Busa Target List

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  • Pages: 9
BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University

Metric II Target


First name

Sir Name



1 1 1 1

a b c d

Laura Linsey Rosie Rhian

Gosset Warehan Homer Davies

Bath Leeds Nottingham Warwick

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

2 2 2 2

a b c d

Umi Rachel Skye Melissa

Quinn Thorpe Kent Wolfe

Bath Leeds Swansea Nottingham

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 3 3 3

a b c d

Ali Kate Becci Fran

Richardson Parkyn Davis Konitzer

Cambridge Leeds Reading York

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

4 4 4 4

a b c d

Ruth Sarah Alexandra Lisa

Bedder Comber Crampton-Platt Ducker

Durham Leeds Imperial Reading

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

5 5 5 5

a b c d

Claire Emma Helen Heather

Morris Aloridge Vowles Ashburn

Durham Leeds Reading Sheffield

Recurve Recurve Barebow Compound

Yes Yes Yes Yes

6 6 6 6

a b c d

Katherine Liz Rosie Helen

Berggrav Reed Kempster Richmond

Edinburgh Lancaster Exeter Southampton

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

7 7 7 7

a b c d

Emma Ashley Jo Anna

Goodyer Kennedy Sullivan Basista

Edinburgh Lancaster Southampton Napier

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

8 8 8 8

a b c d

Ali Jen Joanna Stephani

Sewell Carrie Wincenciak Bischof

Edinburgh Lancaster Napier York

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk


BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 9 9 9 9

a b c d

Kyshiea Phillipa Vicky Lydia

Steele Sewell Howse Herrod-Taylor

Edinburgh Exeter Imperial Napier

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

First name

Sir Name



Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ladies FITA / Metric I Target


10 10 10 10

a b c d

Elizabeth Helen Vicki Chris

Richley Markland Burrows Appleton

Southampton Cambridge Swansea Exeter

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No Yes

11 11 11 11

a b c d

Hugh Laura Holly Justin

Clayden Bridel Thomas Choo

Exeter Southampton Bath Lancaster

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

12 12 12 12

a b c d

Lisa Sam Jacq Mark

Westacott Fincham Briggs Harrison

Bath Exeter Birmingham Lancaster

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No Yes No Yes

13 13 13 13

a b c d

Jeff Catherine Helen Matt

Martin Hepburn Bundy McCormack

Exeter Bradford Derby Lancaster

Recurve Recurve Barebow Recurve

Yes No No Yes

14 14 14 14

a b c d

Martin Victoria Laure Ali

Davis Moore Bourguignon Amin

Southampton Derby Durham Imperial

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

15 15 15 15

a b c d

Robin Nicola Aspen Lloyd

Baumgarten McCullogh Davidoff Woolard

Imperial Durham Edinburgh Lancaster

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

16 16 16 16

a b c d

Jessica Timur Emma Charlie

Buckner Sharipov Downie Bacon

Exeter Imperial Edinburgh Birmingham

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No Yes No Yes

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk


BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 17 17 17 17

a b c d

Anna Jack Jenny Daniel

Kurowski Byrant Jeppsson Marsden

Exeter Birmingham Edinburgh Bradford

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No Yes No Yes

18 18 18 18

a b c d

Sarah Alex Victoria David

York Wildson Offord Bebb

Edinburgh Bradford Exeter Cambridge

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No Yes No Yes

19 19 19 19

a b c d

James Jacqui Elizabeth Richard

Corbett Gould Williams Gardner

Edinburgh Greenwich Imperial Cambridge

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

20 20 20 20

a b c d

Felix Christina Amy Maciej

Pretis Lam Hall Hermanovicz

Edinburgh Keele Lancaster Cambridge

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

21 21 21 21

a b c d

Hugh Rebecca Danielle Ivan

Wilson Gridley Brown Hoo

Edinburgh Keele Leicester Cambridge

Recurve Compound Compound Recurve

Yes No No Yes

22 22 22 22

a b c d

Rob Naomi Jasmin Caroline Ian

Ford Richardson Hodge Atkin

Keele Liverpool London Sheffield

Recurve Recurve Barebow Recurve

Yes No No Yes

23 23 23 23

a b c d

Joseph Kristin Ashleigh Zoe

Everitt Slater McCloud Smith

Sheffield London Loughborough Reading

Recurve Recurve Recurve Longbow

Yes No No No

24 24 24 24

a b c d

Christopher Jessica Anna Pete

Griffiths Walker Chan Bowes

Sheffield London Nottingham Leeds

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

25 25 25 25

a b c d

Sarah Christina Rachel Stu

Barnes Malyon Abbott Whytke

Sheffield Hallam Nottingham Trent Oxford Leeds

Longbow Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No Yes

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 26 26 26 26

a b c d

Assum Emma Laura Katie

Mumtaz Baker Eden Tipping

Sheffield Oxford Reading Liverpool

Barebow Recurve Barebow Longbow

Yes No No No

27 27 27 27

a b c d

Marc Marie Kathryn Phil

Tamlyn McCarthy Moore Middleton

Oxford Reading Sheffield Loughborough

Recurve Barebow Recurve Recurve

No No No Yes

28 28 28 28

a b c d

Dan Louise Scott Steve

Venables Smith Penn Smith

Nottingham Sheffield Leeds Reading

Recurve Recurve Longbow Barebow

Yes No Yes Yes

29 29 29 29

a b c d

Jim Elizabeth Charlotte Andrew

Fitzpatrick Kaye Rowley Kensit

Nottingham Sheffield Durham Surrey

Recurve Recurve Longbow Recurve

Yes No No Yes

30 30 30 30

a b c d

Asif Craig Laura Will

Abbas May Turnham Nodes

Warwick Swansea Surrey Reading

Barebow Recurve Barebow Recurve

Yes Yes No Yes

31 31 31 31

a b c d

Mark Hannah Melanie Shaun

Vernon Dare Harvey Mudd

Reading Surrey Warwick Swansea

Barebow Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

32 32 32 32

a b c d

Jess Rachel Helen Stephen

Walker Long Pye Croxall

York Warwick Surrey Durham

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

33 33 33 33

a b c d

Dave Karen Georgina Robert

Jackson Southall Porter Gruar

Sheffield Surrey York Liverpool

Longbow Recurve Recurve Compound

Yes No No Yes

34 34 34 34

a b c d

George Rachel Irina Dave

Varey Davey Pasin Barnes

Surrey Swansea Napier Warwick

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

Yes No No Yes

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 35 35 35 35

a b c d

Daniel Sam Andy Stephanie

Higgins Cullen Pate Crang

Warwick Surrey Napier Gloucestershire

Recurve Recurve Recurve Compound

Yes Yes Yes No

First name

Sir Name




Gents FITA Target


36 36 36 36

a b c d

Thomas Chris Rob Matthew

Curtis Bell Bacon Fletcher

Bath Birmingham Cambridge Warwick

Recurve Compound Recurve Longbow

No No No No

37 37 37 37

a b c d

Steve Jonathon Samuel Stephen

Johnson Douglas-Davies Burnand Beecher

Birmingham Bath Cambridge Cranfield

Recurve Compound Recurve Recurve

No No No No

38 38 38 38

a b c d

Ian Joe Nicholas James

Caulfield Sawyer Fisher Leeson

Cambridge Derby Bath Birmingham

Recurve Barebow Recurve Recurve

No No No No

39 39 39 39

a b c d

Paul Tim James Anthony

Morris Craig Siggins Harris

Birmingham Cambridge Derby Bath

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

40 40 40 40

a b c d

Chong Andrew Peter Colin

Hengong Walker Clayton Geenes

Bath Birmingham Durham Coventry

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

41 41 41 41

a b c d

Justin Tim Matthew Michael

Gibbs Ware Johnson Johnson

Northampton Birmingham Cambridge Durham

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

42 42 42 42

a b c d

Paul Kevin Gavin Dan

Crooks Sheppard Koncar Welch

Warwick Bath Durham Birmingham

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 43 43 43 43

a b c d

Niall Ric Leon Ian

Fleming Whalley Osbourne Rutter

Bradford Cambridge Bath Durham

Recurve Recurve Barebow Barebow

No No No No

44 44 44 44

a b c d

Robert Robert Jin Hang Mark

Turner Brown Chen Wheelhouse

Durham Exeter Heriot-Watt Imperial

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

45 45 45 45

a b c d

Jon Graeme Travis Arran

Poole Anderson Woodward Curran

Exeter Edinburgh Imperial Heriot-Watt

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

46 46 46 46

a b c d

David David Denis Duncan

Hall Holmshaw Johnstone Rose

Heriot-Watt Keele Edinburgh Exeter

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

47 47 47 47

a b c d

Andy Peter Andy Alex

Tan Long O'Connor Lamb

Exeter Heriot-Watt Keele Edinburgh

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

48 48 48 48

a b c d

Dave Jordan Stuart Robert

Lange Muscatello Rawlins Turner

Edinburgh Imperial Keele Exeter

Recurve Recurve Recurve Compound

No No No No

49 49 49 49

a b c d

Samuel Gregor Matthew Dan

Perkins Schnuer Watters Smith

Kent Edinburgh Exeter Keele

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

50 50 50 50

a b c d

Matt Matt Richard Ryan

Armstrong Walker Townsend Lewis

Lancaster Keele Edinburgh London

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

51 51 51 51

a b c d

Dan Craig Phil Owen

Hawley Melson Glover Roberts

Lancaster London Loughborough Swansea

Recurve Recurve Compound Longbow

No No No No

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 52 52 52 52

a b c d

Simon Craig Tim William

Fern Waley Nash Chan

Reading Lancaster London Nottingham

Longbow Recurve Compound Recurve

No No No No

53 53 53 53

a b c d

Azlan James Markos James

Nazari Mitchell Karavias Carr

London Loughborough Oxford Nottingham

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

54 54 54 54

a b c d

Rhys Ioannis Richard Ross

Rhodes Hodges- Mameletzis Barber Burton

Nottingham Oxford Reading Leeds

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

55 55 55 55

a b c d

Tom Neil Samuel Matt

Gwynne Bowley Johnson Wilkinson

Leeds Nottingham Trent Oxford Lancaster

Recurve Compound Recurve Recurve

No No No No

56 56 56 56

a b c d

Ian Lewis Simon Benjamin

Pitts Henderson Wan Rudge

Reading Leeds Liverpool Oxford

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

57 57 57 57

a b c d

Clifford Nick Mark Stephen

Belton Tan Honess Walker

Sheffield Liverpool Leeds Sheffield Hallam

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

58 58 58 58

a b c d

Meherdad Rob Pete Mark

Behroozi Drummond Aldis Baggott

Liverpool Sheffield Southampton Swansea

Recurve Barebow Recurve Recurve

No No No No

59 59 59 59

a b c d

Michael Michael Mark Mark

Jordan McCarthty Foster Busby

Sheffield Liverpool Southampton Swansea

Compound Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

60 60 60 60

a b c d

Matthew Robert Andrew Ian

McConville King Mcarthur Hollands

Liverpool Southampton York Swansea

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 61 61 61 61

a b c d

Matthew Andrew Richard Chris

Iley Rolfe Jenkins Shillitoe

York Sheffield Swansea Southampton

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

62 62 62 62

a b c d

Ali Liu Alex Simon

Kirk Peng Stuart Whitaker

Swansea York Warwick Southampton

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

63 63 63 63

a b c d

Dan Ed Simon Rob

Whiter Russell-Johnson Moss Richards

Southampton York Swansea Sheffield

Recurve Recurve Recurve Recurve

No No No No

64 64 64 64

a b c d

Jack Wayne Ian James

Murkin Simmonds Chandler Milburn

Swansea York Warwick Liverpool

Recurve Compound Recurve Recurve

No No No No

65 65 65 65

a b c d

Tom Malcom Steve Matthew

Walton Rees Pettitt Brown

York Swansea Cambridge Surrey

Recurve Compound Recurve Recurve

No No No No

66 66 66 66

a b c d

Thomas Dave Jonathon Jamie

Kemp Cox Goodman Goodliffe

Warwick York Loughborough Surrey

Recurve Recurve Compound Recurve

No No No No

67 67 67 67

a b c d

Tim Phil Maciej Craig

Coates King Edwards Matthews

York Warwick Surrey Dundee

Compound Recurve Recurve Barebow

No No No No

68 68 68 68

a b c d

Ben Charles Chris Ian

Goulding Manville Taig Richardson

York Warwick Surrey Napier

Compound Recurve Recurve Compound

No No No No

69 69 69 69

a b c d

Gino Andy Daniel Craig

Branczio Tappenden Maskell Atkin

Sheffield Hallam Swansea Bath Napier

Longbow Barebow Recurve Compound

No No No No

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

BUSA Outdoors 2007 Hosted by Cambridge University 70 70 70 70

a b c d

Alastair Piotr Robert Robert

Bledowski Wojtczuk Fryers Game

Dundee Napier Cambridge Durham

Sponsored by: www.clickersarchery.co.uk

Recurve Recurve Recurve Longbow

No No No No

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