-, tIlt" \'t"stibult·d train of til(" Can_ulLm l'"cihe W", ,a fc:HlIrc "f the display. whilc 111 the building i"df ,,-'" a dw;u' ',~,"'III"'III " j rarr~lgl'~. bug(;i<,-" w,l).\ons l)f~,ts. and r;lilroad alld other "~l'l'lils_ In I~" I",lau: "f )'1.-.h,1ni( .\rt' h,-r c"lk(1i"I1~ WCT<' ,."m~"ha' "I ;1 surpn>-c; but p.:r1lJPS th" J:rrau'sl surpci,;c "a, in Ih,' hall of \hnufacture~ and L,I"'r~ of 10"',1,1" fabrics and espceiaU" of cotton ).\oo(b allnet;ng general aUI'nt;()n. So with the edu"al;('nal !.:TOUI'S; Ontario, Queb<,c, and oltwr pro'" mces full) illtl~tral;l1:: their thorough and practical S}sl~mS of inslruct;on, from Ihc kimkr;:art(," to the college and un;"e",il),. T he Canadian pa,ilion, the plan~ lor which "Cl"(' d~si"ned II)' IhL' dq>artlllcnt (If puhlic works "t O lla",a, i~ in Ihe form of a (Iuadranglc, ~urround"d with widc verandas support{(1 b) TtI~can r .. ltlmn~, with ,cmi·cirruiar projet'liol1 ,m the front and sun~()unted lIy a towe r wah look·"uL Ihe ,',('w from "hlch IS onc of the fin(sl in Jack,;()ll park ThcTt, is liltle in thc way of exhibits, e~ccl'l for Ihe slrUCIUle iu,df, iI, "1'"nmcllL' tiIlL~I".:d jll I",];,h~d ",.Ii,~ 'H"lds represcnlin:.: the ,-ariou' pro";nce,,- Pa>sin).\ Ihrough Ihe m,.i" 1'0rl.,1. 110.- ,i,ih>T find, in ,hi- c",mnt;;C h"n a I)()!'t-offi«:, tcl('l'honc office. and int<:'llig""", olli,·c. where rcgistcr~ afford in· fo.mn'l<)n 11, to hOld nnd O1h" T nct;;ontlnoonli"n. tOf;"theT ",ill, the wh.'r,·;,l~>u'" .,1 Iriend,,_ ]n the rtt'<'l'ti,,,, room ndjoin:ng, it~ walls and pillars /c'toon~(\ with tla:::~. are file, of Can"dian '1\'\\'s,>"ll)(;r, Irom evcry porli"n or the dom;ninn, nll(! ""'>r nl hnll{! ~ .. , Ih., ' 1":lrt.'r~ 01 tl", 11:11;"n:'] '"""1mi~sio", "f \\'h:ch J. S. Lark., i, dnd c~rcul;'e off,cer, while across Ih~ c"rrid,)r arc those of thL' cummi";'MWrS for the prm-i",-,'" At tht, lOp oi n ~Ilacious stairway. also con~truetcd of ""tin' w¥>(k is ;1 n,rridor adoTllt'd with phot,,· graphic ,'i(',,~ of Canadinn scencry and mounted ~peCi!11(-11S "f Canadial1 hinl<. ,\t eith.'r end arc ,'~iIS 10 the h.~1c slairca.<>e, hm other ollices -r for Ihe Ilatio:la] eommi"ionc",. S,'nator Ta~'(>(/s handsomdy polished, as ! ha"" ",id. and ~ho\\'mg the nall"C gr;lI11 -(~'k l'illl\ <;I1("tnul. walnut, cherr)" maplc, ~,..o .. " G...... W.R, I-Irch, ;!sh. ~I'ru~c, Cl'dar, amI hUtl!"'''''I, ~nd I'arlialty O\'C'r a 1",ld d(,nt;ti cornice is an 01""" b"h"trade, and tlw THof is low l'"raqu,-t ",,]1. An",,,,1 II", I""ili,,,, i, .• I'l;,t ,,{ )(mund, ;:r('('n ,"rl,-(\_ d.,l1<,d wilh di,i(kd hy ~crp('ntin(' walks and r""d"a),s. T]It- " 1 01 Jul)" 'h" ~6\h :lI'niWT~"T) "I th" confcnn~] ""'''1'1;'''' ,I Ih( J'~\'i:ion I"It",,"fd hya mililaTY and ,-i,-i,- par.1(j,. ;lnd hy I'w"i"." al I·\·,ti,al h;JI.
.ij(; \
111E HOOf.: OF TIlE I,IIN ,\"HHl~ Ih~'
;,Ud't',l("I' were n(>\ only Ihou',1mb 01 Canadi;m~ and IOT111l'T 'UhJ(-CI~ 01 Ihe queen, hUI Ih,'''' were "I ", Ill .. lly II ,ou~,",d, ()f ,\ lllt"rie'm" '0 I n~ I m his ol)('nil1>: "defess CIHllnl1"im:er Cockburn (>b;.cn·ed: ' , If '"' ('f 1 1>,,,1,,,,,,..1 ,•• h,ul" lh.u ,\",,:ti"'itHS Wnl' HUI tTUl' friends 10 Canad". Ih" "s,<'rnhb;':l' would fNen:r pLlI ,u"h a f"di,,~ at f('S\''' Sl'nat(,r Ta,,,,> of Qud"·,, ,poh' ill French. the al'l'];H'" which :l.cc<·ntualcd his rcnHrb ,.11Owi,'~ Ihal II,,· Fru,th C,,"adia"~ ".~rc h~re '" f,,"<', T h" ",.I)'~· dl'l.H,,,·.l ., I'lid '{)uth to till' farthe-;t nOllh." Tu Ihi" C>lnmi;.ionN L:llke responded I,y relnindin~ th,' mal'or thaI 11:'1":111 ..1 lin .. ~ np,'N mpM, Ilul all wa~ ~a;d in amicabl~ mo"d: lor belween Ihe dnm;ni", :II\(I 1111- uni.)I1. as bet"'een the union and Ihe united kin~dom, Ihe breach. il >uch Ihere be. j,; Ill<,", in fancy tll;'" in I;KI. Adpccnt to the Calladian pwilion is o\u,lmlia ho~sc, or ;os it shvuld ratht·r bP termed. the It lme of ;\1.:'0\' South Wall's: for in lhe ,In:ctuTc and nearh all Ihat it contain, Is TtIlTe"'nl('d only thi._ Ihe oIdbt of the
i\ustra1:as. While scn'in!; among other purposcs as the headqoarters 01 Ihe oomml,-"oncr~_ it 1S also all exhih:· lion building. cSI'1(·ci'llly as to the Ii lie .:HI.'. lrom which departllleDt. as we lia"c IoCl.:n. Ihc colon} \\'a~ almu't e~c1udl~l. nOI lor lack d meTit btu Ihroat.:h Iloi,~pprehen"'ion, Of ...:ulpture Ihere an !("al tlwln<-' ~nd 1'1:''''l11age". L.1nd>'C:lIX:~. with ~kcuhes and g~llfC p,,jllt1llg~ "I ,\u~tr.~l,,", life "re Ihe {""'{lrilc ~ubje('\". ~<>Ille of them fini;heu ca'1\'a ..... nnd ncnrly all ab""e amnl<'ur r,,"L [n watef colors there arc 1110r<' Ihan 10() \\'ork~ fnnn the s~mc ~"fiety, most "I Ihem lly ;'Ilrs Ellis I~",,,,," (,( Victori", n'I,,(·~entillg the /l"'a n