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E-Learning: ICT Integration In School Education For Secondary Teachers of Science & Social Science


DAV Public School,Khagaul Patna, Bihar June16-18, 2009

ORGANIZED BY: Directorate of Project Planning & In – service DAV College Managing Committee Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector – VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 Phone: 26176198, 26183585, Fax: 26193008 E-mail – [email protected]

Contents 1.



Task Force


Innovation Series


Avoiding the Digital Divide


Project – E-Learning


The Teacher: New Role and Skills


Objectives for Capacity Building


Framework of Teachers Education in ICT


Mode of Training


Training Schedule


Criteria for Participation


Management of Innovation and Change




List of the Resource Persons


List of Participants

Message I have had the privilege of facilitating the design of Project E-LEARNING: ICT Integration in School Education which DPPI has undertaken for secondary level science and social science teachers of DAV Public Schools across the country. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has transformed society. The emerging knowledge based society world over indulges in online admissions, examinations, studies, banking and entertainment etc. Already 60% of existing and 90% of new jobs require some ICT skills that require our educational institutions to integrate ICT in education. As per wikipedia in United Kingdom, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a subject in education, and a part of the National Curriculum. According to NCF-2005, possibilities of teaching and learning at varied paces, selflearning, dual modes of study could all benefit from the use of technology, particularly, ICT. Technological innovations are also necessary for appropriate equipment and aids for meeting the requirements of children with special needs. For ICT in education to be a success, it cannot be a single subject, but rather an integral part of all disciplines and the technology has to be seen as a pedagogic aide, not a goal in itself. In the light of the above the proposed workshops by DPPI are geared up to orient and equip the target teachers with ICT knowledge and skills to enable them to integrate it in their day to day teaching learning process to ensure quality education. I am confident that the participating teachers will internalize the need for ICT integration in school education and become inspiration to their colleagues in the schools. I congratulate DPPI on taking inspiration from the Initiative ‘Innovation in Education’ by Sh. G.P. Chopra, President, DAV College Managing Committee that emphasises innovations in order to infuse creative ideas and efficient processes within the organization. (Dr. R. P. Singhal) Vice President DAV CMC & Acting Chairman DPPI Advisory Committee.



Vice President, DAVCMC- Delhi

Dr. R. P. Singhal


Vice President, DAVCMC Delhi

Sh. T. R. Gupta


Secretary, DAVCMC- Delhi

Shri Mohan Lal


Secretary, DAVCMC- Delhi

DPPI FACULTY Mrs. Rashmi S. Chari


Asst. Director-DPPI

Mrs. Inder Mani Jain


Education Officer – DPPI

Mrs. Rajni Bala


Asst. Education Officer – DPPI


Mrs. Sony Rawat


Mr. Ramesh Kumar


Ms. Bindu Sahni


Mr. Ranjit Singh Panwar


Mr. Prabhakar Jha


Mr. Ghanshyam Das


Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Saini

Project E-Learning Concept Note

by Rashmi S Chari, Asst. Director, DPPI, DAVCMC.

If a picture says a thousand words, then multimedia says a million!

Innovation Series The Innovation Series from DPPI have been designed in special response to the Presidential Initiative ‘Innovation in Education’. Sh. GP Chopra, President, DAV College Managing Committee has emphasized on innovation in order to infuse creative ideas resulting in new and efficient processes within the organization. DPPI’s Innovation Series #1: Teacher training through EDUSAT- Through this pathbreaking initiative DPPI trained teachers of the board-bound classes VIII, X & XII located all over India by teleconferencing through the first and only Indian educational satellite EDUSAT. According to available statistical data 14000 teachers from DAV schools were trained although it was avidly watched by other CBSE affiliated schools too. The training provided an opportunity to the teachers to interact with the educational think-tanks of Apex bodies that are involved in curriculum designing, creating instructional materials and introducing innovations for systemic reforms in evaluation and assessment of student performance. DPPI’s Innovation series #2: Project E-Governance - The proposed project aims at modernizing the systems of administration and financial management at DAV Schools by using latest Information & Communication Technology (ICT) to make it fast, efficient, transparent and accountable. DPPI’s Innovation Series #3: Project E-Learning aims at integration of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching learning processes in order to improve the quality of instruction in the classroom. The project takes into account the latest research and innovations being done in the schools and colleges of education around the world and recommends the most successful and innovative instructional techniques and strategies in the classroom in order to encourage the schools to become learning organizations.

Avoiding the Digital Divide In today’s knowledge-based society, education and employment have become directly related to proficiency in ICT skills and tools. In the schools where the computer, internet and other learning technologies are not accessible to students, quality of education suffers as the students are unable to compete in the global economy. The schools that have managed to successfully integrate information and communication technologies into the teaching and learning processes are able to create a class of confident and successful professionals of internationally acceptable skills and standards. However, in India ICT continues to remain niche area of a few schools in the urban areas, with the majority of educational institutions in the semi urban and rural areas unaware and untouched by its benefits, the biggest challenge before an educational organization is to help the schools to overcome the digital divide so that they can join the mainstream and avail the benefits of progress.

Project E-LEARNING: ICT integration in the Curriculum & Instruction Curriculum is a dynamic learning plan in response to the needs of the contemporary socio-economic system. Since information and communication technology has made a deep impact on all facets of our life, it has also changed our expectations of what the students must learn in order to function in the new world economy. The students have to learn the skills to network and communicate with people around the globe and be technosavvy to keep up with the technological inventions. They will have to learn to navigate and sift through large amount of information proliferating, analyze it and make decisions. The process of learning must also incorporate besides the technical skills, the life skills that one needs to survive in this age which is to work collaboratively, think critically, reflect and adapt to the continuous changes taking place. The challenge before us is to integrate ICT in the school curriculum and teaching-learning processes and to provide our teachers and students with ICT knowledge and skills so that they are able to function effectively in this dynamic, information-rich and continuously changing environment. ICT integration in the learning process will truly achieve its purpose if it is used as effective instruments of change that will help us revitalize our educational processes.

A Case for E-LEARNING As technology is the keyword in the modern global business world, instructional/learning technology is at the heart of modern teaching-learning processes. There is a broad

consensus among all stakeholders in the field of education that integration of ICT in teaching and learning process has a significant and positive impact.  Facilitates the teachers by giving them a variety of learning tools that are multidisciplinary and multi-sensorial;  Stimulates the learner’s interest and infuses the learning environment with enthusiasm.  ICT integration in education has transformed the traditional paradigm of learning from an isolated, rigid, teacher-centered and text-book bound class rooms into rich, learner-centered interactive learning environments.  On-line learning resources give much needed flexibility to the learning process and create scope for creativity and self-learning for the teacher and learner both beyond the textbook and the classroom.

Paradigm Shift: From Teaching to Learning Don Tapscott in his books Paradigm Shift: The New Promise of Information Technology (1992) and Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation (1996) notes that we have entered the digital era in which we are in the process of transition from the era of ‘broadcast’ learning to ‘interactive’ learning. Today’s learner no longer wants to be a passive recipient of knowledge rather they wish to actively participate in the learning process.

"Learning will become a social activity, facilitated by a new generation of educators," Tapscott has written. "The new media has helped create a culture for learning, where the learner enjoys enhanced interactivity and connections with others. Rather than some professor regurgitating facts and theories to students, they discuss and learn from each other with the teacher as a participant. Needless to say, a whole generation of teachers needs to learn new tools, new approaches, and new skills. This will be a challenge-- not just because of resistance to change by some teachers -- but given the current atmosphere of cutbacks, low teacher morale, lack of time due to the pressures of increased workloads, and reduced retraining budgets." UNESCO’s seminal document on ICT in Teacher Education, 2002, notes that new technologies challenge the traditional paradigms of both teaching and learning by suggesting new ways in which the learners and teachers can gain access to knowledge. ICT provides an interesting array of tools such as educational software, multimedia lessons, internet, websites, knowledge blogs that help in transforming the present traditional, isolated, teacher-centered and text-bound classrooms into new rich, interactive, virtual learning environs. o Encourage the students think and actively construct their knowledge through specially designed interactive tasks on the basis of their individual understanding.

o Discourage memory-based learning as these tasks aim at facilitating conceptual understanding by involving learners to think critically and creatively. o The tasks cater to a diverse set of learners in a classroom by having multiple sets of problems with varying degree of difficulty which is normally not possible as the traditional class caters to the average learner. o The interactive and engaging learning tasks motivate the learners to try for higher level of difficulty. o The multimedia lessons also cater to the multiple intelligences giving learners a fair opportunity to learn through their preferred medium. o The multi-sensorial content leads to joyful learning for the learners. o The learning takes place in a positive, non-threatening environment where there is no fear of condemnation and students involved in inquiry, work collaboratively with co-learners and teachers. o Assessment becomes a part of the learning process as the learners achieve successive milestones. ICT integration in teaching learning process provides practical tools to support the paradigm shift by facilitating the learners to access the vast amount of information available and share, communicate, consult, and collaborate across vast distance. It also gives them superior technological support to solve complex problems. It provides them with smart tools to represent their knowledge with the help of attractive texts, flowcharts, graphics, images, multi-media and power point presentations.

The Teacher: New Role & Skills This new learning paradigm calls for a change in the role of the teachers and learners. As the onus of learning shifts to the learners and the teacher assumes the role of a facilitator and collaborator of learning. The new role requires the teacher to actively collaborate with the learner in the construction of knowledge and also to manage, observe, monitor and assess learning taking place in the classroom. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has developed a set of standard to provide guidance and consistency to the teacher-education programmes in ICT. DPPI’s Teacher Training Curriculum for E-Learning has adopted these standards as successive levels of learning for the DAV teachers: Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts  Teachers acquire skills of planning and designing learning Environments and Experiences  Teachers workout strategies and methods to maximize student learning as per the Curriculum

 Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies  Teachers apply technology to enhance their own productivity and professional practice  Teachers understand social, ethical, legal and human issues that surround the use of technology & internet. The above standards make it clear that due to the advent of technology in education the teacher does not lose their importance rather they become precursors of change. Their new role requires them to actively acquire new knowledge and skills so that they can facilitate this transitional phase effectively. There is a corresponding shift in the role of the learners too, who are more active and responsible for their own learning now. It becomes imperative for a teacher to be empowered with new skills to be able help and guide the learners to assume their new role confidently.

Project E-LEARNING: Objectives for Capacity Building The objectives of Project E-LEARNING are to orient and train the educators to –  Use ICT to introduce innovation and systemic reforms in the traditional paradigms of educational pedagogy.  Create awareness, understanding and willingness among the teachers to modernise the teaching learning process.  Capacity-building of school teachers to adopt and integrate ICT in the teaching learning process.  Create subject-wise pool of computer/web based educational resources for all the DAV schools to access, use and further develop to customize as per their requirements.

Framework of teacher education in ICT In order to customize the training package to the requirements of the learners the teachers shall be trained level wise. The trainings have been planned as follows: Level / Classes Subjects

Primary (I-V) Languages

Secondary (VI-X) Languages

Sr. Secondary (XI-XII) Maths

Maths EVS

Maths Science Social Science

Science Commerce Humanities

The training curriculum for teacher education in ICT shall focus on the developing in the teachers the:  Cognitive skills- new pedagogy  Hands-on –skills -Practical use of technology for classroom instruction  Values & Attitude – cooperative & lifelong learning and righteous conduct

Mode of Training Subject-wise Workshops will be conducted for teachers. Giving them ample opportunity for hands-on practice of creating multimedia lessons and cyber space for networking with learners and peers.

Training Schedule- Summer 2009 Dates


June 16-18, 2009 June 29 –July 01, 2009

Workshop Venue Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, DAV Public WB, Mahrashtra, Gujrat, School,Khagaul South Zone, MP , Chhtg. Patna. Punjab, Haryana, DAV PS Rajasthan, UP, Utaranchal, Sect -15 & Delhi, Chandigarh, HP, KB DAVPS J&K Sector-7B Chandigarh

Target Group TGTs Science Social-Sci TGTs Science Social-Sci

Criteria for Participation Schools: All the DAV schools that have suitable infrastructure for using ICT in the day-to-day teaching learning process will be nominated by the Regional Directors to participate in the first phase of the Project commencing in summer 2009.

Teachers: The participating teachers should possess working knowledge of MS office and Internet.

Management of Innovation & Change Innovation is not new to education. Good educational leaders are constantly innovating to improve the quality of education within their institutions. Systemic introduction of ICT into the DAV school system will be a monumental innovation that will mobilize the change process in all the 550 DAV institutions.

Management and monitoring of the change process at each of these schools will require visionary academic leadership and sustained advocacy at various levels. Steering Teams will be formed under each Region Director comprising of local subject experts, ICT resource persons, computer teachers outlining their roles and tasks. These teams will not only lend impetus to the implementation to this programme, but will also customize the programme to the school’s needs helping the schools to draw up individual plans as per the available resources, within the stipulated objectives and time-frame. The Head of the School guided by the regional Steering Team shall be actively involved in the implementation of Project ICT within the school for –    

Mobilizing resources for creating infrastructure Organizing Hands-on training for Technology Literacy Monitoring progress & trouble shooting Assessment and evaluation of Project Implementation

Follow up Programme will be organized based on the feedback of monitoring received from the zones.

Rashmi S Chari Asst. Director DPPI , DAVCMC. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

References: 1. Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education- A planning Guide, Division of Higher Education, UNESCO 2002. 2. International Society for Technology in Education 3. Teachers and Teaching in a Changing World, World Education Report, UNESCO, 1998. 4. Keeping Teaching Fresh, Journal of Educational Leadership, Vol. 57, No 8, May 2000 5. US Society & Values, Electronic Journal, Nov 2000. 6. Don Topscott, Growing up Digital –Rise of the Net Generation (1996)

E-Learning: ICT Integration In School Education. For Secondary Teachers of Social Science June16-18, 2009- Patna, Bihar June 29-July1, 2009- Chandigarh DAY-I Session Time 8.00 - 9.00 am I

9.30 -11.30 am

11.10-11.30 noon II

11.30- 12.30 am


12.30-01.30 pm

01.30 - 02.00 pm


Resource Person

Registration & Breakfast Inaugural Ceremony

Dr. RK Chauhan, RD

Welcome Address

Mrs. Rashmi S Chari Asst. Director, DPPI

Introduction to the Project ‘E-Learning : ICT Integration In DAV Schools’ Dr. YS Rajan, Vice- President DAVCMC. Inaugural Address Dr. AK Bakhshi, Director, Keynote Address ILLL, DU. E-Learning: The New Paradigm in Learning Dr. AC Jain, Principal Vote of ThanksDAVPS Dr. AC Jain, Principal, DAVPS Tea Break Framework of ICT Integration in Curriculum  Enrichment of Content  Effective Delivery  Multiple Tools of Assessment  Active Learner Participation Strategies for ICT Integration in Curriculum  E- Lessons  WWW: A research tool  Blogs  Social Networks  Online News Papers /Libraries /Printed Resources Lunch-Break

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Versha Manku Mrs. Ambika Gulati

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Ambika Gulati Mrs. Versha Manku

IV Comp Lab

2.00 – 4.00 pm


4.00 - 4.15 pm 4.15-5.00 pm


5.00-5.30 pm


5.30- 6.30 pm

Creating My own Cyber Space Hands-on-Session Tea- Break Subject-wise Integration  Geography Subject-wise Integration  Economics Subject-wise Integration  History  Political Science

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Ambika Gulati Mrs. Versha Manku Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Ambika Gulati Mrs. Versha Manku

DAY-II Session Time VIII


X Comp lab XI


08.00 – 08.45 am Breakfast 09.00 – 10.30 am E-Tools for ICT Integration in Curriculum  Introduction to E-ToolsUnfreez, eXe, irfaan view  Building Clips  Podcasting  Uploading material in your cyber space 10.30 – 11.30 am Brainstorming to develop Story-board for E-Content ( Subject-wise group – work)  History  Political Science  Economics  Geography 11.45 -12.00 am Tea-Break 12.00- 01.30 am Developing my First E-lesson

01.30 – 02.30 pm Lunch-Break 02.30 – 03.45 pm Subject-wise Group Presentations -Plenary by Subject Experts

03.45- 04.00 pm

Tea Break

Resource Person Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Versha Manku Mrs. Ambika Gulati

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Versha Manku Mrs. Ambika Gulati Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Mrs. Versha Manku Mrs. Ambika Gulati Computer Teachers


04.00 – 06.30 pm Project-based Learning  Multi-disciplinary Approach  Technology Infusion  Assessment Intel Teach Essentials Online Course Open House

INTEL Representative

DAY-III Session Time


Resource Person

08.00 – 08.45 am


09.00 – 10.45 am

Creating & Managing My Own Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan Cyber Space  Websites  Blogs  Social Learning Networks  On-line Discussions Tea-Break

10.45- 11.00-am XIV

11.00 – 12.00 am


12.00 – 01.00 am

XVI Comp Lab


01.00 – 02.00 am 02.00 – 03.00 am

Teacher Resource Center: Ensuring Mrs. Anita Makkar Quality & Excellence in Learning Principal, Sector-14, Gurgaon Role of the Teacher: A Paradigm Rashmi S Chari Shift Asst. Director-Training DAVCMC Lunch-Break Creating & Managing My Own Subject Experts Cyber Space Joining the DAV Teachers Network Hands-on -session Developing Action Plan for Subject –Experts Integration of ICT DPPI Team


03.00 – 04.00 am


04.00 – 05.00 am

Valedictory Ceremony Conferring Certificates of Participation

05.00 pm

High Tea and Farewell

Dr. RK Chauhan, Regional Director-Patna Zone.

E-Learning: ICT Integration In School Education. For Secondary Teachers of Science June16-18, 2009- Patna, Bihar June 29-July1, 2009- Chandigarh DAY-I Session Time



Resource Person

8.00 am - 9.00 am

Registration & Breakfast

9.30 am -11.30 am

Inaugural Ceremony

Dr. RK Chauhan, RD

Welcome Address

Mrs. Rashmi S Chari Asst. Director, DPPI

Introduction to the Project ‘E-Learning : ICT Integration In DAV Schools’ Dr. YS Rajan, Vice- President, Inaugural Address DAVCMC.

11.10-11.30 noon II

11.30- 12.30 am


12.30 -01.00 pm




01.30 - 02.00 pm 02.00 - 03.00 pm


03.00 – 04.30 pm

Keynote Address E-Learning: The New Paradigm in Learning Vote of ThanksDr. AC Jain, Principal DAVPS Tea Break Framework of ICT Integration in Curriculum  Enrichment of Content  Effective Delivery  Active Learner Participation  Multiple Tools of Assessment Subject-wise Integration  Physics Subject-wise Integration  Chemistry Lunch-Break Subject-wise Integration  Biology Strategies for ICT Integration in Curriculum  E- Lessons  WWW: A research tool

Dr. AK Bakhshi, Director, ILLL, DU. Dr. AC Jain, Principal DAVPS

Dr. AK Bakhshi Mrs. Novita Chopra Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra Dr. AK Bakhshi

Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra Mrs. Monika Mehan

  

VII Comp. Lab

04.30 – 04.45 pm 04.45 – 6.30 pm

Blogs Social Networks Online News Papers /Libraries /Printed Resources

Break Hands-on-Session Creating my own Cyber Space

Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra



X Comp Lab XI

Time 08.00 – 08.45 am 09.00 – 10.30 am

10.30 am – 11.30 am

11.00 -12.00 noon

Theme Breakfast E-Tools for ICT Integration in Curriculum  Introduction to E-ToolsUnfreez, eXe, irfaan view  Building Clips  Podcasting  Uploading material in your cyber space Brainstorming to develop Story-board for E-Content ( Subject-wise group – work)  Chemistry  Physics  Biology Developing my First E-Lesson

Resource Persons Mrs. Monika Mehan

Mrs. Novita Chopra

Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra

Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra

12. pm-12.15 12.15 – 01.30 am

Tea-Break Project-based Learning  Multi-disciplinary Approach  Technology Infusion  Assessment

01.30 – 02.30 pm 02.30 – 04.00 pm

Lunch-Break Contd. INTEL Representative  Hands-on Project Designing in Groups  Intel Teach Essentials Online Course  Open House

INTEL Representative


04.00 – 04.15 pm 04.15 pm -05.30 pm

5.30 - 6.30 pm

Tea-Break Contd. Developing my First E-Lesson

Mrs. Monika Mehan Mrs. Novita Chopra

Group Presentations of ICT Integrated Subject Experts lessons Computer Teachers

DAY-III Session

Time Theme 08.00 – 08.45 am Breakfast


09.00 –10.45 am

10.45- 11.00-am XV

XVI Comp Lab




Resource Persons

Creating & Managing My Own Cyber Mrs. Monika Mehan Space Mrs. Novita Chopra  Websites  Blogs  Social Learning Networks  On-line Discussions Tea-Break

11.00 – 12.00 am Role of the Teacher: A Paradigm Shift

12.00 -1.00pm

Mrs. Rashmi S Chari Asst. Director, DPPI DAVCMC Creating & Managing My Own Cyber Mrs. Monika Mehan Space Mrs. Novita Chopra Joining the DAV Teachers Network Hands-on-session

1.00 – 02.00 pm Lunch-Break 02.00 – 03.00 pm Teacher Resource Center: Ensuring Mrs. Anita Makkar, Quality & Excellence in Learning Principal DAVPS, Gurgaon 03.00 – 04.00 pm Preparing the Action Plan Subject –Experts Creating the DAV Teachers Network DPPI Team 04.00 – 05.00 pm Valedictory Ceremony Conferring Certificates of Participation 05.00 pm

High Tea and Farewell

Dr. RK Chauhan, Regional Director-Patna Zone

E-Learning: ICT Integration In School Education.

For Secondary Teachers of Social Science June16-18, 2009- Patna, Bihar


Name of the Resource Person


Dr. RK Chauhan, RD

Address/Telephone no. Dr. R. K. Chauhan Regional Director DAV Public Schools (Patna Zone) Arya Samaj Mandir Complex, New Baily Road, Dhanpur

Patna - 801503 (BR) Ph.09431014975 2.

Vice President, DAVCMC DAV College

Dr. YS Rajan

Managing Committee, Chitra Gupta Road, New Delhi-110055Tel. no. 23515951, 23519815. Asst. Director – DPPI - DAV College Managing Committee, Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector – VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 Tel. no. 9868141438, 26176198, Fax - 26193008 Director, ILLL, DU Ph. 09818352820 Principal, DAVPS, Cantt. Road, Khagaul, Distt. Patna (BR) Ph.9334282626


Mrs. Rashmi S. Chari


Dr. AK Bakhshi,


Dr. AC Jain


Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan

Faculty, SD Public School, Pitampura, Delhi Ph. - 9971252045


Mrs. Versha Manku

Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok

Mrs. Ambika Gulati

Vihar, Delhi-52 Ph. - 9818260814 Faculty, Sanskriti School, Chankapuri, Delhi11000 Ph.-9810174230


DAY – II (18/06/2009) S. NO. 1.

Name of Person


Resource Address/Telephone no.

Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan

Faculty, SD Public School, Pitampura, Delhi Ph. - 9971252045



Mrs. Versha Manku

Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok Vihar,

Mrs. Ambika Gulati

Delhi-52 Ph. - 9818260814 Faculty, Sanskriti School, Chankapuri, Delhi11000 Ph.-9810174230

DAY – III (18/06/2009) S. NO.

Name of Person


Resource Address/Telephone no.


Mrs. Anita Makkar


Mr. Suryaveer Chauhan


Dr. RK Chauhan


Mrs. Rashmi S. Chari


Mrs. Versha Manku


Mrs. Ambika Gulati

Principal, DAV Public School, Sec-14, Gurgaon. Ph.09873604760 Faculty, SD Public School, Pitampura, Delhi Ph. - 9971252045 Regional Director DAV Public Schools (Patna Zone) Arya Samaj Mandir Complex, New Baily Road, Dhanpur

Patna - 801503 (BR) Ph.09431014975 Asst. Director – DPPI - DAV College Managing Committee, Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector – VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 Tel. no. 9868141438, 26176198, Fax - 26193008 Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok Vihar, Delhi-52 Ph. - 9818260814 Faculty, Sanskriti School, Chankapuri, Delhi11000 Ph.-9810174230

E-Learning: ICT Integration In School Education.

For Secondary Teachers of Science LIST OF RESOURCE PERSONS DAY – I (16/06/2009) S. NO. 1.

Name of the Resource Person

Address/Telephone no. Dr. R. K. Chauhan Regional Director DAV Public Schools (Patna Zone) Arya Samaj Mandir Complex, New Baily Road, Dhanpur

Dr. RK Chauhan

Patna - 801503 (BR) Ph.09431014975 2.

Vice President, DAVCMC DAV College

Dr. YS Rajan,


Mrs. Rashmi S. Chari


Dr. AK Bakhshi,


Dr. AC Jain


Mrs. Monika Mehan


Mrs. Novita Chopra

Managing Committee, Chitra Gupta Road, New Delhi-110055Tel. no. 23515951, 23519815. Asst. Director – DPPI - DAV College Managing Committee, Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector – VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 Tel. no. 9868141438, 26176198, Fax - 26193008 Director, ILLL, DU Ph. 09818352820 Principal, DAVPS, Cantt. Road, Khagaul, Distt. Patna (BR) Ph.9334282626 Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok Vihar, Delhi-52 Ph.- 9811634586 Faculty, Hans Raj Model School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi Ph-9818780811

DAY – II (18/06/2009) S. NO.

Name of Person


Resource Address/Telephone no.


Mrs. Monika Mehan

Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok Vihar,

Delhi-52 Ph.- 9811634586 2.

Mrs. Novita Chopra

Faculty, Hans Raj Model School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi Ph-9818780811

DAY – III (18/06/2009) S. NO.

Name of Person


Resource Address/Telephone no.


Mrs. Anita Makkar


Mrs. Monika Mehan

Principal, DAV Public School, Sec-14, Gurgaon. Ph.09873604760 Faculty, KHR Model School, Ph-III, Ashok Vihar,

Delhi-52 Ph.- 9811634586 3.

Mrs. Novita Chopra


Dr. RK Chauhan


Mrs. Rashmi S. Chari

Faculty, Hans Raj Model School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi Ph-9818780811 Regional Director DAV Public Schools (Patna Zone) Arya Samaj Mandir Complex, New Baily Road, Dhanpur

Patna - 801503 (BR) Ph.09431014975 Asst. Director – DPPI - DAV College Managing Committee, Arya Samaj Mandir, Sector – VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110022 Tel. no. 9868141438, 26176198, Fax - 26193008

List of Participants for ICT Programme : Science June 16-18,2009 Venue : DAV P.S. School , Cantt. Road, Khagaul Patna. Director Mr.H.R. Gandhar DirectorPS-I

Regional Director Mr. L.R.Saini

Sr. No: 1.

Name of the Participant

DAV Public School, Anpara Tharmal Project, Sonebhadra - UP – 231225



DAV Public School, Rihand Nagar, NTPC, Sonebhadra - UP – 231223

Dr. D. Lal


DAV Public School, Bina Project – NCL Sonebhadra - UP – 231220 DAV Public School, Khadia Project – NCL Shakti Nagar Sonebhadra - UP 231222 DAV Public School, ACC Jamul, Bhilai Distt. Durg –490024 CG DAV Public School Amdinagar - HUDCO Bhilai, Distt. Durg - 490006 CG TATA DAV Public School Sonadih, Post. Raseda Via Baroda Bazar, Distt. Raipur – 493332 CG DAV Public School SECL, Vasant vihar, Seepat Road, Distt. Bilaspur 495006-CG DAV Public School SECL, Gevra Project Distt. Bilaspur – CG DAV Public School SECL, Kushmunda Project Adarsh Nagar Colony

Mr. Parkash Sony


Mr. O.P.Arora








Mr. J.K. Mishra

Mrs. C. Savitari Mrs. Vineeta Chadha

Sh. K.K. Sonepuri

Mrs. Alokeparna

Dr. [ Mrs.] J. Sinha Mrs. Jyoti Jha


Dr. V. Kulwant



Mr. Simanchal Pradhan


DRB DAV Public School Balkum, Panda No. 3, Distt. Thane (W) – 400608, Maharashtra

Ms. Sunila Mahatre


DAV Public School, Sector – IV, Phase – III, Nerul, Distt. Navi Mumbai – 400706, Maharashtra DAV Public School Sector – 19, Plot No. 14-16, Road no. 14, New Panvel – 410206, Distt. Navi Mumbai - MH DAV Public School, 252/2, Bhotre Niwas, Balaji Park Aundh, Pune-110017 (MH) DAV Public School, Santoshima Nagar, Neredmet, RK Puram, Safilguda (Hyderabad) - AP

Mrs. Sita Lakshmi



Mrs. Seetha Kiran

Mrs. Soma Pariyal

Ms. Vaghmita Sharma


Mr. J.P.Shoor DirectorPS-II

Mrs. Leena Singh

DAV Public School SECL Bhatgaon, Distt. Surguja – 497235 - CG DAV Public School, Sector – 10, Plot no – 11 Airoli, Distt. Navi, Mumbai – 400708, Maharashtra


Dr. K.B. Kushal

Korba (W), Distt. BilaspurCG DAV Public School, New Sarkanda, Bilsapur495001CG DAV Public School SECL Chaal, Distt. Raigarh – 496665 – CG DAV Public School SECL Bisrampur Distt. Surguja – 497226 CG


Mrs. Jai Parkar

Mrs. Purnima Tirodkar

Mrs. Bindu Kalra

Mrs. Kalpalatha Mr. Sam K. John


DAV Public School, Vivekanad Nagar, Kutkatpalli, Hyderabad-500072 - AP

Mrs. Sai Durga


DAV BDL Public School & Junir College, BDL Township Bhanoor, Madak – 502305 (AP) BP DAV Public School, Midhani Township Kanchan Bagh, Hyderabad – 500258 (AP) DAV Cent. Public School & Junior College, Sector – III, Ukkunagaram, Vishakhapatnam- 530032 (AP) DAV Public School, Pool Bagh Road, Anakapalli, Vishakhapatnam-531007– (AP) DAV Public School, Sector- IV, Bokaro Steel City – 827004 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Sector- VI, Bokaro Steel City – 827006 – Jharkhand

Mrs. J.Usha

BRL DAV Public School, Bharat Refractories Ltd. Bhandaridah, Bokaro – 829132–Jharkhand DAV Public School, Sawang Colliery – CCL Bokaro – 829128 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, TTPS, Lalpania Bokaro – 829149 – Jharkhand

Mr. C. S. Mehtha




Mr. L.R.Saini






Mrs. Vanishree

Mrs. Rohita Chakarvartarty

Mrs. P. Durga Rani

Mr. S. S. Singh

Ms. Sunita

Mr. B. C. Behra

Mr. R. N. Roy













DAV Public School, Dugda-BCCL, Bokaro-828404-Jharkhand DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, BCCL, Dhanbad –Jharkhand DAV Public School, Moonidih Project – BCCL Dhanbad – 828129 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Alkusa Colliery – BCCL Kusunda, Dhanbad – 826116 –Jharkhand TATA DAV Public School, Jamadoba – TISCO, Dhanbad – 828112 –Jharkhand TATA DAV Public School, Sijua – TISCO Bhelatand, Dhanbad- 828103 –Jharkhand DAV Model School, CFRI – Digwadih FRI Dhanbad – 828108 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Barora – BCCL, P.O. Nawagarh, Dhanbad – 828306 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Gumla – 835207 – Jharkhand

Mr. K. K. Singh

BNS DAV Public School, Bulaki Road Giridih – 815301 –Jharkhand DAV Public School, Beniadih – CCL, Giridih – 815311 –Jharkhand

MR. N. P. Rathore

DAV Public School, Ara (Kuju Area) – CCL Sarubera, Hazaribagh – 829134 – Jharkhand

Mr. Ram Denu Upadhaya

Mr. Parveen Kumar Mr. R. P. Singh

Mrs. Santna Kaur

Mr.A.K. Singh Mr. K.Ghosh

Mr. A. B. Mishra

Mr. R. K. Mishra

Mr. R.K. Pandey

Mr. P.C. Karan












DAV Public School, Rajrappa Project – CCL Hazaribagh – 829210 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, NTS Barakhana – CCL Hazaribagh – 829103 – Jharkhand TATA DAV Public School, WBC – TISCO Ghatotand, Hazaribagh – 825314 – Jharkhand

Mr. R.B. Parsad

DAV Public School, Canary Hill Road, Hazaribagh – 825301 – Jharkhand Agrasen DAV Public School, P. O. Bharech Nagar, ViaRamgarh Cantt. Hazaribagh – 829146 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Kedla Project – CCL Hazaribagh – 825325 – Jharkhand

Mr. A.K. Sharma

PVSS DAV Public School, Jhumri Talaiya Koderma – 825409 – Jharkhand MB DAV Public School, Lohardaga – 835302 – Jharkhand MK DAV Public School, Chianki, Daltongunj – 833213 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Itki Road, Hehal, Ranchi – 834005 DAV Kapil Dev Public School, Kadru, New AG Co- operative Colony, Ranchi - 834002 – Jharkhand

Mrs. Mausami Malik

Mr. Hemadri Biswas

Mr. V.K.Mishra

Mr. Alok Kumar

Mr. P.K. Pout

Mr. A.K. Verma Mr. Shiv Kumar Sharma Mr. Saikat Banerjee Mr.B.B. Barik









Mrs. Seetha Kiran Dr. R.K. Chauhan Dr. Nisha Peshin Director-PSIV





DAV Public School, Bariatu Road, Ranchi – 834002 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Gandhi Nagar – CCL Ranchi – 834008 – Jharkhand

Ms. Sabnam Prasad

DAV Public School, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi – 834002 – Jharkhand DAV Co-operative Sr. Secondary School ACC Colony, Khalari Ranchi - 829295 – Jh DAV Public School, RIT Campus,Adityapur, Jamshedpur, Saraikella Singhbhum (W) Bihar S J DAV Public School, Chaibasa, Singhbhum (W) – 833201, Jh TATA DAV Public School, Noamundi – TISCO, Singhbhum (W) – 833217 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Cntractors Area, Bistupur, Jamshedpur – 831001 – Jharkhand

Mr. Sanjay Kumar ( PRT)

DAV Public School, Patna - Ara Road, Dharampura Ara – Bhojpur – 820301– (Bihar) DAV Public School, P. O. Box No. 6, Dayanand Vihar, Aurangabad – 824101– (Bihar) BR DAV Public School, PO, Refinery Towhship (IOC Begusarai – 851117 (Bihar) DAV Public School, Etwa Nagar, Harrakh Kothi, Near BMP Campus PO. Dumari, Begusarai 851101(Bihar)

Mr. Laxman Choudhary

Mr.A.K. Singh

Mr. J.K. Gupta

Mr. B. Chakarvarty

Mr. S. Pardhan Mr. V.K. Mahato

Mr. S.K. Samanta

Mr. Raj Kapoor Mishra

Mr. Amit Kumar Mr. R. K. Sharma







DAV Public School, NTPC Kahalgaon Deepti NagFar , Bhagalpur – 813203 – (Bihar) DAV Public School, Bhagalpur, Shiva Bhawan Compound Police Line Road, (Bihar) DAV Public School, Khetan Lane, Jehanabad – 804408– (Bihar)

Mrs. Sheela Sinha

Mr. Satender Kumar Singh Mr. Kumar Sheel Bhadra [

SL DAV Public School, Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh Rajendra Nagar, Khagaria – 845205– (Bihar) DAV Public School, Mr. Bharti Rani Darbhanga Road, Bakhari Chowk, Bochhan, Mirzapur Distt. Muzaffarpur- 843103Bihar DAV Public School, Mr. Arun Kumar Power Grid Campus, Bihar Sharif, Ranchi – Patna Road, Post Mahanandpur, N alandaDr. D.R. DAV Public School, Gola Road, Danapur Patna – 800012 (B) DAV Public School, Kankarbagh, Patna – 800020– (Bihar)

Mrs. Vineeta


DAV Public School, Cantt Road, Khagaul – Patna – (Bihar)

Mrs. Pragya


DAV Public School, Walmi Complex , Phulwarisarif Patna – 881505– (Bihar) DAV Public School, BSEB Colony New Punai Chak Patna – 800023– (Bihar)

Mr. K. K. Pandey




Ms. Kiran Kumari

Mrs. Susmita Saha


SRN DAV Public School, Chunapur Road, Purnia – 845303 (Bihar)

Mr. S.K. Roy


DAV Public School, Civilines, Kalisthan Sasaram Rohtas – 821115 (Bihar) NS DAV Public School, Dumra Sitamarhi – 843301 (Bihar)

Mr. Gopal Krishan Sinha

DAV Cent. Public School, Kabirmath Khandhwara Siwan – 841226-Bh DAV Public School Kanti. Distt. Muzaffarpur [Bihar] DAV Public School Runnisaidpur ( Sitamarhi) Bihar

Mr. L.P. Tripathi





83. 84. Mr. L.R.Saini







DAV Public School Cantt. Area Gaya, Biar DAV Public School Rotary Campus, Gaya DAV Public School, Dudhichua Katni– MP – 486890 DAV Public School, Amlohri Project – NCL, Sidhi (MP) – 486887 DAV Public School, Nigahi Project Sidhi – MP – 486984 DAV Model School, JM Sen Gupta Road, Durgapur-Burdwan DAV Public School Dhaka Road, Asansol, Distt. Burdwan (WB) - 713302 DAV Public School Hindustan Cables Ltd. Rupnarainpur – 713335 Burdwan (W.B)

Mr. Vikas Kumar

Mrs. Kalpana Kund Mrs. Sarita Singh ( Physics) Dr. Mohammad Moizuddin ( Biology) Mr. Vinod Kumar Singh Mr. Krishna K. Singh Mr. Vinay Singh Mr. R.A. Sharma Mr.Rajes Maiti Mr. Subhmoy Mr. Madan Ghoshal

Mrs. Alpana Mehta

Mr. O.P.Arora


DAV Public School Eastern Coalfielda LtdPandaveswar Area Pandaveswar, Distt. Burdwan (WB)- 713346

Mrs. Soma Khag


DAV Public School ACC - Kymor, P. O. Kymore, Katni, Distt. Katni - MP’ Jamuna Prasad Vishvakarma DAV Public School Distt. Katni – 483501 (MP)

Mr.K.K. Mishra

DAV Public School, Pakaria, Jaipur Road, Burhar, Distt. Shahdol, MP - 484110 DAV Public School Brajraj Nagar

Mrs.Veenu Rekhi

DAV Public School Kalinga Area DAV Public School TTPS DAV Public School Rourkela DAV Public School CDA. Cuttak

Mr. P. K. Padhi



95. Mr. H.K. Mohanty 96. 97. 98. 99.

Mrs. Rakhi Srivastava

Mr. Rajeev Sharma Ms. Sushmita Maharana

Mr. Manoj Kr. Jena Mr. Siyaram Saha Mrs. Surekha Patru

List of Participants for ICT Programme: Social Science June 16-18, 2009 Venue : DAV P.School, Cantt. Road, Khagaul, Patna. Director Mr.H.R.Gandhar Director-PS-I

Regional Director Mr. L.R.Saini

Sr. No: 1.

DAV Public School, Anpara Tharmal Project, Sonebhadra - UP – 231225

Name of the Participant Mr. Anand Mohan Singh


DAV Public School, Rihand Nagar, NTPC, Sonebhadra - UP – 231223

Mr. Anand Mohan


DAV Public School, Bina Project – NCL Sonebhadra - UP – 231220

Mr. Raju Tripathi

DAV Public School, Khadia Project – NCL Shakti Nagar Sonebhadra - UP 231222 5. DAV Public School, ACC Jamul, Bhilai Distt. Durg –490024 CG 6. DAV Public School Amdinagar - HUDCO Bhilai, Distt. Durg - 490006 CG 7. TATA DAV Public School Sonadih, Post. Raseda Via Baroda Bazar, Distt. Raipur – 493332 CG 8. DAV Public School SECL, Vasant vihar, Seepat Road, Distt. Bilaspur 495006-CG 9. DAV Public School SECL, Kushmunda Project Adarsh Nagar Colony Korba (W), Distt. Bilaspur-CG 10. DAV Public School, New Sarkanda, Bilsapur4.

Mr. O.P.Arora


Mr. Rajiv Chakarvarty Mr. H.N. Panga Ms. A. Sindhu

Mr. B.K.Malik

Dr. [ Mrs.] Sadhna Sinha Mrs. C,k, Dwivedi

Mrs. Prabha Ganesh

Dr. V. Kulwant

Dr. K.B. Kushal

Mr. J.P.Shoor Director-PS-II

Mrs. Seetha Kiran

495001CG 11. DAV Public School SECL, Bartunga, Chirmiri, Korea – 497499 Distt. Surguja – CG

Mr. Tarun Kant Bhatia

12. DAV Public School SECL Chaal, Distt. Raigarh – 496665 - CG 13. DAV Public School SECL Bisrampur Distt. Surguja – 497226 CG

Mr. B.R. Sahu

14. DAV Public School SECL Bhatgaon, Distt. Surguja – 497235 - CG

Ms. S. R. Satpathy

15. DAV Public School, Sector – 10, Plot no – 11 Airoli, Distt. Navi, Mumbai – 400708, Maharashtra

Mrs. Kavita Nashirkar

16. DRB DAV Public School Balkum, Panda No. 3, Distt. Thane (W) – 400608, Maharashtra

Ms. Manaswani Tawde

17. DAV Public School, Sector – IV, Phase – III, Nerul, Distt. Navi Mumbai – 400706, Maharashtra

Mrs. Taposhree Choudhary

18. DAV Public School Sector – 19, Plot No. 14-16, Road no. 14, New Panvel – 410206, Distt. Navi Mumbai - MH

Mrs. Archna Phadke

19. DAV Public School, 252/2, Bhotre Niwas, Balaji Park Aundh, Pune-110017 (MH)

Mrs. V. Lakshmi Mr. Chander Shekhar

20. DAV Public School, Santoshima Nagar, Neredmet, RK Puram,

Mrs. Madhavi Mrs. Rama Lakshmi

Mr. Rajesh Kashyap

Safilguda (Hyderabad) - AP 21. DAV Public School, Vivekanad Nagar, Kutkatpalli, Hyderabad-500072 - AP

Mrs. P. Radhika

22. DAV BDL Public School & Mr. Christopher Junir College, BDL Township Bhanoor, Madak – 502305 (AP) 23. DAV Cent. Public School & Mr. Sanjeev Bhavani Junior College, Sector – III, Ukkunagaram, Vishakhapatnam- 530032 (AP) 24. DAV Public School, Mr.D.Chandersekhar Pool Bagh Road, Anakapalli, Vishakhapatnam-531007– (AP) Mr. L.R.Saini

25. DAV Public School, Sector- IV, Bokaro Steel City – 827004 Jharkhand 26. DAV Public School, Sector- VI, Bokaro Steel City – 827006 Jharkhand 27. BRL DAV Public School, Bharat Refractories Ltd. Bhandaridah, Bokaro – 829132–Jharkhand 28. DAV Public School, Sawang Colliery – CCL Bokaro – 829128 –Jharkhand 29. DAV Public School, TTPS, Lalpania Bokaro – 829149 –Jharkhand 30. DAV Public School, Dugda-BCCL, Bokaro-828404-Jharkhand 31. DAV Public School, Koyla Nagar, BCCL, Dhanbad –Jharkhand 32. DAV Public School, Moonidih Project – BCCL Dhanbad – 828129 –

Mr. S.K. Jha – Ms. Rajnigandha – Mr. Jai Ram Jha

Mr. S. K. Singh Mrs. Rajni Parsad Mr. H. K. Kantha Mr. Narayan Mr. R. S. Tripathi

Jharkhand 33. DAV Public School, Alkusa Colliery – BCCL Kusunda, Dhanbad – 826116 – Jharkhand

.] Mrs. J. Ghosh

34. TATA DAV Public School, Jamadoba – TISCO, Dhanbad – 828112 –Jharkhand 35. TATA DAV Public School, Sijua – TISCO Bhelatand, Dhanbad- 828103 – Jharkhand 36. DAV Model School, CFRI – Digwadih FRI Dhanbad – 828108 – Jharkhand 37. DAV Public School, Barora – BCCL, P.O. Nawagarh, Dhanbad – 828306 – Jharkhand 38. DAV Public School, Gumla – 835207 – Jharkhand

Mr. V.K. Tiwari

39. BNS DAV Public School, Bulaki Road Giridih – 815301 –Jharkhand 40. DAV Public School, Beniadih – CCL, Giridih – 815311 –Jharkhand

Mr. S.S. Mahapatra

41. DAV Public School, Ara (Kuju Area) – CCL Sarubera, Hazaribagh – 829134 – Jharkhand

Mr. A.K.Sinha

42. DAV Public School, Rajrappa Project – CCL Hazaribagh – 829210 – Jharkhand 43. DAV Public School, NTS Barakhana – CCL Hazaribagh – 829103 – Jharkhand

Mr. U.K. Singh

Mr. K. Panda

Mr. D.K. Gupta

Mr. J. N. Mandal

Mr. R.K. Sutar

Mr. D.K. Pathak

Mr. Gopal Parsad Singh

44. TATA DAV Public School, WBC – TISCO Ghatotand, Hazaribagh – 825314 – Jharkhand 45. DAV Public School, Canary Hill Road, Hazaribagh – 825301 – Jharkhand 46. Agrasen DAV Public School, P. O. Bharech Nagar, ViaRamgarh Cantt. Hazaribagh – 829146 – Jharkhand 47. DAV Public School, Kedla Project – CCL Hazaribagh – 825325 – Jharkhand 48. PVSS DAV Public School, Jhumri Talaiya Koderma – 825409 – Jharkhand 49. MB DAV Public School, Lohardaga – 835302 – Jharkhand 50. MK DAV Public School, Chianki, Daltongunj – 833213 – Jharkhand 51. DAV Public School, Itki Road, Hehal, Ranchi – 834005 52. DAV Kapil Dev Public School, Kadru, New AG Co- operative Colony, Ranchi - 834002 – Jharkhand 53. DAV Public School, Bariatu Road, Ranchi – 834002 – Jharkhand 54. DAV Public School, Gandhi Nagar – CCL Ranchi – 834008 – Jharkhand

MR. Shambu Lal

Mr. Aftab Alam

Mr. V,K, Verma

Mr. K.K. Dua

Mr. Dinesh K. Dubey

Mr. T. Mesna Mr. R.B. Dubey Mr. S. Maha Patra Mr. O.P. Mishra

Ms..Rita Singh Mr..D.K.Sinha






60. Dr. R.K. Chauhan






DAV Public School, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi – 834002 – Jharkhand DAV Co-operative Sr. Secondary School ACC Colony, Khalari Ranchi - 829295 – Jh DAV Public School, RIT Campus,Adityapur, Jamshedpur, Saraikella Singhbhum (W) Bihar S J DAV Public School, Chaibasa, Singhbhum (W) – 833201, Jh TATA DAV Public School, Noamundi – TISCO, Singhbhum (W) – 833217 – Jharkhand DAV Public School, Cntractors Area, Bistupur, Jamshedpur – 831001 – Jharkhand DAV Public School Rotary Campus, Gaya, Bihar DAV Public School, Patna - Ara Road, Dharampura Ara – Bhojpur – 820301– (Bihar) DAV Public School, P. O. Box No. 6, Dayanand Vihar, Aurangabad – 824101– (Bihar) BR DAV Public School, PO, Refinery Towhship (IOC ), Begusarai – 851117 (Bihar) DAV Public School, Etwa Nagar, Harrakh Kothi, Near BMP Campus PO. Dumari, Begusarai 851101(Bihar) DAV Public School, NTPC Kahalgaon Deepti NagFar , Bhagalpur – 813203 – (Bihar)

Mrs Sneha Sahay Mr. D.K. Dubey

Mrs. Rekha Prasad

Mr. S.Das Mr. S.K.Singh

Mr. O.P. Pathak

Mr. Brajesh Kumar Mr. Vimal Kumar

Mr. Vinay Kr. Gupta

Mr. MD Irshad Mr. Ram Milan Kumar

Mr.Kundan Kumar Yadav

66. DAV Public School, Bhagalpur, Shiva Bhawan Compound Police Line Road, (Bihar) 67. DAV Public School, Cantt. Area, Gaya – 823001– (Bihar) 68. DAV Public School, Khetan Lane, Jehanabad – 804408– (Bihar) 69. SL DAV Public School, Rajendra Nagar, Khagaria – 845205– (Bihar) 70. DAV Public School, Darbhanga Road, Bakhari Chowk, Bochhan, Mirzapur Distt. Muzaffarpur- 843103Bihar 71. DAV Public School, Power Grid Campus, Bihar Sharif, Ranchi – Patna Road, Post Mahanandpur, Nalanda-

Mr. Ashutosh Kumar

72. Dr. D.R. DAV Public School, Gola Road, Danapur Patna – 800012 (B) 73. DAV Public School, Kankarbagh, Patna – 800020– (Bihar) 74. DAV Public School, Cantt Road, Khagaul – Patna – (Bihar) 75. DAV Public School, Walmi Complex , Phulwarisarif Patna – 881505– (Bihar) 76. DAV Public School, BSEB Colony New Punai Chak Patna – 800023– (Bihar) 77. SRN DAV Public School, Chunapur Road, Purnia – 845303 (Bihar)

Mrs. A.K. R. Sen

Mr. S.N. Jha Mr. B.K. Pandey Mr. T.K. Mohanty Mr.M.K. Mishra

Mr.Madhup Raman

Nawalika Sinha Mrs. Yogita Sahai Mrs. Sumita Nandi

Minita Parsad


Mr. L.R.Saini

78. DAV Public School, Civilines, Kalisthan Sasaram Rohtas – 821115 (Bihar) 79. NS DAV Public School, Dumra Sitamarhi – 843301 (Bihar)


80. DAV Cent. Public School, Kabirmath Khandhwara Siwan – 841226Bh 81. DAV Public School Kanti, Distt. Muzaffarpur 82. DAV Public School Runni saidpur, Bihar Sitamarhi


83. DAV Public School Rotary Campus, Gaya, Bihar 84. DAV Public School, Dudhichua Project – NCL, Sidhi – MP – 486890

Mr. Brajesh Kumar

85. DAV Public School, Amlohri Project – NCL, Sidhi (MP) – 486887

Mr. Subrat Roy

86. JPV DAV Public School, Pureni Katni – MP – 486984

Mrs. Praveen Khan

87. DAV Model School, JM Sen Gupta Road, Durgapur-Burdwan 88. DAV Public School Dhaka Road, Asansol, Distt. Burdwan (WB) - 713302 89. DAV Public School Hindustan Cables Ltd. Rupnarainpur – 713335 Burdwan (W.B) 90. DAV Public School Eastern Coalfielda LtdPandaveswar Area Pandaveswar, Distt. Burdwan (WB)- 713346

Mr. Mandira Dev

Mr. Manoj Pathak

Mr. Dipesh Kumar Jha Mr. Naveen Kuamr Singh

Mr. Saroj Kumar Singh

Mr.I.K.Jha Mr.Rinku Sen Gupta

Mr. Chitranjan Gochhyat

Mr. O.P.Arora

Mr. H.K. Mohanty

91. DAV Public School ACC - Kymor, P. O. Kymore, Katni, Distt. Katni - MP’ 92. DAV ACC Public School ACC Katni Refractory Works ACC Katni – 483504 - MP 93. Jamuna Prasad Vishvakarma DAV Public School Distt. Katni – 483501 (MP)

Mr. Rakesh Tiwari

94. DAV Public School, Pakaria, Jaipur Road, Burhar, Distt. Shahdol, MP - 484110 95. DAV Public School Brajraj Nagar 96. DAV Public School Kalinga Area 97. DAV Public School Rourkela 98. DAV Public School CDA Cuttak

Mr. Subhash Mishra

No participates Mr. Praveen Khan

Mr. Rajiv Panda Ms. Farida Begum Ms. Sabita Rath Mr. Bijay Kr. Mishra Mrs. Sanghmitra Mohanty

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