Boceto 7ingles

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TELEGRACIA The satellite signal of The Son of Man has optimized its quality and potency. If you still can not access Telegracia programming, ask your local cable provider for it.

THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VATICAN The prophetic fulfillment of the end of apostasy and just retribution against the Great Harlot, manifested by God’s will.

EVANGELISM Discover that the evangelism of religion with which the world was reached, has been based on lies and has only produced false conversions and thus false brothers.

THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD MILLENIUM Did you know that we are not living the year 2009 AD, but rather the year 62 AJCM? Did you know that today Christmas is not celebrated on the 24th of December but rather on April 22nd?

THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD No government is useful. Justice and equity is only manifested by God himself who has arrived for the second time to establish his government.

A SPECIAL EAR Are you one of those who hear his voice and follow him? Or are you one of those who judge his conduct while in the flesh and cannot see God in Him?


hen a person hears or sees this number, they automatically relate it to Satan. Why? Simply because that is what they have been taught to believe, even though there is no biblical foundation to support such association. Religion assures that six hundred sixty six (666) is Satan’s number, basing it on Revelation 13:18 which states «…count with the number of the beast…and his number is six hundred sixty six». Religion stipulates that Satan is the beast since John saw a beast to which God gave authority over all tribe, language, people and nation. Not only that, but it waged war against the saints and beat them. Then again, if the beast possessed those attributes, it is worth investigating who that beast is. In the bible, the expression ‘beast’ is used to describe man (Psalm 49:12 and 20, Ecclesiastes 3:18-19, Titus 1:12), one who walks in

its natural human state. In fact, in Revelation 13:18 it says that six hundred sixty six (666) is his number, it also says «…count with the number of the beast, for it is the number of man.» Therefore, we can conclude that beast and man are synonyms. What John saw was a man whom he addressed disrespectfully due to what he heard him teach, as it was contrary to what John believed. Recall that John was one of Jesus of Nazareth’s apostles to whom was given the gospel of circumcision and not of uncircumcision (Galatians 2:7, 2 Corinthians 11:4). This doctrinal contradiction made John refer to Paul as «antichrist», which led us to believe that Paul was a man who deceived the believer with his teachings, when in reality it is the opposite. The apostles were the ones who deceived with their preaching (Galatians 2:14, Titus 1:10-11). This is an undeniable truth. We also know that the Lord would come a second time to live and walk amongst his people (2 Corinthians 6:16, 1


By leaving behind the elementary principles, we go forward to perfection…

Growing in grace

Timothy 2:5), meaning that he would have a physical body in order to clarify the hidden mysteries (1 Corinthians 4:5), and above all, he would edify his church with Paul’s gospel (Romans 2:16, 16:25, 1 Corinthians 3:10). Then, we can conclude that John saw a man (the Lord in his second arrival) who taught the same as Paul and disrespectfully addressed him by calling him beast. To think that the man or beast who John saw is Jesus Christ Man (1 Timothy 2:5) makes a lot of sense, considering that only God has complete authority over every tribe, language, town and nation, and only God can beat the saints (the church) whom he deemed as more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). Also, remember that before the second arrival of the Lord there would be darkness and apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:3) and that is where the ‘beast’ beats the saints by communicating the true gospel to them, removing them from the darkness and ignorance in which they were placed, which hindered them from inheriting the benefits of the covenant. The beast is not an evil character as John saw. The beast is God himself in his last human manifestation to save the believers with the madness of his preaching and without reference to sin (Hebrews 9:28). Therefore, the number of the beast – 666 – is a vital and important number for Christianity, because not only is it the number of his name (Revelations 13:17), but also it is the number that implies knowledge and prosperity.

Wisdom of the 666 Only the wise can count the number of the beast and find the wisdom in it (Daniel 12:10, Revelation 13:18). The first six (6) represents: when God dressed himself in flesh as Jesus of Nazareth and died to destroy the devil (Hebrews 2:14). Therefore, the devil no longer exists. The second six (6) represents: that with the

sacrifice of himself (the death of Jesus of Nazareth) sin was removed once and for all (Hebrews 9:26), meaning there is no sin. The third six (6) represents: He was rich, yet he became poor so that through his poverty we would be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). This means that we are rich.

Prosperity of the 666 Solomon was the wisest man under the sun. He was so wise that it is said of him that: «The weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was six hundred sixty six talents of gold…»(1 Kings 10:14). You read correctly, six hundred sixty six (666) talents of gold. The question now is: If the 666 is Satan’s number as religion assures, why would the wisest man under the sun like this number? Why would he not ask for seven hundred (700) talents of gold instead?

you were to add the first 4 which represents the month, and the first 2 from the day of his birth, the sum equals six (6); if you add the second 2 from the day of his birth with the 4 that represents the year of birth, the sum adds to six (6); the remaining figure which corresponds to the last number of the year of his birth is a six (6); you end up with 666.

Prophetic fulfillment of the 666 mark Sunday January 21, 2007 was the fulfillment of what was once announced by the prophets: «The Lord made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations» (Isaiah 52:10, Proverbs 3:16). On this date, he showed that on his right arm are the letters SSS which stands for «Salvo Siempre Salvo» [Saved always Saved (length of days)] and on his left arm the number six hundred sixty six (666) which means richness and honor.

Other details of the 666 The Church and the 666 mark The number six (6) is attributed to man because man was created on the sixth day, also the Bible contains 66 books. Then, it is easy to understand that the 666 is a man who would come to explain the Bible. Another way of seeing it is: a 6 to explain the 66 books. That man is God in his last human manifestation.

666 and Jose Luis De Jesus One of the conditions of the Lord’s second coming establishes that: «…for as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be» (Matthew 24:27). The first coming of the Lord was a Jew in the east, while the second coming would be as a gentile in the west (Romans 15:12). Jose Luis De Jesus was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, whose geographical location is 66.6W, and is also known as the «Island of the Lamb». His birthday is April 22, 1946 or 4-22-46. If

When God was in Jesus of Nazareth he said that the Scriptures could not be broken (John 10:35), and the Scriptures contains the book of Songs which has a beautiful love poem from God to his beloved, his church. It is here where He establishes the invitation to seal the mind (the heart) as a sign of love, listening and believing the gospel that He himself would come to preach (Ephesians 1:13), but also as a sign of love he says: «Set me…as a seal on your arm…» (Songs 8:6). Dear reader: The Lord would return a second time to save those who wait for him (Hebrews 9:28) and he would do this with the madness of his preaching (1 Corinthians 1:21). If everything revealed to you in this article you deem as madness, it is possible that you are judging its content with your natural mind and not your spiritual one (1 Corinthians 2:14). But as you can see, to Growing in Grace the number 666 has nothing evil about it, instead it is wisdom and prosperity.

Acknowledgements For local information write the city where you are and

Thanks to all the Bishops and Collaborators of Jesus Christ Man who participated in this edition. We declare that you receive without limits since the work done in God is not in vain. We honor the angelical coverage that manifested all that was necessary so that this, which was prepared beforehand, reaches your hands.

For example: If you are in Bolivia, write to: [email protected] Or you can write to us at: [email protected]

We receive that your eyes are enlightened and that you are diligent so that the Word spreads and is glorified.

We know that it is Him doing in us… Thanks Jesus Christ Man!

KNOWING HOW WE WERE KNOWN Religion has hidden the believer’s true identity, the position in which Christ left us. In fact, the gospel establishes that «…from now on we regard no one according to the flesh…» (2 Corinthians 5:16). This means that we do not regard anyone according to how they act, but we should regard them as they were known. This raises the question: How were we known? In order to say we were known, it is necessary to understand that we had pre-existence, that is, our existence is not limited to the time in which we live in this physical body. NO! The believer existed since before the foundation of the world where we were chosen by Him (Ephesians 1:4). We existed before the time of ages as angels and in that condition we were children, and thus we partook of flesh and blood (Hebrews 2:14) at which time the Lord made his angels spirits (Hebrews 1:7). Paul establishes that: «…old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new» (2 Corinthians 5:17). In other words, we are a new creation and we should be known as such. When it says: «old things have passed away», it does not refer to stop smoking or drinking, but rather to the curse of the law, the devil, sin, and bad conscience. All was made new, as with a single offering we were perfected (Hebrews 10:14), we are complete in Him (Colossians 2:10), we are gods (Psalms 82:6). This is why it says that he reconciled us with him, because there was a previous existence, and there was a previous relationship that was temporarily affected. Then, once he died and resurrected all that was old passed, he reconciled us and returned to know us as we were known by Him, without blemish or fault (Ephesians 5:27). The crime of religion is that they have hidden the truth; the truth that confirms that we are blessed with every blessing (Ephesians 1:3) and that Christ removed sin (Hebrews 9:26). Instead, religion has kept the children of God in fault and fear. Paul warned that when the perfect would come, what was in place would end (1 Corinthians 13:9-12). The Lord has arrived and with Him the perfect, there is no need to return to the old path but to enter the new and living path that he has opened for us (Hebrews 10:19-20). Religion has troubled the believer by leading them to think differently (Galatians 5:10). With its teachings, it has not only trampled the Son of God, but has taken in vain the blood of the covenant and has confronted the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:29). This is why it deserves greater punishment than he who violates the Law of Moses, for which destruction is inevitable. With the arrival of the Lord, the end has arrived – the end of the religious system – that has deceived humanity and has deprived it from living in peace, tranquility and security. Dear reader: It is time to know yourself as you were known. It is time that you see your true identity, in the spirit where you are more than a conqueror, perfect, complete and blessed with every blessing.

The Lord has arrived for a second time without relation to sin…



THE DESTRUCTION OF THE VATICAN TELEGRACIA … THE CHANNEL THAT THE WORLD AWAITED Ask your cable provider for it. Enjoy it 24 hrs through: Technical Parameters: September 2008 Satellite: NSS-806 Transponder: 12V Frequency RX: 3835.5 MHz Symbol Rate: 2.170m Msps FEC: ¾

Did you know that the Bible speaks about the destruction of the Vatican? (Apocalipsis 17: 16)

All of today’s religions await the end or the destruction of the world; the day, which according to them, God would take away the children who have behaved well, and destroy those who were left behind. In light of the Bible, that is nothing more than one of the many incorrect conclusions of religion based in its private interpretation of the Bible. However, if the Bible announces «The End», then the question is: The end of what? One of the Lord’s functions in his last human manifestation is that he «will kill the wicked with the breath of his mouth» (Isaiah 11:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:8). This means to establish a lesson, a doctrine which will uncover the wickedness and clarify what religion has hidden (1 Corinthians 4:5). In doing this, so begins the end of the mystery of iniquity. The great Apostle Paul warned that even if we receive letters as if they were his, do not allow it to change our way of thinking (the way he taught us) and stressed that: «…for that day will not come [the second coming of the Lord] unless rebellion [apostasy] comes first…» (2 Thessalonians 2:13). This means that before the second arrival of the Lord, doctrines that separate the believer from faith would appear, making the believer apostate from the truth and it would be the Lord himself who would return to put an end to deceit. Such deceit started from the time of his death and resurrection through the mouth of Peter and the other apostles. During his time, Paul was the only one who delayed the development of the mystery of iniquity, but with his death in Rome began the apostasy that has been ruling the world until the second arrival of the Lord. The prophets established evidence in reference to that apostate system in which God himself would end with his arrival. One of them said: «O you who dwell by many waters, abundant in treasures, your end has come, the measure of your covetousness. The Lord of hosts has sworn by Himself: ‘Surely I will fill you with men, as with locusts, and they shall lift up a shout against you» (Jeremiah 51:13-14).

Whoever deeply investigates the teachings of the Catholic Church, not only will they find that 90% of them have no biblical foundation, but in fact are based on doctrine of men. Although the remaining 10% are based biblically, they are based on the teachings of Peter and the other apostles of Jesus (Galatians 2:7, 2 Corinthians 11:4) and not on Paul’s gospel, whose gospel is the only one in affect after the cross. The catholic religion is established in Rome amidst many waters, where the Vatican Estate is located and throughout the years has become abundant in treasures, and as the prophet said, the Lord swore to himself that he would raise men, as with locusts that would shout against this religious system. Said men have risen today with the second arrival of the Lord, and under his own orders shout with Him to the nations all the atrocities and abuse that has been committed by the Vatican, reason for which «the Catholic church must be closed forever». Established as an estate, the catholic religion obtained political power which has made it easy to influence ALL governments on earth and throughout the ages have constituted Catholicism as the right arm when making governmental decisions, enabling involvement even in the daily life of each country. This catholic manipulation over the government is what is referred to in the biblical expression «the kings of the earth have fornicated with her» [«Her» is in reference to the Catholic Church]. The catholic religion has been the mother of all abominations on earth. Throughout the world, 65 million crimes have been attributed to it, including: child molestation, women sexual abuse, sexual abuse to people of the same sex, burning alive those who opposed them in bonfires, murders for their own convenience, the Inquisition (or as they call it «Holy Inquisition»), the crusades, forcing their religion on the American aboriginals, and more… In addition to all of that, many different doctrines have stemmed from it, and of these the most is the incorrectlynamed PROTESTANTISM, which although has left behind

idolatry and the adoration of images, it continues presenting the expired gospel of circumcision (Peter’s and the other apostles) but in a distinctly different way. In other words, the catholic religion is the mother of all religious interpretations we see today. In fact, it is them who lead all satanic cults, by affirming that Jesus with his death on the cross did not destroy the devil, but is still alive possessing believers and through exorcisms or liberations (as other religions call it), the believer can be released from such evil spirits. Jesus Christ Man globally unmasks the catholic religion as the Great Harlot «Babylon the great, the mother of all harlots and of the abominations of earth», and establishes that this is the time where its prophetic sentence will be fulfilled. Ten governments will acknowledge that the Lord has arrived, they will detest the great harlot, leave her desolate and bare, they will devour it and will burn it with fire (Revelation 17:16), BECAUSE GOD HAS PUT IN THEIR HEARTS THE DESIRE TO EXECUTE WHAT HE WANTS. Jesus Christ Man warns those that live in the Vatican and in Rome itself to «Move away from there, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues…» (Revelation 18:4). VATICAN: «…Therefore her plagues will come in one day— death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her» (Revelation 18:8-10). «…and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What city is like this great city?’ (Revelation 18:18). Babylon (catholic religion, Vatican) will be like Sodom and Gomorrah which God destroyed (Isaiah 13:19). The Vatican will be burnt by 12 planes, or a missile, or a meteor will fall on it. One thing is for sure, it is written in the Bible that it will burn. Dear reader: The Lord in his first arrival as Jesus of Nazareth said that the Scriptures cannot be broken (John 10:35), no one is threatening to burn the Vatican, no one is instigating others to do it, simply God himself, Jose Luis De Jesus, Jesus Christ Man, is warning the world that the time is near for the prophetic fulfillment of the end of the GREAT HARLOT, in other words THE VATICAN.


Growing in grace

With a single offering he made us perfect forever…

Traditional (religion)… Presents the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as «the four gospels» although these are historical books (Luke 1:1). Produces false brothers as they are based on the gospel of circumcision, the law given to Moses and the Jewish practices by Jesus (Galatians 2:4). Establishes a foundation of dead works based on rituals and ceremonies that have no value whatsoever (Colossians 2:20-23). Bases its teachings on repentances of sins, even though Christ removed sin (Hebrews 2:38 & 9:26). Presents signs and prodigies to attract non-believers and convince them that Christ is there, although that is one of the Biblical signs to identify their falseness (Matthew 24:24). Invites «to return to the old path», to walk as Jesus walked and follow his footsteps (1 John 2:6, 1 Peter 2:21). Attributes every type of temptation to the devil, and does not believe that Christ destroyed it (Hebrews 2:14) Teaches that humility is being poor even if you suffer since later on you will enjoy «streets of gold and crystal seas» with him, even though God enriched us (2 Corinthians 8:9, 1 Timothy 6:17). Attributes health with anointing of oil and call those who undergo an ailment as «sick» (James 5:14). Says that ‘666’ is the devil’s number and do not see the wisdom in it. (Revelation 13:18).

To evangelize is to make a message or news known, the «goo evangelism based on Judaism, not only in the context of its tea establishing a single teaching, the «true Christianity» which en He is showing evidences of the atrocities and deceit that C

With his death, he destroyed the devil…

Growing in Grace (CEG) Teaches there are only two gospels: Circumcision for the Jews and Uncircumcision for the gentiles (Galatians 2:7). Bases its teachings on the gospel of uncircumcision, in other words grace, which leads the believer to the glorious freedom, without pretenses (Romans 8:21). Leads us to perfection; leaving behind the elementary principles of Christ’s doctrine (Hebrews 6:1-2). Presents that the ministry of reconciliation is exercised, teaching that Christ removed sin and reconciled us forever (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Transforms the believer by renewing their knowledge, leading them to serve God with the mind and not with the flesh (Romans 12:2, 7:25). Presents the «new and living path» that Jesus opened, teaching to not know Christ in flesh (Hebrews 10:20, 2 Corinthians 5:16). Teaches the believer that every temptation is human and invites one to beware of ourselves and of the doctrine (1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Timothy 4:16). Teaches that God gave us everything in abundance to enjoy it, as well as that we are rich and called to reign in life (Romans 5:17). Teaches that nobody will say «I am sick» because with his Stripes we were healed (Isaiah 33:24, 53:5). Presents the 666 as Salomon’s favorite number, as it is God’s number (1 Kings 10:14).

od news». For over 2000 years, the believer has been exposed to an achings, but also its associated practices. But now, Christ is present, nables us to know our true identity and clarifies the hidden darkness. Catholicism and Protestantism have committed throughout history.




Those who have received the spirit of adoption cry out: Abba Father!

Growing in grace

It is no secret that all the governments of the world have failed, as none have been able to offer justice and equality. This is obvious since «If a ruler pays attention to lies, all his servants become wicked» (Proverbs 29:12). This is exactly what has happened during the past 2000 years. Religion has promoted a false gospel that influenced the governments of the world, resulting in social injustice, inequality and corruption. To establish a government there has to be a society, and the base of a society is the family. The family is a type of government where there is a head in charge of all decision-making responsibilities in order to maintain order and equality. In the same manner, God is the head of «the household of faith» (Galatians 6:10), in other words, the Church. The family of faith is made up of many families. Each family must reflect this government which will soon govern all nations; for this reason, Paul indicates that it is necessary to govern your household well and to have children subjected to honesty (1 Timothy 3:4-5). He also indicates that those who collaborate in spreading the Word should be considered worthy of double honor (1 Timothy 5:17). When all the members of a society speak the same thing, when there is no division among them and are perfectly united in the same mind and same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10), then God will be able to govern with righteousness and fairness. Solomon once said «Every purpose is established by counsel…» (Proverbs 20:18). The counsel referred to here is the mind of Christ, the gospel of grace, which is what produces righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17). It is the science that gives us the tools to confront all adversities with wise counsel. Through the prophet Isaiah, God established the conditions for his last arrival on earth to govern all nations. The first one is: «God would come in a physical body», from the root of Jesse, thereby reinforcing that: «there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse». That rod was Jesus who was a descendant of David, the root of Jesse, «…and a branch shall grow out of his roots»,

meaning that from the children fathered by Jesus, a branch would grow (Isaiah 11:1). Paul confirmed this prophecy by saying: «There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust» (Romans 15:12). As you can see, the Apostle Paul recounts Isaiah’s prophesy and when referring to the second arrival of the Lord, he says that he would come to reign (in other words to govern), to establish his government amongst the gentiles, and not the Jews. The second condition clearly announced by the prophet outlines God’s character for governing: «And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked» (Isaiah 11:2-4). Note that he will not judge according to what he sees, in other words he will not know anyone according to the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:16), and with the breath of his lips will kill the wicked, or better said with his teachings he will destroy all religions as they have lied by promoting an expired gospel and produced inequity (2 Thessalonians 2:8). This last h u m a n manifestation of God will be his glorious dwelling, which shall stand as sign for the nations and will be sought after by all people (Isaiah 11:10). Paul was clearly aware

of how this government would be. In fact, during the fifteen days they were together, Paul shared the details with Peter (Galatians 1:18-20), who without doubt removed Paul from his path and usurped the most powerful form of government, thus establishing the Vatican, an estate that has promoted inequity and unrighteousness with its influence over all governments of the world. Peter knew that his form of government, without the «power of God» [in other words, based on a different gospel than the one written by Paul (Romans 1:16)], would not function and would become a manipulating mafia that troubles entire households (Titus 1:11), and as a result society has been left without direction. God came back to life (Romans 14:9) to govern over the living and the dead. The living God dwells and walks amongst us (2 Corinthians 6:16) and

we are his people, He is the one and only God (Hosea 1:10-11), the only Chief in His government where righteousness, peace and joy is manifested (Isaiah 55:12). This government, the Government of God, was first manifested for the gentiles, as these promises were made to Abraham and his seed [offspring] (Galatians 3:16, Colossians 1:27). It renews the mind since we serve God with it (Romans 7:25) and as in the old covenant, it is the man of God who governs all that which refers to the people (1 Samuel 16:1-3) and in the same manner, the living God will govern all nations very soon. God’s government on earth is for obedience to faith in all nations (Romans 1:5). Dear reader: The Lord has arrived and his name is Jose Luis De Jesus whose power, the gospel of uncircumcision, will govern the whole world. He is the only alternative for the nations.

COMPLETE THE PHRASE 1. The believer is _________________in Jesus Christ (Col. 2:10)

8. We were seated in ____________________ (Eph. 1:6)

2. We are _________________ with every blessing (Eph. 1:3)

9. The apostles of Jesus of Nazareth did not walk according to the _________(Gal. 2:14)

3. You are _____________________unto sin (Rom. 6:2)

10. Two thousand years ago, we were __________________ with his death (Rom. 6:3-4)

4. The Devil was ____________________two thousand years ago (Heb. 2:14)

11. Every believer is _________ forever (Heb. 10:4)

5. We have ___________________ sent to serve us (Heb. 1:14)

12. The 666 is a number of _____________ and ________________ (Rev. 13:18)

6. The Lord ____________________ for a second time without relation to sin (Heb. 9:28)

13. The Lord has arrived to ___________________ the hidden (1 Cor. 4:5) 14. Today, Jesus Christ is __________________ Paul’s gospel (Rom. 16:25)

7. The apostle Peter was to be ______________________ (Gal. 2:11)

The mark of Jesus Christ Man is a mark of love…



A SPECIAL EAR Did you know that in order for you to hear the Lord’s voice it is necessary to have a special ear? When the Lord manifested as Jesus of Nazareth, nobody understood that he was God dressed in a body of flesh, simply because only «the sheep» can hear his voice and follow him (John 10:27). If «faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen» (Hebrews 11:1), and «faith comes by hearing» (Romans 10:17), plus «faith does not belong to all» (2 Thessalonians 3:2), then only those who come predestined with a special ear have been chosen by God to understand his wisdom. The spirit of the world consists of a lot of wisdom and knowledge of earthly things, however it prevents one from receiving the Spirit that comes from God (1 Corinthians 12:2). The spirit of the world offers logic with which today’s religious leaders prepare their sermons, where they present the believer as a sinner who could «lose their salvation» if they don’t correct their human conduct. Moreover, among other lies, they invite people to pay the price (as if the price paid by Christ is not enough), and teach them rituals and ceremonies to redeem their errors with God. The spirit of the world makes people «dull of hearing» (Hebrews 5:11). The spirit of the world shapes the natural man depriving him from the Spirit of God’s things because they are madness for him (1 Corinthians 2:14-16), and does not comprehend that the law God gave to the Jews via Moses ended on the cross (Romans 10:4). What is known as God’s righteousness was not permitted to be known by anyone, as God wanted to save the believers with the madness of his preaching (1 Corinthians 1:21). Paul received the Spirit that comes from God and for this reason, those who heard him called him crazy (2 Corinthians 11:1). He wrote the science of grace but warned that with his death, grievous wolves (Jesus’ apostles) would enter and would not spare the flock (2 Corinthians 20:29). He also established that there would be a period of apostasy, of deceit, and concealment of grace until the second arrival of the Lord (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Paul knew that the prophet said: «the wise shall understand» (Daniel 12:10) that is to say, only those whom God gave a «special ear» to could receive his Spirit, which seems like perdition and crazy, but in reality it is salvation (Philippians 1:28). Having a special ear allows God to renew our minds with the hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:7), therefore we can understand the wisdom in the 666 (Revelation 13:18) and stop judging this number with the spirit of the world and its interpretations given by religion. God’s wisdom in mystery (Grace) has a specific way of being taught (1 Corinthians 4:17-19), and this method produces the desire of keeping the unity of the Spirit, thinking the same and feeling the same things (Ephesians 4:1-6). Blessed: The Lord has arrived on earth and when he speaks, his message seems like madness to those who have received the spirit of the world and walk as the natural man, but to those who have received the Spirit that comes from God and have a special ear, his message is of daily salvation to the believer.

The arrival of the Lord in a body (veil) called Jesus of Nazareth divided history into two: Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD). But did you know that in the same manner, the second arrival of the Lord was the end of an era and the beginning of another? The prophet Hosea said: «After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight» (Hosea 6:1-3). That is to say, on the third day the Lord would arrive to establish his kingdom in order to live amongst us in a physical body (2 Corinthians 6:16). To the Lord, a thousand years is like a day (Psalm 90:4), therefore, the arrival of the Lord was reserved for the third millennium. Remember that: Christ died, rose, and returned to life (Romans 14:9). Notice that in this verse, three manifestations are outlined. That is, Jesus of Nazareth (Christ’s Jewish manifestation) who died and had a glorified body, later when he dwelled in inaccessible light (the manifestation of the resurrected Christ), but the manifestation of Christ the one that «returned to life» would be in the third millennium or the Lord’s third day. But, why would the Lord live again? Why would he return to dress with a physical body again? First: To clarify what was hidden in darkness (1 Corinthians 4:5). Remember that darkness covered the earth between the Lord’s death and resurrection, and the light had to come (Isaiah 60:1-2). Part of that darkness covered up that Jesus with his death destroyed the devil (Hebrews 2:14), removed sin (Hebrews 9:26) and was the end of the law (Romans 10:4). However, the light allows us to see that there is neither sin, nor law and that the devil does not exist. Second: To fulfill his promise that he would not leave us orphaned (John 14:18). Recall that he left us for a short moment but gathered us with great mercy in his arrival (Isaiah 54:7). This is the reason why we were warned to not call anybody «Father» (Matthew 23:9) because in his second arrival, we would recognize the Father in that manifestation (2 Corinthians 6:18).

Third: His second arrival constitutes the end of the apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). That is to say, the Lord arrived and did not find faith on earth (Luke 18:8), but rather what he found was works, commandments, law and prohibitions. The Lord arrived to reveal faith (Galatians 3:23) through our reunion with Him. Fourth: The Lord dressed himself of flesh and blood in order to be the Lord of the living and the dead (Romans 14:9). This means that although he has flesh and blood, his message does not only judge those are here physically, but also those that have left their bodies and are now around us in the «great cloud of witnesses» (Hebrews 12:1). Fifth: The conditions for the Lord’s second arrival are similar to the ones given in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-44), as there is incredibility and doubt, and for this reason they call the Son of Man «crazy». Sixth: The Spirit of truth, also known as God, will console us with his word via that physical body (John 14:16-18, 14:26). Recall that Paul was the master builder and he laid the foundation on which God himself would build his church (1 Corinthians 3:10). Paul’s gospel, the gospel of uncircumcision, presented Paul as the one who preached the kingdom of God (Acts 20:25). Dear reader: With the birth of Jesus Christ Man, history has been divided. We now know our true identity and we know God’s purpose in dressing himself of flesh and blood 2000 years ago as Jesus and again today as Jose Luis De Jesus. With the above mentioned evidences and many more, we know that the Lord has arrived. We know his name is Jose Luis De Jesus and we know that April 22, 1946 marks the beginning of the Lord’s third day, the third millennium, the day he manifested to resurrect us so that we live with Him. Therefore, we are living in the year 2009 A.D., but in reality it is the year 62 A.J.C.M. (After Jesus Christ Man). The true Christmas is now on April 22nd and not on December 24th.


Growing in grace

Even though for today’s religious people, it

circumstance, is always joyful, in a good mood and with a good confession, no matter the circumstances.

is heresy to recognize that the believers are «gods». But did you know that the Lord is God of gods and the HE calls his children gods?

We must present the body as a living sacrifice which is a reasonable service (Romans 12:1); that is to say, fight the good battle of faith, taking captive every thought, confessing the word, and amidst ailments declare health, amidst adversity gives thanks knowing that the predestined solution will be found. Amidst shortage, you declare yourself rich thereby forcing the angel to serve you. The gods have the greatest power on earth, the power that rose God from the dead, and the power that will manifest the transformation of the mortal body to the immortal.

For 2000 years, religion has abused the believers by hiding their true identity, that God calls his children gods (Psalm 82:6). Furthermore, it is written that «If HE called them gods unto whom the word of God came…» (John 10:34-35). It is obvious that the word came to his children. Therefore, hiding their lordship from a believer also hides their power as God’s children. Only God himself with his second arrival could teach his children their true identity, and the power which is at their disposal to reign and live as what they are: «gods». This is why nowadays, Jose Luis De Jesus, God dressed in flesh and blood, heals the world renewing the minds of his children and giving them access to the power that for 2000 years was not used by anybody. The gospel establishes that «…the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power» (1 Corinthians 4:20). The religious have many words, they host many sermons, yell from the altars soliciting the mighty power, but if the word they teach is not Paul’s gospel which is God’s power, they are wasting their time (Romans 1:16). God’s power is the science of grace, the

hidden wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:7). Information that allows the believer to discover their true identity and identify the weakness of their flesh. It also helps the believer to understand God’s purpose on the Calvary cross, and to recognize the angelical service that is assigned to their favor. This is why the gospel of grace is the power of the gods. This power only works for those who understand that they are a «god», because the angels serve those that are enlightened, the wise. The power of God is perfected in the weakness of the flesh (2 Corinthians 12:9); this means that in the measurement in which we apply the gospel, and we take captive each

thought to his obedience, we experience positive results, because the Lord’s power is being perfected. The daily adversities, situations and tribulations that we face can only be understood, overcome, and be received with gratefulness when the power of the gods is present. When a believer does not have the power of God, they start believing in a devil and attribute all adversities to it, and start the religious practices of fasting, vigils and others looking for power, as they have not understood that power is near their mind and their mouth (Romans 10:8). One who does not have the power can even attempt suicide since they do not find purpose in anything. But one that has God’s power, the power of the gods, reigns above all

The Lord, the God of gods has risen to judge the earth (Psalm 82:7-8) to teach his children to reign in life, exercising their lordship with an active angelical service. The Lord who is happy to hear a confession that is in line with the gospel of grace, without complaints, without requests to God, but rather what comes out of their mouths is gratefulness, and giving thanks for everything. Blessed: It would be embarrassing if God had children without power. You, along with many others are very powerful, not with just any power, but with the only power that works in everything. All you have to do is know it, believe it, and confess it all the time. We receive that from today on you start using the power of the gods.


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The mission of Growing in Grace Education center is to educate the believer in the knowledge of the only Gospel of Grace, enabling one to know their true spiritual identity so that they can reign in life over any circumstance.

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