Boiling Point

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 183
  • Pages: 6
“Boiling Point”

Lighting the Fire 

Uncle Tom’s Cabin -Harriet Beecher Stowe -Portrayed evils of slavery.

Kansas –Nebraska Act -Popular Sovereignty -”Bleeding Kansas” -Preston Brooks v. Charles Sumner

Dred Scot vs. Sanford 

Scot is a slave taken to a free state Once in a free state, he sues for his freedom Supreme Court  

Blacks are not citizens Cannot ban slavery

Lincoln Douglas Debates 

1858 Senate Race  

Stephen Douglas (Dem.) Abraham Lincoln (Rep.)

Debate over slavery

Freeport Doctrine  

Douglas’ idea Slavery could be prevented from any territory by the refusal of the people to pass laws favorable to slavery

John Brown’s Raid  

   

Extreme Abolitionist Raid Harper’s Ferry to gain arms for slave revolt Surrounded and captured Executed for his act Respected by abolitionists Source of distrust in the South

Election of 1860 

Slavery key issue

4 party race -Lincoln (Rep) -Breckenridge (S. Dem) -Douglas (N. Dem) -Bell (Constitutional Union)

Lincoln Wins  

No Southern Votes Confederacy forms before he takes office.

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