Busad Minutes 1998-1999

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BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION MEETING #1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1998 BOARD ROOM PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Tina Clark, Gail Dalton, Debbie Fischer, Dan Flynn, Jane Goforth, Carolyn Henry, Carla Hogan, Jim Jory, Carolyn Keefe, Ron Lafreniere, Cheryl Laufle, Marcia Liaw, Marilu Neally, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Bob Shields, Barbara Snow, David Starr, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson. ABSENT: Burt Weston (sabbatical) WELCOME Carolyn Henry welcomed the division members and introduced the following new faculty members: Jerry Baker, Purchasing Management; Bob Shields, Computer Applications; Cheryl Laufle, Business Administration; and Gail Dalton, Business Technology. Marilu Neally was introduced as the new division secretary. SPECIAL PRESENTATION President Gary Oertli was introduced and made a special presentation to Ron Lafreniere for his 30 years of service to Shoreline Community College. FURNITURE FOR 1200 BUILDING The furniture for Room 1202 will be shipped from Wisconsin on October 2. For Fall Quarter, the computer classes in 1202 will be moved to 2402, and the lecture classes in 2402 will be moved to 1202. Carolyn has been in contact with the Media Center to obtain a projection system, a VCR, and a monitor for 1202. No decision has been made about when or if these classes will return to their original rooms during fall quarter. No announcement has been made on when balancing the ventilator system in 1200 building will occur. Carolyn will check on this and report back. CURRICULUM REVISION – COSMETOLOGY Debbie Fischer and Tina Clark reported on curriculum revisions they worked on for Cosmetology during the summer on extended contract. These revisions will allow a student to complete the course in four quarters rather than six, and all students will receive a certificate. This new curriculum will be more competitive with other cosmetology programs and will begin Fall Quarter 1998. Cosmetology will now run year-round which means that clients will not be lost during class breaks. A proposed calendar for 1998-1999 was distributed. Debbie and Tina are still working on the high school program. Holly Moore and Larry Reid have already approved these changes. Sally, Debbie, and Tina will need to present them to the Curriculum Council during Fall Quarter for final approval. A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

BUSINESS DIVISION MINUTES September 21, 1998 Page 2 Ron Lafreniere moved and Karen Toreson seconded a motion that all these changes be approved. During the discussion, Jim Jory asked about staffing of the salon when Debbie and Tina are not under contract. Staffing for this position is still under discussion and will be sent to the Federation for their input. The motion passed unanimously. NEED FOR ADVISORS Carolyn asked for volunteers for advising. Phyllis Topham will advise on September 23 at 10:30 a.m. Carla Hogan will advise on September 28 from 5-6 p.m. Barbara Snow will advise on September 29 from 5-6 p.m. It was suggested that the Business Division be excused from advising on September 25 since this is when Carolyn Henry’s retirement party is being held. ELECTION OF ASSISTANT DIVISION CHAIR FOR FALL QUARTER 1998 Larry Reid has instructed Carolyn to hold an election for an Assistant Division Chair to replace Sally Rollman during Fall Quarter 1998. Jim Jory nominated Tina Clark for this position. Bob Shields moved that the nominations be closed. The motion passed and was declared a unanimous decision. ELECTION OF TENURE REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR BOB SHIELDS The Business Division faculty nominated Dan Flynn, Phyllis Topham, and Larry Packwood as their representatives for Bob Shields’s Appointment Review Committee. It was moved and seconded that a unanimous vote for these three division representatives be cast. Motion carried. ELECTION OF DIVISIONAL REPRESENTATIVES A new Business Division representative is needed on the SCCFT Executive Board, which meets most Thursday from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Its focus is on contractual matters. Karen Toreson volunteered to serve on this board during Fall Quarter 1998. Larry Packwood has served as the divisional representative on the Faculty Senate for the past two years and would like to be replaced. The Faculty Senate meets the second and fourth Wednesdays from 2 to 3:30 p.m., and their focus is on academics. Carla nominated Barbara Snow for this committee. Phyllis Topham seconded her motion. The motion passed unanimously.


BUSINESS DIVISION MINUTES September 21, 1998 Page 3 EXTRA CONTRACT DAYS AND COMMITTEES These forms have already been placed in faculty mailboxes. Please fill them out and return them to Sally Rollman this week. It was suggested that a chair be designated for each committee. Jim Jory reminded faculty that there are six guerilla days per year. These are extra contract days that should be identified on the form. Advising days and attendance at professional conferences and at Shoreline’s graduation count for these guerilla days. Because of the new budget process and its relationship to program planning, all faculty members serve on the budget committee. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/BUSINESS COMPUTERS STUDY CENTER The new Business Technology /Business Computer Study Center in the newly remodeled 1200 Building is a response to the state auditor’s mandate that one additional hour be arranged for BusTc 100 Keyboarding and BusCP 105 Business Computer Applications in order to fulfill state requirements. Professional/ Technical students have requested tutoring for their courses. Karen Toreson announced that Gail Dalton will be tutoring in the new Business Technology/Business Computer Study Center for 20 hours per week and will be paid for this from Holly Moore’s budget. This Study Center is designated for professional/technical students and is not an “open lab” time. Students in Business Computer classes will be asked to log in their time so a record can be compiled. COMPUTER TECHNICIAN REPLACEMENT Discussion was held on the possibility of converting the O.A. II position that Toby Salerno had into an Instructional Tech position to help the faculty with computer-related situations in the Business Division. This new Instructional Tech position would be funded from Business Division funds and jointly managed with Technical Support Services. This person would work a variable schedule, possibly late afternoon and early evening hours. Concern was expressed that the money and services for this position might be diverted to Technical Support Services. Karen Toreson moved and Phyllis Topham seconded the motion to reclassify the current O.A. II position to an Instructional Tech position and that a job description be submitted to the Business Administration Division. Motion passed unanimously. Marcia Liaw and Karen Toreson will continue working on this. A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

BUSINESS DIVISON MINUTES September 21, 1998 Page 4 EVENING HOURLY There may be money available for an hourly to work some evening hours. The evening hourly person will support the Business Technology Center and the rest of the division. Marcia will work on this. Carolyn will check with Ruth Clark and Paulette Fleming further on this. RETIREMENT PARTY FOR CAROLYN HENRY Campus wide notices have been sent for Carolyn’s retirement party on Friday, September 25, from 10:00 a.m.to noon in the 1000 Building. Sally expressed appreciation for the help she has received in planning this party for Carolyn. UPDATE ON WEB PROGRAM Karen Toreson reported that the program is moving ahead. Dan Flynn and Phyllis Topham are working on new classes and collaborating with VCT and Humanities faculty. Another DACUM will be held this fall. Equipment for this program has been purchased and is being stored in the 1600 Building. BUSINESS DIVISION MEETINGS FOR 1998-1999 Business Division meetings have been held for a number of years on the first Friday of each month starting around 12:30 p.m. after most classes end on Fridays. Ron Lafreniere proposed that division meetings be held on days other than on Friday afternoons. Carla suggested that meetings start at 6:30 a.m. This topic will be discussed further at the next division meeting in November. There will be no division meeting on Friday, October 2 (next week). PROGRAM PLANNING Chuck Fields was introduced to lead the discussion on the Program Planning/Assessment and Budgeting process for 1999-2000. Chuck distributed timelines and discussed the prior history of this process. He indicated that the procedure would be split into two sections rather than all being done as one activity last year. The first section will deal with program planning and assessment and will be completed during fall quarter. Budget planning will take place during Winter Quarter 1999. Administrative responses to the planning done by programs during fall quarter will be returned to each program by February 1 along with the budget requests materials. Carla Hogan indicated that it would be helpful if statistics were provided to our programs as we work through this process.


BUSINESS DIVISION MINUTES September 21, 1998 Page 5 The following were suggestions from Chuck for completing the Program Planning/Assessment and Budgeting forms: 1. Review Shoreline’s mission statement/purpose. The Strategic Planning Committee will distribute materials for the 1999-2000 planning period. Connect the Strategic Plan to the budgeting process. 2. Each program should establish its own measure of effectiveness. 3. Use statistics to show enrollment and staffing trends. 4. Determine what factors can affect the program. Look to the future and consider trends. 5. For self-assessment, use the three external reviews from last year. Be sure to use the same wording used for accreditation purposes. 6. Report on the goals set last year and whether or not they have been met. 7. Set attainable goals. 8. Make a complete list of the people in each program who participated in this process. 9. Be collaborative and involve everyone. 10. A draft will be distributed campus-wide for comments. Concern was expressed that the prioritized division requests were changed at the next level of participation. This was noticed and recognized as being a major problem in the whole process. Chuck will pass this concern along. Budgeting will be done on a yearly basis, as this is more responsive to changes. The goal is for zero base budgeting for 2000-2001. 14. OTHER BUSINESS Faculty in Computer Applications and Business Technology will meet this Wednesday from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. No dates have been announced by Holly Moore’s office for program reviews during 1998-1999, but we anticipate being asked to do them this academic year for Purchasing, Accounting, and Computer Applications. The meeting ended with division members sharing how they spent their summer. The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Marilu Neally


BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1998 ROOM 2402, 12:30 PM PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Tina Clark, Debbie Fischer, Dan Flynn, Carla Hogan, Jim Jory, Cheryl Laufle, Ron Lafreniere, Marcia Liaw, Marilu Neally, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Bob Shields, Barbara Snow, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson, Lea Wallace ABSENT: David Starr (attending an off-campus meeting) and Burt Weston (sabbatical) VISITOR: Sandra Kirk Roston, Counseling Center LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER John Backes, Library Director, discussed the implementation of Voyager, which is a 24-hour tool to view the Library/Media Center’s database. Anyone wishing this information may access it through the Web by typing www.endinfosys.com with full implementation expected during Spring Quarter. The magazine index, Proquest Direct, can be found using www.umi.com , which searches approximately 2,900 magazines with 1,400 in full text and the remainder with bibliographic citations. There is a business module within Proquest Direct titled Washington State News Stand that lists 240 business-related periodical titles. This also lists 17 Washington state newspapers, as well as the Puget Sound Business Journal beginning with 1985. To access this service from a home computer, type in PXWWWSXGMV and use the password welcome. John James is offering one-hour training seminars for students, faculty, and staff in Room 161. The reservation list is kept at the Reference Desk, or you may call 546-4406 to make an appointment. It is possible to download information to an e-mail account or to a disk. John has purchased numerous books on business careers and has a film list available. INSTRUCTIONAL TECH REPLACEMENT Marcia Liaw distributed a copy of the position description designed for an Instructional Tech I, which is planned to replace the Office Assistant II position previously held by Tony Salerno, and requested input on it. An on-site person is needed to support faculty who use computers in their classes. After hearing faculty’s ideas on this position, Marcia agreed to rewrite the job duties and place copies in the faculty boxes for approval on Monday morning, November 9.


MOTION: Ron Lafreniere moved and Jim Jory seconded a motion that action on the Instructional Tech 1 position be submitted to the faculty for a written vote and that the ballots be returned to Marcia on the afternoon of November 9. The motion passed unanimously. Marcia, Karen and Sally will meet with Jack Hanson, Larry Reid, and Fred Watterson on November 10 to discuss this position. FULL-TIME FACULTY REQUESTS Tina distributed and explained the request for a full-time faculty member for Cosmetology. MOTION: Bob Shields moved and Cheryl Laufle seconded that the full-time position for Cosmetology be approved. Motion passed unanimously. The Business Administration program requested one full-time faculty member with an allocation of two-thirds Purchasing and one-third Business Administration. Tina Clark has prepared the front page of the Full-Time Faculty Position Request form but needs additional input from faculty to complete the second page of this form. There was no motion on this request because of the understanding that it did not have to have Division faculty approval. Computer Applications faculty will also be submitting a request for an additional full-time faculty member because of the growth within the program. During further discussion, it was announced that the Business Technology /Computer Applications area could potentially lose two people. Sally was asked to share the “bad timing” with the request deadline at this time the quarter. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sandra Kirk Roston is the liaison between Business Administration Division and the Counseling Center for 1998-1999. She asked that Marilu place information in the mailboxes for the faculty and staff. Sally indicated that faculty can call Tracy Tripp to get information about becoming Microsoft certified in various areas. These classes are listed on the Web and the first two usually fill up and a third is opened. Faculty can take them on a space available basis. Materials cost between $100 and $200. Sally commended Karen who is certified and recertified in Word and certified in Excel. Karen encouraged everyone to look at the Shoreline Community College website for Business Administration and your program to see how you like it.


Sally has looked at the faculty schedules, and it appears that Friday at 12:30 p.m. is still the best time for division meetings. These meetings will be scheduled to last 1 to 1 ½ hours. It was suggested that due to long agendas that we eliminate speakers or that they be limited to 5 or 10 minutes. Jerry Baker explained his interactive/on-line class with Purchasing 190. The class will meet on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:40 p.m. in the interactive room in the 1000 Building. There will be assignments and chats on the web for the remaining 1 hour and 40 minutes. David Johnston will be offering a telecourse for Bus Ad 100 for Winter Quarter, and Cheryl is considering a telecourse for spring quarter. Bob would like to offer accounting classes on-line next year. The on-line classes filled quickly; however, the College is still 50 FTE’s behind and hopes to make them up during Winter and Spring Quarters 1999. Marcia discussed the annual Holiday party. It will be December 4 at 12:30 p.m. There will be a buffet with a $10 donation requested. A white elephant exchange will be held for those who are interested. Sally expressed her appreciation to the Assistant Division Chairs, Tina and Karen, during Fall Quarter. Their job is to work with the programs and to help coordinate activities such as time schedules. A handout was distributed to clarify Jerry Baker’s two-thirds position. Sally thanked Jerry for changing offices so part-time faculty and the temporary Instructional Tech person could use it. Carolyn Keefe’s last day will be November 13, 1998. This position will be filled, and that person will continue to absorb the duties of the Office Assistant II that was held by Toby Salerno when he moved to the Science Division. Marcia and Phyllis distributed a flyer regarding a luncheon at Las Margaritas for Carolyn and her husband on Friday, November 13. A group gift will be purchased. Please respond to Phyllis or Marilu. Tina distributed invitations to the Cosmetology Program’s 5th Annual Open House on Thursday, November 19, from 12-3 p.m. There will be door prizes, samples and food. The new Cascadia Community College is recruiting for faculty. Karen will post specifics above the mailboxes. There will be a career fair in February. The meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. Minutes recorded by Marilu Neally


CLARIFICATION OF JERRY BAKER’S TWO-THIRDS CONTRACT AS PURCHASING INSTRUCTOR FOR THE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION For the 1998-1999 Academic Year The terms of this two-thirds faculty contract cover only the 1998-1999 academic year and are in accordance with the SCCFT contract currently in effect. This contract must be renewed each year. Some of its provisions arise from agreements of the Joint Union-Management Committee of Shoreline Community College during the 1997-1998 academic year. Because this is a two-thirds contract, the understanding is that Jerry Baker will perform all the normal duties of any full-time faculty member at Shoreline Community College. These duties include but are not limited to: teaching an average of 10 credits over Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters scheduling at least four 50-minute office hours a week over a regular 5-day work week serving on divisional and college wide committees participating in the Business Administration program area of the Business Division serving on the Purchasing Advisory Committee, and other duties related to the position of Purchasing Instructor as agreed to with the division chair of the Business Administration Division. Copies:

Jerry Baker Larry Reid Paulette Flemming Jim Jory Sally Rollman BA Faculty


BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION MEETING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1999 ROOM 2402 PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Jim Braden, Darlene Carlson, Tina Clark, Debbie Fischer, Dan Flynn, Carla Hogan, Ron LaFreniere, Cheryl Laufle, Marcia Liaw, Tamara Modell, Marilu Neally, Sylvia Orr, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Bob Shields, Barbara Snow, David Starr, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson, Burt Weston ABSENT: Jim Jory VISITOR: Sandra Kirk Roston, Counseling Center (Business Division representative) WELCOME Phyllis Topham welcomed Sylvia Orr as the new Division Chair for the Business Administration Division and presented her with a plant. Marcia Liaw brought cookies for the meeting. OPENING REMARKS Sylvia remarked that she is happy to be a part of the Business Division and is looking forward to working with such a diverse group. She is still teaching a class for the MLT program but is looking forward to meeting everyone her. Marilu will be scheduling halfhour individual meetings with Sylvia so she can get to know the division and any special concerns/issues. Changes were made in the original agenda to accommodate busy schedules. Jim Jory will distribute his information about the Shoreline Chamber to faculty and staff. LIBRARY/MEDIA CENTER John Backes, Library Director, discussed the necessity of collaborating with others on campus when purchasing equipment and other media devices, and he would give his support to these purchases. It is important to use all equipment efficiently and to show a common need when requesting items in the budget process. Contact Paul Fernandez in the Media Center if you have questions and for price quotes. John indicated that it is faculty preference on whether the items are ceiling mounted or put on a rolling cart. The Media Center will supply a fact sheet listing the models, approximate prices for the items, and shipping by Tuesday, February 16, 1999. (Fact sheet attached) TSS PRESENTATION Steve Fleiger-Holmes spoke on the student e-mail system, which stresses public folders that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It is hoped that this same system will be implemented for the entire school at a future date. To access this, type zoot.shore.ctc.edu/exchange/root.asp. This program allows both faculty:student and student:student interactions. He asked that faculty use public folders in their classes. You must be registered to use this service so that you can add or delete (control) the material. It is possible to set up the folders so that only specified people can read them. A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

Gary Kalbfleish, Systems Administrator, at Ext. 5813 for more information. Sylvia can arrange for Steve to do further group presentations or one-on-one training. Currently 400 students are registered for this service. REPORTS COSMETOLOGY—Debbie Fischer  Debbie has been given a spring quarter sabbatical. She will work on gaining visibility in the community for the Cosmetology program and on program enrollment  She will be working with the Northshore School District to develop an articulation agreement for high school students. She will be doing a presentation at the Career Fair in February for the Sno Isle School District  Cosmetology has changed to a 12-week quarter program so their students can finish in 4 quarters. The students now pay less in tuition costs and receive a Certificate of Proficiency.  Would like to develop a website for Cosmetology  The new curriculum is going well. High school students can begin any quarter and can do full-time and part-time programs in the summer.  Participated in Shoreline’s Career Fair and the associate faculty gave tours.  All students have passed their board exam this year and have been placed in salons.  Call Cosmetology if a club you belong to needs a donation, and they will give spa packages COSMETOLOGY—Tina Clark  The State Auditor was there on Monday, February 8, and the program passed, but they have a few things to work on. This audit did not deal with the air/ventilation problems. OSHA will deal with this problem at a later date.  BA 152 has been incorporated into the program and students will be taking this class summer quarter. She thanked Sally and Karen for their help in this. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION—Sally Rollman  B.A. and Accounting Advisory Committee meetings are scheduled.  The program is working on the yearly budget.  Carla Hogan will be on leave of absence for spring quarter.  Jerry Baker is working on program redesign. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS—Karen Toreson  Advisory committees have been active  DACUM for the Web Program will be held March 5, 1999  NEVAC will be held also on March 5, 1999, and not on March 11 as originally announced  Bob Shields and Karen are working on program redesign using stair-step models  Meeting weekly with VCT for the Web Program  The program in the Study Skills Center has been successful. Gail Dalton is the tutor and retention has improved. It is open every afternoon and on Friday mornings. They are experimenting with evening hours.


 BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS—Dan Flynn  Distributed the Master Course Outline for BUSCP 231, Advanced HTML & JavaScript. He explained the class and asked for feedback. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE—Burt Weston  He asked that Curriculum Committee be added as a part of the monthly agenda under reports  Criteria is not written down for quantitative reasoning requirements for general education. There are general Washington State standards, but these are not specific enough. There is a move to have Math, English, and Human Relations integrated within the certificate programs. FrontPage—Tamara Modell  Encouraged faculty and staff to sign up for this class for Spring Quarter. It will be taught on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  TSS and students in class partner up to do Web pages. Students are paid, and it is excellent experience BUDGET REQUESTS  Due to Sylvia by February 19, 1999  Division meeting on February 26, 1999, at 12:30 p.m. in 2402 to prioritize lists  Sylvia will be gone from March 4-9, 1999  Tina asked for clarification on associate faculty and what is the base. Currently the pay is coming from Vice President of Academic Affair’s budget. Ron suggested that figures from 1998-99 be used as they include intercession. Sylvia will get back to Tina with this information. BUSINESS MATH RESEARCH—Burt Weston’s Sabbatical Report  All schools surveyed, except for two technical schools, had a specific math class in their AAAS Degree programs  Shoreline is consistent with degree requirements in Accounting, Business Administration, and Business Technology  BA 175 is consistent with math and business concepts being taught in other business math classes statewide  Shoreline is ahead of the curve by having computer components in Business Math and up to speed with the others  Burt has given a copy of this report to Larry Reid, Vice President of Academic Affairs for the Board of Trustees, and a copy will be placed in the Library and in the Business Administration Division.


DIVISION WEB PAGE—Sally Rollman  Jerry Baker, Dan Flynn, Phyllis Topham, David Starr and Debbie Fischer volunteered to work on a division web page early in Spring Quarter. Sally will coordinate this project after the new Instructional Tech position is filled. ANNOUNCEMENTS  Phyllis Topham is working on the Expanding Your Horizons conference March 16, 1999. It is to make high school women more aware of college and nontraditional careers. Volunteers are needed on Thursday, March 11, 1999 to stuff approximately 1,000 packets. Your lunch will be furnished for helping. Check with Marilu on what rooms are being used. Melinda Gates will be the keynote speaker  Marilu reminded everyone that if you double-park in the lot adjacent to the 2400 building your keys should be left in your mailbox so the secretaries can move your vehicle if it blocking someone else. Please double-park only when no other spaces are available. Security has indicated they will not ticket in this area unless it becomes a problem  Please return your spring advising schedules to Sylvia as soon as possible.  There are two open positions in the Business Division. The Computer Applications position has closed, and the search committee will meet today following the Division meeting. The Instructional Tech position has been extended until February 22, 1999.  See Warren in the Media Center regarding the deletion of 16-mm films. Meeting ended at 2:02 p.m. Meeting recorded by Marilu Neally


DIVISION MEETING FRIDAY, March 12, 1999 ROOM 2402 PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Debbie Fischer, Dan Flynn, Carla Hogan, Jim Jory, Cheryl Laufle, Marilu Neally, Sylvia Orr, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Bob Shields, Barbara Snow, David Starr, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson, Burt Weston ABSENT: Tina Clark, Ron LaFreniere, and Marcia Liaw VISITOR: Sandra Kirk Roston, Counseling Center (Business Division representative) MINUTES: The minutes were approved as printed. REPORTS: BUSINESS TECHOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS—Karen Toreson • DACUM held Friday, March 5 – Sylvia is to check on the problem with the meals BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS—Dan Flynn • Distributed Master Course Outline (MCO) for BUSCP/COMPU 231, Advanced HTML & JavaScript. Following discussion Cheryl Laufle moved and David Starr seconded that the MCO be approved. Motion passed unanimously. Burt Weston gave some suggestions on wording. COSMETOLOGY—Debbie Fischer • Interviewed 14 students at the Sno Isle Skills Center who may come join the High School program. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION—Sally Rollman • The following dates have been selected for advising meetings: April 14 for Purchasing April 20 for Accounting April 27 for Business Administration • Jerry Baker and Sally Rollman attended a Purchasing Advisory meeting with Central Washington University to provide articulation. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE—Burt Weston • No report


UNITED PARCEL SERVICE—Sylvia Orr • Jean Hernandez, Division Chair for Health Occupations/Physical Education, is partnering with UPS to provide on-site training classes for their employees. There will be 20-25 employees and classes will be held in Redmond from 7:009:30 p.m. • There is a possibility of doing distance learning • Sylvia will check on the following: 1. Travel pay 2. Computer room 3. Internet access PRE-EMPLOYMENT TRAINING—Sylvia Orr • John Lederer is director of this program that trains people in a specific skill. It is similar to Work Force Training. • Faculty that are interested in teaching a class in Info Technology or Customer Relations from 5:00-7:50 p.m. should contact John at extension 6918. Classes are set to begin March 30, 1999 BUDGETS—Sylvia Orr • Explained the three-year cycle on computers and software. Requests for upgrades are put on a memo to T.S.S. and not in the budget report. • Cosmetology’s request for a computer and Point of Sale Program will be requested in the budget as they are new requests and are Y2K concerns. The new faculty computer is included in the budget request. • Items used by more than 1 division are put on the campus-wide list. • Karen, Sally and Tina were thanked for the hours they spent working on budget preparation. The division members were thanked for their input. • Sylvia will meet with Karen, Sally and Tina to learn more in-depth about the requests in order to be prepared for the division chair prioritization meeting. • Westlaw services have been cancelled effective March 11, 1999. COMPUTER LAB SCHEDULING—Sylvia Orr • T.S.S. will be holding a meeting regarding scheduling the 1200 building and all computer classes on campus. • T.S.S. would like to see some 6:30 a.m. classes scheduled. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Sylvia distributed a graduation checklist. • Marilu indicated that the overhead projectors should not be moved from one room to another. Call Paul Fernandez in the Media Center to request all audiovisual equipment. • Marilu will check on cap and gown procedures and send a memo or e-mail to everyone. Meeting ended at 1:25 p.m. Meeting recorded by Marilu Neally A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION MEETING Friday, April 2, 1999 Room 2402 PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Tina Clark, Barb Fiske,, Dan Flynn, Sue Geisler, Jim Jory, Ron LaFreniere, Cheryl Laufle, Marcia Liaw, Sandy Masters, Sylvia Orr, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson, Lea Wallace, Burt Weston. ABSENT: Marilu Neally, Debbie Fischer, Carla Hogan, Bob Shields, and David Starr VISITOR: Sandra Kirk-Roston, Counseling Center (Business Division representative) Welcome Sue Geisler-Sylvia Orr • Sylvia Orr welcomed Sue Geisler as the new Instructional Technician, and gave a brief overview of her job description. The main focus of her job will be as support for faculty. • She will set up a web page and check out a system for handling the InFocus reservations. Sue showed on the overhead a tentative plan for a reservation system suggested by Jim Jory. The room #, date and time needed would be tracked on the chart, with availability, given on a first come, first serve basis. The chart would be posted. • Sue also spoke about viruses. She will be updating viruses weekly and requested everyone set up a time if you would like to have her do this for you, or she will show you how to do this, if you would like to do it yourself. REPORTS BusAd and Purchasing Advisory Meetings—Sally Rollman • 9:45 am Accounting Advisory Meeting Wednesday April 7 • 9:30 am Purchasing Advisory Meeting Thursday April 8 Business Technology/Computer Applications—Karen Toreson • Karen is working on finalizing a date for DACUM this quarter. • Karen and Sally are working on summer schedule. • Sylvia thanked Karen and Sally for their extra efforts on the summer schedule. • Dan Flynn announced he has been selected for a fellowship with Boeing to work on networking, programming or web development. He had planned on teaching a 6:00 am BC105 class. A replacement instructor is sought. Sylvia expressed congratulations to Dan. • Two names have been forwarded to Larry Reid for the Computer Applications position.


Cosmetology-Tina Clark • Tina announced corporate $ has been authorized for magnifying lamps in the Cosmetology building. • State advisory meeting is April 12 • Regular Advisory meeting is April 19 Curriculum Committee-Burt Weston • Burt Weston announced the next meeting is Thursday April 8 Faculty Senate-Barbara Snow • Faculty Senate is coordinating the new General Education committee.. • Faculty Senate is looking at dropping the Z grade because at some institutions it transfers as a zero grade. • Many of the faculty regard it as a hardship grade. • The P/Z has been replaced with the P/NC grade. Counseling Center- Sandra Kirk-Roston (B.A. representative) • •

Sandra said that Gretchen Gaffney from the UW Bothell campus would be on campus May 4. Sally asked Sandra to give Gretchen e-mail addresses for BA transfer faculty so she could notify them directly herself.

Budget Update-Sylvia Orr • • • • •

Sylvia explained the $ for the magnifying lamps in Cosmetology would be funded form Perkins funding money. It must be received by May 15, 1999. Other budget requests have until July 7, 1999. This includes 31 copies jof Office 2000 for 1204, 25 copies for 1205, 31 copies for 1202 and a tutor for the study center. Only faculty that teach in the 1200 building will get Office 2000 on their faculty computers - not the rest of the faculty. This means that everyone will not be upgraded at the same time. A possible deletion on the budget is the computer application faculty computer and software with printer for $2,715.00. Karen will write a memo to justify this expenditure. The budget process now has $69,000 for the Business Administration division. This is fourth place for college’s priority list. The items mentioned included computers in 2402, Y2K compatible computers in Cosmetology and a washer for Cosmetology. One item that will be deleted is $11,458 targeted for a new director of Institutional Effectiveness. Tuesday a new list of budget priorities will be produced, with items currently lower moving up the scale as deletions are made. Items are considered for rating as they were originally rated by each department.


Budget Update-Sylvia Orr • A discussion followed concerning various parts of the equipment scores. Jim Jory and Ron LaFreniere commented on the justification for a $6000 computer for Geology. • Ron LaFreniere had concerns over the thinking behind how each item go to the top of the list. • Fans and exhaust systems in the COS building were rated fourth. There are no State or OSHA guidelines for air quality standards. Sylvia stated that she had pushed that they still need to make the building safe for instructors and students. Student Non Attendance Policy-Sylvia Orr • Sylvia asked for feedback from faculty about students who don’t attend class the first week of class. When there is a wait list should the instructor have the prerogative to drop a student for non-attendance? A discussion followed with most faculty agreeing that it should not be a mandatory rule, but should be the choice of each individual instructor. (See Karen Kreutzer’s letter on the listserv.) If the college does initiate a policy be sure to put it in the time schedule so students know what it is. Edmonds publishes their time schedule that if a certain class fills another one will open • Faculty recommended that students be able to sign up for a wait list for classes on a specific date so they know what number they are on the wait list. This practice should be a one-stop shopping event. Students shouldn’t have to go to different departments to sign up on a waiting list. • A related question was “How does the college notify students for nonpayment?” Sometimes financial aid drops students due to non-payment. The student doesn’t know this has happened and then wonders why their name isn’t on the class roster. SCC knows their financial aid will come through eventually. Educators and ADA – Kim Thompson • Kim Thompson thanked the BA faculty for our accommodations for a record number of students needing special accommodations. • She said that if students identify themselves as having learning disabilities the next thing faculty should do is ask them is “Have you seen Kim Thompson?” This protects faculty members. • Students must have current documentation on their disability. $600 is the lowest Kim has heard about for testing; the highest amount was $3000. SCC asks for an adult evaluator. • They have requested a dedicated testing center for three years in the budget process. She said that sometimes they are able to provide computer accommodations. Burt Weston recommended that faculty make sure the PC in the testing center is set up properly. • Call Kim Thompson if you have any further questions.


Other Announcements • Ron LaFreniere referred to an old memo from past-president Ron Bell stating faculty could work off campus on prep days. • Tony Costa plans to increase Gail Dalton’s position to 100%. • The Toshiba laptop computer crashed last week. Jim Jory requested to invoke the warranty and get a new computer with an upgrade. • The in-focus projector from 2402 has been out of the room being repaired for 4 weeks. A part is being ordered for it now. • Sue Geisler was thanked for collecting money and picking up the pizza. • Jim Jory reminded to vote for the Exceptional Faculty Award. Please take a look at it. He encouraged everyone to vote for his or her favorite faculty member. • Karen asked Barb Snow for clarification of the process for selecting a division rep. Meeting ended at 2:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by Barb Fiske


BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION MEETING Friday, May 14, 1999 ROOM 2402 PRESENT: Jerry Baker, Darlene Carlson, Tina Clark, Gail Dalton, Debbie Fischer, Dan Flynn, Sue Geisler, Jane Goforth, Jim Jory, Carla Hogan, Ron LaFreniere, Cheryl Laufle, Marcia Liaw, Tamara Modell, Marilu Neally, Sylvia Orr, Larry Packwood, Sally Rollman, Bob Shields, Barbara Snow, David Starr, Phyllis Topham, Karen Toreson, Burt Weston. ABSENT: Debbie Fischer, Barb Fiske, Ron LaFreniere, Sandy Masters. GUESTS: Jim James, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Guadalupe Reyes Jr., Director of Continuing Education and Interim Director of Northshore Center. VISITOR: John James, (Business Division representative). MINUTES The following changes were made to the minutes of April 2, 1999: • Under Faculty Senate Report, item 4 should read, The P/Z grade has been recommended to be replaced with the P/NC grade. • Under other announcements, item 1 should read, Concerning prep days, faculty who desire to perform their duties off campus need to get written approval in advance from the Division Chair. • REPORTS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION -- Sally Rollman • Accounting and Business Administration Advisory committees met recently. • Sally thanked Cheryl Laufle for doing a great job in the one-year temporary position. • Instructional Services Council indicated that three more tenure track faculty will be hired for 1999-2000. The Division will forward a request to fill Sharon Benson’s Business Administration position due to her retirement. Tina Clark requested that Cosmetology’s request be resubmitted for consideration for a full-time, tenure track position. BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS -- Karen Toreson • BUSTC/BUSCP held an advisory meeting. • A DACUM was held for Computer Applications. • Karen will be attending a Distance Learning Conference on May 17 and 18, 1999 in Bellevue. • Sally’s BUSTC classes are going well. They went on a field trip and have had speakers. • The following changes for fall quarter schedule have been made. BUSCP/COMPU 220, Database Concepts, has been changed to meet at 10:30 a.m., and BUSCP/COMPU 285, Advanced HTLM and JavaScript will be taught at 9:30. This change is to accommodate the schedules for the Medical Records students. A flyer will be distributed regarding this change. A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

B.A. Division Minutes May 14, 1999 (continued) BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY/COMPUTER APPLICATIONS -- Karen Toreson • Karen asked to remove Word Perfect from the Business Technology curriculum. There was agreement for this change and to remove Word Perfect from the planning sheets. Business Computers has asked to create a separate planning sheet from Computer Applications. Minor changes will be made to the planning sheets and will be submitted to P.I.O. • Advanced HTML & JavaScript has been approved by the curriculum committee and will be listed as BUSCP/COMPU 231 beginning Fall Quarter, 1999. • It was noted that the Webmaster program needs BUSCP/COMPU 220 and not a programming class. • Bob Shields recently spoke on “E-Commerce” to the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce. He will be featured in Net News. COSMETOLOGY -- Tina Clark • Tina distributed the new brochures with inserts. She recommended that the faculty use these when advising. • The length of the Cosmetology program has changed to one year. There have been numerous inquiries and enrollment is looking up. Fall quarter classes are filled. • There are specials being offered to the clients (e.g. Spa Package). • A manufacturing company in Mukilteo is interested in providing scholarships to the Cosmetology students. • A pool has been opened to hire more associate faculty. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE – Burt Weston • No report. FACULTY SENATE – Barbara Snow • Carla Hogan is the Business Administration Division’s representative to the Gen Ed committee. • Faculty Senate held a good discussion on grades. Kathy Hunt will superimpose the new language and it will be distributed. • Jim Jory met with the subcommittee on Policy 5033, Cheating and Plagiarism. Policy 2722 is under discussion. • Leslie Potter-Henderson is on a statewide committee to help determine if students should be called customers or clients. • Faculty were encouraged to attend interviews for the Vice President of Academic Affairs at 1:30 and 2:30 on Tuesday, May 18, 1999 in the 1700 building. The doors will be closed and locked at 1:35 and 2:35. Director of Institutional Effectiveness -- Jim James Jim explained that he will be collaborative in his new position and will use the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. He indicated that another faculty member is needed on this committee. The Federation Executive Board will make a recommendation for this position by fall quarter. Jim will complete a mandatory work plan during the summer A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

B.A. Division Minutes May 14, 1999 (continued) which will be posted on the Web. He expects to be able to answer questions on budget development for programs in Fall Quarter. Director of Continuing Education – Guadalupe Reyes Jr. Guadalupe Reyes Jr. is Interim Director of the Northshore Center as well as Director of Continuing Education. Historically 2,000 people each quarter participate in Continuing Education programs with a large number of these at the Northshore Center. He is working with business and industry to develop programs and partnerships. Lupe is appealing to faculty for ideas and personnel to share their expertise. He is looking for a student to help develop a website for a new company. This is a paid position or with an option of pay and stock shares. Cosmetology was encouraged to meet with Lupe and Dorrie Warbington regarding being a part of both Summer and Winter College for Seniors. Library/Media Center – John James The library will be renovated and the collections removed and placed in storage. A memo will be sent out as soon as a timeline has been developed. Faculty are advised to adjust their syllabi and classes as magazines and newspapers may not be available. TSS will be moved during the remodel but the TV and ITV rooms will remain where they are currently located. BA Web Page – Jerry Baker and Sue Geisler • The initial plan for the BA web page has been created and faculty and staff have been asked for their input. Faculty websites will be connected to this site. • Sue will be the primary contact person and can help everyone. Budget Process – Sylvia Orr • There is no clear picture on “programs” or campus-wide requests at this point. • Signage and numbering are high priorities and will take place this summer. • Sylvia discussed her philosophy on the Division and asked that we function as a cooperative and collaborative unit. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Marilu Neally asked that Spring Quarter final exam schedule and office hours be turned in so door cards can be made. • Jim Jory reminded faculty about the Ethics Training on May 17 and 24, from 2:00-3:00 in room 2402. Paulette Fleming, Director of Human Resources, the Assistant Attorney General and Jim will provide the training. • Sylvia Orr announced that the Mission Statement/Vision Workshop will be June 4, 1999 from 12:30-4:30 p.m. with the place to be announced. A facilitator from off-campus will lead this discussion. • Requests for a BA position to replace Sharon Benson and one for Cosmetology are being sent to Larry Reid. • Sue Geisler was thanked for collecting the money and picking up the pizza. A:\MINUTES MAY 99.doc

B.A. Division Minutes May 14, 1999 (continued) • •

Phyllis Topham reminded everyone about the party for Larry Reid on May 28 from 10:00-11:00 in 2402. See Phyllis for information on the Emergency Fund Dinner. Sally Rollman announced there will be Federation get together at her home (unit 818) on May 14th from 4:30-7:00 pm. Due to limited parking It is advised that people park on the street and walk in.

Meeting ended at 2:00 p.m. Minutes recorded by Marilu Neally, Secretary Supervisor


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