Business Intelligence Dw

  • November 2019
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Business Intelligence and Datawarehousing


Business Intelligence and datawarehousing Agenda • Business Intelligence – – – – – –

Ignorance and Intelligence……why BI? Data, Information and Knowledge Business Intelligence Definition Steps to Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Improvement Cycle Business Intelligence Architecture

Datawarehousing – – –

What is Datawarehousing Datawarehousing activities Datawarehousing Tools and Technologies

Online Analytical Processing – – –

What is OLAP OLAP Analysis Activities performed in OLAP

Ignorance or Intelligence ? •

Ignorance is the greatest threat to modern business. The risk of not knowing is immense. And incomplete information can be more harmful than no information, because we proceed and make decisions and act with conviction falsely believing that we know the true nature of the situation.

Business Intelligence (BI) strives to eliminate guessing and ignorance in enterprises by leveraging the mountains of quantitative data that enterprises collect everyday in the variety of corporate applications. The BI imperative insists that the enterprises pledge to themselves that They would not go in ignorance but equip themselves with intelligent knowledge.

Data Information & Knowledge • Data – Items that are the most elementary descriptions of things, events, activities, and transactions – May be internal or external

• Information – Organized data that convey meaning and value

• Knowledge – Processed data or information that conveys understanding, experience, accumulated learning and expertise applicable to a problem or activity

Business Intelligence Definition

• Business Intelligence is a set of concepts and methodologies to improve decision making in business through use of facts or fact based systems.

Business Intelligence Questions – Who are my most/least profitable customers? – To whom should I address my marketing action/campaign? – Which is the most profitable reigion? – What type of customers are loan defaulters? – What are the sales performance of this year compared to the last year?

Steps to Business Intelligence Collect Data

Extract Data From Legacy Systems ERPs Transaction Systems Archives

Prepare &Store Data

Data Staging and Datawarehousing Store data in dimension model Model Tranformation

Analyze Data

Deliver Reports

Data Visualization

Data Delivery

Creation of OLAP reports

Web Portals

Forcasting Trending Analysis


External Sources

Emails Pagers,Mobiles

Business Intelligence Improvement Cycle

Business Intelligence Architecture

Datawarehousing •

Is the process of taking internal and/or external data, cleansing it and storing it in a data warehouse where it can be accessed by various decision makers in the decision support process. • A data mart is a part of a data warehouse containing a subject area data. • Data warehousing solves the data acquisition or access problem. • The end users perform ad hoc query, reporting, analysis and visualization on the data warehouse or on one or more data marts.

Datawarehousing Activities • • •

Datawarehousing activities can be classified into categories ETL ETL stands for extract, transform and load, the processes that enable companies to move data from multiple sources, reformat and cleanse it, and load it into another database, a data mart or a data warehouse for analysis, or on another operational system to support a business process. Reporting This includes creation and delivery of broad range of reports including scorecard, performance measures, OLAP reports, ad-hoc reports.

Datawarehousing Tools and Technologies • ETL • • •

Informatica Abinitio DataStage Cognos Descision Stream DataJunction

Reporting Cognos Microstrategy Business Objects Microsoft Analysis Server Actuate Hyper-ion

BI Reporting tools Market Summary

What is OLAP? • A database-oriented DSS which uses data warehouse and a set of tools usually with multidimensional capabilities to aid in reporting, querying and data analysis. On-line retrieval and analysis of data to reveal business trends and statistics not directly visible in the data directly retrieved from a data warehouse. Also known as multidimensional analysis

OLAP Analysis

Activities performed in OLAP systems •

Activities performed by end users in OLAP systems – Specific, open-ended query generation • SQL

– Requesting Ad hoc reports – Conducting Statistical and other (e.g. data mining) analyses – Building DSS applications

• •

Modeling and visualization capabilities OLAP tools fall into four product groups: – Multidimensional spreadsheets – Multidimensional query & report writing tools for standard RDMS (e.g., Business Objects) – Fully multidimensional DBMS – Visual information access systems


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