By, Swathi R Krishnan
Flow of the Presentation
Introduction What is Best Practice Sources for Best Practice Model A 10 step approach Example Misconceptions about Best Practice Top Ten Best Practice Fundamentals CORNERSTONE INDIA
What is it and how do we implement it.
What is “Best Practice” What is “Best Practice” ?
“The Best Practice approach is simply the combination of activities that is most likely to cause you to achieve your objectives, in the current circumstances” circumstances That’s It
Best practice approach says that if we do certain activities in a certain way, you have a better CORNERSTONE INDIA chance of achieving your objective than any other
Sources for Best Practice Model There are three sources to develop the model I. Within the Organization II. Outside the
Organization III. First Principle CORNERSTONE INDIA
developing best practice within our Organization Step 1
Define Success
Step 2
Identify top performance
Step 3
Define the best practice activity
Step 4
Define success drivers (Measures)
Step 5
Synthesise the best practice model
Step 6
Sense check the model
Step 7
Build the detail for the Best practice model
Step 8
Implement the best practice model
Step 9
Measure the results
Step 10
Revise the model in the light of new learning and experience CORNERSTONE INDIA
Search Process ( One of the best way )
Step 1: Define Objectives and Specifications Ensure understanding of client's business and culture Obtain client consensus on position's scope and responsibilities, compensation package, reporting relationships and profile of the desired executive Develop the search plan Review and get feedback on the search plan with client
Step 2: Identify and Assess Candidates Identify and confirm target sources using proprietary database and network of contacts Identify candidates, including internal ones as appropriate Screen and evaluate candidates Narrow list of INDIA candidates PrepareCORNERSTONE background profiles Review
Search Process ( One of the best way )
Step 3: Interviews Facilitate client interviews of candidate Obtain feedback from client and candidate Conduct reference checks Prepare detailed profiles and evaluation reports on each candidate's strengths and weaknesses Select finalists to be interviewed Feedback from client and candidates
Step 4: Select Executive Conduct finalist interviews benefits Feedback
Negotiate salary and
Step 5: Follow Up Ensure smooth transition and assimilation for executive Ensure client satisfaction Feedback CORNERSTONE INDIA
Misconceptions about Best Practice 1.
Everyone will be able to operate at the ‘ Best Practice ’ level. Most of us think that the Best Practice initiative will result in every member of the organization Miraculously being able to perform at the highest.
This is not true. But implementing the Best Practice Model will help the overall CORNERSTONE INDIA Performance rise.
Misconceptions about Best Practice 1.
Best practice is vested in a single person, group or a company. There is no one ‘Best’ way
Today’s Success is tomorrow’s failure Our current top performers may not represent the ultimate best practice. They just have found more of Best Practice techniques than the average performers. CORNERSTONE INDIA
Misconceptions about Best Practice 1.
Best Practice Model Never Changes When we change the situation the model also has to be changed to suit the situation.
“Change is our only Certainty” We have to Expect, Welcome and CORNERSTONE INDIA Embrace ‘Change’
Top Ten Best Practice Fundamentals 1) 2)
6) 7) 8)
Best Practice must be defined Best Practice must be measurable and measured Implementing best practice does not guarantee success There is no single best practice person or a company Success today does not guarantee success tomorrow Talking is not the same as doing Having is not the same as using Best Practice isCORNERSTONE not fixedINDIA
Why does it go wrong
Failing to explain the reasons for the initiative No common agreement about the objective and/or the success drivers Fear of Change and the implications of change Fear of short-term commercial loss Not winning the hearts and minds of the middle managers The new process is not sufficiently clear and detailed Lack of real support and follow through CORNERSTONE INDIA team from the senior management
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