Bowling Tournament Rules And Regulations

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,507
  • Pages: 5


TEAM COMPOSITION AND TOURNAMENT FORMAT Each team (men & women) will be composed of Five (5) players to play with three (3) reserves, including team managers and team captains. The tournament is a single round robin format for both the men and women division. After which, ranking/position will be determined by total pin falls. After the elimination, the number one (1) team is twice-to-beat in the championship game. Up-the-ladder rules will apply as follows: Semi-final game 1---- Rank 4 versus Rank 3 Semi-final game 2 --- Winner of Semi-Final Game 1 versus Rank 2 CHAMPIONSHIP Game --- Winner of Semi-Final Game 2 versus Rank 1 Alley assignment will be drawn before the start of the 1st game, then, odd-even scheme will apply.


UNIFORM Players are required to wear its uniform. NO sandals and sleepers while playing. Otherwise, a corresponding deduction of one (1) pin ball per frame will be deducted on the score. A logo or name of the team must be placed visibly on the T-shirt of any player.


PERSONAL BALLS Personal balls are allowed during the duration of the tournament.


ERASURES/ALTERATIONS ON SCORE SHEETS No erasures/alterations shall be made on the score sheets. Any erasures/alterations/changes (e.g. name of players. scores etc.) must be signed by any of the members of the Tournament Committee/Staff to confirm the changes made thereto. Any player whose name or score has been altered or erased without the required signatures of the authorized staff, his/her score shall not be included in the individual or team awards. In addition, his/her score will be subjected to scrutiny and confirmation of the Tournament Committee.


PLAYERS ELIGIBILITY Only officials and regular employees of the Roxas City Government are eligible to play.


DURATION OF GAMES Each game is allocated a time of one hour and forty minutes only, except on the Championship game where there is no time limit. The tournament committee has the right to stop the game when it exceeds the time limit. The unfinished remaining frames will be given a default score of seven (7) pins per frame.


PLAYING ORDER Game shall be played in two parts. The first five (5) frames and the second five (5) frames. Shuffling or changing order of players while the game is in progress is not allowed. Players violating this rule shall be penalized with a score of seventy (70) pin fall only. Teams are obliged to strictly observe the playing order of players listed in the official score sheet during the tournament. Substitution of players is allowed only before the first ball of the sixth frame is thrown and the fifth frame is neither a strike nor a spare. Use of dice shall be made every frame. Right lane players shall dice to determined who plays in the right lane. Even numbers means retention of alley while odd numbers means exchange alley. A player who bowls out of turns shall be penalized in accordance with the rules and regulations governing foul line.


SCORING Scores made during the elimination will not be carried over to the next round (Semi-Final). Pin falls caused by rebounding balls shall not be counted. The disturbed pin(s) shall be returned to their original position(s). A leaning pin is considered a standing pin. Scoring deductions due to penalties shall be observed. Players are given the responsibility to check their score after completing five frames during the games. Any complaint on the scoring should be taken to the attention of the scorer, opponent and any member of the Tournament Committee before the 1 st ball of the next five (5) frames is thrown (6th frame) Complaints made after the 1st ball of the next five (5) frames is thrown will not be entertained.


FOUL LINE Foul line shall be strictly observed. Referee’s decision is final. If a player committed the foul while throwing the first ball. A player losses the second ball. If a player committed the foul while throwing the second ball. A player losses the third ball. If a player committed the foul while throwing the third, the player is credited with the total pin falls after the second ball. If a player committed the foul while scoring a strike, it shall be scored as spare only, if it is a spare it shall be scored as a break. If a player committed a foul while throwing the first ball of bonus strike, pin falls toppled shall be counted and the player losses the second ball. If a player committed a foul while throwing the second ball of bonus strike, the pin falls toppled by the second ball will not be counted and the player losses the third ball. If a player committed a foul while throwing a bonus spare ball. Pin falls will not be counted (or zero bonus) and the player losses the second ball.


DEFAULT A team or individual without an opponent shall continue to play the game in accordance with the tournament schedule, observing strictly the playing order listed in the score sheet. Defaulting teams or player shall be given an automatic score of seven (7) for the ten (10) frames of each player. A tardy player may be allowed to play before the throwing of the sixth frame. All open frames shall be given an automatic score of seven (7).


CONDUCT DURING THE GAME Participants shall observe proper conduct and decorum at all time ( E.G NO DRINKING, EATING AND SMOKING IN THE PLAYERS AREA). Game ethics and sportsmanship shall be strictly observed (NO THROWING OF CHEWING GUMS ON THE ALLEYS. ALLEY WETTING IS DISCOURAGED). The participants shall confine themselves to areas reserved for them. Only active players are allowed in the bowling alleys. Active players are those in actual play. The Tournament Committee has the right to call the attention of erring players.


DISHONESTY ALL acts of dishonesty shall be dealt with accordingly. Player who catches another person committing any act of dishonesty should file a complaint or bring the matter to the attention of any member of the Tournament Committee for appropriate actions. The parties involved, together with their respective Team Captains, shall be called for a conference with the Tournament Committee and if after deliberation, the player had been found to have deliberately committed such dishonest act, the penalty shall be as follows: 1st offense - score shall be recorded as 50 pin falls 2nd offense - player shall be disqualified from participating in the tournament


PROCEDURE IN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Up-the-ladder Games shall be on “blind and spread system”. Each team shall be provided with the sheet of paper for players’ position which shall be handed to the Tournament Committee for listing. Drawing of alley assignments will first be done to determine which alleys the Men and Ladies team will play. The clock at the bowling center shall be the basis for the Official time of the tournament. In case of a tie during the championship games, the same shall be broken by six (6) balls score of three (3) players. No deduction shall be made on the scores of rated players for individual awards.




POSTPONEMENT No postponement of games during bowling derbies.


FORTUITOUS OR UNFORESEEN EVENTS In case of brown outs or any unforeseen events which may lead to the discontinuance of the ongoing games, the same shall be played at the time determined by the Tournament Committee on the same alley from where it previously stopped.


COMPLAINTS/QUESTIONS All conflicts during the game that cannot be decided by the contending teams shall be referred to the Tournament Committee for decision. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to promulgate other rules or undertake measurers to protect the integrity of the competition.

Tournament Committee Composition: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sportsfest Bowling Coordinator Assistant Coordinator Member Member Tournament Director


Dino C. Beluso (SP) Hon. Rolando V. Ignacio (SP) Joselito Almodiente (CTO) Dante Corros (CVO) Julius (Bebot) Bellion (Private Person)

SCHEDULE OF GAMES (MEN & WOMEN) FIRST DAY 4:00 – 5:40 P.M. 1 VS 2 (M&W) 3 VS 4 (M&W) 5:50 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. 1 VS 3 (M&W) 2 VS 4 (M&W) 7:40 P.M. – 9:20 P.M. 1 VS 4 (M&W) 2 VS 3 (M&W) SECOND DAY 4:00 – 5:40 P.M. Semi-Final -1 RANK 4 VS RANK 3 (M&W) 5:50 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. Semi-Final -2 WINNER OF SF 1 VS RANK 2 (M&W) 7:40 P.M. – 9:20 P.M. CHAMPIONSHIP

WINNER OF SF 2 VS RANK 1 (M&W) ESTIMATED EXPENSES ELIMINATION MEN – 6 games x 200.00 = 1, 200 WOMEN – 6 games x 200.00 = 1, 200 SF & CHAMPIONSHIP MEN – 3 games x 200.00 = 600 WOMEN – 3 games x 200.00 = 600 TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR REFEREE TOTAL --- P4,700.00

Prepared by:

DINO C. BELUSO Coordinator – Bowling Tournament Sulong – Hinampang 2009


P400.00/DAY X 2 DAYS = P800.00 P150.00/DAY X 2 DAYS = P300.00

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