[brijesh]bioinformatics Oppertunity

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  • Pages: 36
Ca r eer in Bio in for matic s (insight in to the IT Companies) K.P.Mishra (Director, URC Allahabad ) Brijesh Singh Yadav (Senior Research Associate &Head Bioinformatics Research) United Research Center, UIT Campus Allahabad, E-mail: [email protected]

Wh at i s Bi oin form at ic s? • Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology and statistics to the management of biological information. • In the past decade bioinformatics has become an integral component of research and development in biological sciences. • The need for bioinformatics stems from a fundamental change that is taking place in biology.

Bioin for matic s Is a Me rg ing of D isc ipli nes

Co re o f Bio in form atic s



3D structure

protein functions

•Properties and evolution of genes, genomes, proteins, metabolic pathways in cells •Use of this knowledge for prediction, modelling, and design

Need o f bio info rma tic s • • • • • •

Data growth is exponential Difficult to understand life without BI Detection of new diseases BI tools allow to save expr. Expend. Rational Drug design Computer-aided vaccine design

Ne ed o f bio info rma tic s

Need of bi oin form at ic s con t… • Handle the growth of information. • Knowledge discovery. • Globalizing the research. • Data visualization .

Ne ed of bioinf orma tic s co nt…


• Department of Biotechnology created in 1986 • Bioinformatics programme started ever since Biotechnology Information System Network (BTISnet) in 1987. • BTISnet today has 65 institutions and universities. • Emphasis on infrastructure creation and human resource development. • Biotechnology in India has greatly benefited from the capacity building in Bioinformatics • Dedicated virtual private network connecting the major centres – sharing of data as well as

Bi oinf ormat ics Fac iliti es in Ind ia

Ed uc at ion al Ac ti vit ies of India i n Bi oin form at ics Two forms of initiatives are in operational Short-Term Training

Long-Term Training

Nationwide trainings and workshops

Advanced Diploma Courses in five universities

Two forms of initiatives are in operational

Presently around 100 organised per year in seven defined areas More than 10000 trained so far

M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D. courses in Bioinformatics

Int egr at ion o f Bi oin form at ics & Bi ote chn ol ogy • Collaborative effort • RFP (Request for Proposals) in following areas: • Parasitic diseases • Agro-biotech • Herbal medicine • BioPhara Development • Clinical Data management

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


In -hous e sof twar e dev elopm ent

GeneScan, GenEvolve, PROCOR JNU, Delhi IGIB, Delhi PLHOST IMTECH, Chandigarh APSSP (Protein structure Devi Ahilya prediction), MHCBN University PCR: s/w for setting PCR reactions Bose Institute, LOOPSEARCH, CONFPLOT Kolkatta VirGen, CE, AVIS University of Pune, Micro array analysis (Avadis), Pune Genome annotation (Acuris), Strand Genomics, Oligonucleotide probe design Bangalore (Sarani) TCS, Hyderabad BioSuite These efforts needs to be strengthened with Human resource development

Bi oi nfor ma tic s Ma rk et Global Bio-Informatics Market –1.2bn In 2004 Overall Market Size Projected to reach USD 1.7 bn by 2006 Indian Bioinformatics Market has touched USD22 Million in 2004 Indian Bioinformatics is growing at the rate of 40% per annum (Source: CII)

Mark et sha re of dif fer en t Se gm en ts o f Bi oin form at ics • • • •

Genomic Proteomics Chemoinformatics Pharmacogenomics

50% 20% 19% 15%

Adva nta ge s fo r Ind ia • Strong IT capabilities HH BIO • R & D strength in Modern biology • Highly trained manpower in biotechnology and Bioinformatics • Rich Biodiversity • Diverse ethnic population • Strong Biotechnology Infrastructure • Wide Networking of Institutions and Scientists. • Industrial enterprise.

The Role of IT in Bioinformatics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Electronic Data Capture Data Mining Data Warehousing Data Visualization Customized Software

India n IT Co mp an ies • Indian IT companies such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Cognizant Technologies, Infosys, Wipro, and Satyam have already set up their bioinformatics divisions. • TCS, for instance, is entering the bio-informatics market with its indigenously developed computing platforms and applications within this year. The company is nurturing a 40-member team that is working on developing bioinformatics software solutions.

Ind ian I T C omp ani es

Co nt..

• A database application, specially created for the bioinformatics segment is in the pipeline. TCS is also looking at developing bio-informatics software applications in collaboration with biotech and pharma companies. • Satyam's Center of Excellence has identified Data warehousing and Datamining as a key initiative area in the field of bio-informatics since the field is an emerging domain where data warehousing and datamining techniques and concepts are used extensively for deciphering complex patterns and to correlate and analyze the vast volumes of data generated.

Ind ian Ph ar ma Co mpa ni es • Pharmaceutical companies too, are making moves into the bioinformatics arena. GVK Biosciences, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Biocon, Astra Zeneca, Ranbaxy, Biological E, and Nicholas Piramal are some of the names that have either opted for the joint venture route or have tied up with start-up companies.

peo ple r equ ir ed by a Indust ri es • Computer Programmer, who develop software tool and application for biotechnology and life science Understand: A good Programmer companies. Basic Molecular having knowledge of HTML, XML SAS-CGI CGI between web and database Build HTML page to interface Know DNA analysis programs

Biology How a network works How databases are structured


Peo ple req uired b y Ind ustrie s c on t..

• People with a background in life sciences who are the end user of such programs and packages and they use these tools to translate the information into tangible products such as new molecules, drugs, enzymes etc. • They can conduct their R&D program more effectively if they are cross-trained in computing skills. • They can also be business analysts for life science companies.

Skills needed for the Desing of Experiments Using Bioinformatics

Advance d algorithm s Data Structure s 8%

Artificial Inte llige nce 3%

Biochem is try 10% Biophysics 6%

Gene ral Com puter Scie nce s 7%

Structural Biology 7%

Sys te m s Adm inistration/Ne tw orking 2% Softw are Engine ering 3%

Ge netics 11%

Com putational Che m istry 6% M athe m atics 6%

Statis tics 12%

M ole cular Biology 12% Evolution 7%

• • • • •

Wh at Is a Bi oi nfor ma ti cs C om pan y L ike ? Consists of Biologists, Computer Scientists,

Mathematicians and Marketing people. Bioinformatics companies should expect revenues in a few million dollars only. Only those companies who are able to adapt and innovate will survive. A great deal of competition exists in the field. For any new company offering bioinformatics services or products, ‘proof of concept’, will be essential. This means that a nascent company will need to demonstrate its ability before getting business.

Ar eas of o pp ort un ity in India • Bioinformatics • Vaccines, dignostics and therapeutics • Biomedical devices, instruments and sensors • Bioartificial organs using tissue engineering and stem cells • Clinical trial and contract research • Agriculuture – disease and pest resistant, drought and salinity tolerant seeds and plants • Biofertilisers and Biopesticides

Carrie r o ppo rtun it y ava ila bl e i n bio in for mat ics • Li fe Sc ienc e: Scientific Curator, Gene Analyst, Phylogenitist, Protein Analyst, Research Scientist/Associates • Co mpu ter Sc ien ce: Database Programmer,Bio-informatics Software Developer,Nerwork Administrator/Analyst • Pha rama cu iti ca l Sc ien ce : Chemoinformatician, Pharmacogenetician, Pharmacogenomics, Research

Job opportuni ti es in Bi oi nfo rmati cs Qualification •

Post graduates and ,Do ctorates

Ba chelor degrees / 3 ye ar d ip lo ma holders

3) D egree wit h o ne ye ar c ourse in comp uters


Job Title

Formal Training and understanding market requirement of Bioinformatics

Group leaders / Sr. Executives / Scientists/ Faculties

Sound knowledge in Molecular Biology and programming

System Analyst Technical Asst./ Programmer /

Good typing speed, Knowledge in molecular Biology and computer application

COs / DEOs

Majo r Re se ar ch Ar ea s i n Bi oin form at ics Gene Analysis Research Activities [%]

Prot. Struc. Pred. Prot Design & Folding Macr. Modelling Evol. Biol. Struc-Func Studies Mech. of Dis. Data Mining Stud

Bu si ne ss Op por tu nit ie s in BI • • • • • • • •

Software development Web servers development Train manpower in Field of BI Database management Rational Drug design Develop Diagnostic kits Assist user in Vaccine development Consultant to Biotech Companies


Ou tso urcin g Mo del

Te ch no log y Busine Outsourcing ss has es developed as an important concept business.

in today's

• 1) Focus on core strength - the opportunity cost of adding a new segment of services to an existing business is high. Companies prefer to not diverge from their focus on their core competencies, and stay competitive.

Outso ur cin g con t. • 3) Leverage top talents from the bioinformatics

companies – companies can make use of the best resources engaged in IT services without having to worry about recruiting, training and retaining professionals  • 4) Minimize on total cost of ownership – the rate of obsolescence is very high in the IT sector. Companies who outsource do not have to bear the replacement costs that accompany obsolescence.

Outso ur cin g con t. • 5) Improve service delivery to customers – the company can dictate to the outsourcing partner the timelines it is required to meet. • 6) Reduce cost and time – the time spent otherwise on planning and development is saved and better utilized to managing the existing resources. • 7) Expand service portfolio – companies can extend their services without having to invest on building in house capabilities

Ou tso ur cin g • Inspite of a tremendous increase in demand, the US educational stream has not significantly increased the production of scientific workforce. • As a result cost of research has gone higher. • Many companies are realizing that they can get their research done abroad, at cheaper cost, without any compromise in quality. • In clinical trials for example, GSK (Glaxo smith Kline) has announced that it will shift 30% of its clinical trials to

The Ultimate Goals of Bioinformatics is to: Im ple m e nt Laboratory Infor m ation M anage m e nt Syste m s 14%

Cre ate & m aintain laboratory re s e ar ch databas e s 12%

De s ign e xpe rim e nts us ing bioinform atics 9%

Provide training and as s is tance in the us e of bioinform atics s oftw are tools 10%

Us e e xis ting s oftw are for bioinform atics analyse s 10%

Im ple m e nt w e b-inte rface s for bioinform atics applications /data bas e s 12%

Dis cove r ne w ins ights or hypothe s e s in m ole cular ge ne tics or e volutionary pr oce s s e s 10%

Re s e arch ne w De ve lop s oftw ar e for te chnologie s (algorithm s , bioinform atics applications pr inciple s , m ode ls , 12% databas e s ) to as ce rtain the ir pote ntial for bioinfor m atic analys is 11%

Bi oi nform at ic s Jo bs sea rch en gi nes • • • • • • • • • •

Medzilla(Biotech,Medical,etc job listings) BioSpace (job listings) BioView (job listings) Bio online Carrier Center Symbios Career Service (Biotech,MedDevice,Pharm ) Genomics ,Bioinformatics and Biocomputing Jumping pills Biotech jobs NEE-HOW Bioresource Finder jobs JobsScience http://www.bhrc.ca/

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