Blair Tony

  • November 2019
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friends, as a learning exercise i propose that we challenge ourselves to find out the date when prime minister blair will leave office. regarding his departure - on 7 september 2006 he stated that the next labour party conference would be his last as leader. he did not announce a specific timetable for either his departure or the election of a new leader, but he did state that he would "set a precise date" at some point in the future.[2] on 26 september 2006 he restated this at labour's annual conference "this is my last conference as leader". the implications are that he plans to resign by september 2007. as he has a certified time of birth we can use his birth time, or we could assess by horary or both. for the edification of members it would be best if members would give an analysis to show their reasoning for their decision. his data and life events are as folows: blair tony dob 6th may 1953 tob 6.10am bst -1:00 edinburgh, scotland 55n57 003w13 asc 11 taurus 15' 16" khullar ayanamsa. life events 4th jul 1964 june 1975 sep 1975 aug 1979 29th mar 1980 may 1982 11th may 1983 20th may 1983 9th june 1983 19th jan 1984 6th dec 1985 2nd mar 1988 oct 1988 sep 1992 21st jul 1994 1st may 1997 13th may 1999

father suffered a stroke. "the day my childhood ended" receives law degree. mother dies 2 weeks after graduation. started law studies in lincoln's inn london. met future wife. 1st political article in the spectator. marries ran for 1st political office. came 3rd with 10% of the vote. he seeks nomination for sedgefield for the labour party nominated as candidate for labour in the coming election. elected to house of commons - member for sedgefield. birth of 1st child son evan birth of 2nd child son nicky birth of 3rd child daughter kathryn elected to labour shadow cabinet elected to labour's national executive committee. elected party leader became prime minister (biggest ever labour victory) awarded charlemagne prize. (contribution to european ideal and peace in europe) son leo born re-elected for second term (prime minister) spouse has miscarriage won support for iraq war awarded congress gold medal by usa for support in iraq hospital recieved treatment for irregular heart beat underwent surgery for 'catheter ablation' for irregular heart

20th may 2000 7th june 2001 5th aug 2002 18th mar 2003 18th july 2003 19th oct 2003 1st oct 2004 beat oct 2004 purchased house for 3.5 million pounds. 5th may 2005 re-elected for third term (prime minister)

dear ron, i exprienced great difficulty in fixing the correct chart with the given data.looking for the correct lattitude for edinburgh,i opened the site heaven_above.this indicated the latt as 55.56.56 n and long as 03.9.40 w. google earth also indicated almost the same.using these values i could fix the t.o b as5.8.27 hrs.(taking bst -1.00) with ascdt as taurus 10.45.28.ayanamsa value is 23.11.40. chart is placed in file. i have some reservations.i do not make predictions about any celebrity in public.i hope members of the list will execuse me on this account.however,those who want to have a go with the sub-sub and cuspal interlincs theory may use the chart. i have been going through some material on harmonics to unearth its real philosophy related to gave me great pleasure when i went through the case study by alan this case study saturn was at 58deg26 in the natal chart.for 5th harmonic its value will become 292deg10.the auther says,"it is not a good idea to convert this figure into sign( for instance,to say that sat is 22capricorn10,as this simply is not relevant.sat is not in capricorn in any real sense in this chart.) this is what i have tried to explain in my first book in the chapter "navamsa and its significance".the way some of the modern astrologers are casting and intrpretting divisional charts was never intended to be by our ancient astrologers. regards s.p.khullar tony blair.doc dear ron, just now i received the lahiri's indian ephemeris for the year 2007 and as promised i am wrting my findings in tony blair's chart .prior to embarking on a discussion, i wish to remind you that i was quite successful in predicting the success of tony blair, on the very date the elections were announced ,using your esteemed se technique, on our list , that won wide appreciation from members. analysis tony blair is under the sway of sat/ve. dual ownership of the dashalord the dashalord saturn owns the 9h of change in career and 10 h of career.that means saturn the dashalord has dual role to perform. as the 10l it should improve his career and 9 l should pull him out from his career. saturn is in retrogression and stationed in rasi sandhi (past 29*) of virgo and is in vargottama(same in d-9).let us remember that saturn is badha (obstructive planet) for taurus ascendant and obviously blair's last and current term voked much criticism(obstruction) for supporting us in iraq war. venus, the subperiod in a dual sign a planet stationed in a dual sign behaves in a peculiar way. in the first half of its sub period, it will give results in one manner and the 2nd half , it will behave in a diametrically opposite manner.venus in pi(exaltation sign) helped him retain his status as pm of uk in the first half and in the 2nd half it will see he gives up his office. pls note ve is the star of me that rules 5h of fall (being viii from x)from position and status. saturn/venus--an enigmatic phase in ones life ? as per classics sat/ve period will cause a person equivalent to kubera(lord of

wealth in hindu mythology) beg for alms. since hindu mythology is symbolic, interpreted properly, especially in this context, it means fall from power. timing t saturn will retrograde in cn, the 3h of change ,on 10jan'07 and will form a sextile with its radical position.from then onwards , the stage is set. --on 30may,2007 t ve, the sub period lord ,will enter into cn, the 3h of change --on the same date , t ju the 8l of end will make an exact trine to natal degrees of venus --t saturn , the dashalord, will be moving on 25cn35, the mn-plu midpoint --t kethu (true), will be forming an exact dexter quincunx(210*-an adverse aspect) to natal longitude of moon, the 3l of change --t sun(the king/ ruler, in this case, the position of pm) from ascendant will be applying to a square of t. rahu (resignation/giving up of office by important persons) -- t. mars will quincunx ve/mc midpoint on 31 may and on the same date t mn, the 3l of change will roll over anuradha nakshatra ruled by saturn, the 9th cum 10th lord and definitely 31may2007 is the first date to be watched for some crucial developments in the life of the native. again on 16 june 2006, t ve , the sub period operating , will be on the ura-plu midpoint in the 3h of change. -- t me , the dispositor of 10l saturn will turn retrograde (going back). ---t sat will make a hit on n.pluto(power) --t sat , the 10l will conjoin radical pluto (end) --t ne will make an exact quincunx with n.pluto --t mn, that deposes for tve & t sat, the sub cum major period respectively will be in transit in ge, the 12th (change) from the transitting ve &sat to surmise, i will conclude my findings as follows. tony blair will give up office in between 30may2007 and 25july 2007 and he is likely to submit resignation either on 31may2007 or 16june 2007. mostly on 16june2007. pranav friends, i have looked at tony blair's chart and offer the following predictions. he will relinquish the office of prime minister between the 3rd and 5th of may 2007. the most likely date is the 3rd of may. details of how i arrived at this are given below. the resignation is likely to be announced in advance on the 19th or 20th feb 2007. in order not to confuse with too many details, i will give the reasons for this later - if it turns out to be correct or near the date. for resignation from position of status i have considered houses 9, 5 and 12. house 9 is 12th from 10th of career, 5 is 12th from 6th service, and 12th is 12th from 1st status. mr khullar has previously posted the rectified chart of mr blair on this board, and if members would refer to this we will note that the planet that is common to 9th, 5th and 12th houses is moon, which is sign lord of the 5th, sub lord of the 9th, and rahu represents moon with rahu being sub lord of the 12th house. the only other possibility appears to be mercury which is star lord of 5 and ss lord of 12. mercury is a distinct possibility especially as it is ssl of the ascendant. however i will go with moon, as mercury is not involved with the 9th house which i would consider the prime house for this event.

the planets in moon star are moon itself, mars, rahu, so we investigate these in the dasa lordships for the event. let us look at the expected time of the resignation. dasa saturn venus saturn runs throughout early 2007 right through to 23rd june 07, when saturn venus mercury comes into effect. from a non astrological practical point of view i don't think that the resignation will be after this date because the labour party conference is in early september 07, and i expect they will need time for blair's successor to be well and truly installed. so we need to look at the sookshma and prana lords. these should be the planets in the natal chart in the star of the moon, or rahu or ketu who also act for the moon. these planets are moon, mars, rahu and ketu. the sookshma lords follow in sequence moon mars and rahu from 6th april to 28th may 07. so the resignation is likely to be between these dates. however, there are quite a few possible specific dates when we look at moon, mars and rahu as prana lord. to try to narrow down the time i look at the last solar eclipse (se) which takes place on 19th march 2007. have a look at the attached tri-chart. the inner is the key return which is a true transit chart for the day, but with angles determined through two successive solar returns. the middle chart is the natal, and the outer is the last solar eclipse. we look for contacts between the outer to the middle charts. here we see se mars exact square natal sun. natal sun is in the star of venus, and venus is linked to the 9th house of resignation. se mars is also exact quincunx natal uranus. uranus is in the star of jupiter which is linked to 9th cusp as ssl and 12th cusp as sign and star lord. se mars is in the star of moon which is linked to all the resignation houses so appears to be involved with retirement. we also see se mc square natal moon and rahu. se mc is in the star of rahu which represents all the resignation houses, and natal rahu and moon are in the star of moon which links to all resignation houses. so our operative planets/points are ongoing transits of mars and/or mc relative to the natal chart. if you look at the attached tri-chart you will see that key return mc comes exact opposition to natal mars and asc on the 3rd of may 2007. so this is the day i predict he will relinquish the office of prime minister and perhaps leave politics. ron gaunt


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