Bz Safety Book-eng

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  • Words: 7,833
  • Pages: 16

February, 2008

- We are responsible for occupational safety health, as well as for the others who work with us-

Article 1 All employees of company BZ ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION d.o.o. (in further text „BZ“) during their work in the facilities of BZ, as well as at the construction sites and territory of other companies, are liable to work with full caution so that their and other workers' lives and health are not thretened. Employees are also obligated to abide to safety and occupational health measures regulated by law, Rule book of occupational safety and health and this Program. All employees must properly use work gear, tools and machines, they must follow the producer's manual, properly handle hazardous materials and make sure that the measures of occupational health and safety are being applied and improved. Article 2 Safe work system -

All jobs must be exclusively done in a safe way so that the basic goals could be achieved: maximum safety of body and health of a worker avoiding and prevention of calamities and accidents prevention of property or equipment damage protection and preservation of working and life environment

Above mentioned goals are valid for all employees of BZ, as well as for sub-BZ (sub-contractors), or those, who find themselves in the facilities or other location where BZ is conducting work, in the role of a representative or a visitor. In case that the above mentioned persons do not follow occupational safety and health rules and preservation of working and life environment practised by BZ or investor, they will be removed from the site. Article 3 A job can only be performed if basic safety measures are accomplished: − If maximum caution measures are undertaken − If potential dangers are identified and risks brought down to the lowest possible level − If all persons involed in a job are trained for performing work in a safe way − If a prior consensus was reached and previous consultations were performed with supervisory committee, regardless if it was done within BZ or on location of other companys − If all equipment is mantained in a safe condition and regularly checked − If personal protection equipment is being used. Article 4 Basic safety principles − − − − − −

Never and under no condition put yourself or others in danger Drugs, alcohol or any other narcotics are completely forbidden at work Smoking is forbidden except at special locations Do not take a task or a job if you do not posses enough knowledge or skill Always provide help to others At any moment stop work which is unsafe. Article 5 Staff organization in BZ

For each project or a separate business being done, BZ is responsible to designate the following persons:

- Project Manager - Site Manager, if a job is being done on investor's property Safety Manager (a person skilled for safety issues)

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Project Manager takes care of project realization and time limits. His tasks, among other things, are: project planning and implementation, as well as reporting on the plan to an investor assigning Work Orders to workers compiling safety documentation for a project, in cooperation with the Safety Manager and person responsible for occupational safety and health managing, i.e., participating in safety meetings managing,i.e., participating in talks and consultations with investor's or partner companies (subcontractors) identifying potential safety risks and taking appropriate measures. Site Manager is in charge of: a construction site evaluation, risk identification and estimate organizing a construction site performing and giving Work Orders on a construction site performing a weekly check of construction site and regular check of job positions organizing and participating in safety meetings, also attending safety meetings organized by investor establishing, implementing and controlling all safety related measures, especially for jobs with increased danger and recommending corrective measures for jobs where potential danger exists reporting on calamities and accidents

Safety Manager, who is adequately trained and has a certain professional experience in this area, is in charge of managing and implementing the complete Safety Program during a job realization. Especially, he is in charge of: • preventing injuries or material damage • taking action in case of accidents • purchasing and providing,as well as regular checking of personal protection equipment • creating job positions and work flow planning in accordance with safety needs • implementing and supervising the application of relevant safety measures, health protection and perservation of living environment • enforcing all law regulations, as well as regulations prescribed by BZ or investor, related to occupational safety and health measures. • preventing dangers, evaluating and estimating dangers and establishing measures for danger prevention • organizing fire protection • cooperating on regular basis and taking joint actions with a person in charge of occupational safety and health (also with Quality and Ecology Manager). Safety Manager also participates in making decisons on various programs regarding safe work (e.g. Procedure for safe work at height, which is attached to this Program, Procedures for emergency situations, Programs for drug, alcohol testing etc.) Article 6 All employees of BZ, as well as those who work as its sub-contractors, have the right and obligation to purposefully use personal protection instruments and equipment, to handle them carefully and keep them in working condition. Personal protection instruments and equipment must be adequately stored, maintained and checked before every usage. Article 7. Personal protection instruments and equipment used by employees of BZ must be in accordance with the existing regulations and standards of occupational safety and health.

Personal protection instruments and equipment must be used by all persons performing jobs, where exposure to danger exists, in a workshop or on site of other companies during the whole time they are in a plant, without exception. Article 8. BZ issues to each employee instruments and equipment for personal protection, regulated by this Program and keeps a Record on it. Compulsory instruments and personal protection equipment consist of: - hard hat– which satisfies existing standards, and which is wore with the bill pointed to the front when the activities of welding and cutting are not performed. Hard hat has a sticker with “BZ d.o.o. Šabac” and name of the worker on it. - working suit– with long sleeves and legs. In some facilities or plants belonging to investor, where there is flame, or where hot metal is handled, fireproof suit is compulsory (synthetic fabric is forbidden). - Industrial working glasses - protection glasses with side protection, which are in accordance with existing standards. Flexible glasses, which are put on from the side are not acceptable. - working shoes with enhanced tip (with permanent heel protection ) and metal piece in the sole. - working gloves – in accordance with existing standards for handling metal - safety belts – during work at height or if investor requires them for certain kinds of jobs in its plants. Article 9. For special jobs BZ is liable to provide to its workers special equipment - in case of welding, grinding, cleaning, scuffing,working with pneumatic hammer etc. protection glasses and complete face visor are obligatory, dim glass is not allowed, except for special purposes when they are approved by job manager or investor. - In some cases wearing hearing protection is obligatory. In production halls it is forbidden to wear contact lenses, jewelery or anything that might decrease safety at that job position. - it is also obligatory to cover long hair and to put it under the hard hat. At job position where welding is done it is forbidden to wear beard. - if a job is performed in zones with possible gas danger, wearing CO gas detector is obligatory. Again, all this should be done in accordance with the manual and Program for working in gas dangerous zones of the employer. The employer is obliged to warn workers of the gas dangerous zones at the construction site which require special protection measures. Article 10. Purchasing of personal protection instruments and equipment, their quality and model are determined by director of BZ who consults with safety personnel, Safety Manager and appropriate experts, depending on the nature of a job or on requirements of investor, if a job is performed on investor's location outside of BZ. Article 11. An employee, before starting a job is obliged to get familiar with the rules and occupational safety and health measures prescribed by BZ and investor (if a job is performed at his location), to organize and implement these measures and to be tested on capability for safe work. Article 12. During the job realization, BZ must ensure that all its workers, representatives, visitors and subcontractors, participate in daily safety meetings at the beginning of each shift, especially when work conditions change or the level of risk at work increases. They are also obliged to participate at these meetings periodically, once a month, or when some workers are replaced. If a project consists of jobs with increased risk (so-called dangerous jobs) BZ will organize, together with investor, regular safety meetings and keep neat records about them. Safety Manager of BZ, Site Manager or Project Manager are obliged to attend to all preliminary meetings organized by investor, as well as other meetings related to occupational safety and health and to keep necessary documentation as requested by investor. BZ is also obligated to give detailed and quality training to all of its representatives, visitors and subcontractors (or partner companies) on occupational safety and health and preservation of living environment during work.

Article 13. In case of performing jobs on investor's property and location, when his tools and equipment need to be used, it is necessary to have investor's permission before using equipment and tools belonging to him. BZ is obliged to use them in good faith, as a good businessman, and in keeping with technological requirements. Article 14. During performance and after finishing jobs on investor's property and location, BZ will request to take pictures of the premises where the job is taking place. This kind of picture-taking will be done only after an official approval by investor is acquired. If BZ has a visitor that needs to enter the investor's construction site, BZ will inform investor's authorized department about the purpose of this visit in advance,and based on that will obtain a pass. This person falls under basic safety provisions, including wearing personal protection equipment, and BZ is responsible for his/her safety. Article 15. While performing work at investor's property and location, BZ is responsible for proper organization of all activities on site. This includes the following: -

Material, tools and equipment must be stored in stable position, thus preventing their rolling and falling. Material should not be stored next to floor edges, crane paths, stairways, holes in the floor or at places where they can be in the way or cause danger. When outside walls are built, material should be kept away from building. Piles should be at least 3 meters away from the nearest railway, road, building or another pile. Investor's representative has the right to check the location of piles.


It is necessary to keep all roads leading to work and storage areas passable, as well as emergency exits. All stairways, hallways, ladder, passages,ramps and work platforms should be kept clean from waste material and garbage.


Profiles and wood waste with protruding nails, as well as all other waste material must be removed from working areas, passages, stairways, from inside and outside of structures and other constructions.


BZ is responsible to provide enough skips in order to ensure a clean working area. BZ is obligated to load and transport all waste material to a designated place for waste disposal and to put it off in a way prescribed by law.


Warehouses of flammable and combustible material (such as petrol, gases) used by BZ will be at location approved by investor's representative. BZ must provide protection from spilling and combustion.


Cables and hoses must be at least 2 meters above walking or working area or laid away from paths so that tumbling can be avoided.


BZ will provide for its workers sufficient quantities of drinking water, plastic glasses and waste bins to dispose used glasses.


BZ will provide adequate toilets for its employees. All mobile toilets will be kept clean and placed on easily accessible location. If they are going to be used at night, the area where they are placed should be well lit up. Article 16. BZ is obliged to ask for certain work permits from investor, for jobs such as “”hot work”'' (with flame), excavation, work within limited areas (tanks, containers,pits) and similar. BZ should not start these jobs before organizing a meeting with investor's representative and getting investor's permit for beginning and ending work. Also, performing these jobs must be in keeping with specific programs that investor stipulates, especially regarding fire protection. Article 17.

Jobs performed by BZ in limited areas, containers and narrow space must be accurately prepared and continuously controlled. The same applies to work in canals, manholes,silos, pipelines. Among other things ,before starting this kind of a job, the following should be provided: •

Safety Manager should order necessary security measures (approval for managing) in written and supervisory committee should be present to control if these measures are applied. Container should be empty, cleaned, cooled down or heated all instalations should be safely shut (pipelines) all mobile parts should be prevented from moving (e.g. mixers) atmosphere content inside of container should be analyzed and certain parametres should be determinable. (re-measurements, oxygen content, flammabale, toxic and dangerous substances to health) work flow should be determined electrical working devices should fit the needs (protective uncoupling, protective 42 V current) security measures should be planned and prepared collegues should be informed in detail about all potential dangers

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Article 18. BZ is obliged to implement measures of fire prevention and protection, to estimate danger of fire and to perform procedure for extinguishing fire, if a fire starts. All this will be performed in keeping with the Regulations on fire protection of BZ. Investor's fire protection plan, on site outside of BZ's premises, may contain: -

Complete fire protection equipment and location of this equipment which is provided by BZ


Warehouse of flammable and combustible liquids and handling procedures according to applicable requests


Location for fuel and procedures.


Emergency phone numbers which are displayed visibly at the work site

Investor must be immediately notified about all events related to fire and all types of fire protection equipment that was used. BZ will establish its own Evacuation Plan for these kinds of facilities, which will include Primary and Secondary gathering places. All persons, including workers, representatives, visitors and BZ's sub-contractors will be notified about the Evacuation Plan. BZ will be responsible for precise counting in case of evacuation. This information will be handed over to investor. Article 19. Energy control – BZ will respect all requirements found in investor's documents and specific programs in order to protect men and processes from unexpected starting and emission of dangerous energy during service or maintenance of machines or equipment. Only investor's management team will be in charge of cutting locks in keeping with investor's approved procedures. Article 20. Plugging, Unplugging and Connecting Installations – Employees of BZ will not open or shut installation lines. Handling vents or switches will be performed by a responsible investor's representative. Employees of BZ will not work on equipment under voltage or installations under pressure. All exceptions must be covered by special investor's procedures. Installations: BZ must consult public utilities representative or investor's representative before starting work on or around high voltage, electrical wires or circuits. BZ will be especially attentive about locations which have been defined as places of risk and will make sure that all the installations in these areas are according to standards. Article 21.

All areas where testing of high voltage electric current is performed will be evacuated, enclosed and marked with adequate warning signs. Inside these areas only employees of BZ with special authorization are allowed. All temporary energy systems must be in keeping with local and state laws, statutes, regulations,procedures, investor's requests and the following instructions: Above ground – It is forbidden to have wiring under voltage hanging in the areas where cranes are working or machines are coming in. Junctures of suspension wiring should be reinforced so that they do not stretch. All suspension wiring must be insulated. On and under ground – All underground wiring will be either inside of a metal pipe, buried 15 cm under the ground or inside of a PVC pipe, buried 45 cm under the ground. BZ is obliged to put up warning signs above and under the ground at the work site. Warning signs must be put in all electro-halls, pit entrances, on fence surrounding high-voltage covers and equipment and at all places where it is necessary to warn people about high voltage ( e.g.bare wiring.) Metal signs are prohibited. All signs must be made of fabric and other non-conducting material. Voltage must be specified. A power switch for grounding should be provided (feed-power switch). Switches, fuses and other protective devices for stopping power must have adequate capacity of stopping in order to satisfy the requirements of energy system. BZ has an obligation to keep a minimum distance between men or equipment and high voltage, with regard to state regulations and standard factory practice. Employees of BZ must not enter rooms with motors or substations, except when this is required of them and when they have approval by adequate investor's representatives. Grounding – All pneumatic hammers, concrete crushers etc. must be grounded while working in the areas where they can come into contact with electrical circuit. Article 22. All electrical devices are checked by a trained person. Control periods are regulated depending on the necessity. Generally, it is forbidden to use electrical devices without control mark. Devices whose value date has «expired» are replaced at construction site warehouse and are sent to testing. These provisions are applied also to: - welding machines, heating appliances - corner grinders, corner polishing machines - inside grinders, statives, milling machines - electrical cranes - socket adaptors, transformers - drills with rack, hand drills, magnetic drills - striped saw, circular saw, bending machines, machines for cutting coils - heaters, furnaces for drying electrodes, spot-lights, hand lamps, etc. Users of electrical devices must pay attention to the following: - using only checked machines - checking that protective insulation is 100% present on all appliances - that the machines are not exposed to permanent damp - that macines are kept neat and clean - that electrical devices are not repaired or used by unskilled persons Article 23. Machinery (elevating platforms, cranes and other elevating equipment) will be grounded or protected in a different way, when a job is done next to the lines with high voltage and at distance which is closer than prescribed by standard. Lighting – BZ is obliged to make sure that passages, construction areas, stairways, ramps, paths, halls, offices, workshops, and warehouses are approved and adequately lit by natural or artificial light.

Article 24. Motor vehicles, mobile equipment and railway - BZ is obliged to inform its operators about investor's requests on how to operate mobile equipment, trucks, cars. BZ is also responsible to inform its operators about their expected behavior while working in and around railway at investor's territory. Article 25. Material handling, operating a crane, tying weight and using supporting devices - BZ must be familiar with and adhere to investor's regulations and procedures while working on his location. Lifting operations must be evaluated and a method of lifting, including equipment, must be planned by a competent person. Lifting equipment can be used only by authorized, competent and trained person for work on this equipment. Apart from proper use of lifting equipment, attention should be paid to previously performed check. The same procedures apply here as with electrical equipment. (check up, proper marking, tests, if they are no longer valid the equipment is sent to the warehouse, replaced by another and checked.) -

If some weight needs to be lifted, pay attention to the following: when choosing a work instruments for lifting and receiving weight pay attention to these instruments and to the weather conditions. One worker should not lift weight by himself. always agree with Safety Manager and Site Manager about the work flow and the way of lifting work in a calm and conceived way.

Article 26. When cranes, forklifts, tractors and elevators are in question – it is necessary to have a previous knowledge for operating them. With cranes it is necessary to have detailed information and explanation from an expert company (obligatory training and practices in BZ). - Every worker needs to have a written approval from BZ manager in order to operate this equipment. - Never use work equipment belonging to another company without a written approval of the owner - it is forbidden to halt beneath the weight Article 27. BZ is obliged to take care of industrial hygiene while performing work on investor's property. This includes the following: - Hygiene – Provide wardrobes, showers, lockers, decontamination areas and canteens - Training – Personal protection equipment – their choice, usage and maintenance should be in keeping with standards, control measures for limiting exposure. Safety procedures, emergency procedures and intervention procedures should be followed. BZ is responsible to prepare and train its workers for exposure to dangers. o We can protect ourselves from dangers, which we cannot eliminate inside of a plant, if:  we are aware of safety provisions and if we adhere to them  we are accessing only plants that we have permission to access  we are strictly following instructions that are written on permission  all questions regarding work are clarified  we abide to obligation of reporting (start/finish work, accidents, dangerous situation in a plant, change of work conditions etc.) -

Exposure control – Risk or danger analysis, air sampling, individual sampling.


Medical control – General medical check-up, notifying employees in written.


Record keeping – Written programs, data, training documents, exposure monitoring, medical control,procedures etc.


Allow access to exposure documentation and medical records to employees.

Article 28. Ionizing radiation or devices which produce laser radiation should not be brought into investor's facilities without a written approval of his safety representative in charge of radiation. Before using any kind of testing

equipment, calibration units or counters with ionizing radiation or laser radiation (e.g. Radioactive isotopes, Xrays, lasers etc.) safe work and handling of this equipment must be checked and approved by an investor. Before the starting of operations at the investor's property BZ must be informed about all known dangers, including hazardous materials, that the workers of BZ are exposed to. Relevant data which the investor possesses will be handed over during a safety meeting with BZ before the work starts or in some different way. However, the investor will trust BZ competence regarding existence, location handling, warehousing and disposing any material that BZ's work includes. Special certificates regarding the content of chemical substances that are potentially dangerous will be handed over to management based on its request. Before starting operations BZ is obliged to provide a complete list of dangerous chemicals with MSDS codes for hazardous materials purchased by BZ and which will be approved by investor. This list will be compared to a list of banned substances by investor. BZ is obliged to notify investor's representative on every dangerous substance which is brought into the factory. Controlled substances will be included but not limited to dangerous waste, dangerous substances, dangerous air polluters, natural and artificial oil and its products and hazardous materials. Certificates regarding the substance content for chemicals with potential danger must be available on spot and handed over to investor's representative in case of such a request. Article 29. Banned substances – Investor is obliged to inform BZ about known and potential areas where the material containing banned substances – asbestos or lead – is located. BZ is obliged to inform its workers, subcontractors, representatives, and visitors on existence of such materials. BZ will contact a responsible investor's representative if there is a doubt that banned substances are present. Responsible investor's representative will take a sample of material in question and send it to analysis. BZ must not in any way influence the material suspected to contain asbestos or lead. All material which is suspected of containing asbestos or lead will be thought of as such until the test results prove different. Investor's representative will coordinate all testing and material disposing with regard to BZ's knowledge related to existence location, handling, warehousing and disposing of this material involved in BZ's work. All containers which are used or created by BZ during work must be adequately marked by BZ. Marks must contain substance name and appropriate danger warning and they have to be on all containers. Article 30. If BZ has to perform work above ground on investor's property, then it has to enclose the ground or floor in order to protect people below. This protection has to be at least in accordance with standard or with written factory procedures that BZ has. Signs must be put so that they can warn about work above ground and thus provide safety. Workers should not leave material, tools and equipment above ground unsecured. Also they should not carry gas cylinders to roof or platforms without prior notification to investor.

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Article 31. Employees have the right and obligation to: be trained on occupational safety and health during the process of hiring improve their knowledge by means of innovations and other sources of education, use personal protection equipment for the jobs they do check, before starting their work, the validity of their personal protection equipment, devices, instruments and tools and to immediately notify their immediate manager extend help in removing the consequences of accidents in case of work injuries, mass accidents or disasters (in detail view the Procedure in case of work injury).

Article 32. An employee is obliged to follow all prescribed measures, norms and instructions about occupational safety and to implement them, as well as to go to medical check-ups in order to audit health. While working on location of other investor's, all employees are obliged to be aware of and to adhere to specific instructions and investor's requests regarding entrance to a construction site, wearing personal protection equipment, performing work in a certain manner, attending obligatory training etc.

BZ is obliged to educate all its employees on safety measures required by investor regarding procedures in emergency situations, safe usage of safety equipment or investor's tools, procedures for disposing dangerous materials or any other conditions prescribed by investor related to safe and efficient work on investor's property and location. BZ has a special obligation to educate all its employees, and sub-contractor's employee, on investor's basic provisons and requirements during work on his location in order to prevent injuries or damage. Overall goal is to correct unsafe procedures in work environment. Also, BZ must inform its workers about investor's safety equipment and emergency procedures ( accidents, injuries, events). BZ is obliged to keep and store detailed documentaion on employees' eduacation. According to all data regarding performed safety trainings, BZ makes performance estimate based on periodical testing, monitoring (observations), injury frequency and documents it and stores carefully. Observations are conducted at least twice a month for each employee. Article 33. If an employee's health and life are in an immediate danger due to the fact that safety procedures have not been implemented, he has the right to turn down work at this job untill adequate protective measures are put in place. If an employee turns down a job because safety measures have not been implemented or shortcomings in a work process have not been removed, and BZ considers this as unjustified, it is necessary to inform work inspector whose decision is obligatory for both BZ and the employee. An employee has the right to turn down work on a machine or tool without protective device untill the protection is installed. Article 34. An employee is obliged to immediately report every work injury to his superior, site manager or BZ director. Article 35. An employee is obliged to leave the place of work, if requested by his superior, in the following situations: − if he isn't following safety procedures, − if he isn't using personal protection equipment − if he is in such a physical or mental state in which he puts himself, others or work equipment in danger. Article 36. Superior or construction site manager has the right and obligation to ban an employee from work in the following situations: − If he doesn't respect safety procedures and performs work contradictory to safety measures which can cause injuries to himself or other employees, − If he is not using personal protection equipment put at his disposal, − If it is concluded that he has removed or destroyed safety device or appliance and he is working without protection, − If he rejects to follow instructions for safe work that have been given to him by the immediate manager, − If the immediate manager deduces that an employee arrived to work under influence of alcohol or drugs or he got drunk during work. An employee will be put to work again when it is determined that he is capable for work, and the cause for his exclusion was terminated. Article 37. An employee is obliged to inform his immediate manager, site manager or safety manager about breakdowns or other defects which could threaten safety at work. Immediate manager and site manager are obliged to take actions for solving breakdowns or other insufficiencies which could threaten safety at work. Article 38.

BZ is obliged to take precaution measures to prevent access to its facilities to persons and vehicles that have no reason to be on its property. Article 39. Person in charge of security on BZ premises or safety manager at site are responsible to make daily checks of work area at the beginning and end of a shift( or a working day) in order to ensure safe work conditions (e.g. Safe entrances and exits, clean and organized environment etc.). Article 40. On sites outside BZ premises, where potential dangers exist, BZ is obliged to put up, install and maintain adequate signs, signals, flags and barricades in order to re-direct course of vehicles and people. If barricades and signs do not provide adequate protection, one BZ worker must be in charge of protecting work site. All these workers, who give signals, are obliged to direct traffic whenever the equipment (cranes etc.) is blocking active road. Barricades must be put up at 1.2 meters distance from the edge of excavations, holes, platforms or roofs. Article 41. Excavation, trenching and protection systems – Excavation cannot take place before BZ asks for and fills in "Excavation permit" from investor. Excavation implies digging cavities, holes, recesses and canals in the ground by removing it. This includes removing and cutting concrete flooring and blocks. Multiple excavation is allowed only if a detailed draft of work site is provided. Area must be cleared and approved for excavation by investor's representative before starting. Shoring, sloping, protection systems and excavation methods used by BZ must be in keeping with applicable local and state laws. All excavations dug by BZ must have a safe access, adequate fence and light barricades that are lit at night. Excavated ground can be used as a fence for one side of a ditch or excavation. All excavated ground must be piled at 1.2 meters of the edge of excavation and must be at least 1.2 meters high when it is used as a barricade. It is necessary to have a sufficient number of exit ladder, at least one at every 7.5 m. Designated employees will check the state of excavation walls before entering the excavation after voluminous precipitation or defrosting. He will also control protection system every day or more often in case of extreme humidity. No one is allowed to be inside of an excavation while equipment is used near it, unless protection system is adequate and serves as sustenance to additional equipment weight and to possible work conditions created by equipment (vibration). Under no condition no one is allowed to be inside of excavation while machines are performing excavation. Excavations of 1.2 meters and more depth will be classified as limited areas. When an excavation is 6 or more meters deep, then BZ must provide project documentation verified by an engineer, who certifies that protection method is adequate for excavation geometry, soil type and soil conditions. Concrete, armature and shoring – All equipment and material used by BZ for building concrete constructions and for other mason work must be in accordance with standards. Wall shoring must be designed in a way to satisfy applicable state laws. Laying of armature must be designed, shored, connected and maintained in such a way to support all vertical and horizontal weight that might be leaned to the armature during concrete pouring. Article 42. During installation of steel construction as one of its main activities – workers of BZ must work according to investor's and state procedures and they must apply protection measures for fall prevention and safe work at height. Article 43.

Demolition -Before issuing a necessary permit to start demolition, BZ is obligated to adhere to standards. This includes: - Request and obtaining permits (if they are obligatory) - Obtaining of written engineering plan, from a person in charge, which includes: o -Construction and all neighboring constructions where the employees may be exposed o -Protection of wider area in order to isolate and warn people in vicinity These pieces of information should be checked with local engineering and operation representatives. Article 44. Other necessary preparation measures will be performed by BZ in order to prevent exposure of workers to the following: - Unplanned collapse of some construction parts - Installations – electricity, gas, water, steam, drainage etc. - Dangerous chemicals, gases, explosive substances, flammable materials, insulation or sealing materials that contain asbestos or similar dangerous materials or substances which are used for pipes, reservoirs or other equipment in the factory. - Dangers of glass breaking - Holes in the floor or walls - Falling material – disposal and removal of waste material through apertures in floor, bars etc. - Air particles and visible emissions - Noise influence BZ is obliged to protect wider area around its works so that the work area is fenced and passers-by warned. Stairways, passages, exits and ladder will be planned, protected, checked and maintained as necessary. Other accesses will be closed during all time No material should be thrown outside the construction walls except if the area is properly fenced. All bars used as material will be properly designed, installed and if needed fenced. All demolition of floors, walls, mason or steel constructions done by hand or mechanically will be performed in keeping with standard requirements. Article 45. Maintenance, ownership, control and putting into operation- BZ has the control of contracted scale of work which includes planning, grouping and directing of workers,representatives and visitors' activities, both BZ's and sub-contractor's. When some major construction or modification of an existing plant performed by BZ comes to the completion phase such as putting into operation, starting, or letting pressure into equipment, then a test of Safety and Functionality should be conducted. After building was finished or services were done, BZ will inform investor and everyone else that system is completed and ready for starting. BZ must put up notifications available to workers and passers-by that the system will be put into operation. Article 46. Hand and automated tool – all hand, automated tool, as well as similar equipment belonging to BZ or its workers must be maintained in safe condition. Damaged tool must be immediately fixed or replaced. Tools can only be used for intended purpose. Therefore, attention should be paid to the following: -

When tools are misused this implies danger for the user. According to the level of training and experience of workers, BZ can be certain that tools and machines are properly used by its workers never use tools and machines you are not familiar with. It is better to ask for assistence or instructions of your superior. Read the manual. Keep equipment clean and use them only for intended purpose. When using rotating machines, machines with pneumatic parts tight suit should be warn. Remove gloves, necklaces etc. which might get stuck into machines or tools. Do not carry sharp tools with you


in areas with explosive danger use only tools that do not spark. Start working only after having detailed explanation about work site Replace damaged tools in the warehouse at the construction site. The same applies for motor equipment whose validity date has expired work with a plan, carefully, hurrying does only damage.

Article 47. BZ must not use explosive without prior investor's approval. Explosive manipulation will be carried out in accordance with investor's, local and state procedures which are given to BZ. Preparatory Safety Meeting with investor will be held before mining. BZ must get investor's representative approval before using equipment for asper sing color. Signs must be put up. Wind direction, location of roads and parking must be accounted for before the work starts. BZ must obtain investor's representative permit before sanding. Working area must be isolated by signs and barricades. Sanding on external parts of reservoirs, containers and technological lines which contain flammable liquids requires next measures if the equipment cannot be shut: Sanding hose must be grounded and conductible. Sanding equipment and object which is being sanded must be grounded. Article 48. Requirements for protection and preservation of environment – BZ is obliged to respect all factory, local and state laws, rules and regulations regarding the protection of environment which are applicable for work being performed. Workers of BZ already follow ISO 14001 standard for environmental protection, having in mind that BZ is in the procedure of implementing ISO 9001 i 14001 standard, so that all requirements regarding working and living environment protection can be found in the Procedure for approving this process, equipment and chemicals, procedure for reacting in emergency situations and closing, and in the Procedure for dealing with ecological aspects and influences, whose first draft is a part of this program,. Article 49. BZ is obliged to immediately report accidents related to environment to its investor. BZ must respect all requests by investor, local, state laws, rules and regulations related to reporting of environmental accidents. BZ must respect investor's requests regarding preservation of air water and soil.

IV. INTERNAL TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SAFE AND HEALTY WORK Article 50. BZ is obliged to inform its workers about dangers related to job positions and to provide training regarding occupational safety and health. This is done through an Internal training program for safe and healthy work. Basic provisions of the Internal Program are included in this rule book. That implies that employees must be familiar with technological work processes in general, with specific and special regulations, measures and instructions about work safety, with individual and collective protective equipment, with safety devices and means and ways of their usage, with rights and duties regarding safe working and all other measures which are important for employees' occupational safety and health. Article 51. Internal training program for safe and healty work of employess consists of: − content of training for safe and healthy work − procedure, manner, time frame for removing the insufficiences in occupational safety, especially those pointed out by inspection or investor, if the work is performed on his property. − Obligation and schedule of medical examinations for employees

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Obligation of analysing work environment, especially at job positions with increased risk training dynamics and schedule of testing in occupational safety

The Internal training program is brought forth by BZ director in cooperation with safety personnel and safety manager, in accordance with provisions of law, Rule book for occupational safety, Occupational safety and health program, and in keeping with investor's requests for jobs performed on his location and property. Article 52. Internal training program for safe and healthy work determines obligations and tasks in occupational safety and health for a specific time period and establishes deadlines and manner for achieving obligations and tasks, delegates committees and employees responsible for implementation. Article 53. Employee training in theoretical part consists of basic occupational safety and health issues ,i.e. dangers to which an employee is exposed during work. Also, in theoretical part employees are taught of ways of protection and proper usage of personal protection equipment and technical aid. They are getting familiar with their rights and obligations, investor's instructions for safe work, if work is done on his location. Član 54. Theoretical training is done in the most suitable way which allows employees to become familiar with subject matter: lectures, courses, seminars, movies, discussions, exhibits, demonstration, posters, warnings etc. Also employees are obliged to attend meetings and trainings organized by investor, who in this way presents his requirements and conditions for safe work. BZ is obliged to keep records regarding all this. Article 55. Practical training is conducted when an employee who is familiar with theoretical part, applies it during performing work. Article 56. BZ is obliged to train and to enlarge employees' knowledge in occupational safety and health issues, especially when technological process is changed, new equipment is installed, work organization is changed, or work conditions and new procedures in this are are passed. Article 57. Knowledge testing for all BZ employees is done each year. Article 58. BZ in case of injury or sudden illness provides for emloyees the following: −first aid. −Evacuates employees in a manner that is accustomed for life and work circumstances in BZ, −contacts adequate departments, emergency first of all, urgent medical care, rescuing and fire protection. −First aid, rescuing and evacuation training for certain number of employees. More detailed instructions are given within Procedure in case of work injury. Article 59. In all BZ departments first aid kits are installed at visible and accessible places.

Article 60. The following numbers must be displayed on first aid kit: -health center, -emergency service, -fire department, -police department,

-employees trained for the first aid from work environment -director. Član 61. First aid kits must be regularly renewed and always kept in that way that they can be used in state of emergency. Handling first aid kit items is allowed only to persons trained for giving first aid. Article 62. In case of a disaster, explosion, fire or other massive accident BZ is obliged to organize rescuing and evacuation measures. Član 63. BZ keeps record of: 1.employees trained for safe and healthy work, 2.job positions with increased risk, 3.employees designated to job positions with increased risk, sending these employees to prior and periodical medical examinations, schedule of periodical medical examination and reports of finished examinations. 4.accomplished controls and analyses of work environment, work tools, and personal protection equipment. injuries , 6.professional illnesses, 7.disabled workers, according to categories of disability, 8.hazardous substances. Article 64. Records of job positions with increased risk contains field ’’name of job position with special work conditions’’ and field ’’criteria determing job position with special work conditions’’ (physical, chemical damages, specific requirements regarding health, physical or menatal ability). Records of hazardous substances consist of fields: name of a susbstance and synonims, chemical content name – for waste, aggregate state, hazmat class and quantity. Article 65. BZ and its sub-contractors have to regularly keep and store records of injuries and illnesses at work. BZ will on terrain, and in its headquarters, investigate each injury, illness at work, property damage and accident without injury, which are work related, so that the cause can be determined and corrective measures can be applied. If an injury occurs during work on investor's location and property, BZ is obliged to report this situation immediately to investor's responsible person. BZ Safety Manager prepares a written report of an injury, illness or event and submits it to investor within 24 hours of this situation. BZ is obliged to keep and regularly update its system for tracking and recording accidents without injuries and injuries with first aid. Also BZ should be prepared to submit documentation for checking by investor. Detailed provisions are found in Procedure in case of work injury. Article 66. All work tools, tools that are used in BZ, on its premises or on investor's construction site, must have a proof that they have been produced in accordance with international regulations and domestic regulations on occupational safety and health. Article 67. Tools and equipment are regularly checked for safety and validity in keeping with producer's manual, technical regulations and domestic standards. If in producer's manual there isn't a note on when to check tools and equipment, BZ is obliged to check them: 1. before the first usage. 2. after repairing, 3. one year after the previous examination and checking

Article 68. Women, youth and disabled people have special protection at work in accordance with legal regulations, this rulebook and other BZ documents. Article 69. Special protection of pregnant women, mothers of young children, youth up to 18 years of age and disabled people are applied on vacation, number of days of vacation, paid leave and other rights that are set by Work rule book. Article 70. In BZ women are banned at the following jobs: - all job positions with increased risk, if special precaution measures aren't applied - work on carrying, loading and unloading of weight over 15 kg - work at other job positions that can harm women's health Article 71. During pregnancy women cannot work on jobs with unnatural body position or where they have to stand too long. Also, pregnant women are forbiden to work on jobs that require greater physical strain. Article 72. Persons younger than 18 cannot be hired or designated to job positions with special conditions. They are forbidden to work longer hours or at night. Article 73. An employee with limited work ability can be designated to a job position, if he can work there without rehabilitation and without danger of decreasing his remaining work ability. These persons can only be dsignated to such job positions which will not decrease their remaining work ability. Disabled people cannot be designated to job positions with increased risk. Sabac, February 2008. _______________________ Dragisa Despotovic, Director Integral part of this Program constitutes of the following attachments: 1. Rules for safe work at height 2. Procedure in case of work injury 3. Procedure concerning ecological aspects and influences 4. Procedure of approving processes, equipment and chemicals 5. Procedure for emergency situations and closing, 6. Rules on fire protection.

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