Burma Point Assk Sentencing Press Release

  • May 2020
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P.O. Box. 770401, Woodside, NY 11377-0401. tel. 718-396 –1464 WWW.BURMAPOINT.COM

Burma Point Condemns the Continued Imprisonment of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi New York, NY – (August 11, 2009) – Burma Point, a New York-based human rights organization, condemns the recent sentencing of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma’s freedom movement and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. With unanimous condemnation from world leaders on the heels of the announced verdict, Burma Point believes that this is yet further evidence that the ruling military junta (SPDC) has little regard for world opinion or the rule of law. Such disregard continues to isolate the country and its captive people. Even still, Burma Point calls for bolder action. Executive Director, Moe Chan, declared, “If Burma’s junta will continue to isolate the democratic leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the world must isolate the SPDC in response. The world community should no longer acknowledge the sovereignty of the junta and must take the strongest action possible against the SPDC until it meets the demands of [U.N. Secretary General] Ban Ki-Moon.” Zack Michaelson, a Burma Point director and Member of the Board of Directors of Amnesty International USA, commented on the SPDC’s motives. He stated, “It is clear that the sentence is intended only to keep her from being able to participate in a democratic process and be a voice for her people. But without Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, there can be no political process or election that will be respected by the world community. So again, the Burmese people find themselves further isolated, without democracy, and without a voice. The great loss in today’s verdict is for the beleaguered Burmese people.” In a show of solidarity, Burma Point and Amnesty International USA co-sponsored an event this afternoon in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York in which activists held signs, led chants, collected signatures, and handed out information. Moe Chan and Zack Michaelson each gave interviews to international media that covered the event. For more information, visit Burma Point’s home page http://burmapoint.com. ### Media Contact: Min Sun Min – 718-434-5292, 646-643-8689 Zachary Michaelson - 215-888-9686 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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