Branches Of Bio

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 794
  • Pages: 3
Various Fields of Biology Molecular Level of Organization BIOCHEMISTRY Kemi/chemeia (Gk): alchemy Study of chemical substances occurring in living organisms and their reactions BIOENERGETICS Energos (Gk): active Biology of energy transformations & exchanges within & between living things & their environment GENETICS (molecular  populations) Genos (Gk): race/kin Study of hereditary factors from parents to offspring in living organisms

GENETIC ENGINEERING Genos (Gk): kin; engignier (Fr): contrive The deliberate changing of the genetic makeup of living cells by transferring a fragment of DNA from one organism to another MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Mole (Gk): mass; structure Deals with the ultimate physicochemical organization of living matter, esp. with the molecular basis of inheritance & protein synthesis

Cellular Level of Organization BACTERIOLOGY Bakterion (Gk): small staff/stick Study of bacteria and their effect on organisms CYTOLOGY Zyto (German)/ kytos (Gk): hollow vessel Study of cells and their processes

MICROBIOLOGY Micros (Gk): small; bios: life Concerned with microorganisms such as protists, bacteria, viruses, & parasites

Tissues, Organs and Systems ANATOMY Ana (Gk): up; temnien (Gk) to cut up Deals with the structure of living things and the interrelationship of parts Comparative ANATOMY Ana (Gk): up; temnien (Gk) to cut up Comparison of similar body structures in different kinds of animals EMBRYOLOGY Embryon (Gk) to swell inside Concerned with the early stages in the development of an animal form HISTOLOGY Histo (Gk): loom/web Microscopic study of tissue structure

MORPHOLOGY Morphe (Gk): form Investigation of external anatomical structures/form ORGANOLOGY Organon (Gk): tool/instrument Study of organs & their function PHYSIOLOGY Physis (Gk): nature Deals with functions & life processes in organisms COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY Physis (Gk): nature Comparison of function and life processes in different kinds of animals

Organisms and Populations ETHOLOGY Ethos (Gk): nature/character Study of animal behavior

CONCHOLOGY Konche (Gk): shell Study of mollusks and their shell structures

MYCOLOGY Mykes (Gk): fungi Study of fungi

ENTOMOLOGY Entomon (Gk): insect Study of insects and their life cycles

PARASITOLOGY Para: akin to; sitos (Gk): grain Study of organisms that live on or within other plants or animals

HELMINTHOLOGY Helmis (Gk): worm Study of worms, especially those that are parasitic

BOTANY Botanikos (Gk): herbs/pasture The study of plants

HERPETOLOGY Herpeton (Gk): animal that creeps Herpetos: serpent Study of reptiles and amphibians

DENDROLOGY Dendron (Gk): tree Concerned with trees and their history

ICHTHYOLOGY Ichthys (Gk): fish Study of fish, including their classification and conservation

ZOOLOGY Zoe (Gk): life/quick/mobile Study of animals

MAMMALOGY Mamma (L): breast Study of mammals

ARACHNOLOGY Arachne (Gk): spider Study of spiders and scorpions

ORNITHOLOGY Ornis (Gk): bird Study of birds and their behavior, economic importance

Communities and Ecosystems ECOLOGY Oikos (Gk): home; logus: study Deals with organisms & their relationships with each other & the environment LIMNOLOGY Limne (Gk): pool/marshy lake Study of the freshwater ecosystem

MARINE BIOLOGY Mare (L): sea Study of the oceans and the ecosystems within them SYNECOLOGY Syn (L): together; oikos (Gk): home Structure, distribution, development of ecological communities

Applied Biology AGRICULTURE - Ager (L): field; cultus (L): till Utilizes principles of botany in growing food plants/crops

POMOLOGY - Pomum (Gk): fruit Deals with cultivation of fruits & trees

APICULTURE - Apis (L): bee Specialty of keeping bees & harvesting beehive products

TAXIDERMY Taxis (Gk) arrangement; Derma (Gk) skin The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, esp. vertebrates

FORESTRY - foris (L): outside Establishment and conservation of trees and shrubs, the forest ecosystem

TAXONOMY Taxis (Gk): group/arrangement; nomos (Gk): manage Science of identifying and classifying organisms

HYDROPONICS - Hydro (Gk): water Involves growth and culture of plants that have their roots in a solution of chemicals rather than soil

VETERINARY MEDICINE Veterina (L) – beasts of burden Involved with animal care and feeding, prevention and cure of animal diseases

PHYTOPATHOLOGY Phyton (Gk): bring forth/sprout; Penthos/ pathos: suffering Deals with plant diseases

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Deals with the conservation and maintenance of wildlife resources

INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES ANTHROPOLOGY Andr- (Gk): man; ops (Gk): face Study of man in relation to distribution, origin, classification & relationships of races, physical character, environment & social relations, & culture. ASTROBIOLOGY Astron (Gk): star; bios (Gk): life Studies ecological conditions for life on other planets BIOENGINEERING Engignier (Fr): contrive Application of biology/medical science in engineering principles or equipment (i.e. artificial organ) BIOGEOGRAPHY Geo (Gk): land; graphos (GK): written Deals with the geographical distribution of organisms (plants, animals, etc.)

BIOPHYSICS Physikos (Gk): natural science Applies physical principles and methods in biological problems

BIOTECHNOLOGY Techne (Gk): art, craft, skill Application of biology in other fields such as engineering systems & processes GEOBOTANY Geo (Gk): land; botanikos: herbs Combined science that seeks to locate mineral resources in terms of the kinds of plants growing on top of them. PALEONTOLOGY Palaios (Gk): old; botanikos: herb Study of fossilized plants

Prepared by M. Cardenas | Biology Unit

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