Business Mirror, Mar. 25, 2019, Gordon Offers To Help Craft Motorbike Laws Irr Atienza Cites Defect's.pdf

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Download & View Business Mirror, Mar. 25, 2019, Gordon Offers To Help Craft Motorbike Laws Irr Atienza Cites Defect's.pdf as PDF for free.

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offerlto help aaft motorbike law's IRR; Atienza cites'defectd He recalleil holding talks with

fl EN- Richard Gordon remind\ "d tn" Land Transportation U offi." (LTo) over the weik-

mounted.aprotest caravan on Edsa in a bid to pressure authorities to delay its enforcement.

Gordon, principal author of the awaited remedial,ligislation embodied in Republic Act 11235, stres:ged that implementing au"should not digress from "rlho{tt-ies the purpose of the law," which is principally to protect the citizenry from c(imes committed involving use of rhotorcycles.

However, a party-1isl.r?r:sen-

tative on Sunday urged Congress

to reconsider amending the said law to prevent permanent damage

and even lives lost on the part of the motorcyclists. Senior Deputy Mincirity Leader Lito Atienza of Buhay said the Re, public Act 11235 has fundamental defects, and the sooner it is adjusted to international norms and standards on safety, the better for

motorcyclists. In astatement, Gordonindicated he expects

enforcement authoritres under the Duterte administration

to start "taking action


signed a law referring to the so-called doble Plaka law or the Motorcycle Crime Prevention Act vention Larir. or RA 11235, requiring the Land "However, laws die in the im- Transportation Office (LTO) to plementation. Therefore, the LTO issue bigger color-coded number must be careful in writing the plates for motorcycle. IRR. As the principal author and According to Atienza, the law's sponsor, I would like to help the intention is to curb the activities Committee, which will draft the of riding-in-tandemcriminals But IRR, to make sure that it reflects thegenuine solution lies in efficient the genuine spirit of the law," the police action so as not to endanger senator said. the lives of mot orcyclists and their As a former mayor of Olon- passengers. gapo City, Cordon recalled his Under the law, the LTO will be experience in implementing a license public transport color-coding tasked io issue readable The moLorcYcle. plates for everY schgme in Olongapo, expressdisplayed ing hope this could contribute readable plates rnust be sides of the crafting of the inboth the front andbackhas been LTO The IRR. "Olongapo City has beeir a motorcycle. 31, 2019, to December given until implementiija public transp,#i produce. release andissue tbe numcolor-coding scheme since 1985,' plates as required bY the act. Ler when I was mayor of the city, who are driving sans a I iThose The schemtihas been an effective \plate or a readable one shall cense tool rn deterfrng crlmes and rs and bepunishedsixmonths be also still irnplemented up to this day. ment, imPrison one day to sixyears My experience in implementing not less than P50,000 but such scheme in Olongapo would or a fine greatly contribute to the crafting riot more than P100,000. Batchtunondaand|oYeeua eN. Delahuz of the lRR," said Gordon. In flagging "defects" ofthe law, Buhay's Rep. Atienza said, "Motorcycles are designed for speed and rnaneuverability. These cumbersome plates or decals will hamper LTO officials eveninthe early days

before he filed the bill that is now knownas the Motorcyle Crime Pre-

end to stick to the spirit of the re-

cently enacted Motorcycle Crime Prevention Law in writing its implementing rules and regulations (IRR), as motorbike rider grouPs


tt/'Ag"- A/e'/

the movement ofand are even dan-

riding-in-tandem crimes with the enactment of this law." Gordon added: "We ghould not let this law die because ofpoor im-

gerous to legitimate motorcycle-

plementation; that is why the LTO

'And why should the government be issuing new plates or decals when motorcycle owners have been waiting for their new plates since the last administration? These are plates that they have paid forbut have not received until now," Atienza added. President Duterte recently

should do the IRR properly.', In issuing the reminder, the author of the new law stressed that

writing the implementing rules is "not lawmaking; it is iust an ex, planation of how the law will be implemented." Gordon, concurrent chairman of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights, intends tositdowu withthe LTO inwriting the implementing rules "so theywill get the purpose ofthe law correctly."


ridingc!!4enL He also took issue with the new plates ol decal requirement.

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