Brand management
When the tail wags the Dog Reach toothpaste
REACH® CLEANPASTE™ Removes up to 52% more plaque than Glide®
Original Mint™1 High impact icy mint flavor Provides a just-brushed feeling No messy toothpaste residue Available in 5-yard trial sizes
REACH® CLEAN BURST™ Clinically proven to clean 61% more plaque
than Glide® Original Mint™ and up to 54% more plaque than Oral-B® SATINfloss®1 Intense flavor ICY PEPPERMINT™, BERRY MINT™, Cinnamon flavor Available in 5-yard trial sizes, 200-yard refill
REACH® ACCESS® FLOSSER Recommended especially for non-flossing
patients Snap-on disposable heads Elongated handle effortlessly reaches back teeth Fits in any toothbrush holder as a daily reminder Comes with replacement heads Available in 1-count handle + head
REACH® EASY SLIDE® Floss Has earned the ADA Seal of Acceptance Slides easily between tight teeth Available in mint waxed and unflavored waxed Shred-resistant
Characters Sushil Menin – Sales agent Bhailal– A Retailer Radha – Marketing manager Adil Mistri – Sales agent
Problems Retail mafia Loss of brand power Retailer as the decision maker Brand differentiation Aggressive push in the market No profits Small manufacturers being eaten out. Promotion cost
Toothpaste Segmentation Four main
segments Sensory segment Flavor and product
Sociable's Brightness of teeth Worriers Decay Prevention Independent Low Price
Flavor, Brightness
Decay Prevention
Retailer’s Vantage Huge incentives Aggressive push strategy Limited shelf space Offers and promotional schemes Loss of product differentiation Depletion of brand power
Retailer – The Differentiator
Brand Differentiation
Why? Various products in the same segment. Market leader Image Brand personality Pull and not push
Push and Pull Diaries
Pull Strategy In case of using a pull strategy, marketing
efforts are directed at the ultimate consumer and consumer promotions such as consumer contests and sweepstakes, rebates, coupons, free samples, consumer premiums, etc are used. If this strategy is also chosen to include advertising, then, there are large advertising expenditures.
Ideal Pull The product demand as high. It is possible to differentiate the product on the
basis of real or emotional features. Brand consumers show high degree of involvement in the product purchase, There is reasonably high brand loyalty and Consumers make brand choice decision before they go to the store.
Advertising Or Product Promotion
Advertising or Promotion By using a variety of
Besides giving reasons
persuasive appeals, it in the form of different offers reasons to buy a appeals, they offer product or service. incentive to the consumers to buy the Eg: Good Network, product or service now. Promises and Delivers Eg.For new users, 1HUTCH Appeals are emotional no is given free for 1 or functional in nature. month & sms is free for Eg: the current ad of 3 months. “Wherever you go, our Appeals are rational network follows” Time-frame is long term. It justifies whatever it says. Time frame is short
The primary objective
To get sales quickly or
is to create an to induce trial enduring brand image Direct in approach to Indirect and subtle induce consumers to approach towards buy a product or persuading customers service immediately to buy a product or by temporarily service. changing the existing price-value relationship of the product or service.
What customers want? A toothpaste Psychological satisfaction Change in brand Subjective catch for different ages.
Fighting Back
Principle of differentiation Brand clutter Promotional differentiation. Packaging differentiation Price differentiation Content differentiation Advertising differentiation
Principle of relevance Based on advantages of efficiency & economy, desirable to create associations that are relevant to as many brands as possible. Reach and its advantages Reach as an emotion
Principle of simplicity Based on need to provide right amount of
information to consumers. Low customer involvement. Why reach is better? A catch line.
Customer loyalty
Resonance Model Brand resonance is characterized by strong connections between the consumer and the brand. Brands with strong resonance benefit from increased customer loyalty and decreased vulnerability to competitive marketing actions. The challenge for the brand is to ensure that the customer has the right experiences to create the right brand knowledge.
Subdimensions of brand building model
Loyalty Resonanc Attachment e Community Engagement Quality Warmth,Fun Judgment Credibility Excitement Feelings Consideration Security Superiority Social approval, Self-respect Primary charateristics& User profiles Secondary features Purchase & usage situations Product reliability Personality & values Performanc e Durability & servicability History, heritageImagery Service effectiveness & Experiences Efficiency & empathy Style & design, Price Category identification Need satisfied
loyalt y Quality mark and holograms Long lasting and various flavors
Whitenes s redefined More than 20 years of trust
Family toothpaste
Other Considerations Industry standards Earn and let earn policy Talking to the retailers
Thank You Anurag Huria Keshav Goel Navdeep Khurana Sheeba Agha