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  • Pages: 8
CONCURRENT. MANAGERS 1. How to Stop Manager: $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts// stop apps/apps_password 2. How to Start Manager: $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts// start apps/apps_password 3. Where are the conc. Manager log files stored? $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG//*.mgr The icm log file is the important log file, which will have default name with databasename_timestamp.mgr eg: VIS_0728.mgr Other Manager logs will be with naming convention: w*.mgr or t*.mgr 4. How to know what is my manager logfile: Goto concurrent->manager->administer choose a manager and press processes button. pick the value from column concurrent and check it in the $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG//*.mgr 5. View the concurrent managers from front end (applications) Login to apps: http://<server>:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi or any other url if you have enter the username/ password: username: operations password: welcome

CHOOSE THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR RESPONSIBILITY FROM THE LIST Navigation path: Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer Here you would see the below columns: 1. Name : the concurrent manager name 2. node: on which node the manager is running 3. actual: actually running os threds for that manager 4. target: target processes that are defined to run for this manager. 5. running: currently running jobs on this manager 6. pending: pending jobs on this manager If the actual and target are equal means the manager is up and running. 6. TO SEE THE DESCRIPTION OF A MANAGER: Navigation path: Concurrent -> Manager -> Define Press F11 to turn the form to query mode. type the manager name: eg: Standard% and press Control+F11 This would give the description of the manager. To see the work shifts: Press the workshifts button and you will see what work assigned to this Manager.

7. How to change the processes for a manager: Go to : concurrent -> manager -> define Choose A Manager Press the workshifts button. Change the value under the processes column. Save it. ( from the menu: file -> save ) Navigate To Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer Screen Select that manager which you modified the processes (click your cursor On that manager) Terminate It (Press Terminate Button) Close the window. Give a break for 1-2 mins Relogin To The Same Screen and press the verify button. that will show you the changed processes.

8. What are the os threads that are related to my manager processes: Navigate to: Concurrent - Manager - Administer Choose A Manager Press Processes Button From the new screen, pick the values under system column (choose the Values that have active status under status column) grep these values from the shell: ps -ef|grep You would find the os threads that are running for this manager.

How to find the icm from the os. ps -ef|grep CPMGR You should find 1 row from os like this: applmgr 10894 10886 0 01:06:12 ? 4:34 FNDLIBR FND CPMGR FNDCPMBR sysmgr="" diag=N logfile= How to find whether managers are running from os: from os grep the FNDLIBR process: ps -ef|grep FNDLIBR applmgr 24565 811 0 Aug 17 ? 0:06 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B867E9E918EA4000000000000 applmgr 24540 811 0 Aug 17 ? 0:06 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B867E9E918EA4000000000000 applmgr 24562 811 0 Aug 17 ? 0:06 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B867E9E918EA4000000000000 applmgr 23961 811 0 Aug 17 ? 0:12 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B867E9E918EA4000000000000 applmgr 28419 811 0 23:25:55 ? 0:01 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/88899A84920000000000000000 applmgr 20437 811 0 Aug 19 ? 0:43 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B94A296977E95000000000000 applmgr 20434 811 0 Aug 19 ? 0:43 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B94A296977E95000000000000 applmgr 1863 811 0 Aug 22 ? 0:09 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/978D7D958F9400000000000000 applmgr 3521 811 0 Aug 22o ? 0:02 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/978D7D958F9500000000000000 applmgr 23827 811 0 Aug 17 ? 0:06 FNDLIBR FND Concurrent_Processor MANAGE OLOGIN="APPS/9B867E9E918EA400000000

You should find couple of rows like this. (but, if you need clear Description about managers Login to apps and check it from concurrent - manager - administer Screen)

CONCURRENT PROGRAMS: How to view the concurrent programs: Navigate to: Concurrent - Program - Define Here Query For All Programmes (Control + F11) How to submit a concurrent request from the apps: Navigation: Requests -> Run Choose Single Request From the name field you can pick the programmes from the pick list Button (at the end of the name column) Choose active users from window. (this is a conc. Programme) Press submit button (if you want to schedule it to run it at a later Time, you can do that using the schedule button). (note down the request number) Once you submit the request a record will be inserted into Fnd_concurrent_requests table. And Navigate To Request -> View Here choose the all my requests button and press find. That will move you to a screen where you can find all your conc. Requests that are running/completed/pending. To view the log for your request: press view log button To view the out file for your request: press view output button. This will show you, your request log / out files.

How to see where my log/out requests from os: From shell as applmgr: Log files: cd $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG//l<requestid>.req out file: cd $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG//o<requestid>.out

Few more questions: How to see the no. Of processes assigned to standard manager: Navigate To: Concurrent - Manager - Define press F11. Type : Standard% press Control + F11 Make Sure You Selected The Right Manager (Using Up/Down-arrows) Once you select the right manager, press work shifts button and see how Many processes assigned.

How to see the count of records in the fnd_concurrent_requests table: Go To Shell $ sqlplus username: apps password: apps select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests;

How to stop a single manager: From front end: Navigate To: Concurrent - Manager - Administer Choose The Manager To Stop (Click On That Manager) Press terminate button. How to start a single manager: Go To Concurrent - Manager - Administer Choose The Manager Which Is Down And Click On that Button and press restart button that will be started in a next minute. How to stop all manager: From shell as applmgr: $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts// stop apps/apps_password How To Check Whether Icm Is Running (From Sqlplus) login to apps database user and execute the below: sql> @$FND_TOP/sql/afimchk.sql Status Since Method ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Internal Conc Manager is running on - linux 23-AUG-06 10:52:40 PM RDBMS Log File - If you get message like above, means, it is running.

How to stop managers from the shell (not using the script): As applmgr execute the below at shell $ CONCSUB apps/apps_password SYSADMIN 'System Administrator' SYSADMIN CONCURRENT FND ABORT How to see the complte list of manager status from sqlplus: as applmgr login to sqlplus apps/apps sql> @@$FND_TOP/sql/afcmstat.sql this would show you how many processes and what managers are running.

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