RANCH SUPERSTITION COMMUNITY YearlyMTG/EVENT:Sat.November,7'hat 1PM! TheSRCBoardof Directorsis planninga too! FUNBLOCK SUPER
ITWECAN PROVIDETHE FOLLOWING: to attend.(Pleaseprovidecontactinformationif you are willing to WeareUNABLE help in preparationsfor THISEVENTor FUTURESRCEVENTS.You can catch up on all that occurredat the SRC BLOCKPARry 2009by viewingOURBLOG!)
Donate: Corn Bread, Baked Goods or Misc. Food ltems As Needed
l/We can HELP SERVE Food & Drinks for part of THE EVENT.
l/We can help with Communications or Music at THE EVENT. (ANYONE?)
D o n a t e :A B u n d l e o f B a l l o o n s
Donate: Leftover Halloween Candy
Donate: A "Prize" for BLOG participants, or winners at THE EVENT. (Small gift certificate for coffee, a batch of cookies, etc.)
I'd like to help photograph this EVENT for the BLOG!
| (or my teen) can help out in "The Kid's Zone" for part of THE Event.
Help:Clean Up (MUCH NEEDED.)
Beer Garden:Pick up, set up, and return THE KEG.
Donate: Use of a garbage can, or a table for THE EVENT.
I c a n h e l p w i t h P R E - E V E N Td e c o r a t i n g ! ( K i d s a r e G R E A T h e l p e r s ! )
YES! A committeemembermay contactme/uswith details:
Name(s),phone number(s)and/or E-mail