Boys Category.docx

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,340
  • Pages: 2
BOYS Category Flood As we can see in the picture, there is a flood. What could be the cause of it? Probably garbages which were not properly disposed of which clogged the canals. Waters are unable to pass through causing them to gather resulting to flood. What should we do then? The very least we can do to help minimize the problem is by throwing our garbages properly. Even if most people do not do it, this small gesture will make a big difference in the end. Manny Pacquiao We can see Manny Pacquiao who is considered to be the pride of the Philippines. Manny’s effort in making our country great has influenced our fellow Filipinos to also do great. We can say that Filipinos are united especially during the fights of Manny. His image should be something that we should also aim for not just for us to be great but for our country to be also great. Cleaning in the Beach We can see in the picture people working together to clean the seashore with garbages. A lot of people due to our own nature of laziness, throw their garbages without even a little care in the world what would be its effect not just to the environment but also to own self. Working alone will not be enough to make a visible difference but with the collaboration of many, great things will be achieved. Marriage proposal (debt weight) In this picture we can see a man with a weight chained on his leg proposing to a woman. This picture could mean than there are men with debt who is willing to propose to the woman they love. The question now is that, will this man truly bear to witness the woman he loves going through hardship that he will cause her? As a man, I would not allow my wifeto be to suffer because of the problem I created. Before I will propose to the woman I love, I will make sure that she will be treated like a queen and not suffer. Sr. Sto. Nino The picture shows the celebration of the Feast of Sr. Sto. Nino. It shows how we Filipinos are very engage with our culture through participating in such festivities for it defines who we are. In order for us to preserve such heritage, we must allow ourselves to participate in such activities so that we will not forget who we are as Filipinos. Marawi Bombing The picture shows the aftermath of the bombing probably in Marawi. Many innocent lives were lost and many lost their homes. How many more must suffer and risk their life because of the differences we have? We live in the same country however, we treat ourselves as enemies. If we continue to treat each other in such a way, there will be a great possibility that our nation will crumble. Childhood smoking We can see in this picture young children using cigarettes or smoking cigarettes. It is common knowledge that smoking is bad to ones health and may cause complications. Parents play a crucial role in making sure that their children live healthy and avoid such vices. In the end, its not just these children will suffer but their parents as well. Graduation The picture shows graduates throwing their cap in the air. Education, as they say, is the only treasure that will never be stolen from a person. Our education will help us achieve success in life thus will allow us to live a comfortable life. If we want to life comfortably, we must do our best to achieve the education that we deserve and we must do our very best to learn, because in the end, we will benefit from it.

GIRLS Category Social Media With the advent of technology in the present time, a lot of social media immerged. These media are very useful especially if used properly such as being able to connect to our loved ones who are far from us or get updated to friends and acquaintances we are unable to see for a long time. However, even though how great these social media are, if not properly used, will cause harm to others such as cyberbullying. We should be literate on the use of these social media to be able to use them in their maximum potential and be able to truly connect and not destroy relationships. President Digong Here in this picture we can see the current President of our country, President Rodrigo ”Digong” Roa Duterte. Our president has been very dedicated in the elimination of drugs in the country through conducting operations to arrest guilty individuals. Others find the ways of the president very harsh but I believe it is for the common good of our citizens. I believe that if we live a life of goodness, no harm will come to us but if we live our lives dangerously then we will live a life always in danger. Beach The picture shows a very beautiful scenery of a beach. Being an archipelago, the Philippines is very rich with beaches and scenic views allowing not just Filipinos to enjoy such paradise but tourists as well. That being said, we Filipinos should encourage each other to visit such beautiful places thus allowing our country develop and promote what our country can offer. Catriona Gray The picture shows Ms. Catriona Gray, the reigning Ms. Universe who I am very proud to say is a Filipina. The Filipinos proved again that we are a nation of great, outstanding and beautiful people. Beautiful not only in the physical sense but especially in a lot of other senses. We love our country so much that we take pride in everything that our country strive for. Beautiful in a sense that we do not lose hope and track of who we are and we are proud of who we are no matter what challenges we might face. We are beautiful because we are proud of who we are and what we can become. Native People The picture, I believe shows the elders of Ifugao in Banawe in their traditional clothing. It is truly amusing how these elders are able to preserve their culture despite the changing society where most teenagers are most likely forget and neglect due to modernization. As part of the new generation, we must still be able to balance between preserving our culture which defines us and modernization which will help us in the future. We must preserve our culture so that the future generations to come may still experience this distinct and unique identity of ours. Poverty The picture shows children in poverty sharing a bowl of food. It is quite alarming and concerning to see these children unable to get the nutrition they need because probably of the lack of resources in their family or worst, the lack of family itself. Poverty is really an issue we must be worried about and if possible, we would be able to minimize in the future. With cooperation and hard work on the part of the people in authority, I believe this issue has a big chance of being minimized. Procession of the Black Nazarene The picture shows the procession of the devotees of the Black Nazarene. This shows how we Filipinos are very dedicated when it comes to our beliefs, sacrificing time and effort to attend such celebrations. It shows how we put God, if possible, always in our lives and how we are united in our beliefs. Mining The picture shows us an image of a destroyed mountain probably because of mining. The damage has been done. The question now is what will we do make the situation better? I believe we can fix the problem if we work together and act on what should be done to make mountains such as this one in the picture beautiful again. If we won’t things will get worse not just for the sake of the environment but also for our own sake.

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