Brazil Toward A More Inclusive And Effective Participatory Budget In Porto Alegre: Economic Analysis (econometric And Cost-benefit Analysis)

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Brazil Toward a More Inclusive and Effective Participatory Budget in Porto Alegre January 29, 2008 Brazil - Country Management Unit Sustainable Development Unit Latin America and Caribbean Region

Public Disclosure Authorized

Brazil Toward a More Inclusive and Effective Participatory Budget in Porto Alegre

Public Disclosure Authorized

(In Two Volumes) Volume II: Annexes

Public Disclosure Authorized

Report No. 40144-BR

Report No. 40144-BR

Document of the World Bank

ES'W - Towards a More Inclusive and Effective Participatory Budget in Porto Alegre

Document of the World Bank

Annexes 1 Annex 1: OP Literature Review ............................................................................................. Annex 2 Guidelines for the Focus Groups .............................................................................8 Annex 3 Questionnaire for OP Council Members ............................................................... 13 Annex 4: Questionnaire for Non-Structured Interviews ...................................................... 17 Annex 5 Survey Tabulations ................................................................................................20 Annex 6. Tabulations comparing General Sample and OP Participants Sample .................67

Annex 1: OP Literature Review A investiga~iioparte de uma analise preliminar da literatura relevante sobre o OP, na qua1 se buscou identificar aqueles trabalhos que apontam para temas e problemas que viio orientar o estudo sobre a sustentabilidade do processo. Do ponto de vista participativo, buscamos selecionar os trabalhos mais relevantes que contribuam na identificagiio dos pontos de estrangulamento e apontem caminhos para a qualificagiio do processo, objetivos de nosso estudo. Do ponto de vista da gestiio e das finangas selecionamos textos que trazem contribuig6es para o entendimento da dinPmica da relagiio entre o processo participativo e a gestiio fiscal da prefeitura, alCm de fornecer elementos para uma analise comparativa da situaqiio de Porto Alegre em relagiio a outros municipios que niio adotam a metodologia participativa. VI.1 Gestiio e Finanqas

Darcy, F.C. dos Santos. 2005. Analise da evoluqiio das Jinanqas do municl'pio de Porto Alegre,

1988-2004. Porto Alegre: Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre.

0 texto faz a anhlise das finangas da PMPA no periodo de 1998-2004 e estabelece algumas das

restrigaes do Orgamento publico no periodo recente. 0 texto faz um panorama das finangas do municipio e indica as mudangas nas normas de contabilidade publica do periodo bem como fornece um modelo analitico para apresentagiio dos componentes do Orgamento. Neste sentido o texto tem uma contribuigiio fundamental para a compreensiio do desempenho fiscal da prefeitura, na medida em que traga um panorama amplo da evolugiio das finangas publicas municipais que permite uma anhlise do impact0 do OP do ponto de vista da evolugiio das receitas e das despesas do municipio.

Faria, L. A. 2002 A Administragiio Popular em Porto Alegre: uma Experiencia Alternativa de Reforma do Estado na AmCrica Latina. In: Revista de Economia Contemporcinea. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, no. 06. Descreve a crise em que se encontrava a administragiio municipal no inicio do governo e das iniciativas que foram empreendidas tendo em vista sua superagiio e a criagiio de condigaes de governabilidade. Fornece o referencial tebrico para o papel do OP no increment0 da accountability do governo e no estimulo a boa governanga atravCs da inversiio de prioridades na decisiio das politicas publicas do municipio. Este texto contextualiza historicamente as condigaes de implementagiio do OP, alCm de proporcionar elementos importantes para a compreensiio das concepg6es que orientaram a implementagiio do OP.

Horn. C. (org.). 1994. Porto Alegre: o desafio da mudan~a.Porto Alegre: Ortiz. Mostra a seqiiencia de medidas para a reforma fiscal em Porto Alegre que contribuiram para a superagiio da crise fiscal do Municipio a partir de 1989. Fornece elementos para a compreensiio das causas que levaram o Municipio a aumentar suas receitas prbprias. A relagiio das mudangas institucionais no campo tributhrio, da gestiio fiscal eficiente, do controle do gasto publico corn o processo de participagiio popular e de inversiio de prioridades no gasto pfiblico, C enfatizada na sua relagiio com o processo de implantagiio do Orgamento participativo.

Marquetti, A. 2002 "0 orgamento participativo como uma politica redistributiva em Porto Alegre". I Encontro de Economia Gaucha. Porto Alegre, 16-17 maio.

0 trabalho apresenta os efeitos redistributivos do OP no que tange aos investimentos e obras realizados e na expansiio da oferta de bens e servigos publicos. Estabelece uma contribuigiio importante na anhlise regional da execugiio do OP indicando o mCtodo a ser utilizado para a

atualizaqiio dos indicadores nele apresentados. Este estudo C pioneiro no sentido de estabelecer uma quantificaqiio dos impactos do OP em termos de descentralizaqiio do gasto phblico, e relaciona esta informaqiio geo-referenciada com os perfis socio-economicos das regiaes, demonstrando os efeitos do OP no sentido da ampliaqiio dos investimentos nas Areas mais pobres.

Utzig, J. E. 1996 Participatory budgeting of Porto Alegre: a discussion in the light of the principle











http:l/www.worldbank.or~l~artici~ation/ematic.htm. Acessado em 20106105. Discute de que forma a experiencia do OP contribui, ou pel0 menos niio causa impedimentos, na melhora da performance administrativa da Prefeitura. Contribui para o entendimento dos muitos fatores, entre eles o OP, que levaram a uma significativa melhora da situaqiio financeira do Municipio a partir de 1989 bem como ao expressivo aumento da abrangcncia dos serviqos phblicos.

Webb, Steven. 2004. Fiscal Responsibility laws for subnational discipline: the Latin American

experience. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3309, may. 0 texto discute as leis de responsabilidade fiscal na AmCrica Latina, enfatizando seus efeitos sobre

a disciplina fiscal dos estados subnacionais. Apresenta os efeitos da LRF no Brasil e permite sua comparaqiio com outros paises latinos.

Baiocchi, G . et al. 2004. Evaluating empowerment: participatory budgeting in brazilian

municipalities. World Bank draft, december 3 1. 0 trabalho analisa os impactos do OP procurando identificar os fatores determinantes para sua adoqiio e as mudanqas em uma sCrie de indicadores financeiros e de desenvolvimento. Contribui decisivamente para o entendimento dos efeitos que o OP traz para a economia dos municipios.

Brautigam, D. et al. 2004, The people's budget? Politics, power, popular participation and pro-

poor economic policy. New York: UN, march. 0 texto mostra que a experiencia do OP em Porto Alegre sugere que o gasto pfiblico torna-se mais

voltado para os pobres. Analisa o caso de Porto Alegre e em outros paises. Aponta para o fato de que um orqamento voltado para os pobres depende de partidos com politicas voltadas para este segment0 assumirem o poder.

Wampler, Brian. 2004. Brazil's participatory budgeting: descentralization, participation and

empowerment. World Bank. Trata do OP como processo criador de oportunidades para o empoderamento dos cidadiios. Compara as conseqiiencias da implantaqiio do OP em Porto Alegre e outras cidades.

Alcaldia Municipal de Porto Alegre; Cabannes, Yves. 2003. Presupuesto participativo y Jinanzas

locales. Seminario de Lanzamiento de la Red Urbal N09, Documento Base, Porto Alegre, PGUALC.

0 documento apresenta a experiencia de 25 cidades com o OP na AmCrica Latina e Europa. Entre as dimensaes do estudo destaca-se a comparagiio entre as finangas das cidades, analisadas atravts de indicadores de percentual de execuqiio do orgamento, valor destinado ao OP do total do Orqamento Phblico e a relaqiio entre orgamento participativo e o equilibrio fiscal. E uma referencia importante para analises comparativas, contribuindo para a construgiio de urn marco teorico que oriente este tip0 de estudo.

VI.2 Participativa

Cabanes, Yves. (2004) Presupuesto participativo y Finanzas Locales. Quito, Programa de Gestion Urbana para AmCrica Latina e o Caribe - UN/Habitat. Neste documento o autor faz uma analise comparativa entre as experisncias de OP existentes na Amkrica Latina e na Europa. Ao mesmo tempo busca dimensionar os impactos das dinlmicas participativas do ponto de vista da gestiio das finanqas phblicas, relacionando a democratizaqiio e o controle social com uma maior eficisncia na gestiio fiscal. 0 texto analiza diferentes experiencias, sinalizando o fato de que a metodologia do Orqamento participativo t aplicada de diferentes formas em distintos contextos.

Fedozzi, Luciano. (2000) 0 Poder da Aldeia: Gknese e Hist6ria do Orqamento Participativo de Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre, Tomo Editorial Fedozzi, Luciano. 2001. Orqamento participativo: reflexiies sobre a experiencia de porto alegre. Porto Alegre: Tomo Editorial. Nestes dois livros o autor apresenta uma analise do processo de implementaqiio do OP em Porto Alegre, onde se destaca o papel da sociedade civil e dos movimentos sociais no surgimento desta

experiencia. 0 primeiro realiza urna ampla analise historica do processo de implantagiio do OP, abordando desde o processo de participagiio popular prtvio, que incidiu na genese do OP, passando pelas concepgaes teoricas que incidiram sobre a formulagiio da proposta, altm de urna analise detalhada do processo de sua implementagiio. E um documento fundamental para orientar a dimensiio participativa de nosso estudo. 0 segundo faz urna analise mais reflexiva, abordando as relagaes entre democracia participativa e democracia representativa.

BUSATO, Cezar e VARGAS, Plinio Zalewslu. Governanga Solidhria Local. Fundamentos politicos da mudanga em Porto Alegre, 2004 (brochura) Este documento sintetiza a proposta de Governanga Solidaria Local do atual governo, apresentando seus pressupostos teoricos, altm de urna analise dos limites do processo participativo atual, propondo a incorporagiio de urna maior pluralidade social em termos dos atores envolvidos, alCm da incorporagiio das nogaes de desenvolvimento local e de urna dimensiio estrattgica para o desenvolvimento, buscando ir altm dos recursos phblicos orgamenthrios.

VERLE, Jolo e BRUNET, Luciano (Orgs.). Construindo um novo mundo. Avaliaglo da experiencia do Orgamento participativo em Porto Alegre - Brasil. Ed. Guayi, 2002. A partir de texto produzido pela Prefeitura Municipal avaliado o OP em termos de limites e da necessidade de reformas necessiria

A continuidade da participagiio, ap6s 12 anos de sua existencia,

siio apresentados artigos de diversos pesquisadores do OP de Porto Alegre indicando possiveis contribuig6es, limites e possiveis mudangas a serem adotadas para aperfeigoar a participaglo. Este documento faz urna analise critica dos processos de participaglo popular, refletindo sobre o acumulo de experiencia das administragaes que implementaram o processo do Orgamento participativo. Neste sentido faz um resgate das dimensaes de ampliaglo da cidadania e de democratizagiio, ao mesmo tempo em que identifica limites e apresenta reflexaes no sentido da relagiio entre a ampliagiio da cidadania e as propostas de mudanga social.

Navarro, Zander. 2000. La democracia afirmativa y el desarrollo redistributivo: el caso de presupuesto participativo de Porto Alegre, Brasil. In: Jarquin, E.; Caldera, A. Programas Sociales.

Pobreza y Participacion ciudadana. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Expae a experiencia do OP em Porto Alegre, seu context0 e suas origens bem como demonstra sua estrutura operacional e suas caracteristicas principais.

IBAM. 1998. Democracia, participa@o e or~amento.Rio de Janeiro: IBAM. Coletiinea de artigos tratam da participagiio popular nos rumos da sociedade e do estado, seus fundamentos constitucionais e sua inter-relag50 com os individuos e movimentos sociais.

Acioly Jr., C. et al. 2003. Participatory budgeting in Santo Andri. Rotterdam: MS. Analisa o OP baseado nas observag6es dos participantes interessados em Santo Andrt e apresenta uma revisgo da principal literatura sobre o tema.

Souza, Celina. Participatory budgeting in brazilian cities: limits and possibilities in building

democratic institutions. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham Working paper 28. Faz uma breve revis50 da literatura analisando os casos de Porto Alegre e Belo Horizonte e discutindo os seus resultados. Argumenta que embora mais pesquisas sejam necesskias, a experiencia do OP de fato permite que segmentos de baixa renda de ambas cidades decidam as prioridades de investimentos em suas comunidades. Sua principal contribuigiio se dS atraves do entendimento de que o principal valor do OP esti mais na sua capacidade de fortalecer a cidadania em sociedades desiguais do que nos ganhos materiais que podem ser conseguidos por algumas keas da cidade.

Nuiiez, Tarson et al.. Participaqa"~Popular e Combate a Pobreza em Porto Alegre. Estudo de caso do Projeto de Fortalecimento das Capacidades em Gestiio Urbana na AmQica Latina e o Caribe. PGU-ALC HabitatIIULAlCities Alliance Uma analise do Orgamento Participativo nos marcos das politicas de democracia participativa em Porto Alegre sob o ponto de vista de seu impact0 nas politicas de combate B pobreza. 0 autor identifica, do ponto de vista dos gestores e atores sociais envolvidos, uma strie de limites no processo de gestiio, especialmente no sentido da falta de articulagiio horizontal dos 6rgiios da administragiio e dos limites da relagiio entre as varias instiincias de participagiio entre si. Centro de Assessoria e Estudos Urbanos CIDADE. Varios anos. Quem i o publico do Orqarnento

Participativo. Porto Alegre: CIDADE. Pesquisas sobre o perfil e as opini6es dos participantes nas plenarias regionais e tematicas do OP, apresentando seu perfil socio-econBmico e sua percepgiio do processo. Estas pesquisas sgo

importantes na medida em que permitem identificar a evolugiio do perfil do public0 participante no OP.

Solidariedade. 2003. Caminhando para um Mundo Novo. Petr6polis: Editora Vozes. Reflexdes de virios membros da base popular do OP que expressam atravts do livro suas experiencias e seus conhecimentos do processo. Apresenta um painel de situaqdes concretas vividas pelos atores que mostram as dificuldades e as conquistas permitidas pela pratica da democracia participativa.

Azevedo, S.; Fernandes, R.B. (orgs). 2005. Orqamento participativo: construindo a democracia. Rio de Janeiro: Revan. Coletlnea de textos sobre o OP em Belo Horizonte que tratam de depoimentos e reflexdes de atores que participaram diretamente da elaboraggo e implementag50 do programa bem como artigos academicos que exploram as virias dimensdes do OP, incluindo anilises comparativas com outras metr6poles.

Torres Ribeiro A.; Grazia, G. Experii2ncias de Orqamento Participativo no Brasil. 1997



Foro Nacional de Participation Popular, Editora Vozes, Petr6polis, 2003, 118p. 0 livro trata das caracteristicas politico-institucionais das cidades que realizam o OP, das formas de

organizag50 do processo e da forma de escolha dos representantes, delegados e conselheiros.

Arcidiicono, P. et al. 2003. Sociedad civil y presupuesto participativo. Lima: Fondo Editorial Del Congreso del Peni. Apresenta a expericncia do OP no Peru e em outros paises da AmCrica Latina...

Serageldin, Mona. Assessment of Participatory Budgeting in Brazil. Graduate School of Design Harvard University, Center for Urban Development Studies, Boston, 2003,70p.

AVRITZER, Leonardo; NAVARRO, Zander. A inovaqco democrcitica. S5o Pau1o:Cortez Coletlnea de artigos de acadcmicos contendo discuss50 te6rica e avaliagdes sobre experiencias de OP, do ponto de vista comparativo, de variaveis condicionantes para a implantag50 do mesmo e da diversidade de experiencias em termos de escala de amplitude demografica.

Annex 2 Guidelines for the Focus Groups

Group 1 - Participatory Budget (OP) Council Members

COMPOSITION - Council members chosen through a raffle among their members. Moment Introduction Analysis of time and the cost of participation

Objectives To clarify the objectives and methodology of the work To identify the perception the participants have about the time spent in the participation process

Participatory Budget and Social control relationship of the council members and their bases

To discuss the instruments and methodologies by which the council members provide results to their territorial and thematic bases

Participatory Budget and Social control relationship of the council members with their government

To analyze the perception the participants have about the relationship of the municipal government with the Participatory Budget, and especially, with the council members


Time 5'

"How much time during the week is spent participating in the OP?" "Do you consider this time spent on the OP too much?" "Do you consider the factor of time to be an element that disrupts your participation?" "Do you, as council members, provide results of your activities in your regionJtheme?" "In what manner do you provide results?" "Do you consider this activity of providing results to be efficient?" "In your opinion, do all the council members normally provide results of their activities?" "What is your opinion about the quality of information available from the municipal government to its citizens, and particularly to their council members?" "Which are the instruments that you normally use to access the information related to the budget?" "Do you normally access the existing information in the Participatory Budget page in order to perform your work as a council member?"




Group 2 - OP Delegates

COMPOSITION - Delegates of the same region Moment Introduction Analysis of time and the cost of participation

Participatory Budget and Social control relationship of the delegates with their bases and their regional council members Participatory Budget and Social control relationship of the delegates with their government

Objectives To clarify the objectives and methodology of the work To identify the perception the participants have about the time spent in the participation process

To discuss the instruments and methodologies by which the council members provide results to their territorial and thematic bases

To analyze the perception the participants have about the relationship of the municipal government with the Participatory Budget


Time 5'

"How much time during the week is spent participating in the OP?" "Do you consider this time spent on the OP excessive?" "Do you consider the factor of time to be an element that disrupts your participation?" "Do you, as delegates, provide results of your activities in your regionltheme?" "In what manner do you provide results?" "In your opinion, do the council members in your region normally provide results of their activities?" "How is the relationship between the council members and the delegates?"


"What is your opinion about the quality of information available from the municipal government to its citizens?" "Which are the instruments that you normally use to access the information related to the budget?" "Do you normally access the existing information in the Participatory Budget page in order to perform your work as a delegate?"



Group 3 - Sectorial Councils

COMPOSTION - Representatives of the sectorial councils Moment Introduction

Opinion about the OP

Objectives To present the research being carried out and establish the rules of participation To analyze the perception of the council representatives who deliberate about public politics in relation to the process of the participation of the population in Budget discussions

Relationship between the political sectors and the investment decisions through the OP

To identify possible points of collision between the deliberations of the OP and sectorial politics deliberated by the sectorial councils

Measures for the qualification of the process

To identify the suggestions of the council members in order to improve the relationship between the two poles

Questions Explanation of the content and methodology of the investigation What is your opinion, as representatives of civil society in the elaboration of public politics, about the OP being a decision making instrument for investments? Does the OP present results &om the point of view of placing the resources in their acting areas? What is the relationship between the sectorial political decisions of the councils and the investment decisions taken in the OP? In your opinion, is there complementation or conflict between these two forms of democratic participation of society in public management? Who has more legitimacy to decide, the OP participants or the representatives of civil society and government representatives in the councils? In what way can the relationship between sectorial discussions and investment decisions be improved? What changes in procedure, not only in the OP process but also in the workings of the councils, could contribute to a more qualified process?


lo' 30'



Group 4 - Middle Class COMPOSITION - Mixed group of people in the middle and upper class, between the ages of 25 and 45, higher education, that declare being interested in their neighborhood and the city's business, and who know about the Participatory Budget. Moment Introduction

Assessment of the OP

Causes for not participating (obstacles)

Objectives Questions Research done by the World Bank To present the objectives of the focus groups and establish with the objective of analyzing the the working rules of the experience of the OP in Porto Alegre. This research seeks to build group indicators that allow an analysis of this experience, if it works or not, who in fact does participate, and if the people comprehend how it works. All of this will allow the making of Presentation of the group suggestions that will aid in qualifying the process. In this group of discussion reflections about the participation of the citizens in their government will be made. Now, I would like for each of you to introduce yourselves, stating your name, age, profession and civil state In your opinion, what is the degree of To analyze the perception of the participants about the information of the citizens of Porto degree of transparency of the Alegre in relation to the information municipality in relation to about the municipal finances? Do you economic-financial have information about the income information. and expenditure, costs and To analyze the view of the investments of the municipality? participants about the OP And you all, from your personal point process as a whole. of view, do you consider yourselves To analyze the vision of the well informed about the topic? participants about who is the Do you know the Participatory predominating public in the Budget? Do you know how it works? OP In your opinion, who are the people that participate in the OP? Do you think the OP really contributes to the democratization of a city and improves the quality of public administration? The studies about the subject verify To identify the perception of the participants about the that, normally, participation in the motives for the low OP, is predominantly by people of participation of the middle lower income. In your opinion, why class in the OP. do the middle class sectors participate less in the OP?

Time 5'



Suggestions for expanding participation (stimuli)

To identify the perception about the possibilities of expanding participation of the middle class in the OP

What would, in your opinion, be the main obstacles for higher participation of the middle class in the Participatory Budget? Do you consider participation expansion of the middle class sectors in the Participatory Budget a possibility? In your opinion, what would be possible measures to be adopted in order to expand the participation of the population?


Group 5 - Popular movements

COMPOSITION - Leadership of organizations and social movements Moment



Presentation of the research Presentation of the objectives of the focus groups Establish the working rules of the group

Assessment of the relations between the organized social movements and the OP

Analysis of the causes of low participation (obstacles) Measures for a qualification of the process (stimuli)

To analyze the perception of the organizations and social movements in relation to the Participatory Budget. To identify the point of view of the participants about the role of their organizations in the discussion of the Participatory Budget. To identify the perception of the participants about the low involvement of organized social movements in the OP To identify elements that could contribute to the participation expansion of organized social movements in the OP

Questions Since the 80's, the social movements have been the bases of mobilization, which have resulted in the adoption of practices with more participation in public administration such as the OP, but their participation has been relatively restricted. In this group we want to analyze the relationship between their organizations and the OP. What is your assessment about the Participatory budget from the point of view of organized social movements? Has the OP been an efficient instrument in guaranteeing a space of influence on public municipal politics to the population? What are the main causes that could explain low participation of organized social movements in the OP process? In what ways could the participation of organized social movements in the OP be improved? What changes in the OP process should be made to increase the possibility of participation by organized social movements?

Time 10'




Annex 3 Questionnaire for OP Council Members 1. Name 2. Sex M (-1 F (J 3. Region R /theme T 4. Age (1) 16/24 years (2) 25/34 years (3) 35/44 years (4) 45/59 years (5) 60 years 5. Education (1) No Schooling (2) Incomplete Primary Education (3) Complete Primary Education (4) Incomplete Secondary Education (5) Complete Secondary Education (6) Incomplete or Complete Higher Education 6. Profession (not tabulated) 7. Actual Occupation (1) Private business (registered) (2) Private business (not registered) (3) Public Server (4) Business owner (5) Small business owner (6) Autonomous (7) Informal sector (8) Unemployed (9) Retired (10) Pensioner (1 1) Work from home (12) Liberal Professional ('Jother: (Please specify) 8. How many hours do you work per day?

9. How many hours a week do you spend participating in the PB?

10. Do you believe that the activities in the PB take up much of your time during the week?

11. Apart from the PB, do you use part of your time during the week in other community activities?

12. If yes, how much time?

13. In what period werelare you a PB council member? How many times have you been a council member?

............................................................................ 14. Did you participate in any organization/movement before being a PB councilor member? Yes (JNo (J 15. If yes, which one? (1)Neighborhood association1 Community movement (2) Religious Group (3) Cultural Group (4) Political Party (5) Sport or recreational club (6) Social Movements (7) SyndicateIClass Organization (8) Community Center (9) Popular council (10) Mothers' Club (1 1) Other councils and associations (12) NGOIThird sector1Cooperative

16. How did you start participating in community movements? (1) Neighborhood association/ Community movement (2) Religious Group (3) Cultural Group (4) Political Party (5) Sport or recreational club (6) Social Movements (7) SyndicateIClass Organization (8) Community Center (9) Popular council (10) Mothers' Club (1 1) Other councils and associations (12) NGOIThird sectorICooperative 17. How were you chosen as a PB council member? (Not Tabulated). 18. Apart from the PB, do you currently participate in any organization/movement? Yes Nou If yes, which one? (1) Residents association/Community movement (2) Religious Group (3) Cultural Group (4) Political Party (5) Sport or recreational club (6) Social Movements (7) Syndicate/Class Organization (8) Community Center (9) Popular council (10) Mothers' Club (1 1) Other councils and associations (12) NGOIThird sector1Cooperative


..................................................................... 19. Do you currently hold office in any organization/movement/committee of community representation? Yes (J No 0 If yes, which? In what organization? Description: 20. In your opinion, which are the main difficulties for expanding the participation of the population in the PB? Description: 2 1. In your opinion, which incentives could generate greater participation of the population in the PB? Description:

............................................................................ 22. When you were council member, did you follow up on the realization process of the works decided by the PI? In a positive case: Work commissions (1) Licitation Supervision (2) Service Forums (3) Inauguration (4)

23. What is your opinion of the quality of the information given by the municipality to the council members about public spending? (1) High (2) Medium (3) Low (9) NIA 24. Would you know which are the taxes charged by the municipality? (Do not read the alternatives) (1) Property Tax (2) Service Tax (3) Deed Tax (4) Sales Tax (5) Income Tax (6) others................................ (9) don't know 25. When a public investment such as a day care center or a health unit is decided, what type of spending is determined by the municipality? (1) construction and equipment (2) employee salary (3) maintenance costs (9) N/A 26. Do you consider yourself well informed about technical aspects involving the public budget? (1) Yes (2) more or less (3) no 27. What are the main costs for the municipality, and what does the municipality spend more on? Description:............................................................................ 28. Do you know what the 'Pluriannual Plan' is? (1) correct (2) more or less (3) wrong (9) N/A 29. What is the Budgetary Guidance law? (1) correct (2) more or less (3) wrong (9) N/A ............................................................................ 0. What are spending costs? 1) correct (2) more or less ( 3 ) wrong (9) N/A ......................................................................... 3 1. What is deficit? 1) correct (2) more or less (3) wrong (9) N/A.......................................................................

Annex 4: Questionnaire for Non-Structured Interviews TARGET PUBLIC Non-participating sectors:

Questionnaire: What is your evaluation about the transparency of the data of the public finances of Porto Alegre? Do you consider yourself well-informed about the collection and the spending practices of the municipality? Do you consider yourself well-informed about the how the OP works in Porto Alegre? From a more specific point of view, regarding the .................................... ) do you consider that the OP can be an important instrument for improving public investments? In your opinion, what are the biggest obstacles for greater participation of the .............................) in the Participative Budget? (in terms of time/resources/infonnatiodeducatiodlocatiodtransportation)

Do you know any initiative of the Porto Alegre the municipality which strives to widedmake more viable the participation of the .............................) in the Participative Budget? In your opinion, what could be done to expand the participation of the .............................1 in the Participative Budget?

Did your group/movement/institution at any time carry out any demand through the Participative Budget? Tell us about that experience.

TARGET PUBLIC Business sectors, third sector entities, syndicates Questionnaire:

How would you characterize your level of knowledge with regard to municipal finances? Do you think there is transparency in the municipal public finances? As a citizen of Porto Alegre, what is your opinion about the Participative Budget?

Do you consider yourself well-informed about how the OP works in Porto Alegre? Do you think the OP offers better control to the population, regarding the public investments and the expenditures of the municipality? In the case of your entitylinstitution, do you consider that the OP offers more information about the municipality's finances? What is the quality of this information? In general, entities such as yours, representative of the (...........), don't usually participate in the OP. In your opinion, what are the reasons for this non-participation?

1 In your opinion, what could be done to expand the participation of the ............................. in discussions regarding the municipality's budget? In your opinion, what could your entity do to improve the participation of the population in the management of the city?

TARGET PUBLIC The municipality employees


How long have you been working at the municipality? What position do you occupy there? What do you do there exactly? What is the relation of the secretariat/department/organ where you work, and the OP process?

In your opinion, do you consider that introducing the OP brought some changes to the structure and the internal functioning of the administration?

In what way(s) does the OP affect your work? Did your every day activity change with the introduction of the OP?

What activities do you have to carry out that have some relation to the OP?

Did the OP increase your workload?

What is the relationship between knowledge of the technical body of the municipal administration, and that of the decision making process of the OP?

Did you participate in the internal OP process carried out by the municipality in 2004? If yes, what is your evaluation of the process?

Annex 5 Suwey Tabulations Characteristics of the sample according to gender and age group:

Characteristics of the sample according to income and schooling:

From 5 to 10 MS

Characteristics of the sample according to race, occupation and length of residency in Porto Alegre:

Sample size, period of data collection and physical area in which work was performed:

The survey was carried out between the days of December 19 and 23,2006 with one thousand residents of Porto Alegre. The interviews were personal and interviewees were approached in the sixteen regions of the Participative Budget. In an initial stage, the sample was distributed among the regions of the OP in direct proportion to the population, as displayed in the table below: Region

HumaitalNavegantes Northeast East Lomba do Pinheiro North Nortwest Partenon Restinga Gloria Cruzeiro Cristal South Center South South Eixo Baltazar South Center TOTAL

Interviews Percent of sample 37 3,7% 9,6% 96 8,7% 87 41 4,1% 6,7% 67 21 2,1% 9,2% 92 40 4.0% 33 3.3% 51 5,1% 22 2,2% 80 8,0% 22 2,2% 68 6,8% 50 5,0% 193 19,3% 1000 100%

In a second stage, the census sectors of each of the regions to be visited were selected proportionally to their size. The sample was distributed in 101 sectors, each with a quota of ten interviews in which gender and age proportions were controlled. Confidence interval and margin of error:

The results of this stratified, probabilistic sample by quotas present a maximum margin of error of +I- 3.1% in a 95% confidence interval. Occasional differences in the totals of the tables stem from rounding off figures or the noninclusion of non-responses.

Participation Do you participate in an organization? Which?More than one?



INO, I Responses


Resident associations


Freq. 4,80%







1Cultural groupsf ports clubs 1








....................................... ............... ..... .........



Churchlreligious group



2 60% 3,70%


Student a r o u ~ s Political party Municipal councils









0.20% 0,50% 0,20%



Associations Others


2: 21


2.70% 2,10%



No participation TOTAL

832 1000





The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

In your opinion, is citizen participation important in the decisions of Municipality? No. of Supports participation responses No response


Freq. 3,5%


Not important 24 2,4% ............................................................. Not so important 58 5,8%


Very important



TOTAL I000 100% Average= 2,89 Standard Deviation= 0,38

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (not important) to 3 (very important). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

Municipal services cited, used and frequency of use Do you know what services Porto Alegre Municipality renders for its citizens? Any others? What city services do you generally use? How ofien do you use these services?

* The base for these two columns excluded those that do not use the service and those that did not respond to the question regarding frequency of use.

What is the importance of Municipality in your daily life? No. of Municpality 1 Importance responses No response


Not important


Freq. 2.1%


11,8% ................................................................. Small











TOTAL 1000 100% Average= 2,97 Standard Deviation= 0,99

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (None) to 4 (Great importance).

The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

Information The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (without much information) to 3 (well-informed). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

Regarding Municipality policies on Planning do you consider yourself. .. Planning No response

No. of responses




Without much information



More or less informed





................................................................ ...............................................................


Well informed

1000 100% TOTAL Average= 1,52 Standard deviation= 0,62

Regarding Municipality policies on Public Spending do you consider yourse lf... Expenses

No. of responses 4


0,4% No response 669 6'3% Without much information ................................................................ 278 27,8% More or less informed ................................................................ ................................................................

49 4,9% Well informed 1000 100% TOTAL Average= 1,38 Standard Deviation= 0,58

Regarding Municipality policies on Public Budget do you consider yourself.. . Budgeting

No. of responses


No response 5 05% 653 Without much information 65.3% ................................................................ More or less informed 293 29,3% ................................................................


Well informed



1000 100% TOTAL Average= 1,39 Standard Deviation= 0,58

Regarding Municipality policies on Municipal Services do you consider yourse lf...

Municipal sewices

No. of responses

No response




Without much information



More or less informed Well informed






................................................................. .................................................................


100% 1000 Average= 1,49 Standard Deviation= 0,63

Regarding Municipality policies on Economic and Social issues do you consider yourse lf... Economic and Social Issues

NO Of responses


4 0,4% ........................................ 638 63,8% at~on ...................................................................

...ijii.i"pA. u' -

More or less informed





Well informed


1000 TOTAL Average= 1,42 Standard Deviation= 0,60


Summary table in increasing order of unawareness:


Without much More or less j information j informed Planning Municipal services Economic and social issues Budget Expenses

Well informed



No response
































65,30% 66,90%

/ i

29,30% 27,80%

/ i


How do you obtain information on the actions of the Porto Alegre Municipality? Information ISource 42






No response


Through acquaintances (relatives, neighbors and friends)


From news sources (newspaper, TV, radio)


Municipal communication through news media 11,6% 116 ........................................................................................................................... 36

By direct contact with municipal staff

No information form municipality (option)



3,6% 10,5%




The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple responses.

Regarding the population's access to information on the spending of Municipality, which of these sentences bestfits your opinion? Information ISource No response

No. of responses 108

Freq. 10,8%


187 No information available 18,7% ................................................................................................

Information exists but it is difficult to obtain




184 Information exists but it is difficult to understand 18,4% ................................................................................................

Information is available and is easy to understand TOTAL





Average= 2,22 Standard Deviation= 0,90

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (There is no information available) to 4 (There is available information that is easy to understand). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

In your opinion, the quality of information provided by Municipality on public spending is...

No. of Information /Quality responses


No response












......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

100% TOTAL 705 Average= 1,55 Standard Deviation= 0,62

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (low) to 3 (high). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'There is information', containing 705 observations and defined by the following filter: Info/Access = {There is information, but access is difficult; There is information, but comprehension is difficult; There is available information that is easy to understand)

Are you aware of the 'Observation Committee' of the City of Porto Alegre? Obsewa POA

No. of responses



No response



Yes 134 13,4% ............................................................. No






In your opinion, has the Observation Committee contributed toward improving the quality of information provided by Municipality?

No response










/62,69% 134



1I I

This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Aware of Observation Committee' containing 134 observations and defined by the following filter: ObservationIPop = {Yes}

Resources and investment In your opinion, who decides the public investments in Porto Alegre? Investments /Decisions No response

No. of ,esponse, 132

Freq. 13,2%


416 The major and his team 41,6% .................................................................. Committee of Councilors



The population through OP







Degree of agreement with statements The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Completely disagree) to 4 (Completely agree). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

"The investments reflect the existing priorities. " Investments No response

0. of ~spo,,ses







Totally disagree ..................................................... Partially disagree










Partially Agree


Completely agree TOTAL

Average= 2,55 Standard Deviation= O,99

"Resources are spent honestly, with no corruption. " Resources

l o . of responses


No response



Totally disagree







Partially disagree


273 27,3% Partially Agree .....................................................

Completely agree



1000 100% TOTAL Average= 2,22 Standard deviation = 1,05

"Public works are of good quality." Public Works I No response



responses. 90


Totally disagree



Partially disagree



..................................................... .....................................................


357 ...~ ~ ! ? ~ ! ~ ! ~..Y ... ~...!.. !.~ ... ~... ~..~ ... ...35,7% ........ Completely agree 313 31,3% TOTAL 1000 100%

Average= 2.96 Standard Deviation= 0.99

Summary table in decreasing order of average:




No response


"Public works are of good quality."






"Investmentreflects current prioprities ."






"Resources are spent honestly, no corruption."







In your opinion, control of the use of money from Municipality by the population ... No. of responses.

Popular Control


38 3,8% No response .............................................................................................................. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT, instead good government staff is necessary 92 9.2%










IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TOTAL Average= 2,74 Standard deviation= 0,62

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (NOT IMPORTANT, the important thing is competent rulers) to 3 (VERY IMPORTANT). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

Do you usually have contact with public servants from the Porto Alegre Municipality? Contact with public servants No response

z$ses I I Freq.












How often? Contact/ Frequency


No. of responses 4













No response


Less than once per month


............................................................ .............................................................

198 100% TOTAL Average = 2,51 Standard deviation= 1,12

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (less than once a month) to 4 (on a daily basis). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Have contact with public servants' containing 198 observations and defined by the following filter: Contact/public servants = {Yes>

Do you know where the money that Municipality usesfor investments and services comesfrom?



Source of resources Yes, from taxation

responses Of



Yes, from Federal Transfers Yes, from international loans


49 Other responses 4,9% .......................................................................... Don't know 1 don't have information TOTAL






The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

Do you know what taxes Municipality charges?



No. of responses


No response




The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

Participa five Budget Have you heard of the Participative Budget? No. of responses

Population OP


No response




847 84,7% Yes .................................................. No






The following tables were constructed based on the stratum 'Have heard of the OP' containin~ - 847 observations and defined by the following filter: Pop OP = {Yes)

How did you hear about the OP?


Source 1


No response

1 1





.................................................................. ......................

Through relatives, fnends or neighbors



1 24.56% I 17.12%


......................................................... .......... ...........

Through residents associations or clvil soc~etygroups



Thought the mun~clpallty



Throuah the media ~




Other source TOTAL





The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

In your opinion, who are the people that participate in the OP in Porto Alegre? ParticipantI Profile

NO.of responses

Freq. 18.77%

No response


Entire population



The poorest groups





........................................................................... ...........................................................................


Those more interested in projecV works









Polltical groups mobilizing


The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

In your opinion, the OP ...

NO. of responses




No response



Not important 1 it doesn't work










It is somewhat important for the clty


It is very important for the city

TOTAL Average= 2.64 Standard deviation= 0 3 9

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Has no importance, does not function) to 3 (Has a lot of importance to the city). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses. Degree of agreement with statements

The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Completely agree) to 4 (Completely disagree). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

"The OP broadens democracy in the city." OPlDemocracy II

No. of responses


No response



Totally disagree



Partially disagree



Partially agree



Totally agree






........................................................... ...........................................................



Average= 3.50 Standard deviation= 0,76

"The OP increases the efficiency of the government. " OPlEfficiency II

Freq. responses

66 7,79% No response 47 5,55% Totally disagree ........................................................... 49 579% Partially disagree ...........................................................


Partially agree



Totally agree




100% 847 TOTAL Average= 3,38 Standard deviation= 0,85

"The OPfavors the poor people in the neighborhoods and communities." OPlPoor II

No. of responses


No response


Totally disagree



Partially disagree



Partially agree



Totally agree





........................................................... ........................................................... ...........................................................


100% 847 Average= 3,40 Standard Deviation= 0,84

"The OP improves the quality of life in the city. " OPlQuality II

No. of responses


No response



Totally disagree



........................................................... ...........................................................

Partially disagree



Partially agree





........................................................... ...........................................................

Totally agree TOTAL


100% Average= 3,47 Standard deviation= 0,80

"The OP has not added anything to democracy in the city. " OPlDemocracy Ill No response

No. of responses 69

Freq. 8,15%


50,53% 428 Totally disagree ...........................................................

Partially disagree



Partially agree







Totally agree

100% 847 TOTAL Average= 1,69 Standard deviation= 0,92

"The OP does not work; it does not achieve results. " OPlResults II

No. of responses


56 6,61% No response 51,24% 434 Totally disagree ........................................................... 233 27,51% Partially disagree



Partially agree



Totally agree




100% 847 TOTAL Average= 1,68 Standard deviation= 0,91

"The OPpractices demagogy. "

No. of responses

OPlDemagogy 11

No response Totally disagree












........................................................... ...........................................................

Partially disagree


Partially agree


Totally agree TOTAL

100% 847 Average= 1,74 Standard deviation= 0,95

"The OP is a political party instrument."



OP/lnstrument 11

No response Totally disagree





........................................................... ...........................................................

Partially disagree



Partially agree







........................................................... ...........................................................

Totally agree TOTAL

Average= 2,44 Standard deviation= 1,15

"The OP gave prestige to Porto Alegre throughout the world. " OPlPrestige 11



No response Totally disagree





........................................................... ...........................................................

30 3,54% Partially disagree ........................................................... Partially agree 172 20,31%


Totally agree



847 100% TOTAL Average= 3,48 Standard deviation= 0,85

Summary table in decreasing order of the average:

Statement "OP broadens democracy in PoA." "OP gives prestige to PoA in the world."




3,5 3,48

83.94% 75,21%

7,44% 9,09%

No TOTAL response 100% 8,62% 15,70% 100%

In your opinion, has the OP given results in terms of investments for the population? OPlResults Ill

No. of responses

No response















In your opinion, who benefits mostfrom the Participative Budget? Freq.

No. of responses

OPlBenefits No-response



Entire population



....................................................................... .......................................................................

52 6,14% Population from rich neighbourhoods ....................................................................... ....

Population from middle class Poorer towns and villages










Nobody benefits TOTAL

Can you cite a public work or service that was decided through the OP? No. of WorkslOPlRerniniscing responses No response










.............................................................. ..............................................................





no 2 :Neighborhood public squares no 6 : Community daycare centers no 7 : Low-income housing no 8 : Fixed the streets in my neighborhood no 12 : Beltway no 17 : Low-income housing no 29 : Asphalt on my street no 38 : Sidewalks no 40 : Low-income housing, Sidewalks no 44 : Low-income housing no 46 : Bus routes no 47 : Sidewalks on many streets no 50 : Community daycare centers no 5 1 : Pavement and basic sanitation in neighborhoods that didn't have any no 54 : Bus routes no 56 : Pavement of streets in poor neighborhoods no 57 : Square and parks in neighborhoods that didn't have any no 58 : Demhab homes no 59 : Construction of Beltway no 60 : Community centers no 62 : Asphalt on some streets of the city no 64 : Daycare centers in poorer neighborhoods no 65 : Community daycare centers no 67 : Community daycare centers, Sidewalks no 72 : Assis Brasil Overpass no 76 : Sidewalks in my neighborhood no 79 : Bus route no 8 1 : Skateboard park in IAPI no 88 : Low-income housing no 89 : Basic sanitation in the neighborhoods no 93 : Repaired an entire portion of Restinga no 95 :Beltway no 97 : Public squares no 98 : Bus routes and Beltway no 100 : Asphalt on the streets no 101 : Bus routes no 102 : Community daycare and Low-income housing no 103 : Sidewalks no 107 : Sidewalks no 109 : Asphalt and basic sanitation no 110 : Homes and daycare for less privileged population no 112 : Asphalted streets no 113 : Sanitation for neighborhoods no 116 : I don't know where or how to participate no 120 : Improvements in neighborhoods no 122 : Improvements in Restinga no 126 : Trash collections no 133 :Beltway no 134 : Streetlights, plumbing no 136 :Beltway no 143 : My street no 147 : Restoration of Aldo Locatelli school no 154 : Pavement on streets no 160 : Sidewalks in Restinga no 168 : Asphalt on streets no 171 : Piped water in Santa FB lots no 187 : Asphalt on the streets no 191 : Pavement on streets and Low-income housing no 192 : Asphalt here in the neighborhood no 200 : Pavement on the streets here in the neighborhood no 202 : Asphalt on streets no 206 : Daycare centers and health posts no 208 : Daycare centers and pavement on streets no 219 : Asphalt on the streets no 222 : Asphalting in neighborhoods no 223 : Asphalted street, sewage system, plumbing on Clarinda Bueno street no 224 : Homes in Papeleiros neighborhood no 228 : Asphalt on Dolores Duran street no 229 : My street no 232 : I don't know no 233 : Sidewalks of Serra Verde

no 236 : A building was constructed at the Tereza de Noronha school no 239 : I don't know no 241 : Sidewalks of Santa Helena neighborhood no 242 : Asphalt no 248 : Asphalt and sewage system no 249 : Asphalt on the streets no 251 :Asphalt no 255 : Sewage system in Lomba do Pinheiro no 256 : Branquinha street no 257 : Asphalting no 259 : Beltway no 260 : Asphalting and basic sanitation system no 263 : Pavement of streets here in the neighborhood and basic sanitation no 266 : Plumbing of the streets here in the neighborhood no 269 : Beltway no 273 : Sidewalks no 275 : Sidewalks no 277 : Beltway no 281 : A Beltway no 287 : Sidewalks no 290 : Community daycare centers no 291 : Sidewalks no 292 : Sidewalks on many streets in the city no 299 : Asphalt and sidewalks no 3 11 : Community daycare center no 3 12 : Sidewalks no 3 19 : Demhab homes no 324 : Sidewalks no 326 : Community daycare centers no 329 : Sidewalks on the neighborhood streets and installation of sewage system no 334 : Pavement of neighborhood streets no 335 : Asphalted streets and installed water and sewage system in Campo da Tuca no 337 : A daycare center was set up her in the neighborhood no 340 : Built low-income housing, installed water system and asphalt in Timbauva no 343 : Asphalting of streets here in the neighborhood, basic sanitation and sewage system no 345 : Asphalt on the street and bus route no 347 : Low-income housing, Timbauva lots no 35 1 : Construction of homes in Ceres and sewage system no 354 : Asphalt in Bonsucesso no 355 : Pavement of streets and opening of daycare centers no 359 : Pavement of streets in Restinga and Lomba do Pinheiro, and daycare centers no 362 : Sidewalks on the hills (poor communities) no 364 : Beltway no 366 : Asphalt no 369 : Improved the health post in Lomba do Pinheiro no 383 : School no 386 : Sidewalks no 392 : Sidewalks no 394 : Badly made street (Clemente Pereira) no 395 : Asphalting of streets no 396 : Low-income housing no 414 : Low-income housing in Papeleiros no 417 : Asphalted the entire Mono da Cmz no 419 : Pavement of streets in Lomba do Pinheiro no 423 : Asphalting no 424 : Community daycare center no 425 : A daycare center no 426 : Asphalt on the streets no 427 : Asphalting and canal no 428 : Pavement no 429 : Daycare centers no 430 : Housing no 433 : Sidewalks on the streets in our neighborhood no 443 : Improvements in health no 444 : I don't know no 447 : I don't know no 453 : Homes in the neighborhood

no 454 : I don't know no 456 : Soccer field here in the neighborhood no 458 : Sidewalks in my mother's neighborhood no 459 : Asphalt in the neighborhood no 461 : Asphalt in the neighborhood no 466 : 1don't know n" 469 : I don't know no 472 : Construction of housing no 473 : Walkway in Restinga no 474 : Housing no 476 : Asphalt no 478 : Installation of water system in Sfto Pedro no 479 : Housing for needy families no 48 1 : Sidewalks and housing no 485 : Condominiums no 490 : Asphalted streets no 491 : Bom Jesus health post and asphalted streets in Vila Jardim no 492 : Asphalt in neighborhoods no 493 : Sidewalk on the street with church no 496 : Sidewalks on Herval Campos street no 507 : Sidewalks in neighborhoods no 509 : Settlements no 5 10 : Sidewalks and urbanization. New health posts no 5 18 : Asphalting of streets no 525 : Bandejlo, restaurant food for R$ 1.OO Real no 526 : Sheets, sidewalks no 528 : Asphalting of streets no 532 : Asphalted Caixa EconBmica street no 534 : Sidewalks no 535 : Center no 537 : Asphalt on streets in the neighborhood no 539 : Access paths no 542 : Beltway no 543 : New street no 546 : Construction of schools, daycare centers, health posts no 550 : Pavement in the neighborhoods no 55 1 : Community daycare centers no 552 : Construction of schools n" 553 : I don't know no 554 : I don't know no 555 : Beltway no 559 : Installation of daycare centers no 560 : Asphalting of the street no 561 : Asphalting of my sheet no 566 : Construction of housing no 567 : They're going to build houses and a daycare center no 575 : The land for our houses no 577 : Canal work in my neighborhood no 578 : Canal in the neighborhood no 579 : Asphalt on my street no 581 : Streetlights in the neighborhoods no 582 : I don't remember no 583 : Houses near the highway no 586 : I don't know no 590 : Low-income housing in Campo Novo no 593 : Doctors in health posts no 594 : Small neighborhoods legalized no 596 : Housing no 606 : Asphalt in small neighborhoods no 608 : Jer6nimo Minuzzo and Aurora streets were paved no 609 : Asphalt and urbanization of neighborhoods no 610 : Jd. Vila Nova Condominium and Campo Novo no 612 : Asphalt on my street no 615 : I don't remember no 6 18 : Condominium in Vila dos Papeleiros no 619 : Fixed streets no 620 : Pavement of Jorge Pereira Nunes no 623 : Condominium in Vila dos Papeleiros no 627 : Asphalting on road where 1 live no 629 : CTG and daycare center no 630 : Asphalting on streets no 633 : Sewage system in neighborhood no 636 : I don't remember

no 638 : Surfacing of the streets no 639 :Beltways no 640 : Asphalted the street no 641 : Asphalt on the streets no 653 : Asphalting in the neighborhood no 659 : Asphalting of streets no 665 : Renovation of schools no 669 : Houses in Vila Cai-Cai no 670 : Asphalting in Retiro da Ponta Grossa no 673 : Houses in Tele-Tubbies no 675 :None no 676 : I don't recall anything no 677 : Restinga benefited no 678 : Hospitals and schools no 679 : Gas, bus fare and medication assistance no 680 : Water system for Lami no 681 : Health post in Lami no 682 : Sidewalks in the neighborhoods no 686 : I don't remember no 687 : Improvements on roads and neighborhoods no 691 : Asphalt on the streets no 692 : Sidewalks in my neighborhood no 694 : Construction of daycare centers no 695 : Asphalting in center of neighborhood no 697 : Construction of low-income housing no 698 : Asphalt in my neighborhood no 703 : Low-income housing no 704 : Restoration of Manoel Elias Ave no 705 : Sidewalks on access to neighborhood no 709 : Sidewalks in neighborhoods and construction of houses no 716 : Sewage system in the neighborhood no 718 : Asphalted streets and basic sanitation in Sarandi no 723 : Santa Rosa school no 725 : Gun control, disarming no 738 : Community center no 743 : Sewage system no 750 : Pavement no 753 : Daycare center no 755 : Pavement of AntBnio Sevenno road no 756 : Baltazar routes no 758 : Fixed canal system no 761 : Construction of Capivara canal no 763 : Rainwater drainage on Gavea sheet no 768 : Pavement of Cavalhada lots and change to Assungfto bus route schedule no 771 : Sewage system and new streets in neighborhoods no 772 : Pavement in neighborhoods no 775 : Renovations in schools, daycare centers and cultural area no 778 : Health post in Lomba do Pinheiro and asphalt on streets in Restinga no 784 : Renovated schools and water system of Belem Novo no 786 : Widened Juca Batista Ave no 787 : Asphalt on street here in the neighhorhood no 795 : Asphalting in neighborhood no 796 : Sewage system in Vila Gloria no 798 : Community daycare centers in Vila Gaucha and St" Tereza no 802 : Sidewalks no 809 : Emanuel Society no 8 15 : Planetano neighborhood no 818 : Princesa Isabel Condominium no 820 : Construction of daycare centers, no 822 : Low-income housing no 833 : Votes to decide if one public work or another is of more benefit no 835 :Beltway no 837 : Condominiums no 841 : Planetario and Housing no 845 : Basic sanitation in CamaquZ no 852 : Neighborhood school and soccer field no 854 : Basic sanitation in Vila Bom Jesus no 857 : Improvement to rainwater drainage

no 859 no 860 no 861 no 863 no 869 no 870 no 872 no 873 no 874 no 875 no 880 no 882 no 883 no 884 no 888 no 890 no 896 no 897 no 900 no 908 no 9 10 no 91 1 city no 9 13 no 9 17 no 91 8 no 921 no 922 no 924 no 929

: Apartments for poor people in Princesa Isabel : Low-income housing : Low-income housing

: Sewage system and paved streets : Our homes : In Lupicinio Rodrigues : Houses in Campos dos Cristais : Vila Lupicinio Rodrigues

: 12 housing units here : Low-income housing

unit : Planetario neighborhood and Beltway : Renovations of schools : So many that is unable to specify : New avenues : Improvements to streets : Basic sanitation, sidewalks and streetlights : Beltway : Asphalt on many streets in the city : Construction of streets : Bus routes : Pavement of streets : Asphalt and sidewalks on a number of streets in the : Asphalt on the streets : The creek

in Ipanema received canals

: Daycare centers : Construction of daycare : Public squares


: Asphalting in neighborhoods

no 933 no 935 no 936 no 938 no 939 routes no 940 no 942 no 943 no 944 no 945 no 947 no 953 no 964 no 967 no 968 no 969 no 972 no 973 no 975 no 983 no 984 no 985 no 986 no 989 no 990 no 991 no 992 no 997

: Renovations of schools : Sewage system and asphalt in different neighborhoods : Asphalt on many streets : Beltway : Asphalt

on different streets, especially those on bus

: Asphalt and


: Low-income housing : Asphalt,

streetlights and houses

: Sidewalks : Princesa Isabel Condominium : Beltway, and houses in Vila dos Papeleiros. : Por do Sol Theater : Opened

incomplete streets in Partenon

: Beltway and apartments in Princesa Isabel : IAPI sports area : Widening of Bage Ave : Beltway overpass : Asphalt in the neighborhood Partenon and Bom Jesus : Pavement of streets and basic sanitation : Asphalt

and basic sanitation in poorer neighborhoods

: Beltway : Asphalt

and daycare centers

: Low-income housing : Asphalt on the streets that had no sidewalks : Asphalting and widening of streets : Sidewalks in Morro : Vila dos Papeleiros

da Cruz

: Asphalted streets in Bom Jesus

: Basic sanitation projects

335 responses cited

Regardless of participating or not, have you benefitedfrom some work or service of the OP? OPiBenefited No response Yes No TOTAL

No. of responses

66 212 569 847


7,79% 25,03% 67,18% 100%

Participation in the OP Have you ever participated in any OP meeting? OPlParticipation

No. of responses











No response





The following tables were constructed based on the stratum 'Heard of it, but did not participate', containing 638 observations and defined by the following filter: Pop OP = {Yes) and OPIParticipation I = {No)

W h y did you notparticipate in the OP? no 1 : It doesn't suit me no 2 : No one sent an invitation no 3 : I work and don't have the time no 5 : I wasn't invited; I wasn't told about the meeting no 7 : I never wanted to get involved; I don't have time no 9 : I wasn't invited no 10 : I don't know no 11 : I wasn't invited no 12 : Time, information on time and place of meeting. no 13 : I don't know where to go no 15 : I don't know where it is no 16 : Laziness no 18 : I don't know where it is and I don't have any way to get there no 19 : I wasn't invited no 20 : Lack of interest no 21 : Lack of encouragement and publicity no 22 : My husband won't let me no 23 : Lack of interest no 24 : Lack of interest on my part no 28 : I don't know no 29 : It doesn't exist where I live no 32 : I have other things to do no 33 : I'm not very interested. no 34 : 1 am not informed no 35 : I wasn't invited; I don't know where it is no 38 : 1 don't care for this type of thing no 39 : I don't like the PT no 40 : I have no information on dates, times and place no 42 : No one ever invited me no 43 : I am not interested no 44 : I leave this to younger people no 45 : I wasn't invited no 46 : 1don't have the time no 47 : Lack of time no 50 : I think there is a lack of publicity in the media no 52 : I don't know how to participate no 53 : I have no need for this no 54 : I don't have access to information on how to participate no 55 : I don't see any need to participate no 56 : Lack of time no 57 : I've never been interested because I don't think we need very much here no 58 : Lack of time no 59 : Lack of time no 60 : I don't know where the meetings are

no 61 : I live in a neighborhood that doesn't need these services no 62 : Lack of interest no 63 : There is not enough publicity no 64 : Lack of time and interest no 65 : I don't think I have a need to do it no 68 : It is not done in my neighborhood no 69 : 1don't know where there is an OP no 70 : They only make promises, nothing else no 71 : I wasn't invited no 73 : I don't know where the meetings are in my neighborhood no 74 : 1don't know where the meetings are no 75 : I don't have the time no 76 : I don't have the time no 77 : I didn't get an invitation; I don't know where the meetings are no 78 : I don't know where the meetings are no 79 : It's not publicized no 80 : It takes place in distant locations no 81 : I am lazy no 82 : Lack of information on times and where the meetings take place no 83 : 1 wasn't told about the meetings no 84 : Lack of time no 86 : No one told me no 87 : I didn't know about the meetings no 93 : 1never went to the meetings no 97 : 1don't have much information on how to participate no 98 : I don't have the time. no 100 : I've never been interested. no 101 : I have no interest no 103 : I don't know how to do it no 105 : 1am not interested in this no 106 : I have health problems no 109 : I don't have the time for this no l I0 : I don't think I need to participate no 112 : Lack of publicity no 113 : I wasn't invited no 115 : Lack of interest on my part no 116 : Interest in improving the city no 117 : I don't believe in it; it's just self-interest no 118 :Lackoftime no 119 : Lack oftime no 120 : I don't know no 122 : I wasn't invited. no 123 : I don't even know where it is no 124 : Doesn't know where

no 125 : 1have no idea where the meetings take place no 126 : I have no information. no 127 : I haven't had time. no 128 : No interest no 129 : I've never heard of it. no 131 : I wasn't invited. no 132 : I don't see any function in the OP. no 133 : I haven't been interested. no 134 : 1 don't have the time no 135 : 1don't really like it no 136 : I have only lived a short time in Porto Alegre no 139 : I have no interest no 140 : I have never been interested no 141 : I don't know where it is; I wasn't invited no 142 : No one invited me no 145 : I have never been interested no 151 : I haven't had time no 156 : I don't have the time no 158 : I don't like this type of thing no 159 : I wasn't invited, 1don't know where it is no 160 : Lack of time no 161 : I wasn't invited no 163 : Most people are homeowners in our community no 166 : I have no interest no 168 : There is no association in the neighborhood no 169 : There isn't one near my house no 172 : I have never been interested no 174 : I wasn't invited no 178 : I don't understand it well no 182 : The leaders participate in our community no 183 : I wasn't invited, I don't know where the meeting is no 184 : 1 couldn't go during the evening hours no 185 : I have no interest no 186 : Health problems no 190 : I don't have the time, my husband is ill no 192 : I don't have the time. no 193 : No one ever invited me. no 194 : I don't have the time or interest. no 195 : Lack of time and desire. no 196 : I have no desire and am not interested. no 197 : I wasn't invited. no 198 : I am not informed about where the meetings are. no 200 : Lack of time. no 201 : 1never found out about the meetings. no 202 : 1don't know where it is. no 203 : I haven't been interested. no 205 : Lack of time. no 206 : No one ever invited me. no 207 : I never wanted to participate. no 208 : Lack of time. no 2 1 1 : Other locations need more. no 212 : Lack of publicity. no 213 : I'm not very attentive to these things. no 214 : I don't have the time. no 2 15 : Lack of time and I don't know how to participate. no 216 : I don't know it if exists in my neighborhood, Iam unaware. no 218 : Lack of information. no 219 : I don't want to participate. no 220 : I don't have the time or interest. no 221 : I don't have the time; I work for the military. no 223 : I don't have access to the meetings. no 224 : I don't have much time. no 225 : I don't know where it is. no 226 : I don't know no 227 : 1 don't have the time. no 228 : Laziness. no 229 : 1 don't know no 230 : No one calls me. no 231 : 1don't have the patience. no 232 : There are no meetings here. no 237 : I don't have anything to do there no 239 : It's all promises and nothing else. no 240 : Idon't want to waste my time.

no 242 : Lack of interest. no 247 : 1think it's a lack of desire and time. no 248 : My child is sick. no 249 : I wasn't invited to participate. no 253 : I am unaware of the meetings. no 255 : I don't have the time available and it's a lot of bickering. no 256 : I have never been interested. no 257 : I wasn't invited. no 258 : I am unaware of it. no 262 : I only heard about the elections. no 263 : It is not open to the population. no 265 : I don't know where it is or how to participate. no 266 : I don't know no 267 : I wasn't interested. no 268 : I am not interested. no 269 : Lack of publicity on the meetings. no 270 : I don't have the time. no 271 : There were never any invitations in the neighborhood. no 272 : I 'rn too old for this kind of thing. no 273 : 1don't know where it is. no 275 : Idon't know where they are located. no 278 : I don't have the time. no 279 : I'm not interested. no 280 : I don't have any information. no 281 : I don't know where the meetings are. no 282 : I have never been interested in participating. no 284 : I wasn't invited. no 285 : I have no information on where the meetings are. no 286 : I don't know no 288 : Lack of time. no 289 : Lack of time. no 290 : Idon't have the time. no 291 : Lack of time. no 292 : I never thought about it. no 294 : I wasn't invited. no 295 : 1 don't know where it is. no 296 : No one ever invited me, I don't know what it is. no 297 : I don't know where it is. no 299 : Lack of time. no 300 : I'm not interested. no 302 : Lack of opportunity. no 303 : I have no information on where it is. no 304 : Ihave no time. no 305 : I'm not interested. no 306 : 1never heard about it. no 307 : I am too old. no 308 : I don't have the time. no 309 : It's too political. no 3 10 : Lack of time. no 3 11 : My time is short. no 3 12 : I don't have the time. no 313 : Lack of invitation. no 3 15 : I had no opportunity. no 3 16 : No one ever invited me. no 3 18 : I wasn't invited. no 320 : 1 don't have good enough health. no 322 : I wasn't invited. no 325 : 1 wasn't invited. no 326 : 1study at night. no 327 : I don't have the time. no 328 : I don't know no 330 : Lack of time. no 331 : 1don't have any information on where or when it is. no 332 : I don't know when the meetings are. no 334 : The times of the meetings are not suitable for me. no 335 : I don't have the time. no 336 : I never had any information about where the meetings are. no 338 : I don't want to participate, I have never been interested. no 339 : I wasn't invited. no 340 : I don't have the time. no 342 : I don't know what days the meetings are.

no 344 : 1 was never told or invited to the meetings. no 345 : 1don't have the time. no 346 : 1don't like meetings. no 348 : 1 wasn't invited. no 349 : No one ever invited me, I don't know what it is. no 35 1 : 1 don't have the time. no 352 : 1 wasn't invited and 1don't have the time. no 355 : I don't have the time. no 356 : 1have no interest. no 358 : I don't have the time. no 360 : I wasn't invited. no 362 : It doesn't interest me. no 363 : I don't have the time. no 365 : No one invited me. no 370 : 1 don't like politics. no 371 : I wasn't invited. no 373 : 1have never been interested. no 374 : The times are had for me. no 375 : Lack of opportunity. no 376 : 1wasn't invited. no 377 : I don't have the time. no 378 : I don't know where to go and I don't have the time. no 379 : Lack of interest. no 380 : I don't know no 382 : Lack of time. no 387 : 1wasn't invited. no 391 : 1 was never invited. no 393 : Lack of time. no 394 : 1 wasn't affiliated to a political party. no 396 : 1have no interest. no 397 : 1don't know where they meet. no 399 : 1have no time. no 400 : There isn't any here on the street. no 403 : I have no time. no 409 : I didn't have the time. no 41 1 : I don't know no 413 : I have no information. no 414 : I don't have the time. no 415 : 1 wasn't invited. no 416 : Lack of opportunity. no 417 : 1 don't belong to a political party. no 420 : There isn't any here in the neighborhood. no 421 : I don't have the time. no 424 : 1don't know what days they meet. no 429 : No interest no 430 : No interest no 434 : I don't have the time to go to the meetings. no 435 : I don't have much information on the meetings. no 436 : I don't have much interest. no 437 : I don't have much information on the meetings. no 438 : I have no time. no 439 : I don't have the time. no 445 : I never heard about it. no 446 : I don't have anyone to go with me. no 448 : I was never told about the meetings. no 450 : 1 am very busy. no 452 : I have never been interested. no 453 : Lack of time. no 455 : I never went. no 458 : I never had any need for it. no 462 : I never knew about the meetings. no 468 : Lack of interest. no 471 : 1 don't know no 473 : I don't like this type of thing. no 475 : I think other people need it more. no 476 : I don't have the time. no 477 : I don't have much education and would just listen to other people speak. no 478 : 1avoid going, there are more problems than solutions. no 479 : Lack of information. no 48 1 : Lack of information. no 484 : There is no association here. no 485 : I have no interest. no 486 : No one ever invited me.

no 487 : There is no information. no 488 : I've never had time. no 489 : They don't publicize it. no 490 : 1don't want to participate. no 492 : I never needed it. no 494 : Lack of time. no 496 : I was never invited. no 497 : I don't want to participate. no 502 : I don't know. no 504 : No time. no 505 : Lack of time. no 509 : I have no information on where and when the meetings take place. no 5 10 : Lack of time. no 5 11 : 1have never been interested. no 512 : Ldon'tknow no 5 13 : l have never been interested. no 5 14 : I don't know no 5 15 : I have a lot of children and grandchildren to take care of; 1 can't go out at night. no 5 17 : I don't like to get involved. no 5 19 : I don't like this type of thing. no 520 : Lack of desire. no 522 : I don't like this type of thing. no 524 : No one ever invited me. no 525 : I don't know no 526 : Lack of time. no 530 : I don't get involved. no 53 1 : I never had the desire. no 538 : There's no point to it. no 541 : I don't really know what it is. no 545 : 1have no access to information. no 547 : I don't have certain types of information. no 549 : 1never had the opportunity. no 550 : I had no awareness of where it was. no 552 : Lack of time. no 553 : I was never invited. no 554 : I have never been interested no 555 : No interest no 556 : 1don't know, lack of curiosity. no 557 : I haven't had access. no 558 : I don't know what it does. no 561 : I haven't had the opportunity. no 562 : I don't know no 563 : I haven't been interested. no 564 : No one invited me. no 565 : 1wasn't invited. no 568 : They only lie. no 569 : I don't like to get involved. no 572 : Only my wife participates. no 573 : They scheduled the meeting and then at the time they postponed it. no 575 : I don't like this type of thing. no 578 : I don't know no 579 : Laziness. no 580 : Lack of information. no 582 : I don't know no 583 : I don't have the time. no 584 : No time. no 585 : No time. no 586 : 1had no opportunity. no 588 : I don't know where it is. no 589 : I was never informed about the dates of the meetings. no 591 : It doesn't work. no 592 : No interest no 595 : 1 wasn't interested. no 597 : I have no contact with anyone involved in it. no 598 : There isn't any in my neighborhood, I don't have this information. no 599 : Under-publicized. no 600 : I'm not interested, I don't have the time. no 601 : I don't have information on meetings in my neighborhood. no 603 : I have no interest.

no 604 : I don't know how to participate. no 605 : I have no interest. no 606 : It is a political party instrument. no 607 : It doesn't interest me. no 609 : 1 wasn't invited. no 61 1 : It doesn't get results. no 6 13 : There is no publicity. no 614 : 1wasn't invited and I don't have the time. no 616 : I don't even know what it is. no 617 : No one invited us. no 619 : I didn't know it existed. no 620 : I don't know if there is one in my neighborhood no 623 : I am not involved politically. no 630 : I'm not interested. no 639 : I haven't had time. no 641 : Lack of time. no 642 : I'm very tired. no 643 : I don't know what days it is. no 644 : I don't know when it is. no 646 : 1don't know no 647 : They invited me, but I forgot about it. no 648 : I don't know no 649 : I had no opportunity. no 650 : Lack of time. no 652 : 1have no interest. no 653 : I don't have the patience. no 654 : I wasn't invited. no 655 : 1have no interest. no 656 : 1wasn't invited. no 657 : I wasn't invited. no 658 : I don't have the time. no 660 : It's badly publicized. no 661 : I haven't lived in the neighborhood very long. no 662 : I never heard about it. no 663 : I have no interest. no 664 : I don't have the time. no 665 : No interest no 666 : 1don't know where the meetings are. no 667 : 1 didn't check into the meeting locations. no 668 : Lack of time. no 669 : It's inconvenient for me. no 674 : Because of work. no 677 : There are no meetings here. no 678 : I don't go to these things. no 679 : No one ever invited me. no 68 1 : I have no answer. no 683 : I wasn't invited. no 684 : I don't like this type of thing. no 685 : It's at night. no 686 : I don't enjoy the atmosphere of meetings. no 690 : 1 don't have the time no 691 : Illness no 692 : I'm not interested no 694 : Lack of time and information no 697 : Lack of time no 701 : No interest or incentive no 703 : 1have never been interested no 708 : I don't have the time no 71 1 : I've never been interested no 713 : It's a waste oftime no 717 : The meetings are at night no 720 : They never came to my house no 721 : 1 wasn't invited, I don't like politics no 722 : No interest no 725 : Lack of time no 728 : I don't know no 736 : I don't have the time no 739 : I am very busy no 741 : Lack of time no 747 : Lack of time no 748 : I don't have the time no 758 : Omission. no 759 : I wasn't invited. no 760 : I never heard about it.

no 763 : Forgetfulness. no 764 : It's more for young people. no 765 : 1don't want to participate. no 766 : I don't get involved in politics. no 767 : 1wasn't invited. no 769 : There was no interest. no 770 : 1am a very busy person. no 771 :The neighborhoods that I have lived in didn't have these meetings. no 773 : I don't know where the meetings take place. no 774 : I don't have the time. no 775 : I have been out of the country the last 3 yean. no 776 : I don't have the time. no 777 : I don't believe in it. no 778 : I had health problems and never had the time. no 779 : No one ever invited me. no 780 : I never heard about the meetings. no 781 : I wasn't invited. no 782 : I never heard about the meetings. no 783 : I have never been interested and was never invited. no 785 : 1 never heard about the meetings. no 786 : I don't have the time. no 789 : Lack of opportunity of knowing how it functions. no 790 : I don't have the time. no 791 : I don't know why. no 793 : l a m too old. no 794 : I have no time. no 796 : I moved and I don't know where the meeting is. no 797 : I have no interest. no 799 : Negligence on my part. no 800 : 1have never been interested. no 801 : 1don't like to get involved. no 802 : I don't believe politicians. no 804 : No time. no 805 : I haven't been interested. no 806 : Lack of awareness and meeting places. no 807 : No interest. no 809 : My neighborhood has everything I need. no 810 : Doesn't know where it is. no 8 11 : Lack of information. no 812 : I don't have information on locations and meeting days. no 8 13 : No access or opportunity. no 814 : I wasn't invited to a meeting. no 815 : Lack of information. no 817 : I don't hear about these things. no 8 18 : Idon't like this type of thing. no 821 : I don't know where it is. no 823 : I don't have information. no 824 : Laziness. no 825 : I don't know no 827 : Doesn't get involve in anything political. no 828 : Doesn't know how to participate. no 829 : Lack of interest on my part. no 830 : No one ever invited me. no 83 1 : I wasn't invited. no 832 : I don't know where it takes place, I don't have any information. no 833 : I wasn't invited. no 834 : Could never go, works too much. no 835 : I have no time. no 836 : Has no desire. no 839 : I don't think I was invited. no 841 : I don't know anyone that has participated. no 842 : Wasn't invited and didn't have information. no 843 : 1have no time. no 844 : Lack of time. no 845 : Where never saw any mobilization for an assembly in the neighborhood. no 846 : Lack of time. no 847 : I don't have the time available. no 849 : Lack of time. no 850 : I don't have the time. no 85 1 : Lack of opportunity and knowledge.

no 853 : 1don't know where it is, I have no information. no 854 : 1don't hear anything about it in my neighborhood. no 855 : 1am too old. no 856 : No one invited me. no 858 : We work at the same time as the meetings. no 860 : Lack of interest. no 862 : Is out of town. no 863 : I never demonstrated any interest. no 864 : Lack of interest. no 865 : I have never been interested. no 866 : I have never been interested. no 867 : I don't understand these things. no 873 : No one ever invited me. no 875 : They don't invite people. no 876 : Lack of time. no 877 : No one ever invited me. no 878 : Has no information on the OP. no 879 : Had other priorities. no 881 : No one ever invited me. no 883 : I have no time. no 886 : I don't have knowledge on how to participate. no 887 : Lack of time. no 888 : I haven't had time yet. no 890 : I have no information. no 891 : I wasn't invited. no 893 : I am unaware about where it takes place. no 894 : I don't have the time. no 895 : I believe I don't have the time. no 896 : There are no OP meetings where I live. n" 897 : I don't know how to get there, how to participate or how it works. no 900 : I don't have the time to participate. no 902 : Lack of time and 1have health problems. no 905 : 1can't go at my age. no 906 : I don't have the time. no 907 : I'm not interested in these meetings. no 908 : I don't like this type of thing. no 909 : I am too old for this. no 910 : I don't have the time. no 912 : 1 don't know where it is. no 9 13 : Lack of time. no 914 : Lack of opportunity. no 9 15 : I don't have the time. no 916 : I don't know no 918 : Lack of time. no 919 : Healthproblems. no 920 : I have no idea how to do it. no 921 : I am too old. no 923 : I have no access to the places where the meetings are held. no 924 : Lack of time. no 925 : No one ever invited me. no 926 : Lack of time. no 927 : I don't know no 928 : 1 was never asked to go. no 930 : 1 don't know no 932 : I don't know who or when they take place. no 934 : Lack of time. no 935 : Lack of initiative.

629 cited responses

no 936 : I wasn't invited. no 937 : I'm not interested in participating. no 938 : I have never been interested. no 939 : I don't have the time. no 940 : No one ever invited me. no 941 : I'm too old for this. no 942 : Lack of time. no 943 : I have never been interested in participating. no 944 : I don't have the time to participate, I study at night. no 947 : I wasn't invited. no 948 : Lack of time and interest. no 949 : Lack of time. no 950 : I have never been interested. no 95 1 : I haven't had access. no 952 : Lack of interest. no 953 : There is nothing in this neighborhood, there is no OP. no 954 : 1never heard about any meetings here in the neighborhood. no 955 : Lack of commitment. no 957 : 1 have no knowledge on meetings here in the neighborhood. no 958 : No one ever invited me and I never tried to tind out. no 960 : Perhaps for living in an area that is well served. no 961 : 1have no idea where the meetings are. no 962 : Lack of opportunity. no 963 : I only heard about if from the TV. no 964 : Lack of desire. no 965 : Idon't know no 967 : I don't like to participate. no 968 : I was never invited. no 970 : I have no interest. no 971 : I don't know how to participate. no 972 : 1don't have much knowledge about it. no 974 : I have no contact with people who are part of the OP. no 975 : I was never informed about any meetings in my neighborhood, Lack of time. no 976 : I have no interest. no 977 : I never needed it. no 978 : I have no interest. no 979 : I had no access. no 980 : I have no interest. no 981 : Lack of information. no 982 : I don't even know where it is. no 983 : I am very ill. no 984 : I don't have the time. no 985 : I have no interest. no 986 : Lack of time. no 987 : I don't know no 988 : I always here unfavorable comments. no 989 : I don't think I have any need for it. no 991 : I wasn't invited. no 993 : 1 wasn't invited. no 994 : 1 was never informed about where, how or when it was. no 995 : I think it's silly. no 996 : I have never been interested. no 997 : Lack of interest. no 999 : I haven't had time.

Do you know of someone close to you that has participated in the OP? OPlParticipation II


No. of responses

No response














Do you know how the OPfunctions? OPIP~OC~SS




No response


















What would make you participate in the OP? no 1 : If they finish the projects they promise. no 2 : If they sent an invitation with the time marked. no 3 : Have meetings after 7 pm. no 5 : Invitation with date and time. no 7 : If the meetings were on Saturdays or Sundays. no 9 : 1don't want to participate to participate, I am too old. no 11 : Idon't know no 12 : Invitation. no 13 : Invitation. no 15 : More information. no 16 : More information. no 18 : Incentive, Someone to go with. no 19 : Invitation. no 20 : If they informed me better. no 21 : More initiative. no 22 : I don't participate. no 23 : Greater publicity, as there was a few years ago. no 24 : If there were a priority in my neighborhood and I was interested. no 28 : I don't know no 29 : I don't know no 32 : 1have no interest in participating. no 33 : More incentive to participate; publicize the ideas ofthe OP more. no 34 : If I were interested. no 35 : If they invited me, I would go to discover the benefit. no 38 : Nothing no 39 : If Ihad a particular interest, for my own benefit no 40 : Publicize the locations of the meetings no 42 : Someone inviting me to go no 43 : Go to get something for my street no 44 : I think the participation of the people is great, but I don't go at the moment. no 45 : Receiving an invitation no 46 : 1don't know no 47 : Having time

no 50 : Having more access to information about the meetings no 52 : Knowing what I can do to participate no 53 : Some improvement that my neighborhood needed no 54 : I think greater publicity on it no 55 : I don't know no 56 : Some project that directly benefited me no 57 : Nothing at the moment no 58 : I don't know no 59 : I don't know no 60 : More publicity on the meetings no 61 : Nothing, because I don't have any interest no 62 : Someone to convince me to participate no 63 : I don't think there is any need for meetings in my neighborhood no 64 : Having something that would get my attention to participate. Something that I thought was important no 65 : Nothing, because I don't need to participate no 68 : Having an OP in every neighborhood no 69 : If I were invited no 70 : I'm not interested in anything no 71 : Ifthey publicized the meetings more no 73 : An invitation no 74 : If they sent an invitation with time and date no 75 : Promoting courses no 76 : 1need to have time available no 77 : Informing where the meetings are held no 78 : I don't know no 79 : It doesn't interest me no 80 : A specific invitation, and held in the neighborhood no 81 : If it were of my interest no 82 : More information on the plan and when the meetings are held no 83 : Publicity, information on when and where the meetings are held no 84 : I have no interest no 86 : Having more communication

no 87 : If someone came and told me about the meetings no 93 : Knowing the proposals better no 97 : Having more information no 98 : Nothing, because I don't have the time. no 100 : Something that was good for my neighborhood. no 101 : Nothing, because I have no interest. no 103 : More publicity in the media. no 106 : I don't know. no 109 : Nothing, because I really don't have the time. no I10 : Nothing. no 112 : Having more publicity in the media. no 113 : Receiving an invitation. no 115 : Better publicizing no 117 : I believe the politicians more. no 118 : Having more time. no 119 : More time. no 120 : I don't know no 122 : Something of interest to my community. no 123 : An invitation or a need in my neighborhood. no 124 : Knowing where it is. no 125 : If it were accessible and close to my house. no 126 : Explaining the mechanics of the budget. no 127 : Causes in my own neighborhood. no 128 : I don't know no 129 : If it had more significant results. no 131 : If 1 were invited. no 132 : I have no interest. no 133 : Greater information and greater interest on my part. no 134 : If I have time no 135 : I wouldn't participate no 136 : Being more publicized no 139 : In order to become better informed no 140 : An invitation no 141 : An invitation no 142 : Better information no 145 : Something that brought a benefit to the residents no 151 : Being at a convenient time no 156 : Publicizing their services better no 158 : If I needed something no 159 : If I were sure that people could achieve something no 160 : Some interest that I have for my neighborhood no 161 : Inviting me no 163 : Some contact, invitation no 166 : I don't know no 168 : Having an OP meeting near my house no 169 : Having a meeting near my house no 172 : If I were invited no 173 :Nothing no 174 : They just have to invite me no 178 : Getting together with people no 181 : If someone invited me no 182 : For an improvement in my neighborhood no 183 : Invitation no 184 : Helping my community no 185 : If it helped achieve something no 186 : Solving health problems no 188 : I don't like this type of thing, I prefer not to be inconvenienced with it no 192 : I wouldn't participate because I don't have the desire. no 193 : An invitation to participate. no 194 : Nothing. no 195 : Having more information. no 196 : Giving me a better explanation of what it serves. no 197 : Perhaps an invitation. no 198 : More information on where it is going to be. no 200 : Having more publicizing of times and place. no 201 : Publicize on TV the times of the meetings. no 202 : Knowing where the meetings are held. no 203 : More information on the meetings. no 205 : If I find more time for this. no 206 : More publicizing. no 207 : Nothing. no 208 : I don't think there's any need for it here. no 21 1 : I have no interest, nothing is needed on my street.

no 2 12 : Opportunity and more publicizing. no 213 : If I obtained a better conscience. no 214 : Having more information. no 215 : Having time. no 216 : An invitation. no 2 18 : Knowing how it happens. no 219 : If they paid a decent wage to the population the politicians were less corrupt. no 220 : 1am not interested in this. no 221 : I don't know no 223 : I have no intention of participating. no 224 : I don't know no 225 : Knowing where it is. no 226 : I don't know no 227 : Nothing, I have no interest. no 228 : Appearing at the meetings. no 229 : My schedule is difficult. no 230 : There are lots of reasons for me to go. no 23 1 : Nothing. no 232 : 1don't know no 237 : I don't know no 239 : I don't know no 240 : Nothing, after they fulfill their promises. no 242 : Nothing. no 247 : I don't know no 248 : I don't know no 249 : Nothing at the moment. no 253 : Announcing the meetings more. no 255 : Being more organized, because my life is complicated. no 256 : Knowing what their plan of action is. no 257 : If 1 were invited. no 258 : Having more knowledge. no 262 : If I lived in a poor neighborhood, I would participate. no 263 : An invitation. no 265 : Nothing. no 266 : I don't know no 267 : If I were told about the meetings. no 268 : Nothing. no 269 : More publicizing of time and place. no 270 : I don't know no 271 : I don't know no 272 : Nothing. no 273 : Knowing where the meetings are held. no 275 : Knowing where the meetings are held. no 278 : Nothing. no 279 : Nothing. no 280 : More information. no 281 : Finding out more about the locations. no 282 : 1don't know no 284 : Receiving an invitation. no 285 : Finding out. no 286 : I don't know no 288 : Finding time. no 289 :Nothing. no 290 : Finding time and initiative. no 291 : Becoming interesting in going. no 292 : Having an interest of my own or my family. no 294 : If I were invited. no 295 : Knowing more. no 296 : I don't know no 297 : Having more information. no 299 : Finding some time. no 300 : Some project that interested me. no 302 : An interest of my community. no 303 : More information. no 304 : The neighborhood being organized and spreading the idea more. no 305 : I don't know no 306 : Having time and finding out about it. no 307 : Nothing. no 308 : Nothing. no 309 : Nothing. no 3 10 : I don't know no 31 1 : Nothing.

no 3 12 : Finding time. no 3 13 : If I were invited. no 3 15 : Receiving an invitation. no 316 : If someone invited me. no 3 18 : If I were invited. no 320 : 1 don't know no 322 : If someone invited me I might go no 325 : An invitation. no 326 : I don't know no 327 : I don't know no 328 : I don't know no 330 : Nothing, I have no interest in the OP. no 33 1 : If they told me in advance about the day and time of the meeting. no 332 : There is a lack of communication, if someone came to my house and invited me. no 334 : If the meetings were at night after 8 pm. no 335 : Nothing, I don't have the time. no 336 : If someone invited me and told me about the OP and how it functions. no 338 : There would have to be a unit near my neighborhood. no 339 : An invitation. no 340 : Only if someone could take care of the children for me. no 342 : If they sent something in the mail explaining everything. no 344 : If they told me about the meetings. no 345 : If it were scheduled at night. no 346 : Nothing, I don't meetings. no 348 : lf 1 were invited. no 35 1 : If I were invited and had the time. no 352 : 1don't have the time. no 355 : Some project of interest to our neighborhood. no 356 : I have no interest. no 358 : Nothing. no 360 : Having more knowledge on the subject. no 362 : Nothing. no 363 : Nothing. no 365 : If someone invited me. no 370 : If I received a house. no 371 : Something that interested me in the neighborhood or the city. no 373 : I don't know no 374 : Having more publicizing. no 375 : Invitation. no 376 : If I were invited and some project that would improve my neighborhood. no 377 : Only when it is bigger. no 378 : Invitation. no 379 : I don't know no 380 : If someone invited me. no 382 : Having time. no 391 : An invitation. no 393 : Having time. no 394 : Being corrupt and dishonest. no 396 : Nothing. no 397 : Giving me the address of the meetings. no 399 : Having time. no 400 : Bringing benefits to the community. no 403 : If I had the time. no 409 : If they told me about it. no 41 1 : 1don't have the time. no 413 : More publicizing. no 414 : If there were meetings near my house. no 4 15 : If they invited me to the meetings. no 416 : If someone invited me. no 417 : If someone invited me. no 420 : Having meeting in my neighborhood. no 421 : Nothing. no 424 : An invitation. no 429 : Having interest. no 430 : Having interest. no 434 : Having more available time. no 435 : I don't know no 436 : Nothing.

no 437 : Having more time available. no 438 :Nothing. no 439 :Nothing. no 445 : I don't know no 446 : I don't know no 448 : I don't know no 450 : Nothing. no 452 : Desire. no 453 : More information. no 455 : I don't know no 458 : I don't know no 462 : I don't know no 468 : Nothing. no 471 : Invitation. no 473 : If I had a need for something. no 475 : If I needed something. no 476 : Promising and fulfilling. no 477 : Being honest and having patience to listen to more humble people speaking. no 478 : Nothing. no 479 : Having more information. no 481 : More information. no 484 : If there were an association. no 485 : Nothing. no 486 : I have to see what it's like. no 487 : More access to information. no 488 : Municipality could publicize it better. no 489 : Only knowing that there is a meeting. We could go. no 490 : Nothing. no 492 : Necessity. no 494 : Having time. no 496 : Having time. no 497 : Getting the same salary they get. no 502 : Close to home. no 504 : If 1had the time. no 505 : Better distribution of my time. no 509 : Better publicizing. no 510 : Betterpublicizing. no 5 11 : I don't know no 5 12 : If someone invited me and I had the time. no 513 :Nothing. no 5 14 : 1don't know no 515 : I wouldn't like to participate. no 517 : If there were less demagogy. no 519 : Idon't know no 520 : If there were more meetings and 1 was invited. no 522 : Nothing. no 524 : Nothing. no 525 : Depends on the things there are doing. no 526 : Nothing. no 530 : I don't know no 53 1 : I don't know no 538 : 1don't know no 541 : It doesn't interest me no 545 : I don't know no 547 : Having information. no 549 : If 1were invited. no 550 : Receiving an invitation. no 552 : There is a lack of interest on my pad. no 553 : Inviting us. no 554 : Having something that benefited me. no 555 : Knowing more about the program. no 556 : Something that was of my interest no 557 : More information. no 558 : Knowing where the meeting is and if I were invited no 561 : Having something of my interest. no 562 :Nothing no 563 : More open to the public, being accessible. no 564 : Something that was of my interest. no 565 : If I were invited. no 568 : Nothing. no 569 : Nothing. no 572 : I would have to accompany them. no 573 : I don't know

no 575 : Nothing. no 578 : Nothing. no 579 : Becoming less lazy. no 580 : More information. no 582 : 1don't know no 583 : My good will. no 584 : Having more time. no 585 : I don't know no 586 : An invitation. no 588 : Receiving an informative flyer. no 589 : More information. no 591 : Nothing, I wouldn't participate no 592 : An invitation from some community leader. no 595 : If some serious person invited me. no 597 : It doesn't interest me. no 598 : The need for some public work in the neighborhood and if it were publicized. no 599 : More publicizing of days and times. no 600 : Nothing, it doesn't interest me. no 601 : The possibility of some benefit to my neighborhood. no 603 : If I were part of an association or NGO, 1could become interested. no 604 : If I could help improve something, I could try. no 605 : 1 don't know no 606 : Nothing, I have no interest. no 607 : 1don't know no 609 : Invitation and publicizing. no 6 11 : Seeing growth through the OP no 613 : Having something attractive to me. no 614 : Free time. no 616 : Nothing. no 617 : I don't know no 619 : Cleaning up the canal behind my house. no 620 : Being publicized more. no 623 : If the interest of the politicians were only to help people, with no election motives. no 630 : Having the desire. no 639 : I don't know no 641 : Having time to go. no 642 : Nothing, because I don't go. no 643 : Being more informed. no 644 : More information no 646 : Being informed about the meetings. no 647 : I don't know how to participate. no 648 : I have no interest. no 649 : If I were invited. no 650 : It's not possible for me. no 652 : If I were invited. no 653 : Available time and patience. no 654 : If they gave me something. no 655 : If 1 were invited. no 656 : I don't know no 657 : Receiving an informative flyer about it. no 658 : If I had the time. no 660 : Being better publicized. no 661 : An invitation. no 662 : Publicizing. no 663 : I don't know no 664 : Having time. no 665 : Complete clarification. no 666 : Publicizing. no 667 : A project of my interest. no 668 : If it were to really improve the neighborhoods. no 669 : More access and meetings in the neighborhood. no 674 : I don't know no 677 : Having meetings here. no 678 : I don't know no 679 : Helping improve my neighborhood. no 681 : If I could help financially. no 683 : If I were invited. no 684 : Nothing. no 685 : 1don't know no 686 : Time. no 690 : Nothing

no 69 1 : When I am in an association I will find a way to go no 692 : There is nothing no 694 : If I were invited, I would go no 697 : There is nothing no 701 : If someone invited me, I would go no 708 : If someone invited me, I would go no 71 1 : Participating in the meetings to understand how it functions no 7 13 : Joining a neighborhood group no 7 17 : If the meetings were in the afternoon no 720 : An invitation no 721 : Nothing no 722 : If I were interested in some improvement no 725 : Finding time no 728 : I don't know no 736 : If someone invited me no 739 : If I went to the neighborhood center no 741 : Going to the headquarters no 747 : Having time no 748 : Having interest no 758 : Idon't know no 759 : Nothing. no 760 : If I were invited. no 763 : Necessity. no 764 : Nothing would get me to go. no 765 :Nothing. no 766 : I don't know no 767 : Being better informed. no 769 : I don't know no 770 : If there were a meeting in my neighborhood. no 771 : Information, knowing where the meetings are held. no 773 : Meetings in my neighborhood. no 774 : I don't know how. no 775 : If I were told about the meetings. no 776 : Some need of mine or of my neighborhood. no 777 : Nothing. no 778 : Improvement of my health. no 779 : Maybe having more information on the OP. no 780 : If I were told in advance. no 781 : If someone invited me and explained how it worked. no 782 : If the neighbors were more united. no 783 : If I received an invitation and they explained how it functions. no 785 : I have to find out more about the OP. no 786 : If the meetings were on the weekends. no 789 : Publicizing more where and how it takes place. no 790 : Nothing. no 791 : I don't know no 793 : Nothing and I don't have the time. no 794 : Nothing. no 796 : Having time. no 797 : Nothing. no 799 : Having an interest. no 800 : I don't know no 801 : Nothing. no 802 : Nothing. no 804 : I don't have the time. no 805 : Having more publicity on the meetings in the neighborhood. no 806 : More detailed information and broader publicizing. no 807 : Having more information. no 809 : A very important project to the population that needed to be concretized through this process. no 8 10 : An invitation or someone providing information. no 8 11 : More publicizing and information. no 8 12 : More information on time and place. no 813 : Being more attentive to publicizing. no 814 : Being at a location near my house and if I had the time. no 817 : Desire after a long day at work. no 818 : To help others. no 821 : If 1 were invited. no 823 : I wouldn't go. no 824 : More campaigns.

no 827 : If there were a need or if I lived somewhere that needed some public project, I would vote at the OP. no 828 : A great need in my neighborhood. no 829 : Nothing, I don't have the time. no 830 : If someone invited me. no 83 1 : If I were invited. no 832 : Knowing how it works. no 833 : An invitation. no 834 : Having time. no 835 : Specifying time and place. no 836 : Nothing. no 839 : If someone invited me and 1had the time available. no 841 : If it were at an available time. no 842 : Knowing what it is. no 843 : Having more time. no 844 : Having time. no 845 : Something that would improve life in the community. no 846 : Having time. no 847 : Nothing, I don't have the time. no 849 : If there were something of interest to the neighborhood. no 850 : Having time. no 851 : Invitation. no 853 : Having trust that it works and having more information. no 854 : Having access to information on the organization in my neighborhood. no 855 : Nothing. no 856 : If someone invited me. no 858 : It would have to be on Saturday and Sunday. no 860 : When there is something of my interest (housing). no 862 : There are no invitations. no 863 : Discussing funds for investments. no 864 : More information on the results of the projects. no 865 : I don't know. no 866 : The desire to go. no 867 : 1don't know no 873 : Communication. no 875 : I don't know no 876 : Beer and meat. no 878 : Information on which it encompasses. no 879 : More accessible time and place. no 881 : I don't know no 883 : Having more time. no 886 : More publicizing on what and where something will be done. no 887 : Nothing, I wouldn't participate. no 888 : If the meeting were held near my house. no 890 : Obtaining more information from the newspaper, TV and radio. no 891 : If I were invited to participate. no 893 : Knowing where people get together to participate. no 894 : I don't know. no 895 : 1believe greater publicizing to get people to participate. no 896 : Some improvement in my neighborhood, such as security. no 897 :Having more information from the media. no 900 : I don't know right now. no 902 : I don't know at the moment. no 905 : Nothing. no 906 : I don't know. no 907 : Nothing. no 908 : Nothing at the moment. no 909 : Nothing at the moment. no 910 : If the meetings were near my house. no 912 : I think if the meetings took place near my house. no 9 13 : Available time. no 914 : Having access to the meeting days and knowing where they are held. no 9 15 : Publicizing in the media, having more convenient places. no 9 16 : I don't know no 9 18 : Accessible hours.

no 9 19 : Communication on TV. no 920 : Knowing where the meetings are and how they take place. no 921 : Awakening my interest with projects related to my neighborhood. no 923 : It could be communicated through the mail. no 924 : Definition of projects that have not yet been decided, such as changing the water meters. no 925 : Being publicized more emphatically in the media. no 926 : I don't like anything in the OP. no 927 : More publicizing, appeal to the people. no 928 : More mobilization and information. no 930 : Having information on how to get there. no 932 : Finding out when and where the meetings are held. no 934 : 1don't know no 935 : Taking the initiative. no 936 : If I were invited. no 937 : Nothing. no 938 : Having to go. no 939 : Organizing myself for this. no 940 : An invitation. no 941 : I don't know. no 942 : Deciding and going. no 943 : 1think if I know the locations. no 944 : Having time for this. no 947 : If they invited me, I would participate. no 948 : Nothing. no 949 : Having broader advance publicizing of the meetings. no 950 : If I were more interested. no 95 1 : Finding out how it functions. no 952 : I don't know no 953 : Having the proposals presented to the neighborhood, then I would go to the meetings. no 954 : If the meeting were in Cidade Baixa, I would participate. no 955 : Showing the results to the whole population, then I would participate. no 957 : Something of interest to our neighborhood. no 958 : Good project proposals. no 960 : My getting out of Menino Deus. no 961 : Explaining the time and place of the meetings. no 962 : If there were a greater need for improvement. no 963 : I don't know no 964 : I don't know no 965 : I don't know no 967 : I have no interest. no 968 : Being asked to participate. no 970 : Nothing. no 97 1 : I have no interest. no 972 : I don't know how it works, but if it were publicized, I could participate. no 974 : Receiving some communication from Municipality. no 975 : If I were interested in a project in my neighborhood, perhaps. no 976 : Nothing. no 977 : I don't know no 978 : Nothing. no 979 : If I had access. no 980 : Nothing. no 981 : I think if I had more information. no 982 : I think if I had more information. no 983 : Nothing at the moment. no 984 : Unfortunately, nothing. no 985 : I don't know. no 986 : Nothing. no 987 : Having more publicizing on the meetings. no 988 : It's difficult, because I live downtown and I think I don't need anything for my neighborhood. no 989 : Nothing. no 991 : Publicizing more, calling people. no 993 : If someone invited me. no 994 : If things were organized. no 995 : If the politicians were moral.

no 996 : If there were something that benefited my neighborhood. no 997 : If there were some urgent need in my neighborhood, I would participate. no 999 : Having an available time.

622 responses cited

When did you first participate in the Participative Budget? The following tables were constructed based on the stratum 'Participate or participated in the OP', containing 204 observations and defined by the following filter: OPIParticipation I = (Yes) Ia. Participation No response

No. of






Between 1989 and 1992 20 9,80% ............................................................. Between 1993 and 2000 68 33,33% ............................................................. Between 2001 and 2004








From 2005 TOTAL

Did you continue participating or was itjust one time? OPlParticipation Ill No response

No. of responses





50,49% 103 Just one time ............................................................................................... Participated more times



Still participating now






TOTAL Average= 1,58 Standard deviation= 0,65

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (It was just one time) to 3 (Continue participating today). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing non-responses.

Why did you stop participating? No. of responses


No response Obtained what was looking for and no needed to participate more

Was ignored and don't believe anymore in the OP Times are difficult Meetings places are far Not invited anymore Don't agree with the process Other answer



1 1 I

10 21

6 36 107



The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple responses. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'It was just this one time' containing 107 observations and defined by the following filter: OPParticipation I11 = {It was just this one time}

Whatpart of the OP did you participate in? No. of responses


Meetings in your ward or town Regional assemblies


Thematic assemblies Meetings of representatives


Meeting of council


Committee for Works Auditing Not a member



The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple responses.

Whom did you attend the OP meetings with?

Attended with whom I No response

of responses NO.











Neighborhoodassociation, another organization from civil society (groups, entities. NGOs)


Friends from neighbourhoodor parents


Public servants from municipality


Social movements Alone TOTAL







How did youfind out about the meeting? No. of responses

Knowledge of meetings


No response







Was invited to ~ a r t i c i ~ abv t e somebody in the town


Saw the announcement disseminated by the municipality Knew from the Municipality announcement car


A municipality staff invited Through an association or entity TOTAL I


The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple responses.

Was the demand that you supported in the OP included in the Investment Plan? No. of responses

Supported the proposal


No response



Yes, it was included









No, it was not included TOTAL

How long did it takefor your demand to be executed? Time for execution It was ignored

I 1

No. of responses


:z I

Freq. 16,95%


Alter 2 years later


The next year after approval



Don't remember









This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Demand included in the IP', containing 118 observations and defined by the following filter: Support to demand = {Yes, it was included)

Do you continuefollowing thefinctioning of the OP?

Following Up II

No. of responses


No response










.................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................


How do you stay informed about the OP?


responses Of



No response Throuah councilors and re~resentatives Through Municipality staff Through newspapers, radio and TV


Participate in meetings Other answer Not informed I don't care TOTAL






The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

Do you participate in some other activity with Municipality, such as Councils, Meetings or Commissions? No. of responses

Participation l












No. of responses






Which? Participation II



Sector councils (Thematic)




Student councils


Local commission of health Regional commission of social assistance


Others TOTAL






This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Participates in other activitie; containing 12 observations and defined by the following filter: Participation I = {Yes)

Do you know any of the delegates that represent your region or thematic assembly? Delegates IOP









No response




No. of responses



Do these delegates keep you informed on their activities? DelegateslAvailability No, never

No. of responses











Yes, sometimes


Yes, always TOTAL Average= 2,32 Standard deviation= 0,82

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) to 3 (Yes, always). This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know delegates' containing 50 observations and defined by the following filter: DelegatesIPop = {Yes)

Do you think this delegate represents the interests of your community in the OP? Delegateldoes he or she represent?


No. of responses



No, never


4,00% 6.00%





Yes, sometimes


Yes, almost always



Yes, always






TOTAL Average= 3,27 Standard deviation= 1,03

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) to 4 (Yes, always). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing the non-responses.

This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know delegates' containing 50 observations and defined by the following filter: DelegatesIPop = {Yes)

Do you know the council member that represents your region or thematic assembly in the OP?


No response





5 ;









Does this council member keep you informed on his/her activities? CouncilorslAvailability No, never


No. of responses






Yes, always






Yes, sometimes


Average= 2,12 Standard deviation= 0,87

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (NO,never) to 3 (Yes, always). This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know council member' containing 50 observations and defined by the following filter: Council member/Pop = {Yes)

Do you think this council member represents the interests of your community in the OP? CouncilorslRepresentatives

No. of responses


No response



No, never





..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................

Yes, sometimes


Yes, almost always



Yes, always






TOTAL Average= 3,12 Standard deviation=1,09

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) a 4 (Yes, always). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing the non-responses. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know council member' containing 50 observations and defined by the following filter: Council memberIPop = {Yes)

Annex 6. Tabulations comparing General Sample and OP Participants Sample Technical specifications of survey

Characteristics of the sample of participants according to gender and age group:

Characteristics of the sample of participants according to income and schooling:

Characteristics of the sample of participants according to race, occupation and length of residency in Porto Alegre:

Sample size, period of data collection and physical area in which work was performed:

The control sample was selected from among participants of the OP. Interviews held between January 09 and 16, 2007 with three hundred residents of Porto Alegre. The interviews were personal and interviewees were approached in diverse regions of the Participative Budget.

Confidence interval and margin of error:

The aim of the results of the sample of participants (control) was to offer a reference for analyzing the results obtained from the representative sample of Porto Alegre's population. Occasional differences in the totals of the tables stem from rounding off figures or the non-inclusion of non-responses.


Do you participate in an organization? Which?More than one?



Participa~iio Residents associations Unions NGOs I 1 Vindication movements Cultural groupslsport clubs I Churchlreligious groups .......................................................... Student groups .......................................................... Political parties I Municipal councils I Different Class Associations I Popular Councils I






Others Doesn't participate TOTAL

1,60% 0,30% O,OO% 2,60% 3,70% 0,20%

i i i i



I 1





0,33% 1,33% 0,67% 0,67% 1,67% 0‘33% O,OO% O,OO%

3,33% 64,00%



In your opinion, is citizen participation important in the decisions of Municipality? Sample Supports participation




88'30% 100%





No response Not im~ortant


Very important TOTAL


95,00% 100%

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (not important) to 3 (very important).

What is the importance of Municipality in your daily life? Sample Municipalityllmportance





No response Not important


Small Ordinary ............................................................................... Quite important 35.00% TOTAL 100% (x2=57,77, gl= 4, 1-p= >99,99%).






The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (None) to 4 (Great importance).


The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (without much information) to 3 (well-informed).

Regarding Municipality policies on Planning do you consider yourse lf... Sample




Planning No response 0.50% ........................................................................................................................................ 54,40% 53.33% Without much information ........................................................................................................................... 38,10% 37.67% More or less informed



Well informed TOTAL

7.00% 100%



Regarding Municipality policies on Public Spending do consider yourse lf... Sample Expenses No response Without much information



0,40% 66,90% 27.80%



0.00% 60.33% 31.00%



More or less informed

................................................... ...................................................................................

Well informed TOTAL (x2=9,23, gl= 3, I-p= 97,36%).

14,90%1 100%


18.67%1 100%

Regarding Municipality policies on Public Budget do you consider yourse lf...


Sample Budgeting No response

Without much information More or less informed Well informed TOTAL






65,30% 29,30%




19,00%1 100%



Regarding Municipality policies on Municipal Services do you consider yourself.. . Sample Municipal services No response



0,40% 57,90% 34,20%

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Without much information More or less informed ...................................................









......................................................4 ...........................

Well informed TOTAL (x2=3,56, gl= 3, 1-p= 68,71%).

7,50% 100%

i i

7,67% 100%

Regarding Municipality policies on Economic and Social issues do you consider yourself ... Sample





Economic and Social Issues

OO% 0,40% i .............O, No response .......................................... Without much information 63,80% ............................................................................... .................................... More or less informed 30,10% p8,33%1 5,70% ; 7,33% Well informed TOTAL 100% ! 100% (xZ=10,46, gl= 3, 1-p= 98,50%). ...............................................................................



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

How do you obtain information on the actions of the Porto Alegre Municipality? Information I Source



j Participants


4,20% i 1,00%...................... ............................................................................................................. 15,60% L ..--35,00% ..................... Through acquaintances (relatives, neighbors and friends) ............................................................................................................. 74,50% ..,j..........70.67% news sources (newspaper, TV, radio) ........................... .....From ........ ........ ............ ................. ...... ................................................... Municipal communication through news media 11,60% 10,67% ..................................................................................................................................................

No response

' LII L..............

By direct contact with municipal staff No information form municipality (option)


i i

3.60% 112,00%1 ..................r.................................... 10,50% j 100% j 100%


TOTAL (x2= 94,68, gl= 5, I-p= >99,99%).

Regarding the population's access to information on the spending of Municipality, which of these sentences bestfits your opinion? Sample


! Participants

Information ISource

No response


No information available ..................................................................... lnformation exists but it is difficult to obtain


lnformation exists but it is difficult to understand ............................................................................... Information exists and it is easy to understand TOTAL

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (There is no information available) to 4 (There is available information that is easy to understand).

In your opinion, the quality of information provided by Municipality on public spending is...





Information I Quality

No response

m I1



Low .

Average High TOTAL (x2= 3,26, g1= 3, 1-p= 64,73%).

1-1 1-1

49,65% 39.86% 6.52%






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................................................4........................................................

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (low) to 3 (high).

This table is constructed based on the stratum 'There is information', containing 935 observations and defined by the following filter: Info/Access = {There is information, but comprehension is difficult; There is available information that is easy to understand)

Are you aware of the 'Observation Committee' of the City of Porto Alegre? Sample




Observa POA

No...response 0.40% i 0,33% ............................................................,....................................................... Yes 13,40% i .............................................................................................................................. No 86,20% 79.67% TOTAL 100% 100% i (x2= 7,93, gl= 2, 1-p= 98,10%).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . .


In your opinion, has the Observation Committee contributed toward improving the quality of information provided by Municipality? Observa POAlAvailabilitv .....


No response Yes No



6.72% 30,60% 62.69% 100%





TOTAL (x2= 1,36, gl= 2, I-p= 49,21%).


60.00% 100%

This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Aware of Observation Committee' containing 194 observations and defined by the following filter: ObservationPop = {Yes)

Resources and investment

In your opinion, who decides the public investments in Porto Alegre? Sample




Investment/Decision 13,20% i 9,00% No response ..................................................................................................... 41,60% i 38,00% The major and his team ..~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Committee of councilors 29,10% 19,00% ..............-..----------..-.....----...--------..---~--------------.------------.,.................................. The population through OP


m ii 100%

134,00%1 100%

Degree of agreement with statements The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Completely disagree) to 4 (Completely agree).

"Theinvestments reflect the existing priorities. " Sample


i Participants



Investments I -

No response Totally disagree









Partially disagree




. -

35,30% i 30,67% Partiallv Aaree ......................................... ......................,.............................................


Completely agree TOTAL




"Resourcesare spent honestly, with no corruption. " Sample





Resources I


No response




29,90% 25,67% 20,10% 18,67% Partially disagree ........... ............ .................. ......................,............................................. 27,30% 23,67% Partially Agree ......................................... Totally disagree




Completely agree TOTAL (xZ= 12,30, g1= 4, Imp= 98,489'0).

"Publicworks are of good quality."

[pi'zq 1 100%




2 100%





1 Participants

Public Works I

No response


9.00% 11,20% 10,67% ......................,.............................................


Totally disagree 12,80% 11,00% Partially disagree ..................... ..........................................,............................................. 35,70% 32,67% Partially Agree ......................................... .........................................


Completely agree 31,30% TOTAL 100% (x2= 13,16, gl= 4, 1-p= 98,95%).

(41,00%( j



In your opinion, the population controlling the use of money from Municipality... General


j Participants

Popular Control


3,80% No response 9,20% j 9.67% IT IS NO IMPORTANT, instead good government staff is necessary NOT SO IMPORTANT 6,20% [ 1,33%1 ...................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................







TOTAL (xZ= 18,01, gl= 3, I-p= 99,96%).


! i





The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (NOT IMPORTANT, the important thing is competent rulers) to 3 (VERY IMPORTANT).

Do you usually have contact with public servantsfrom the Porto Alegre Municipality? Sample



Contact with public servants

0,20% i O,OO% No response Yes 19,80% ....................................................................................................................................... No 80,00% .......................................................................................................................................

TOTAL 100% (x2=45,23, gl= 2, 1-p= >99,99%).


138,67%1 1100%

How often? Sample




No response Less than 1 per month Monthly




Contactl Frequency


. . . . . . . . . . .



25,25% Weekly 24,24% 29,31% ................................................................................................................................... Daily 24,75% 21,55% TOTAL 100% i 100%


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . .


The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (less than once a month) to 4 (on a daily basis). This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Have contact with public servants' containing 3 14 observations and defined by the following filter: Contactlpublic servants = {Yes>

Do you know where the money comesj?om that Municipality uses for investments and services? General

! Participants

Yes, from taxation


Yes, from Federal Transfers


i i

Sample Source of resources


............... ....................................................................................................................................




l,SO% 4,90% Other responses ............................................................................................. Don't know 1 don't have information 28.20%

Yes, from international loans







i J.


3,33% ....................................................



Do you know what taxes Municipality charges? Sample Taxes

No response



TOTAL (x2= 3735, g1= 6, I-p= >99



Participative Budget

The following tables were constructed based on the stratum 'Have heard of the OP' containing 1147 observations and defined by the following filter: Pop OP = {Yes)

How did you hear about the OP?






Source I OP


1,06% / 1,00% No resDonse 24,56% j 28,33% Through relatives, friends or neighbors Through residents associations or civil society groups 17.12% / .................................................................................................................................................. 5.79% 8,67% Thought the municipality ...................................... .............................................................................................................


..................................................................................... ... ..... ...... ..... ....

Through the media


63.75% 4.13%

j j





........................................ ..........................................................................................................

Other source TOTAL





In your opinion, who are the people that participate in the OP in Porto Alegre? General


; Participants


Participant 1 Profile


No response 29,52% Entire population The poorest groups 23,61% ......................................................................................................



. . . . . . . . . .



35,67% 33,00% .....


24,79% 24,33% Those more interested in project1works ............................................................................................................................................... 9,68% 12,00% Political groups mobilizing ......................................................................................................r.........................................

Nobody TOTAL (xZ= 43,25, gl= 5, I-p= >99,99%).

In your opinion, the OP ...

1,06% 100%







: Participants

OPllmportance II

5,19% ; 2,67% No response 5,31% i 1,67% Not important / it doesn't work .............................................................................................................................................. It is somewhat important for the city 1?337%] ["'@zq It is very important for the city 65,88% TOTAL 100% i 100% (xZ= 48,84, gl= 3,l-p= >99,99%). ..............................-...............-..-....------.--------~----....-................b........---..------........................-.----



The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Has no importance, does not function) to 3 (Has a lot of importance to the city).

Degree of agreement with statements

The items in this segment have a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (Completely agree) to 4 (Completely disagree).

"The OP broadens democracy in the city. "

; Participants


Sample OPlDemocracy II


No response


3,78% 1,67% Totally disagree ......................,............................................. 3,66% 4,00% Partially disagree ......................................... ......................,............................................. Partially agree 26,68% .......................................




Totally agree TOTAL (x2=23,38, g1= 4, 1-p= 99,99%).

57,26% 100%


c m 1 100%

"The OP increases the eficiency of the government." Sample





OPlEfficiency II No response



5,55% ri"Fq Totally disagree ..................................................... ..........,............................................. 5,79% 4,67% Partially disagree ......................................... ......................,.............................................



Partially agree

29,16% i .........,.............................................

Totally agree

51,71% 100%


TOTAL (x2= 17,97, g1= 4, 1-p= 99,887'0).



164,33%1 100%

"The OPfavors the poor people in the neighborhoods and communities. "

Sample -












Totally disagree




Partially disagree







Partially agree ......................,............................................ 53,60% 63,33% Totally agree TOTAL 100% 100% (xZ= 18,64, g1= 4, I-p= 99,91%).



"The OP improves the quality of life in the city. "





OPlQuality II No response




Totallv disaaree Partially disagree










28,57% Partially agree ......................................... ...........,....................... 56,91%

Totally agree TOTAL (x2=24,91, gl= 4, I-p= 99,99%).




"The OP has not added anything to democracy in the city."

i Participants


Sample OPlDemocracy Ill No response





)50,53%))69,33%) ...........................

Totally disagree


............................................................ ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .*

Partially disagree

26,09% ........,............................................. 8,26% i Partially agree ......................................... ......................,............................................. Totally agree 6,97% 4,00% .........................................






"The OP does not work; it does not achieve results." Sample


i Participants



OPlResults II No response



51,24% Totally disagree ............................................... ............................................................. Partially disagree



......................................... ......................r............................................

Partially agree 7,91% 8.00% ...............................................................,............................................. Totally agree TOTAL (x2= 38,37,g1= 4, I-p= >99,99%).

6,73% 100%





"The OPpractices demagogy. "

; Participants


Sample OPlDemagogy I1 No response


Totally disagree ......................................... Partially disagree Partially agree ......................................... Totally agree .........................................

TOTAL (x2= 16,00, g1= 4, 1-P= 99,708

"The OP is a political party instrument." Sample



! Participants



OPllnstrument II No response


Totally disagree








18,89% Partially disagree ......................................... ......................,............................................ 21,49% 20,67% Partially agree ......................................... ......................,............................................

Totally agree TOTAL

21,13% 100%

i i

130,00%1 100%

"The OP gave prestige to Porto Alegre throughout the world. " Sample



OPlPrestige II


15,70% No response ..........,...................................... 5,55% 3,00% Totally disagree ...................................................................................................... Partially disagree ....................................................


Partially agree Totallv aaree TOTAL (x2= 4479, g1= 4, I-p= >99,99%).




In your opinion, has the OP given results in terms of investments for the population? Sample


i Participants

OPlResults Ill No response









14,05% 100%



........................................... ....................,.............................................




In your opinion, who benefits mostfrom the Participative Budget? General



7.20% 31105%


1 1 1

6.14% 7,91% 44,86%






Sample OPlBenefits No-response

......................................... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .........

Entire population



Population from rich neighbourhoods Population from middle class Poorer towns and villages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...... ..*... ...... ....

Nobody benefits

7.33% 7.00% 43,00% ...



Can you cite a public work or service that was decided through the OP? Sample


j Participants


No response



1...........0,35% i 0,33% ...........,............................................. 39.55%





No 60,09% TOTAL 100% (xz= 143,03, g1= 2, 1-p= >99,99%).

i -1


Regardless of participating or not, have you benefitedfrom some work or service of the OP?








OP/ Benefited No response









No TOTAL 100% (x2= 154,61, gl= 2, I-p= >99,99%).



Participation in the OP

When did you first participate in the Participative Budget? The follow in^ tables were constructed based on the sample of participants of the OP, containing- 300 observations l a . Participation

No response

No. of responses


24 79 97 67 33 300

8,00% 26,33% 32,33% 22,33% 11,00% 100%


Between 1989 and 1992



Between 1993 and 2000 ............................................................................. Between 2001 and 2004 From 2005



Did you continue participating or was itjust one time?

No response Just one time Participated more times Still participating now TOTAL Average= 2,09 Standard deviation= 0,67

I I 1 1

1 55 161 83 300

1 1 1



0,33% 18,33% 53,67% 27,67% 100%

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (It was just one time) to 3 (Continue participating today). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing the non-responses.

Why did you stop participating? No. of responses

MotivelOPlNo II No response Obtained what was looking for and no needed to participate more








5 9,09% Was ignored and don't believe anymore in the OP ....................................................................................................................... 25 45,45% Times are difficult



Meetings places are far



Not invited anymore








Don't agree with the process




The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'It was just this one time' containing 55 observations and defined by the following filter: OPIParticipation I11 = {It was just this one time}

What part of the OP did you participate in? OPIParticipation IV

No. of response



Meetings in your ward or town




Regional assemblies




Thematic assemblies




Meetings of representatives

98 107



Meeting of council



Committee for Works Auditing


28,67% 11,67%


Not a member


35 300

The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

Whom did you attend the OP meetings with?


Attended with whom I



No response 1......0>3% i )....132..45,6 7% Neighborlloodas.soc!a!i~n~ano!h.e! orga~.ieJion!rom.c!~i!so~ie!~.@~o~~rp_s,en!i!bs,NGI! .......................................................................................................


F~iends.f~~.m.~?ei~hbo.~!~h.o~?d.or.~a~e_r!_ts....... ...................... ?38.46_800/0 7% . Public servants from municil?a!ity ...............................2....0,6_ .7..... .Z,' 33% 50.c movements............................................. Alone 15 5.00% 300 100% TOTAl



How did youfind out about the meeting? Knowledge of meetings

I 0,33% No response 41,67% Was invited to . .




9,33% ..................







Knewfrom-the . .M. .unlc.i~.a!!.~~! . . .


. . . . . .




Throuqh and association or entitv



The number of statements is greater than the number of observations due to the multiple response method.

Was the demand that you supported in the OP included in the Investment Plan? Supported the p


No response Yes, it was included No, it was not included



Freq. s ~ ~






11,67% 76,67% 11,67% 100%






35 300

How long did it take for your demand to be executed? Time for execution

No. of responses

No response


Freq. 0,43%


35 15,22% It was ignored 83 36,09% Alter 2 years later ........................................................................................... 99 43,04% The next year after approval



Don't remember TOTAL





This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Demand included in the IP',containing 230 observations and defined by the following filter: Support to demand = {Yes, it was included)

Do you continuefollowing thefunctioning of the OP?

Following Up II

No response

No. of responses















How do you stay informed about the OP? No. of responses



No response

16 5,33% Through councilors and representatives 38 12,67% ...................................................................................................................... 18 Through Municipality staff 6,00% ..................................................................................................................... Through newspapers, radio and TV 25,33% 76 23,00% 69 Participate in meetings 41 13,67% Other answer ..................................................................................................................... 23,00% 69 Not informed / don't care .....................................................................................................................





The number o f statements i s greater than the number o f observations due to the multiple response method.

Do you participate in some other activity with Municipality, such as Councils, Meetings or Commissions? Participation I


No. of respons,s

31 269 300

Freq. 10,339'0 89,67% 100%



Participation II

No response

No. of responses







Sector Councils (thematic)


Forum of planning



Committee for governance



Student councils



................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

2 6,45% Local commission of health ................................................................................................ 19,35% 6 Regional commission of social assistance ................................................................................................

Forum of security









This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Participates in other activities' containing 3 1 observations and defined by the following filter: Participation I = {Yes)

Do you know any of the delegates that represent your region or thematic assembly? No. of responses



120 180 300




40,00% 60,00% 100%

Do these delegates keep you informed on their activities?



18 15,00% 37 30.83% Yes, sometimes Yes, always I 65 1 54,17% TOTAL 1 120 1 100% Average= 2,39 Standard deviation= 0,74 NO, never


11 1

The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) to 3 (Yes, always). This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know delegates' containing 120 observations and defined by the following filter: DelegatesIPop = {Yes)

Do you think this delegate represents the interests of your community in the OP?

Delegateldoes he or she represent?

No. of responses


3 No response 2,50% 14 11,67% NO, never Yes, sometimes 8 6,67% .................................................................................................. 21 17,50% Yes, almost always ................................................................................................... 74 61,67% Yes, always ...................................................................................................


TOTAL 120 Average= 3,32 Standard deviation= 1,04


The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) to 4 (Yes, always). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing the non-responses. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know delegates' containing 120 observations and defined by the following filter: DelegatesIPop = {Yes)

Do you know the council member that represents your region or thematic assembly in the OP? No. of responses

Councilors/OP Yes No TOTAL


112 188 300

37,33% 62,67% 100%


Does this council member keep you informed on his/her activities?

NO, never Yes, sometimes Yes, always









TOTAL 112 100% Average= 2,36 Standard deviation= 0,77 The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (NO,never) to 3 (Yes, always). This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know council member' containing 112 observations and defined by the following filter: Council member1Pop = {Yes}

Do you think this council member represents the interests of your community in the OP?






No response I 2 1 1,79% 11 NO, never 9,82% 14,29% 16 Yes, sometimes 16 14,29% Yes, almost always .............................................................................................. 59,82% 67 Yes, always TOTAL 112 100% Average= 3,26 Standard deviation= 1,05

I 1



The item has a single response on a scale. The parameters are established on scores from 1 (No, never) a 4 (Yes, always). The average and standard deviation are calculated without computing the non-responses. This table is constructed based on the stratum 'Know council member' containing 50 observations and defined by the following filter: Council member1Pop = {Yes}

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