By-law Amendment 19.017

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 2

Nineteenth Senate

2009-10 Session

By Senators Ho and Kleinschmidt Date: 14 September 2009 AN ACT Amending By-law 213.02. BE IT ENACTED BY THE ASWSUV SENATE: Sec. 1. The By-laws currently read: 213.02 The duties of the Senate Programming Committee shall be to: A. Maintain general communication with ASWSUV committees. This shall be accomplished by: 1. Maintaining ongoing communications with each committee. 2. Recommending new programming ideas to present committees. 3. Encouraging increased emphasis in present programming. 4. Recognizing the need for additional committees and encouraging the formation of such. B. Evaluating the ASWSUV committee structure in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 810. C. To serve as the undergraduate members of the Student Clubs Board D. To periodically review the sections of the By-Laws relating to the ASWSUV committees, and offer any revisions and/or amendments. E. To serve on the Senate Budget Committee. Sec. 2. The By-laws shall be amended to read: 213.02 The duties of the Senate Programming Committee shall be to: A. Maintain general communication with ASWSUV committees. This shall be accomplished by: 1. Maintaining ongoing communications with each committee. 2. Recommending new programming ideas to present committees. 3. Encouraging increased emphasis in present programming. 4. Recognizing the need for additional committees and encouraging the formation of such. B. Evaluating the ASWSUV committee structure in accordance with the procedures outlined in Chapter 810. C. To provide students with information and resources that promotes civic engagement. D. To periodically review the sections of the By-Laws relating to the ASWSUV committees, and offer any revisions and/or amendments. E. To serve on the Senate Budget Committee.


This change will reflect the fact that the Student Clubs Board does not exist at Washington State University Vancouver. Additionally the change fulfills one of the goals of the Senate Programming Committee to promote civic engagement. Senate Passed __________ Date

I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of this legislation as passed by the ASWSUV Senate on the date hereon set forth.

__________________________________ ASWSUV President Date

__________________________________ ASWSUV Vice President Date

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