Boondocker 1964 (f) Pgs. 01-20

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  • Words: 2,099
  • Pages: 20

Quantico High Schooi looks like any other building until the doors are *'ide. Looking inward, you find its hallowed and plotcctive wa1ls arc tilled with memories -- mcmorics rvhich just ycsterclay. it sccms, wcrc realities. They flash across your mind now in a colorful procession. Your mindrs eye clearly picfures the loyal friendships the studying the opened

big dances defe ats

the little get-togcthers

thc victories

and the


As these fleeting moments are recorded rvithin this book so the),rvill not in [uture ;'cars thcy tvill appcar cxtrcrncl; supcrficial in view of a rcalization of morc importilnt undcrlying toncs. Thc high schooL, indeed, plays a crucial role in every studentrs life and should not be taken at face value. At this vital ooint in his li{e a stuclent must make that fateful decision thar may mold thc rcst of his li[c and havc a powcr[ul influence on his happiness and well-being in many years to come. His success in school is probably the most decisive factor and gaugc of success. Nolv, as a student and in years to come, when you open this book and find yourself LOOKING WITHIN, may you remember that it is through this very process that a happy and fruitful life can be formed. soon be forgott-en. perhaps



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+Lt. Gen. Frederick L. Wieseman

Gen. Wieseman presents football uophy to BiIl Vaughn






clo anything great requircs



The life of a high school revolves, ostensibly, around the strict academic life of its students and pushes the frills that adorn its curriculum into comparative unimportance. But, to almost every student, a place that occupies so much of his time and effort would be poor, indeed, if it contributed only the dry, impersonal facts of classroom material to his knowledge , There is so much to learn in so short a time. The success of a school and, thus, of its sfudents, depends upon so many variables, not tJ-re least of which is dedication capable, interested teachers Above all, however, lies the student himself . He, of course, determines the ultimate success of his educational experience. for squarely upon his shoulders rests the ability to see the fruition of all he he has learned. Exposing him to knowledge achieves nothing if he is not rs nor eager eagel to Iearn learn and readrly readily receptrve receptive and if u hhe does not persevele and exhibit a steadfast application to a fixed goal: .

No great work is ever done in a hurry. To develop a great I scientific discovery, to paint a great picture, to write an immortal poem, to become a minister, or a famous general -- to do anything great requires time, patience, and diligence. These things lPer:dise Losetr at are done in degrees. desrees. Milton did not write lParadise lr- aa --sitting, nor did Shakespeare compose I'Hamlet[ in a day. The greatest writers must begin with the alphabet, the most famous musiciars once picked out their notes laboriously; a child must learn to draw a shaight line before he can become a Titian or a


It is with these truths before it that the staff dedicates the 1964 BOONDOCKER to DILIGENCE, hoping that ir will encourage all to begin cultivating this vutue, through which a true meaning in life can be realized.




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School Board

The Board of Education of tJre Quantico Dependentts School System bears tJre resporuibility of maintaining and improving the facilities on the elementary and high school level. The Board handlesthebudget, establishes the poliey, and decides on countless matters of vital importance. The members of the Board are Chairman, Col. J. W. Keene, U.S.M.C.; CoI. G. F. Russell, U.S.M.C., P.T.A. President; Lt. Col. W. S. Bartley, U.S.M.C., Cmdr. R. K. Barton, U. S. N. , Major H. T. Reiniche, U. S. M. C. , Major F. Mallard, U. S. M. C. , Major V. E. Pahick, U. S. M. C. , Capt. D. U. Davidson, U. S. M. C. , CWO W. J. Cill, U. S. M. C. , Msgt. M. J. Welby, U. S. M. C. , GySgt. R. R. Lewis, U.S. M. C. , and Mr. H. M. Bryant, SuperinGndent. Mrs. A. Beitel sefl/es as the Secretary of the Schoo1 Board.

Col. J. W. Keene Chairman

School Board Members establish school policies.

Col. Keene leads important discussions.

Superintendent for Mls' The 1963-1964 school year marked t*'""1'ye"T :"Tt^" System' School Cf"av, T. DoItiru wltfr tf-tJ Quantico Dcpendentsr

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been the Principal at


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vears of sewice



Mrs. Gladys Dollins Superintendent

Mrs. Dollirx and Mrs' Alene

Beitel, Exccutive Assistant to the SuPerintendent'


w Secretary to the SuperMrs. Beitel and Mrs. Nancy Bryant, intendent.


The 1963-1964 school year nrarks the end of another smooth running year under the excellent ieadership of 1\'lr. John C. Burton, Principal of Quantico High Schooi. i\&. Burton has been at Quantico for four years, serving one year as Assistant Principal and three as Principal. A native of Wayresboro, Virginia, N{r. Burton received his Bachelor of Science Degree fronr Emory and Henry College and his Master of Education from the University of Virginia. He is presently studying for his doctorate at the University of Virginia.

Mr. Burtonrs attention is called from




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N4r. Burton discusses problems on telephone.


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Secretaries: Mrs. Shumway, Mrs. Taylor.



Miss Walker shows Dick Crotinger vocation pairrphlets.

An indispensable asset to Quantico is Miss Jacqueline Walker, guidance counselor. Her varied duties include being in charge of the extensive testing program, giving valuable aid to upperclassmen in the selection of colleges, procurement of scholarships, and post graduate entployment.

Miss Walker has a wide array of college catelogues which are constantly in use. The vocational files help students to decide what subjects to pursue in college in order to prepare themselves for future careers. The smiling face of Miss Walker gives students the feeling they need in order to freely discuss their problems

lvliss Walker figures class standings.

with her,

Sandra Schwartz has just seen her college board s

Miss \\ialker


core s.

Typing, an Accomplished Science

Ty'ping class practiccs diligently.

Miss Gr-ryton shorvs students pafts of a typetvriter.





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-^-+ ^f A,--+;^^ u;-1. School. The courses offer.ed are personal typing, notehand, Typing I and Typing II, The needs o{ botf.l t]le vocational business student and students rr,'ho tool typitrg and notehand for personal use are successfully rnet.

Miss Guyton hains students in business skills as norcnna


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Fine Arts Department

Miss Stathopoulos examines finished products.


an absorbing pusuit


industrious yourg arli.sts. :lr,r i


Nancy Roark carefully

finishing touches to

her mask.

Follow the steady tap, tapping that issues from the room at the top of the stairs, and you will enter the Fine Arts Department. Other than the poulding of clay for mask modeling, activities are offered in the fields of sketching, painting, and crafts. Miss Stathopoulosl guiding philosophy is that "everyone can dra1v" -- straight, curved, arA ;d--.d l:A^c f^^ rr Fltltherlnorc. these linCS Can take On mealling and interpretation. Through the varied art activities, students are encouraged to give vent to their imagination and feeling, to satisfy thcir need lor expression, and to rcach a deeper and broader understandine of the beautv around them.



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Lirerature and ComPosition

l\4rs, Franklin: "Al1 English poets are NOT crazy' "

Mrs. Bunch explains organization of novels'

Mrs, Luckett emphasizes importance of liter ature,


Comer finds urusual grammatrcal structures in student




bl English Department

'!Once upon a time

Shakespeare, Thoreau, Chaucer, O. Henry these are but a few of the names remaining in every English studentrs mind. Every week three a speech . every week a theme hundred memorized lines . . . essay contests these are some of the . . . term papers . problems facing Quantico students as they advance through five years of English. For tenth, eleventh, and tweHth graders, Speech and Creative Writing is an elective, The

.. .

English program tries to provide a background of practical mechanics, reading for leiswe, and study of the classics.

Miss Dove finds tenth grade theme topics amusing.

Mrs, Whitelock exhibits surprise studentrs answer.


Foreign Languages !rBonjour, prpfesseur


Com5 est6


omniavincit. . . " irregularfeminines, irregular plurals . irregular conjugations . impossible declensions endlessvocabularvlists:Exoressions

and problerns issuing frorn the foreign language classes as Quantico students struggle to becorne bilingual and to Lnderstand and master the structure of a foreign Ianguage. They soon find, however, that the study of

language is rnore than mere memorization of vocabulary and grubbing of grammatical irregularities. With enthusiastic teachers to guide hirn, the student begins his apprenticeship in a new art of thinking, As he progresses through two, three, even four years, he realizes that language is, indeed, a challenge to oners thought, a test of his suppleness and ingenuity. It is an incursion into a new realm, the beginning of a quest that leads to the discovery, in prose and poetry, of a new source of aes-

thetic enjoyment. It is a sdlour into a distant and intriguing land. And, above all, it is a crossroads where individuals, and nations, can meet on a common ground and form lasting friendships.

Mrs, Whitelock receives Latin translations from fourth year students.

Miss King and students converse Spanish only.

-- in


Promote Communicatrcn

at board' Miss Porter corrects studentts Latin



French use of ranguage lab for French class, Miss Comer instructs Karin Johnson in


Reasonirg Forms

'!xi1-30 is right,'t


Mr. Potvin to Kevin Brandt and Kenneth Marlin.

Algebra I taught by Mr. Burnett.

Mrs. Bond explains how to round off in Math class.


Basic Foundations

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rrMath can be fun, I'

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Mr. Rixey explains.

Mrs. Bond explains a parallelogram to her Geometry class.

Mr. Potvin in

Our curriculum is such that it will allow individuals of these groups to develop their capabilities to the maximum in the field of mathematics. For the first two. groups we have college preparatory courses

advanced Math Class


everyday living. The understanoing and a workable knowledge of numbers will hetp to Iead to many solutions of problems arising in life dealing with

numbers. The students in our department ale in three main groups: those entering college, tJrose going into technical fields, and those who enter the labor market upon completion of their high school educa-

enriched with a course in advanced math, and for the third group we have the basic courses in math. and {eV-m1V take any college preparatory course for which they are qualified


Every person, regardless of his status in life, will have to deal with numbers and their operationi in


Deuelopmental Reading Developmental Reading is offered as a selice

to the students at Quantico High School. Emphasis is first on vocabulary and comprehension, and

secondly on rate, dependi4g on the studentsr needs' The reading levels in the t'ltee reading laboratories

range from the third grade to Jurrior level in college'

Othlr teaching aids rued are the reading coulse and controlled reading with filmships. A student enrolled reading in the reading course star8 at his own level and progr"ss"t at his own rate. A great deal of individual help is given the student by Mrs.

Toney, the Developmental Reading Teacher.- A highliiht of the course for tJle past,four yeans has been Jtor.u of the Congressional Library, Shakespearian I ib1ary' and viewing a Book Fair in

Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Toney helPs PrePare college bould students with DeveloPmental Reading courses'

Mrs. Toney helps Jan Himmelberger witfr reading skills'

effiffiffiffitr l_'-tJ i1..i1.."

Mrs. Toney shows Laura Ware how to work the reading Pacer.


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