Blog post logsheet (for one student) Name:
Course: Blog URL:
Instructions: • • •
Make one sheet for each blog (i.e., one per student). Number by weeks in the leftmost column. For each blog entry, fill one one box -- date on top, then in the two little boxes, rate on extent (length) and content (substance), or whatever measures you choose. Here are mine. They're meant to be rules of thumb, for eyeballing purposes. Extent: 0 Too short to be substantive. 1 Short -- significantly less than 300 words. 2 About 300 words. 3 Long -- significantly over 300 words. Content: 0 Impossible to take seriously. 1 Not related to the class, but substantive; or 1 Related to the class, but not really substantive. 2 Useful, interesting, or valid observations about something substantive and related to the course. 3 Outstanding in some way.
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Use the additional space in each box for notes if necessary. The right-hand column is for a running tally of posts or scores, or whatever other notes seem most useful.