Lesson Plan Topic No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Topic Name
UNIT I Introduction to .NET frame work,.NET objects ASP .NET(T) NET web services, Windows ,Forms UNIT II Introduction to C# Understanding C# in .NET Overview of C#(T) Literals ,Variables, Data types (T)
Text Book & Page no
No.of hours
Cumulative hours
T2(93-145) T2(147-193)
4 3
8 11
T (1-11) T1(12-21) T1(23-38) T1(39-54)
2 4 3 3
13 17 20 23
3 4 2 2 2
26 30 32 34 36
2 2 3 2 3
38 40 43 45 48
2 3 3 4
50 53 56 60
UNIT III Operators, Expressions T1(60-80) Branching and looping operations(T) T1(84-101) Methods(T) T1(126-137) Arrays (T) T1(141-153) Strings in C# T1(158-168) UNIT IV Structures and Enumerations T1(171-181) Classes and Objects T1(185-212) Inheritance(T) T1(214-231) Polymorphism(T) T1(231-235) Multiple Inheritance(T) T1(241-249) UNIT V Operator overloading T1(252-260) Events (T) T1(271-273) Console I/O operations (T) T1(275-283) Exception (T) T1(286-301)