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„Didactics: past, present and future perspectives" - 4th edition 18-19 May2018

Book of abstracts ho s te d by : “ 1 D EC EM B RI E 1 9 1 8 ” UN IV E R SI T Y o f A LB A I U L IA F AC U LT Y O F LAW AN D S O CI AL SC IEN CE S Dep ar ta me n t fo r T eac he r T rain i n g


The International Conference „Didactics: past, present and future perspectives", 4th edition



Scientific Committee:

Olga María ALEGRE DE LA ROSA-"La Laguna" University of Tenerife, Spain Carmen BAL - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Wanda BARANOWSKA - University of Lodz, Poland Daniel BREAZ - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Muşata BOCOŞ - "Babeş – Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Marian BUKOWIEC - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Rodica CIOBANU - "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Marcela CIORTEA - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Vasile CHIŞ - "Babeş – Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Maria DUCA - "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Massimiliano FIORUCCI - Roma Tre University, Italy Teresa GIZA – "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Jan GUNCAGA - "Comenius" University in Bratislava, Slovakia Iulia HERMAN - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Cornel IGNA - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Krzysztof KONARZEWSKI - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Daniel MARA - "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania Edward MLECZKO - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Mercè MOREY LÓPEZ - University of the Balearic Islands, Spain Letiţia MUNTEAN-TRIF-"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Mariana NOREL - "Transilvania" University of Brașov, Romania Dorin OPRIŞ - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Katarzyna PALKA - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Galina PĂDURARU-"Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Ramona PETROVAN - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Tatiana POTÎNG - "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Ioan SCHEAU - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Stela SPÎNU - "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Liana TĂUŞAN - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Ioana TODOR - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Dumitru VALCAN - "Babeş – Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Adam WINIARZ - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Kamil WODKA - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland Tamara ZAPPATERRA - University of Florence, Italy Janusz ZDEBSKI - "Holy Cross" University in Kielce, Poland


Organizing Committee:

Iulia HERMAN - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Cornel IGNA - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Adela JIDVEIAN - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Dan IORDĂCHESCU - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Lorena PECULEA - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Ramona PETROVAN - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Răzvan Gheorghe RUSU - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Ioan SCHEAU - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Stela SPÎNU - "Dimitrie Cantemir" State University, Republic of Moldova Liana TĂUȘAN - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Ioana TODOR - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania Vasile Emil URSU - "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania


Edited by: Cornel Victor Igna

Official website of the conference:

Disclaimer The responsibility for opinions expressed, in articles, studies and other contributions in this publication rests solely with their authors.



Keynote speakers .................................................................................. 6 Pre-conference workshops ................................................................... 12 Oral presentations.................................................................................. 14 List of participants ................................................................................. 102


Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers 6

SITUATED LEARNING IN EARLY EDUCATION Ioana Todor ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract Situated learning approach (Lave & Wenger, 1991) views learning as a process occurring between the person and his or her particular social and physical environment. According to this approach, learning involves coparticipation, collaborative construction of knowledge and the whole process is shaped by the context it occurs. Because knowledge are acquired in the same context in which they are applied, students' ability to transfer knowledge in new situations is no longer a topic of interest, nor their generalization or abstraction abilities. Knowledge are the product of the students' activity/interactions with the complex environment, context, and culture. The paper presents the basic assumptions of situated learning approach, a critical evaluation of the theory, with a main focus on its potential applications in early education.


situated learing, apprenticeship, early education







Letiția Trif ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract The curriculum reform project for early education reflects an improved, unitary and coherent Curriculum Concept of the current Curriculum (OM no. 5233/2008), having as reference the key competencies that determine the student's later training profile, defined at European level and established by the National Education Law no. 1/2011, and creating the prerequisites for training them from very young ages. In this study we propose an analysis of the arguments regarding the restructuring of the national curriculum for early education; the analysis of the current state of pre-school education - and before pre-school education, illustrated in the national statistical data, in the annual reports, in studies, researches, results of the implementation of educational programs, etc. We highlight features of the revised and renewed curriculum, through the generous, integrative approach to education in younger ages; respectively, the compatibility of the curriculum documents developed within the framework of the reform with the results of pedagogical research and international educational practice trends, the direct consequence of which, in the long run, will be the formation of a curricular culture expressed in concrete educational practices. We also emphasize the importance of a new curricular vision that values the competency paradigm and focuses educational efforts toward pre-school children and on their learning activity, and also on acquiring behaviors that provide the prerequisites for the constitution of competency elements and subsequently the competence units.

Keywords: reform; curriculum; early education



Stela Spinu State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova

Abstract The globalization process, which originally dominated only the economic sphere, subsequently led to profound social, political and cultural transformations, having a significant impact on culture and identity and influencing inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations in multicultural and multilingual environments. Culturally, globalization makes its effects felt by the tendency to undermine minority cultures through cultural homogenization, change of the national value model and the emergence of hybrid cultural forms. In the context of the new cultural realities, the need to raise awareness and promote intercultural communication at all levels of the education system, to identify the major obstacles and challenges, facing young people belonging to different cultural backgrounds, is evident in communication. To obtain truthful information about the factors that may disrupt intercultural communication, an opinion poll, based on a questionnaire, was conducted among young people aged 20-25. The students, who participated in the poll, belonged to different ethnic groups and study at six universities in the Republic of Moldova. There were also students who participated in mobility programs. According to the results of the survey, disruptions in effective communication are caused by the shock of the awareness of the existence of a different world, of linguistic differences, the misinterpretation of nonverbal and paraverbal language, the type of communication, the lack of knowledge of cultural traditions, religious pluralism, stereotypes and prejudices. To overcome the identified blockages and to awake dialogical speech, we proposed the achievement of the following objectives: to acquire foreign languages by fully developing the capacity to communicate with people from other cultural and linguistic areas; to introduce into the curriculum disciplines that would familiarize young people with the differences between cultures and the challenges of the contemporary world; to form an intercultural communicative competence within the disciplines Intercultural Communication and Intercultural Education; to organize cultural and scientific events, which would facilitate the communication between young people of different cultures; to promote and monitor the mobility of young people in the academic / educational field; to encourage young people to apply to mobility projects.


Keywords: intercultural communication, barriers, case study

Keynote speakers EDUCATION FOR ALL - PERSPECTIVES INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL POLICIES Liana Tăușan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca





Abstract The collocation „education for all” launches the concepts of equity and equality of chances. „Education for all” is a paradigm of the contemporary pedagogy, reflecting the global character of the problems and the alternative solutions regarding the basic education. It is also an objective of the educational sciences, aiming to adapt education to various educational needs, to the learning and developing particularities of each individual. A series of documents of international educational policies promote and support dimensions of the ”education for all” paradigm: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Dakar Framework for Action at the World Education Forum, the Millennium Development Goals, UNESCO’s Medium-Term Strategy, 2008-2013. The desiderates destined to ensure a basic education for all individuals are the following: forming basic competencies for all individuals (children, young men and adults), ensuring compensatory educational programmes in order to offer a second chance to the individuals excluded from the formal basic education levels, creating specific educational programmes for the people with special needs (minorities, people from disadvantaged areas, analphabetic people, immigrants, homeless people etc.).

Keywords: education for all, equal opportunities, the educational policies in Europe, lifelong learning


Pre-conference workshops

Pre-conference workshops


1. Pre-conference workshop - “Merito”, organized by teacher Mursa Liliana, Școala Gimnazială, “Avram Iancu” Abrud and teacher Berindeie Angela, Liceul “Corneliu Medrea” Zlatna.

2. Pre-conference workshop - “Călătorie pe tărâmul ideilor”, organized by Grădinița cu program prelungit nr. 12 Alba-Iulia, room A1 1. SUCIU VERONICA - Desenul liber și importanța lui educativă 2. IGNAT EUGENIA - Schimb de experiență român - francez 3. CIOANCĂ RAMONA - PETRUȚA ANGELA - În lumea culorilor 4. BURNETE CORINA - DECEAN IOANA DELIA - Proiecte cu sens - Lemnul 5. ROFF NICOLETA MARIA - MUREȘAN DOINA MARIA - Lumini și umbre în explorarea formelor geometrice 6. BOTA DELIA - BĂLĂNEANU MONICA - Ne distrăm și învățăm prin experimente


Oral presentations

Oral presentations THE FOUNDATION OF KNOWLEDGE: CONCEPTS IN PHILOSOPHY Arina Antoci State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova


Abstract Every science is based on a set of well-founded concepts. Knowledge can be acquired and conveyed only through concepts, which synthesize, condense essential information in a particular field. Therefore, if the core of any science is a system of concepts, the learning of that science must begin with their appropriation. Knowledge focuses on concepts. True ideas are, in fact, the concepts of thought in his effort to decipher the mysteries of existence. At the level of common sense, man re-creates the world on the basis of daily experience. Above them there is a true conceptual architecture, the fruit of thinking capable of abstraction and generalization. Much of what falls under it is internalized and acknowledged as part of the reality of consciousness, which is not limited to that, since knowledge is a much more complex process. empirical representation is replaced by abstract conceptualization. The diverse, confined and often confused reality, which is the subject of empirical representation, is translated into concepts, as products of thought that proposes an intellectual structure of its own in investigating the world. In the face of common sense, it is thus necessary to conceptualize thought. Without concepts there is no thought and knowledge, for, as Ath.Joja demonstrates, they generate the proposition and reasoning. A higher level knowledge of existence, profound and exhaustive. That is why the solidity of a scientific or philosophical theory depends to a large extent on the appropriateness of its concepts in promoting understanding and facilitating meaningful communication. Keywords: Knowledge, concepts, notions, extension, comprehension



Colegiul Tehnic ”Matei Corvin” Hunedoara Abstract The exponential growth in the field of IT during the last few years has led to the emergence and development of numerous instruments, extremely useful to the didactic process, and implicitly, this growth has supported the emergence of several e-learning platforms, which have become more and more familiars to teachers and students. Regarding e-learning, we can state that it can be defined as distance learning, in an evolving learning environment, engaging and based on collaboration, which blends traditional and digital methods and has as its main objective the improvement of student achievement. Learning through the use of e-learning platforms is based on modern teaching methods, different from the traditional ones. The advantage is that this type of learning is much more attractive, consolidation and evaluation of knowledge plays an important role, and it is performed in an easy and adaptable manner, especially regarding the needs of the learners – pupils, students or adults involved. Using e-learning platforms and learning mathematics involves a wide range of activities, starting from teaching and learning the basics, and moving towards theoretical and practical applications, which focus on the role of mathematics in our everyday lives and the link to other fields of study. It also provides an evaluation through online testing, on topics studied, as well as final examinations. The efficiency of using e-learning platforms can be demonstrated through the results obtained in formal examinations, especially in graduation exams, at the end of an educational stage, but also through applying this knowledge in an informal context. Taking into account general aspects of elearning platforms, this paper aims to present a particular platform which can be used in teaching mathematics in high school. Keywords: platforms, e-learning, mathematics

Oral presentations ROMANIAN EDUCATION BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY Anca Ronita Banca Școala Gimnazială „Avram Iancu” Abrud Abstract


A metaphor often used when talking about education and training refers to light and illumination. Education is the enlightenment of the being, the dumb, the surrender of the truth, the understanding and the revelation. By education, man frees himself from the darkness of himself and his surroundings, entering into the sphere of light of truth, of good, of justice, in a word, of value. "Education is the biggest and worst problem that has been given to man to solve." Popular pedagogy emerged and imposed itself before the institutionalized, formalized one. Intuitively or orally transmitted, the pedagogical ethos clearly accompanies the entire existence of the individual, from cradle to grave. The pedagogy of common sense does not shine through its theoretical exemplification, but through the subtlety of concrete answers, by their richness and suitability to the calls of reality through its fervent, anticipating or censoring function of the acts we are to do. What can be more worthy to be respected than creeds such as "Man as he learns", "Good teaching is crowned", "Teaching is much easier", " What do you teach in your old age? "," Beauty grows, and wisdom grows ”etc. Learning also involves mystery, and a great paradox, it means and unravels, opposition, violation of rules coming from outside. Besides the rule of obedience and obedience, the educator must also be granted the right to violate, to build a set of personal rules in accordance with what he can and hopes to undertake. It must not lead to an exaggerated freedom, but to assume as much responsibility for one's own destiny. Freedom of the person is derived and earned from the way that reference is made to the obligations arising from the above equation.

Keywords: education, metaphor, pedagogy, learning

Oral presentations NATIONAL EVALUATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS AND LEVEL OF TEST ANXIETY Laura Bochiș University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences Florica Șandra


Școala Gimnazială Octavian Goga, Oradea

Abstract The study aims to investigate the level of anxiety toward testing in Second grade students during the National Assessment and possible causes leading to higher levels of test anxiety. Students participating in the study come from the urban environment, from the Octavian Goga Secondary School, from Oradea, Bihor and from the rural environment, from the Chieşd Gymnasium School, Sălaj. The level of test anxiety was evaluated using the Test Anxiety in Children, developed by Wren and Benson in 2004 and containing 25 items, grouped into three subclasses: thoughts, automatic reactions, distracted behavior. The analysis of the results is carried out starting from the specification of the descriptive statistics regarding the results obtained with the instrument used. At the same time, the study contains for teachers guidelines and strategies used in personal development discipline, to reduce the level of test anxiety during the assessment, in primary school.

Keywords: test anxiety, pupils, primary school, national assessment

Oral presentations METHODOLOGICAL STUDENTS GUIDING WITHIN THE PRACTICE STAGE IN SYNOPTIC METEOROLOGY Ilie Boian, Rodion Domenco, Galina Mindru State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova


Abstract Synoptic meteorology is one of the main branches of meteorology that studies the weather and the physical processes in the atmosphere and determines its evolution from one day to another, with the main purpose of forecasting the weather. For weather forecasts, it is of particular importance to study air masses, atmospheric fronts, evolution and movement of cyclones and anti-cyclones. Synoptic meteorology practice stage is usually carried out in the laboratories of the National Meteorological Service. During the practical stage, being guided methodologically by the professor and a synoptician, the students undertake many important activities to deepen their theoretical and practical knowledge. At the first stage of it, students study the Bjerknes scheme, the international synoptic code, and analyze the database of meteorological data obtained from the national stations network, from the information of the European centers that provide meteorological data and those obtained from radar and meteorological satellite. At the second stage, students can create geographic maps at different scales that present the overall physical state of the atmosphere at the given time, being called synoptic maps. The synoptic maps are created in three phases: drawing up the map; map processing; map analysis. Mapping is carried out in accordance with the Bjerknes Scheme. Through it, information on meteorological elements and phenomena is posted around the weather stations from where they come from. Map processing is done according to the following stages: highlighting the important meteorological phenomena; tracing isobars; drawing of isolated bars; representation of air masses; tracing atmospheric fronts. Map analysis is carried out in two stages: diagnosis and forecasting.

Keywords: synoptic maps, Bjerknes scheme, weather forecast, meteorological bulletin, air masses

Oral presentations CRITICAL THOUGHT AND LEARNING Niculina Maria Boncea Liceul de Informatică ,,Tiberiu Popoviciu Cluj-Napoca

Abstract 19

People differ from other beings by the fact that man is a rational human been, reason being the specific human quality that gives strength, value and orientation to life. They have a specific capacity to process information in order to acquire knowledge and beliefs, cognitive skills necessary to solve the problems they face in everyday life. Critical thinking is the superior way of manifestation of thought that synthesizes and integrates aspects and procedures of other modes of thought.To think critically means, among other things, to think pragmatically and realistically, divergently and positively, heuristically and creatively, algorithmically and efficiently. In other words, critical thinking is sophisticated thinking. To think critically means to be curious, to ask questions, to seek answers, to search for causes and implications, to find alternatives to already established attitudes, to adopt a position on the basis of reasoned justification and logically to analyze the arguments of others. It is an active process that makes the one who learns to control information, interrogating it, reconfiguring it, adapting it or rejecting it. It is obvious that such capacity does not develop on its own but must be practiced and encouraged in an appropriate learning Critical thinking teaches us to "read," deconstruct, understand and develop arguments, either for the practical purposes of everyday life or for better expression in public debates or for organizing and structuring scientific communication in certain disciplines. The modern educational system goes beyond the traditional optics that provided only information, it must be well designed to allow children's initiative, creativity, spontaneity, the teacher becomes a co-participant with the child in the activities that guide and guide the child on the way to knowledge, the role of the teacher acquiring new meanings / valences.

Keywords: learning, thinking, critical thought, development

Oral presentations THE ROLE OF CONTEXT IN TRANSLATION Zinaida Camenev Iurie Krivoturov Free International University of Moldova Nadejda Eșanu USM, Moldova


Abstract The texts are constituted of words which have different meanings in translation. The actual information they convey in a text depend on their contextual environment. Generally speaking, the meaning of any word in the text cannot be understood and translated without due regard to the specific context in which it is actualized. The context can specify the words meaning before translating. It is necessary to identify the contextual meaning the word that should be rendered in translation. The context excludes the cases of polysemy, partial synonymy, homonymy specific to any language. The role of the context is essential in defining the semantic content of a word especially in the translation of specific texts. Our article is dedicated to the role of the context in the translation of terminological attributive groups, being constituted of noun as its nucleus or head word modified by two-three words either in preposition or in postposition to it.

Keywords: translation, role of context, specification of the meaning, terminological attributive group, the position of the attributive group

Oral presentations EQUIVALENCE IN TRANSLATING PHRAZEOLOGICAL UNITS FROM ENGLISH INTO ROMANIAN Zinaida Cameneva Free International University of Moldova

Abstract 21

The aim of the article is to study the linguistic and cultural difficulties in the translation of the English phraseological units (PU) into Romanian, equivalence itself and the levels of equivalence in translating of PU being of major importance. A good knowledge of every language is not possible without the study of phraseology, its PU. Its PU represent a very important part of the language , both English and Romanian. It is important to mention the fact that without PU the languages would be very poor. PU are not a separate part of the language but they form an essential part of the general vocabulary of the above-mentioned languages. In studying PU people are confronted with the problem of their translation It is important to mention that there are PU which do not have an exact equivalent in Romanian. Sometimes English PU show a mutual resemblance in translation but at the same time there are many differences stemming from the historical, ethnic, geographic and language factors. The translator must seek the best possible equivalent form because equivalence is the keyword in translation, being the optimum degree of approximation between the source and target texts.

Keywords: phraseological unit, equivalence, translation, linguistic and cultural difficulties, resemblance and divergence in translating

Oral presentations DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS AND STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING Ioana Câmpean Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Dorina-Cristina Chifor “Nicolae Bălcescu” Highschool, Cluj-Napoca Iosif Doru Chifor “Nicolae Bălcescu” Highschool, Cluj-Napoca


Abstract Digital textbooks wish to propose a new approach of the development of the didactic act, both from a cultural and a playful perspective. Studentcentered learning meets educational technology, allowing thus the acceleration of the entire learning process. Digital textbooks cannot resolve all the problems encountered in the instruction process, but they breathe new life into the educational system. Technology is an integral part of our students’ lives and bringing it into the classrooms and involving it in the process of cognitive acquisitions offers another perspective of the current education. Obviously, the implementation of these textbooks attracts positive and negative reactions, both from the teachers and from the parents. We did not intend to conduct an exhaustive analysis of this new didactic course, but we tried to make a radiography of this phenomenon as sincere as possible.

Keywords: student-centered learning, computer-assisted learning, digital textbooks

Oral presentations CURRENT DIMENSIONS OF THE PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM Daniela Ciobanu Grădinița P.P. nr. 7 Deva



Preparing children for school and, generally, for life is done progressively, starting from the first years of their existence and continues more intensively in kindergartner because only within an organized process can the level of psychological development be aligned with the ever-increasing school requirements. In pre-schooling the emphasis in on the development of the formative dimension of training; this is because the child does not become fit for school by acquiring a large volume of knowledge, but most of all by acquiring certain skills, abilities and mental operations necessary to the act of knowing that favours learning. To this end, the curriculum for preschool education has a systemic approach ensuring continuity from the perspective of its components: goals, contents, teaching time and suggestions regarding the teaching and evaluation strategies for the two age levels (3-5 years and 5-6 years). Moreover, the present curriculum distinguishes itself by its scope, equilibrium, relevance, differentiation, progression, continuity, and interdependence between the school subjects of the 1st and 2nd grade and the types of learning activities from the preschool education. These considerations represent lines for the analysis of the current dimensions of the preschool curriculum that we shall analyse and exemplify in this research.

Keywords: curriculum, goals, curricular contents, teaching and evaluation strategies

Oral presentations FACTORS THAT DETERMINE SCHOOL SUCCESS Nicoleta Ramona Ciobanu University of Oradea

Abstract 24

It may be thought that school success is directly related to the IQ intelligence, but this is only partially correct. Although a high level of intelligence may influence part of school success, it is not the only factor to consider. There are a mix of circumstances and factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, which can affect scores, learning ability and, ultimately, school success. School success is the result of the concordance between school curriculum requirements, the ability to assimilate students' knowledge, skills and abilities, their level of aspiration, and their attitude to work. School success requires, on the one hand, the acquisition of a fundamental information system with operational value on the bases of science, some methods and working techniques, and on the other, the development of students' skills, intelligence and creativity, practical, applicative spirit experimental. School success engages the entire personality of the pupils, i.e. the psychological and biological factors influenced by climate factors, and here we mention the pedagogical, sociocultural and stressful factors.

Keywords: school success, factors, skills, creativity, school performance

Oral presentations THE HUMANISTIC MODEL OF EDUCATION IN THE NOVEL „GARGANTUA AND PANTAGRUEL” BY FRANÇOIS RABELAIS Olesea Ciobanu State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova


Abstract Without making the classical model a norm of any possible education, we intend to provide a presentation of the values belonging to this type of education and especially of the humanistic ideal of classical model, from the perspective of its assimilation and perpetuation in the Renaissance period, based on the famous work of François Rabelais – „Gargantua and Pantagruel”. For an adequate interpretation of the humanistic education issue reflected in the work of the illustrious representative of the French Renaissance, it is necessary to concretize the term „humanism” by referring it to both the periods of Renaissance and antiquity, obviously, underlining the major role of the latter in the emergence of a form of education, which has become classical, and whose essence is humanism. Once the concept is defined, we will address the subject of classical education and its humanistic ideal based on François Rabelais' novel „Gargantua and Pantagruel”, in which the author manages to counter two pedagogical models. The first, in order of importance, is the classical educational system, which aims at developing a superior human type, a perfectly free spirit, willing to act in any particular situation in a refined and intelligent manner; a system that, encompassing gymnastics, sciences, arts, literature, etc., but also the doings of past times and works of ancient authors, is capable of creating a complete human being in the spirit of the human ideal of the Renaissance era, i.e. the one of homo universalis. The second „system” is actually a caricature of a system. Without a well-defined program, with no clearly defined finality and „exalting” superficial and frivolous aspects of life, this educational model reduces man to his instinctive needs without the latter succeeding in assimilating his „human way” of „being ” as a living being among others.

Keywords: humanism, humanistic education, classical education

Oral presentations THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK IN THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LAW Rodica Ciobanu State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova


Abstract The society of cutting-edge technologies, of accelerated life style, of nowadays´ social dynamics, etc. requires: 1. A review of classical/traditional teaching/learning methods, 2. A quick adaptation to today's requirements and an adjustment of the learning process to the needs of the social practice. In line with what has been suggested, we consider appropriate to revise the training standards in each particular area. Going back to the importance of the theoretical foundations, for a further practical implementation, we opt for a new scientific paradigm to be identified, which would be able to bring together successfully the traditional with the present. Particularly, we suggest that the training and professional growth of a lawyer, in our case, in addition to a good knowledge of national and international legal regulations, must be accompanied by the development of a critical thinking, widening the horizon by knowing the doctrinal bases, as well as the ability to find tools to solve problems and overcome difficulties, to find out the safe path of transition from theoretical to practical rationality, and vice versa. Thus, the trajectory could start with a general-scientific methodology, and then go through a founding legal methodology and in the end to an applied methodology.

Keywords: philosophy of law, the theory of law, the methodology of law, social practice

Oral presentations MESOPOTAMIA - ΜΈΣΟΣ ΠΟΤΑΜΌΣ AND THE FLOOD MYTH IN THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH Marcela Ciortea ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


Abstract The Epic of Gilgamesh, which was discovered in Nineveh in Assyrian King Assurbanipal's library, is a poem centered on the figure of Ghilgamesh, the legendary King of Urukk. The latter was supposed to be two-thirds of a god and a third of a man because he was the son of goddess Ninsun and a human. In its primitive form, it consisted of about 3600 verses from ancient poems and ballads rendered in the dialects of the peoples who had reached Mesopotamia: Sumerians, Akkadiens, Hittites, Hurrites, Elami, Cananians. The text came to us in half-halved form due to a series of twelve damaged tablets. The present paper aims to follow in parallel the myth of the Flood of the Book XI and the myth of the Old Testament Flood, Genesis, VI-IX and the Greek myth of Deucalion and Pyrha.

Keywords: Ghilgameș, Ninive, the flood myth, The Old Testament, Deucalion

Oral presentations THE IMPORTANCE OF THE USE OF EDUCATIONAL GAME DURING MATHEMATICS CLASSES. EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTICE Mihaela-Roxana Cistian “Tiberiu Popoviciu” Informatics High School, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract 28

Playing games is a specific activity for preschool children and young students. It is the centre of their entire existence. Educational games represent a bridge between the activity dominated by playing, which characterises the period of child’s life before school, and the learning activity specific of the school period. From the point of view of the teaching Mathematics the educational game is defined as being “the sum of actions and operations which generates besides relaxation, good mood and joy a clear set of objectives like intellectual and moral education, technical and physical training of the child” (Magdaș, 2010). The educational game is a learning method which serves the educational process, having as starting point the notions acquired by the children at that particular moment. Both the specialised literature and the teaching practice have proved that lessons containing educational games were more entertaining, students’ involvement was active and enthusiastic, also the acquirement of the new notion was easily done and last but not least educational games develop a correct style of intellectual work for students. By constantly using and adjusting the most efficient educational strategies to the mathematical contents, teachers will inspire students the love for mathematics, will help them develop their intellect, logic, creativity and imagination.

Keywords: game, mathematics, teaching strategies


Abstract 29

The paper entitled Museum education in the Fortress of the Great Unification. The National Museum of Unification, Museikon department reveals the educational activity carried out within the institution, at the mentioned department. Among other things, museum education proposes to open the museum for all those educable, aiding them to conquer new worlds of values and to ease for the child discovery of different worlds, distant in time and space. Teachings, inclusively those passed on at the museum, must be organized in a manner that suits the concerned target group. This is considered to be the first condition to succeed in sending the information. The contemporary museographer is expected to assume an ever increasing role of museum educator, to be both an interpreter of museal heritage and successful communicator with reference to different types of audience. The category of audience covered by the educational programs are the children of all ages, characterized by readiness to invest in interest, and by vision and consistency, our task becomes that of instilling the enthusiasm of childhood towards the constant interest of mature age, supported by a thorough museal culture. Of the extensive program of museum education carried out within the institution, we (I and Elena Daniela Cucui) will present two on-going projects, together with their specific activities that were set up in the 2017-2018 school year.

Keywords: museum education, museum, Alba Iulia

Oral presentations SOCIAL COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ON AN E-LEARNING PLATFORM Cristina Simina Cojocariu Liceul Tehnologic „Timotei Cipariu” Blaj

Abstract 30

The exponential development of social networks, of the gadgets used in communication lead to new concepts in education such as web 4.0, e-learning 4.0, collaborative learning and connectivism. Digital generation students prefer tablets or smartphones, communicate using Facebook or Twitter, share information through social networks with digital skills informally obtained since they were very young(4-6 years). Communication, through any social application, is the chief element to describe our generation. For us, teachers, the challenge is to promote this skill of our students in a formal educational environment. This way we can make learning strategies based on the computer-supported collaborative learning. Collaborative learning begins in 1990’ and proposes the development of new programmes and applications wich bring students together and offer creative activities of intelectual exploration and social interaction. Most often the CSCL is included in e-learning, meaning the organization of learning process with the help of computer networks. The purpose of this research is to define and describe collaborative learning supported by computer from the perspective of using an e-learning platform with social-integrated software.


collaborative learning, computer-supported learning, virtual learning community, social apps


Oral presentations LINGUISTIC AND IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION IN ROMANIAN NEW SCHOOL CURRICULA Nicoleta Crînganu Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” Galați

Abstract 31

A school curriculum proposes a graduate profile, not only generally, but also on a certain subject. In the case of the Romanian language and literature school curriculum, the profile considers both the complexity of the discipline in question and the subordination of the whole process of teaching - learning evaluation, to the complexity of the subject. The social insertion is subordinated to the efficient use of the Romanian language, in the context in which Romanian is language of schooling, language of economic and social exchanges, but also discipline itself, pendant of identity and human construction. The present article aims to identify the nature of the construction that the new primary and secondary school curricula are considering, in the context in which their modification was made in the light of an educational need related to the realities of the Romanian post-integration society.

Keywords: curricula, identity, construction, Romanian

Oral presentations MODERN TEACHING - ANSWER TO THE CHALLENGES OF SUCCESSFULL CAREER Laura Cruceat Colegiul Economic „George Bariţiu” Sibiu


Abstract 32

The requirements of modern society have made quality scientific training an imperative for increasing the chances of integration into the labor market. The success of the students depends largely on the effectiveness of the teaching process. Regarding this matter, in present paper, I chose to introduce some methods by which the student is involved in several stages of the training process. In particular, the article describes the interaction between teacher and students, using a teaching platform, in order to understand the concepts of spreadsheets, which are used in many branches of the economic field - the profile of the school where I teach. Interactive movies help students to manage their time for preparation, because theacher is there when they want to learn. Application Sheets contain real-life problems that students can solve individually or in groups. The evaluation is done either by tests with different types of items, by evaluating the "virtual tour of the gallery", but also by evaluating the student's progress, made by the teacher through the platform. The main goal of this approach is to describe a modality to prepare students in close connection with the economic environment and its needs.

Keywords: educational process, platform, methods, interaction, career


Abstract 33

The paper entitled Museum education in the Fortress of the Great Unification. The National Museum of Unification, Museikon department reveals the educational activity carried out within the institution, at the mentioned department. Museum education identifies and validates some strategies to lead to maximization of formative skills of the museal area and stimulates educational interaction between the museum and school, to train specialists but also categories of audience to valorise the educational potential offered by this cultural environment. Among other things, museum education proposes to open the museum for all those educable, aiding them to conquer new worlds of values and to ease for the child discovery of different worlds, distant in time and space. Teachings, inclusively those passed on at the museum, must be organized in a manner that suits the concerned target group. It is important that the museum education officer should know the psychological profile of the visiting audience (training should be done according to age and education level) to may meet the communication needs. This is considered to be the first condition to succeed in sending the information. The category of audience covered by the educational programs are the children of all ages. Of the extensive program of museum education carried out within the institution, we (I and Diana Ciugudean) will present two on-going projects, together with their specific activities that were set up in the 2017-2018 school year.

Keywords: museum pedagogy, museum, education, Alba Iulia

Oral presentations ROMANIAN LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE IN MIDDLE SCHOOL – NEW CURRICULAR PERSPECTIVES Adina Curta ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract 34

The year 2017 brings changes from the perspective of the teaching of Romanian literature and language in middle school through a new school curriculum. In relation to the earlier schedule in 2009, the new curriculum brings an extra general competence. The curriculum from 2009 proposed four general, social and civic skills, complemented by values and attitudes. The new school curriculum changes in structure and accent. Values and attitudes from the previous curriculum had been relocated and have found expression in the statements of some specific skills. From three areas of content in 2009 we reach five in 2017. New curriculum affirms the alignment to European educational policies expanding reference area towards documents as The European Literary Framework for middle school (LiFT-2) and the European Portfolio for Languages. Another change of perspective is found in renaming components of the discipline Romanian language and literature which therefore become the linguistic component, the interrelational component, the aesthetic and cultural component. The new curriculum is more generous at the chapter dedicated to methodological suggestions. An attentive and thorough reading of the new school curriculum for the Romanian language and literature in moddle school is not only a profesional obligation for the ones guided by its elaboration, but also an indispensable, compulsory condition for the construction of an efficient didactical approach.

Keywords: the new school curriculum for the Romanian language and literature, linguistic component, the interrelational component, the aesthetic and cultural component


Abstract 35

In communication, silence and speech are not anonymous; both are dynamic and important and this verbal comunication is null without their mutual connection. Silence is not something insignificant, but as a mimic or a gesture, it embodies an active inscription of language. In the communication process, no individual can be limited to his or her speech, because the content of speech is only a dimension of the communication process, and it can not fully fulfill it. Interruptions of speech, pauses, speaking or not speaking, silences, also have an essential role. The speaker stops from time to time to regain his breath or to allow the interlocutor to answer. Short silences in communication give you a chance to think, check the interlocutor's understanding of what it is being said or favors a moment of meditation. Short breaks in speech can be considered as oral punctuations that emphasize words or phrases and gives the communication partner the chance to understand the information that is being exchanged.

Keywords: communication, silence

Oral presentations RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS AND CAPTALIZATION OF THE ZONAL AND NATIONAL CULTURAL ELEMENTS Bianca Elena Danciu Școala Gimnazială Romos, Hunedoara Școala Gimnazială Certeju de Sus, Hunedoara

Abstract 36

Through this paper I have decided to present both the theoretical and practical elements for the study of national and zonal elements of culture. This paper wants to provide information about the identification of some objects that are related to the history of the Romanian people. The content presents the research methods of the folkloric elements and which are the spiritual and material cultural elements. The paper will approach theoretical aspects regarding the two methods of folklore research: the direct and indirect method and the practical study of the „Achim Emilian” museum, a museum that is located in Almașu Mare, Alba county. The given information can be structured and can be the starting point for debate, exemplification and students’ analysis, students from different age categories. For a more proper organization of the elements related to the material and spiritual culture (such as: the national costume, traditional dance, customs related to the rural life, a.s.o), we suggest the development of an optional that can last along the whole school year.

Keywords: research instruments, zonal culture, national culture, optional


Abstract 37

Collaboration between Parents and Preschool Teachers frequently point out the critical role of the family environment in determining preschool children success, and it appears that the earlier this influence takes place, the greater the likelihood of the child’s higher achievement. In order for parents to get more involved with children education, a better communication must be established between parents and teachers in preschool. Effective communication between families and preschools is frequent and bidirectional, instills a sense of shared purpose, and works toward mutually advantageous solutions to problems. The aim of this paper is to build an effective communication system and a solid Partnership between teachers and parents in the preschool. Therefore, the current work will focus on the collaboration between teachers and parents, which consists in Partnership which presents the parties involved with special challenges that must be navigated unto agreement. Communication which is defined as working level of partnership, e.g. activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands.


communication, collaboration, partnership





Oral presentations MODELS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Răzvan Diaconu-Popovici A.I. Cuza, University Iassy.

Abstract The psychological evaluation made in educational institutions has become a necessity in order to highlight the candidate's aptitude and personality


in various moments of the school and university evolution of the younger generation. The study aims to investigate the impact of different types of psychological evaluation in the national education system for a correct assessment of each candidate. Highlighting the general and special skills of the candidates reflects the need to deepen the complexity of the individual potential. The future of psychological testing is ensured in the conditions of the constant need to quantify the individual or group potential of any candidate both at the time of admission and at the graduation of an educational stage.

Keywords: education, testing, evaluation, appreciation

Oral presentations USING GRAPHIC MODELS IN PUPIL TRAINING Levente Dimén Erika Ildikó Dimén ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract Models are reduced representations of objects and phenomena from nature. It is an approximation of the object or phenomenon, a simplified


analogue that reproduces the original in order to facilitate the discovery of new properties. Among many methods commonly used in teaching-learning are the model use and modeling techniques. Modeling and the model are two notions commonly used in all areas of accurate and technical science. Modeling, as a working method and the model as its graphical or material expression, helps us to establish the various causal correlations, as well as to know the mechanism, the dynamics and the prognosis of the different phenomena studied today and in perspective. The present paper wish to emphasis the utility of graphical models (maps, explanatory schemes, plans, profiles, diagrams, block-diagrams) in the current teaching activity.

Keywords: graphic model, pupil training


Abstract Geographic Information Systems are widely used in several branches of science as efficient research tools. GIS incorporation in the educational


system is possible by using data, hardware and software resources. GIS may integrate different types of maps, data and display them as realistic threedimensional images, representing information efficiently for a larger audience than traditional, bidimensional maps. Technology has a mediation role in a high-quality education, and is extremely important for facilitating high-quality studies. Therefore, interactive teaching methods and techniques lead to knowledge acquisition, and also to the awareness of the importance of technology user skills for the success of social and professional integration. Using GIS applications as a component of the computer assisted teaching requires the reorganization of the educational process, programmes, and books. It is necessary to choose methods and forms of organizing the didactic activity focused on an individualized educational process, towards an efficient learning process and an easier competence acquirement.

Keywords: GIS, education, teaching tool

Oral presentations PRIMARY EDUCATION BETWEEN EFFICIENCY AND PERFORMANCE Mirabela Elek-Nemeș Liceul de Informatică “Tiberiu Popoviciu”, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract ”Do not educate children for today's world. This world will no longer exist when they will grow up. And nothing allows us to know how their world will be. Then let's learn them how to adapt theirselfs.” (Maria Montessori)


If we ask different people what they think when they hear the word 'school', they would probably answer: the primary school student , the student , the old man < I would also be able to go to school ...> and a teacher would certainly answer it is where they teach others to be their own teacher, the best and the harshest. Nicolae Iorga emphasized that the best school is where man first learns to learn. In the common consciousness of the school people, the idea is that the major objective of the Romanian school is not only to teach the pupils to learn, but also to teach them how to learn. The school proposes to the students the paths of intellectual training that will actively involve them in their own training and which will lead them to exercise their power, behaviors and attitudes of reflection, interrogation, affirmation, doubt, searching and acquiring new information through their efforts intellectual property. In this way, emphasis is placed on the student's intellectual freedom and autonomy, considered as fundamental values of education.

Keywords: school, primary school student, future life, education


Abstract Investigation of non-traditional sources of bioactive substances is one of the current directions of biotechnology development in many countries worldwide. Cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis is widely explored and used in


recent decades as a source of valuable biologically active substances. An important direction in biotechnology research is obtaining of spirulina biomass fortified with important micronutrients. In last decades action of coordination compounds on the growth and biochemical composition of cyanobacteria and microalgae has been extensively studied. Two new procedures for biomass obtaining at cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis cultivation in presence of some Cr(III) coordination compounds have been elaborated with application of mathematic methods. The obtained chromium-component products can be recommended for insulin activity increasing in the cases of diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: industrial biotechnologies, cyanobacteria, biologically active principles, educational e-learning platform

Oral presentations STIMULATING STUDENTS' CREATIVITY Lavinia Fleșeriu Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Cugir

Abstract The process of creation (Creation process) cannot be separated from motivation and attitudes, from the cognitive and lifestyle of the person and, in general and from the whole personality considered to be a fundamental dimension of creativity. In the sphere of personality come both intellectual factors (divergent and convergent thinking, intelligence as general aptitude,


motivation) as well as non-intellectual (temper, traits, special skills, attitudes, feelings. 1. Intelligence and creativity A first category of researchers considers creativity to be a sub-assembly of intelligence. Guilford, which includes intellect structure and divergent production, is one of five intellectual operations (cognition, memory, divergent production, convergent production, evaluation). 2. Motivation and creativity The most widespread theories about the role of motivation in creativity admit that intrinsic motivation is beneficial for creativity. The study of the personality has led to the conclusion that they are totally absorbed in their work and give it to them (Barron, MacKinnon). 3. Aspects of temperament and character Al. Rosca shows that "each type of temperament has its merits and shortcomings", one being more suitable for a certain form of creative activity than another, but "no one incompatible with creativity" (Rosca, Al., 1981). He feels that the type of temperament gives the creative activity a certain form of manifestation. From a more complex perspective, Clark describes the creative personality, as Carmen-Maria Mecu mentioned in her paper as well. - He has access to his preconscious and unconscious, "freeing" thoughts, images, experiences; - He does not mind being considered "abnormal" or "eccentric” - Several types of brain activity can be recorded in his brain than in others, especially during an act of creation. - Creation process can have an individual character. We can talk about creative abilities but also about creative personality.

Keywords: creativity, stimulation, individual character



Abstract Many factors and processes operating in the English as a Foreign Language classroom affect the academic learning and they can broadly be classified into two categories: students’ motivation and students’ knowledge and competences, with motivation being a key element in an individual’s path towards successful


autonomous learning. Taking into consideration the importance of language learning strategies and metacognitive awareness as mediators for learning and motivation in studying English, on one hand, and the positive relation between the use of learning strategies and self-efficacy, on the other hand, the present study explores the correlation of these variables in order to enhance motivation for developing the communicative competence in English in the 9th Grade students from technical high schools and colleges. We will evaluate the impact of an intervention program based on an operational model for improving motivation. The sample of subjects includes 61 students with low levels of motivation and classroom engagement and with difficulties in controlling cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and affective resources.

Keywords: self-determination theory, autonomous motivation, self-efficacy, metacognitive awareness, language learning strategies

Oral presentations HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT STUDYING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Ioana Maria Floare Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract The study tries to investigate and identify students’ perceptions about the importance of studying English, about the abilities and feelings the students perceive while studying English, about their learning difficulties. It also explores the possible characteristics that may guide students towards better results. To do this, we set to investigate students’ motivation and their


engagement in learning English. We chose to study these two major dimensions because of their cause-effect relationship. On one hand motivation is the subjective, individual need that directs students’ actions. On the other hand, learning engagement is the objective manifestation of the motivational state of the student. A sample of 430 students from technical high schools and colleges completed a series of questionnaires assessing various aspects of motivation (basic needs satisfaction, self-efficacy, goal orientation, task value) and learning engagement (behavioural, cognitive, metacognitive, affective and agentic engagement). We also considered anxiety as part of our investigation as other studies demonstrated it interferes with building knowledge, with developing abilities and competences. Analyses suggested a strong relation between selfefficacy, metacognition and task value.

Keywords: self-determination theory, motivation, engagement in learning

Oral presentations SCHOOL RESEARCH PROJECTS AND SPECIFIC COMPETITIONS. A CASE STUDY Dumitru Georgescu „Mihai Viteazul” National College

Abstract Between school competitions, a particular place is occupied by those in which research projects are conducted by a student or a team of students. Participating in this kind of competition requires a rigorous selection and the overcoming of various obstacles of both mental, logistic nature, etc. This kind


of competition also requires going through some indispensable steps in researching. In this piece of work we want to present some conclusions regarding the participation in more editions of the “International Conference of Young Scientists“.

Keywords: research projects, competitions


Abstract In this article showed results of research about education of gifted children conducted in selected countries in Mid-East Europe. Its subject was educational politics changes, educational practices and pedagogical theories related to teaching and development of gifted children after 1989. It was


analyzed in the context of social, cultural and political changes in this regions. Assumed that the most important factor of quality of supporting gifted student’s in public schools is teachers attitude, because they are responsible to implement changes. In research compared teachers from Poland and Romania towards two factors: goals of gifted students education and quality of work with gifted students (competences, teaching methods and effects). Poland and Romania are part of EU where migration of talents is one of the highest in Europe. From this point of view education of gifted children is an important matter not only from didactic perspective, but also social perspective.

Keywords: education of gifted children, educational politics and policies, teachers, work with gifted children

Oral presentations TEACHING BUSINESS ENGLISH TROUGH THE INTERACTIVE METHODS Cristina Grama Colegiul Economic „Transilvania” Tirgu Mures

Abstract No matter the approach, there is one sole reality regarding man as a social being, which is the necessity of communicating with the others. In order to reach this goal, man created a system of sounds to which he added paralinguistic and meta-linguistic features to better render his ideas. They all convey a certain meaning according to the speaker’s attitude at that specific moment. But, the message could be wrongly perceived by the listener/reader


because of various interferences from the environment, the channel, the code or the listener himself. It is just the feedback that can contribute to better communication in all its instances. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of education nowadays is to concentrate more on the way communication is established between teachers and students, between students and the school, between students and the social environment, etc. This is the reason why I consider it important for me to approach the communicative method of teaching English. It occurred to me that students should be shown a clear definite way of interaction with the others according to the communicative situation they may find themselves in. They find it very hard to adapt their communication means to the situation mostly because they have become so much used to appealing to the computer or the SMS as channels of sending the message, which obviously have their minimalistic interaction between the participants in the communicative situation. Face-to-face communication has been losing ground and, along with it, the competence of communication in most of the everyday instances of their existence. Consequently, school has become one of the places where young people can interact with one another and develop their communication competence. English, as a subject, has the great responsibility of helping students acquire the mechanisms of efficient communication. Since our students are preparing for business related activities, it is important for them to learn how to interact to each other in this field. Beside the general competence of communication in English, they also need to master the vocabulary and the register of the business communication so that they can become competitive on the present labour market. That is why I consider it important for my students to learn the style of Business English. Considering the above, the perspective of approaching teaching English and BE is rather modern, laying more emphasis on communication. The students have to be able to use the English grammar structures correctly as well as possible and to address the interlocutor in the appropriate register. Targeting this, I have designed my BE curriculum on the activities that stimulate creativity, socialization and communication between students. That is why I have envisaged this paper to offer a perspective on what we do during Business English classes.

Keywords: Interactive methods, Business English 50

Oral presentations SOME HISTORICAL MATHEMATICAL TEXTBOOKS-SOURCE OF OUR EDUCATIONAL TRADITIONS. Jan Guncaga Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract The aim of this contribution is to give an overview about the mathematics education in Hungary and Slovakia (both parts that time of the Habsburg´sEmpire) in the first part of XIXth century. Besides describing the educational historical circumstances, which give a background to the study of the mathematics teaching, we give some examples about methods


and tasks of this period. With the help of the books of András Lesnyánszky, Joseph Weinkopf, Franc Mocnik will be given some insight in the structure and teaching material of the Slovakian and Hungarian mathematics education. Some described motivational approaches of these authors complete the study with proposals for the use of teaching historical facts in the contemporary mathematics teaching. The teaching of mathematics based on historical mathematical textbooks is also relevant today because the methodological framework of the curriculum is based on the models and tasks from the environment of children and their parents. This textbooks respect the process of gaining knowledge and they use many suitable separate and generic models. These textbooks can help current and future teachers of mathematics. A great number of the materials in these textbooks can be used within the different strategies of problem solving the modern e-learning courses and with the use of appropriate educational software. This can be an incentive for student scientific work of students of teacher training programmes, as well as for the professional projects of secondary-school students.

Keywords: mathematics, traditions, Hungary, Slovakia

Oral presentations THE ROLE OF TEACHER-COACH ING STRESS MANAGEMENT IN SPORTS CLUBS OF CHILDREN AND JUNIORS Paul Alin Hancăș ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract About stress management Seyle said: „ It is not important what happens to you; it is important the way you will react”. Sports Clubs, with the objective of selecting, training and promoting children and juniors for performance sports, are also not bypassed by tension-inducing situations. Controlling these stressful situations is a task that is almost


exclusively the responsibility of the head of the sports group and the teacher. Through his professional and psycho-pedagogical means and knowledge, the teacher (coach) has the obligation to solve problems of any nature that could affect the educational process. Failure to solve these situations can easily lead to absenteeism, abandonment, and consequently lead to regression in sports performance. Knowing the individual peculiarities of the athletes together with the teacher's collaboration with the school from which the pupil and his / her family come from, ensure the elaboration of an action plan through the teacher can manage the eventual tension-generating situations.

Keywords: stress management, coaching, children

Oral presentations CONTEXTUALIZING OF CLASSICS IN THE ACADEMIC CURRICULA OF HUMANITARIAN SPECIALTIES Aurelia Hanganu State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova

Abstract The presence of classical disciplines in the current academic curriculum has become a more exclusive phenomenon than ordinal, just as the humanities themselves struggle to maintain their position in the contemporary context of higher education. The humanitarian disciplines, increasingly strained in the curriculum, are in a worse situation abandoning elements to let others survive,


or, happier, to reinterpreting them by integrating them into a generalized context and somehow modernized. This article aims to develop the idea of reinterpreting and contextualizing classical disciplines, with emphasis on Latin language and civilization, showing ways and means by which this may be possible for the university curriculum of faculties offering specialization in humanitarian.

Keywords: classical disciplines, humanitarian education, contemporary context, contextualization

Oral presentations TEACHING MOTIVATION - A CURRENT PERSPECTIVE Iulia Ramona Herman ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


In the context of a low interest in the Romanian society for the didactic career, we are concerned about the motivational factors that underlie this professional option. This study analyzes a series of recent research on this issue of motivation for the teaching career. Some national and international studies reflect the perceived importance of the teaching profession but also highlight the declining


social status of this profession. Today, the motivation for the teaching profession is considered to be a priority of any reform policy not only at the education level, but also at the social level. Global studies suggest a number of common factors underlying the motivation for the teaching career, such as: an inherently prominent motivation that is closely related to the inherent interest in teaching; contextual social influences related to the impact of external conditions and constraints; the temporal dimension, with a focus on lifelong commitment; and demotivating factors from negative influences. The significance of the research of the motivation of future teachers is also obvious, as it is an essential factor closely linked to a range of variables in education such as student motivation, educational reform, teaching practice, the fulfillment and psychological well-being of teachers. It is therefore useful for teacher trainers to determine how to attract potential teachers and how to keep them in the process of teaching.

Keywords: teaching motivation, students motivation, professional options, career management.


Abstract Observational practice is a discipline that is part of the mandatory, core disciplines. During the observational practice, the students conduct activities of assisting and teaching in kindergartens and schools. Their activity is coordinated by the teaching practice coordinator, together with the mentor – the preschool teacher or the primary school teacher. The first stage of the practice consists of the assimilation by the students of the fundamental theoretical


elements and, also, their familiarization with the primary instruments necessary to perform the observational practice. Observational practice aims for the familiarization of the students with the specific of the didactic activities in kindergartens. The observational practice pursues the formation and development of practical competencies for didactic design, as well as the practice and execution of endeavors specific to the teaching – learning – evaluation processes. Throughout the course of the observational teaching practice performed in kindergartens, the students will realize direct observations of the teaching activity, they will analyses and assess the observed lessons, they will assemble a teaching practice portfolio, and will undergo an oral examination for this discipline. The present study exhibits the opinions of students after finishing their observational practice.

Keywords: observational teaching practice, students, direct observations, observational practice portfolio

Oral presentations ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AIMS AND CONTENT OF EDUCATION Krzysztof Konarzewski Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Abstract The contemporary Polish school has lost touch with the life of the country. The paper suggests it is a side effect of breaking off the relationship between general aims and content of education. While the aims are determined by politicians, the content is developed independently by scholars, experts in relevant disciplines of science, who try to insert as much as possible of their specific knowledge in the Core Curriculum. In order to restore the relationship


the authors of the Core Curriculum should be required to prove that any issue they bring to the curriculum is necessary to achieve a specific aim, and that all issues are sufficient to achieve all the aims.

Keywords: relationship between general aims and content of education in Polish school


Abstract Violence is any kind of non-accidental action that undermines the individual's personal freedom or contributes to physical and psychological damage to a person that goes beyond the social principals of mutual relations. This is a very complicated social phenomenon that arouses many emotions, especially the negative ones.


Domestic violence is currently one of the most important problems affecting the family environment. It is a social problem present perpetually. Almost every day begins and ends with a discussion, description or showing another negative behaviour. Adults are no longer agitated by information about a death of a 1,5year-old child battered by their parents: a drunken or emotionally unstable father; a drunken mother abusing children, a father raping his daughter for years or a student persecuted by colleagues wanting to commit a suicide. For this reason, the subject of the institutional system of support and assistance to the victim and the perpetrator of these behaviours is of great importance. And this issue will be discussed in this article. The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the institutional system of support and assistance to victims / perpetrators of violence carried out in the Świętokrzyskie Region. In addition, the results of research related to the knowledge on this subject among adult residents of Kielce will be presented. The method used to collect the empirical material was the method of a diagnostic survey, a questionnaire and document analysis. The tool used was a questionnaire, which was answered by people living in Kielce and documents obtained from institutions.

Keywords: domestic violence, assistance institutions, victims of violence, the perpetrator of violence


Abstract Curative pedagogy is a pedagogical current that has retained its identity and enables children with disabilities to open up, develop their own potential and thinking skills, support their integration into the social community, help them to live with dignity. Through drawing and painting, the person with


intellectual disabilities, and beyond, expresses his feelings, feelings, needs, expresses himself and thus discovers his identity. "Colors influence the soul; they can provoke us feelings, evoke emotions, ideas that can calm us or kneel us, make us sad or enjoy, "writes Goethe, who has studied the whole life, especially in terms of soul and spirit. The children's plastic work is a sincere, authentic, affectionate message that speaks of the outer and inner world, the way they see, feel and interpret these worlds and the relationships between them. The pictorial-artistic inclinations must be cultivated in the teaching of painting at all levels. This means that watercolor painting techniques, from wet to wet, should be thoroughly practiced so that they can be fully qualitatively mastered. The purely artistic relation to color is not covered or deviated by an image related to representation and thus outer. That's why we start painting with the children in a way that is very closely related to abstract painting. This painting "in color" must be concrete to children. The theme is the moral action of colors on a concrete image of the soul. People generally experience great joy in color. The eye needs it as it needs light. The colors we see on different bodies are not entirely strange to the eye. The same happens in the soul. Experience tells us that each color gives us some moods.

Keywords: disability, curative pedagogy, the painting, colour.


Abstract In the article the psychological and pedagogical aspects of students’ training in a pedagogical university are considered. The attention is drown to


the fact that the discipline of a psychological and pedagogical unit must ensure the formation of cultural and professional competences. The necessary positions of students’ choice of the educational route are justified.

Keywords: students’ education, pedagogical higher school, disciplines of the pedagogical block, pedagogical interaction, educational route, pedagogical activity, readiness for the pedagogical activity.

Oral presentations SPEECH ACT PRODUCTION – CHALLENGES TO COMMUNICATION IN A SECOND LANGUAGE Tamara Matei State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir” (Moldova)

Abstract Speech acts are difficult to perform in a second language because learners may not know the idiomatic expressions or cultural norms in the second language or they may transfer their first language rules and conventions into the second language, assuming that such rules are universal. Because the natural


tendency for language learners is to refer to what they know to be appropriate in their first language, it is important that these learners understand exactly what they do in that first language in order to be able to recognize what is transferable to other languages. Something that works in one’s mother tongue might not transfer in meaning when translated into English. Successful production of speech acts depends on certain sociocultural and sociolinguistic abilities. In order to produce the speech act as naturally and closely as possible to that produced by native speakers it is important for learners of English as a foreign language to realize, for example, that in English it is necessary to use intensifiers when apologising, otherwise it will not sound adequate when interacting with friends or interlocutors with a higher status. The teacher’s task will be to provide the necessary explanation and help students recognise areas of negative transfer where communication failure may occur.

Keywords: speech act, sociocultural ability, sociolinguistic ability, speech act set

Oral presentations THE IMAGINE OF WOMAN IN GENDER STEREOTYPES Eliza Mazur Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Abstract For most people, the fact of being a man or a woman is primarily a matter of personal experience. It is predominantly gender that determines how we grow up, lead family life and establish sexual relationships, how we are perceived in everyday situations and how we perceive ourselves. In the seventies, the understanding of gender began to take on a new meaning. Based on the results of many studies, which were conducted at the time, they began to emphasize the importance of cultural factors in shaping gender roles. In order to emphasize this


relationship between cultural determinants and the social dimension of functioning in gender roles, a new concept – “gender” has been used more and more often, and it has been still controversial to this day. The aim of the article is to show the image of a woman and a man on the example of gender stereotypes. The functioning of gender stereotypes is noticeable in almost all areas of life, also at the general social level. They exist in the media, in health policy, employment and advertising. Gender stereotypes are very limiting. From the whole range of life options, they take into account very narrow life scenarios for both women and men. Women are offered self-fulfilment by playing the role of mother and wife. Gender stereotyping manifests itself on various levels of social life, including our everyday language, which abounds in proverbs and sayings, reflecting social expectations towards women.

Keywords: gender, gender stereotypes, cultural differences, the image of a woman, the image of a man


Abstract Introduction. Reflection is rare: what is the source of acquiring movement skills in sport or in physical education? In practice, the pattern of methodical behavior is used, the genesis of which is not in the focus of teachers or coaches. Their attention is focused on the (often ineffective) prevailing paradigm (method) of repeating specific exercises aimed at creating or improving the movement habit. In fact, this is the issue of the formation of memory.


Aim of the study: The study will address the problem of relationships between the concepts of teaching movement (motor) activities in sports and physical education and contemporary views of cognitive psychology on the problem of acquiring skills. Research issues: 1. What is the real and desirable relationship between contemporary concepts of acquiring skills in cognitive psychology and models of teaching movement activities in sport and physical education? 2. To what extent is the phenomenon of consolidation of procedural knowledge during sleep and during breaks between exercises taken into account in the models of teaching movement in sport and in physical education? 3. What is the evidence of the impact of the acquisition of motor skills (procedural memory) on the strengthening of cognitive abilities (declarative memory). Methods: Literature analysis and meta-analyzes in the field of: human motor behaviour theory, theory of movement teaching in Poland and the concept of acquiring skills in contemporary orientations of cognitive psychology. Results: Based on the results of the analysis of models of acquisition of motor skills and the methods of their acquisition (reported in the literature at the turn of the century), a strong focus towards older directions of psychology, such as behaviourism, associative psychology and cyber psychology is revealed. There are no clear relationships between the methods used to acquire motor skills in human motor behaviour theory (in kinesiology) and their hypothetical concepts in cognitive psychology. Most often, there is an attempt to combine distant psychological concepts in accordance with the author's original visions of their creators, which largely resembles eclecticism in art. The attempts to falsify the models are rare. This leads to the lack of communication of theory by practice. It is necessary (eg. in Poland) in the practice of sports training and physical education to try to adapt pedagogical methods of controlling declarative knowledge or creating original concepts of acquiring physical habits (procedural knowledge). In addition, both the Polish and foreign models of acquisition of movement skills do not take into account the phenomenon of their consolidation during the break between exercises and sleep, described in thousands of separate publications. There is little evidence of mental enhancement by acquiring procedural knowledge. Conclusion: It would be necessary to undertake research aimed at using in practice: 1. theoretical models of acquiring procedural knowledge (mastery of motor habits) using verified models in cognitive psychology, 2. research achievements on their consolidation of procedural knowledge during the breaks between exercises and during sleep, 3. brain tuning, among others through various forms of physical activity.


Some of the problems reported have already been taken up by the Cracow School of Human Motor Behaviour (anthropomotorics/ kinesiology), which also includes scientists of the Holy Cross University in Kielce, Poland.

Keywords: teaching of movement skills, sport, physical education, models, cognitive psychology, theory of human motor behaviour

Oral presentations ART, MEMORY AND LEARNING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Loredana Muntean Adina Vesa University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences

Abstract It is a well-known fact that art is the result of freedom of speech and creativity of the human self. This is also related to an active participation of cognition and memory. When learning is connected to emotion, affect, cognition, a well state of being, it becomes efficient, and also attractive, interesting and motivating. This study presents some methods, techniques and good practices specific to arts for developing and using memory in a natural way in primary school. We consider


that memory is one of the basic elements of learning in primary school so that it needs to be used in diverse contexts in order to develop its qualities to its full extend. The article is structured in three parts: introduction, argumentation, and conclusions. The introduction presents some aspects of the digitalized and highly mass media influencing world that our students live in. The second part of the study synthetizes the most recent ideas in regards with memory and learning process in primary school in connection to the challenges of the contemporary world. The third part presents some practical applications, with methods and techniques inspired by arts. When used appropriately, these improve memory and are the basis for an efficient learning.

Keywords: art, memory, learning, primary school

Oral presentations THE ROLE OF GAME PLAYING IN THE DEVELOPEMENT OF THE YOUNG STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY Felicia Ana Munteanu Școala Gimnazială „Axente Sever” Aiud

Abstract This work presents a few theoretical aspects referring to creativity and the factors of which depend its developement. At the same time, there are also described a few didactical games, used during the Romanian Language classes, the purpose being to stimulate the creative imagination of the little students.

Keywords: creativity, imagination, games 65

Oral presentations THE MORNING MEETING - A KEY ELEMENT FOR AN OPTIMAL CONNECTION TO LEARNING SITUATIONS Liliana Mursa Școala Gimnazială „Avram Iancu” Abrud Marcel-Ioan Stan Liceul ,, Horea, Cloșca și Crișan” Abrud

Abstract The transition from the pre-school to the school period is conceived as a bridge between shores and therefore one requires a safe, easy-crossing bridge, so that everyone involved does not have any fear of entering and successfully completing these important stages of life, which will mark their further development and training. The pre-school curriculum transmits the "morning meeting" moment by drawing attention to the importance of capitalizing on it as time and space and it is also taken up in the curriculum of primary education from 2012 onwards.


This moment in the teaching activity, called "the morning meeting", is done at the beginning of the day and it is the moment of bringing at the same level that offers all the children the opportunity to connect optimally to the group, space, and planned activities for a certain day. The morning meeting is a special moment for children and teacher alike, being devoted to both the development of the learning community and the celebrating of each person's individuality. It prepares formal learning activities by promoting communication and respect among each child. An important element in the structure of this moment is the management of the group / class space or, in other words, the way we structure and make visible the morning meeting. It is up to everyone's creativity to give the children an optimal framework to connect to the proposed learning activities throughout the day.

Keywords: morning meeting, learning situations


Abstract Challenges and perspectives on the efficient use of computers in the Romanian pre- university education. The use of new technologies in school is a constant concern for the school institution, due to the need for the formation of the new generations in the context of the era and in the prospective key. The attention of educators is focused not only on the desire for education to support the best possible assimilation of the future adults in the social structures but also the need to anticipate or make possible the overall progress of the society. The generalization of the computer use in all areas of activity forces the school to


identify ways to prepare students to successfully meet the challenges of life in the society of knowledge. In the pedagogical domain it is already known that "a large number of pupils that are in the 7th grade now will be active in the areas or the occupations that do not yet exist". In this context, we address a number of essential aspects regarding the present and the future of the educational relations of the computer with the components of the didactic process.

Keywords: ITC, education, teaching process, social progress.

Oral presentations USING ACTIVATING TEACHING METHODS IN SHAPING KEY COMPETENCES Katarzyna Palka Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Abstract The current students’ skills are often insufficient and unsuitable for the needs of the labor market. Constant economic and social transformations result in an increase in employers' expectations, which causes the need for employees to have key competences. Knowledge-based economy requires constant improvement of the single person’s competencies. Nowadays the theoretical knowledge gained in the education process becomes insufficient. Using the knowledge in practice to solve problems, communication skills, cooperation, group work and flexible functioning in the labor market become much more important. The main task of activating methods is to put the student in such a situation that he feels the need to take independent actions. The use of activating methods in the didactic process


favors independent thinking and acting as well as shaping a positive motivation to learn. The aim of this publication is to present examples of the use of activating methods in the didactic process. The methods help students acquire knowledge and skills as well as shape key competences which makes it easier for young people to find their place not only in the labor market but also in life.

Keywords: activating teaching methods, key competences


Abstract Acknowledging that students learn at different speeds and that they differ widely in their ability to think or understand complex facts leads to the idea that an individualistic approach should be adressesed in the classroom and the teachers’ task should create a user-friendly environment, one in which they flexibly adapt pacing, methods, approaches to learning, and channels for dealing with teaching-learning in response to their students' different needs. Differentiation of studies involves a complex process that extends over all aspects of didactic activity: the structure of the educational system, the establishment of pedagogical objectives and the determination of the content of education, the forms of organization of activity, the means of education, etc.


Differentiation, therefore, has a broader, more comprehensive sphere than individualization. The development of a didactic strategy oriented towards differentiation and individualization, starts from understanding the student’s needs. Understanding the student's individuality through the learning process is a current action that can be accomplished successfully despite the complexity it expresses. Individual treatment means directing information or message based on the personality trait in order to achieve a better effect. More significant are those related to intelligence and skills, character traits, interests and aspirations, attitudes. Individual treatment is not possible without the knowledge of this set of features integrated into the whole of the student’s personality.


differentiation, intelligence, anxiety





Abstract Contemporary society as a whole, particularly educational institutions, are currently facing a multitude of problems specific to education. Therefore, in order to deal with these complex problems, teachers must be prepared through steps of initial and continuing training, designed and realized in relation to the requirements of socio-educational reality and its dynamics. In this context, it becomes necessary to develop for the future teachers the skills of effective relationship, communication, counseling etc., in order to significantly support personal development of children and youth. The “Counseling and Guidance” study discipline is one of the key ways in which the school must follow its main goal: the formative process student-centered, able to value different kinds of students and abilities, to meet community needs and to infuse society with competent people for private, professional and public life. Initial and continuous


teacher training can be achieved through a curriculum that develops certain skills related to: communication between preschoolers/schoolchildren and teachers, group/classroom management, curriculum management, decisionmaking processes, methodological resources of modern training and selftraining, crisis management and conflict management, time management etc. At the level of initial training, we notice the evolutions in the field of the debut and the access to the teaching profession, opening to the idea of lifelong learning permanent training, centering on the university and even post-university level of training, defining the professional profile by reference to standards and competencies, opening and flexibility of the curriculum, interactive training strategies, alternative assessment, complex certification and academic mobility.

Keywords: training of future teachers; educational counseling; the ”Counseling and Guidance” study discipline

Oral presentations INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Daniela Maria Petaca Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Alba

Abstract Integrated activity can be defined as a coherent, global approach in which the boundaries between curricular areas disappear, the work being carried out after a well-established scenario in order to investigate a theme. Integration is done by intermingling in a well-defined scenario the contents of the curricular areas involved. Obviously, the proposed content has a common subject to be investigated and elucidated as a result of the content and the achievement of the proposed objectives. Integrated activities can be tools that contribute to the global formation and development of children's personality. In designing integrated activities, the educator organizes learning as a director, a moderator, helping children understand, accept and express personal opinions, emotions, feelings, and be partners in learning. By carrying out integrated activities, the child has the opportunity to express personal opinions, to cooperate with others in developing new ideas, solving tasks, arguing, becoming more active and gaining more self-confidence.


The integrated approach is therefore a blend of content in an attractive, flexible, mobilizing form that drives the child's work to investigate, document, research, and practise the lessons learned. The whole program is done through the game, but not a casual game, but an organized game in which the child has the opportunity to explore different environments and perform tasks either individually or in small groups. The role of the educator is to organize the work in such a way as to provide children with a wide range of options that allow the achievement of the ones proposed at the beginning of the program. The child is not only the future member of the society whose values will be discovered over the years, it is a social value that must be discovered and processed so that its individual characteristics and belonging to a certain socio-cultural environment are respected. The child is the bearer of particularities that make him respond in a different way to the demands of the environment. The Society, through all its representatives, is responsible for grinding these particularities to give them the most valuable form of return to society. In conclusion, we can say that working through integrated activities must take into account the teacher's ability to choose and achieve a "binder" of objectives that will lead to a pleasant activity for the child.

Keywords: integrated activities, preschool education



Abstract According to the Association for the Young Children (NAYEC), early education is defined as „services addressed to children from birth to the age of 7/8 within different types of programmes (normal, long, etc.) in nurseries, at home, in kindergartens, primary schools and within recreational programs”. Our research aims at undertaking a correlation between the child`s development needs, fields of development and preschooler`s evaluation so as to acquire the competences necessary for their integration into school. The general objectives of the early education: - the child`s whole and full development, valuing the child`s physical and psychological potential, respecting the child`s rythm of development, their emotional needs and the specific features of the child`s main activity- playing;


- the development of the capacity to interact with other children, with adults and with the environment in order to acquire knowledge, skills, behaviour. Encouraging exploration, exercise, attempts and experiments, as autonomous learning experience. - discovering the child`s identity, autonomy and developing a positive self-image; - supporting the child in acquiring knowledge, capacities, skills and behaviour necessary for school and long life integration.

Keywords: early education, development needs, fields of develoment, preschooler`s evaluation



In our many interactions with kindergarten and primary school teachers, we noticed a certain amount of reluctance when it comes to children with ADHD and their integration in mainstream classrooms. Thus, in this study we wanted to investigate the teachers’ attitude toward integration and inclusion regarding children with ADHD and to identify the main difficulties that teachers encounter when working with these children.

Keywords: ADHD, integration, perception, primary school, 74



Abstract The instructive-educational process taking place within school, the education, in general, plays a very important role under the present day changes in the field of economics, society, culture and legislation of the century we are living in. To reach an economic growth, a productivity growth in Romania, investing in education and initial formation is essential. To face the present and the future challenges in the economic environment, there is a strong need for creative and innovative young people, for a flexible, well-trained and mobile work force owning those competence and skills required by the labour market. The entrepreneurial and economic competence require the usage of the active teaching methods to help the students practice their creativity and innovation spirit, to help them develop their competence and abilities through the real and practical learning experiences.


Today, mostly with the technological and vocational training, the emphasis falls upon the development of students’ practical skills to be able to easily adapt to the working environment after graduation. A very important aspect is that of repositioning the school system so that the student could respond all the challenges from the real professional life successfully. The present paper, Strategii didactice centrate pe elev in contextul predarii disciplinei „Contracte economice” Aplicații pe tema ”Contracte individuale de muncă” (Student-centred Teaching Methods in Working with „The Economic Contracts”. Application on „The Individual Work Contract”) aims at pointing out the importance of choosing the efficient teaching methods, especially the active- participative ones, student-oriented, the importance of using the modern means of working with the students to develop the practical skills and competence among students. The modern concept of ”firma de exercițiu” (the training firm) is based on creating a learning environment to simulate/ recreate the activities that accur within a real company, with a great emphasis upon the development the students’ economic and entrepreneur competence to facilitate their transition from the school environment to the real, professional labour market. This paper emphasises the importance of creating and using the modern teaching methods, using the objective evaluation instruments during the instructive-educational process so that the student could reach performance. The latter demands the development of the practical competence and skills, team work, leadership, decison making and assuming, critical and creativer reasoning, transferring the theoretical knowledge into practical situations, problem solving, perseverance.

Keywords: interactive methods, work contracts, the training firm


Oral presentations CLASSROOM CLIMATE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL BY GENDER AND CLASS Carmen Popa Laura Bochiș University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences

Abstract The study is designed to highlight aspects of classroom climate in primary school pupils. The working tool used is the Class Climate Questionnaire, adapted to Popa (2010). The questionnaire includes 48 items grouped in 5 subscales: personal and learning support from teacher, personal and learning support from peer, cooperation, competition, extrinsic motivation, individual learning. The results obtained on 141 elementary school pupils in the urban environment from educational institutions in Oradea are presented in terms of the differences between the averages obtained according to the gender and class. According to the results, the girls get higher averages in the personal and learning support by teacher and cooperation, and the boys in the subscales on competition, extrinsic motivation and individual learning. No statistically significant differences were obtained depending on the class variable. The


findings of the research contain some practical milestones and strategies for increasing the level of cooperation in student classes.

Keywords: classroom climate, pupils, primary school



The present articl aims the investigation and the emphasis on the importance of emotional intelligence in formation and development personality of children’s primary school, since most tender age: self esteem acquisition, self-control development, the formation of a strong character, the crystallization of a console personality. Childrens are sender emotions who arouse strong reactions at the interaction level with another children or adults. So, self-control learning become an important wish and intense examined. Their emotional expressiveness are identified with self-image, wich must be temporary contoured at a realist and optimal level. Emotional intelligence is very important aim initial and continuous training, what with children and adults. This contribute by social intelligence at the


personal development, through the abilities and aptitudes exploitation in a view of the procurement of the personal maximized efficacy. The personal efficacy is represented by elation, belief grade in owne’s wings, perseverance, success’s hope, ranches asserances in personal capacities. We are purpose to identify the development grade of the emotional intelligence at the children to nine and ten years old, which attend the indispensable education, the primary school, respectively the third and fourth class, through the application of a test by Daniel Goleman, in 1995 year.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, development, personality, console personality

Oral presentations THE INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH OF THE DIDACTIC APPROACH IN THE CURRICULAR AREA LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION Zinaida Popa Centrul de Excelență în Economie și Finanțe - Chișinău, Republica Moldova

Abstract The main purpose of the school is to train pupils with a communication culture to facilitate the transfer from communication to school to communication in society. The didactic approach should aim to develop the pupils' communication skills through language acts, as well as specific reading / reception skills / producing a message, expressing and participating in a dialogue with the text. When I say dialogue with the text, I am not referring only to the literary-artistic text, but to any text in any school manual. Lectoral competence presupposes, primarily, the ability, the ability of the student to understand the essence of the text, to communicate with him / her. It matters a lot, in this sense, and selection of the text from the list recommended in the National Curriculum. The artistic text, through which the student is formed as a personality, must promote national values, general-human values.


Success in the development of reading competence through the didactic prism of the concept of interdisciplinary is only possible if the student can interdisciplinary link the information provided by the literary-artistic text. Subsequently, these skills will help to train the student as a person able to orient themselves in life through effective communication in different situations, able to express their attitude to ethical and aesthetic values, prepared to acquire independently their knowledge and skills required - a personality with a set of knowledge, attitudes and communication skills formed during schooling. Disciplines do not give us the full picture of things if we look at them in isolation. Within the Romanian language and literature classes, it is important to achieve the key competency of communication, which is also natural, because only having a vocabulary appropriate to the communication parameters at any school discipline, having elementary communication skills, the pupil could acquire certain information, or the achievement of other competences, both key competences and those specific to any discipline, would not be possible. In this respect, it should be noted that this competence, like other key competences, to an equal extent, is also achieved within the hours of history, mathematics, geography, etc. But this path from the literary-artistic text to the perfection of communication competence inevitably passes through reading. Only by reading the heart text, the poet Anatol Codru, the student will be able to receive and transmit the information provided by any text, regardless of discipline. Lectoral competence, developed through Romanian language and literature classes, as a school discipline, is equally necessary in acquiring information at any other discipline.

Keywords: didactic approach, lecture competence, interdisciplinary concept, ethical and aesthetic values.


Oral presentations FROM PHONEME TO MORPHEME. THE ROMANIAN FINAL -U Diana Maria Roman Institutul de Lingvistică şi Istorie Literară “Sextil Puşcariu” Cluj-Napoca

Abstract This paper is an applied study of contemporary Romanian language, synchronous only approach, covering more specific subjects in a natural way: phonetics, phonology and morphology, and is suitable for teaching in higher education environments. Our research, as some other models have already started, deal with the Romanian language –u ending -beginning as a phoneme and developing under the form of a morpheme for flexible parts of speech. The perimeter of the proposed work covers the following directions: first, in terms of phonetic, phonological, dealing with the analysis of the opposition between vowel vs semivowel, and an inventory of correspondent allophones; additionally, from a morphologic point of view, we are interested in the analysis of the -u ending when it becomes a top phoneme expression unit, having not only expression, but also content that is considered as the morpheme. With this new status, the –u ending can occur in Romanian language as a unit and / or


flective subunit, and thus it represents the expression of grammatical categories. Moreover, there are the following situations where -u must be considered either allomorphic of radical or be interpreted as two aspects simultaneously: in relation to derivative affix and suffix and by reporting to the desinence type flective.

Keywords: phoneme, allophone, morpheme, vowel, semivowel

Oral presentations CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF HYPHEN IN THE ROMANIAN NOUN CLASS Diana Maria Roman Institutul de Lingvistică şi Istorie Literară “Sextil Puşcariu” Cluj-Napoca

Abstract Of all the signs of the Romanian language spelling, hyphens, also called line / hyphen / dash is the spelling sign with most functions, which can cause problems in teaching and using. Generally speaking, we can say that this sign spelling varies, depending on the situation between a permanent and one more accidentally used, between words, within a word or an abbreviation, besides certain grammatical elements, links or separates. Things get even more complicated given that, in certain contexts, the same dash may receive more than one function, for example, quality marking compound and producing phonetic occurrences. In this paper, we aim to customize using the hyphen in relation to the great class of Romanian noun that seems the most "available" morphological value of Romanian language when using this sign in writing.


Keywords: spelling, spelling sign, hyphen, elision, noun

Oral presentations MANAGEMENT OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS IN THE LEARNING CLASS Andra Lucia Savu Școala primară Băgău

Abstract Classroom management includes three essential components: Content Management, Discipline Management, and Interpersonal Relationship Management. Research shows that the high incidence of disciplinary problems in class has a significant impact on the efficiency of teaching and learning. Thus, it has been shown that teachers facing such problems can not plan adequate educational activities. They also tend to neglect the variety of ways of organizing content, and rarely require students to discuss and evaluate learning materials. In addition, the comprehension of the topics studied is not monitored with consistency. It has been demonstrated that consistent management and organizational skills reduce the number of disciplinary problems. Effective management of disciplinary issues also involves controlling the teaching staff on the consequences of the didactic approach. The components of a disciplinary management plan are: rewarding responsible behavior, correcting irresponsible and inappropriate behavior, ignorance, consistent control, mild verbal retaliation, delay, preferential settlement in banks, time gained, lost time, parent


/ supervisor announcement, establishing appropriate out-of-class behaviors and rewarding measures. All of these examples can be identified in the effective teaching examples. Quality schools are defined by the effectiveness of teachers and student outcomes in the context of strong interpersonal relationships. In this respect, teacher-student relationships are essential to ensure a positive school climate. School discipline issues can be solved either individually (teacher-student meetings) or in group (group meetings). If mutual trust is stronger, students will become responsible individuals.

Keywords: classroom, problems, discipline, school, relationships

Oral presentations INTRODUCTIVE NOTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS Ioan Scheau ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract The present paper presents a series of introductive notions in management of educational projects and its fundamental steps: Informing, dissemination, thinking out the project idea, project writing, implementing the project, starting from the idea that the project is implemented in an organization, in a defined period of time, using certain resources, to achieve some proposed objectives, with involvement of a team to work it out, if possible with an unique, new and innovating result.

Keywords: management, project, project management, writing, implementing


Oral presentations THE ART OF DIDACTICS IN WALDORF PEDAGOGY Maria-Teodora Simion Scoala Gimnazială Ciugud

Abstract In 1919, Rudolf Steiner founded in Stuttgart the first Waldorf school, having a programme based on antroposophical view of education. The school was named after the factory of cigarettes Waldorf-Astoria, where Emile Molt, Rudolf Steiner's friend, was managing director. To prepare the foundation of the school and then for training the teachers from Waldorf school, which Rudolf Steiner directed from foundation till his death in 1925, he lectured 21 sets of conferences in which he presented teaching from the antroposophical point of view. Some of these conferences were lectured for teachers from other countries, such as Great Britain, Switzerland, Netherlands, as Waldorf schools spread very quickly. In 1905-1906 Rudolf Steiner lectured his first conferences about the new pedagogical approach in which he presented the knowledge of child's being as the curriculum suitable for the modern times. The teachers must analyse the complexity of human being. Education deals with different accounts in which the components of human being is at different age groups. Thus, according to Rudolf Steiner, education is a continual, but differentiated process, made by adults whose relationships with pupils change according to their age.


In his sets of conferences, Rudolf Steiner presented the educational processes related to thinking, feeling and human willing. Also, he highlighted that teaching and learning should be effectuated according to functional rhythmic processes from different components of human being and thus becomes important the knowledge of the relationship between learning and forgetfulness, sleepless and sleep, students' type of temperaments and a moral way of teaching. In this sense, Rudolf Steiner referred to the character of art when talking about teaching and learning, to accomplish what Waldorf pedagogy wanted to offer to pupils: development for self-support, freedom, and development of personal talents and competences for each person.

Keywords: Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf, education, rhythm

Oral presentations POLITICAL BIOETHICS AS A PERSPECTIVE OF DISCIPLINARY AND METHODOLOGICAL EXTENSION OF THE FIELD OF GLOBAL BIOETHICS Serghei Sprincean State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova The Institute of Legal and Political Research of Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Abstract The discipline of Bioethics, founded more than 40 years ago by American biologist Van Rensselaer Potter as an appropriate set of theoretical and practical methods and tools to counter the global problems, becomes more actual than never, as an element which catalyzes and generates macro-systemic social, economic and political changes and permutations, in the conditions of aggravation of global multiaspectual crisis. Global bioethics of Van Rensselaer Potter, actually, deals with the correlation and adaptation of social mentality, of social moral and value systems to most fundamental needs of contemporary human civilization as the necessity to survive in sustainable conditions, by overcoming global menaces and to assure global security for a better future of the offspring of contemporary humankind. In the article will be analyzed a new phenomenon in the frame of bioethical discipline – political bioethics, in conditions of promotion of the perspective of disciplinary and methodological extension of the field of global bioethics. Here will be proposed a range of new principles and imperatives which are


characteristic especially for political bioethics. It will be mentioned that political bioethics is conceptualized for now as a theoretical construction grounded on assuring and promotion of the human security and of human development through promotion and enhancing of the human fundamental rights. Actually, the discipline of global bioethics is changing into a new ideology, into a new life style, or into a set of political strategies for promotion of health wisdom. In the same time, political bioethics is concentrated on the political implications and on the political power contexts for a better development and efficient promotion of bioethical knowledge.

Keywords: bioethics, politics, global crises, humankind, human security, human rights

Oral presentations THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CONCEPTION OF HUMAN SECURITY FOR A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY Serghei Sprincean State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova The Institute of Legal and Political Research of Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Abstract Education in the security studies’ field has a fulminant development in post-Cold War period. This was due to the fact that, in the last decades, nonmilitary dimension of security became more important than the military one. The most important reason of this shift is analyzed in the contemporary security studies in tight connection with the evolution of new perspectives in international relations. Together with the end of Cold War, the military menaces have diminished, being replaced by new risks, menaces and dangers of political, economic, social or environmental nature. In the same time, there are several determinant constant characteristics of the period of post-Cold War such as: the need of democratization and development, not only in the past communist countries but in all developing countries in the world. Human security as a new concept, from the perspective of defining of its basic components: liberty of necessities and liberty of fear, strongly supports the


fulfilling of the most important social and political objectives and purposes of sustainable development conception. The liberty of necessities become an achievable goal. In this context, the specific needs of human being (physiological, spiritual and social or political) will not impede anymore his personal progress as a source of insecurity, impoverishment and pauperization. The freedom of fear is, moreover, a psycho-emotional state of the human being, allowing him to be exempted of worry and dread of future as a natural outcome of implementation of sustainable and rational, equitable and participative policies and strategies.

Keywords: human security, sustainable development, society, global crisis, education

Oral presentations EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AT PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN. APPLICATIONS Laura Valeria Stănilă Școala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Sebeș

Abstract Mayer and Salovey propose four dimensions of emotional intelligence: Identifying emotions is the ability of recognizing one’s own and others’ emotional states through specific facial expressions and making connections with certain events. Reasoning with emotions is the ability to experience emotions as a product of events, information and utilizing the emotions to ease reasoning. Understanding emotions is the ability to unravel the significance of emotions observed in others, is the ability to understand complex emotional states, their alteration and evolution. Managing emotions is the ability to regulate and manage emotional states towards self and others. (Ioana Todor, Psihologie generală (2013), p.148) Ana Muntean, in the book ”Psihologia dezvoltării umane” (2009), at the page 191, claims that emotions develop between two poles, they can be either negative or positive. The role of the negative emotions is to mobilize the person to protect or change something, and the role of positive emotions is protection, physical and mental wellness, along with enhancing the creational capacity. In


this manner, it is said that the most important gift given by a mother to her child is the joy of living with an empathic, secure and protective conduct. To help my students to be happy and to deal with stressful situations, I did many activities that are focused on recognizing, understanding and efficiently managing emotions.

Keywords: emotion, emotional intelligence, application


Abstract The Romanian Culture and Civilization Course is based on the identification at the level of the Romanian education system in general and at the level of the students in the Valea Jiului in particular of a need to preserve the Romanian cultural identity and its revaluation on the coordinates of the European integration, cultural culture, where Romanian culture and traditions can represent a landmark of originality. The activities organized within this course shape skills and feelings, cultivate the desire to fulfill a role and thus contribute, by age, to personal and professional development. The Romanian Course of Culture and Civilization aims at forming cultural representations regarding the evolution and values of traditional Romanian civilization, as well as enriching and improving the knowledge of Romanian culture and civilization. The Romanian Culture and Civilization Course should be understood as an organized or semi-organized educational activity that operates outside the structures and routines of the formal educational system, aiming at maximizing the learning process by minimizing the school-specific constraints through a learning and content framework easy.


Keywords: education, non-formal, culture, Romanian


Abstract The school leaver should have a formation profile at the end of this educational cycle, based on the eight principal competences which should prepared a status, a personality, a knowledge from school to social medium, to an everyday changing society, based on all-life learning constitutive. Thus, the first constitutive is the matter language communication. An important constitutive is the digital ability, which improve the Scholl leaver to use digital applications relevant to education, to develop multi-tasking content, to respect the rules on virtual essence. The actual curricula for gymnasium level contents examples of learning activities which utilises the new technologies to elaborate certain text models in Romanian language. If the pupils will be able to word any kind of text on a specific matter the educational approach will met with the Romanian school ideal to train independent personalities.

Keywords: digital ability, the actual curricula for gymnasium 90

Oral presentations THE STANDARD APPLICATION OF ACTUAL ROMANIAN LANGUAGE IN TIC AREA IN HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM Mihaela Andreea Suciu Murariu Liceul Ștefan Octavian. Iosif, Rupea

Abstract TIC is a scientific term regarding both the information’s communication speed and the connexions regarding the globalization process. The Romanian language don’t have the power to transform all these lexical entering in specific units of Romanian language. That is why social networking users, electronic correspondence have, over time, created, thanks to these daily communication exercises, a new and important competence: to use, in writing and orally, this scientific language, have acquired a privileged status in communication and, of course, they are slowly but surely looking for their own place in contemporary Romanian language.

Keywords: the social network users, the current Romanian language standards


Oral presentations TEACHING EXPERIENCE_ EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE ROMANIAN FRENCH Veronica Suciu Grădinița cu Program Prelungit Step by Step nr. 12 Alba Iulia

Abstract The exchange of experiences between countries provides teachers with new learning experiences, intercultural communication, new ways of motivation and improvement of teaching practices. For teachers, they can be an inexhaustible resource of inspiration, diversity and innovation in education. In a study visit to France in the Vichy kindergartens (Ecole Alsace Vichy, Ecole Darcin Cusset) we have been looking at those aspects of classroom management that: - facilitate interdependent relationships in class - promote meaningful learning - create a learning culture, - facilitate mutual learning - foster a multisensory approach that adapts to all students in the classroom. Examples of best practices are designed to improve the educational practice of our kindergarten.

Keywords: pre-school education, good practices, space organization 92

Oral presentations STORIES CREATED BY PRESCHOOL CHILDREN AND THE ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR CREATIVITY Simona Cosmina Todea Grădinița cu program prelungit nr.2 Alba Iulia

Abstract This paper presents aspects concerning creativity and the role of the created stories in the children's creativity development. All children are creative. By stimulating their inventiveness, we help them find solutions to their own problems and make them more confident. Activities in which children compose and expose in a relative and personal way, happenings, aspects or facts related to their lives, their concerns or their knowledge are the stories created by children. They are in a position to build a simple narrative, to expose the facts to a logical linking and to find appropriate expression formulas. Children really live the stories happening, they identify with the characters, and our duty is to give them wings to fly. The stories created by children are an exercise of creativity and they must be considered as a product of their creativity which has to be stimulated and developed.

Keywords: creativity, imagination, stories created by children


Oral presentations PERSONALIZED LEARNING ACCORDING TO MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY: A CRITICAL REVIEW Ioana Todor Cornel Victor Igna ”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Abstract Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence (1983) has challenged the understanding of intelligence as a single general ability, arguing for an analytical model composed of several distinct "intelligences". MI theory entails the personalized and student-centered approaches in learning and instruction. According to Gardner (2011), the existence of multiple distinct intelligences is empirically supported by a large amount of data provided by: the existence of idiots savants, prodigies and other exceptional individuals; potential isolation by brain damage; an identifiable core operation or set of operations; a distinctive developmental history, along with a definable set of expert "end-state" performances; an evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility; experimental psychological tasks; psychometric findings; susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system. Based on recent research in brain imaging and neuroscience, a number of authors claims that, whereas there are large individual differences in specific abilities, a brain with particular areas responsible for particular forms of intelligent behavior is an oversimplified model and the subject-specific abilities identified by Gardner as distinct intelligences are in fact positively correlated (Duncan, 2001; Waterhouse, 2006; Geake, 2007; Howard-Jones, 2014). The general aim of this article is to critically review the empirically supported arguments for the MI theory and, on


the other hand, to analyze the plausibility of a dynamic model of brain functioning in witch adaptive neurons coordinate according to specific tasks inputs from perceptual modules located all over the brain (Geake, 2007; Howard-Jones, 2014). The rationale of this analysis is to evaluate the empirical support of two opposite/conflicting points of view - expressed by different authors - regarding the application in education of the MI theory: 1. MI theory as a valuable empirically supported model for individualized learning and 2) MI theory as one of the most popular neuro-myths in education. Keywords: multiple intelligence, critical review, neuro-myths


Abstract In the teaching of the subject Communication in Romanian language, the steps taken by the teachers are on the one hand, the reference to the requirements and the construction of the program so as to contribute to the development of the pupil's primary education profile and, on the other hand, from the perspective of the subject, the orientation of the didactic approach starts from competencies, emphasizing the purpose for which it is learned and the action dimension in the formation of the pupil personality. Of particular importance are the methodological suggestions detailing the didactic strategies, the design of didactic activity, as well as elements of continuous evaluation. The requirements of the school curriculum specifically propose a flexible offer that allows the teacher to modify, supplement or replace learning activities. In this way, the aim is to achieve a personalized didactic approach, which will ensure the formation of the competences provided by the program in the specific context of each class and each student. Inclusion of the preparatory class in general and compulsory education implies a nuanced perspective of the curriculum at this age level. A specific approach to early education is also needed, essentially through stimulating learning by playing, while providing a wide differentiation of the didactic approach, depending on the level of pupils'


various accomplishments. Starting from these considerations, the study formulates and exemplifies didactic requirements in the organization of teaching-learning strategies, within the Romanian language Communication subject, the preparatory class, but also methodical aspects regarding the design and realization of the morning meeting.

Keywords: didactics, didactic strategies, communication in Romanian language, meeting in the morning

Oral presentations SOME CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT AESTHETIC EDUCATION IN POSTCULTURAL SOCIETY Lidia Troianowski State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova

Abstract In content of article is demonstrated that the aesthetic education should remain a priority in the process of Man's spiritual training and development in post-cultural society. The approaches along with the purpose, the specifics and the content of aesthetic education focus on elucidation of the aesthetic values crisis that have a negative impact on the identity formation of the XXI century Man. The imperatives of aesthetic education remain current because Man assimilates some of aesthetic representations, values and models of the world, from the environment where he lives, but nowadays this setting is that of mass culture. In the post-information society, the mass culture is oriented towards stimulating the consuming character of aesthetic assimilation of culture and the formation of superficial representations of cultural values, including the neglect of traditional ones. In substantiating some reasoning about the importance of aesthetic education, the author will use the ideas of some philosophers, such as P. Bourdieu, J. Fiske, J. Dewey and H. Read.

Keywords: aesthetic education, aesthetic culture, value crisis, mass culture, aesthetic taste, cultural capital.



Abstract The basic support of Mathematics education and education is the mathematical notional content (abbreviated C.N.M.) formed of the basics of Mathematics – Science transposed into didactic plan, where mathematical logic combines with didactic logic - based on the principle of accessibility, and the ways of presenting mathematical notions are based on the conquests in Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology and Methodology. Mathematical education operates with scientific content, programmed according to a certain logic and depending on certain levels of difficulty. At school, to Mathematics, the student is about to acquire: notions (definitions), theorems, mathematical laws, ways and techniques of applying them in exercises and problems solving, both in Mathematics and other school disciplines. Last year in the first part of this paper we addressed three fundamental issues of this problem: first of all I have presented some points from psychology, relative to thinking, then presented the essence and characterization of mathematical thinking, and finally we have approached a series of psychogenetic markers that appear in the formation and development of mathematical thinking, respectively in teaching - learning mathematics in school. In this paper we will continue our approach in this direction and we will present four other fundamental issues: the teaching of


Mathematics and the prototype theory, the structure of mathematical notion content in general and high school, concepts as basic information units and the process of their formation, respectively the formation of mathematical notions and mental operations in pupils.

Keywords: thinking, teaching, learning, mathematical thinking, mental operations.

Oral presentations A RADIOGRAPHY OF THE PROCESS OF MATHEMATICS LEARNING Teodor Dumitru Vălcan Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Abstract In this paper we will try to make a radiography of the process of learning Mathematics in school. This is how we will address the following five issues: first we will see how the problem of school learning is raised (motivational aspect and procedural aspect); then we will go to the level of motivation, of brain activation of pupils to mathematical education activities (highlighting the types of motives and the role of the motivational optimum) we will present in short, the procedural aspect of learning Mathematics and we will describe a series of sensory aspects who appear in this process (characterizing skills sensory and motor), for in the end we will describe, in short, fastening mode and updating knowledge. Thus, we will start from the term of schooling, which, in general, designates the monster acquisition process, active assimilation of information, the formation of intellectual operations, motor skills and attitudes. We will then show that any act of learning is, usually, and that for these reasons which initiates learning, there is a resultant, a degree of student motivation, relative to that task, which acquires concrete expression in a certain energy mobilization or level of brain activation thereof. Finally, we will show that the learning activity of Mathematics presents a process in which we distinguish a series of phases, which we will present at different stages of learning.


Keywords: school learning, motivation, skills, automatisms.

Oral presentations STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING. ADVANTAGES Camelia Vlad Școala Gimnazială Bazna, județul Sibiu

Abstract The following pages are about the value of the teacher who focuses on his central matter: the student on the whole, taking into consideration both his existent and also his future potential. The student-centered strategy is not an innovation of the 21st century. It's rather another way of (re)acting in the natural world of things. This type of strategy has its origins in the pedagogy based on the theories of constructivism and those belonging to Comenius. With openness and with much sensitivity, the teacher approaches the student, whom he attracts to the world of self-discovery and the world around him. The words that open the way to the world's research ‒ inward and outward ‒ can be: stimulus, curiosity, need of understanding, interaction, determination, introspection, receptivity, judgment, freedom of expression, eloquence, assertiveness, experience, development through formative assessment. These lines promote equally effective communication, expressiveness, erudition and optimal attitude. Ideally, all these should exist in the classroom in both parts: the teacher – being a professional teacher ‒ and the student ‒ who is in a continuous training. The working techniques based on research, experimentation and constructive dialogue bring benefits to all parties involved in the educational act. Thus, everybody gets: chances of affirmation, learning experiences, positive self-image, school / professional success.


Keywords: strategy, teacher-student dyad (relationship), conversation, persuasion

Oral presentations SMART EDUCATION AND THE BASIC PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS Ioan Vlașin Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Abstract Basic psychological needs have been identified in SelfDeterminationTheory. There are three such needs: autonomy, competence and interconnection. They represent the manifestation of system characteristics at the human psychological level, where its control is managed. Each system has a function to express through interconnection, processes that are managed by competence and also a structure that is created, maintained and ameliorated through autonomy. The needs have the role of making the system work in an integrated and efficient way. Smart education takes into account their presence and provides support for meeting them so that the person can evolve on the cultural levels, as they are presented by Zafron and Logan, up to level 5, where life is considered wonderful. Within this type of education, it is considered that on the level 3 autonomy develops more and it usually happens in childhood. On the level 4 we find the teenage, and its characteristics shows us that the competence develops the most during this period, trough teamwork. Full self-integration and the integration in society takes place on the cultural level 5, when not only our own group is important but the outsiders as well. In order to achieve this state, in smart education theory, man is being seen as a self-programmable system and the main sources of mental software are the personal, group, national and mankind’s cultures.


Keywords: smart education, basic psychological needs, self-determination theory, cultural levels

Oral presentations CONTEMPORARY SPORT A PROPOSITION OF MIND-SET THAT PROTECTS OUR WELL-BEING Kamil Wódka Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Abstract Contemporary sport is heavily commercialized. Players are very popular, they get a big salary. On the other hand, spectators have a high expectations towards them and the environment treats their as someone, who should function like machines. Forgetting that they are a human being. For a player who wants to function effectively in these conditions for longer period, it is effective to find such a system of thinking - philosophy - that will protect against the negative consequences of such lifestyle. Proper planning and prioritizing (beneficial mind-setting) is one of the proposal how to manage it such situation.

Keywords: contemporary sport, well-being


Oral presentations THE EDUCATIONAL PROJECT - AN EFFICIENT AND MODERN WAY OF APPROACHING EDUCATION Alexandra Maria Zamfir Colegiul National "Mihai Viteazul" Turda

Abstract Redefining Romanian education in a European context can be achieved by implementing new educational approaches that lead to a new approach to the roles of the actors of the educational process. Extending the preoccupations for education is highlighted by the elaboration, coordination and development of educational projects that make a significant contribution to building and shaping the personality of today's students. Through the implementation of educational projects both students and teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences, to contribute to the formation and development of the student's personality, to understand the need to reconcile students' capacities and interests with school requirements, to achieve the interaction of knowledge, values, attitudes, behaviors learning through educational activities. The educational project tends to become a central concept for the flexible and open approach to educational issues, providing both learners and teachers with an active learning environment with access to pedagogical tools that integrate new technologies into the teaching process. Through its structure, the educational project requires students to involve, research, investigate, collaborate and communicate with each other, which will determine their real transformation into the main actors of the educational process. The efficiency of learning through projects is evidenced by the free, complete and harmonious development of human individuality, the formation of


autonomous and creative personality, through diversification and optimization of educational activity, impacting on students, teachers and the local community.

Keywords: the educational project, education, curriculum, research project

Oral presentations CONTEMPORARY TRENDS AND CONDITIONINGS OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Janusz Zdebski Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Abstract The article shows negative aspects of dynamic development of technical civilization, rise of great urban agglomerations, excessive pace of life, crowding people in an environment far from natural. In the mid-twentieth century awareness of threats began to spread in the societies of highly industrialized countries. People started to show interest in lifestyle and its quality. Positive outcome of tourist and recreational activity on physical and mental health was noticed. A postulate to popularize active forms of leisure among youth was formulated.

Keywords: trends of tourism development


List of participants Author Antoci Arina Avramescu Ana Nicoleta

Institution State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Colegiul Tehnic Matei Corvin Hunedoara

Barna Cristina Raluca

"1 Decembrie 1918 " University of Alba Iulia

Bobână Gheorghe

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova University of Oradea

Bochis Laura Boian Ilie Boncea Niculina Maria

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Liceul de Informatică "Tiberiu Popoviciu" Cluj-Napoca

Câmpean Ioana-Maria

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Technical University Cluj-Napoca,

Chifor Drina Cristina

Technical University Cluj-Napoca,

Chifor Iosif Doru

Technical University Cluj-Napoca,

Ciobanu Olesea

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova University of Oradea

Camenev Zinaida

Ciobanu Nicoleta Ciobanu Rodica Ciobanu Daniela

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Grădinița cu P.P. Nr. 7 Deva


Ciortea Marcela

"1 Decembrie 1918 " University of Alba Iulia

Cistian Mihaela Roxana

Liceul de Informatică "Tiberiu Popoviciu" Cluj-Napoca

Ciugudean Diana-Violeta

Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia

Cojocariu Cristina Simina

Liceul Tehnologic "Timotei Cipariu"

Constantinovici Elena

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova University “Dunărea de Jos” Galați

Crînganu Nicoleta

Cruceat Laura

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Colegiul Economic George Baritiu, Sibiu

Cucui Elena Daniela

Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia

Curta Adina

"1 Decembrie 1918 " University of Alba Iulia

Dabu Dana Maria

Scoala Gimnaziala Berghin

Danciu Bianca Elena

Scoala Gimnaziala Romos

Dimen Erika Ildiko

"1 Decembrie 1918 " University of Alba Iulia

Dimen Levente

"1 Decembrie 1918 " University of Alba Iulia

Domenco Rodion

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Liceul de Informatică “Tiberiu Popoviciu”, ClujNapoca State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir” (Moldova)

Cristei Tamara

Elek-Nemeș Mirabela Elenciuc Daniela

Fleșeriu Lavinia

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Școala Gimnazială Nr.3 Cugir

Georgescu Dumitru

„Mihai Viteazul” National College





Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)


Grama Cristina

Colegiul Economic „Transilvania” Tirgu Mures

Gruzdova Olga

Penza State University (Russia)

Hancăs Paul Alin

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Hanganu Aurelia

State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova

Herman Ramona Iulia

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Igna Cornel Victor

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Jidveian Adela

”1 Decembrie 1918”University of Alba Iulia

Jucan Dana

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Konarzewski Krzysztof

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Kowal Renata

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Lehaci Alina- Daniela

Centrul școlar pentru educație incluzivă „Rudolf Steiner” Hunedoara Penza State University (Russia)

Lygina Marina Maierescu Mariana Salomia Marcel-Ioan Stan

Școala Gimnazială•Ion Agarbiceanu• Alba Iulia

Matei Tamara

State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir” (Moldova)

Mazur Eliza

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Mîndru Galina

State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Mleczko Edward Muntean


Liceul ,, Horea, Cloșca și Crișan” Abrud

Munteanu Felicia Ana

University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences Școala Gimnazială „Axente Sever” Aiud

Mursa Liliana Aurica

Școala Gimnazială „Avram Iancu” Abrud


Nojea Teodora

University of Oradea

Opriș Dorin

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Palka Katarzyna

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Pascu Alexandra

Liceul Teoretic Teius

Peculea Lorena

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Perţe Andra

University of Oradea

Petaca Daniela Maria

Grădinița Piticot Câmpeni

Petrovan Ramona Ștefana

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Pistanila Adriana

Colegiul Economic „Transilvania” Tirgu Mures

Popa Carmen

University of Oradea

Popa Zinaida

Centrul de Excelență în Economie și Finanțe

Popa Crina Dumitrița

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Popovici-Diaconu Răzvan

A.I. Cuza, University Iassy

Pozsar Ana

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Lugoj

Roman Diana Maria Săgănean Gabriela Pascaru Daniela Savu Andra Lucia

Institutul de Lingvistică şi Istorie Literară “Sextil Puşcariu” Cluj-Napoca State University “Dimitrie Cantemir” Chișinău, Moldova Școala primară Băgău

Scheau Ioan

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Simion Maria-Teodora

Școala Gimnazială Ciugud

Sprincean Serghei

State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova The Institute of Legal and Political Research of Academy of Sciences of Moldova Penza State University (Russia)

Stenjukova Natalia


Stoica (Modorcea) AlinaMaria Stănilă Laura Valeria

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Suciu Veronica

Grădinița cu Program Prelungit Step by Step nr. 12 Alba Iulia

Suciu-Murariu Mihaela Andreea Șandra Florica

Liceul Ștefan Octavian. Iosif, Rupea

Tăușan Liana

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Tiutiu Giorgia Laura, David Daniela Marta Todea Simona Cosmina

Preschool No. 8 -Long Day Care, Alba Iulia Grădinița cu program prelungit nr.2 Alba Iulia

Todor Ioana

”1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Trif Alexandra

Colegiul Naţional Pedagogic Regina Maria, Deva

Troianowski Lidia

State University ”Dimitrie Cantemir”, Moldova

Turcu Corina

Colegiul Economic George Baritiu, Sibiu

Turcu Vasile

Vlad Camelia

Universitatea Alma Mater Sibiu Școala Gimnazială Regele Ferdinand Sibiu University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences Școala Gimnazială Bazna, județul Sibiu

Vlașin Ioan

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Vâlcan Dumitru

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Wódka Kamil

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)

Zamfir Alexandra Maria

Colegiul National "Mihai Viteazul" Turda

Zbant Augustina

Institutul de Științe ale Educației Moldova

Vesa Adina

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Sebeș

University of Oradea


Zdebski Janusz

Holy Cross University, Kielce (Poland)


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