Business Statistics – KT Assignment Instructions for the submission: All the questions have to completed with proper steps. (Question also needs to be written) Write the assignment on A4 size ruled pages. After submission if any of the questions are found to be omitted or if steps are not properly followed then KT will continue to the next semester. During submission Hall ticket has to be mandatorily carried by you. Viva-voce to be conducted during your submissions. Submission date and time is Friday 29/3/19 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. If there are any changes to the date or time then that message will be relayed to you through your CR. For any queries send it through your CR. Non-compliance to any of the above instructions can result in failing of the subject. 1. Calculate mode for the data: C.I. f
20-30 16
30-40 40
40-50 60
50-60 48
60-70 24
70-80 12
40-50 60
50-60 48
60-70 24
70-80 12
2. Calculate S.D for the data: C.I. f
20-30 16
30-40 40
3. Obtain the regression of y on x for the data: X:
4. Calculate KP’s Coefficient of Correlation and Spearman’s Coefficient of Rank Correlation: X: 80 90 100 110 120 Y: 35 65 60 75 85 5. From a pack of 52 cards 4 cards are chosen at random. What is the probability that there is at least one king?