Borobudur Seven Wonders Of The World Borobudur Is The

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Borobudur is the name of a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java. Location temple is approximately 100 km southwest of Semarang and 40 km to the northwest of Yogyakarta. This temple was founded by the Buddhist Mahayana religion around 800 years-an-Christian government in the dynasty dynasty. The name Borobudur Many theories try to explain the name of this temple. One of them states that the name of this possibility comes from the word Sambharabhudhara, which means "mountain" (bhudara) where the slope-terrace located lerengnya-terrace. In addition, there are several other people etymology. Suppose a word derived from the utterance of Borobudur "the Buddha" because of the shift in sound to be Borobudur. Another explanation is that this name comes from two words "warmth" and "beduhur". The word seems coals comes from the word Vihara, while there is also another explanation in which the fire originated from Sanskrit which means temple or a monastery complex and beduhur meaning is "high", or the language in Bali, which means "above". So

meaning is a dormitory or a monastery which is located on high ground. Historian J.G. de Casparis in disertasinya for the doctorate in 1950 argued that Borobudur is a place of worship. Based on the inscription and Karangtengah Kahulunan, Casparis estimate, Borobudur is the founder of the dynasty dynasty king called Samaratungga around 824 M. Building a new giant that can be completed in the daughter, the Queen Pramudawardhani. Borobudur development is estimated to take half a century. Structure Borobudur

Borobudur punden berundak shaped, consisting of six levels of squareshaped, three-level circular-shaped coil and a stupa as a main peak. In addition, in all levels-some levels stupa. Borobudur is stratified ten clearly describes the philosophy Mahayana sect. like a book, Borobudur depicts ten levels of Bodhisattva must pass to reach the perfection become the Buddha. The foot of Borobudur symbolize Kamadhatu, the world is still dominated by Kama or "low-indulgence." This section is largely closed by piles of stone that allegedly made to strengthen the construction of temples. At the close of this additional structure there are 120 stories Kammawibhangga panel. A small additional structure so that people still be able to see relief in this section. Four floors with wall berelief on top of it by the experts called Rupadhatu. Lantainya quadrate. Rupadhatu is a world that is able to free himself from lust, but is still bound by the form and shape. This symbolizes the level of the natural, between natural and natural on the bottom. At the Rupadhatu this Buddhist sculptures found in the nooknook on the wall ballustrade or selasar. Start fifth to seventh floor walls berelief not. Levels is called

Arupadhatu (which means do not form or does not exist). Circular floor map. This level represents the top, where people are free from all desire and the shape and form of bonds, but has not reached Nirwana. Buddha statues are placed in the stupa which closed perforated in such confinement. From outside the statues that still appears uncertain. Highest level that describes the lack of existence is represented as the biggest stupa and the highest. Stupa described plain without holes. In the stupa is the largest ever found a statue of Buddha that are not perfect or unfinished also called the Buddha, a statue disalahsangkakan as Adibuddha, and through further research did not have a statue in the main stupa, the statue is not finished pemahatnya error in antiquity. according to the belief that a statue in the process pembuatannya really should not be destroyed. Archaeological excavation carried out in the temple this page to find many like this statue. In the past, some of the Buddha statue along with the 30 stones with relief, the two lion statues, a few stone-shaped anchor, and sent to the gate of King Thailand, Chulalongkorn visited the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) in the year 1896 as a gift from the Dutch when that. Borobudur has no spaces such as temple worship, temples others. That there is a long alley-lane road that is narrow. Alley-alley restricted temple walls encircle level for level. In the alley-alley estimated this is the Buddhist ritual to walk corral to the right temple. Building form and structure without the room-level-rise is the development of this alleged form of punden berundak, which is the original form of architecture from the prehistoric India. Forest grove Around three hundred years past, the temple is still a forest grove that is called by residents of surrounding Borobudur Redi. For the first time, the name Borobudur known manuscript of the paper Negarakertagama Prapanca MPU in the year 1365 BC, is mentioned about the monastery

in Budur. Then in the Babad Tanah manuscript ox (1709-1710) there is news of Mas Fund, a rebel against the King Paku Buwono I, caught in the Redi Borobudur dijatuhi and the death penalty. Then in the year 1758, tercetus news about a prince from Yogyakarta, the Prince Monconagoro, interested to see the statue of a knight in a narrow cage. Then in the year 1814, Thomas Stamford Raffles get news from subordinates on the hill that was filled with stone-carved stone. Based on the news that Raffles sent Cornelius, a fan art and history, to clean up that hill. Once cleaned for two months with the help of 200 people, the temple building and restoration clearly resumed in 1825. At 1834, Resident Kedu clean temple, and stupa temple 1842 years to be reviewed for further research. Borobudur own name on many experts interpret the ancients, of which Prof.. Dr. Poerbotjoroko Borobudur explain that the word comes from two words Bhoro and Budur. Bhoro derived from Sanskrit which means bihara or dormitories, while Budur word refers to the name of the place. This strengthened by Prof.. Dr. WF. Stutterheim is that Borobudur means Bihara on a hill. Meanwhile, Prof.. JG. De Casparis build on Prasasti Karang Tengah said the establishment of this year, the Year Sangkala: sagara kstidhara sense, or Caka 746 years (824 BC), or during the Sailendra dynasty glamourize the god Indra. Didapatlah inscription in the name Bhumisambharabhudhara which means a place of worship of the ancestors for the soul-spirit leluhurnya. Shift in how the word is going to be Borobudur? This is because the pronunciation of the local community. Dynasty dynasty In history lessons, the Borobudur temple that is made at the time of Buddhis Sailendra dynasty under the leadership of King Samarotthungga. While creating the temple, according to tuturan community called Gunadharma. Development temple was completed in the year 847 M. According to the inscription Kulrak (784M) the

making of this temple is assisted by a teacher from Ghandadwipa (Bengalore) called Kumaragacya a very respected, and a prince from Kashmir Visvawarman named as advisers that Buddis expert in the teachings of Tantra Vajrayana. Development of this temple began in the period of King Dananjaya Sri Sanggramadananjaya the title, followed by her son, Samarotthungga, and by the daughter and grandchildren, Dyah Ayu Pramodhawardhani. Before restored, such as Borobudur temple ruins as well as artefacts, artefacts found a new temple now. When we visited Borobudur and enjoy the natural beauty of its surroundings on the top of the temple, sometimes we never think about who is meritorious rebuild Borobudur Temple building into a magnificent property and become the nation of Indonesia. Further restoration after by Cornelius at Raffles and Resident Hatmann, done in 1907-1911 by THEODORUS van ERP rebuild the order form from the temple ruins eaten because of the age, to the form now. Van ERP actually an engineer building Genie Military with a rank of lieutenant, but then attracted to research and learn the tricks Borobudur, falsafahnya start to the teachings of dikandungnya. For that he was trying to appeal to study for several years in India. He also went to Sri Lanka to see the top of the stack building Kandy stupa in Sanchi, until eventually find van ERP form of Borobudur Temple. While the foundation and philosophy of religion found by Stutterheim and NJ. Chrome, which is about the teachings of the Buddha Dharma with flow-Mahayana Yogacara and there is a tendency also mingled with the flow Tantrayana-Vajrayana. Therefore, the pemugar must have sekelumit history of religion in Indonesia. Research on the order of building the temple and brought the philosophy of course does not take a little, especially if dihubungconnect with the buildings of the temple one family. Like with the between the Borobudur temple and the temple Pawon Mendut which

geographically are on a path. Materials temple Borobudur temple is the second largest after the Temple Ankor Wat in Cambodia. Borobudur similar building Cheops pyramid in Egypt Gizeh. Area of Borobudur 15,129 m2 composed of 55,000 m3 of stone, a snippet from the 2 million stones. Stone size average 25 cm X 10 cm X 15 cm. Length overall discount stone 500 km to the overall weight of 1.3 million tons of stone. Walls of Borobudur Temple surrounded by images, or relief, which is a series of stories that terususun panel in 1460. The length of each panel 2 meters. So if the series of relief that dibentangkan then more or less the whole length of 3 km relief. Number of levels there are ten, the level of 1-6 square-shaped, while the level of 7-10 circular shape. That there is a statue in the temple building of 504 units. Meanwhile, a high temple of the surface soil until the end of the main stupa was 42 meters, but now live 34.5 meters after tersambar lightning. According to the results of an investigation etnolog-Austrian anthropologist Robert Heine von Geldern, the ancestor of the Indonesian people are governance culture at the time of Neolithic and Megalithic originating from South Vietnam and Cambodia. At the time of the Megalithic ancestor of Indonesia make graves leluhurnya form of worship as well as a multilevel pyramid building, the small to the top. One of them is found in Lebak Sibedug Leuwiliang Bogor in West Java. There are similar buildings in the temple Sukuh near Solo, the Borobudur Temple. If we see from a distance, look like Borobudur akan order such building or berundak pyramid and a stupa. Unlike the giant pyramid in Egypt and Teotihuacan in Mexico Piramida Borobudur is another version of pyramid building. Borobudur pyramid form kepunden berundak that will not be found in the region and any country, including in India. And that was one of the advantages which

the Borobudur is a peculiarity Budhis architecture in Indonesia. See the grandeur of Borobudur temple and at this time, other temples in Indonesia has provided a great knowledge of the Indonesian nation. Various sciences involved in the reconstruction effort Borobudur done by van Teodhorus ERP. We should appreciate the efforts given the various constraints and difficulties faced in rebuilding this temple. Until now there are a few things that still be a mystery surrounding the Borobudur temple, for example, in the order of the stone, how to carry stone from the regions of origin to destination, whether the stones are already in the desired size or shape as the original stone mountain , how long the process of cutting the stones to the size you want, how menaikan stones from the bottom of the page to the top of the temple, a tool that is used if the crane? Given that at that time there were no pictures in blue (blue print), and whether the facilities if they want to negotiate the steps which must be done, in terms of relief images, whether stones ago that after the image is, or in a plain stone new to be chiselled drawn. And from which the image be chiselled, from top to bottom or from bottom to top? And many more mysteries that have not been revealed in scientific knowledge, especially about finding space on the main stupa temple. Restoration in the years 1974-1983 Treasure trove Restoration done in the next year 1973-1983, the lapse of 70 years of restoration the van ERP. Restoration is intended as no other efforts to preserve the priceless cultural value. This is the "treasure trove" that surely can not be valued with money especially to pay off debt sold. Awareness of the community to participate in secure buildings, including temples are also expected from the tourists. Excavation, research and restoration plan to the temple-temple or

historical objects that other new-found this new course takes time and costs that are not small. Restoration of archaeological and cultural development is not a modern building. Each building has a cultural meaning that it is special and can not be ignored in the restoration of old buildings are. Therefore need support from various parties, both from within and from abroad. Efforts to rebuild a civilization of symbols that have lost meaning the more eye-opening our hearts about the history of civilization of a people rich in culture and science. Thus, we will become capable of human berbudaya appreciate their own culture as a form of identity and the identity of an independent nation. Finally, we must appreciate the passion back up the things that heritage is not only a rich community and the nation, but also a wealth of knowledge that will continue to reveal the facts of history. Enjoy the beauty and keep kelestariannya is a form of awareness which is very meaningful. Of course, the role of institutions related to the protection of these heritage needs to be improved by providing the understanding, dissemination and understanding of the importance of maintaining and preserving these objects. Legal protection should also ditegakkan consistently so that it does not happen again defect-defect law is leaving for the public sense of injustice, as the case of blasting Borobudur in 1983 .*** Stay a mystery, just to Borobudur temple is the largest Buddhist temple in the world with 34.5 meters high and the area of 123 x 123 meters. In establish on a hill that is located approximately 40 km southwest of Yogyakarta, 7 km south of Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur was built by Sailendra dynasty between 750 and 842 BC. Buddhist temple is the most likely abandoned about a century after the center was built because of the kingdom at that time moved to East Java. Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles found in 1814 Borobudur in damaged condition and ordered that the site is cleaned and learned thoroughly. Borobudur restoration project in a large-scale and starting from year

1905 to 1910 led by Dr. Tb. van ERP. With assistance from UNESCO, the second restoration to rescue Borobudur was conducted from August 1913 until the year 1983. However, until now Borobudur is still a mystery to deposit. A number of mysteries that, for example, who designed the temple of Borobudur, the amount of people to be built temples, of which only the stone to build the temple? Philosophy is used to make temples? But that this temple is a critical asset for India in the international world. We must be proud and always keep kelestariannya. Resouces 1. Endangtitanium’s Blog “” 13 Juni 2009 2. Teguh Iman Prasetya, “ “,13 Juni 2009

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