Bucking Ham University - Sports Law

  • May 2020
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Sports Law Home






Sports Law

Course leader: Dr Gregory Ioannidis Two terms (30 units) Sports Law is a new, exciting and rapidly growing area of law, with a distinct body of statutory and case law. It has developed into a body of law practised by specialist lawyers and as in "lex mercatoria", a similar "lex sportiva" is now present. A sports lawyer must command a wide variety of law subjects and, in essence, a sports lawyer could be called the "ultimate practitioner". On completion of the course, a successful student would be able to: • • • • • • • •

demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of the relationship between sport and the law, the basic arguments and the substantive legal issues. identify the potential for legal liability to arise in sporting relationships and develop strategies to minimise that risk. demonstrate an ability to present a coherent argument and appropriate responses to conflicting points of view. demonstrate a basic understanding of the structure and organisation of domestic, European and international sports. examine the effectiveness of existing legal regulations of sport. with guidance, critically evaluate specific areas of sports law and their place within society. demonstrate an ability to identify solutions in arbitration and develop skills for case preparation, negotiation, conference and advocacy. undertake and apply effective individual research.

The course covers the following areas: Introduction to Sports Law (Socio-Legal Aspects) - Summer Term: • • • • • • •

Introduction to Sports Law Criminal liability in sport Civil liability in sport Regulation of drug abuse in sport Regulation of safety in sports stadia and spectators Corruption in sport Issues of discrimination (sex, race) in sport

Sports Law 2 (Business Aspects) - Autumn Term: • • • • • • •

Sport and competition policy Competition and broadcasting rights Intellectual property rights and sport Sports marketing, sponsorship and ambush marketing Sports agents Sport and contracts of employment Termination of contracts of employment

The course is assessed by written examination in December (80% - 4 questions out of nine) and an oral presentation on a sports law topic (20%). Main texts: • • •

Grayson, Edward. Sport and the law (3rd ed., London: Butterworths, 2000). ISBN: 0-40690505-3. Gardiner, Simon et al. Sports law (3rd ed., London: Cavendish, 2006). ISBN: 1-85941-894-5. Beloff, Michael, Tim Kerr & Marie Demetriou. Sports law (Oxford: Hart, 1999) ISBN: 1-84113073-7.

Further reading (Socio-Legal Aspects): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hartley, Hazel J. Exploring sport and leisure disasters: a socio-legal perspective (London: Cavendish, 2001). ISBN: 1-85941-650-0. Greenfield, S. & G. Osborn, Law and sport in contemporary society (London: Frank Cass, 2000). ISBN: 0-7146-5048-X. Taylor, R., A. Ward & T. Newburn. The day of the Hillsborough Disaster (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995). ISBN: 0-85323-199-0. Kevan, T., D. Adamson & S. Cottrell. Sports personal injury: law and practice (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2002). ISBN: 0-421-77840-7. Boyle, R. & R. Haynes. Power play: sport, the media and popular culture (London: Longman, 2000). ISBN: 0-582-36939-8. Maguire, J.. Sport worlds (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2002). ISBN: 0-88011-972-1. Jones, R. & K. Armour. Sociology of sport: theory and practice (Harlow: Longman, 2000). ISBN: 0-582-41912-3. Downes, S. & D. Mackay. Running scared (Edinburgh: Mainstream, 2006). ISBN: 1-85158855-8. Messner, D. & F. Sabo (eds). Sport, men and the gender order (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1990). ISBN: 0-87322-281-4. Armstrong, G.. Football hooligans (Oxford: Berg, 1998). ISBN: 1-85973-952-0. Duke, V. & L. Crolley. Football, nationality and the state (Harlow: Longman, 1996). ISBN: 0582-29306-5. Blanpain. R. The Bosman case (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996). ISBN: 0-421-57010-5. Goldman, Bob. Death in the locker room (London: Century, 1984). ISBN: 0-7126-0954-7. Houlihan, B. Dying to win (2nd ed., Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2002). ISBN: 92-871-46853. Liska. Drugs and the human body (6th ed., Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2000). ISBN: 013-040172-2. Grayson, E. Ethics, injuries and the law in sports medicine (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999). ISBN: 0-7506-1576-1. O'Leary, J. (ed.). Drugs and doping in sport: socio-legal perspectives (London: Cavendish, 2001). ISBN: 1-85941-662-4. Siekman, R. et al. (eds). Doping rules of international sports organisations (The Hague: TMC Asser, 1999). ISBN: 90-670-4113-0. Voy, Robert. Drugs, sport and politics (Champaign: Leisure Press, 1991). ISBN: 0-88011-4096. Yesalis, C. & V. Cowart. The steroids game (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1998). ISBN: 088011-494-0. Yesalis, C. (ed.). Anabolic steroids in sport and exercise (2nd ed., Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2000). ISBN: 0-88011-786-9. Wilson, W. & E. Derse (eds). Doping in elite sport (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2001). ISBN: 0-7360-0329-0. Drugs in sport: the pressure to perform (London: British Medical Journal, 2002). ISBN: 0-72791606-8.

• • •

Modahl, D. The Diane Modahl story (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995). ISBN: 0-34064269-6. Jennings, Andrew. The new lords of the rings (London: Pocket Books). ISBN: 0-671-85571-9. Bahrke, M. & C Yesalis (eds) . Performance-enhancing substances in sport and exercise (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 2002). ISBN: 0-7360-3679-2.

Further reading (Business Aspects) • • • • • •

Appenzeller, H. (ed.). Risk management in sport: issues and strategies (2nd ed., Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2005). ISBN: 1-59460-014-7. Jeanrenaud, Claude (ed.). Competition policy in professional sports (Antwerp: Standaard). ISBN: 90-341-1160-1. Verow, R., C. Lawrence & P. McCormick. Sport, business and the law (Bristol: Jordans). ISBN: 0-85308-481-5. Masteralexis, L., C. Barr & M. Hums (eds). Principles and practice of sports management (Gaithersburg: Aspen). ISBN: 0-83421-021-5. Caiger, A. & S. Gardiner. Professional sport in the European Union: regulation and reregulation (The Hague: TMC Asser). ISBN: 90-670-4126-2. Wolohan. Law for recreation and sport managers (Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company).

An extensive list of journals and other sports law books will be included in the lecture handouts

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