Bulletin Sunday October 25th

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  • Pages: 9
“A fellowship of believers who seek to be to each other what Christ has been to them.”

Bedford Baptist Church Affiliated with the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches & Canadian Baptist Ministries

Welcome! Visitors are invited to sign our Guest Book in the foyer. If this is your first time visiting with us, we wish you warmest of greetings. Please take time to fill out a “Welcome Card” located in the pew rack and place it on the offering plate.

October 25th, 2009       “Take  Time  To  Be  Holy”  

LARGE PRINT bulletins

may be obtained from the ushers.

An audio loop is available for the hearing impaired. Parents of small children (under age 3) may take them to the Nursery, where a caring staff will supervise them.


158 Rocky Lake Drive PO Box 44073 Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 3X5 Phone: 835-5966 Fax: 835-3984 Prayer Chain Erna Rand 835-3495 Envelopes: Marion Grant 835-3552 [email protected] www.bedfordbaptist.ca Radio CHSB 99.3 Hill Top FM

Ministers - All the congregation Rev. Robert Ohsberg (Senior Pastor) Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse (Associate Pastor) Lic. Kevin A. Haggarty (Director of Youth Ministries) Lic. Miriam MacDonald (Supervised Field Education Student Mrs. Christine Cole (Interim Organist) Mrs. Sharon Higgins (Office Administrator) Mr. Joel Scott (Caretaker)

Service of Worship at 10:55a.m.

(*indicates standing, if persons are able)

Worthy of Praise is the Lord Call to Worship Prelude

Memorial Carillon “Take Time to Be Holy” (Wells)

Christine Cole

Ministry Opportunities *Time of Singing

Pastor Kevin Worship Team (Children are invited to come to the front pews during the last song)

Children’s Story Children’s Song

Pastor Bob

“Sweet, Sweet Spirit” (Children, Primary to Grade 6, are directed to KidZone during singing of song)

Tithes and Offerings Offering & Offertory Prayer Offertory *Offertory Response Prayers of the People Ministry of Music

Pastor Ida

“In The Garden” (Miles) #600 “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” (Lillenas)

Pastor Ida Sanctuary Choir

The Ministry of the Word Scripture Sermon *Hymn

Ephesians 1:11-14 (NT pg. 192) “Security – Guaranteed!” #601 “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” V1 bedfordbaptist.ca

Pastor Bob

Benediction Postlude

Postlude (Ashford)

Go and Be His disciple

Review of Sunday, October 18th, 2009 Operational Budget Current/Bldg Fund Mortgage Missions Thanksgiving Gov’t Grant Summer Students Small Groups Books Total Operational Offerings

$ 5,121.69 $ 430.58 $ 265.00 $ 995.00 $ 17.45 $ 6,829.72

Designated Special Offerings Benevolent $ 1.25 Beacon House $ 56.25 Sharing Way $ 20.00 Memorial $ 25.00 Total Designated Offerings

$ 102.50

Total Offering for Sunday, October 18h, 2009 $6,932.22 (Automatic debit weekly offerings are included in totals) Morning Service Last Week: 215

Deacon on Duty Greeters at the Door Sound Tellers

Year Ago: 193

Servants in the Lord’s Work This Week Stephen Davidson Ronzo & Julie Mantley Melvin Fiander Janette Fiander & Heather Ross

Next Week Charlie Rand Ray & Judy Levy Phillip Cox Sandra MacKenzie & Marlene Davies

To introduce and to assist Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches (CABC) in understanding the “Connected for Mission Appeal”, Rev. Greg Jones will presenting a seminar here at Bedford Baptist this Tuesday, October 27 @7:30pm. This is a new three-year appeal for United in Mission. Those encouraged to attend are Pastors, Deacons, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Missions Committee, etc.

Time Change bedfordbaptist.ca


Don’t miss out on that extra hour of sleep! Set your clocks back on Saturday night, October 31st.

Sunday to Sunday October 25th – November 1st This Sunday





10:00 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am After Worship 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:30 am 1:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:15 pm 9:15 am 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30-9:00 pm 9:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30-11:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00pm 8:00 pm

Pre-service Youth Morning Worship Service Nursery Church-time Preschool KidZone Spaghetti Social Small Groups Youth Fireside Volleyball Nominating Committee HI/KidVenture McLean Bible Study Missions Committee College & Career Volleyball Ladies Alive Pastoral Staff Meeting Friendship Circle Guys Playing Stuff Finance Mtg. C.E. Committee Mtg. Connected For Mission - United in Mission Volleyball Youth Alive Small Group Prayer & Bible Study LAFF “What in the World is Going On?” Association Council Christmas Cantata Practice Sanctuary Choir




Gymnasium Library McLean’s Home Heffler Room Gymnasium Heffler Room Heffler Room Heffler Room Library Sanctuary Gymnasium Joyce’s Home Heffler Room Heffler Room Sanctuary Sanctuary


7-9:00 pm 8:00 pm

Girls in Motion Volleyball


NO Executive Meeting This Week Friday Saturday Next Sunday

8:45 pm 8:30 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 10:55 am 11:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm

Volleyball Fall Assembly Association Communion Service Nursery (Susan Scott, Robyn McIsaac & Kaleigh Rand) Church-time Preschool (Duane & Judy Yeomans) KidZone Small Groups Youth Fireside


Gymnasium Bayside Camp Sanctuary


Sunday Prayer Link Please pray for Mr. Daryl MacKenzie, Director of Operations for our Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, in his various administrative and financial responsibilities. Pray also for members of administrative staff at your Convention office in Saint John.

Bereavement As a caring community of faith and love we extend our sincere Christian sympathy to the family of Lola Murphy who passed away on Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2010 Pre- Budget Church Meeting There is a church meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 3rd, @7:00pm. The purpose of the meeting is for all boards and committees to share information on projected expenditures for initiatives/programs in 2010. This will support the Finance Committee in preparing the 2010 church budget. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Thank you I would like to say thank you to my church family for all their kindness to me while I was confined to the house the past couple of months. Special thanks to those who brought food & cards, phoned, and for all the visits and prayers. Thanks to Pastor Bob and Dr. Ida for their visits. God Bless you all. Bea Witherall

Deacon’s Pictures Following the morning service, Deacons are asked to meet in the Heffler Room to have their pictures taken. Thank you.

Deacon Nominees for 2010 The Deacons Board is accepting names of individuals for consideration as Deacons. Any church member in good standing may submit the name of a church member. Names may be submitted to Kathy Cochrane, Chair, Board of Deacons in writing or by e-mail by November 1st, 2009. e-mail address: [email protected] or at 864-3069


What Drives You? Can   I   tell   you   about   my   truck?   (Warning   –   this   is   a   poor   excuse   of   a   newsletter.)   It’s   a   fairly   rugged   ’95   Land   Rover   110   –   pretty   impossible   with   it’s   full   differential   lock   to   get   stuck   (I’ve   tried   of   course).    The  truck  has  become  a  bit  of  a  hobby/passion  -­‐  Kelly’s  a  bit  jealous  (pray  for  us).     When   I   bought   it   a   year   ago   it   looked   pristine   and   only   had   98,000kms   –   “That’s   because   it   was   mostly   used   by   the   owner’s   mother   to   drive   her   grandchildren   to   school,”   said   the   salesman   (a   Kenyan  “friend”).    I  sooo  wanted  to  believe  him.   When   I   ran   into   the   former   owner,   a   high-­‐end   safari   operator,   a   few   months   ago,   he   said,   “Yep,   great  truck!  Taken  me  over  200,000kms  to  every  game  park  in  East  Africa.”    Not  a  word  about  his   mother.     Down   but   not   out,   I   asked   him   why   the   registration   book   was   dated   2002   and   not   1995.    “That’s   because   I   bought   it   from   the   British   Army,   but   the   Lieutenant   who   used   it   in   Northern   Kenya   was   a   good   man.”    Now   I   was   down   and   out.    Neither   the   truck’s   glorious   past   nor   the   officer’s  goodness  could  console  me.     But  by  God’s  goodness  the  truck’s  been  problem  free,  fun  for  the  family  and  fantastic  for   ministry.  After  carrying  soldiers  and  tourists,  it  now  carries  food,  medicine,  playground  equipment,   short-­‐termers,  long-­‐termers  and  stranded  nomads  (oh,  and  bouncy  kids  and  a  beautiful  wife).     I  wanted  a  new,  near  perfect,  nanny-­‐driven  truck,  but  maybe  a  rebuilt,  redeemed  truck  is   better  yet.    Thankfully,  none  of  us  are  ever  too  old  for  life  change,  for  re-­‐fitting,  re-­‐focusing  and  new   ownership.    The  truck  just  carried  Kelly  and  I  on  our  20th  anniversary  outing.  As  happily  married   40-­‐Somethings  we’re  feeling  very  thankful  but  somewhat  old.    We  want  to  be  like  our  truck,  living   more  and  more  meaningful  lives  in  the  years  and  days  ahead.       Staying   with   automobiles,   there’s   a   motor   oil   billboard   in   Nairobi   with   the   slogan   “What   Drives  You?”    Tour  guide,  soldier,  missionary/community  development  worker  -­‐  the  driver  makes   all  the  difference.         Except  for  my  truck  (and  soccer),  I’m  usually  tongue  tied  when  asked  about  my  passions   (I’m  a  laid  back  Canadian  for  goodness  sake).    But  God’s  passionate.  “For  God  so  loved  the  cosmos   that  he  gave  his  one  and  only  Son.”    And  He  too  enjoys  the  driver’s  seat.    “All  the  Preliminaries  have   been  taken  care  of  and  the  rule  of  God  has  come  to  everyone.    Review  your  plans  for  living  and  base   your  life  on  this  remarkable  opportunity”  (Mark  1:15).    Today,  right  now,  may  we  all  be  driven  by   God’s  present,  practical  and  passionate  Lordship  as  we  interact  with  his  world  –  with  its  flora  and   fauna,  soil  and  societies,  buildings  and  businesses,  wild  places  and  wonderful  people  –  their  minds,   souls  and  bodies.     THANK  YOU  FOR  HELPING  US  TO  DO  THIS  IN  THE  SOMALI  WORLD.    AND  THANKS  FOR  MY  TRUCK   (it’s  actually  a  CBM  vehicle,  not  mine).  In  Christ,  Paul  and  Kelly  Carline.     PS      The  Carlines  are  good  friends  with  Zephaniah  &  Florence  Otuki.  

Friendship Circle Christmas Sale


Christmas Craft/Bake Sale - Saturday, November 14th 10:00am-3:00pm. There will be crafts, books, new to you items and baked goods. Sale is being held in the Heffler Room and the 2’s and 3”s Room. Anyone wishing to donate items for the sale may leave them in the Heffler Room on Friday before the sale.

Men’s Breakfast The Men’s group will be having a Men’s Breakfast here at the church on Saturday October 31st at 8:30am. For details please contact Randy Murphy 860-0531 or Ronzo Mantley 835-6374.

Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer will be held at Birch Cove Baptist on Tuesday, November 2nd @ 7:30pm.

Can You Help? Lady looking for a twin size used box spring. If you are able to help please call the church office @835-5966

Christmas Cantata Cantata choir rehearsals will begin on Thursday, October 29th 7:00 – 8:00pm. All interested singers are invited to join the Sanctuary Choir for this special Christmas presentation. The Cantata will be performed on Sunday, December 20th.

November Calendar The November calendar of upcoming events is available for pick up in the foyer.


Please Be in Prayer for our Sick & Shut-In QEII Halifax Infirmary Dykeland Lodge Parkland Estates (Cameron Hall) Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall) Parkland Estates (Drummond Hall)

Mr. Steven Cole Mrs. Helen Beeler Mrs. Norma Sutherland Mrs. Beth Kennedy Mr. Alfred Shuve

Halifax Windsor Halifax Halifax Halifax

(Nancy Ohsberg’s Father)


Windsor Elms

Mrs. Marjorie Levy


(Marlene Davies Mother)

Northwood Center At Home

Ms. Brenda Carson Mrs. Sydney Derrah

Halifax Mt. Pleasant, NB

(Carolyn Derrah-Murphy’s Mother)

Ms. Carol Lumsden Mrs. Elisabeth Manteuffel Ms. Pauline Mason Mrs. Mabel Murphy

Bedford Hammonds Plains Lower Sackville Halifax

(Randy Murphy’s Mother)

Mrs. Mona Welsford Mr. Alistair MacLeod Mrs. Ruth (Pierce) Chiasson

Lower Sackville Halifax Halifax

Beacon House Christmas Needs Bedford Baptist has been asked to collect 375 boxes of Kraft Dinner for Beacon House. Your donation may be placed in the Beacon House box located in the foyer, no later than December 1, 2009. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


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