Boot Knives

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 510
  • Pages: 2
De: BladeWeb Brazil Assunto: BOOT KNIVES Data: Quinta-feira, 23 de Outubro de 1997 21:35 "Gostaria de saber mais sobre os tipos de facas que s�o recomendados para se portar na canela?" Gustavo Faria xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Voce deve estar se referindo 'as chamadas "boot knives". Essas laminas ficaram famosas na 'epoca dos "riverboat gamblers", os jogadores profissionais de New Orleans. As laminas eram escondidas nas botas (e nao nas canelas), sacadas e arremessadas rapidamente. A tecnica foi desenvolvida justamente por causa da posicao em que os jogadores ficavam - sentados. Alguns portavam as laminas nas costas, desenvolvendo tecnicas especificas de saque e arremesso. As "boot knives" ainda fazem sucesso. Suas dimensoes sao excelentes para o porte urbano, onde e' necessario ocultar a lamina sem deixar protumberancias... Por isso, vao no maximo ate' 5" e suas empunhaduras ate' 4". Geralmente a lamina tem formato de adaga (afiada nos dois lados) e nao possui guarda. As "boot knives" sao utilizadas pelo pessoal de salvamento e tambem policiais, como "backup gun" (arma reserva) ou peca utilitaria. Todas as grandes marcas e artesaos produzem suas versoes de "boot knife". Segue tambem um artigo hilario, postado no newsgroup (grupo de discussao) rec.knives. O autor parodia os cuidados que se deve tomar ao portar uma "boot knife": "Ten Hints on Wearing a Boot Knife or Ankle-Holstered Gun: 1. Wear your pantlegs inside your boots, or cut big holes in your pantlegs for quick access. 2. Don't put the knife or gun *under* your foot. unsheathed.

Especially if it is

3. Walk hunched over, or use heavy weights to stretch out your arms. 4. Learn to kick an attacker and draw your knife or gun in the same motion. 5. Borrow those thigh-high boots worn by Ertha Kitt when she played the Catwoman on the original "Batman" series. 6. Tie a long rubber band to the lanyard hole of your knife or gun, and

attach the other end to your belt. Use a spring-tensioner mechanism to keep the knife or gun sheathed, and when you hop, grab the weapon as it flys past your face. (Don't wear this rig when you plan on playing "Footsie" under the table.) 7. Wear your boots on your belt (belt though bootstraps). 8. Don't bother with those 3" jobs. Get a Hibben Rambo III, or better yet, the Blackjack Vorpal Sword. (For guns, don't bother with those 2" J-frames. Get a S&W M29, or better yet, a T/C Contender with a 14" barrel in .30-30 Win.) Either goes perfect with the afformentioned thigh-highs, or with a skin-tight body suit like that worn by Diana Rigg.) 9. Moleskin works well, but duct tape makes an acceptible substitute... until you have to rip it off of your hairy legs. 10. Wear a thin lace teddy. If you look great, you'll distract your attacker and he won't notice the knife-butt poking out of your boot, or gun shaped-bulge at your ankle. If you look hideous, your attacker won't look at you, and he won't notice..." __________________________________________________________________________ Sergio Hartenberg BLADEWEB BRAZIL ______________________(|_______________ /----------------------(| | /_______________________(|_______________| (|

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