Blair Lee

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Pages: 8
;Blair Lee ;John McDonald ;EE 476 Final Project ;RC Car - TRANSMITTER ;PORTA ;PORTB ;PORTC ;PORTD

is is is is

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for for for for

speed control input. pushbutton input. steering control input. serial output.

.include "" .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def .def

savSREG =r16 TXbusy =r17 TXflash =r18 command =r19 temp =r20 Volt =r21 Count =r22 LEDReg =r23 debounce =r24 DBcnt =r25 status =r26 release =r27 temp2 =r28

.equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ

baud96 =25 SpdMid =0x0c StrMid =0x0c FwdOffset=0xfd RevOffset=0xfc LftOffset=0xfd RgtOffset=0xfd OFF =0x00 ON =0xff

.equ .equ .equ .equ


=1 =2 =3 =4


data out clock chip-select data in

.equ .equ .equ .equ


=1 =2 =3 =4


data out clock chip-select data in

.equ .equ .equ .equ

TOP =4 TRIG =5 SWmask =0x30 Maxlights=0x04

.equ .equ .equ .equ .equ

fwdcmd bakcmd lftcmd rgtcmd gocmd

=0x00 =0x10 =0x20 =0x30 =0x40

;save the status register ;transmit busy flag ;text to be sent is in flash if <> 0 ;command register ;general-purpose temporary register ;ADC sample value ;a counter ;register to store LED output (debug) ;debounce ON or OFF ;debounce counter ;running and lights status ;button release register ;another temporary register ;9600 baud constant for 4Mhz crystal ;midpoint for fwd-back control ;midpoint for left-right control ;forward offset ;reverse offset ;left offset ;right offset ;off ;on

;top hat switch ;trigger switch ;switch mask ;nuumber of light modes ;forward prefix ;backward prefix ;left prefix ;right prefix ;lights prefix



.equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ

But1 But2 But3 But4 But5 But6 But7 But8


;other prefix

=0x01; =0x02; =0x04; =0x08; =0x10; =0x20; =0x40; =0x80;

;======================================================== ; Toggle ADC Clock - PORTA ;ADC reads and outputs data on falling edge of the clock .MACRO


;CLK high ;CLK low

;======================================================== ; Toggle ADC Clock - PORTC ;ADC reads and outputs data on falling edge of the clock .MACRO


;CLK high ;CLK low

;======================================================== ;************************ .dseg ;define variable strings to be tranmitted from RAM cntstr: .byte 2 ;************************ .cseg .org $0000 rjmp reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti reti rjmp rjmp reti


;reset entry vector

TXempty ;UART buffer empty TXdone ;UART transmit done

RESET: cli ldi out ldi out

temp, LOW(RAMEND) ;setup stack pointer SPL, temp temp, HIGH(RAMEND) SPH, temp

;initial conditions clr TXbusy

;start out not busy on TX

;setup UART -- enable TXempty & RXdone int, and RX, TX pins ldi temp, 0b00101000 out UCR, temp ;set baud rate to 9600 ldi temp, baud96 out UBRR, temp ;initialize ADCs on ports A and C ldi temp, 0b00011101 out DDRA, temp ldi temp, 0b00001001 out PORTA, temp ldi temp, 0b00011101 out DDRC, temp ldi temp, 0b00001001 out PORTC, temp

;power ADC and set AADCCS ;power ADC and set AADCCS ;power ADC and set CADCCS ;power ADC and set CADCCS

;set up leds on port B ldi temp, 0b00000011 joystick out DDRB, temp out PORTB, temp ;debounce setup clr debounce clr DBcnt clr status

;input from switches on

;debounce on or off ;debounce counter ;initialize car to off

sei ;*********************Setup and Read Speed********************* Getspd: clr Volt ldi Count, 5 ;get top 5 bits A_CLOCKPULSE cbi PORTA, A_CLOCKPULSE sbi PORTA, A_CLOCKPULSE sbi PORTA, A_CLOCKPULSE cbi PORTA, A_CLOCKPULSE


;initiate conversion




;single ended


;channel 0


A_CLOCKPULSE clc sbic PINA, AADCDO sec rol Volt dec Count brne ReadA ldi

;set carry if high ;more bits remaining

Count, 8

IgnoreA:A_CLOCKPULSE dec Count brne IgnoreA sbi

;clear carry

;ignore lsb first data


;conversion complete

;***********************Transmit Speed*********************** _bakCmd:

cpi brlt cpi breq lsr subi ori mov rjmp

Volt, SpdMid _fwdCmd Volt, SpdMid _stpCmd Volt Volt, RevOffset Volt, bakcmd command, Volt Sendspd

_fwdCmd: ldi sub subi ori mov rjmp

temp, SpdMid temp, Volt temp, FwdOffset temp, fwdcmd command, temp Sendspd

_stpCmd: ldi Sendspd: ; rcall rcall

command, 0x00 LEDSt SendMsg

;********************Setup and Read Steering******************** Getstr: clr Volt ldi Count, 5 ;get top 5 bits C_CLOCKPULSE cbi PORTC, C_CLOCKPULSE sbi PORTC, C_CLOCKPULSE sbi PORTC, C_CLOCKPULSE cbi PORTC,


;initiate conversion




;single ended


;channel 0


C_CLOCKPULSE clc sbic PINC, CADCDO sec rol Volt dec Count brne ReadC ldi

;set carry if high ;more bits remaining

Count, 8

IgnoreC:C_CLOCKPULSE dec Count brne IgnoreC sbi

;clear carry


;ignore lsb first data ;conversion complete

;***********************Transmit Steering*********************** _rgtCmd:

cpi brlt cpi breq lsr subi ori mov rjmp

Volt, StrMid _lftCmd Volt, StrMid _ctrCmd Volt Volt, RgtOffset Volt, rgtcmd command, Volt Sendstr

_lftCmd: ldi sub subi ori mov rjmp

temp, StrMid temp, Volt temp, LftOffset temp, lftcmd command, temp Sendstr

_ctrCmd: ldi ori Sendstr: ; rcall rcall

command, 0x00 command, rgtcmd LEDSt SendMsg

;***************************Get Status*************************** Getstat: cpi breq in cpi breq

debounce, ON _debounce temp, PORTB release, OFF _release

;check if debounce is on ;check if buttons have been released

;buttons have been debounced and released

sbic rjmp _running: sbis rjmp mov com andi andi or rjmp _trig:

mov andi inc cpi brge rjmp

_lightsoff: ori rjmp _debounce: inc breq rjmp _DBdone: ldi rjmp _release: ori brne ldi

PINB, TRIG _trig PINB, TOP _status temp, status temp temp, 0xf0 status, 0x0f status, temp _status temp2, status temp2, 0x0f temp2 temp, Maxlights _lightsoff _running status, 0xf0 _running DBcnt _DBdone _release

;increment debounce counter

debounce, OFF _release

;turn debounce off

temp, 0x30 _status release, ON

;************************Transmit Status************************* _status:

_on: _off:

mov ori breq

command, status command, 0xf0 _off

mov ori

command, status command, 0x5f

mov ori

command, status command, 0x4f

rcall rjmp

SendMsg GetSpd

;***************************Return******************************* ;******************

;Pause procedure ;****************** ;_Wait: ; cli ; clr temp2 ;outerL: ; clr temp3 ;innerL: ; inc temp3 ; cpi temp3, 0 ; brne innerL ; inc temp2 ; cpi temp2, 255 ; brne outerL ; sei complete; approx. 1 ms has passed ; ret

;disable interrupts ;clear upper 8 bits of counter ;clear lower 8 bits of counter

;here the outer loop is ;return from wait subroutine

;******************* ;message sending sub ;******************* SendMsg: ldi ZL, LOW(cntstr) ;ptr to RAM ldi ZH, HIGH(cntstr) inc ZL st Z, command ld r0,Z out UDR, r0 ;fire off the UART transmit clr TXflash ;the string is in RAM ser TXbusy ;and set the TX busy flag sbi UCR, UDRIE ;enable the TXempty interrupt rcall TXwait ret ;****************** ;Debug procedure ;****************** LEDSt: mov LEDReg, command com LEDReg ;invert to send correct output to leds out PORTB, LEDReg ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;UART stuff follows. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; UART needs a character TXempty:in savSREG, SREG tst TXflash breq TXram inc ZL


lpm rjmp inc

TXfls ZL

;save processor status ;Is the string in flash memory? ;If not, it is in RAM ;get the next char from flash ;and put it in r0 ;get the next char from RAM

ld tst breq out rjmp TXend: clr cbi TXexit: out reti TXfls:

r0,Z r0 TXend UDR, r0 TXexit TXbusy UCR, UDRIE SREG, savSREG

;if char is zero then exit ;otherwise transmit it ;exit until next char ;no more chars ;clear the TXempty interrupt ;restore proc status ;back to pgm

; TX done -- buffer is empty -- unused here TXdone: in savSREG, SREG ;save processor status out SREG, savSREG ;restore proc status reti ;back to pgm ;***************************** ;subroutine TXwait: tst brne ret

TXbusy TXwait

;now wait for the tranmission to finish

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