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Undergraduate Business


Creating knowledge ... Inspiring individuals ... Transforming business

If you’re ready for business,

Olin is Finding the right business school involves two important steps: Determining what

sets each school apart and determining what sets you apart. • What kind of education experience will impact you most? • How do you want to affect the world of business — and the world in general? • Do you want your life and work to be transformational? At Olin, we have all the strengths we expect you’re seeking: the highest academic standards, a world-class faculty, friendly and motivated students, study and work abroad programs, applied learning, and a stellar job placement record. We also offer the kind of community that will give you four life-changing years. When our students and alumni share their thoughts about what sets us apart, from their perspective, and what made us the perfect fit for them, these Olin characteristics come up again and again: • world-class professors and researchers who prepare you for tackling even the toughest challenges in today’s complex business world • a flexible curriculum that lets you dig into business right away

and stand out, while taking advantage of Washington University’s many other strong programs to customize your degree

• a global perspective that includes international study and work opportunities prepares you for a business world that operates 24/7

• the perfect size for a business • multifaceted career and internship school — big enough to offer services to help make sure all your every opportunity you could want, hard work pays off but small and personal so you’ll • an invigorating and supportive never feel lost in a crowd here community of classmates to learn • hands-on learning from businesswith and from people who give you the edge • a school that is part of a worldneeded to get internships and class university in a businessjobs at the top firms oriented city, with plenty of opportunities for work and play

Table of Contents

ready for you!


World-class professors, researchers


Flexible curriculum


Perfect size


Hands-on learning


Global perspective


Career, internship services


Invigorating, supportive community


World-class university


Applying for admission


Scholarships, financial assistance

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Olin’s mission, core values

World-class professors and researchers who prepare you for tackling even the toughest challenges in today’s complex business world

“Much of what you learn at Olin — and what you need to know in your work after college — is how to think, how to communicate your ideas, how to relate to people.” That’s from Erin Harkless, who’s been working at Goldman Sachs in New York City since graduating a few years ago. In addition to the skills Erin names, other skills you’ll need — and that our program will hone — are creativity, innovation, problem solving, teamwork, and adaptability for an ever-changing world. But how are such skills taught, and how is Olin’s approach different? Our entire program is built on one principle: Researchdriven thinking, applied. Research-driven thinking is a way of approaching real-world business problems with the same mindset our faculty use to conduct their research. As Professor Glenn MacDonald says, “We’re focused on ideas more than other business schools tend to be. We do a very good job teaching business basics, but there’s much more focus delivering what high-end employers like Goldman Sachs want. They want solid analytics, but also critical thinking — people who can take an unstructured problem and break it down. We really emphasize these skills in our classes.”


Meet Glenn MacDonald As Professor Glenn MacDonald strolls through Simon Hall between classes, he knows many of the students. “I can just keep saying ‘hi’ over and over,” he says. “We’re a relatively small school, so the faculty tend to get to know the students and interact with them in and out of class.”

Erin Harkless BSBA 2005 Majors: Finance, International Business, and English

at Goldman Sachs in the investment management division, focusing on client service and marketing

Great opportunities: “I had some great internship experiences at Merrill Lynch and Barclays, spending summers in New York and going to the London program for a semester. Being able to study abroad offered me a great life challenge. And when it’s time to get a job, Olin has a great reputation and great resources.”

Why Olin

Access to other Washington University programs: “You’re able to combine dis-

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas Currently: In New York City working

Supportive faculty: “The open-door policy

of everyone at Washington University was fantastic. I was able to develop great relationships with my professors — our senior honors seminar professor even had us over for dinner. My professors were very supportive of my triple major, and they’re just generally excited about who you are and what you’re doing.”

tinct areas of study and a variety of majors at Olin, and no one looks at you funny. My love has always been writing, and I was easily able to incorporate that into my curriculum. The professors and advisors are very supportive.”

It’s not just his job to know the students; it’s his pleasure. “The students here are so interesting and have so much potential that it’s a joy to know them and watch them develop,” says the professor, who is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and Strategy. “One freshman already has a quarter million in capital for a business opportunity. Another started making independent movies right out of school. Another has a line of clothing. They’re amazing people.” As a member of the Faculty Associates Program, a campuswide initiative that encourages faculty to meet with students outside the classroom, Professor MacDonald regularly interacts with students on campus, as well as in Simon Hall. “It’s rare for a distinguished research university to have so many faculty members spend time building relationships with students,” he says. “This program really says something about Washington University’s commitment to undergraduate education.”


A flexible curriculum that lets you dig into business right away and stand out, while taking advantage of Washington University’s many other strong programs to customize your degree

Olga Vasilieva loves learning languages and so worked a Spanish major into her majors in accounting and finance. Gaston DeVigne created a triple major: finance and entrepreneurship at Olin and economics in Arts & Sciences. Erin Harkless, who loves writing, completed an English major along with her two business majors in finance and international business. Well over half of Olin’s students graduating last year completed two or more majors. Our flexible curriculum makes it easy to study in areas outside of business, too — at least 40 percent of the classes you take are from other areas, from Art to Architecture to Engineering to the many programs in Arts & Sciences. “At Olin, we believe a business education offers a fundamentally useful way to think, whether you’re in art, design, architecture, law, medicine, engineering, or whatever,” says Professor Glenn MacDonald. “It’s very natural for us to think of combining business with other disciplines.” Whatever courses you end up taking, you can count on their being challenging, stimulating, and interactive. You will learn through case studies, group discussions, and team projects. And at Olin, you will get to start your business program the first semester of your freshman year.


Olin’s majors: • Accounting • Entrepreneurship • Finance • Healthcare Management • International Business • Managerial Economics and Strategy • Marketing • Operations and Supply Chain Management • Organization and Human Resources

Olin’s degree programs: • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)

olga vasilieva Classes of 2008 (BSBA) and 2009 (MACC)

• Master of Business Administration (MBA) • Professional MBA (evening) • Master of Accounting (MACC) • Master of Science in Finance (MSF)

Majors: Accounting, Finance, and Spanish Hometowns: Moscow, Russia, and

Omaha, Nebraska

Why Olin: Flexible curriculum: “I love languages; learning them is my passion. It’s so easy at Olin to develop a program that meets your needs and interests. I was able to do an undergraduate degree and a graduate degree [Master of Accounting] at the same time.” Real-world examples: “In each class we

deal with real cases and problems companies have had to face. The professors are always bringing in business articles and their own research to make it relevant.” Great classmates: “In any company, em-

ployees need to be able to work in teams. It’s always something you’re asked

about in interviews. At Olin, there’s a lot of emphasis on teamwork in the classroom, so you become really experienced working that way. And the students you get to work with are smart and motivated.”

• Executive MBA — in St. Louis • Executive MBA — in Shanghai in partnership with Fudan University • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Real-world experience: • Investment Praxis course • Financial Statement Analysis course • Two summers interning at Deloitte & Touche in Moscow • This summer interning at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington, D.C.

What’s next: “After graduation, I hope to get a job at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington, D.C. Eventually I’d like to get my MBA and work for the World Bank, which combines my interests in languages, finance, and humanitarian aid.”


The perfect size for a business school — big enough to offer every opportunity you could want, but small and personal so you’ll never feel lost in a crowd here

At Olin, students find plenty of evidence that size affects value. Our freshman class is usually around 130 students — the perfect size for being yourself and tailoring your program. We give you the individual attention of a small school — including a faculty and academic and career advisors committed to helping each of you make the most of your education — with all the benefits of being part of a topranked university. “Olin is a small school, so each student is an individual to us,” says Dean Mahendra Gupta. “There’s a very special culture of care and responsibility. We take a close look at each student’s unique interests and talents, and work with the whole campus to create the best program for that student. All of Washington University is committed to the undergraduate experience, creating an exceptional network for these exceptional students.” A smaller size also means more people know one another, creating a friendly, supportive community that enjoys working and playing together. At Olin, the heart of this activity is Simon Hall: 80,000 square feet of classrooms, student lounges, a café, a business library, computer labs, offices, a 300-seat auditorium, the Weston Career Center, and an outdoor courtyard.


Major: Managerial Economics

and Strategy Minor: Political Science Hometown: Chicago, Illinois Currently: In St. Louis running SOMARK,

a start-up business he developed with a friend and teammate from the Washington University baseball team

Why Olin: Perfect size: “I love the size of Olin and

Washington University. It’s large enough that there are always new people and experiences, but small enough that you end up saying ‘hi’ to a dozen people by name on the way to class.” Putting students first: “When Olin was

given 10 tickets to a St. Louis event featuring then-U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow, they offered them all to students on a first-come, first-served basis. I was one of the students who went, and we sat at a table reserved for Washington University. After looking around, we realized that the other colleges and universities had all given their tickets to faculty and staff. Olin really does put students first.” Hands-on learning: “The Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies offered great access to real businesses and real-world problems. It also generated lots of collaboration and was a bridge to my own experience starting a business.”

mark C. pydynowski BSBA 2004


Hands-on learning from businesspeople who give you the edge needed to get internships and jobs at the top firms

As you gain foundational skills and knowledge in your classes, you also are presented a range of opportunities to integrate what you’re learning in real-world situations. Olin’s Center for Experiential Learning takes learning beyond the classroom. Mark Soczek, the Center’s director, works closely with faculty to make sure students have a variety of opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Two of Olin’s most popular are the Taylor Community Consulting Program and the Practicum Program, both of which make the most of greater St. Louis’ status as a big-business metropolitan area, home to 21 Fortune 1000 companies. In the Taylor Community Consulting Program, teams of students work together to solve business problems faced by nonprofit organizations. Students sharpen their consulting skills by working under the supervision of mentors from consulting firms like Deloitte. “It’s a very rewarding program because the students see how they’re really making a difference for understaffed, underfunded organizations,” says Mark Soczek. The Practicum Program gives teams of students opportunities to tackle business problems presented by for-profit organizations. Teams often mix Olin undergraduates with MBA students, and faculty serve as advisors. One team recently worked on a project for the Ritz-Carlton, exploring restaurant concepts through research, demographics, competition analysis, space analysis, and branding. Other experiential learning opportunities include the Practicum course; the Investment Praxis course; and the University’s Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, one of the nation’s leading entrepreneurship centers, which coordinates the IdeaBounce, Hatchery course, Olin Cup, and the Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition.


carlos abreu Class of 2009 Majors: Finance, and Managerial Economics and Strategy Minor: Accounting Hometown: Miami, Florida

Why Olin: Hands-on experience: “The classes are very current and bring in lots of research being done by the professors. Then we use what we’ve learned to solve real problems, not just theoretical ones.” Quality peers: “Olin students are really helpful. We do a lot of group work, and

it’s great being on teams with really intelligent people giving it their all. There’s a strong level of trust.” Approachable professors: “The pro-

fessors really care about the students, making sure we have the resources we need, e-mailing us and checking on us, and bringing their own research into what we’re doing.”

Real-world experience: • Taylor Community Consulting Program: Worked on a project for the Winston Churchill Memorial Museum.

“Our client was Richard Mahoney, the former chairman and CEO of Monsanto, and we created a real deliverable, which we also presented to a team of Deloitte consultants.” • Two summers in Beijing, China, in a full-immersion language program

What’s next: A summer investment banking internship at Goldman Sachs, with the goal of a career in investment banking on Wall Street


A global perspective that includes international study and work opportunities prepares you for a business world that operates 24/7

Global markets, international business trends, and worldwide financial issues will inevitably affect your business career. As an Olin student, there are many ways to incorporate international perspectives into your education. The most obvious way is through study abroad programs — nearly half of our students participate in one. Our most popular study abroad programs are international internships for juniors and seniors in London, France, and Germany. The London program, offered in partnership with the Cass Business School at City University, begins with international business courses, followed by a 15-week full-time internship. In France and Germany, the program includes intensive language instruction. Students in these programs intern at organizations like Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, and Daimler AG. “I’ve talked to lots of people I work with [at Goldman Sachs] who went to other business schools, and it seems like Washington University has one of the best study abroad programs out there, hands down,” says Erin Harkless, BSBA 2005, who participated in the London program. Other study abroad opportunities are available in Hong Kong, Seoul, Melbourne, Madrid, Milan, and Queensland. If your interest is in languages and cultures — like Olin student Carlos Abreu, who has studied Chinese at Washington University and in Beijing — there are many summer language institutes and programs sponsored by the University’s Office of International Studies in the College of Arts & Sciences. And when students have their own ideas about where they’d like to study, Olin professors and advisors help make it happen.


teresa teodori Class of 2009

Why Olin:

has proved incredibly valuable in all of my work experiences. I felt as if I were able to walk into every internship with a deep understanding and knowledge of the business world that was instrumental to my success in each placement.”

Great opportunities: “Olin does an

A solid foundation for your future:

Majors: Finance, and Managerial Economics and Strategy Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona

outstanding job of providing real-world outlets through which students learn and grow. The London program provides an amazing academic, work, and life experience, and the Wall Street Week trip to New York City gives students the opportunity to meet with — and make valuable contacts at — all of the top investment banks.” Relevant learning: “My classes at Olin

have taught me an entirely different way of thinking about problems, as well as a great deal of practical knowledge that

“You have to work hard, but Olin graduates do exceptionally well. I was interviewing for three different summer positions at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Lehman Brothers, and ultimately accepted the Lehman Brothers offer in private equity. I know classmates who have gone to all the top investment banks, consulting firms, marketing agencies, and accounting firms, both in summer and full-time placements. The opportunities are there for those who wish to pursue them.”

Real-world experience: • Goldman Sachs internship in the London study abroad program • Lehman Brothers summer internship in New York • Merrill Lynch summer internship in New York

What’s next: A Lehman Brothers summer internship with the career goal of working in private equity


Multifaceted career and internship services to help make sure all your hard work pays off

Olin Business School’s Weston Career Center helps you take what you learn and apply it to the business world. This is where it all comes together — you, your education, and your future. Olin teaches and students learn in a way that is highly valued by recruiters and employers in any field. You can take what you learn in any number of directions in terms of your career. We help you put it all together, give your goals direction, and create results. In addition to integrated academic and career advising, we help you find internships and get on-campus interviews with top prospective employers. It’s the place for job postings, too, as well as a variety of services to help you market yourself. There’s also a nationally recognized career preparation course, Managing Your Business Career Strategy, as well as a Career Skills Inventory developed by Olin’s career counselors. Gaston DeVigne, a member of Weston Career Center’s student advisory board, notes that students have “internship opportunities across the country. The advisors really work with you and connect you with Olin alums who can help,” he says. “Olin has a great reputation.” At Olin, advising and mentoring are offered in a very personalized way, giving students as much guidance and support as they want, but also the flexibility and freedom to come up with their own ideas and make them happen.


Leading companies recruiting at Olin • Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. • Bain • Bank of America • Capital One Financial Corp. • Chicago Trading Company • CIBC World Markets • Citigroup • Deloitte • Deutsche Bank • Ernst & Young • Edward Jones • General Mills • Goldman Sachs • JPMorgan Chase • KPMG • Lehman Brothers • Leo Burnett

gaston DeVigne Class of 2008

• Macy’s, Inc. • McKinsey & Company • Microsoft • Morgan Stanley Dean Witter • Motorola

Majors: Finance, Entrepreneurship,

Solid preparation: “When I got to Yahoo!

and Economics

for my first summer internship after my sophomore year, I not only felt prepared, but I realized I had skills even beyond what was expected of me.”

Hometown: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Why Olin:

Real-world experience:

Great guidance: “The advisors at Olin’s Weston Career Center make sure you’re aware of the opportunities available to you, then they make sure you’re prepared to succeed, which is a huge asset.”

• Two summer internships at Yahoo!

Down-to-earth faculty: “The professors

What’s next:

give an unexpected level of personal attention to students. I expected them to hold us at arm’s length, but they’ve really taken the time to know me and to understand my interests and strengths. They’re willing to listen and engage.”

• PricewaterhouseCoopers • Procter & Gamble • Teach For America • Wachovia Securities • Yahoo!

• Developing an entrepreneurial plan in the Hatchery course

A full-time position at Facebook and then “down the road, starting my own business”


An invigorating and supportive community of classmates to learn with and from

The students who make up the Olin community are very serious, smart, motivated, and hard working — in fact, they’re some of the smartest undergraduate business students in the country. “Olin is one of the most selective schools in the nation. Each individual here is very special and gifted,” says Dean Mahendra Gupta. “They’re highpotential students with great aspirations, and they work hard to achieve them.” “The undergraduates here are really sharp, creative, and fun to work with,” agrees Professor Anne Marie Knott. “In my entrepreneurship class, I am continually impressed by the ideas they choose to pursue, their ability to quickly grasp the nuances, their ability to work as teams to bring all the pieces together, and the number of teams energized enough about their ventures to pursue them commercially.” Students describe the Olin atmosphere as collaborative, not cutthroat. They say it’s the perfect environment for being challenged, for being encouraged to work hard and try out new ideas. They form lasting friendships, and they build lifelong personal and professional networks. Olin classmates are also the people you’ll have fun with, whether you’re taking a break between classes in Simon Hall’s courtyard or getting involved in a student organization. Business student groups include Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Olin Cares, and the Olin Business Council.


aparna misra Class of 2010 Majors: Finance, and Managerial Economics and Strategy

The sharing of resources and knowledge makes us all better prepared.”

Minor: Accounting

Academic flexibility: “The ability to take

Hometowns: Singapore; Jakarta,

Indonesia; and Calgary, Canada

Why Olin: A strong community: “While it’s said

that competition rules the business world, teamwork is the real skill needed for survival in the competitive business environment. While Olin gives us a whole lot of opportunities for teamwork, it’s the people who make the teams work. Students here are willing to help, to study together, and to advance together.

courses I wanted, at the sophomore level, was a big bonus for me. While a school can offer you the flexibility to choose and plan your courses, Olin actually makes it possible by making sure spaces are available in each course for interested students, regardless of their year in school or their major.” Individual attention: “Olin’s smaller size means each student gets more attention and individual support to tailor their program and classes according to their passions. It also

presents each student with the opportunity to form a relationship with the faculty beyond the classroom.”

Real-world experience: • Summer internship at Citigroup Corporate and Investment Banking in Delhi, India • Summer internship at Investors Group Canada in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

What’s next: “Two more years of college and a career in either consulting or the financial services sector”


A school that is part of a world-class university in a business-oriented city with plenty of opportunities for work and play

As a part of the Washington University community, you will enjoy access to classes and study abroad opportunities in a full range of top-ranked programs outside of Olin. You will also be able to consider joining more than 200 on-campus student organizations — from athletic teams to music and performing arts groups to community action groups to student government organizations to fraternities and sororities. Off campus, St. Louis — the “Best Sports City” in the country, according to Sporting News — has a full range of cultural exhibits and performances, great restaurants, beautiful neighborhoods, and active nightlife. Directly across the street from Washington University is Forest Park, one of the nation’s largest urban parks and a favorite place for students because of its miles of trails for biking and running, as well as tennis, golf, a zoo, art and history museums, a science center, the Shakespeare Festival, and America’s largest and oldest outdoor theater. For Olin’s students, the St. Louis metropolitan area also offers many professional opportunities and resources. There are businesses of all sizes. And many top executives have close ties with Washington University.


Major: Undeclared Hometown: Demarest, New Jersey

Why Olin: Plenty of extracurricular activities:

“There’s a lot of work for my classes, but I also play on the football team and I’m pledging for Sigma Chi. I’ve been able to balance my time fairly well. It’s been a very good environment for work and fun.” Comfortable size: “I like that it’s a school within a school. It’s small enough that everyone is familiar and friendly, and works really well together. The students are competitive and smart, but not selfish.” Engaging professors: “The professors I’ve had really keep our attention and keep us involved in class by keeping the topics interesting and relevant. The professors are interacting with us, not just lecturing. They bring in a lot of real-world information and skills.”

Real-world experience: “I want to study abroad. I’ll probably try to do an internship in London.”

harrison weiss Class of 2011


Applying for admission At Washington University, you can count on personal attention, even in the application process. Our admission committee reviews each application individually and personally, looking for students who have challenged themselves inside and outside the classroom. For specific details on how to apply, please refer to the 2009 Undergraduate Viewbook and the instructions accompanying the Pre-Application Data Sheet. Washington University encourages and gives full consideration to all applicants for admission, financial aid, and employment. The University does not discriminate in access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or disability. Present Department of Defense policy governing all ROTC programs discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation; such discrimination is inconsistent with Washington University policy. Inquiries about compliance should be addressed to the University’s Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Washington University, Campus Box 1184, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130.


Scholarships and financial assistance We are committed to customizing financial aid awards for students and their families to ensure cost does not stand in the way of making a Washington University education a reality. The University is working to eliminate need-based loans as part of its undergraduate financial aid awards to students from low-income families. See for links to more information about scholarships and financial assistance, and watch your mailbox for brochures focused on financial assistance. International students should consult the International Guide for Prospective Undergraduate Students for information on financial assistance.

Visit us! While there is plenty of additional information on our Web site, nothing takes the place of a visit. That’s the only way to feel the energy and witness classroom interactions, see the facilities, meet the professors, and hear firsthand how research-driven thinking permeates everything we teach and do. “We have a great reputation for academics, but it’s very important to visit the University to see our community in action,” says Dean Mahendra Gupta. “There’s so much to experience: the people, campus life, culture, and our great city.” “When I visited Washington University,” recalls Olin student Teresa Teodori, “I could just tell that everyone was excited to be a part of the community. It was infectious. The most important thing is for you to find a really good fit, and then throw yourself into the experience and follow your dreams.” To get more details or to plan a visit tailored to your interests, call the Office of Undergraduate Admissions: (800) 638-0700 or (314) 935-6000.


Olin’s mission “Create knowledge … Inspire individuals … Transform business.”

Olin’s core values • Free, open, and disciplined intellectual inquiry — We are rigorous, boundless, and unrestricted in our passion for creating new knowledge. • The transformative power of learning — We are all lifelong learners who want to grow and develop continually. Everyone is a teacher and a learner. • Community and collaboration — We are straightforward, welcoming, supportive people. Our interactions are the source of new insights, trust, and a deep sense of belonging. • Integrity and responsibility — We are fair and ethical in all we do. Taking the right way, as opposed to the easy way, is a fundamental responsibility that goes with our privilege of being a business school and its impact on society. • World-class quality and results — We deliver excellence, always.


To learn more about Olin Business School: Jeff Cannon Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program Olin Business School Washington University in St. Louis Campus Box 1133 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899 Telephone: 314-935-6315 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

To learn more about Washington University: Office of Undergraduate Admissions Washington University in St. Louis Campus Box 1089 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63130-4899 Telephone: 800-638-0700 or 314-935-6000 Fax: 314-935-4290 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Photographers: Jacob Blickenstaff, Jon Furst, Michael Jacob, Ferguson & Katzman, Duncan Phillips, Ammanda Sanches, David Stradal, WU Photographic Services

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