Bsn 2009 Conference Concurrent Session Schedule

  • June 2020
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Gallery   Room  

Executive   Forum  

Chairman's   A  

BSN  Language   Institute:  Offer   Critical  Language   Instruction  to  Your   Students   Evon  Zundel  

Lunch  &  Keynote:   11:30  AM  -­‐  12:30   PM  

Defy  Your  Physical   Classroom:  Engage  and   Motivate   John  Fitzpatrick  

Teaching/Facilitating  a   Course   Chris  Davis  

Online  Summer  School   Kate  Mack  

Connecting  the   Classroom  and  Virtual   Learning   Lisa  Schell  

Keynote  Speakers:   Janet  Reichelderfer  and  Mark  Radcliffe   Grand  Ballroom  

Session  2:   1:00  -­‐  2:00  PM  

"The  On  Ramp"  to   teaching  CAD  to  first   timers   John  Seeley  

Session  3:   2:15  -­‐  3:15  PM  

Exclusive   Demonstration  of   Pearson's  New   Virtual  Courses   Douglas  Bruno  

Session  4:   3:30  -­‐  4:30  PM  

Creating  a   Collaborative  Online   Environment   Cynthia  Hyland  

Closing  Session:   4:45  -­‐  5:15  PM  

Terrace   A  

Keynote  Speaker:   Marc  Prensky   Grand  Ballroom  

Opening  Session:   8:30  -­‐  10:00  AM  

Session  1:   10:30  -­‐  11:30  AM  

Chairman's   B  

Does  your  school   district  offer  its  on   cyber  services/online   course  solution?   Erik  Elorriaga  

Bringing  Critical   Languages  to  the   Middle  Level   Leah  Christman  

Transforming   PowerPoint  to  an   Instructional  Tool   Nancy  Gobert  

Providing  Blackboard   Basic  Training   Mark  Radcliffe  

Your  Online  School   Nathan  Byler  

How  Do  YOUR  Students   Think?   Anita  Vance  

The  Next  Step:   How  Teachers  and   Administrators  Work   Together  to  Build  an   Online  PD  Program   Holly  Michael  

Learn  How  To   Implement  a   Course   Deanna  Mayers  

Reach  for  Success  -­‐   Curriculum,  Data  and   Brain  Research   Thomas  DeMarco  &   Gilbert  Iacono  

Establishing  Your  Own   Virtual  Academy   Martin  Hudacs  

The  Blender   Emily  Dickey  

StudyMate  -­‐  Spicy,   With  an  Average   Amount  of  Heat   Mark  Radcliffe  

Closing  Speaker  and  Awards  Presentations:   Jed  Friedrichsen   Grand  Ballroom    

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